BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training Rss Feed  
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2011-11-30 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Dorm -  I think that its pretty common to experience some soreness after running, especially when you're first building up mileage.  I really recommend an icebath after running.  I hate them but they totally work - you dont even have to put much ice in the tub, really cold water also does it.  I sit in the tub in my puffy coat drinking hot chocolate (chocolate milk is my fav recovery drink).  When I did my marathon my body was used to longer distances but the first time I tried 16 miles I could barely walk the next day, so I knew that I had pushed it too hard and the next week I ran 16 again instead of increasing mileage and had almost no soreness.  Your body will adapt but it will take some time.   

Your goal is totally achievable but you have to work up to it slowly.  I wouldnt add any speedwork until you're able to run the sprint distance easily with no muscle soreness.  Speed work ALWAYS makes me sore and is usually how I get injured. Try to run 3 times a week and it will get easier, I promise!

2011-11-30 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3918022

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

dwpiggott - 2011-11-28 5:22 PM My back, knee, and foot are feeling better and the chiropractor just about has me back in alignment ... enough with the excuses. Starting tomorrow morning at 6:30 I hope to swim for 30 minutes every t/th and then ride indoor bike for 45 minute after work. Others days are elliptical and tread mill but I haven't quite figured out how much or when yet. I feel like a slacker compared to everyone else, just haven't been able to get the body moving. Wife is encouraging me to yoga or Pilate a couple a days a week to keep loose and flexible.


You totally should do yoga or pilates with your wife.  I would LOVE to exercise with my husband but we have totally different sport interests and he wont run and I wont mountain bike.  

2011-12-02 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3920940

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Dorm57 - 2011-11-30 3:05 PM

A couple of questions for the group on running ... is it common to have soreness after running and the other is expectation with gaining speed.

How common is it to experience soreness after a good run - 'good run' meaning 2-3 miles or more?  My legs are sore all over today from last nights session and I'm just wondering how common this is, will it decrease over time with more miles on my legs? Or do I just need to shut up and HTFU?

Expectation to get faster - I've read many posts in the BT forums encouraging people to be patient with running and focus more on time and less on distance ... so I am paying attention here.  However, my next race is mid-March and I did run a 2 min to 1 min split last night with an 11m mile run pace and then walk.  How reasonable is it to set a goal of under 10m mile avg for this 2012 mid-March sprint?  Given I put in the work, is this an unreasonable goal to shoot for?


I find that the less I run, the more sore I get after each run.  I've been trying to run 4x per week and have had very little soreness once I built up to that.

Sub 10 minutes is an achievable goal.  If you really want to achieve it, you should run more.  Not longer or faster, just more minutes total, so add more short runs each week to start (even if they are just 10 minutes on days you normally wouldn't run).  Once you are up to 6 days a week of doing a least a little something, ping me.  If you never get there, don't feel bad, I haven't made it there either :-). So ping me when you get to 4-5x per week for four weeks (and log all your runs).  Once you get there, you'll be amazed at how much better you feel running and how much less sore you are.

 How long is the race?  

2011-12-04 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3919911

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
GaryRM - 2011-11-29 10:44 PM

As for my goal I have several:

1.  Stick with Jorges program and push hard, I think I take these too easy. 

2.  Keep building my running.  56 miles last month (Oct) and 60 miles in December.

3.  Swim 2x week to maintain.

4. Post in this forum at least 3x week for December.

So far taking care of business here and hoping to continue.  Need a few more long runs  to get ready for next month.  Since I don't have a goal time  I am not pressing it too much. 

Okay, who is up for the 12 days of Xmas challenge this year?  I will try to keep is simple and easy to do.  For those that you don't remember its: 1st day 1 of some exercise, Day 2 - 2 of some exercise plus day 1, continued to Day 12.

Will make it flexible (and easy) as in I will try to give options each day.  The mentor group I belong to will be doing it so I will be doing double duty. 

Okay, so who is in????

On other news watch LSU and Wisconsin win and now just waiting to hear who LSU plays.  Still doing Jorges winter program and doing all 4 days a week but cutting day 4 in half. 

2011-12-05 5:30 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

All ... thanks for the advice with the running and I will work in some time every workout day this week to begin increasing the time, even if it's only 10-15 minutes.  I was sore for 3 days after my run last week and want no parts of that anymore.  Liz ... I second the chocolate milk for recovery.  Mike ... thanks for the inspo on achieving sub 10mm

2011-12-05 2:37 PM
in reply to: #3925628

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

I hope to do better this year on the 12 days  of Christmas.

Swam (6:00 am/1000 yds) and biked (indoor/ 4:30 pm /35 min/9 miles) on both T & Th last week! Going to try running on the treadmill tonight. Looking forward to consistant exercise.

2011-12-06 10:57 PM
in reply to: #3925628

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Okay, so who is in????


I am in. Sorry I've been MIA the last couple weeks. Things just get really crazy for me and the computer time is what has to suffer. I do miss you guys when I'm gone though- so hopefully that counts huh- lol.

I swam today for the first time in weeks and it was pretty bad. Guess I gotta htfu and just live with the cold cause otherwise I'm going to lose everything I've gained.

So my goals are

1. post more here

2. swim 2-3 X's/wk

3. Run (haha- jog) more.

4. Complete the 12 days of Christmas challenge



Louisiana 5k fun run 1-14-12

2011-12-07 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

I'm also in for the 12 days of Christmas challenge. 

I'm also doing a challenge with my local tri team - run for at least .5 hours every day in December.  I've changed it to run at least a mile every day and so far I'm doing great - 6 days in a row. 

2011-12-07 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all!

Got 9 mile run in yesterday and going for another trainer ride tonight.  Jorge's program is keeping me honest.

We will start the 12 days of christmas on Monday.  Get ready!!!

2011-12-09 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Gary, how will you count the 12 days of christmas, you only have 10 fingers, unless of course you are going to take your shoes off!

Now thats funny right there!

Billy, over and out!

2011-12-09 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3932232

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
elcaminobill - 2011-12-09 7:57 AM

Gary, how will you count the 12 days of christmas, you only have 10 fingers, unless of course you are going to take your shoes off!

Now thats funny right there!

Billy, over and out!

Tried taking my shoes off last time to count but that failed.  Maybe this year I will take my socks off also!Tongue out

2011-12-11 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Lets try this again as my last post didn't make it.  #$@#$!!!

12 days starts Monday but if you can start anytime.  A few rules:

1.  You can substitute exercises if you can't do the one specified

2.  Do the exercises any time of the day

3.  Report if you did them or not daily!!!!!

First day is 1 minute plank.  I will post an example right after this post.

2011-12-12 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Completed 1-minute plank this morning! Actually, did 30 seconds 2x with a 10 second break between ... hadn't done a plank since last 12 days of Christmas.
2011-12-12 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Done - one minute plank.


On an unrelated note, Gary do you live in New Orleans?  My husband is there for work this week.  Other than the obvious tourist places, is there anything that you'd recommend him see or do or eat?  Are there any great local parks with running paths?  Stuff like that? 

2011-12-12 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3935482

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
elizabethk - 2011-12-12 2:35 PM

Done - one minute plank.


On an unrelated note, Gary do you live in New Orleans?  My husband is there for work this week.  Other than the obvious tourist places, is there anything that you'd recommend him see or do or eat?  Are there any great local parks with running paths?  Stuff like that? 

Actually I am in Baton Rouge and don't know NO that well.  Bourbon street is always fun and so is the boardwalk.  From another BTer (Bear):

There is a park and path along the river at Woldenberg Park, nice for strolling but a little short for running.

My favorite place to run in New Orleans is from the French Quarter to Audubon Park along street car tracks on St. Charles Avenue, about six miles each way if you include the jogging path at Audubon. If you wanted a shorter route just ride the streetcar out on St. Charles until you lop of the distance you don't want to run.

New Orleans is a typical modern urban area. As such there are places you can go where you are safe, places where you are at risk, and places I wouldn't go with an armed band on a dare.

2011-12-12 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Plank done

Let's hear it folks!

For Day two - Your choice: 2 mile run, 2 mile ride, 20 min walk or 2 miles on spin bike.

2011-12-12 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3935800

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
I'm in.  Plank done.
2011-12-12 10:15 PM
in reply to: #3935482

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed


Where specifically in New Orleans is he? If he's in the CBD there's tons to see and do. City Park has a great running path, but right now Celebration in the Oaks Christmas lighting is there so I don't know how that will affect the running path.

Many of the big Hotels along Canal Street have beautifiul Christmas lobbies to see. The Roosevelt and the Ritz are two of the best. Last year they had a life size gingerbread house and a ginger bread replica of the Superdome that was awesome.

There are tons of excellent places to eat depending on what he likes. Emeril's, Restaurant Bayona, Dickie Brennan's, GW Fins, and Commander's Palace are some of the fancier, well rated places. Quite pricey though- but awesome food.

Cafe Mesparos and Momma's are two popular places that are casual dining. And nothing beats a muffaletta from Central Grocery. 

Beignets and coffe at Cafe Dumonde are a huge SHOULD DO.

To be honest just wandering around the Quarter is always fun also. We are headed there this weekend for our 21st wedding anniversary and will just walk around and take in the local atmosphere. During the day, it is relatively safe. We've never had an issue and go down there often. We are always aware of our surroundings though just as a precaution but we've never felt threatened or unsafe or worried at all. At night we exercise a little more caution. We've still never had any issues but we do stick to the well lit, well traversed areas.

We love New Orleans though. My dh was born and raised there, and I was right on the skirts of it. We go back often.

Let me know if he has any other questions or if we can help while he's here. We don't live in New Orleans any longer but we are only about 45 min away if something comes up.



2011-12-12 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3935800

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
GaryRM - 2011-12-12 7:38 PM

Plank done

Let's hear it folks!

For Day two - Your choice: 2 mile run, 2 mile ride, 20 min walk or 2 miles on spin bike.


Plank done. Tomorrow will be much more difficult as I work a 12 hour shift. I'm thinking the 20min. walk may have to be it. We'll see.


2011-12-13 6:59 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed

Fit - walk is fine

Getting ready to head out the door for a run and my plank.

Day 3 is 3 leg lifts (3 per leg).  Max sure to do them slowly and don't drop all the way back to the ground for each lift.

2011-12-13 7:43 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Day 2 done. 45 minutes on trainer. Thanks everyone for the NOLA suggestions. Next time my husband goes, I definitely need to join him.

2011-12-13 8:40 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Day 2 done.  Plank plus a 30 minute run.
2011-12-13 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Plank and run done.  Nice job folks!
2011-12-13 11:18 PM
in reply to: #3937606

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Love this challenge. I probably wouldn't have done anything after the crazy day at work we had. Because of the challenge though, I went to abs class so plank definitely done, and then ran a 5k loop on the treadmill. Am much happier that I did workout.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shelly
2011-12-14 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed
Day 4 is 4 lunges.  Did the rest but ended up with a 20 min walk as I needed a night off.  Back at it tomorrow.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training Rss Feed  
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