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2009-05-28 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Looks like you had a great time.  I love Hawaii and would love to go back again.  :-)

2009-05-29 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Wow, Kiri, your OWS looks like more fun than mine was.  No whitecaps, your teeth don't appear to be chattering... 

With everything else going on, I've missed a couple of bike workouts.  My OCD is making me feel very guilty!  I'm going to try to catch up this weekend.  Maybe it will stop raining (it always seems to rain when I need to bike) and I can actually ride on the road.

My tri is in 4 weeks.  Yikes!  Back in February it seemed like such a long way off.
2009-05-29 11:32 PM
in reply to: #2160186

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sesh - 2009-05-19 6:16 AM

How we all doin?

I just remembered that I was part of a mentor group. 

I haven't been doing to well lately...pretty much in survival mode. 

I need to figure out how to organize my life (a little at least) and tackle some things that I have been putting off.  My coping mechanism of late has been to ignore anything that I find stressful.  That includes any kind of paperwork...I am pretty sure that my credit score isn't quite what it was 4 months ago.

I have done very little training.  I really hope to have that change, but I am not sure how I am going to get everything sorted out.  My emotions have been ping-ponging all over the place.  One of my medications was raised...a side effect is appetite loss.  I am down to 112 lbs.  I think that a good portion of the weight I lost was leg muscle. 

ok, I need to turn in for the night.   I hope everyone is doing well.  
2009-05-30 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
It was a close call, but I managed to find a wetsuit today (don't ask why i put it off for so long). That means tomorrow's 2000m OWS is on! My goal 40:00. I have never raced that distance, and never raced OW so this should be fun!

I plan on taking the train out and then biking to the lake 14.5 miles, then swimming, then riding around the lake (which is sprint course for upcoming tri), then biking back to train. 40 odd miles. Should be a perfect training day. Good thing there is bbq after the swim!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

2009-05-31 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Good to see some from the group checking in.  I know it's hard to sit in front of a computer when the weather is so nice outside.  I'm settling into my taper week way to easily.  I sat around this afternoon w/ the hubby and kids and ate crabs, drank some beer (only 2) and some grilled veggies.  I did squeeze in an easy bike ride altough my OWS practice was cancelled.  There were some early morning thunderstorms.  I was bummed but it was lovely to go back to bed w/ the sound of rain outside.

7 days officially now.  I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I just want to make the cutoff times.

Missed my May monthly goal - about 4000m short on the 25,000m swim goal.  I had 2 OWS get cancelled b/c of weather so that didn't help.  I still got some good pool/lake time in though.

I've got my June goals ready to go and I joined the June running challenge.  Before I know it, it will marathon training time.  Enjoy the rest of the weekend.  :-)
2009-06-01 1:36 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL! />
race report from worst swim EVER... even tho I technically beat my goal...
fun had despite - and great long ride to beautiful location.

Edited by kirih 2009-06-01 1:37 AM

2009-06-01 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2185459

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
kirih - 2009-06-01 1:36 AM />
race report from worst swim EVER... even tho I technically beat my goal...
fun had despite - and great long ride to beautiful location.

That was a great job to get to the finish w/ all of the people and mechanical problems.  Sadly I was kill for that time in a 2000m swim.  When you get things worked out, you will be awesome in the water.
2009-06-01 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2185459

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

kirih - 2009-06-01 1:36 AM />
race report from worst swim EVER... even tho I technically beat my goal...
fun had despite - and great long ride to beautiful location.

Crazy race Kiri.  Nice going, and that's definitely hardcore to ride to the race like that.

2009-06-01 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

I'm back in the real world.  Got my sister married off and took a little vacation time.  Ate as many oysters and drank as much beer as I could, whined about my hip, took some time off from training, had my relay team fall through, blah, blah, whine, whine, whine.

I'm back and really just ready to ride my bike.

2009-06-01 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Oh, did someone declare that it's time to whine?  Because I need to!

Our house went on the market Friday evening.  Saturday was supposed to be last minute fix-up stuff, then pack my husband's things, because he starts his job at the new place this week.  Sunday was going to be cleaning day.  Didn't work out, because Saturday morning the realtor said he wanted to do an open house on Sunday, so we had to squeeze all the cleaning into Saturday too.  It was a crazy day.  Sunday morning my husband left, I taught a yoga class, we did last minute cleaning, then I took the kids to hang out at my in-laws while the open house was going on. 

Guess how much training I managed to squeeze into the weekend.  That would be none.

Yesterday I woke up with a scratchy throat, and thought it might just be allergies, but today I'm pretty sure I've got a full-blown cold.  I am fighting to stay awake, and very congested.  I skipped my swim this morning and stayed in bed for some extra sleep.  My daughter woke up with the sore throat too, so the little one will get it next, I'm sure.  I'm trying to stay at work now so I can stay home with him if he gets sick. 

My tri is less than 4 weeks away and I am really worried about missing the training, but I don't want to be sick a long time either.  How many days can I take off from training before all the work I did up to now gets undone?
2009-06-01 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2185459

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
kirih - 2009-06-01 2:36 AM />
race report from worst swim EVER... even tho I technically beat my goal...
fun had despite - and great long ride to beautiful location.

I'm with Samantha.  I would be overjoyed with your swim time.  I give you alot of credit for sticking it out and finishing even with the wetsuit working against you. 

Can you get your wetsuit repaired?  Didn't you just get it?

2009-06-01 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2186902

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Good luck with the move - they are so stressful no matter how far the move!

I usually find it takes me at least 3 days to get back up to speed after taking a week off - but cleaning/packing is hard work, so you'll probably be fine!

4 weeks til first tri! yay!


serendipity - 2009-06-01 11:03 AM Oh, did someone declare that it's time to whine?  Because I need to!

Our house went on the market Friday evening.  Saturday was supposed to be last minute fix-up stuff, then pack my husband's things, because he starts his job at the new place this week.  Sunday was going to be cleaning day.  Didn't work out, because Saturday morning the realtor said he wanted to do an open house on Sunday, so we had to squeeze all the cleaning into Saturday too.  It was a crazy day.  Sunday morning my husband left, I taught a yoga class, we did last minute cleaning, then I took the kids to hang out at my in-laws while the open house was going on. 

Guess how much training I managed to squeeze into the weekend.  That would be none.

Yesterday I woke up with a scratchy throat, and thought it might just be allergies, but today I'm pretty sure I've got a full-blown cold.  I am fighting to stay awake, and very congested.  I skipped my swim this morning and stayed in bed for some extra sleep.  My daughter woke up with the sore throat too, so the little one will get it next, I'm sure.  I'm trying to stay at work now so I can stay home with him if he gets sick. 

My tri is less than 4 weeks away and I am really worried about missing the training, but I don't want to be sick a long time either.  How many days can I take off from training before all the work I did up to now gets undone?
2009-06-01 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2186928

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Fortunately the wetsuit isn't broken - it was complete user error, which hopefully will not be repeated!
You know that strong advice they have on here of don't use new equipment in a race - I really needed to follow that advice

serendipity - 2009-06-01 11:10 AM

I'm with Samantha.  I would be overjoyed with your swim time.  I give you alot of credit for sticking it out and finishing even with the wetsuit working against you. 

Can you get your wetsuit repaired?  Didn't you just get it?
2009-06-01 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2150491

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
serendipity - 2009-05-14 8:13 AM
sdalessio - 2009-05-13 3:35 PM
serendipity - 2009-05-13 2:18 PM

Believe me, if we weren't moving I wouldn't be cleaning it out! 

The fun part is trying to convince my husband that, no, he really doesn't need to save that 3 foot piece of PVC pipe because he might need it someday.  Or the half sheet of plywood.  Or the baby stroller that no one fits in anymore...

I know what you mean.  I remember our husbands talking at lunch the other week about keeping every computer part they ever owned.  If we ever move and he insists on taking all of the garbage - he's the one packing and carrying it!

On the bright side - he is out of town til Friday! ;-)  Clean away!!!!

I remember that conversation very well!  All the way home I had to hear about how your husband gets to have a file server networked at home and I keep making him throw out the old computers so he can't do that.  I had to promise him that in the next house I would find a place just for his computers. 
When I was a kid, my dad's computer ranked a bigger room that I did.  Not only that, it's room had air conditioning. 

the diskettes were nearly two feet in diameter and there was no keyboard...just switches and lights.  Sadly, my family had to downsize when I was in middle school.  most of the computer was dismantled.  A few years later I helped my dad take the 90 lb aluminum heatsink to the recycling center.  The modem is still kicking around the garage.  Anyone know of a technology/industry museum that would be interested in a modem from the mid-late eighties?

2009-06-02 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2186902

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

serendipity - 2009-06-01 1:03 PM Oh, did someone declare that it's time to whine?  Because I need to!

My tri is less than 4 weeks away and I am really worried about missing the training, but I don't want to be sick a long time either.  How many days can I take off from training before all the work I did up to now gets undone?

With where you are at, you're safe.  Obviously you don't want to take the entire four weeks off, but as long as you can get back into it relatively soon and maintain something close to your plan, then you'll be ok.  All your build weeks are more than likely done with.  Even if they aren't, you've had enough of them to get you to a more than capapble fitness level.  Sure, it might help you improve slightly if you had two good weeks before you start the dreaded taper, but two "meh" weeks aren't going to do any harm.

You're ready!  Now you just get to worry, wait, and slog out the end of your plan before you go nuts with taper 

2009-06-02 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2188797

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sesh - 2009-06-02 9:38 AM

You're ready!  Now you just get to worry, wait, and slog out the end of your plan before you go nuts with taper 

Hmmm, something to look forward to?

I'm feeling alittle better today.  Just very tired.  I'm hoping it will only be another day or two before I can get back to my plan. 

2009-06-02 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
I am going to go to the Luna Chix tri workout is a trail run this evening.   I am taking a full selection of veggie starts to Triathlynne, a BT gal that will most likely be there.  She (and her hubby) are building a veggie garden and were very excited when they found out I have a plethera of starts that need good homes. 
2009-06-03 4:32 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Well group all the past few months of training have finally come to an end.  I can't believe June is here already.  It's about 5:30am and we are packing up to drive up to NH.  Hopefully all of my training was enough and Mooseman will go ok.

Have a great weekend!
2009-06-03 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2191081

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sdalessio - 2009-06-03 5:32 AM Well group all the past few months of training have finally come to an end.  I can't believe June is here already.  It's about 5:30am and we are packing up to drive up to NH.  Hopefully all of my training was enough and Mooseman will go ok.

Have a great weekend!

It will go great!  Have a wonderful time in NH.  Enjoy the race. 
2009-06-04 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2191081

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sdalessio - 2009-06-03 2:32 AM Well group all the past few months of training have finally come to an end.  I can't believe June is here already.  It's about 5:30am and we are packing up to drive up to NH.  Hopefully all of my training was enough and Mooseman will go ok.

Have a great weekend!
Have an awesome trip and a great race.
2009-06-04 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1856289

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
I had forgotten how much I like trail running.  I need to find some good trails closer to home.

2009-06-09 6:46 AM
in reply to: #1856289

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Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
Hi group - I survived.  I was about 20-30 min. slower than I wanted.  My time goal was 6:40 and I cam in at 7:01.  It was a super tough bike and run course but a great event.  The whole family had fun.  My hubby had a good race the day before at the International distance.  I should have the race report up int he next day or so.  :-)
2009-06-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2204264

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

sdalessio - 2009-06-09 6:46 AM Hi group - I survived.  I was about 20-30 min. slower than I wanted.  My time goal was 6:40 and I cam in at 7:01.  It was a super tough bike and run course but a great event.  The whole family had fun.  My hubby had a good race the day before at the International distance.  I should have the race report up int he next day or so.  :-)

Awesome!  Glad you had a fun time, and there are so many factors in a HIM that can throw your time in any direction.  Can't wait to read about it.

2009-06-09 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2195670

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!

mchally - 2009-06-04 3:44 PM I had forgotten how much I like trail running.  I need to find some good trails closer to home.

Hmm... I'm pretty much 100% on doing a tri on Aug. 1st with a trail run.  It'll be my first trail run since cross country in high school.

2009-06-09 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2204264

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Sesh's Group - FULL!
sdalessio - 2009-06-09 7:46 AM Hi group - I survived.  I was about 20-30 min. slower than I wanted.  My time goal was 6:40 and I cam in at 7:01.  It was a super tough bike and run course but a great event.  The whole family had fun.  My hubby had a good race the day before at the International distance.  I should have the race report up int he next day or so.  :-)

Of course you survived!  We knew you would.  I'm so glad you had a good time.  How was the swim?  I can't wait to read your race report.
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