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2009-06-18 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2225406

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
LaurenCO - 2009-06-17 7:12 PM

Art, How is you Dad doing? And vacations always leave me out of motivation to work out. On my cruise I *swore* I'd hit the gym everyday...hahahha.

Cathy and TR....I think destination races are the best. SA is a pretty city, the Riverwalk is beautiful.  I flew to DC last yr to run the Army 10 miler and meet up w/ friends from around the country. It was so much fun. And training at altitude and racing at sea level....I felt like I had wings!

TR.....does this airline credit fly to Colorado? We have some amazing races/triathlons here and the scenery can't be beat. I would love to race in Arizona, Hawaii or San Francisco.

Lauren - I think you meant to ask about Bill's dad (he had an operation). My wife & I did the Army 10 miler two years ago. It was the same HOT day as the Chicago marathon that was cut short. They ran out of water so I had to stop at a street vendor and buy some. It was my wife's first race over 5 miles. I gave her a running girl necklace after we crossed the finish line. It was a lot of fun.

Bill - So, now that Lauren mentioned it, how is your dad?

Cathy - Glad to hear your starting to feel better!

I've always wondered about how the climate might effect me when traveling for races. Going south for a race in late fall sounds good (although not this year) but living in eastern PA, by mid-November it can be getting pretty cool. How do you handle the temperature changes?


2009-06-18 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL


just dropping by to say HI.  sorry ive been MIA.....its been a really mixed up couple of days for me.

what w the recovery from the heat stroke/MS150 and my kids being home from school now.

i just havent been 'myself' lately, and havent had the time available that i normally do.  what time i have, i put towards the June Run Challenge thread.  dont want to go neglecting my team duties, since i was nominated team captain, but i feel like i left the Manatees in the lurch.

i promise i'll do better, and stay in touch more often.

it will get 'easier' when the challenge is over and the kids day camps start up, the end of June beginning of July.

love ya all!

2009-06-18 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2227356

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
reid15 - 2009-06-19 1:26 PM
LaurenCO - 2009-06-17 7:12 PM Art, How is you Dad doing? And vacations always leave me out of motivation to work out. On my cruise I *swore* I'd hit the gym everyday...hahahha.

Cathy and TR....I think destination races are the best. SA is a pretty city, the Riverwalk is beautiful.  I flew to DC last yr to run the Army 10 miler and meet up w/ friends from around the country. It was so much fun. And training at altitude and racing at sea level....I felt like I had wings!

TR.....does this airline credit fly to Colorado? We have some amazing races/triathlons here and the scenery can't be beat. I would love to race in Arizona, Hawaii or San Francisco.
Lauren - I think you meant to ask about Bill's dad (he had an operation). My wife & I did the Army 10 miler two years ago. It was the same HOT day as the Chicago marathon that was cut short. They ran out of water so I had to stop at a street vendor and buy some. It was my wife's first race over 5 miles. I gave her a running girl necklace after we crossed the finish line. It was a lot of fun. Bill - So, now that Lauren mentioned it, how is your dad? Cathy - Glad to hear your starting to feel better! I've always wondered about how the climate might effect me when traveling for races. Going south for a race in late fall sounds good (although not this year) but living in eastern PA, by mid-November it can be getting pretty cool. How do you handle the temperature changes? Art

Yes, I meant Bill. I apologize. How is your dad, Bill?

Art, I think that year was infamous. I heard so many horror stories about ppl begging for water, buying water, etc and I think they had a fatality that race.

Since the one I ran was the following yr, it was water overkill. They seemed to have enough water to refill the Potomic, but the veteran runners took no chances. I have never seen so many ppl bring and run with their hydration systems.

2009-06-18 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2227580

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-06-18 3:48 PM


just dropping by to say HI.  sorry ive been MIA.....its been a really mixed up couple of days for me.

what w the recovery from the heat stroke/MS150 and my kids being home from school now.

i just havent been 'myself' lately, and havent had the time available that i normally do.  what time i have, i put towards the June Run Challenge thread.  dont want to go neglecting my team duties, since i was nominated team captain, but i feel like i left the Manatees in the lurch.

i promise i'll do better, and stay in touch more often.

it will get 'easier' when the challenge is over and the kids day camps start up, the end of June beginning of July.

love ya all!

It's ok Stacie. We understand. Love you too. Take it easy and remember to stay in the moment and just have fun.
2009-06-18 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2227356

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
reid15 - 2009-06-18 2:26 PM
LaurenCO - 2009-06-17 7:12 PM Art, How is you Dad doing? And vacations always leave me out of motivation to work out. On my cruise I *swore* I'd hit the gym everyday...hahahha.

Cathy and TR....I think destination races are the best. SA is a pretty city, the Riverwalk is beautiful.  I flew to DC last yr to run the Army 10 miler and meet up w/ friends from around the country. It was so much fun. And training at altitude and racing at sea level....I felt like I had wings!

TR.....does this airline credit fly to Colorado? We have some amazing races/triathlons here and the scenery can't be beat. I would love to race in Arizona, Hawaii or San Francisco.
Lauren - I think you meant to ask about Bill's dad (he had an operation). My wife & I did the Army 10 miler two years ago. It was the same HOT day as the Chicago marathon that was cut short. They ran out of water so I had to stop at a street vendor and buy some. It was my wife's first race over 5 miles. I gave her a running girl necklace after we crossed the finish line. It was a lot of fun. Bill - So, now that Lauren mentioned it, how is your dad? Cathy - Glad to hear your starting to feel better! I've always wondered about how the climate might effect me when traveling for races. Going south for a race in late fall sounds good (although not this year) but living in eastern PA, by mid-November it can be getting pretty cool. How do you handle the temperature changes? Art

Lauren- I never promise myself to work out on vacation. Vacation is rest from that which I do everyday, like training. Usually the break does me good, and I'm doing something active, like scuba diving or skiing or hiking.

Art- It is so hot & humid here in S. LA during the summer that anywhere you go that's north of here in the fall is nothing but refreshing. Sometimes our summers last until early December. The weather in SA in mid Nov is supposed to be 60's - 70's for the highs, so it should be great. The beginning of the race may even be in the 50's! That would be the best after training all summer and early fall around here.
2009-06-18 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2225875

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: *Sneaks in*
ShawnC13 - 2009-06-18 1:44 AM

Hey everyone, I am still around not tri training but bike training.  I go on my Conquer Cancer Ride this weekend.  I want to thank those that were sending PM's and inspires even though I was not posting they do mean a lot.  I am sorry to hear of injuries and all the other things going on for people I just spent quite a while reading to try and catch up. 2010 is my year of Tri's I will have almost the entire year off with Parental leave and 20 weeks of school so I am planning on swimming lessons and back at the running and continue the riding.  I did my first Century ride (It was a metric but still a century)  well I did 2 back to back weekends now I have to do 130Km 2 days in a row.


Anyways just posting letting you all know I am around and do think about this group a lot and have to say kinda of ashamed with my training and that is why I haven't been posting.


Come in after a month or so and found out Yanti moved across the globe!!  Wishing you all the best because you deserve it YANTI

Hi Shawn! Thanks for checking in. Congratulations on the century. I haven't done one yet, metric or otherwise. No reason to be ashamed of your training, we all do what we can, when we can.


2009-06-19 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2226865

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
SpiritFire - 2009-06-18 11:52 AM Yay Running! I'm so happy for you. I MISS running, I'm jealous and will live vicariously through your healing now ... tell me allllll about it. ;-) My physio MIGHT (might might might I'm hoping hoping hoping) tell me I can run starting next week ... but I doubt it - she'll probably want me to take another week off ... although I'm healing, if the pain has anything to do with it I'm healing a lot! She's cleared me to stationary bike (not outside, though) as long as it doesn't hurt, but I don't get anything out of that ... I don't find the bikes comfortable, and it's just ... weird. So I've just been doing lots of yoga. This is not helping my weight-loss goal, I'll tell ya. The 10 pounds I've lost are coming right back on.

Take your time, TR. You'll be able to run soon enough. You don't want to extend your injuries and thus your time out of training because you came back too soon.

I don't know how much weight I've gained the past few weeks. I'm afraid to get on the scale. I don't know why, but the decrease in activity has hurt my resolve to eat sensibly and limit my alcohol intake. Hopefully as my training steps up gradually, my long standing good habits will return. This incident scares me, though, because I see how easy it would be to fall into the abyss of becoming a fat, sedentary, unhealthy middle aged alcoholic. That is my worst nightmare.Frown

Running yesterday was easy and fun. My calves are a little sore this morning. This always happens after a layoff. The back feels ok. I feel like it's very important to take it slow about increasing the running to walking ratio.

Have a great day, Manatees!
2009-06-19 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2225398

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
LaurenCO - 2009-06-18 7:06 AM

Thanks for the info about POSE/Chi running. I'm going to have to check it out!

Everyone injured.....good wishes to all of you. Injuries are *the worst*.

Yanti, I hope your move is going well! I've been thinking of you. I've been meaning to this a permanent move or just for a year or two?

Stacie, I am looking for your race report. I still have troule navigating this site!

A quick update, I've been here, I've been lurking but I've had to make a tough decision about my knee (whether to wait and do my Aug tri or get the surgey NOW and start getting well). It has left me not wanting to post and talk much, because I'm sulking, lol. I still have no decision BTW.

The good news is that I have been working on my swim like a crazed woman and I swam my first straight 800 yesterday and then again today. It was the swim breakthrough I have literally been waiting for since March.

You are a swimmin' fish rockstar!!!  So sorry about the knee ... all the best with your decision. Not sure what I'd do if I were you but I'd probably get it over with instead of trying to do a tri with a bum knee ...

 Hey, you know, I haven't done a tri in a whole year ... now I'm re-doing the same tri I did exactly a year ago.

Not sure how permanent this move is. It depends on how long my dad lasts and how my mom's Alzheimers progresses ... and whether I can do anything with his business. All up in the air but I just take it one day at a time as Bethie Love always says!
2009-06-19 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hello Fellow Manatees!

At last, the cattle work is done for now (at least for me).   We had a super successful branding on Wednesday - about 400 head of calves.   Lots of good help and good food....lots of cooking, too! LOL   Now our 18yo ds takes over the cattle work for the rest of the summer - checking water, putting out salt, moving cattle around, etc.

Again, healing prayers for all injured Manatees and congrats on progress for those who are working back into training!

My first Tri is coming fast - June 28!!   I have been trying not to think about it too much because my adrenal glands still have a tendency to over fire!   Last night my dreams were all about the Tri though!     After trying the ows last Sunday, I am definitely staying in the pool this time, but I would love to hear your thoughts about the little run from the pool to transition.  It is about 500yds on newly planted grass - so some grass, some little rocks, some dirt - I took my shoes off and tried to run on it last weekend when I was there but the little rocks are rather sharp and I think I would go faster with some kind of shoe.   I have a pair of Keen sandals that slip on fast and I can run in them although probably not as fast as in running shoes.    Do you think I should get my feet into socks and running shoes at the pool, then run down to T1 and change to bike shoes?   OR do you think I should just slip on the Keen sandals and run as fast as possible in them, change to socks and bike shoes at T1?

Had a decent bike ride last night.   I can definitely tell my legs have gotten stronger over the past few months.   I can also attest to the fact that bike riding has done a LOT more for hip/thigh/butt size reduction that running ever did!!

Off for a pool swim.   I am going to do a time trial today so I can be sure to submit the correct time for the Tri.

2009-06-19 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2229007

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Does the race specifically have any suggestions for the run from the pool to the transition area? I know I've done some races that sound similar (a run over some grass, down a short sidewalk, then into T1, maybe 100m in all) and they've always marked out a specific run route then made sure that area was rock/pebble/grit free so participants could run shoe-less. I volunteered once at a race and it was my job to ensure that area stayed pebble-less. ;-)

Otherwise - I'd go for the Keens or some other easy to slip on sandals. Heck - I'd do it in my pool flip-flops .. I don't think I've ever "run" in/out of transition in any of my races! I have one great shot of me leaving T1 - have the bike in one hand, waving to my friends with the other, big smile on my face, while all around me are parcticipants clearly running with looks of pure determination and focus on their faces. lol.
2009-06-19 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2229007

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ranchrunner - 2009-06-19 9:09 AM

I can also attest to the fact that bike riding has done a LOT more for hip/thigh/butt size reduction that running ever did!!


THIS IS ALL I NEED TO HEAR! Tomorrow I am getting on that stationary! ;-)

2009-06-19 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
hi manatees.

wanted to share some good news!

today was my first offical speedwork session 38 min run 3 min intervals: 1 min recovery.

super silly excited as this is the first real speedwork ive done since recovering from my injury.

doctor said to work on volume first, then add in speedwork.

so i worked back up to my pre-injured distance, and now i just started adding in speedwork starting today.  im hoping to have a swifty 5K this summer. 

im far from super-fly.  and definately NOT where i was.

man oh man was today FUN.  but man oh man did it take a LOOOOOOONG time to get here.  muscle memory my azzzz.

im confident w the structural management protocol, ill be just fine.....ive been 100% painfree going on 2+ mos.

im starting to feel like my 'old self' again.  working through some personal stuff.  putting the 150 DNF 'madness' behind me.

but wanted to share the good news with my manatees.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-06-19 3:25 PM
2009-06-19 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2225981

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
wgraves7582 - 2009-06-18 7:39 AM

SpiritFire - 2009-06-16 11:24 AM I have nothing constructive to say, really ... I'm just going to physio and bemoaning the fact that I can't train ... But I check here almost every day - where DID everybody go?!?!?

Well I was in Oklahoma so that is my excuse

As far as anything constructive to say - these groups (especially Beth's!) are about just seeing how every day life is going as well.  We do not have to discuss tri/training all the time.  Sort of like TR's family visit discussion and all that stuff involved.

If I am in town, I check this forum a lot, so if you are bored throw a thought out and I will reply most likely.

So it was 100 degrees in OK and yesterday I come home to rain and 60 degrees.  Then I ride to work and it is still raining!  Duck weather - Yeck!

hehe!  you're right Bill

I do just love to know how how things are going -

we're here to help with training, but sometimes the support is equally important - maybe even more

How the heck was Oklahoma? - from what I've heard, it's pretty hot and barren

2009-06-19 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2225875

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: *Sneaks in*
ShawnC13 - 2009-06-18 1:44 AM

Hey everyone, I am still around not tri training but bike training.  I go on my Conquer Cancer Ride this weekend.  I want to thank those that were sending PM's and inspires even though I was not posting they do mean a lot.  I am sorry to hear of injuries and all the other things going on for people I just spent quite a while reading to try and catch up. 2010 is my year of Tri's I will have almost the entire year off with Parental leave and 20 weeks of school so I am planning on swimming lessons and back at the running and continue the riding.  I did my first Century ride (It was a metric but still a century)  well I did 2 back to back weekends now I have to do 130Km 2 days in a row.


Anyways just posting letting you all know I am around and do think about this group a lot and have to say kinda of ashamed with my training and that is why I haven't been posting.


Come in after a month or so and found out Yanti moved across the globe!!  Wishing you all the best because you deserve it YANTI

It's good to hear from you Shawn!

Have a great ride this weekend

and just remember - we all have times when we're not in love with our training - jeepers, look at my June :/

we're here to support and encourge

Sounds like 2010 will be an awesome year with time off!

take care

2009-06-19 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2225398

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
LaurenCO - 2009-06-17 7:06 PM

Thanks for the info about POSE/Chi running. I'm going to have to check it out!

Everyone injured.....good wishes to all of you. Injuries are *the worst*.

Yanti, I hope your move is going well! I've been thinking of you. I've been meaning to this a permanent move or just for a year or two?

Stacie, I am looking for your race report. I still have troule navigating this site!

A quick update, I've been here, I've been lurking but I've had to make a tough decision about my knee (whether to wait and do my Aug tri or get the surgey NOW and start getting well). It has left me not wanting to post and talk much, because I'm sulking, lol. I still have no decision BTW.

The good news is that I have been working on my swim like a crazed woman and I swam my first straight 800 yesterday and then again today. It was the swim breakthrough I have literally been waiting for since March.

you are a swimming machine!  congrats on the breakthrough!

best wishes with the decision


2009-06-19 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2226361

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
mammatri's - 2009-06-18 10:20 AM Guess what, Manatees. I ran today! I took it real easy, alternating 5 minutes of walking with 5 minutes of running. I did 3 run intervals. My dh was running, too, and I thought about doing a fourth interval while I was waiting for him to finish, but I decided it was better to to do too little than too much at this point. By back is a little stiff, but I'm not in pain. I'll try it again on Sat if I'm not too sore.

I hope everyone is doing well. It is so hot here today. It was already 80 degrees when we went out to run at 5:30 a.m.

Cathy, that is so awesome about the run!

good decision to stop sooner vs later

2009-06-19 6:05 PM
in reply to: #2229007

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ranchrunner - 2009-06-19 12:09 PM Hello Fellow Manatees!

At last, the cattle work is done for now (at least for me).   We had a super successful branding on Wednesday - about 400 head of calves.   Lots of good help and good food....lots of cooking, too! LOL   Now our 18yo ds takes over the cattle work for the rest of the summer - checking water, putting out salt, moving cattle around, etc.

Again, healing prayers for all injured Manatees and congrats on progress for those who are working back into training!

My first Tri is coming fast - June 28!!   I have been trying not to think about it too much because my adrenal glands still have a tendency to over fire!   Last night my dreams were all about the Tri though!     After trying the ows last Sunday, I am definitely staying in the pool this time, but I would love to hear your thoughts about the little run from the pool to transition.  It is about 500yds on newly planted grass - so some grass, some little rocks, some dirt - I took my shoes off and tried to run on it last weekend when I was there but the little rocks are rather sharp and I think I would go faster with some kind of shoe.   I have a pair of Keen sandals that slip on fast and I can run in them although probably not as fast as in running shoes.    Do you think I should get my feet into socks and running shoes at the pool, then run down to T1 and change to bike shoes?   OR do you think I should just slip on the Keen sandals and run as fast as possible in them, change to socks and bike shoes at T1?

Had a decent bike ride last night.   I can definitely tell my legs have gotten stronger over the past few months.   I can also attest to the fact that bike riding has done a LOT more for hip/thigh/butt size reduction that running ever did!!

Off for a pool swim.   I am going to do a time trial today so I can be sure to submit the correct time for the Tri.


it doesn't sound like far for the run - it's a short part of the race

i guess what i would think about is whether or not it will add time/stress to try and find the shoes or to run without them

if you have a good place to put them, where you can find them easily and put them on quickly - go for it

otherwise you may want to consider running barefoot - you're not going to make or break the race during this part


2009-06-19 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2226865

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
SpiritFire - 2009-06-18 12:52 PM Yay Running! I'm so happy for you. I MISS running, I'm jealous and will live vicariously through your healing now ... tell me allllll about it. ;-) My physio MIGHT (might might might I'm hoping hoping hoping) tell me I can run starting next week ... but I doubt it - she'll probably want me to take another week off ... although I'm healing, if the pain has anything to do with it I'm healing a lot! She's cleared me to stationary bike (not outside, though) as long as it doesn't hurt, but I don't get anything out of that ... I don't find the bikes comfortable, and it's just ... weird. So I've just been doing lots of yoga. This is not helping my weight-loss goal, I'll tell ya. The 10 pounds I've lost are coming right back on.


I totally hear you about missing running!

all i can say is make sure you don't push it too soon

2009-06-19 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2226865

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
SpiritFire - 2009-06-18 12:52 PM Yay Running! I'm so happy for you. I MISS running, I'm jealous and will live vicariously through your healing now ... tell me allllll about it. ;-) My physio MIGHT (might might might I'm hoping hoping hoping) tell me I can run starting next week ... but I doubt it - she'll probably want me to take another week off ... although I'm healing, if the pain has anything to do with it I'm healing a lot! She's cleared me to stationary bike (not outside, though) as long as it doesn't hurt, but I don't get anything out of that ... I don't find the bikes comfortable, and it's just ... weird. So I've just been doing lots of yoga. This is not helping my weight-loss goal, I'll tell ya. The 10 pounds I've lost are coming right back on.


I totally hear you about missing running!

all i can say is make sure you don't push it too soon

2009-06-19 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2230041

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL


double post

i haven't done that in a while

2009-06-19 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2228929

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TriAya - 2009-06-19 11:45 AM
LaurenCO - 2009-06-18 7:06 AM

Thanks for the info about POSE/Chi running. I'm going to have to check it out!

Everyone injured.....good wishes to all of you. Injuries are *the worst*.

Yanti, I hope your move is going well! I've been thinking of you. I've been meaning to this a permanent move or just for a year or two?

Stacie, I am looking for your race report. I still have troule navigating this site!

A quick update, I've been here, I've been lurking but I've had to make a tough decision about my knee (whether to wait and do my Aug tri or get the surgey NOW and start getting well). It has left me not wanting to post and talk much, because I'm sulking, lol. I still have no decision BTW.

The good news is that I have been working on my swim like a crazed woman and I swam my first straight 800 yesterday and then again today. It was the swim breakthrough I have literally been waiting for since March.

You are a swimmin' fish rockstar!!!  So sorry about the knee ... all the best with your decision. Not sure what I'd do if I were you but I'd probably get it over with instead of trying to do a tri with a bum knee ...

 Hey, you know, I haven't done a tri in a whole year ... now I'm re-doing the same tri I did exactly a year ago.

Not sure how permanent this move is. It depends on how long my dad lasts and how my mom's Alzheimers progresses ... and whether I can do anything with his business. All up in the air but I just take it one day at a time as Bethie Love always says!


that's all we can do


2009-06-19 6:08 PM
in reply to: #2229775

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-06-19 4:20 PM hi manatees.

wanted to share some good news!

today was my first offical speedwork session 38 min run 3 min intervals: 1 min recovery.

super silly excited as this is the first real speedwork ive done since recovering from my injury.

doctor said to work on volume first, then add in speedwork.

so i worked back up to my pre-injured distance, and now i just started adding in speedwork starting today.  im hoping to have a swifty 5K this summer. 

im far from super-fly.  and definately NOT where i was.

man oh man was today FUN.  but man oh man did it take a LOOOOOOONG time to get here.  muscle memory my azzzz.

im confident w the structural management protocol, ill be just fine.....ive been 100% painfree going on 2+ mos.

im starting to feel like my 'old self' again.  working through some personal stuff.  putting the 150 DNF 'madness' behind me.

but wanted to share the good news with my manatees.

that is truely awesome news stacie!!

just remember.....

You are doing GREAT!!!!!

2009-06-19 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2230045

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Just want to drop in and wish everyone a good weekend - and Shawn - have an awesome race! I'll be lurking on various websites, watching. ;-)

Good Gawd Manatees - I am one sore puppy today. This physio thing is killing me. My back hurts all the way along my spine, from between my shoulder blades down to my tailbone. My hip is tender. My knee is tender. But surprisingly - my Achilles is fairly pain free. Ironic, isn't it.

2009-06-20 3:40 PM
in reply to: #2230045

User image

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lastcall2003 - 2009-06-19 6:08 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-06-19 4:20 PM hi manatees.

wanted to share some good news!

today was my first offical speedwork session 38 min run 3 min intervals: 1 min recovery.

super silly excited as this is the first real speedwork ive done since recovering from my injury.

doctor said to work on volume first, then add in speedwork.

so i worked back up to my pre-injured distance, and now i just started adding in speedwork starting today.  im hoping to have a swifty 5K this summer. 

im far from super-fly.  and definately NOT where i was.

man oh man was today FUN.  but man oh man did it take a LOOOOOOONG time to get here.  muscle memory my azzzz.

im confident w the structural management protocol, ill be just fine.....ive been 100% painfree going on 2+ mos.

im starting to feel like my 'old self' again.  working through some personal stuff.  putting the 150 DNF 'madness' behind me.

but wanted to share the good news with my manatees.

that is truely awesome news stacie!!

just remember.....

You are doing GREAT!!!!!

thanks BETH.

i feel like im turning a corner......finally.

2009-06-20 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
the threat of thunderstorms sent me indoors.

i was planning on a 90 min ride, but i did 48 min endurance swim instead.

hoping to for less ominous skies tomorrow and early morning ride before dh wakes up to celebrate FATHERS DAY!

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