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2013-04-04 10:47 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I finished the run and it went really, really well. I was so close to calling it off before even starting because I was fighting feeling tired and it was 50 degrees with rain coming down. But after a few miles I kicked into "i'm just gonna run" mode and from then on it was great. Not to say there weren't aches and pains, but nothing that didn't seem normal for running that far and it was clear I was dealing with any 'injury type' pain. The best part was maintaining a 12:33/mile pace. In the past my longer runs push me up into the 13mpm pace, so I am stoked about that. Anyway, tomorrow is a 3800 swim and no run or bike. My legs are very excited about having a day off!

Anthony - I know exactly what you mean about talking to myself because I was out there doing it tonight. I'm pretty proud of myself right now. two years ago I couldn't jog slowly for 30 minutes straight.

Hope all is well for everyone. Job interview was really weird. I honestly don't know what will come of it. In one sense it seemed like the decision to hire me was already made, and in another sense it seemed like they were going through interview formalities so they could hire the person they already have chosen. They did tell me I could know as early as Monday. I'm praying for this. It was be a decent pay increase, free full benefits and twelve hour shifts (which means fours days off ).

2013-04-05 12:15 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mitch you have a long run of 5.  So I would just add 1 mile each week for your long run, so 6,7,8,5,9,10... etc.  with supporting weekly shorter runs in the 3-5 mile range as you go up in mileage.

Ken  that sucks.  Don't do intensity on the bike and be really careful of kicking off the walls on the swim.  Ken when you are up to it just walking at a decent clip will maintain a lot of run fitness and not stress your achilies, avoid walking/running hills. 

Samantha please please do not jump from a long of 13 to a long of 16 in one week.  Go 14 this week 15 next then 16 the following week.  ER too late I guess you did it.. .....was more risk that gain.  It would have been better to just add 1 mile to each of your shorter runs instead and just go 14 miles.  Oh well take tomorrow as a rest do or just walk, ice compression and roll.  I would still only do 15 miles next week and then 16 the week after.  You have time still to build your longs. You can jump 10 -20 miles on your long bike no problem though, that is fine. Swim I usually don't add more than 300 to 400 yards a week to the long. 

Carol you are in a good place. Your body needs some rest, just enjoy your workouts, ditch the watch just enjoy the scenery.  This isn't the time to get faster, just enjoy being out there. 

Edited by Baowolf 2013-04-05 12:53 AM
2013-04-05 7:53 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good morning everyone. Interesting time @ my strength workout session this AM. My trainer is also a physical thrapist, and he did a bit of work on my leg. Have to say it feels as good now as it has in a long while. He was able to pinpint the source of the problem (muscle issue to the side of hammy) which was cuasing the problem further up my leg. After a 10 minute torture session where he worked on it, it started feeling better immediately. Still does. Not sure what he did but wow did it not feel pleasant, and I may have even invented a few new obscenities. worked, so far. I have a run scheduled for tonight, and I'll keep the 9/1 and see how it goes.

Anyone racing this weekend? I have my 10k, but I'm thinking tri?

2013-04-05 8:54 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Mike: Good stuff!  My wife went to one of those spa days at a friends house last weekend and had her quad (she's been having issues with) massaged out.  Her story is very similar to what I've read from you and thus far, she hasn't had any other issues.


This is the part of my post where I go to confession.  As I've been progressing with my achilles, I've been taking more and more liberties with it around my house.  Unfortunately, that has included not walking in my boot around the house...def. against dr. orders  Of course, I justified this by saying I've been aggressive with everything I've done...well, I had what you'd have to consider a setback.  While I was walking, I felt what I think is some scar tissue breaking up.  I'm not going to hurt more than I'd like to admit.  The good news is that its still entact....I can flex my calf so I didn't kill the repair...but I did learn to re-respect (does that even make sense!?) my injury and be cautious for my last 2 weeks in my boot!

2013-04-05 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Yang Min Shan, T'ai-pei
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Jay - Be careful and stay healthy.  With all the talk of injuries I am wondering when I will break down.  I do have a bit of a shin splint but nothing like many of you are dealing with.

My training week is going well.  I had a 25 mile ride today and a 3.7 mile run.  I hooked up with the Qatar Chain Reaction bike club for a 40K TT.  It was windy, hot, and sandy.  I should say really hot - 32 or 33 and really windy, and sand clouds blowing over the desert.  

I finished, many did not, but my time was slowwwww.  I did get a four mile run in at and 8 minute pace.  

I have an 18 mile ride and 1800M swim for tomorrow.

For those who like training in hot weather I have it for you.  Think we hit 100 last weekend for the first time in 2013.  

Next week is spring break and we are heading to Atlantis in Dubai for some well needed relaxation.  My daughters are stoked!

2013-04-05 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Good job on finishing Tom!  Anytime you can finish a brick in the weather conditions you described, you should be pleased!

2013-04-05 7:15 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Great work Tom. Wind is always a killer. Add sand and high heat on top of that, and it sounds like you put in some tough miles. Enjoy the vacation with the family!
2013-04-05 7:32 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hey guys, sorry it's been quite a while since I've checked in and shared!

Samantha, thank you for checking in on me, it confirms what I already knew, that this is a super great group!!

I have been dealing with this nagging knee injury that just wouldn't go away! Been four months now. I have taken the past 6 weeks off completely to see if it will improve. I started back to training this week and it has improved quite a bit, but I am very nervous about any hill training so just sticking to the flats. So this rules out Wildflower for me. I hate signing up for races then watching them go by without being a part of it!

I am still hopeful that Vineman Full could happen. I've got four months so we'll see, I'm kind of having a deja vu of last year when I was waiting for Mitch to recover from his injury so we could resume training! He milked that thing out all year! Lol

If Vineman doesn't happen, I am also signed up for HITS Full in Lk Havasu in November. I am hoping to do a few olympics and a half later in year too!


I hope everyone's training is going well. Steve, sorry you are going through all that you are, but I know exactly how you feel! It's frustrating, but will pass!! Happy training all, I will get myself up to date with everyone as soon as I can!!

2013-04-06 12:39 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Good to see you Jim! Glad you are seeing improvement. Sorry you are missing Wildflower. I know if something happens and I have to watch IM instead of participate I will be one very sad person.

Steve - I definitely wasn't trying to take a risk, but it's done now. I feel pretty good today; my calves are tight but overall I'm not really sore. It was my swim only day so my legs have had some rest. I will follow your advice for the next couple weeks.

3800 yard swim in 1:24. Definitely feeling good about being in the water. Seventy mile ride this weekend.

What's up with everyone else for training this weekend/racing? Mike is racing a 10k. Anyone else?

2013-04-06 2:07 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Guys I think we need to do an Intervention on Jay.  If we all chip in how much do you think it would cost to put him in a drug induced coma until his leg is better?  Ok not too many pennies.  Jay seriously your wife is going to kill you over this please.... take care of that leg.  There is nothing you can do to speed up the healing at this point. 
2013-04-06 4:58 AM
in reply to: #4689086

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Baowolf - 2013-04-06 3:07 AM Guys I think we need to do an Intervention on Jay.  If we all chip in how much do you think it would cost to put him in a drug induced coma until his leg is better?  Ok not too many pennies.  Jay seriously your wife is going to kill you over this please.... take care of that leg.  There is nothing you can do to speed up the healing at this point. 

+1.  Where do I send the money?  Jay, I was laying off of berating you because I thought you were listening to the PT.  Shame, shame, shame on you.  Please be careful!

Mike, good luck on your 10K this weekend!

Carol, my long lost sister!  You and I are at the same point again.  This is the first time in years that I'm not signed up for anything.  It's all very deliberate and intentional tho.  My first focus for right now is kicking this PF; I have a tendency to overlook warning signals if I'm prepping for a race. {Crap, I sounded like Jay there, didn't I? Embarassed} Second, I'm gonna figure out what I want to do when I grow up.  I spent three years pursuing the marathon path before I found out that they weren't for me.  So now I've got to do some soul searching on swim and biking; I'm definitely going to do a lot of swim/bike right now to see if I can fall back in love with swimming and fall for the biking.  I do know that I want to get back to HM and I want to start working hard again (versus the easy for the ultras).

Ok, off to help with a local race.  Have a good weekend all.  Good training to everyone and good luck to Mike.

2013-04-06 6:00 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I think Jay lives about 2 or 3 towns away from me, so I'll go adminster whatever we come up with. Despite the body building, he won't be able to catch me in his hobbled state.

Workout for the AM is done -- 41 miles on the trainer this AM, 2:30 of pedaling to nowhere. . Will do an easy 4 mile run later today to get the legs ready for tomorrow.

This weekend kicks off the crazy season of kids sports so my days are filled playing taxi driver/sports watcher mostly. Need to pick up my race # this AM at 9 as well. Need to remember to stay on plan tomorrow and remember this is a training run for me, despite all the other people around.

Beautiful sun outside, and I'm off on my day. Happy Training everyone!!!

2013-04-06 9:10 AM
in reply to: #4689142

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Montreal, Canada
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hi everyone,

this triathlon training is like a time travelling machine, I just cannot believe this is April already (and on a local note, still cannot believe it snowed yesterday!!!!). Numbers for March:

Bike:19h 59m 41s  - 485.22 KM
Run:16h 23m 30s  - 185.79 KM
Swim:9h 47m 05s  - 28050 M
Strength:2h 00m

 I could however enjoy 2 outdoor bike rides over the Easter week-end. I had upgraded from my entry level alu bike, to a scott cr1 for christmas, but could only look at it taking dust in the basement. I was excited to try it out and it was AMAZING. I am so looking forward for more of these! 

Jay, you are treading on thin ice here, but at least you are being super honest! There are many role models of perseverance in the group, and we all reckon (I think) that  it is as challenging to recover from an injury than as it is to increase volume or pushing  through intervals (if not MORE challenging). Take care of yourself! 

Ken, sorry for your injury. Not sure it helps, but in my case very tight calves are an aggravating factor, and I found that removing knots or tightness in this area reliefs the overall tension on the tendon. I do not suggest to stretch (I am no PT, it may aggravate things), but massage/roll on the calf muscle itself, not the tendon (worst case  you get a nice massage..) Get well soon.

Samantha, I am upping my volume too (not to your level!), and wanted to share that your drive and perseverance is a beautiful thing to see! Way to go! Steve has a lot of good advises: I upped my run a lot myself and while I did not injure myself , I think it contributed to overall fatigue, which in the end made me miss some workouts. 

Mike, congrats for the 2:30 on the trainer and enjoy your race!

Steve, impressive mental toughness. You sure have a lot on your plate right now. The tides will turn. 

Carol and Pam, the sister queens or running! Enjoy your time off racing and take good care of yourselves!

Tom, wish we could do some trade. Send me some of your heat and I will gladly ship a few tons of snow. Congrats on the epic ride.

Mitch, impressive recovery path. Keep up the good work and stay safe.

Everyone I missed, enjoy your recovery/training, and sorry I could not contribute/share as much as I had expected at the beginning of the year.


2013-04-06 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

You don't have to take up a donation for me, I was scared straight to steal an old saying.  My wife was a nurse in a post op unit before she got into nursing education and she explained how I may have hurt myself...the implications physically, monitarily, and any other LY that would bother me....and then let that fear sit in me for a few hours.  After being visably upset about how I may have undone the surgery, she told me that I didn't do that but I needed to be more careful.  Like I said, point made...I have 2 weeks until I'm out of my boot....I'll play nice until then!


2013-04-06 3:32 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

So great to hear of everyone's adventures!

Samantha, great job on the 16 !  Ha, ha, did you every think anyone would tell you that you should not run so far?

Good luck tomorrow Mike...the plan is your friend!

Fred, so glad to hear all is going well with you. 

Jay, I like your wife...sounds like she knows how to get her point across!

Pam, yep, it's good to not have that "gotta get ready" feeling for right now.

Steve, I like your intervention idea, and am betting we could enlist Jay's wife to help us.

Kate, how goes it for you?  Or did I miss it?

I may have missed others...will catch you next time...busy week and weekend.

Thanks to all of you for your words re: where I am on not racing right now.  This group is so great about supporting each other in whatever "place" we happen to be.  Wound up skipping 2 workouts on my "not plan" for the week, but got the others in. 

Bike group was really good this morning.  I wound up mostly riding the 23 miles with a very nice gentleman who lost his wife to cancer 6 months raising teenagers alone.  He's a runner (marathons and halfs), but this was his first time back on the bike in a couple of years after breaking his collar bone.  It was a privilege to be there for a step in his recovery, both from the bike crash, and the death of his beloved wife.  The 25+ mph winds definitely gave us a good workout!   



Edited by squirt 2013-04-06 3:34 PM
2013-04-06 10:27 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Pam - I have a friend who struggles with PF. Do you have any advice for her?

Mike - Have a great race. You are gaining some appreciation for the trainer I see, or maybe....not

Fred - your numbers are great for March! New toys are always the best for getting people up and out. I hear you on upped mileage creating over-all negative effects. I definitely didn't do it just ebcause I wanted to see if I could. I tend to be a plan follower and that gets me in trouble sometimes. Thanks for your personal experience perspective!

Jay - Dude, you're killing me smalls! Taker er' easy, you can get back out there and not be facing this for the rest of your life :D

Carol - yeah, I feel a little silly for jumping my mileage up like that. I really had the intention for doing the right thing. Lesson learned. What a great opportunity to be a breath of fresh air for someone going through the grieving process.

I did a short run this morning. Calves are still tight with a little less soreness today. I skipped a bike ride to get some other stuff done and be ready to hit my 70 miler tomorrow. I found out today that the guy coaching my swimming could end up being an Olympic coach, which I thought was very cool. All I do know is my swimming has improved so much since joining his class.

Enjoy the rest of the weeked!

2013-04-07 1:41 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

I am still checking in on everyone.  So I got a call yesterday and go in for surgery on Tuesday.  I also got a call about a job application.  The main person (superintendent) called me and said that my application looked strong, probed about about my experience and said to keep the 19th open for interviews and the 20th for the 2nd round of interviews.  So my next call was to the closest gym asking if they had a masters swim class...  They said um no but working on it in the next couple of months.  They are also completely remodeling their pools for more access.  If I were to move though my mortgage would triple...hrm.  Oh well my leg, my career  where I live all in God's hands.  Discernment is a lot more difficult with so many variables.  Doors open doors close as they should.  As with training for triathlons or any aspect of life, you show up, you do your best, the effort is what is important (and knowing when to not run up the steps with a torn achillies) the outcome will be what it will be.  We /I don't have control over that.  

Lord let help me to change what I can, accept what I cannot change and give me the wisdom to know the difference... .in all things.  

2013-04-07 8:15 AM
in reply to: #4689806

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Baowolf - 2013-04-07 2:41 AM

I am still checking in on everyone.  So I got a call yesterday and go in for surgery on Tuesday.  I also got a call about a job application.  The main person (superintendent) called me and said that my application looked strong, probed about about my experience and said to keep the 19th open for interviews and the 20th for the 2nd round of interviews.  So my next call was to the closest gym asking if they had a masters swim class...  They said um no but working on it in the next couple of months.  They are also completely remodeling their pools for more access.  If I were to move though my mortgage would triple...hrm.  Oh well my leg, my career  where I live all in God's hands.  Discernment is a lot more difficult with so many variables.  Doors open doors close as they should.  As with training for triathlons or any aspect of life, you show up, you do your best, the effort is what is important (and knowing when to not run up the steps with a torn achillies) the outcome will be what it will be.  We /I don't have control over that.  

Lord let help me to change what I can, accept what I cannot change and give me the wisdom to know the difference... .in all things.  

Oh Wow!  Steve, you have so many things happening right now.  I must say, those are incredibly wise, and trusting words, and there is no way to tell you how much I admire you for being able to calmly utter them.  I will definitely be praying for you in all things.  First things first, best of luck Tuesday.  I pray that the doctor can find the exact problem(s) and correct them and you will recover quickly and strongly.


Samantha, as for your friend with PF issues.  I know that as soon as I mentioned PF (both in the world and on boards), I was instantly barraged with tons of advice from lots of people.  So much so that it's hard to take in all of it.  Kate was very helpful for me as well as our local running store.  To me, everyone seems to have different types of pains in different parts of their foot and so I'm not sure if the same treatment applies to everyone.  (My pain is like a rock bruise on the outside portion of my heel on the inside of my foot.)  Have your friend take a look at my logs (Sports log) because I'm trying to record EVERYTHING I do this month to find cause and effect; if she has any questions, have her ask away and I'll try to describe.  But I will tell you fast easy things that should be addressed or done first: rest, check shoes and make sure they are the right shoes for her, ice, and possibly ibuprophen(sp?).  Massage has helped me.  Currently I'm trying taping (top of page 65 of the Asphalt Junkies mentor group) but I've only done a few days so I can't give an informed opinion.  I can say that PF isn't a death sentence.  I noticed the PF on Thanksgiving, I took many, many, many days off and did everything I could for it, and I finished a 50K with no pain (or maybe I should say no PF pain- I had plenty of pain everywhere else) on Dec 8.  Maybe I shouldn't have done that but in hindsight, I still think my foot was ok then.  It was then doing the marathon training right afterwards - I think that was stupid now.

2013-04-07 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
Steve- wow! I'll certainly be praying for a successful surgery and for you to know how to move forward with the possible job change and, if I understand correctly, a move. I liked how you immediately went to find out about a masters swim class. That's a silver lining!

Pam- thanks for the input. I'll talk to her more and check out your logs. She's not on BT. I sure hope you are able to get yours back to good.

I think I'm gonna have to do my ride in the rain today. Not excited about that, but whatever. I won't be alone for at least half of it and that will make it a bit nicer.
2013-04-07 12:02 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Steve, that is some great news you have going on.  Like all of us, I hope and pray that the answers to your pain/frustration are found and cured on Tuesday.  As far as the job interview and potential pay/mortgage situation...all I can think of is Proverbs 3:5-6  Despite what I've written lately with pushing myself too much, I really try to live by those verses...but its not always easy.

Mike: I hope your 10k is going well.

Samantha: I hope your ride is going well and your calves are reacting okay.

Tomorrow, I'm getting back on track.  The pain I felt has left and things are back to normal.  My goal will be to increase my swimming to 250Y consecutive and then execute a 100 yard ladder at the end...all with a pull buoy of go along with my weight lifting regimine and get my diet back once again....struggling there too right now....patience running very thin....not an excuse, just how I'm feeling! 

2013-04-07 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Folks, I've just got to share my happiness right now.  I've just been to the local running store and we are so lucky to have this store in Tallahassee!!!!  I took 4 pair of shoes for them to analyze my wear patterns and see if it was my shoes.  A young college student was working today who is months away from sports medicine cert.  He put me thru a battery of tests and then had me lay down for some tests.  His recommendation was to get back to the MT.  I've been treating my glute tightness/imbalance as a separate issue from the PF and his theory is that the tightness is causing a whole stride change which is making me feel the pain in my foot (or something like that.)  I definitely need to continue with my stretches and other exercises but the main issue stems from my lower back, glutes, and ITB.  So Yea, it looks like I schedule some appts and get the MT to work some of these issues out.  Also I'm going to see if my new doctor will recommend a PT session to analyze my weaknesses and devise a plan.  (I recently change doctors because my old doctor told me I was too old to run.  This came from an out-of-shape doctor who does not appear to exercise or eat right.) I also need to really work on back strength (which I already knew anyway).  I'm so happy right now because I have been very discouraged about this and was questioning so much, I lost the ability to see up and down.  I've still got lots of work but at least I'm seeing a plan.

I'm so sorry to be talking about me, me, me.  First I just wanted to share my happiness.  But second, I did want to mention in case it helps even one other person.

Samantha, hope you have company for the ride and so sorry that you have to complete it in the rain.  Your attitude is amazing.

Carol, what a blessing for that man to have you as his riding partner yesterday!!!

Anthony, I wanted to tell you thank you so much for your comment to me about being last in the bike.  I really appreciate you saying that and you are right that if anyone was looking askance at me for being last - well that person isn't worth me worrying about their opinion.

Group, have a great weekend! 

2013-04-07 1:21 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Hi all!

jay - listen to the group!  don't be down for a year like I was.

Carol - What a story.  sounds like an amazing ride, I think he was blessed to have you there.

Steve - Best of luck.  You will persevere.  Things happen in life, but when they do it's how we deal with it all that defines us.  Sounds like you are on a very good path...

Fred - good to see you

Mike D - hope the 10k went well!

I did a 6mile run yesterday with a running group I joined.  My 1st time ever running with a group and it was great!  Longest run since I've been back and felt great.  This running group has a lot of cool stuff within it.  Yesterday just happened to be the day when they had a Podiatrist giving foot exams.  Had a doc check on my foot.  She says I'm still hitting the outside of the foot I broke and am trying to force my gait back a bit.   She gave me some exercises to strengthen the small muscles in the foot. When I hit wrong it pulls on my PT and causes a bit of pain.  Gait is very important.  If she didn't catch this I could of re-injured my foot.  Slow and steady for me right now...

2013-04-07 9:17 PM
in reply to: #4544229

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
I survived the ride, but let me tell you - it was tough. I rode with a friend for forty miles then he headed home. I pushed on even though I was feeling pretty whooped at that point; we rode some very hilly terrain. Up and down over and over. After we parted The weather started to get worse and I was starting to really have a hard time with beig cold. Plus my saddle was creating major soreness. eventually I decided I was gonna head for home and whatever mileage I didn't cover I'd makeup on the trainer. When I reached my house I had gone 63 miles, so on to the Trainer I went. Glad I did it but more glad it's over. And I swam 1500 yards this morning.

That's all for now. Have a great week!
2013-04-08 6:17 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.
The 10k went as expected, and provided some good feedback on fitness. I did the run/walk thing which was a good move for me. Leg felt good most of the time, although on one steep up-hill it barked a bit so I did a quick walk and it calmed down. Finished up in 58 min, which is about what I expected. My 'official' time was 1:01 as I had to make a pit-stop at the portajohn around mile 2. If anything, if I can drop the walk sections, and maintain my pace, I could have run a low 50's race, I think. So, thats something to work on.

Was nice to be able to walk from my house to the starting line in 5 minutes. After the race I headed home, grabbed a quick shower, then had to head out to a kids soccer game.

Edited by Mike_D 2013-04-08 7:25 AM
2013-04-08 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4544229

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group - Sorry Closed.

Fred, I missed it earleir....congrats on your new bike!  Scott CR1....nice!  And I hear you on the time travel, though I think mine may be more age related.

Samantha, congrats on that hard fought 70 mile ride!  You are very much demonstrating the perseverance part of your sig line.  Getting on the trainer after the outdoor ride must have been tough, but you did it!

Steve, sure does seem like things start moving along all at once sometimes.  Glad your surgery is sooner rather than later, and praying for a clear path to healing for you. Yes, realizing (and re-realizing) that we are not the ones in charge of keeping the universe spinning is definitely the best perspective in these situations. 

Mike, great job on the 10K.  Really liked how you listened when your leg barked a bit on that hill.  Pretty good time in spite of it all.  And how nice that you could walk to the race.

Mitch, glad you enjoyed the run group, and happened upon the podiatrist.  Great to get the advice of one that works with runners.

Pam, sounds like you found a gold mine at the running store!  Very cool that it helped you figure out the path.  And good for you for firing your old doc!

Jay, good goals for you!  And I hear you on the diet struggles.  I'm not doing too well in that department right now either.  Opted for tortilla soup at the mexican place we went for lunch on far so good.  Then went to Central Market (high end grocery store with a great produce section), loaded up the cart with fresh veggies, fruits, chicken breast, etc.  Yep, feeling pretty virtuous about those choices.  Then hubby stopped at the coffee bar to get hot cocoa, and well...the gellato bar was right next to it.  Then, some chocolate/peanut butter drizzled kettle corn wound up in our basket.  It WAS probably the best snack food I've ever eaten.  On the plus side, today is a new day, and the fridge is stocked with healthy foods.

Did some yard work yesterday, and was thinking how I would tend to put that off while training so as not to wreck the next run.  Sure enough, my hamstrings are pretty sore today, but that's OK.  My step-dad is having an angiogram/possible angioplasty/stint placement on Wednesday, so I'll go be with my mom while she waits for him.  Mom tends to be pretty pessimistic and worry a lot about much smaller things, so this will be difficult.  I'm also still sad about my friend's news.  She is going to federal prison for several months for something that she did not do.  Part of a plea deal she made to keep from wrecking her family financially, which would have been the likely result had she continued to fight (big company, vindictive boss, deep pockets on the other side).  She is the last person who should be going to prison.  So yes, what Steve said re: God giving me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, and the faith to trust that He is perfectly capable of making something miraculously good out of it all.  


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