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2013-09-04 2:40 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Interesting timing on bringing up off season plans Steve. I was going to wait until after my race on Sunday to answer but I'll do it now. Assuming I don't have another meltdown on the swim portion of this weekends race these are my thoughts.

1. Diet HARD for a month or two. I still believe that I need to get down to about 200 lbs to give myself the best shot at being successful in triathlon. I've been pretty good about no grains, no sugar at times but there have been way too many slip ups. (vacation, car accidents, etc) I still strongly believe in the low carb/keto lifestyle..the question is do I need to go extreme like my wife did or can I eat clean and not worry about calorie counting. I think Sept/Oct will give me an answer to these questions.

2. Get a strong run base again. Running is my strongest discipline and I feel like I let it go because it is. Most don't focus enough on their weaknesses, I'm the opposite. I spent more time with bike/swim than I did running. I feel like that will help me long term but its hurting my running short term. I suspect that I'll be very run focused in preparing for the half mary on St. Patty's Day that I run for charity.

3. Keep working on swimming. I have improved so much with my swimming but the sprint tri didn't show it at all. I can swim so much further than I could last year...and I feel much more comfortable in the water than a year ago. People who post about swimming are right...there's no magic formula, its time in the water plain and simple. I need to continue putting the yardage in....looking back at my gains over the past year has proven that's how you get better. I also need to dedicate more time to getting lessons from my coach every few months to get more efficient.

4. Get back on the basketball court. This one may raise some eyebrows but I need to do that for myself. I feel like I'll always hold back a little bit until I put my achilles under the stress of running, jumping, and cutting on the court. I probably won't try to do this until late this year or in early 2014.

I have a lot of different ideas for races in 2014 but I don't want to look that far ahead yet. I want to finish with a good race and then think about the options.

2013-09-04 6:49 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hey All,

This posts will prob be completed with a series of edits because my connection seems to be squirrely and I seem to be hitting the magical key that sends me into lala land tonight. So I'll be brief and then maybe embellish with edits.

Mitch, Elena, Mike, and Jay, so glad to have ALL of you back! It has been so lonely without ya'll.

Offseason plans? Ha, that is funny because my season is everyone else's offseason. Season in Fl is Oct to March and then everything dies during the hot summer months. Most of our tris are fall a.nd spring and all of our marys and HM are fall and winter. So in the summer, I just try to maintain as much of a base as possible (offseason) so that I can get ready for Fall, Winter, and very early spring things.

Big, big, big news for me that happened all of 10 minutes ago. I signed up for Tennessee Ragnar!!!!!!! I'm very, very excited. Several years ago I was asked to be on a Ragnar but it wasn't the right time. Now for several months, I've been stewing over how to get on a Ragnar team (and I've signed up to "Find a Team" for another 200-mile relay that isn't Ragnar.) Last week, another BT'er sent me the following link: I've been looking over it and because I can be frugal (cheap, thrifty, cost-conscious), I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it. But hubby has been telling me to go for it and finally I realized that I would rather pay a little more and have someone else organize EVERYTHING. Also, I'd rather be part of a team that is all random strangers instead of a team that is mostly friends with a few outsiders. So I bit the bullet and signed up. I'm so excited!!!!

Anybody here want to join the team? I'll definitely report back to all of you about the experience. It may be a bust - but I hope not. I think that I could do it cheaper but I do NOT want to try to organize 11 other people and 2 drivers - esp my first time.

So I'm psyched!!!! So my offseason plans...... Ragnar in late Oct, probably a local trail HM in early Jan because it's 3 miles from my house, LA mary in mid Jan, and prob Tally HM in early Feb. I may do the breast cancer mary or HM in mid Feb but that will not be decided until after the LA mary. There is a local supersprint tri here in Dec that I may do and I'll probably find some other HMs Nov - maybe. But then no matter what, immediately after LA mary, got to pick up the bike training so I can be ready for a March DU. Then we'll see if I want to submit myself to the Red Hills tri torture again.

So that's what I have planned now. Only Ragnar and LA Mary are carved in stone tho. And the March DU.

Steve, you cracked me up with your prediction! I see your 13:30:00 but I raise (or lower?) you to 12:30:00, or lower.

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-09-04 7:09 PM
2013-09-04 9:07 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Swim: 1h 00m - 3750 M
Bike: 12h 18m 39s - 223.57 Mi
Run: 9h 57m 26s - 70.57 Mi
Plyometrics: 4h 00m

Not quite what I was hoping for but I'll take it!
2013-09-05 5:42 AM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Pool still closed, and not sure when it may reopen. If anything, I can go to my alternate on Saturday. More biking this AM instead.
2013-09-05 1:53 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I like all the plans percolating with you guys and gals!

Pam, yay for finding a team for Ragnar! Sounds like you will be set to have an awesome time, and might just make some new friends. Ha, by the end of that van ride you will either be friends or enemies!

Jay, sounds like basketball is your anchor, so good for you on making a plan to get back to it!

Mike, sorry about the continued pool closure . Glad you have an option for this weekend though.

So, I realized I had time to squeeze in a short outdoor ride this morning. Geared up, pumped up the (newly installed) tires, and took off. Was thinking how free and light I felt....until I realized I had forgotten to put my helmet on. U-turn back home to fetch it. No more wind in my hair :*(. Thinking this proves that I just might forget my head if it was not tied on! On the ride, saw a box by the side of the road....went past it, then had to turn back and check it out. When I see a box like that, I always am afraid someone might have dumped puppies or kittens. Thankfully that was not the case...just a box. Also got in a swim. 3 weeks of no swimming = start over...again...sigh. At least I felt less like a rock than I did on Tuesday. Looks like the masters group I had my eye on is NOT going to meet at "my" pool after all.
2013-09-06 8:49 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Ugh, pool closed until 9/15. Will go to the other tomorrow, but the weekly schedule is out the window. I'm going to bike & walk mostly the next 10 days, it looks like. Not exactly an ideal swim workout schedule given my 1 mile swim race on 9/21. Haven't done much swimming other than a couple short OWS on vacation.

Had first PT session in 2 weeks last night, and it felt good during & after, with no pain. The rest has done well, and I'm glad to see some progress. Still shooting for late September to being any sort of 'run' training. Aiming for Feb HM.

Steve - how goes the taper?

2013-09-06 9:26 AM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Pool closures are the worst! Had my fix of that last year!

Carol so glad that was just a box.

Thinking alot of Steve and his taper!

Have my first race in a LONG time tomorrow. Olympic distance. haven't gotten in much swimming and I will tell you after reading all the melt downs I'm a little more nervous! Don't really have many expectations but I think I should have a decent race. My sickness forced me to taper and I'm having some negative thoughts as if I were losing some of my fitness level becasue of the last two weeks of training ... of lack thereof.

Picking up my packet today. Been a while since I've participated and I'm pretty excited to strap on a number again!
2013-09-06 10:16 AM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I'd think your primary job tomorrow at the race is to go have fun, Mitch. Enjoy the day, and tell us what a great time you had after you are done! Good luck!!
2013-09-06 10:35 AM
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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mitch, I predict you will have a wonderful race! Last race I did was last minute and underprepared. Went into it with a total "I'm going to enjoy whatever the day brings" kind of attitude, and wound up having a really great day. Swim is all mental, floating and moving forward at your pace. Go...enjoy....celebrate that you are back out there! Looking forward to hearing about it!

MTA: what Mike said....fewer words...same message .

Edited by squirt 2013-09-06 10:37 AM
2013-09-06 11:35 AM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Wow a lot of stuff going on! Been really busy this week but I have gotten a few runs in.

Mitch- you got this race man!!! just have a blast!

Jay- sorry to hear about your friend, and I am glad your taking care of your self getting back into training mode. Praying for yal!

Steve- You truly are inspiring in your insight and training. I am pulling for you during the taper time as you get ready to kill this ironman!!!!!

Everyone else there is some great post about post season training and great numbers from this month. Keep it up. I am getting a little anxious my little Princess Avery could be here anytime in the next four weeks. Its really exciting just a little nervous though!!
2013-09-06 2:27 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Ya guys aren't really socially allowed to say that they are nervous about such things. They are just supposed to be supportive. It is definately a stressful time for all concerned. Take care of yourself while you are taking care of everyone else.

2013-09-06 5:37 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mitch and Jay, you are both racing this weekend, right? Hope you have an awesome time!!!!!!

Steve. feeling ok?

Carol, so glad the box was empty. It's so sad that we live in our world sometime.
2013-09-06 7:42 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Yes I'm doing alright. Only doing short workouts and no hills or intensity to get me to the starting line as healthy as I can be. Tomorrow I get to drive 200 miles to get my bike gears changed out. So this weekend is 3000 yard swim, 60 mile bike and 9 mile + 4 mile runs.
2013-09-07 2:28 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
So happy about my short long run this morn (Yes, I know that is an oxymoron). The plan was 9 miles and I messed up my time management and realized I had 90 min to get it done. Well, that made for easy math. Slightly slower mile warm up and then a very slow mile cool-down but the 7 miles in between were at a pace of 9 to 9:50. I was pleased since my 6 miles of hills yesterday left my legs feeling tired.

Oh I've got to tell you guys about a race in MI this weekend. It's called the Mellow Marathon and a friend is doing it today. The whole theme for all of the races (HM. mary, 50K, and I think a 100K) are mellow, hippie vibe. They are also having some other races over the weekend such as a 5K with a "natural" option. {We have a joke here about "nekkid running" because a local legend wrote a race report about his nekkid run.) So I got a cryptic message today from my friend that said she did the nekkid run last night. I'm convinced that the "natural" option was either without electronics or barefoot but dang, now she's got me wondering. She's got some 'splaning to do when she gets her butt home.

Best of luck to our racers! Don't do any nekkid running.
2013-09-07 4:27 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good evening everyone. I'm taking a few minutes to type this message to make sure that I didn't forget anything for my race tomorrow. I'd like to say a special thanks to Mitch because I'm just as nervous about my OLY has he is about his. As you all know, its all about the swim for me...I just need to get on land without any issues. I suspect this will always be my achilles heel in triathlon. (hey that was ironic...didn't mean that lol) The game plan is to wait 4/5 seconds after the gun and then swim without as many people around me. I'm also going to start out with 10 strokes free, 5 breast...ideally I'll be okay to just freestyle the whole race as I get more comfortable (please Lord let me get comfy tomorrow!) but we shall see.

Steve: Have you been trying to care for your calf? I hope so. At some point, maybe you or Carol could explain what all those numbers were talking about switching up front and back of your bike.

Pam: I have friends that have done a relay up here in Ma. and my wife has volunteered at one of the stops for the last two years. Sadly, I've never been asked to be a part of one of the teams because I don't quite run "fast" enough for their competitive world. All I'll tell you is to watch the signs friends have gotten lost each of the last two years and bring Ben Gay! I'd assume that since you are a mish mash of people, you'll all be on your best behavior and supportive...for your sake I hope so!

Jared: Tic Tock my friend! We do expect pics of your little girl when she arrives!

Mike: Bummer on the pool. Is there any chance I'll see you at the race tomorrow? I'm thinking no but one should never assume.

Carol: Going back a few days...loved the pic of you and hubby in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. I never realized you were a curly haired gal like my little girl

Mitch: Good luck tomorrow my friend! Sending you all the positive vibes I can from the east coast.
2013-09-07 9:26 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Yes I have been taking it easy on the calf, no hills on the run, shorter stride mostly, pavement instead of gravel for stability of footing reasons. Today's run felt really good 9 miles at an 8:41 mpm pace in Z2 the whole way, felt really comfortable there. Only if I could hold that pace in the IM.

Anyway so bike gearing..the numbers = the number of teeth on the actual gear that the chain goes around, so more teeth = higher number = bigger diameter of the cog the chain goes around. It is easier to push a smaller gear up front and a bigger gear in back. So the smaller the front gear and the bigger the back gear the easier it is to climb hills. However each rotation of your feet on the pedals will take you less far forward up the road. So before my easiest front gear was 34 and my easiest back gear was 25. I changed out the back set so now my easiest back gear is 30 (5 more teeth probably an inch in diameter more). If I lost ya let me know. Carol has 3 different gears up front where I only have two. So she can go even easier, not sure how many teeth she has on the smallest of the 3 chain rings up front. One problem is that if you have a lot of lower gears then you don't have as many faster gears for downhill and flat cycling. My hardest/fastest gearing is currently 50 (big) up front and 12 (small) in back. Your fastest standard gearing is 54 up front and 11 in back. You can count the teeth on the cogs or if your chain/cogs are clean they have a number on them that tells you how many teeth they have. Because IM Tahoe has some sustained climbs of 3-4 miles on 10 to 12 percent grades I opted for some easier gears. The benefit being that I can keep my cadence faster in the lower gears and be less likely to hurt my calf by pushing really hard to keep from tipping over and moving forward. The new easy gears mean I may not climb as fast, but my cadence will be faster, easier, so I don't toast my legs, cuz I will need them for the itty bitty run at the end.

So ya you can even wait 10 or 20 seconds if need be on a big swim start. You can ask folks near you how fast they swim and position yourself accordingly. You can also swim outside the masses to keep from getting kicked, though you will swim a bit farther. Do whatever it takes to start to feel comfortable and be in a grove.

This week I am working on siting. For 2000 yards I was siting every 10 strokes. It was really really bad at the start, but then it got a little better. I will have to go research technique a bit. I found that if I took a breath on my right side and put my face down in the water I could then bring my head back up as I put my right arm back into the water just before/as I started the pull with the right arm (sighting out left side where the bouys are). I always breath left if at all possible. Alternatively I can take a few strokes breathing on the left side and crossing back over for 10 strokes, but that was harder for me.

Pam very nice run, that was like 1-2 minutes faster than the same distance 2 or 3 weeks ago. Impressive 8).

Edited by Baowolf 2013-09-07 9:27 PM

2013-09-08 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4724810

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay & Mitch hope today is going well! I'm not there, but let me know about the race, Jay. RD is a guy I know from my town.

I'm a no-go on any naked running, in case anyone was wondering. ??. Nobody needs to see that from me.

70.3 world championship race in Las Vegas is underway. has a pretty good live broadcast going if anyone is interested. In pulling for my buddy Andy ;-).

I also need to get my fat butt moving. Have had some motivation issues but my leg is feeling better so the outlook is positive. Need to figure out next year sometime soon
2013-09-08 2:02 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Just a drive by post to let you all know that I finished today. I did dedicate this race to my deceased friend and I'm proud to have finished the race in my ChipStrong shirt I made for him awhile back. Many details forthcoming later...promise!
2013-09-08 3:31 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
way to go, jay! nice of you to honor your friend that way. Can't wait to hear more!
2013-09-08 6:11 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay, so glad to hear you had a good day at the races! Sounds like perhaps swim demons were conquered today? Look forward to hearing more.

Anyone tracked or heard from Mitch? Hoping he had a good day as well.

Steve, got new gears installed? OK, so now my top end potential for speed (at least according to the gearing) is the same as yours (30/38/50 front, 12/30 back). I hardly ever use the small ring on the kinda wasted here in flatish TX, but if we were to move to the mountains.... .

Had a very nice bike ride yesterday. First few miles w/ my hubby, then thought I'd hit the road and try for some speedier miles. Early into that part, I met up with another gal on the road and we decided to ride together. So wound up being more of a social ride. Had enough energy left to tackle the yard work when I got home. Weeding the flowerbeds is apparently a very good hamstring workout given the sore state they are in today.
2013-09-08 10:08 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Yes I got the gears changed up. So having done the hill of pain with the new gear set and the old gear set, you go up the hill at about the same rate, but your cadence is much faster in the lower gearing putting less intense stress on your legs. I went up 6 percent grade at cadence 85 and hills of 8 to 10 percent (short ones) were much easier to get up, didn't feel like I was grinding the pedals around and the hills felt shorter. So definitely a good choice for Tahoe. Going faster will just take a lot more leg strength, but going up with less stress on the legs is a good thing.

Also I actually saw 2 cyclists today on the hill of pain, they had driven south 50 miles to play on it. Unfortunately in order to talk to them I had to do a U-turn after coming down 1000 feet and yak while climbing the hill again. We went up slowly and it was pretty comfortable when we got to the top the 2nd guy was not in sight. We waited like 10 minutes then went back down to see if he was ok and he was still like 10-15 min from the top of the hill.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-09-08 10:10 PM

2013-09-09 9:11 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
OK, I need some motivation. Between vacation, craziness at work, being really tired lately, pool closures, and not feeling great all the time, any sort of training has fallen off the map the past 3 weeks. Maybe its an 'end of season' kind of thing, but I'm not the training bug right now. Probably just a phase, and I think I went through this last year, but the urge to hit the snooze button is winning right now. Whatcha got, kids?

Steve - glad the new gearing is looking up. Love the name "hill of pain".
2013-09-09 12:25 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hoping to hear from Mitch soon. Hoping all went well.

And Jay, yes, we need some details!

Steve, glad you got your gears installed and tested. Careful testing them too much more....taper...taper...

Mike, there must be something in the air. This weekend I had the overwhelming desire to rest, cook and do homey things. I think it's hard when the thing that kind of anchors you is gone or very limited. For you I think that is swimming, for me it is running. It is what gets us going, then the other things seem to fall into place. Beyond that, I'll wait to find some inspiration in what the others in the group have to say.

Short crummy ride this morning...too much wine watching football last night and not enough coffee this morning. But swim went better...felt kinda smooth today so perhaps all is not lost!
2013-09-09 1:43 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed

Hey everyone, I hope all is well! Just checking in with everyone! Last month really stunk for me and my training and this month hasn't started much better. Trying to stop sniffling and get going but kinda fell out of the habit of training so now having a hard time picking it back up!

I called HITS and they changed my Dec Full to a half. Gives me 12 weeks. I'd like to do it, but not going to beat myself up if it doesn't happen. I would like to do it though! I'm definitely doing Oceanside 70.3 next March either way!

Things at home are starting to settle, although there has been no change in my wife's hearing. She has a consultation at UCLA next week for cochlear implants. She's excited about it! I'm nervous for her, but definitely willing to try anything for her to be able to hear again. Just kinda crazy that this is where we are at. No one can tell us why she lost her hearing, just they don't think it's gonna come back! We'll see what happens at UCLA (fingers crossed)!

2013-09-09 1:52 PM
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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Darn double poster!! :-)

Edited by ironjim 2013-09-09 2:11 PM
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