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2011-04-04 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Lavaman Waikoloa Race Report

This was my first full Olympic Distance Tri, and I wasn't really sure what to expect from my body.  I had only one workout ever when I did all three events back to back (at shorter distances mind you), and that was last weekend.  Add to that the fact that the swim was my 15th time in the water to swim distance.  I had waited until the last 2 months to start swimming, knowing I would suck at it.  The cool thing about swimming is that when you are starting off you get better just about every single time.  It doesn't take long to improve dramatically.  My first swim ever I was dying, stopping every minute, exhausted.  I'm still not a "swimmer" but for the race I was able to swim the entire .9 miles without stopping.  2 months ago, I did not think that was within the realm of possibility.


I didn't get as much sleep the night before as I had hoped for.  I wasn't nervous, just ready to start, excited.  It was all positive energy.  Positive energy can keep you awake for a long time.  Fell asleep after 12:30, planned for 10:30.  Alarm was set for 4:30.  Woke up at 4:15.  You get the idea.  Good thing my nutrition has caffeine!  Woke up, gather my already organized stuff, had a cup of coffee, loaded up the car and drove to Waikoloa from Kona.


Time to park, waiting in line when I saw funny moment number one.  Now to set this up, know that there is a very large group of triathletes (like 300) on a team called Team In Training, we call them , but they prefer TNT.  They come from all over the country.  Bless their hearts, they are out there doing it, and they are pretty positive.  They may train a lot less than others, and I'm pretty sure that more than just a few of them bite off WAY more than they can chew with this stuff.  But like I said, they are off the couch and on the course, so hats off to them.  Hell, I'm a novice too.  AND they have to raise a lot of money to earn their spot on their team.  For this race alone they raised $2.8M for cancer.  Amazing.  So anyways, you may gather that some are not in the best of shape.  Well, the funny moment was driving into the parking lot and seeing one of the athletes riding his bike in.  He was a very big man…nothing wrong with that….he’s doing a triathlon, so maybe this is the first step in the process, and I applaud him for that.  But he’s like 300 pounds, and He is wearing an Aero-helmet!  That’s what you see Lance Armstrong using, ONLY when HE is doing a time trial, because it will shave off 12 seconds.  It was just kind of weird.  Seriously, of the 1200 athletes there were like maybe 20 people who are good enough for the aero helmet to make a real difference (12 seconds).  Oh well, good luck to him!  Funny sight though.


The swim went well.  My best pace yet at 1:53 per 100 yards.  I seeded myself at the back of my group and I didn’t get beat up much at all by other peoples elbows.  My time was 31:08 for 9/10 of a mile.  I did not know that at the time though and was racing the rest of the day under the estimation that it had taken me about 40 minutes.


The bike went as well as I could have ever hoped for.  None of the famous wind Waikoloa is known for.  Took it easy on the first half, picked it up on the second half.  Had a time of 1:18:37 for the 40k bike ride, and average of 18.97 miles per hour.  I was VERY happy with that.  I had 2 water bottles for the bike and the first one was gone well before the half way point.  Because of that I altered from my plan and got more water at the halfway point aid station.  This turned out to be a mistake.  I drank most of that bottle, and then my second bottle (my bottles have carbs, caffeine, aminos, lactic acid buffer, salt, phosphate, etc.).  finished my bike feeling great!


Started my run and things went to crap in a hurry.  Less than 40 yards into the 6.2 mile run I realized that I had drank way too much.  Stomach was bloated and I couldn’t take full breaths.  IT SUCKED.  Then, my Garmin gave me a low battery warning, and I was not able to get that warning off the screen.  So now, I lost the ability to know my heart rate, pace, time, etc.  I knew I was feeling bad, but without that information I would not KNOW how bad I was doing.  Decided to just keep running and see what happens.  I thought about making myself puke just to get all that damn water out of my gut, but realized that one, I would lose my nutrition, and two my eyes water like crazy when I throw up, making me look like an over-crying, sobbing mess.  Seriously, tears streaming down my face pouring off of my chin.  Deciding to be as graceful as possible in my first tri, I opted to not puke and just deal with the discomfort.


Funny moment number 2.  About a mile in, the girl in front of me saw her friends driving by who were supporting her.  They were giving her over-the-top-crazy-love support, the kind you want.  One of her endowed girlfriends decides to run along side this girl.  The supporting well endowed girl was taking long leaping strides, arms up in the air, in her loose fitting tank top.  Needless to say, me and the 2 guys behind me were not looking at the course, but instead looking to the right.  The three of us were treated to a boob.  Let me tell you, a boob is a great thing to see on the run portion of a triathlon.  Ladies, if your guy is running a tri and you are supporting him, show him a boob on the run.  Men if your woman is running a tri...I don't know what you need to do...maybe throw rose petals on the path in front of her....but do something!  That along with my Garmin working again lifted my spirits greatly!


I still had stomach issues on the rest of the run.  I literally only drank maybe 2 ounces on the whole run, just to rinse down the energy gel.  Now with my Garmin working I could see how long I had been biking and running.  I thought there was a VERY outside chance of making my top goal of 3 hours for the race, but again I did not know how long the swim took.  I picked up my pace for the last 2 miles, feeling a little better, and knowing the end was in sight.  I got very lucky and ended up finishing the race in 2 hours 52 minutes and 33 seconds!  Totally thrilled.  The difference was that my swim went 9 minutes faster than I had thought.  I did my run in 56:02 which was a 9:01 per mile pace, I had planned on a 9:30 pace so that went well too.  I finished 36th out of 65 in my age group which was a little better than I had expected.  Most importantly, I had a great experience. 


Now, I have 61 days left until my first half Ironman.  Swim 1.2 miles, bike 56 miles, run 13.1 miles.  I’m taking Monday off!

2011-04-04 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Great job Mike.  Sounds like you had a good race.

From my personal experience, I try not to drink more than one bottle on the bike for an Oly distance.  Unless it's really hot, and you're sweating buckets, you don't need that much fluid.


2011-04-04 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3429653

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Amazing race Mike!  Congrats on a super first tri.  It sure feels good to knock down a race in a MUCH better time than you were expecting.

I don't have a lot of experience in racing yet but that sure does sound like a lot of water.  For my Oly I had 2 bottles available on the bike but I drank just over 1 and accidentally dropped the other on the second loop of the course.  I had split my bottles between water and Gatorade.

Good job!

2011-04-04 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3429612

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Prince of Denmar - 2011-04-04 7:27 PM No chips and the AG was mens 30-34.  For a mile split time for a 10k race that would put the splits at 4:40 miles.


There are a lot of runners in that AG that could run those times. BUT no chips? Did they look like runners? like they could run 4:40 miles? they would've been almost OA winners for a small race.


ETA. I am trying to find why how they didn't cheat, as everything looks like they did.

They did..........cheat.  They cut off 2 miles from the race.  They took the turn for the 5k runners and the RD didn't DQ them.  This was a small race and they should have caught the mistake.  I am not sure who can run a 10k averaging 4:40 miles but they ain't from Ft. Wayne Indiana!  Maybe an Olympian can work that pace but not your avg. runner.

2011-04-04 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Nice race Mike, sounds like a good time. I love reading race reports and hearing the different views people have of the race. I can see how a boob can pick up your spirts LOL.


I had a great 6 mile run today after work, ended up running it in 52 minutes. The first 3 I was around 27 minutes, and the last 3 I cut off two minutes heading home. It's good to see better numbers then last year, I don't think I was able to hold 9 minute miles until May last year.

2011-04-04 10:05 PM
in reply to: #3429837

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
DirkP - 2011-04-04 4:09 PM

They did..........cheat.  They cut off 2 miles from the race.  They took the turn for the 5k runners and the RD didn't DQ them.  This was a small race and they should have caught the mistake.  I am not sure who can run a 10k averaging 4:40 miles but they ain't from Ft. Wayne Indiana!  Maybe an Olympian can work that pace but not your avg. runner.

2 things come to mind immediately.

1) I would think the runners should have immediately known the took a wrong turn when the crossed the finish line so early.  And in doing so, DQ'd themselves and refused to accept any awards.

2) It was probably an honest mistake.  And unless they were going out way too hard, they probably were pacing fast enough to finish 1st and 2nd anyway.  If they really did run 4.2 miles, they were pacing under 7:30 a mile, and had they held that pace, would have finished around 47 minutes...well before your coworker at 52 minutes. 

So while they should have been DQ'd, in the grand scheme of things, it probably didn't matter.  Your coworker could claim he deserves 1st, but he was almost certainly not the fastest person in his AG that toed the line.  I would assume the RD is not an idiot, and knew these guys did not run 30 minute 10ks...that's fast enough to get you into the Olympics.  While I disagree with his decision not to DQ the 2 guys, I understand why he didn't.

2011-04-04 10:44 PM
in reply to: #3429837

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
DirkP - 2011-04-04 9:09 PM
Prince of Denmar - 2011-04-04 7:27 PM

There are a lot of runners in that AG that could run those times. 

They did..........cheat.  They cut off 2 miles from the race.  They took the turn for the 5k runners and the RD didn't DQ them.  This was a small race and they should have caught the mistake.  I am not sure who can run a 10k averaging 4:40 miles but they ain't from Ft. Wayne Indiana!  Maybe an Olympian can work that pace but not your avg. runner.

thats bad. RD knew? I hate it when it happens, sometimes here RDs will let in cheaters that are banned in other states... pisses me off badly. corruption goes a long way in this country.

and my mistake, you are right, not a lot of runners can run that pace. I was thinking that out of the few runners I know that can run that pace some of them are in that AG... 

2011-04-04 11:04 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Dirk - my bib number is 539


Chris Leito is racing in this one... it will be neat if I get to see him pass me as he returns on the bike and I head out.


Weather forecast on race day (as of today) is wind South at 20mph (I think that would be headwind on the way out) and gusts up to 30mph... oh snap!  


I really have no idea what to expect.  I had 2 good bricks in March that helped my confidence, but I still feel like I'm making the jump to this distance too early... I dont really have a goal time, just plan on trying to pace myself and not walk on the run.  I've got a strained hip flexor, so hopefully it heals up soon!

2011-04-05 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3256440

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

The 10k I worked last weekend had several runners finish in the sub 30 min category but they were professional runners all from Kenya, they show up to it each year amazing to watch them run, the first local to finish was at just above 30 minutes, I had a great spot to watch right at the 6 mile marker, close enough to see people dig for that last bit to finish strong but away from the after race puke fest that always happens...

2 things struck me at the race though in the holy cow and/or I've got no excuses categories-       first the wheelchair race, same 10k course finishers were sub35 min and second was a Marine who had lost his leg while serving ran the 10k on a prosthetic with his squad carrying the Marine Corps and US flag running beside him.

Great Job Mike, and totally agree unanticipated Boob can do wonders to lift the spirit...  maybe I should leave that race report up for my wife to see...

Hopefully pool is back to working conditions tonight, I've been slack in my training and I need to ramp it up

2011-04-06 4:51 AM
in reply to: #3430107

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)


The weather forecast will probably change everyday before the race like it does everyday here so hopefully things will be more calm than predicted.  It would be pretty cool to see Chris Leito or any one of the pros out there.  I know it is their full time job but to be able to compete at the level they do and log all the training time they must do is insane.

2011-04-06 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Dirk, you're right... the weather forecast already changed.  Now on top of that crazy wind there are scattered thunderstorms w/ 30% chance of rain...


i gotta say though... if it's really above 80 degrees during the run, i might not mind a light mist... lol

2011-04-06 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)


Whatever the weather is, good luck and have fun.  Really looking forward to hearing how it goes.

2011-04-06 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3432670

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
pistuo - 2011-04-06 2:16 PM

Dirk, you're right... the weather forecast already changed.  Now on top of that crazy wind there are scattered thunderstorms w/ 30% chance of rain...


i gotta say though... if it's really above 80 degrees during the run, i might not mind a light mist... lol

The weather was supposed to get better not worse.  Dang it!  I shoulda kept my trap shut.

2011-04-06 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Chris Leito is a pretty nice guy by all accounts.  We often see him on Saturday rides, zooming by us on the left.  I haven't tried to talk to him, but he shows up to stuff like birthday rides for the owners of Bike Works (they do alot for the Tri community here).  I've seen him walking down on Alii drive a few times when I was running, and waves and gives support to anyone exercising.  Everyone tells me he is very approachable, so feel free to get your photo taken with him, and good luck with the race!
2011-04-06 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Good luck on the HIM Will


Did another brick today, 15.25 miles on the bike (46 min) and a 2.5 mile run (26 min) since I have almost 2 months I think I will be able to hit that 1:20 mark I've just got to stay on it, any suggestions to build speed on bike or run, endurance I have down for this race since it is sprint distance but I want to try to work on the "sprint" idea...

2011-04-06 9:01 PM
in reply to: #3433370

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Go Will can't wait to hear how you do!!


I went for a ride today and had a huge suprise happen to me. I have around 200 miles on my new bike and have had no issues. Today I was riding along and I hear a twang and it sounds like my bike is falling apart. I stop look around and I can't see anything. I start riding again and around 2 miles away from the first sound I hear another twang. I get off my bike again and find 2 broken spokes!! The guy with me said he has never seen this before only heard of it happening. Has anyone else had this happen, what was the best solution? I'm wondering if just stronger spokes is the best idea or getting a rim with more spokes, mine has 24. Anyways hope everything is going good for the rest of you.

2011-04-06 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3433456

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Thanks guys for all the encouragement!  It really means a lot.  


Question for tri808 and anyone else who has done a long race:

I got a speedfill so that I could have more water on the bike and it refills easily.  But, someone suggested that I just roll w/ one bottle and rely on the bottle changes on the course... reasoning was more aero and lighter.  I'll still be relying on water from the course to refill the speedfil, but not as much as if I just carry one bottle.  Thoughts?


2011-04-06 10:21 PM
in reply to: #3433570

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
pistuo - 2011-04-07 1:18 PM

Thanks guys for all the encouragement!  It really means a lot.  


Question for tri808 and anyone else who has done a long race:

I got a speedfill so that I could have more water on the bike and it refills easily.  But, someone suggested that I just roll w/ one bottle and rely on the bottle changes on the course... reasoning was more aero and lighter.  I'll still be relying on water from the course to refill the speedfil, but not as much as if I just carry one bottle.  Thoughts?


I generally roll with 2 standard water bottles on the frame of the bike. Simple, and you'll always have enough liquids, even if the aid stations are further than 1hr apart from each other

2011-04-06 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3433570

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
pistuo - 2011-04-06 5:18 PM

Thanks guys for all the encouragement!  It really means a lot.  


Question for tri808 and anyone else who has done a long race:

I got a speedfill so that I could have more water on the bike and it refills easily.  But, someone suggested that I just roll w/ one bottle and rely on the bottle changes on the course... reasoning was more aero and lighter.  I'll still be relying on water from the course to refill the speedfil, but not as much as if I just carry one bottle.  Thoughts?



I do not plan on using aid stations on the bike.  They usually only offer water or at best gatorade, neither of which i put inside me if given the choice.  I use one water standard bottle and one Aero bottle, both filled with Hammer Nutrition Perpetum

2011-04-07 7:04 AM
in reply to: #3433456

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
garrunning - 2011-04-06 10:01 PM

Go Will can't wait to hear how you do!!


I went for a ride today and had a huge suprise happen to me. I have around 200 miles on my new bike and have had no issues. Today I was riding along and I hear a twang and it sounds like my bike is falling apart. I stop look around and I can't see anything. I start riding again and around 2 miles away from the first sound I hear another twang. I get off my bike again and find 2 broken spokes!! The guy with me said he has never seen this before only heard of it happening. Has anyone else had this happen, what was the best solution? I'm wondering if just stronger spokes is the best idea or getting a rim with more spokes, mine has 24. Anyways hope everything is going good for the rest of you.


You could be putting too much stress on the wheel but with only 200 miles on it- I doubt it unless you are riding it off the side of a building or something.  My best guess is that either the wheel wasn't properly trued when you got the bike or improper spoke installation.

2011-04-07 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3256440

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
my training had been idiotic until this morning.  

2011-04-07 1:39 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Hey everyone.  Looks like this mentor group is coming to a close.  I just want to thank all of you for being a part of my first mentor group (which is really just "our" mentor group...not mine).  I hope you all learned as much from this group as I have.

I've decided not to start another mentor group for spring.  As much as I would like to, my personal racing season is kicking into full gear and I don't want to lead a group that I cannot be fully committed to.

But I am still interested in all of your progress.  Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or if you're posting a race report.  It's up to you guys if you want to take advantage of this thread still being available in the archives.  I may check it out from time to time if people are still posting.

Again...thanks for being a part of the group and good luck the rest of the season.



2011-04-07 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3434621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Thank YOU J for all your answers and encouragement. I learned a lot. This was the first group I really stayed with and I enjoyed it very much! the triathlon community is not big here (even though I am not tri'ing right now) and this group made me feel much more part of the community.

I hope you have a great season. (which I will be following closely!)




2011-04-07 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3256440

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)

Thanks so much everyone, it has really been informative, and of course it has been GREAT to get to know everyone!! I'll try to keep following everyone on their logs and leave you an inspire when I can! :D :D

Here's to a GREAT racing season!!

2011-04-07 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3435036

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Subject: RE: tri808's Spring Pot Luck (CLOSED)
Thanks for the training help, and just listening to some talk hope to talk to you guys, and gals later.
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