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2009-05-07 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2136076

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sesh - 2009-05-07 9:05 AM

sdalessio - 2009-05-07 8:41 AM
That is too funny!  Of course, that would be a real easy swim for me b/c I don't do butterfly.  LOL

Oh she wouldn't care.  She would make you do it.  That's what all the fly drills were for.  She wanted to work on our strokes.... and then she said, "Now we're going to do a 200 fly."

The lady two lanes over said, "We're gonna do what now?"

Ugh... I am completely worn out.

She would kick me out.  I can't swim any other stroke other than freestyle and doggie paddle.  I tried to do backstroke once in a swim set at Master's and it made me sea sick.  My coach said the last 50 is supposed to be backstroke and I told him that I couldn't or I'd throw up in the pool.  He just laughed and shook his head.

2009-05-07 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2135825

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sdalessio - 2009-05-07 8:17 AM I think I may float away.  It has been raining here every day for over a week.

I went to the pool this morning and tried to get my 6x500 swim in but I didn't get up early enough so I only got in 2000m.  I was kind of bummed b/c I think I could have done the swim but I need longer than the hour I had.

Cool  Here's hoping for sunshine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, please, please let the sun come out.  They are telling us we will have two more days of rain, at least.  Yuck.  At least I managed to get a run in this morning before it started again. 

It looks like I may be running a 5K in the rain on Saturday.  Mother Nature just wants us to harden up, I guess.
2009-05-07 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2136240

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sdalessio - 2009-05-07 10:59 AM
sesh - 2009-05-07 9:05 AM

sdalessio - 2009-05-07 8:41 AM
That is too funny!  Of course, that would be a real easy swim for me b/c I don't do butterfly.  LOL

Oh she wouldn't care.  She would make you do it.  That's what all the fly drills were for.  She wanted to work on our strokes.... and then she said, "Now we're going to do a 200 fly."

The lady two lanes over said, "We're gonna do what now?"

Ugh... I am completely worn out.

She would kick me out.  I can't swim any other stroke other than freestyle and doggie paddle.  I tried to do backstroke once in a swim set at Master's and it made me sea sick.  My coach said the last 50 is supposed to be backstroke and I told him that I couldn't or I'd throw up in the pool.  He just laughed and shook his head.

Remind me not to swim in your pool.  Laughing
2009-05-07 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Wow, I nearly threw up just reading about that butterfly workout.

6x75 pull especially sounds like hell - I don't know how you got your arms out of the water without kicking on the last few laps...

Good luck for the 5K Serendipity!
2009-05-07 12:19 PM
in reply to: #2135926

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
That is just evil!

sesh - 2009-05-07 6:15 AM

Our Masters coach is twisted.  She had a special butterfly day planned for us this morning.

Yes, two straight swims that I'm whining about.

2009-05-07 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2136525

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
danielc - 2009-05-07 12:47 PM Wow, I nearly threw up just reading about that butterfly workout.

6x75 pull especially sounds like hell - I don't know how you got your arms out of the water without kicking on the last few laps...

Good luck for the 5K Serendipity!


As much as I would love to learn butterfly, because it just looks so awesome (and because my daughter can do it), I can't imagine a workout like that. 

2009-05-07 4:01 PM
in reply to: #2136525

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

danielc - 2009-05-07 11:47 AM Wow, I nearly threw up just reading about that butterfly workout.

6x75 pull especially sounds like hell - I don't know how you got your arms out of the water without kicking on the last few laps...

Heh... that was just normal free style pull.  I can't even imagine how one would go about doing a fly pull only.  The worst part of it was doing those free pulls, thinking all the fly was behind us, then finding out she wanted us to sprint.

2009-05-08 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

The sun is out!  The sun is out!  The sun is out!  WooHoo! Cool

Finally, after 9 straight days of rain.

This morning, for the first time, I did a mile in the pool.  And I swam 1000 yds before a break.  Wasn't fast, but I got there.

Did I mention that the sun came out? Laughing

2009-05-08 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

Enjoy the weekend, folks!  Hope the sun is out everywhere

I'm off to yet another wedding.  Actually, we're only ivited to the reception for this one.  The wedding is really small, so only family and wedding party is going to it.  No complaints from me about that.


2009-05-09 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
I did the 5K in 30:20.  My PR is 30:17.  Do I get points for consistency?Tongue out
2009-05-11 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

Happy Monday group!  I hope everyone enjoyed Mother's Day either as a mom or w/ their mom.  We had great weather here - finally no rain.  Today is a different story - cloudy and showers. 

I survived the big workout weekend.  Sat - 54 miles on the bike w/ my hubby.  He only got in 33 miles b/c at the furthest point from our vehicle in the middle of nowhere, he got a flat.  After 2 tubes and 2 CO2 cartridges, we were SOL.  I had to book it back to the vehicle - 21 miles later I was able to go pick him up. 

Sunday - up fairly early and ran a half mary.  I thought about going for a PR at one point but I faded a bit at the end.  Still finished w/ a decent time just under 2 hr 4 min.  Sort of relaxed until dinner out w/ the family and other assorted relatives.  It was a nice dinner and the kids were pretty good considering we were there for 2 hrs.

And I will say this restaurant had the best kids meal I have ever seen.  For $7.95 - the kids got to pick an app. (salad or fruit), entree (kid sized filet, some fish, hamburger, chicken fingers and a few other choices) plus potato choice, dessert (ice cream or sorbet w/ cookie) and a drink.

2009-05-11 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2143175

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sdalessio - 2009-05-11 11:27 AM

I survived the big workout weekend.  Sat - 54 miles on the bike w/ my hubby.  He only got in 33 miles b/c at the furthest point from our vehicle in the middle of nowhere, he got a flat.  After 2 tubes and 2 CO2 cartridges, we were SOL.  I had to book it back to the vehicle - 21 miles later I was able to go pick him up. 

I guess he doesn't get to mock your tire-changing abilities anymore, does he?  Wink


2009-05-11 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2140812

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
serendipity - 2009-05-09 3:43 PM I did the 5K in 30:20.  My PR is 30:17.  Do I get points for consistency?Tongue out
2009-05-11 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2143175

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
frame pump & patch kit! don't leave home w/o em

sdalessio - 2009-05-11 8:27 AM

I survived the big workout weekend.  Sat - 54 miles on the bike w/ my hubby.  He only got in 33 miles b/c at the furthest point from our vehicle in the middle of nowhere, he got a flat.  After 2 tubes and 2 CO2 cartridges, we were SOL.  I had to book it back to the vehicle - 21 miles later I was able to go pick him up.

2009-05-12 9:07 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

Hey guys,

I hope that everyone’s week started out well.  I had an interesting bike ride yesterday, my first dog encounter on the bike.  I was riding a new route to see if I could use it for shorter bike days and passed a house with a guy working on his garden.  Next thing I know, I have a huge black lab running next to me.  He (or she) was not barking or growling or being aggressive, but just running next to me.  I must have been doing somewhere around 24 mph for a while to try and loose him but he would not leave.  I think he stayed with me for about a mile and it was starting to bother me.  He would weave back and forth from my left side to my right.  All I kept thinking was that he was going to run into my back wheel, send me flying, damage my bike and maybe break some bones.  Hence the 24 mph.

Swimming later today, hopefully increase my distance a little.  Does anyone know if there is a rule (much like the running 10% rule) to avoid injury with increasing distance?  I want to get up to 2000m-3000m a workout, but I don't want to get an injury from going too hard too fast.  I think I also need to get some paddles or some other pool toys.  I like the drills, but closed fit swimming and fingertip drags all the time get kind of old.

Have a great Tuesday.

2009-05-12 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2140812

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

serendipity - 2009-05-09 5:43 PM I did the 5K in 30:20.  My PR is 30:17.  Do I get points for consistency?Tongue out

Nice!  Sure you do!

Seems like your enjoying the race atmosphere.  Now just wait until running is the THIRD thing you do

2009-05-12 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2145436

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

53epilot - 2009-05-12 9:07 AM

Hey guys,

I hope that everyone’s week started out well.  I had an interesting bike ride yesterday, my first dog encounter on the bike.  I was riding a new route to see if I could use it for shorter bike days and passed a house with a guy working on his garden.  Next thing I know, I have a huge black lab running next to me.  He (or she) was not barking or growling or being aggressive, but just running next to me.  I must have been doing somewhere around 24 mph for a while to try and loose him but he would not leave.  I think he stayed with me for about a mile and it was starting to bother me.  He would weave back and forth from my left side to my right.  All I kept thinking was that he was going to run into my back wheel, send me flying, damage my bike and maybe break some bones.  Hence the 24 mph.

Swimming later today, hopefully increase my distance a little.  Does anyone know if there is a rule (much like the running 10% rule) to avoid injury with increasing distance?  I want to get up to 2000m-3000m a workout, but I don't want to get an injury from going too hard too fast.  I think I also need to get some paddles or some other pool toys.  I like the drills, but closed fit swimming and fingertip drags all the time get kind of old.

Have a great Tuesday.

Woo hoo! Dog intervals are a great workout  I either stand up in the pedals and scream at them or shoot some water out of the bottle at them.  I ride some pretty rural roads, so I've even gotten to the point of taking a special bottle for squirting dogs with.

As for a swim distance rule?  Not really a specific one per se, but you definitely don't want to go out and screw up a shoulder or something.  The easiest way to go farther is to slow down.  If you want to swim 3000 yards at a pace you normally do a 1500 yard workout, you're probably going to hurt something or just bomb out before you finish.  Just ease the pace, keep the form, and get ready to face the boredom. 


As for pool toys... I love them.  I use fins, a kick board, paddles, and a pull buoy quite often.  It does come with caveats, though.  If you're using a pull buoy to support your bottom half just so you can get in the yards, then it's doing no good.  In that case, you need kick drills.  Also, just remember that it's going to take a LONG, LONG time to do some of these drills.  You can't be concerned with how long it takes to do kick drills.  Just do them right.  When using a buoy, again, don't worry about how long it takes.  Focus on your body line and stroke count.  So really, what I'm saying is that toys can be good tools or a crutch.  Just stay focussed and make them work for you.

2009-05-12 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2144642

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

And always have beer at home in case you did forget them

I'll admit I don't carry a patch kit.  I guess I should.  It's not that hard to fit a few stickers and a small tube of cement in the seat bag.  I've just always gone out thinking I'll change one.  If I flat twice, I'm calling somebody.

kirih - 2009-05-11 7:53 PM frame pump & patch kit! don't leave home w/o em

sdalessio - 2009-05-11 8:27 AM

I survived the big workout weekend.  Sat - 54 miles on the bike w/ my hubby.  He only got in 33 miles b/c at the furthest point from our vehicle in the middle of nowhere, he got a flat.  After 2 tubes and 2 CO2 cartridges, we were SOL.  I had to book it back to the vehicle - 21 miles later I was able to go pick him up.

2009-05-13 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Hey guys,

Hope everyone is doing well this Wednesday.  Rain and thunderstorms today so I got my run in this morning.  Slept in late yesterday so I had to swim last night (4:30pm).  I increased my distance in the pool (from 1200m to 1700m) and my arms feel a little sore and like jello this morning.  Feels good to get the workouts in and stay relatively injury free.

Have a great day.
2009-05-13 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Happy Wednesday!

We have the most perfect day going on here.  I wish I could go home w/ a cough, cough cold.  It is sunny, no clouds and 70.  I have an OWS tonight and thought I'd go a easy jog at lunch.

I am so excited about my race this weekend.  The first 9 (yes 9) miles looks mostly downhill/flat then 2 miles uphill towards the finish.  Maybe a PR although I have to tell myself this is only a training run.  Plus I have a really cool but crazy transition workout on Sat.  8 sets of 4min run - 10min bike - 4 min run so I may be a little tired Sun. AM.

And I'm on my third day of a new eating plan.  I hate to use the word diet b/c it's more of a re-arranging of my food choices.  I'm trying to follow the Zone plan which seems to work w/ my general eating habits but works on my carb overeating.   I also liket he simplicity of putting together blocks of food.  The first 2 days sucked - I was hungry for 48 hrs. but today seems a little better so we'll see.  I think it will take time to make the change.  I just need to be patient. 
2009-05-13 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2147742

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

53epilot - 2009-05-13 8:12 AM Hey guys,

Hope everyone is doing well this Wednesday.  Rain and thunderstorms today so I got my run in this morning.  Slept in late yesterday so I had to swim last night (4:30pm).  I increased my distance in the pool (from 1200m to 1700m) and my arms feel a little sore and like jello this morning.  Feels good to get the workouts in and stay relatively injury free.

Have a great day.

Nice!  So that was your first mile+ swim?  That's a huge milestone.

2009-05-13 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2147798

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

sdalessio - 2009-05-13 8:29 AM Happy Wednesday!

We have the most perfect day going on here.  I wish I could go home w/ a cough, cough cold.  It is sunny, no clouds and 70.  I have an OWS tonight and thought I'd go a easy jog at lunch.

I am so excited about my race this weekend.  The first 9 (yes 9) miles looks mostly downhill/flat then 2 miles uphill towards the finish.  Maybe a PR although I have to tell myself this is only a training run.  Plus I have a really cool but crazy transition workout on Sat.  8 sets of 4min run - 10min bike - 4 min run so I may be a little tired Sun. AM.

And I'm on my third day of a new eating plan.  I hate to use the word diet b/c it's more of a re-arranging of my food choices.  I'm trying to follow the Zone plan which seems to work w/ my general eating habits but works on my carb overeating.   I also liket he simplicity of putting together blocks of food.  The first 2 days sucked - I was hungry for 48 hrs. but today seems a little better so we'll see.  I think it will take time to make the change.  I just need to be patient. 

Sigh.. another weekend to be jealous of all the races your doing  Although, I am volunteering at the beginners tri that our club puts on this weekend.  In a way, this volunteering stuff is tougher than the race.

Good luck!

2009-05-13 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2147816

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sesh - 2009-05-13 8:36 AM

Sigh.. another weekend to be jealous of all the races your doing  Although, I am volunteering at the beginners tri that our club puts on this weekend.  In a way, this volunteering stuff is tougher than the race.

Good luck!

Thanks but things will be quieting down pretty soon and I'm already freaking out about the after race letdown.  My marathon training won't start until August.  My husband volunteered at an even t earlier this year and had a great time.

Oh I almost forgot - I signed my son for his first little tri - more of a dualthon I suppose.  Run-trike-run - he's so excited.  He's been practicing his transitions on his scooter.  We need to get better training wheels for his bike.  I had to get him a USAT membership for it.  LOL  Luckily it was only $5.
2009-05-13 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2146186

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sesh - 2009-05-12 1:50 PM

serendipity - 2009-05-09 5:43 PM I did the 5K in 30:20.  My PR is 30:17.  Do I get points for consistency?Tongue out

Nice!  Sure you do!

Seems like your enjoying the race atmosphere.  Now just wait until running is the THIRD thing you do

I spent two hours cleaning out the garage before that race.  I told myself it was good practice for a tri.  Undecided
2009-05-13 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2147798

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sdalessio - 2009-05-13 9:29 AM Happy Wednesday!

We have the most perfect day going on here.  I wish I could go home w/ a cough, cough cold.  It is sunny, no clouds and 70.  I have an OWS tonight and thought I'd go a easy jog at lunch.

I am so excited about my race this weekend.  The first 9 (yes 9) miles looks mostly downhill/flat then 2 miles uphill towards the finish.  Maybe a PR although I have to tell myself this is only a training run.  Plus I have a really cool but crazy transition workout on Sat.  8 sets of 4min run - 10min bike - 4 min run so I may be a little tired Sun. AM.

And I'm on my third day of a new eating plan.  I hate to use the word diet b/c it's more of a re-arranging of my food choices.  I'm trying to follow the Zone plan which seems to work w/ my general eating habits but works on my carb overeating.   I also liket he simplicity of putting together blocks of food.  The first 2 days sucked - I was hungry for 48 hrs. but today seems a little better so we'll see.  I think it will take time to make the change.  I just need to be patient. 

Wait, you are going to do a couple of hours of transition workouts on Saturday then run a half on Sunday?  Just thinking about it makes me want to take a nap!  You're beast (as my daughter would say).

I would love to go home today too, especially because it's supposed to rain tomorrow.  My husband has a couple of job interviews near our future home (Yea!) so he's leaving this afternoon and won't be back until Friday night.  I've got so much packing and cleaning to do, because my daughter's dance show is this weekend and we've got one set of grandparents here each day for the shows.  It would be nice to get out in the sunshine for an hour or two and just rest before the chaos starts, but that won't happen!  (Although I might be able to convince someone that my swim google eyes are a cold coming on.....)
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