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2008-05-12 6:42 AM
in reply to: #1393741

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Congrats Rich!  You should be excited -- that's great news!  Happy swimming.

We had our first OWS clinic of the season yesterday. Water was @ 60F -- man does that hurt your ear canal when it goes in. Hurt every time I turned my head to breath.  But we persevered and had a blast! 

Sometimes I think, "What am I doing out here?  I could be home in bed like normal people."  But despite getting up early, freezing your butt off, stuggling around the cold lake, and occasionally getting swam into -- mostly I love the the physical challenge.

2008-05-17 12:48 AM
in reply to: #1395785

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
cmbcwb3 - 2008-05-12 6:42 AM

Congrats Rich!  You should be excited -- that's great news!  Happy swimming.

We had our first OWS clinic of the season yesterday. Water was @ 60F -- man does that hurt your ear canal when it goes in. Hurt every time I turned my head to breath.  But we persevered and had a blast! 

Sometimes I think, "What am I doing out here?  I could be home in bed like normal people."  But despite getting up early, freezing your butt off, stuggling around the cold lake, and occasionally getting swam into -- mostly I love the the physical challenge.

Hey Christine!

GREAT JOB on getting out in the water! ........ BBBbbbbbrrrrrrrrr 60F water? Bbbbbbrrrrrr!!!!

Keep it up!

Rich M
2008-05-17 1:01 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
I am no longer getting physical therapy for my shoulder.....I graduated today!

I got in the water to test the shoulder:

300 yds last Saturday
600 yds last Monday
1200 yds on Wednesday
2400 yds on Friday (this morning)

Went back to PT today and did a full physical therapy session as the pt just kept shaking his head that I was 11 weeks out from shoulder surgery and for all intents and purposes, was healed. During the manipulation of my shoulder (resistance movements), the PT was clearly struggling.

I promised I'd take my IM Medal into the PT Office in November! So, NOW I can start looking at a race calendar with IM AZ as the end in mind!

Have a GREAT weekend!
2008-05-17 10:02 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Excellent!  Playing by the rules paid off, Rich.  IM out...Cyclingmaniac has energy to burn!


2008-05-21 11:57 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

So I'm TRYING to keep up with my workouts, but this Texas heat is getting to me!  We've been breaking records this week, and I'm sweating buckets!  I've been carrying my own hydration with me (gatorade usually, to help with the electrolytes, too), but I'm still bonking out sometimes, just getting overheated and tired.  The real problems come when I have a brick or something like that when the run is later in the morning because of the earlier workout.  Today, for example, I had  run after a swim. I got 2 miles into the run and just pooped out!

Any suggestions, Rich? Anyone?

2008-05-26 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1416304

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Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
I hear you, Kat. I raced my Oly and my half Ironman in Florida in the last few weeks, and I don't know how you southerners do it. The ONLY thing that kept me going in my half in the end was the kiddie pools of ice at every mile of the run. That was a lifesaver! I utilized my husband's "cool hat" idea -- I scooped up the ice with my hat, and put it on with the ice inside. It was melted by the next mile, but it did keep me cooler than I would have been otherwise. I was also thankful for cleavage (not much, but just enough) because I poured glasses of ice down my tri suit too...that felt GREAT! My only suggesetion is maybe keeping a sponge on hand and tucking it in the shoulder strap of your running bra or tri jersey. If you have water, you can pour some on the sponge as needed.

So just so you all know, I WISH I had more time to write. Not sure where I got all that time last summer, but maybe I'll find it again. Things are going pretty well. Finally went out for a run after 7 days of recovery after that half. Felt pretty good though I shouldn't have run on a full stomach. It's nice to know that our season up here is just beginning. This season, I'm going to work on speed.

Rich, keep up the great work with the shoulder. My co-worker is considering signing up for Arizona too. He and I started triathlons together last year, and he has just taken off with it, doing very well. I'll let you know if he takes the plunge. This is such a crazy, addictive sport.

Anyways, hope everyone is well. If you want to read my race reports, my blog is up to date (for once):

Talk to you again soon (hopefully!)

2008-05-27 10:45 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hi Team!  I'm back!  Mexico was fabulous.  I did get a few workouts in...but mostly I ate!  And it was delicious......fresh tortillas, guacomole, pico, chips...daily!  So needless to say, it's time for me to get moving.  I have another sprint tri in 2 weeks.  Katz, I see that you've signed up to be a swim angel.  I'm going to need you.  As y'all know, swimming isn't my strong suit. 

Andi....Congratulations on the HIM!  I read your blog...just awesome!  Your tri suit definitely pulled you through.  What a great idea to have it signed.

Katz....the heat and humidity are aweful!  I totally agree...coupled with pollution...some days are just unbearable.  I try to do all my running workouts before the sun comes out.  It's still hot and humid, but I don't have the sun bearing down on me and my lungs don't burn as I breathe from the driving pollution that accumulates during the day.  Biking is different because I don't have a bike light so I have to wait for the sun to come up. I still try to get out at first light.   I carry my hydration pack with water and powerade.  Then, I'll have a chocolate milk for my recovery drink.  (I like the Horizon organic ones the kids drink.  I can get them at Costco!)   So far, so good...  I have noticed that my pace has slowed a bit.  I read (on Jeff Galloway's website) that one's pace should be about a minute slower when dealing with the heat.  I also find as I get wiser (well, older) my body doesn't tolerate the heat as well.   If you ever figure out what helps you on these miserable days of Texas heat...pass it along.  I could use some help myself! 

Rich...I hope the shoulder's cooperating with you.  I'm sure you're on target with your workouts.  IMAZ will be here before you know it!

Felipe and Caru and Christine!  What else is on your race calendar? 

Happy Training!




2008-06-11 4:08 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Group!  It's been awhile since we've chatted.  I hope all is well.  I raced the Danskin this past weekend in Austin and met Kat.  It was great.  She met us for dinner on Friday night, and we had a great visit.  Instead of racing, Kat volunteered to be a swim angel.  She was the "keeper of the noodle gate" at the beginning of the swim leg.  It was great to see her in the water.  Thanks Kat for being there...  My tri friend took a picture of us after dinner so as soon as I get a copy, I'll post it.

BTW, my race report is complete.  I shaved off about 9 minutes from last year's race.  I'm definitely improving, but my transitions are still really s-l-o-w! 




2008-06-14 9:31 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
GREAT JOB Angela! Awesome on the improvement!

And you're has been a while.....ROLL CALL....what is everyone up to?

My report: I just got back from Tempe, Arizona about 2 hours ago. Rode the bike course this morning before it got too hot. It was suppose to 109 degrees. I got out at 6:00 AM and it was already in the low 80s. Finished up by 9 AM and it was 91 degrees.

IMAZ is a relatively "flat course", but it can be deceiving! It is pretty flat until you get on to Bee Line Highway. It is a steady uphill with a couple of rollers hidden inbetween. The steepest part of the climb is just before the turnaround point.

I also got a chance to look at the run course.....this puppy is flatter than a pancake with the exception of climbing over the bridges and one small hill.

I'm back in the water, finished physical therapy and am now starting to loose the 10lbs I gained during rehab. I thought lifting the spoon from the bowl of ice cream to by mouth would had bicep muscles.....guess I was wrong......doooooooahhhh!

Alright...lets hear from the rest of you.

2008-06-14 10:28 PM
in reply to: #1467042

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey there, folks!  I'm gearing up for a sprint race next weekend.  I went out and did a sort of time trial on the bike course today...did pretty well, considering it was 99-freaking-degrees out!!!  Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about the race but it will be very difficult to beat my time from last year - this was by far my best race last year and I'm going to have to hit warp speed to beat it.

After this race, I hit the oly plan again.  Otherwise, things are cruising right along! Whassup with the rest of you?

2008-06-17 6:48 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Good Morning!  Okay, I did it...I signed up for my first HIM in October!  WHAT????  I know...crazy for me.  I also accepted a full time teaching position for next year.  Needless to say, I'm going to have to be very organized and deliberate with my training/work/wife/mommy schedule. 

Good Luck this weekend Kat!  

Rich, glad to hear you're in the water and on your bike....all systems go!

Where's everyone else??? 

2008-06-18 11:06 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Guys:

I am glad to see everyone is enjoying triathlon season and that Kat and Blondie got to see each other at a race. We definately need to work on finding a central race and getting together to race!! I think something in Texas would be a good idea. I'm up for anything even though I'm trying to take care of my budget as the gas prices and everything is just so expensive!!

I will be doing a Sprint Triathlon this coming Sunday, I haven't been training properly at all since I got back from Eurpoe at the end of May so I don't expect my best performance to happen. I raced a half marathon over in Germany and had a great time, improved my harlf marathon time by two minutes and finished 5th overall!!

Caro, is in full trianing for her FL IRONMAN and will be doing de NYC Nautica Triathlon.

As for me, so far I have a couple of sprints lined up, but might be looking at maybe doing another HIM by the end of the year.

Rich, I'm glad you are getting back into things.

Take care,

2008-06-19 1:44 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I just made a fun observation in my training logs.  Already this year, I have biked more and swam (swum? I hate grammar....) more in the first 5 1/2 months of 2008 than in all of 2007.  Cool!  My running mileage is on pace with last year so far, but I'll probably be bumping that up a bit over the summer.  Now we get to see if all that training translates into better race times!

Just thought I'd share for fun.  Anyone making any similar increases in training this year?

2008-06-20 8:48 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Kat...your chart is impressive!  I've noticed that I'm training more than I did last year.  My run time will certainly surpass last year's mileage once marathon training begins this fall.  I also feel my bike and swim will increase because of the HIM I signed up for...or at least, it better!

So that leaves me with a question...I've signed up for Longhorn HIM in October, but I don't really have a set plan.  Any suggestions?  Rich, what plan do you follow?  Felipe, what about you? and Caru?  and Andi?  I feel my running is on target, but I'm not sure how to fit it all in...Andi, how did you train with kids?  I run at 5am, 3X a week.  I'll begin Monday meeting friends at the lake to practice swimming with family in tow.  I can get a long bike ride in on the weekends and my husband has agreed to getting a new bike trainer so I can stay at home while the kids play.  I guess I kind of have a plan, but I don't know how many minutes to do everything...the day to day, week to week.  I'll take any suggestions, recommendations you have!  BTW, I checked out the free HIM plan on BT and it just confused me...

Happy Training!  



2008-06-26 8:09 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hola, peeps!  I have a couple of quick news items for y'all!  First, I had a GREAT race on Sunday.  I PR'ed for a sprint race, including best ever speeds on the bike and the run.  I'm pysched!  My race report is up if you're interested in details....I'll post photos sometime when I have more than two seconds to put them together.

Also, my hubby, Derry, has joined the BT family - feel free to drop him a line (username d3rryc) and say hi.  He's beginning his training to do the Hi-Fi sprint with me in Galveston at the end of October.  Since he's still rehabbing that bum left knee after ACL reconstruction surgery last year, he can use all of the encouragement he can get!

Speaking of the Hi-Fi Tri, since we were tossing around the idea of doing a tri together in Texas, and BT has declared the Hi-Fi tri its official race this year, what do you folks think of joining me in Galveston?  There will be a sprint and an olympic distance race, plus a party on the beach afterwards.  Could be fun!  Just a suggestion....

Love you guys!

2008-06-27 1:25 AM
in reply to: #1493417

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

CONGRATULATIONS on the Sprint PR and fastest split on your bike and run! Wooooo Hooooo!

ACCOUNTABILITY can be powerful! So get your husband out here on this thread! He is MORE than Welcome! Remember that Felipe joined through Sister CARU! He can keep us up on his training and ........ give us some dirt on you......TOTALLY KIDDING (not!).

As for me.....busy training. Posted 11 hours of training last week after a little reminder that I hadn't posted to BT. Fortunately I keep an Excel Training Log. I'll be close to 14 hours this week. Shoulder is coming along nicely. Had a GREAT workout on Wednesday night. I was just doing a steady pace focusing on technique and this guy in the next lane said I was a rocket in the water. Good technique, good body position, good rotation, front quadrant focused = very streamlined swim enabling me to swim through that imaginary pin hole. Going to focus on biking and running for next 30 days with periodic swim to break up and rest other parts of the body. Trying to get motivated and sign up for a sprint and/or an olympic.

Work has been a little hectic....I'll tell you more later about that when I'm not potentially violating any laws.....hmmmmmm know any good lawyers (CARU or Felipe?).

That is it for now......heading for a badly needed appointment with the pillows!

Nite all!


2008-07-09 12:11 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Where is everyone? Heeeeeelloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Hope all is well with everyone! IM Arizona training is going well! Shoulder doing fine! Tri bike fitted and it flys! Yeeeeeehaaaawwww! Still have opened it up all the way.

Heading for Lake Tahoe this coming Saturday for altitude training. We will be at 6200 ft. and have opportunities to climb to 7500 ft. Also taking the wetsuit incase I have a chance t do an open water swim or three. Worst case scenario, I located a public swimming pool where they have schedule lap swims.

Looking forward to an epic week of training!

Let's hear how you all are doing.......SOUND OFF!


2008-07-09 2:59 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL


Hey Rich!  So good to hear that your shoulder is feeling fine and training is going well.  I'm in training hell with the Longhorn HIM.  This working out twice a day all week long is killing me!  It really cuts into my summer wine drinking on the patio time!  I'm committed to doing this race, but I think in the future I'm going to stick with sprints and OLY triathlons.  I love running so marathon training will begin as soon as the HIM is done.  At least I'm finding what my limitations are!

I hope all is well with everyone...Take care!  Enjoy yourself!

2008-07-09 11:47 PM
in reply to: #1518321

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Angela! I hear what you are saying....I'm at 3 workouts per day because IM training takes major blocks of time. 5 to 6 hour Saturday rides start fairly shortly. Yikes! If anyone else is able to make it to Anaheim, CA for Labor Day, Felipe and I are doing the Disney Half Marathon. Don't know if they are sold out yet, but come join the fun!


2008-07-11 10:16 PM
in reply to: #1519388

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey hey hey!  I'll be doing an oly here in Austin on Labor Day, so Rich and Felipe, sorry I'll miss out!!!  Have a blast and take some photos!

Training has been a little hit and miss this week.  I had an insane schedule, but next week should be a lot better.  My running has been mucho bad lately, too, but I think it's a function of working too hard last weekend and needing to re-up on my seasonal asthma meds.  My bike and swim continue to see improvements AND I lost 5 pounds in the last three weeks.  My hubby says my tummy is shrinking, too.

That's about it. Just train, train, train until September 1 and then keep training for the Hi-Fi Tri on Oct. 25th in Galveston.  I'm planning on doing my first century ride between now and then, so stay tuned for that.

Whassup with everyone else?

2008-07-15 10:21 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Just a word of encouragement...

I'll be doing the Virtual 5K on Friday in honor of Christine (Lucy), a fellow BTer who is losing her life to a brain bleed today.  I hope you all will consider signing up for the FL race (proceeds go to the family) and run wherever you are.  If you want more info, check out the Triathlon Talk forum. Spread the word however you can.  Christine will leave behind a husband and two teenage boys who will need all the support they can get.

2008-07-15 10:37 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL



Guys waaaayyy to long since my last post!!! i always think of you guys when i train though.

1st- RICH!!! AZ IM HOLY SMOKES!!! guys its insane to see how  400 swim was like tooo scary to even think off and now most of us are like, YEAH IM lets go!We've improved our times (KAT AMAZING, FREAKIN AMAZING) Ang is now on the HIM schedule as Andi was a couple of months ago(and was able to KICK FLORIDA IN THE BUTT), and Chris is like the BIKE guru!! this is crazy!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!

 I know i survived my first olympic thanks to you guys!!!! i really owe all to you guys!!! so thank you.


I've been training hard, trying to figure out nutrition and trying to train in tired legs..which is so hard... MOnday speed work after a 4 hour ride the day before, just doesnt seem very apealing!!! hahaha

My boyfriend and I have our first race together....its the NY city Nautica Triathlon ( i signed him up after we had been dating 2 months, haha he did his first Spring in January... and now off to the OLY)!!! WE ARE SUPER EXCITED!

 Guys im gonna be logging on so inspired by everyones efforts its triuly amazing!! and tips and advice is always welcome!!!


Send you much love alll!!!!!!


mwak mwak mwak  

2008-07-15 10:39 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL


 his screename: Tmacwright  his name is Tom

feel free to inpire!!!!!!!!!!!! 


love u all 

2008-07-19 2:15 AM
in reply to: #1530746

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Caru!

Missed you. I know things have been crazy. As another incentive to bring you out to the website, invite Tom to join us on this thread. He is more than welcome, right gang?

2008-07-19 9:26 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Guys:

Hope everyone is doing well. After reading Caru's post I was reflecting on how much has happened since joining the BT forum. I remember for our first sprint how excited we were and how much of deal it was. This past sprint I did, the swim felt tremendously short. And I think the case is the same for all of you doing olympics, half's and full ironmans!!

I also remember a year ago talking to Rich about running the Bogota Half Marathon and getting ready to take on the altitude. Remember that Rich? Well I'm back here in Bogota and ready to avenge last years performance! Although a stomach virus has plagued me for the last couple of days I think I'll be ready. But to get back to my point, I think it's awesome that we have kept this forum alive and that we are in touch.

I look forward to meeting you Rich at the Disneyland half, we should maybe do a pasta dinner the night before. And hopefully I'll be able to join Blondie in the Half in Texas!!

Take care guys!

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