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2007-05-08 4:53 AM
in reply to: #787846

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
cmckee - 2007-05-03 6:13 PM

I crack myself up

I swear I'm funnier than my students think I am.

2007-05-08 5:16 AM
in reply to: #790771

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-05-06 10:23 PM

Do you guys think I am ready for a 30 mile bike ride? in 2 weeks.

I do. What's the worst thing that can happen? You don't finish? Who cares?

Sometimes you just have to meet the challenge full on to measure what you are capable of achieving.
2007-05-08 5:42 AM
in reply to: #790958

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
HelenR - 2007-05-07 8:35 AM

Afraid I’m going to fall off and hurt myself. As well- concerned about my transitions- I usually end up having to sit on my but stripping off the rest of my wet suit, putting on my shoes- now with this one more step…..- I think I’ll end up adding too much unnecessary time. Yes- I need to practice this- however- anyone experience the same type of anxiety related to a new user of clips/shoes- and will this just get better with time/experience ??. I do feel the biking is much more effective with the shoes/clips- but …..??
Thanks gang- Helen.

Everyone has those feelings. Check your pedals -- you might want to loosen the tension so you can clip in and out easier -- but not too loose or you'll never keep your shoes in them.

As for the transition, you just need to practice. Or you can buy these attachments to your clips so you can ride in running shoes -- you just slip your feet into these plastic "feet holders" and start pedalling. Ok, I know they have an official name, but who knows what it is. Just tell the bike store you don't want to change shoes. Allegedly, it will save you the time to change your shoes.

You're definitely right about biking being easier when you're clipped in.

2007-05-08 5:54 AM
in reply to: #791388

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
kanders - 2007-05-07 12:20 PM

I'm also in need of advice today. Prof, I'm looking at you.

I'm doing a sprint course on 7/7 - 600 yd swim (although it's tres shallow, so it's more like a 400), 11 mi bike, 3 mi run. I was planning on doing one other sprint in August, and then moving to a long course in September for my last race of the season.

I now need to have a medical procedure done that I'm planning for August that will take me out of racing in September, so I'm looking at upping my training and having my August race be the long course race. It's a .8 mi swim, 21 mi bike, 5 mi run. I'm pretty sure I could do it, but I need a little encouragement that if I ramp it up slightly in May/June, taper for Race 1, and then bring it back up for 2 weeks I would be able to finish without dying. The course is relatively flat with rolling hills, but I'm worried about the run. It's pretty hot by that point of day, and I don't much like to run in heat.

So whaddaya think? And I don't want "power of positive thinking" type stuff (I know it's good to think positively, but that's not what I want right now). I want an honest eval of my current training levels and whether I'd be ready.

Also, anybody love their goggles? I've decided that the frames on my current ones are too big for my eyeballs - if I swim more than a mile, they give me a cracking good headache from pressing against my eye socket bones.

Okay, I looked at your logs, and yes, you can do it. No hesitation at all in that honest opinion. In fact, I'd ramp up now with the intent to use your July race as a training race/workout for your August one. Practice the transition, nutrition, etc., and feel good doing it because you've already done longer distances in training.

Keep us posted on how it feels!

2007-05-08 5:56 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
hey guys im still around just been really slack and other stuff on my mind next tri is on sunday for me and im totally under done. im going to use this as more as a mental exercise to show what i can do with not much training at all
will start loggin and stuff again soon
catch u all later
2007-05-08 6:06 AM
in reply to: #792172

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-07 8:34 PM

Hi Guys,
I've been doing a lot of mental training lately (3 hour drive to Appleton and back again) and realizing that I'm under more stress now than ever. This stuff was supposed to be my stress relief, not the cause of more stress! So, after a lot of careful consideration, I'm going to let some of my goals/dreams go. First to go is the marathon in October. TNT is just not for me. Everything is in Madison and they start very early in the morning and have 1-2 meetings a week! The coach is nearly impossible to get hold of as he is only available to talk on the phone between 6-7 on Friday evening and possibly if I catch him at home on Sunday some time. I'm the only single person with kids crazy enough to consider this in the first place. But the biggest factor is the fundraising. It will be a full time job to get that kind of money together, and that's only if I believed in myself enough to beg for it. I'm not comfortable asking for monetary support from anyone. I never in my life ever did so and I think I'm too old and stubborn to start now, even if it is for a good cause. I still may do a marathon some day, but not this year.

I'm also letting go of the century ride in September. Just can't find any more time or babysitters to get out more than a pittance at a time on my bike. Thought about taking off an hour or so from work, but I really can't afford that. I can't even get babysitters for really important vital things like continuing education seminars so I can keep my chiropractic license. Seriously. You have no idea how difficult it is to accomplish that! I can still do 20 or 40 miles on that ride, and that may be possible and more realistic given my situation. Truthfully, I always pictured myself going out biking with a boyfriend this summer and that simply isn't happening either. The dudes want to flirt with me or maybe have a fling, but they aren't interested in anything more than that, not even an exercise partner. So, I'm going to be a big girl and suck it up and accept that some things are not within my grasp right now. Acceptance is part of the serenity prayer!

I'm not seriously depressed or anything, so don't worry. Just reassessing goals and doing some introspection. And stress relief. I feel better letting go of some of this. However, there is a sadness with that. And my goal of attending that class reunion, hunky guy on arm and IM tatoo on leg is really a very dim and distant dream right now. I'm not ruling it out, but realistically, people in my situation just don't do things like that. Not without a miracle happening.

However, on a bright note, I'm still accomplishing some things. I learned to swim and can now run a bit. I'm in better shape than I've ever been before. And my kids still love me and there's a roof overhead. What more can I ask for?

Okay, I have a bit more time now so I can really address your thoughts here.

I agree with decisions 1 and 2 for the near future. In fact, I'm not so sure what your motivation was to do those deeds -- bragging rights? social time? fundraising for a charitable cause that means something to you? Maybe it's my age talking, but to do anything in life, you need to know what it means to you personally and identify why you want to do it. And then you can decide if it's worth the time and effort. I wonder if you jumped on too many wagons heading in different directions. Seriously. You agreed to train with a group who met up a few hours away? You'd spend more time driving than running.

Besides, millions of people each year throughout the world run marathons (and ride century rides) and don't have to commit a couple grand to do it. $200 bucks is all you need -- shoes, race fee, comfy clothing, and you're ready to go. Face it, you can commit to being part of a huge group, but there's only one person who's going to propel you along that course.

I'm a big believer in what I call Appalachian Trail luck -- if you need something, you'll find it. The key is to let the worry go, and just keep going along the trail. Life has a way of working out. Bike, ride, swim, do whatever you wish. You'll find your training partner, and from the race photos, he might already be living in your house. Put those CDs, DVDs, e-books, etc in a box with the heart rate monitor and just live your life. Do a race because it's fun.

Finally, I'm not so sure you should give up the IM dream. Do you want to win the thing, or just complete it? I am convinced that anyone with sufficient motivation, 8 months, and varied weeks of 8-14 hours of training can finish an IM in 17 hours. Don't believe me? Look at the finishing times and the number of finishers per race vs. the number of drop outs. Most people finish their race. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's easy. Just ask Mark. But it is achievable. And it's just a freaking huge cool finishing medal that would look awesome on your office wall.

But don't you think you should try a few races, and maybe a 1/2 IM, before buying an IM race spot a year in advance? And before you run a marathon, maybe race a 5k? a 10k? a 1/2 marathon? What if you realize you just hate all these things?

Okay, I'm putting the soapbox away now. But remember, you asked for my opinion.

Edited by prof40 2007-05-08 7:51 PM

2007-05-08 2:58 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

I am going to side with Prof there.  The one marathon is alot of money to raise, and may be tough to do while doing everything else you do.  However I would still suggest trying to do a marathon this year, or at least a half.  Just find something local at the end of the season and try it.  I plan to do one this fall even if it takes 6hrs to finish.

As for the Ironman don't give it up.  Whens you reunion anyway?  You said you wanted it by '09 thats over 2 years away.  Look at how far you have come in 6months.  Even if you kept 1/4 of the pace you are now in improving I think you could be ready by '09.  Just keep at it


Helen if you read this you better turn off your computer and go outside and play.  Its offically summer as far as I am concerned here.  I have never been so excited for the sun lol.

While we are on the topic though, Helen has her half-marathon this weekend!  And its a big one.  Not to scare her but there were 3000 people there last year!  Hope you are taking it easy this week girl and good luck!

2007-05-08 5:04 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
yahoo, The sunny weather has made it all the way to seattle too!
Im back from hot Florida- wow, it was HOT! 90's with 90% humidity I think! Sean- is it like that where you are too??? IT was so weird walking outside and having it feel like a heater was blowing in your face, even in the shade! But, y'all would be proud of me, I did 3 workouts while i was there and ate whatever I wanted and came back with only 1 lb gained. I think I sweated off all the calories just walking around! The friend I went with is a excercise freak too so she loved all the workouts. We rented road bikes in Key West and got up at 7am before the sun was too hot and did a 20mile ride/3mile run and it felt great. The other highlight workout was running at 8am at South Beach Miami and being practically the only one out there running (i guess everyone else had partied too much the night before)
I guess Mark is enjoying similar conditions in Hong Kong. Anyway, Im back to reality now and I promptly sprained my ankle this morning on my run. I think its mild but I tryed to keep running annd couldnt so i had to limp home 20minuts feeling sorry for myself. Im hoping that It will be gone by thursday

you guys have been busy bees with training and writing! it took me forever to catch up/ glad to see you rescued Pene from the depths and that everyone is getting outside for outdoor workouts. Pene: i think you're decision to drop some races is definitely a good idea! My motto is that if training for these things stops being enjoyable and becomes tiresome or overwhelming, then there is no point in doing it! I mean, this is our choice and we should ultimately be making choices that lead to greater happiness, not more stress or self loathing.

I cant remember now who said what exactly but whoever asked about the goggles (kanders?), my recommendation is to get a woman specific pair because we have smaller faces (duh) and need smaller frames. here are my favorite: or (the Tyr T-72 petite or Speedo Women's Vanquisher) Also, getting some with mirrored lens for outdoor races is very very helpful.

And cycling- Im the biggest klutz in the world and have learned to use clip pedals, but it helps to have them loosened so you can get out easy but not so loose that you slip around. I still fall every now and then but the good thing is that you usually only fall when you are trying to stop so the speed is already low so its never a bad fall. I fell once on a hill in downtown seattle with tons of cars around. It was great. I was ok but I was more pissed off no one stopped to ask me if I was Ok.

Im all for pushing the limit for swimming in cold water, its almost 70 here today and Im seriously considering going to the lake right now with my wetsuit and giving it a try. Pene, you will know if its too cold because your muscle shut down and you can barely move. If you feel ok, then give it a go! I have the benefit of a nice layer of insulation so I tolerate cold water better than some. That and the abiltity to float better are about the only advantages I have being a "bigger" athlete so I might as flaunt them!
2007-05-09 3:41 AM
in reply to: #793616

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-05-08 6:04 PM

yahoo, The sunny weather has made it all the way to seattle too!
Im back from hot Florida- wow, it was HOT! 90's with 90% humidity I think! Sean- is it like that where you are too??? IT was so weird walking outside and having it feel like a heater was blowing in your face, even in the shade! But, y'all would be proud of me, I did 3 workouts while i was there and ate whatever I wanted and came back with only 1 lb gained. I think I sweated off all the calories just walking around! The friend I went with is a excercise freak too so she loved all the workouts. We rented road bikes in Key West and got up at 7am before the sun was too hot and did a 20mile ride/3mile run and it felt great. The other highlight workout was running at 8am at South Beach Miami and being practically the only one out there running (i guess everyone else had partied too much the night before)
I guess Mark is enjoying similar conditions in Hong Kong. Anyway, Im back to reality now and I promptly sprained my ankle this morning on my run. I think its mild but I tryed to keep running annd couldnt so i had to limp home 20minuts feeling sorry for myself. Im hoping that It will be gone by thursday

I'm jealous of your weekend. Sounds like a great one!

Nurse that ankle and don't run until it feels good!
2007-05-09 9:11 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks Prof, Rob, Watergirl. You three can be my official coaching crew. Check is in the mail as we speak!!! Seriously, some people do invest in a coach, and I've played with that idea. Gotta cost less than $3800 and be no farther away than LaCrosse, though

This is the race schedule I still have registered for and put in my office calendar:

June 10 West Salem Tri, 400 swim, 17 m bike, 5K run

June 24 I may go see the Hoyt's in Appleton--hear them speak and watch the 1/2 IM there--High Cliff Tri. If I really like what I see and hear, I was thinking of doing that as my first 1/2 IM. And now, having been all over Appleton trying to find a freaking parking spot for Noah's Du, I feel like I can find my way around the place!

July 4 God Bless America Tri--it's a shorter course and only like their second year, so I may even place in the darn thing! Kids' dad usually has them over the 4th, but ya never know with that cat.....

July 30 Bix 7--7 mile run in Davenport, IA, where I went to chiro. college. Always wanted to do that run!

August 9--Aquathon in Madison, 1000 swim, 5Krun.

August 30--Another Aquathon in Madtown if I decide I loved the first one!

September 2--Century ride--and I can do just 20 or 40, so I'll go and just see how I feel!

September 23--Half marathon in the Quad cities (again, where I went to chiro. college, so I'll know my way around and sort of know the course).

I haven't looked at other full marathon locations and dates yet. Seems a bit of a stretch to go from the half to the full in a month, but I do think it would do me a world of good just to do one once and show myself I can actually do something that I put people on pedastals for. Or I could opt for an exotic locale somewhere really warm in like December and call it my vacation for the year, or my congratulations on surviving my race calendar and turning 41 this summer (gasp!).

Last night I just had a picnic in the back yard with the kids and played with them--frisbee, hula hoops, jumprope, pull Mose on the sled, and 21 basketball. I was impressed that I have suddenly become somewhat coordinated in my old age and can make baskets now! I sure couldn't do that when I was a kid. Then I mowed the lawn with the kids taking turns on my lap and tried to find the floor in the living room. I think I'm gonna live in a tent in my back yard this summer so I don't have to feel bad for not cleaning. Seriously. I'm thinking about it. At midnight I had some insomnia so I did 100 pushups again and those bridge exercises that kill! I was ready for bed after that

My goal for doing an IM is just to finish. But I don't relish the thought of it taking soooo long, so was trying to gain some speed. I just seriously doubt speed will come to me easily, so maybe I better just work on endurance for now. Doing 8 mph on the run makes me cough up blood. I can only hold that speed for .20 miles. Don't know HOW people run 10 mph???? Much less do so for 26 miles!!!! There are a lot of pressing things in my life that I need to start addressing, and it is hard for me to balance all this and all that. Know what I mean? So, in a fit of overwhelm, it seemed logical to just give up on this. And focus on that. But, I don't think that will make me happy, so I need to find the balance and do both. Somehow. And I wish there was someone to come hold my hand and show me exactly how to find all that balance, energy and focus. But I also know I'm probably too stubborn to let someone help me, so my long distance coaching crew will have to do for now!! And many thanks to you all!
2007-05-09 12:13 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Ok so I am officially a triathlon newbie.

The past few nights I have been putting on and taking off my wetsuit to get the hang of it because the thing still feels awkward around the neck.  So last night I was about to put it on again and wondered why there was a long rope on the end of the zipper....

Oh right....I was putting it on backwards this whole time....


Fits A LOT nicer when its on the right

2007-05-09 12:39 PM
in reply to: #794624

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-05-09 6:13 PM

The past few nights I have been putting on and taking off my wetsuit

That's just plain kinky!

It did make me laugh.

I'm in an appartment in Honkers right opposite a bar where the parties go on all night. It is currently 0137 and they are still going strong. I am not.

G'night y'all.
2007-05-09 12:50 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yeah, Rob, I put it on backwards the first time in the dressing room, too. And it still binds me around the neck, but dammit, I'm using it anyway!

Now let's see a pic with you in it (or out of it!). Double dog dare you Don't you feel all like sleek in the thing? It was all wet after I tried it on the correct way at home because it makes you soooo darn hot, which is why I think it will do nicely in the water. One of my patients who actually owns a swimming pool says her's is a balmy 61 degrees. So, I figure the lake will be a bit colder than that, but not that much colder. If my foot goes into the water tomorrow and I get an ice cream headache, I'll pass and go swim at the Y. If my foot doesn't freak, I'm going IN!!! Even if it's just for 5 minutes.

Anyone think the Marine Corps Marathon October 28 in Washington DC sounds fun? Registration opened today. Hmmm......well, there are running club members going, it's only $85 to register, it's late October which gives me a lot of time, and you only have to keep a 14 minute per mile pace. If you are slower than that, you get to get picked up in a bus and don't get to finish at the bridge, wherever that is (probably half way) because they can only hold off traffic for just so long.
2007-05-09 1:07 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, now the Grand Rapids (Michigan) marathon looks better. You get a medal for finishing, it's closer, and the folks who put the web site together have a wonderful sense of humor. Seems like a kinder and gentler marathon. Decisions, decisions.......
2007-05-09 1:17 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Pene when is the Grand Rapids run?


Mark, I just saw this on TV and thought of you.


Click here

Don't mind the commercial at the start. Its a fun video.

Edited by Robb 2007-05-09 1:21 PM
2007-05-09 2:15 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Rob, it's October 28 of this fine year, the year of me getting my patootie in shape. And some fine shape it should be by October, if I can keep my sanity til then!!!

I'm wishing it was tomorrow. This working for a living is just plain interfering with my training/playing outside! It's beautiful out and should be just as nice tomorrow {fingers double and triple crossed for luck}.

2007-05-09 3:09 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I couldn't get the motherload thing to play?......computers are strange and mysterious things. Like why does my home computer do funky things every other day???

Okay!! I did it! All registered for the Grand Rapids Marathon, October 28 2007. You can check it out at and it sounds really great. The race director sends you emails weekly and it is very well organized. The t-shirt is supposed to be cool, and the medal is also unique and cool. I LOVE October with the fall leaves (Halloween is my all time best holiday, of course!) and it isn't a zillion miles away. The cost was reasonable and there is no time that you have to maintain to finish. The feedback on it was great and it sounds like a very flat course and good for a first-timer. It's the last marathon of the season unless I want to fly to the Bahamas or Brazil or someplace equally warm (and expensive). And.....maybe Robster will consider meeting this wacky tri girl there as it's sort of in between????? Hey, there's a pasta feed afterwards! I'll do it for that alone Now as long as I don't stress out about it, I'll be fine! I think I was having issues with the other one because of all the publicity I would get begging for donations. I don't really want the whole county knowing my business. This way I can just go up and do it and not worry if anyone knows that it took me 10 minutes longer than I expected or whatever. Now to get my tendons used to 26.2!
2007-05-09 3:21 PM
in reply to: #794911

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-09 4:09 PM

Okay!! I did it! All registered for the Grand Rapids Marathon, October 28 2007. You can check it out at and it sounds really great. The race director sends you emails weekly and it is very well organized. The t-shirt is supposed to be cool, and the medal is also unique and cool. I LOVE October with the fall leaves (Halloween is my all time best holiday, of course!) and it isn't a zillion miles away. The cost was reasonable and there is no time that you have to maintain to finish. The feedback on it was great and it sounds like a very flat course and good for a first-timer.

  • ..I think I was having issues with the other one because of all the publicity I would get begging for donations. I don't really want the whole county knowing my business. This way I can just go up and do it and not worry if anyone knows that it took me 10 minutes longer than I expected or whatever.

  • Exactly. Sounds like you made a good decision.
    2007-05-09 4:24 PM
    in reply to: #794911

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    Greensboro, NC
    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    Hmm...well, you might see me for the half marathon....looks like something doable for broken ol' me )
    2007-05-09 4:40 PM
    in reply to: #640246

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    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    Hi Androgenie! That would be cool! Are you in Michigan or Minnesota? If I can do it (40, Norweigen=clutzy, with 3 kiddos), then anyone can!! And you get a medal for a half, too! Let me know if you decide for sure to do it!
    2007-05-09 4:50 PM
    in reply to: #795049

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    Greensboro, NC
    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    I"m in Minnesota, so it's not too far away. All the half marathons seem to book up really quickly in MN, so this is exciting! Gotta love the finisher's medal. I'll do almost anything for a medal!!

    2007-05-09 4:50 PM
    in reply to: #640246

    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    ok Robb- I love the video- laughing my redbike off!!!!

    -thanks for the laugh- and Mark?????

    2007-05-10 5:37 AM
    in reply to: #640246

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    , District of Columbia
    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    PHOENIX -- start looking around for a marathon training plan that focuses on long slow runs with gradually increasing mileage. There are many free ones out there, so do not, repeat, do not, spend any money on one. If you look up some of the larger marathon races (Cleveland, NYC, LA), some of them might even have a training plan linked to their race. It's definitely worth the research time. You can also try, too.

    Remember, your primary goal is to finish. Let your thoughts of finish time go. Besides, you can't control things like bad weather, body cramping, etc., so on a long race, you just have to get out and do it. And if it's a crowded start, your first mile or 2 will be slow, anyway.

    Okay, here's my full disclosure for the month of April -- and it's not good.

    I missed 4 of my 5 goals. The good news is that my weight remained the same. As for the swim and bike numbers, I just didn't hit at all what I had set. So that means I have to pick it up for the rest of May. And if you see my log, you'll be able to quickly tell that I've been slacking this month, too. Ah, if only good intentions equalled mileage.

    I hope the rest of you are having better days.
    2007-05-10 5:39 AM
    in reply to: #795067

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    , District of Columbia
    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    androgenie - 2007-05-09 5:50 PM

    I"m in Minnesota, so it's not too far away. All the half marathons seem to book up really quickly in MN, so this is exciting! Gotta love the finisher's medal. I'll do almost anything for a medal!!

    Well, then, sounds like someone is going to register for a race! Let us know if you do, and which one, and the date so we can keep an eye on you.
    2007-05-10 6:51 AM
    in reply to: #640246

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    Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
    Prof, what do you think of this plan? (It was free and on some site I found awhile back)

    You alternate weeks. Week 1--

    Day 1=run at target pace up to 100 minutes (this increases by 10 minutes as you progress)
    Day 2=walk 1 mile, run 2, walk 1.....
    Day 3=rest
    Day 4=anaerobic threshold 2-3 miles fast
    Day 5=walk 1, run 2, walk 1...
    Day 6=fartlek 100's, 200's, fast with good form, VO2 max
    Day 7=rest

    Week 2--

    Day 1-run/walk 60minutes, increase time each week by 10 minutes. 15 min run, 5 min. walk
    Day 2-20 min. exercise (bike/swim...)
    Day 3-20 min. exercise
    Day 4-2mile run
    Day 5-hill repeats, slowly, 6-8 repeats, long hills or run through mud/sand or do intervals on track-- 6 400's, 5 600's, 8 400's, 4 800's, 8 400's, 6 600's VO2 max
    Day 6-walk 1, run 2, walk 1....
    Day 7-rest

    You are supposed to shoot for 20-25 miles a week that way at first, and that builds with the long runs, as you can see. I suppose later on down the line you shoot for like a 13 mile run, and then a 20 mile run, at least twice, but it sounded like this plan would sort of work with all the other training I'm doing? I just took a break to try to build some muscle and flexibility for speed. So far, though my numbers don't show "progress", I do find I am stronger and the little runs I've done seem easier.

    I'm getting out on my bike a bit too, and we took the mountain bike with the third wheel out with the kids last night, so that's progress. The locals were all gawking, but the kids thought it was fun. Mose stopped screaming to get off about 4 blocks or so and then wanted to go again! However........and this is embarrassing......please teach me all about gears! I don't know when to change them or which ones to change (there are ones on each handle) three on the left handle and 6 on the right. I'm talking mountain bike here. I'm going to play with the tribike today. My bike experience before was with my ex who just shouted orders at me--go to 5th I never really figured it out before. Or we were on the tandem and I just pedalled in the back and tried to convince him that jumping logs on a tandem was NOT on my agenda, and could we PLEASE get OFF the horse trails now (extremely bumpy as the horses feet make little holes in the soft mud and then you bounce around on that bike) or could we quit chasing the turkey NOW, as he's way in the woods and those trees are freaking me out, etc, etc, get the picture!

    Don't feel bad about taking more of a rest week, Prof, everything I read says that's exactly how you get stronger. Your muscles just plain need an off week to lay down stronger fibers. You'll get HUGE numbers next week if you just let yourself have this one off and enjoy it! (that's what I keep telling myself as my numbers are pitiful, even though I am still doing stuff, but everyone else's numbers are huge and it makes me horribly antsy to ditch this speed plan and just make those numbers SOAR! Impatience. I have it.)
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