BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gary's Mentor Group - Re-OPENED for Training Rss Feed  
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2012-01-05 10:00 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
I've just started reading joe Friel's book "your best triathlon". I think I'm going to use its training plan for my 70.3. Why this plan? A friend is and I like training w people. So thanks for your different suggestions for training plans but I'm going to try this one. . I'll let you know in 22 weeks how it goes and if I'd recommend it.

2012-01-06 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
I bought the freil's book too. There is a lot of good stuff, although I keep getting lost in all of the information. Swim coach question- I have my first session tomorrow. Is there any watch outs I should be aware of? Lost of post I the forums about a good coach is hard to find. How do you distinguish good-avg-bad?Thanks for the input.
2012-01-06 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

Picked up a used spin bike. Any recomendations for DVD's to use for spinning? or workouts for a spin bike in the basement?


btw - met my goal of swimming 2x per week this week. Batting 1000 for the year!

2012-01-06 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

Hey all! 

Had a fantastic 10k run last night (beat 1 hr without pushing too hard).  Temps were perfect, moon lit night, etc.  Made me remember how I used to love running.  Swam at lunch with another short session of speedwork.  My shoulders are dead so giving them a break.  About to hit the trainer.

Elizabeth - I intrepreted the kick as: If you are still working on your technique (or other disciplines) working on your kick won't help as much as concentrating on other areas.  I see folks swimming slower than I do working on their kick when their stroke needs to improve.  If you have a good kick stay with it.  Someday I will have to work on my kick but after my bike and run are much better.  If that plan works for you go for it!

Tracy - not much help on the coach but a few things.  Make sure the coach takes you into account, meaning if they have one plan for everyone it may not work.  The coach has to customize for you.  Experience with Triathletes is very important as pure swimmers will have different demands/needs.

DW - Spinervals?  Or you can use Jorges program (Winter cycling plan here at BT).  Sorry not much help.

2012-01-06 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3975347

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
dwpiggott - 2012-01-06 2:35 PM

Any recomendations for DVD's to use for spinning? or workouts for a spin bike in the basement?

DW ... I have a killer play list in my ipod which I turn on, click in and hammer away.  Too, check out youtube - there may be spinning videos there.  One of the trainers at our gym plays the Leadville 100 DVD ... "Race Across the Sky" it's pretty good.

Edited by Dorm57 2012-01-06 6:40 PM
2012-01-06 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

Also, I always DVR the NBC broadcast of Kona.  Very inspirational.

FYI, looks like our first new member will be posting soon, be nice!!!Smile

2012-01-06 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
I have a couple of Sufferfest videos that I really like. I also stream from Netflix when I just want to zone out and not do a hard workout w someone yelling at me.
2012-01-07 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
Thanks for all the video and audio tips for indoor biking, found a few on youtube and am considering buying a dvd or 2 when I find the right price.
2012-01-07 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
Get a swim coach!!! He explained, corrected,de-funk'd, and improved more of my swim in 30 minutes than I have been able to do in the last 9 months. Reading & watching the videos gave a great base understanding for the instruction, but they also lead to a lot of misconceptions about what I should (&what I was actually) doing. The coach? Obviously, I thought a lot about him as an instructor. But, the importance of having someone watch your swim(and you see demonstrate the right way); that importance is no longer lost on me. Having the understanding click in your brain is really motivating and encouraging. Get a swim coach! Now, I just have to keep all the pieces together during the rest of my training. Btw. If you live in the DFW area, than keep Chuck Burr in mind for a coach.
2012-01-08 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3976591

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

Fantastic Tracy ... nothing like getting some return for spending your hard earned cash; errrr sweat!


DW ... you may want to check out for DVD's.  When I was in school (I went back to school ~5-6 years ago) I bought almost all of my books from  Sometime these would not have what I needed and Amazon would be there, but mostly fit the bill and at great prices.

Ciao ...

2012-01-10 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: ---

I just signed up for my first tri in June and would like to join your mentor group. I am new to this site, so I haven't completed everything yet, but here's a brief bio.

43 years old (44 in March). Started running when I was 40 and have completed five 5Ks and a 50K bike race. I know I can complete all events individually; it's the combination I need to train for in the next few months. 

I was a personal trainer in my mid-30's and concentrated primarily on strength and balance training. I usually train at my health clubs, but have to save brick training for the weekends because I work an hour from home and only have an hour to work out during lunch.

Aside from my stint as a personal trainer, I have been in marketing since graduate school. I currently work as an International Marketing Manager for a hearing aid company. I have two daughters, 14 and 9 who are avid swimmers  and I could probably learn a few things from them since swimming is my weakest event.

I am still working on my training log as I need it to realistically represent what I can accomplish during the week. However, I downloaded the 20 week, 2X program and feel like the training times in the first couple of months are really short. I am not sure whether to increase the time in each event, brick train or supplement the time with elliptical. I do plan to strength train twice a week, primarily focusing on core and upper body.

Finally, I have read through all of the mentor sites and it seems like many of them focus on people with a lot of experience, so if that's the case, that's cool. Just let me know.



Edited by Bailsworth 2012-01-10 10:58 AM

2012-01-10 12:47 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Kansas City
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

Gary,  if there is still room in your mentor group, I'd like to join.

NAME: ccoffin - Chris

STORY: I've been an athlete my entire life.  I played 10 years of arena football after being a 3 sport college athlete.  I'm a little older now (36) and am still very active, but no longer fit.  I typically don't like to train much anymore, unless there is something that I want to prove or do.  While having a few drinks at the bara few weeks ago I decided I was going to do a triathlon.  I did some research and learned a bit and decided that on 5/20/12 I was going to participate in, and complete the Kansas City Triathlon (sprint distance).  And here I am now, in need of much advice.

FAMILY STATUS: Will be celebrating 10 happy years of marriage in September.  We have 2 boys, ages 5 and 1.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been back doing strength training for about the past 2 months consistently.  When I decided to do the triathlon, I found some tri specific workouts that I have been working towards.  It's been a week, and I look forward to training every day.  I cannot swim well, but I found a couch to sprint swim workout on this site that I have been working.  It's a 5 month program, so hopefully it prepares me well.  The workout is 3 times per week.  Hitting cardio 2-3 times per week, and only riding 1 time per week (lots of steep climbs on a 5 mile loop back from the gym), but intend to increase this as time goes on.  Mostly concentrating on getting my swimming up to par.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have the goal of completing the Sprint on 5/20/12.  I will likely run a 5k or two prior to the Sprint.  If all goes well, I plan on attempting 1 or 2 more before the end of the season.

2011 RACES:  I ran a warrior dash with no training, and 1 5k with my wife, in which she smoked me by 10 minutes.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm not concerned with weightloss.  I know that if I train right and continue to lift, this part will take care of itself.  Weightloss is secondary to me.  I'd like to compete well in the Spring.  Not just complete it.  I've already shed 6lbs since last Wednesday, bringing me to 208lbs.  I'm still not fit, so I imagine I'll likely be around 190-195 by race time.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I want to crush this race.  I want to finish it and feel like, "damn, that wasn't that bad.  sign me up for the next one."  I have so many questions that I can't even formulate them yet.  I take what I've been taught and apply it.

2012-01-10 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

Brady and Chris - Welcome!!!  Definitely room for more and we are very happy to have you join us!  Thanks for the intro as that helps a lot.  A couple of house keeping items.  First newbies buy Gary his beer, okay, just kidding.   I would recommend, when you can, start reading thru this thread from beginning.  There is a ton of helpful information that is just sitting there, ready for you.

I will get you both setup in our Race Calendar (via google) and will need you both to PM me your email address.

Brady, as for your comment about the mentor groups.  This group has folks from all experience levels so don't worry about.  We welcome beginners as well as experienced folks.  Chances are if you have a question someone has the same question.  Ask away!

2012-01-10 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
Welcome new members!

Question for the group. My plantar fascitis is flaring up. Sucks. I trained all summer and fall for a marathon and didnt have any problems whatsoever but I mostly trained on flat asphalt. Do you think my PF is flaring because 1) I'm mostly running uneven hilly trails now, 2) I need new shoes (at around 300 miles, usu go to 400 bc I'm cheap, 3) I've started cycling regularly again and something about how my cycling shoes hold my foot is causing it, or 4) none of the above.

Thoughts? I just started my HIM training plan (22 weeks out) and cant run!!! I need to get this figured out - I hate aqua-jogging.
2012-01-10 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3981794

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Subject: RE: ---
Bailsworth - 2012-01-10 10:26 AM

I just signed up for my first tri in June and would like to join your mentor group. I am new to this site, so I haven't completed everything yet, but here's a brief bio.

43 years old (44 in March). Started running when I was 40 and have completed five 5Ks and a 50K bike race. I know I can complete all events individually; it's the combination I need to train for in the next few months. 

I was a personal trainer in my mid-30's and concentrated primarily on strength and balance training. I usually train at my health clubs, but have to save brick training for the weekends because I work an hour from home and only have an hour to work out during lunch.

Aside from my stint as a personal trainer, I have been in marketing since graduate school. I currently work as an International Marketing Manager for a hearing aid company. I have two daughters, 14 and 9 who are avid swimmers  and I could probably learn a few things from them since swimming is my weakest event.

I am still working on my training log as I need it to realistically represent what I can accomplish during the week. However, I downloaded the 20 week, 2X program and feel like the training times in the first couple of months are really short. I am not sure whether to increase the time in each event, brick train or supplement the time with elliptical. I do plan to strength train twice a week, primarily focusing on core and upper body.

Finally, I have read through all of the mentor sites and it seems like many of them focus on people with a lot of experience, so if that's the case, that's cool. Just let me know.




Just wanted to say welcome to the group. It sounds like you are well on your way and doing a great job of preparing for your first tri. This group is a mixed variety- we've got some great experienced people as well as newbies like myself. I've only done two sprint tris but I'm hooked and hope to do more.

What tri did you sign up for in June? What is the distance? I have only done sprint and most likely that is all I will ever do as I have heart damage and issues with that. I am just curious though. One day maybe I'll be able to move up to an Olympic distance. Who knows- lol.



2012-01-10 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3982031

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
ccoffin - 2012-01-10 12:47 PM

Gary,  if there is still room in your mentor group, I'd like to join.

NAME: ccoffin - Chris

STORY: I've been an athlete my entire life.  I played 10 years of arena football after being a 3 sport college athlete.  I'm a little older now (36) and am still very active, but no longer fit.  I typically don't like to train much anymore, unless there is something that I want to prove or do.  While having a few drinks at the bara few weeks ago I decided I was going to do a triathlon.  I did some research and learned a bit and decided that on 5/20/12 I was going to participate in, and complete the Kansas City Triathlon (sprint distance).  And here I am now, in need of much advice.

FAMILY STATUS: Will be celebrating 10 happy years of marriage in September.  We have 2 boys, ages 5 and 1.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been back doing strength training for about the past 2 months consistently.  When I decided to do the triathlon, I found some tri specific workouts that I have been working towards.  It's been a week, and I look forward to training every day.  I cannot swim well, but I found a couch to sprint swim workout on this site that I have been working.  It's a 5 month program, so hopefully it prepares me well.  The workout is 3 times per week.  Hitting cardio 2-3 times per week, and only riding 1 time per week (lots of steep climbs on a 5 mile loop back from the gym), but intend to increase this as time goes on.  Mostly concentrating on getting my swimming up to par.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I have the goal of completing the Sprint on 5/20/12.  I will likely run a 5k or two prior to the Sprint.  If all goes well, I plan on attempting 1 or 2 more before the end of the season.

2011 RACES:  I ran a warrior dash with no training, and 1 5k with my wife, in which she smoked me by 10 minutes.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm not concerned with weightloss.  I know that if I train right and continue to lift, this part will take care of itself.  Weightloss is secondary to me.  I'd like to compete well in the Spring.  Not just complete it.  I've already shed 6lbs since last Wednesday, bringing me to 208lbs.  I'm still not fit, so I imagine I'll likely be around 190-195 by race time.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I want to crush this race.  I want to finish it and feel like, "damn, that wasn't that bad.  sign me up for the next one."  I have so many questions that I can't even formulate them yet.  I take what I've been taught and apply it.


Welcome to the group and to the world of triathlon. Be prepared to be hooked ;-).

When you get those questions formulated ask away- someone always has an answer.

My first tri was in May and I started training in January and it was perfect. That's a very realistic training time goal and I predict you'll have an awesome first tri.


2012-01-10 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3982286

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

elizabethk - 2012-01-10 2:39 PM Welcome new members! Question for the group. My plantar fascitis is flaring up. Sucks. I trained all summer and fall for a marathon and didnt have any problems whatsoever but I mostly trained on flat asphalt. Do you think my PF is flaring because 1) I'm mostly running uneven hilly trails now, 2) I need new shoes (at around 300 miles, usu go to 400 bc I'm cheap, 3) I've started cycling regularly again and something about how my cycling shoes hold my foot is causing it, or 4) none of the above. Thoughts? I just started my HIM training plan (22 weeks out) and cant run!!! I need to get this figured out - I hate aqua-jogging.

Elizabeth - I would guess that its a combination but the shoes are a quick and easy fix.  Typically around 200 miles (I am a heavier runner and go thru shoes a little faster) I order a replacement set of shoes then slowly cut over until my old shoes hit 250-300 miles.  Typically I can tell such a difference in the shoes (old vs new) that I am quick to cut over.  I am cheap also but if this can fix your PF issue I think it would be worth it.

Also, I can't remember if you were fitted to your bike.  If so, may be discuss with your fitter to see if there is any adjustments to be made.  If you weren't fitted (or it was a long time ago) its time to get fitted. 

2012-01-10 7:37 PM
in reply to: #3982286

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
I had horrible plantar fascitis a few years ago - to that I could barely walk when I got out of bed. I did nothing more than change brands of shoes. I can't remember what I was in, but I changed to New Balance and my condition improved immensely. I have been wearing NB for over 4 years, although just changed to Brooks and have had no problems. If you have a great running store near you they can probably help. Hope you feel better!
2012-01-10 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3982396

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open


I had horrible plantar fascitis a few years ago - to that I could barely walk when I got out of bed. I did nothing more than change brands of shoes. I can't remember what I was in, but I changed to New Balance and my condition improved immensely. I have been wearing NB for over 4 years, although just changed to Brooks and have had no problems. If you have a great running store near you they can probably help. Hope you feel better!


2012-01-10 10:14 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Kansas City
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

Ok, just spent about an hour reading through a majority of all of the previous posts since 2010 and picked up a bunch of tips. I'm as new to this stuff as you can imagine, but will hold off asking more race specific type questions regarding gear, strategy, race day once I get closer to my first event.

For now, my main focus will be to train, train, and train, while absorbing as much information as I can along the way.  I begin week two of the five month beginners swimming program I started tomorrow morning. In the pool 3x per week. Trying to get 2-3 days of cardio in a week, and 1-2 days of bike in. I lift 3 days a week as well.

I'll get the workout logs filled out in the next day or so, and you can add me to the calendar at [email protected].

Looking forward to the journey!


Edited:  Apparently my iPad didn't care as much about spacing as I did.  Sorry for the tough read.

Edited by ccoffin 2012-01-11 8:15 AM
2012-01-11 6:38 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
Chris, added you to the calendar.  I am less then thrilled with Googles process for sharing so let me know if you gain access.  If not, PM me and I will send you some next steps.

2012-01-11 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

With the talk about shoes....I think I follow a similar process as most when it comes to shoes.  They first come in as running shoes, once they hit a certain mileage I retire them and they become my every day shoes (mainly Fridays for jeans day at work and weekends), after that they become shoes worn for mowing, working in the pasture, etc.

So yesterday I received my new pair of 2160's (current is 2170's but I save a lot of money buying the older models) and tried them on, felt good.  Then put on one of my current everyday shoes on one foot with the new ones on the left.  Huge difference!  Then compared to my current running shoes and definitely felt a difference, not as bad but very noticeable.  Ran in the new shoes last night and they felt great and with my knee concerns will go ahead and do the rotation.

2012-01-11 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Kansas City
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open


Thanks, I was able to access the calendar.

Had an 800m swim work out this morning, and some ST this afternoon (back and shoulders).

Have getting training logs on here updated as a goal for today.


Have a great day everyone!

2012-01-11 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3257002

Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open
All - Thanks for the advice on shoes. I'm usually able to get 400+ miles out of them and am only at 300 but I"m going to try a new pair tomorrow. I also switched to Nike's last time, against my better judgment, because they didnt have my sauconys in stock in my size and I needed them asap for my marathon. I'm going to go back to my regular shoes tomorrow. I'm also going to take a full week off (possibly two) from running so today I'm headed to the pool to aqua-jog. GROAN!

Gary - I never did get an email from you and havent been able to get on the calendar. Can you try again? [email protected] If that doesnt work for some reason I'll send you my work email.

2012-01-11 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Kansas City
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Open

Need a bit of help with the training log.

I put in the morning's swim work out, and this afternoon's strength work out.  When I save, it only stores my ST data and erases the swim data.

What am I doing wrong?

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