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2012-10-14 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4447004

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TLakatos1259 - 2012-10-09 3:33 PM

Anyone hear from Shelly?

Great race Dave and Q.

Started PT today. Things are starting to loosen up, headaches are just about gone. Hope to start training in November, probably chase a turkey. LOL

May the Legs be with You


I am here Tom- just going crazy with life stuff. Barely managing to get my training in- and not anywhere near what I need to be doing.
We have been working on our house though and it's really needed it for a long while now. Painting doors, walls, stucco etc,, replacing shutters, updating cabinets, pictures, furniture etc. It's been an exhausting project and is no where near finished but it will all be worth it in the end. Also dealing with work changes, kids and school, and just other everyday life.

I really am around and I try to keep up with you guys- I just haven't had much computer time.

Glad to hear your headaches are just about gone.


2012-10-14 9:28 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Hi everyone!  Happy Sunday!  So glad to be back on the Tour!  I've been catching up on posts and reading race reports over the last week.  Inspired to say the least!

Dave...thanks again for hitting me up and wrangling me back.  Glad to be here!  You did Chicago, right?  This dang website keeps freezing on me and I can't get to your race reports!

Q...I am not worthy.  CONGRATS on the Ironman and on Chicago.  Wow.  Just wow!

Pink Socks...glad you're here and glad to know you.  Love your story!  I especially love your attitude about the bike and the swim.  As one who struggles with those events, ESPECIALLY the swim, I hope to pick up the positive vibes you radiate!

Shelly, Sarah, Tom, TJ, Yvonne, Mike, Todd...glad you're all keeping up and working hard in the ways that you do.  I'm really happy to share these experiences with you guys!

Indianapolis Marathon is on Saturday.  I. Am. Ready.     Marathon time for St. Louis last year was 4:18:17.  Goal for this race is 4:10.  I've had a great training experience and I'm excited!  Then, I'm ready for a break.  To run, or bike, or swim just for the sake of it!  I'll think about my next year's schedule soon.  I haven't been in the water since June.  Ugh...dang swimming.  You all inspire me to conquer my demons, though!!

Everyone have a good week!


2012-10-14 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4452861

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

ransick - 2012-10-13 9:10 PM So, anyone figure out where we are staying for Memphis in May yet? I'm a planner, so I like to set stuff up early. What day is everyone arriving? Leaving? I like to put my vacation requests in early too :-)

Planning ahead is what the smart peeps do.   me?  yeah I usually make a reservation a week in advance.  sometimes that works, sometimes  notsomuch 

 Its a 10 hour drive from CHi-town so with that tourist stop  I'm thinking we will head out on Thursday  16th  and get to the race hotel that night.   A lil blackjack and a bit of the drinky and a nice BBQ dinner then next day (Friday) my fam  loves Elvis.  so we make a Graceland pilgrimage day trip.     Then hopefully meet any of the Magical tour trippers that may get in for dinner/drinks/fiiiiiiiiine  chatting/race planning.      Saturday morning  sprint tri!!!!     Sunday   Oly tri!!!   then drive back Monday.   

Stay at hotel Veranda (Harrah's resort)  which is the race hotel and like RIGHT at the beach.   We HAVE to stay there.   so that would be for me  night of 16, 17, 18, 19   

OK on another note.   I was getting gas and decided to go in to the store to check in the very rare case that maybe just maybe they had a unicorn there.   So I go in and.......   I HIT THE MOTHER LODE!!!!    Cucumber gatorade!  so I bought all they had.  which was 10 of them.     got them in my basement fridge right now.   So all who attend are now sure to get a precious bottle. 

Sarah- I see you have been biking again.  So its all fixed?  PM me your addy and I'll send you the care package in time for your 70.3!     BTW do you have any questions?    

So had a good time at the Seinfeld show.    But it really was a show about nothing.    He mostly talked about Pop-tarts. 

Edited by oriolepwr 2012-10-14 9:35 PM
2012-10-14 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4453548

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
DaDooRunRun - 2012-10-14 9:28 PM

Hi everyone!  Happy Sunday!  So glad to be back on the Tour!  I've been catching up on posts and reading race reports over the last week.  Inspired to say the least!

Dave...thanks again for hitting me up and wrangling me back.  Glad to be here!  You did Chicago, right?  This dang website keeps freezing on me and I can't get to your race reports!

Q...I am not worthy.  CONGRATS on the Ironman and on Chicago.  Wow.  Just wow!

Pink Socks...glad you're here and glad to know you.  Love your story!  I especially love your attitude about the bike and the swim.  As one who struggles with those events, ESPECIALLY the swim, I hope to pick up the positive vibes you radiate!

Shelly, Sarah, Tom, TJ, Yvonne, Mike, Todd...glad you're all keeping up and working hard in the ways that you do.  I'm really happy to share these experiences with you guys!

Indianapolis Marathon is on Saturday.  I. Am. Ready.     Marathon time for St. Louis last year was 4:18:17.  Goal for this race is 4:10.  I've had a great training experience and I'm excited!  Then, I'm ready for a break.  To run, or bike, or swim just for the sake of it!  I'll think about my next year's schedule soon.  I haven't been in the water since June.  Ugh...dang swimming.  You all inspire me to conquer my demons, though!!

Everyone have a good week!



  So glad you are back!!  and looks like you are really ready for your marathon on Saturday!  You will have all of our positive vibes to ride on your way to a huge PR!    Just remember to flip the JAX switch around mile 20!

I did not race report.  I actually hardly ever do.   I'm not sure why.  its not like I don't like to talk.  I could be shy. nah thats not it.

2012-10-14 9:40 PM
in reply to: #4449210

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

trei - 2012-10-10 9:07 PM Just caught up a bit on posts.  Congrats to T.J. with the new arrival and Congrats to Tom on the "decreasing" weight!  Glad to  hear Sarah is feeling better.  Twin Cities marathon went well - a nice cool sunny day.  finished 3:59:34 - under 4 hours by the skin of my teeth which was the goal.  I think I can do better, though it will have to wait until next year.  I will try to post my hoped for races in 2013 sometime next week.  I'm going into recovery mode for the next week or so and then I will try to stay more diligent on keeping up with posts

Way to go Todd!   Under 4 is great, but I agree with you.  I know you have  more speed.   I'd like to run that mary sometime.   We do have some family in the Minneapolis.   

2012-10-14 9:52 PM
in reply to: #4453548

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
DaDooRunRun - 2012-10-14 9:28 PM

Hi everyone!  Happy Sunday!  So glad to be back on the Tour!  I've been catching up on posts and reading race reports over the last week.  Inspired to say the least!

Dave...thanks again for hitting me up and wrangling me back.  Glad to be here!  You did Chicago, right?  This dang website keeps freezing on me and I can't get to your race reports!

Q...I am not worthy.  CONGRATS on the Ironman and on Chicago.  Wow.  Just wow!

Pink Socks...glad you're here and glad to know you.  Love your story!  I especially love your attitude about the bike and the swim.  As one who struggles with those events, ESPECIALLY the swim, I hope to pick up the positive vibes you radiate!

Shelly, Sarah, Tom, TJ, Yvonne, Mike, Todd...glad you're all keeping up and working hard in the ways that you do.  I'm really happy to share these experiences with you guys!

Indianapolis Marathon is on Saturday.  I. Am. Ready.     Marathon time for St. Louis last year was 4:18:17.  Goal for this race is 4:10.  I've had a great training experience and I'm excited!  Then, I'm ready for a break.  To run, or bike, or swim just for the sake of it!  I'll think about my next year's schedule soon.  I haven't been in the water since June.  Ugh...dang swimming.  You all inspire me to conquer my demons, though!!

Everyone have a good week!


So glad you are back. I needed someone else to have a 0 on swim time with me- hehe. No really just glad to have you back. Looks like you will do awesome Saturday. I'll be rootin for ya. Can't wait to read rr.


2012-10-14 10:40 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Ok so I really liked Dave's idea of each of us ( or those who can anyway- I know how life can get in the way) doing something for the group to keep it moving.

Originally Q had asked me to offer some insight or whatever on weight loss as I have had some small success with losing weight and keeping it off. So I'm going to go back to that. My plan is to try to at least once a week post a new recipe that we've tried, that tastes good, is healthy and is low fat/calories. I make no promises except that I will try each recipe first and I will try to do this weekly.
We'll see how it goes.

So here's this week's recipe. This is a dinner I made for dh and kids and all liked it very much. Only about 30mins. to make.

Taco Salad


1/2 cup prepared salsa ( the recipe recommended mild- I recommend medium or hot)
1/4 cup reduced fat sour cream
1 tsp canola oil
I medium onion chopped
3 cloves minced garlic
1 pound 93% lean ground turkey
2 large plum tomatos diced
1 14oz can kidney beans, rinsed
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp chili powder
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
8 cups shredded romaine lettuce
1/2 cup sharp cheddar cheese


1. Combine salsa and sour cream in a large bowl.

2. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and cook,
stirring often, until softened, about 2 minutes.

3. Add turkey and cook, stirring often and crumbling with a wooden spoon, until cooked
through, about 5 minutes.

4. Add tomatoes, beans, cumin and chili powder. Cook, stirring until tomatoes begin to break down,
2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in cilantro and 1/4 cup of the salsa mixture.

5. Add lettuce to remaining salsa mixture in the bowl. Toss to coat. To serve, divide lettuce among 4 plates, top
with turkey mixture and sprinkle with cheese.

Nutrition facts:
356 calories per serving
14 g fat ( 5g sat, 1 g mono)
26 g carbohydrates

Now I will add just a few observations. I cooked a little over 2 pounds of Turkey so I doubled the recipe. Even with that it wasn't near flavored enough for me and my family when I tasted the meat so- I added another double dose of chili powder and ground cumin and then even added in some Tony Cachere's seasoning. Even with that it could have been a little spicier for us which is why next time I'll get hot salsa instead of medium. Of course we are New Orleans, crawfish boiling, spice loving people. So I'll just say taste the meat mixture as you go to determine how spicy or not you want it. And I will say it really wasn't spicy at all. Not anything like the seafood we love. I just didn't want you guys to think we like our food burn your mouth spicy.

Hope you enjoy,


2012-10-15 10:11 AM
in reply to: #4427584

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-09-25 7:45 PM

I just saw this!   SO true.    Thought y'all might like it too.

I just love this, Dave. I've had this in my mind over the last week, since I've had some hard workouts. It has really helped!! 

Yesterday I was planning on a 90 minute run on the treadmill. About 20 minutes in I was so tired and I was coming up with every excuse to stop. I kept thinking "I'm sooo tired...maybe I'm overtraining." Then I thought of this quote and picture, and I actually convinced myself that I didn't hurt and I was going too slow. I increased the pace and made through!! Thanks Dave!!

2012-10-15 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

OK...I have so many questions going into my first HIM in less than two weeks!! I'm getting really nervous and starting to doubt some of my plans for race day. I hope y'all don't mind, but I'll probably be asking a lot of questions over the next couple weeks!!

First, I have no idea what to do with my bike pace. With my swim, I am not shooting for any pace at all. My main goal there is to not panic, and to be able to actually swim freestyle without doing the back stroke and whacking anybody in the face. I will be happy with any time between 40 and 50 minutes. Even if it takes longer...whatever, I really don't care.

My run I am pretty confident in. I am shooting for a 2-2:15 hr half, which I believe is reasonable, as long as the heat index remains below 85 degrees. My fastest free half was a tad over 1:45, and I have been comfortable running a 9 min/mile pace off the bike for pretty extended time periods. Again, if I have to slow down, no biggie, I'm really not all that worried about it.

However...I am dreading pacing myself on the bike. With the run you can give everything you have because when you're done, well, you're done, and you can rest. I just don't know how to strategically pace myself on the bike so I don't bonk on the run. My long training rides (between 50 and 60 miles) have been in the range of 16.5-17.5 mph. This does not kill me, and I have been able to get off the bike and run. My Oly race bike pace was about 19.2 mph and I was able to come off the bike and keep a 9min/mile pace for the 10K with a heat index in the low 90s. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas about what pace I should try to shoot for on the bike? This is where a coach would really come in handy. I need someone to just tell me "ride this pace". Don't go over it, and push to keep it up!

2012-10-15 3:43 PM
in reply to: #4454246

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-10-15 12:57 PM

OK...I have so many questions going into my first HIM in less than two weeks!! I'm getting really nervous and starting to doubt some of my plans for race day. I hope y'all don't mind, but I'll probably be asking a lot of questions over the next couple weeks!!

Awesome!  we love questions!  fire at will.    The nervousness/'excitement is the fun part!  Hee hee

First, I have no idea what to do with my bike pace. With my swim, I am not shooting for any pace at all. My main goal there is to not panic, and to be able to actually swim freestyle without doing the back stroke and whacking anybody in the face. I will be happy with any time between 40 and 50 minutes. Even if it takes longer...whatever, I really don't care.

For this race and where your training is at with the swim.  I think this is an excellent strategy.  Its just warm up!!!  40-50 min is fine and basically where I always finish.  (id like to get faster too)      Don't want to whack anyone in the face??  wait a sec.  I thought we Vikings LIKE to do that.   Oh right  we are living in a society and must be civilized.  Ok ya do not try to.  But please do not be overly concerned about it.     Just get into a nice groove and keep thinking, "its just a warm up."    Try and take in sights and experience the scenery while you are swimming. 

My run I am pretty confident in. I am shooting for a 2-2:15 hr half, which I believe is reasonable, as long as the heat index remains below 85 degrees. My fastest free half was a tad over 1:45, and I have been comfortable running a 9 min/mile pace off the bike for pretty extended time periods. Again, if I have to slow down, no biggie, I'm really not all that worried about it.

Heat management is a big deal to me.    Hopefully you get great weather.  I know not why,  but nearly every TRI I do its just REALLY hot/humid.     One thing I have always noticed about the bike is that while you are riding, you feel cooler than you actually are due to the wind.  Not really news there.  But 70.3 is a long day.   So what I try and think is "stay cool, take  pre-emptive  measures to keep temp down."   So I'll take a water at each station just for spraying salt out of my eyes,  thru helmet,  and core.   more often I'll do this with whatever water is still left in a bottle as I approach station.       I guess I'm saying that I think people tend to underestimate how hot they are getting on the bike, and it costs them on the run sometimes.  

However...I am dreading pacing myself on the bike. With the run you can give everything you have because when you're done, well, you're done, and you can rest. I just don't know how to strategically pace myself on the bike so I don't bonk on the run. My long training rides (between 50 and 60 miles) have been in the range of 16.5-17.5 mph. This does not kill me, and I have been able to get off the bike and run. My Oly race bike pace was about 19.2 mph and I was able to come off the bike and keep a 9min/mile pace for the 10K with a heat index in the low 90s. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas about what pace I should try to shoot for on the bike? This is where a coach would really come in handy. I need someone to just tell me "ride this pace". Don't go over it, and push to keep it up!

  Me an Q like to say "it's all about the bike"    Meaning pacing and nutrition on the bike and nailing this portion is REALLY important.  And you seem to know this very well yourself.     It's not all that easy to nail the "right" bike pace.   I rarely am able to.   Typically I will go too hard.  Especially at 70.3   I just get mesmerized by a time goal or MPH goal.   And during this point, you still feel strong.   Maybe at times I will say to myself  No Dave this time it's different,  you are really strong today.  Like a PRO or something.   heh  (I also do that on most training rides.)

Why is it the wind is always apparently with me on the way out but not on the way back?  I dunno.    But that point right there can make it tough to use MPH avg as a guide on race day.   

Many coaches will want you to maintain a particular  HR zone depending on race distance and your fitness level.    Don't know if you have trained with Heart rates or not.   70.3 is typically Zone 3 for people that can run off the bike pretty well, like you.    So see  your heart does not know or care how windy it is, or the elevation.  Just how hard its working which makes it a great great indicator.    But if you have not trained with it to this point, I would not bother to do so now.   If you want to deep dive HR  see BT thread />

   Use a perceived exertion.    Or using water temp as an analogy   cold, cool, luke warn, warm, hot, very hot.      Would ride at perceived "warm"        If you get competitive on race day and see people pass you just remember its very common for people to overcook the bike, and say "I just cannot run in Triathlon"   probably the most common mistake.  (And I am very guilty)    Really the only time I did NOT over cook the bike was  IM-WI    and probably I would have  except I road that dang course like 5 times previous and overcooked each time so I knew better.

  Using your MPH with the disclaimer that its not the best indicator.  and I would say 18-18.2 MPH

Hope that helps.


Edited by oriolepwr 2012-10-15 3:46 PM
2012-10-15 4:49 PM
in reply to: #4453964

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-10-15 10:11 AM
oriolepwr - 2012-09-25 7:45 PM

I just saw this!   SO true.    Thought y'all might like it too.

I just love this, Dave. I've had this in my mind over the last week, since I've had some hard workouts. It has really helped!! 

Yesterday I was planning on a 90 minute run on the treadmill. About 20 minutes in I was so tired and I was coming up with every excuse to stop. I kept thinking "I'm sooo tired...maybe I'm overtraining." Then I thought of this quote and picture, and I actually convinced myself that I didn't hurt and I was going too slow. I increased the pace and made through!! Thanks Dave!!

Glad you like it Sarah!   Something about the image with the quote, that makes me remember it too.  

2012-10-16 8:07 AM
in reply to: #4454246

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-10-15 1:57 PM

OK...I have so many questions going into my first HIM in less than two weeks!! I'm getting really nervous and starting to doubt some of my plans for race day. I hope y'all don't mind, but I'll probably be asking a lot of questions over the next couple weeks!!

First, I have no idea what to do with my bike pace. With my swim, I am not shooting for any pace at all. My main goal there is to not panic, and to be able to actually swim freestyle without doing the back stroke and whacking anybody in the face. I will be happy with any time between 40 and 50 minutes. Even if it takes longer...whatever, I really don't care.

My run I am pretty confident in. I am shooting for a 2-2:15 hr half, which I believe is reasonable, as long as the heat index remains below 85 degrees. My fastest free half was a tad over 1:45, and I have been comfortable running a 9 min/mile pace off the bike for pretty extended time periods. Again, if I have to slow down, no biggie, I'm really not all that worried about it.

However...I am dreading pacing myself on the bike. With the run you can give everything you have because when you're done, well, you're done, and you can rest. I just don't know how to strategically pace myself on the bike so I don't bonk on the run. My long training rides (between 50 and 60 miles) have been in the range of 16.5-17.5 mph. This does not kill me, and I have been able to get off the bike and run. My Oly race bike pace was about 19.2 mph and I was able to come off the bike and keep a 9min/mile pace for the 10K with a heat index in the low 90s. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas about what pace I should try to shoot for on the bike? This is where a coach would really come in handy. I need someone to just tell me "ride this pace". Don't go over it, and push to keep it up!

I don't have any triathlon wisdom to pass on, especially at the HIM distance, but this I can tell you....   YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK IT!!  I peeked at your race report from the Tri in September.  No are READY.  And you are completely inspiring me to not give up on this thing.  Keep working the last few weeks of your plan.  You are going to be AWESOME!!


2012-10-16 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4455354

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

I don't have any triathlon wisdom to pass on, especially at the HIM distance, but this I can tell you....   YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK IT!!  I peeked at your race report from the Tri in September.  No are READY.  And you are completely inspiring me to not give up on this thing.  Keep working the last few weeks of your plan.  You are going to be AWESOME!!


Thank you, Jax!!! I really needed that.

How about you?!?!  I know you are ready for this weekend. We are all cheering for you, and I know you're going to do awesome. You have put in so much work...can't wait to read your RR!!

Edited by Sarah73 2012-10-16 2:23 PM
2012-10-16 2:29 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!


Thank you so much for your reply!! It really made a lot of sense. In fact, after thinking about it for a while, I am thinking that I might not use my Garmin for this race. Which is just CRAZY for me...I am one of those fanatics who checks my pace about 10 times per mile. But I think it just causes me more anxiety, and I am unable to really race by feel when I'm constantly looking at my pace. I will use a watch so I know to rehydrate every 10 minutes and to refuel every 30 minutes, but I might just leave it at that for this race.

I think the only time I have ever used my Garmin to slow myself down is during the first mile or two of the run, when I'm running like a bat out of hell!! Otherwise, I'm usually thinking "you're going so slow! HTFU!" And I really don't need that for this first HIM.

2012-10-16 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

@Sarah, Jax said it beautifully.  You will rock the HIM. I'm completely in awe of how you recently began tris, moved up to OLY, then HIM, and have bounced back from a freaking bike wreck.  You are mentally tough, very smart, and a very well trained athlete.  You are a stud and will do beautifully.

I must admit, that I had to laugh when I read about your plans to leave your Garmin.  My hubby kept telling me to do that and I wouldn't listen to him.  Last spring I was doing a HM and my Garmin went dead during my warmup so I left it.   Then I forgot to note the time on my watch when we started.  Ran blind the whole time.  PR'ed.  I must admit that I still don't like to leave my Garmin because I like to be able to analyze my splits later.  But I have gotten to where I don't look at it often and someimes I stick it in my spibelt so I can't view it.

Edited by Pink Socks 2012-10-16 8:04 PM
2012-10-16 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4456765

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Pink Socks - 2012-10-16 8:03 PM

@Sarah, Jax said it beautifully.  You will rock the HIM. I'm completely in awe of how you recently began tris, moved up to OLY, then HIM, and have bounced back from a freaking bike wreck.  You are mentally tough, very smart, and a very well trained athlete.  You are a stud and will do beautifully.

I must admit, that I had to laugh when I read about your plans to leave your Garmin.  My hubby kept telling me to do that and I wouldn't listen to him.  Last spring I was doing a HM and my Garmin went dead during my warmup so I left it.   Then I forgot to note the time on my watch when we started.  Ran blind the whole time.  PR'ed.  I must admit that I still don't like to leave my Garmin because I like to be able to analyze my splits later.  But I have gotten to where I don't look at it often and someimes I stick it in my spibelt so I can't view it.

And I will admit, I wore like three watches for most of my 70.3's  ha! And  for the marathons Two watches and a pace tattoo usually.     Not saying its the right or wrong move as its totally preference, but going commando is a brave move!! And I am reasonably certain the Vikings didn't use Garmins on their raids so there's that 

Edited by oriolepwr 2012-10-16 9:22 PM

2012-10-16 10:14 PM
in reply to: #4456793

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
oriolepwr - 2012-10-16 9:27 PM
Pink Socks - 2012-10-16 8:03 PM

@Sarah, Jax said it beautifully.  You will rock the HIM. I'm completely in awe of how you recently began tris, moved up to OLY, then HIM, and have bounced back from a freaking bike wreck.  You are mentally tough, very smart, and a very well trained athlete.  You are a stud and will do beautifully.

I must admit, that I had to laugh when I read about your plans to leave your Garmin.  My hubby kept telling me to do that and I wouldn't listen to him.  Last spring I was doing a HM and my Garmin went dead during my warmup so I left it.   Then I forgot to note the time on my watch when we started.  Ran blind the whole time.  PR'ed.  I must admit that I still don't like to leave my Garmin because I like to be able to analyze my splits later.  But I have gotten to where I don't look at it often and someimes I stick it in my spibelt so I can't view it.

And I will admit, I wore like three watches for most of my 70.3's  ha! And  for the marathons Two watches and a pace tattoo usually.     Not saying its the right or wrong move as its totally preference, but going commando is a brave move!! And I am reasonably certain the Vikings didn't use Garmins on their raids so there's that 

I'm also running blind on Saturday.  I run with my iPhone and use the Nike plus app.  If I listen to music too, it causes the battery to die too quickly on a 4 hour marathon.  So, I've listened to a separate iPod nano for my music.  Turn the voice prompts off on my iPhone and have it on my arm so I can't see it easily.  On both my 20 milers, I didn't pay a bit of attention to pace.  But, I kept it running so the Nike Plus app captured the run.  Because, you know, if it's not recorded on Nike Plus, it's like you didn't do the run.  Right?  Right.  DH thinks I'm crazy.

I know my technology is primitive.  I'm going to invest in a Garmin device before next season.

2012-10-17 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4456765

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Pink Socks - 2012-10-16 8:03 PM

@Sarah, Jax said it beautifully.  You will rock the HIM. I'm completely in awe of how you recently began tris, moved up to OLY, then HIM, and have bounced back from a freaking bike wreck.  You are mentally tough, very smart, and a very well trained athlete.  You are a stud and will do beautifully.

I must admit, that I had to laugh when I read about your plans to leave your Garmin.  My hubby kept telling me to do that and I wouldn't listen to him.  Last spring I was doing a HM and my Garmin went dead during my warmup so I left it.   Then I forgot to note the time on my watch when we started.  Ran blind the whole time.  PR'ed.  I must admit that I still don't like to leave my Garmin because I like to be able to analyze my splits later.  But I have gotten to where I don't look at it often and someimes I stick it in my spibelt so I can't view it.

Thanks, Pink! I think you give me too much credit, but that was really nice of you to made me blush!!

Dave - you sound just like me...I did one of my tris this summer wearing a watch on each arm, and if there is a pace tatoo available it is on my arm!! I don't know, though. I just feel like going blind for this one. I talk a big game, but my race pictures just might show multiple watches and race tatoos covering my appendages. question! How on earth am I going to get a water bottle on the bike at the water stations? I had planned on bringing all my gatorade/water on my bike from the start, and then DH said he's gonna use the water stations. I don't know what to do! Can someone who has done this before walk me through this? I mean how do you tell them what you want, what is the etiquette going through the stations, am I supposed to stop or just slow down? Anything you can think of would really help!!

2012-10-17 8:45 AM
in reply to: #4457156

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-10-17 8:10 AM
Pink Socks - 2012-10-16 8:03 PM

@Sarah, Jax said it beautifully.  You will rock the HIM. I'm completely in awe of how you recently began tris, moved up to OLY, then HIM, and have bounced back from a freaking bike wreck.  You are mentally tough, very smart, and a very well trained athlete.  You are a stud and will do beautifully.

I must admit, that I had to laugh when I read about your plans to leave your Garmin.  My hubby kept telling me to do that and I wouldn't listen to him.  Last spring I was doing a HM and my Garmin went dead during my warmup so I left it.   Then I forgot to note the time on my watch when we started.  Ran blind the whole time.  PR'ed.  I must admit that I still don't like to leave my Garmin because I like to be able to analyze my splits later.  But I have gotten to where I don't look at it often and someimes I stick it in my spibelt so I can't view it.

Thanks, Pink! I think you give me too much credit, but that was really nice of you to made me blush!!

Dave - you sound just like me...I did one of my tris this summer wearing a watch on each arm, and if there is a pace tatoo available it is on my arm!! I don't know, though. I just feel like going blind for this one. I talk a big game, but my race pictures just might show multiple watches and race tatoos covering my appendages. question! How on earth am I going to get a water bottle on the bike at the water stations? I had planned on bringing all my gatorade/water on my bike from the start, and then DH said he's gonna use the water stations. I don't know what to do! Can someone who has done this before walk me through this? I mean how do you tell them what you want, what is the etiquette going through the stations, am I supposed to stop or just slow down? Anything you can think of would really help!!

The aid stations will have both water and sports drink.   Essentially either the first half of the station will be water and the second half sports drink  or other way around.   as you approach the first station slow down.  Drop whatever empty water bottles you have on to the side of the road.     lock eyes with a volunteer and point to them.    They will understand they are to hand off.    The try to have a "soft" hand for the hand off or the bottle can bounce out of your grip.    If you lose bottle #1  point to another and repeat.     This is why I try and get two bottles at a station.   water and sports drink.   If I get the water,  I can cool myself down with it by spraying it on me,  if I blow the exchange for sports drink,  well  I have the water to drink.      

Really in my opinion  if you are not going to use special nutrition drink  (Infinit or the like)    then why not live off the course?  (get everything you need from aid stations)   save some weight on the bike and only carry enough fluids to get you station to station.    Full bottles weigh a ton.       If you can believe this,  and this is a rare set up in Iron distance TRI    I only use one bottle cage.   Even in Ironman.    just one bottle position.   but doing this makes many people very uneasy.   So again  its a preference thing.

You can see the multi-watch thing in this pic.  and the one bottle ha!

Edited by oriolepwr 2012-10-17 8:54 AM
2012-10-17 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4448129

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!


Name     Swim yrds/Bike miles/Run miles   Total time

Pink       1600           39.20         70.65       20:34:00 

Sarah     9200       124.14         50.91        18:49:01

Dave        0              84.00         29.20        10:10:48

Jax           0             19.70          60.20        10:02:48

Mike         0                0             50.85         08:37:44 

Todd         ?                0             26.20         04:44:34

Quincy      0                0             27.70         04:11:16 *Hopefully getting some much deserve R&R

Yvonne    825            15.48           0             01:20:18

TJ           500            14.15           0             00:58:50 *How's the baby...and the family??

Shelly       0                0              4.02          00:48:17   

Tom        ***PT and awaiting pump fix***

2012-10-17 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4454246

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-10-15 12:57 PM

OK...I have so many questions going into my first HIM in less than two weeks!! I'm getting really nervous and starting to doubt some of my plans for race day. I hope y'all don't mind, but I'll probably be asking a lot of questions over the next couple weeks!!

First, I have no idea what to do with my bike pace. With my swim, I am not shooting for any pace at all. My main goal there is to not panic, and to be able to actually swim freestyle without doing the back stroke and whacking anybody in the face. I will be happy with any time between 40 and 50 minutes. Even if it takes longer...whatever, I really don't care.

My run I am pretty confident in. I am shooting for a 2-2:15 hr half, which I believe is reasonable, as long as the heat index remains below 85 degrees. My fastest free half was a tad over 1:45, and I have been comfortable running a 9 min/mile pace off the bike for pretty extended time periods. Again, if I have to slow down, no biggie, I'm really not all that worried about it.

However...I am dreading pacing myself on the bike. With the run you can give everything you have because when you're done, well, you're done, and you can rest. I just don't know how to strategically pace myself on the bike so I don't bonk on the run. My long training rides (between 50 and 60 miles) have been in the range of 16.5-17.5 mph. This does not kill me, and I have been able to get off the bike and run. My Oly race bike pace was about 19.2 mph and I was able to come off the bike and keep a 9min/mile pace for the 10K with a heat index in the low 90s. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas about what pace I should try to shoot for on the bike? This is where a coach would really come in handy. I need someone to just tell me "ride this pace". Don't go over it, and push to keep it up!

My advice on the bike is keep it to a pace you aren't breathing hard.  You should be able to hold a conversation if you were riding next to someone. At least until you have a couple HIM's under your belt I would do that. Do you have a HR monitor and know your zones? If so, keep it in zone two until you have more experience.


What is your nutrition plan? Electrolytes?


Good luck!

2012-10-17 8:54 PM
in reply to: #4457156

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-10-17 8:10 AM
Pink Socks - 2012-10-16 8:03 PM

@Sarah, Jax said it beautifully.  You will rock the HIM. I'm completely in awe of how you recently began tris, moved up to OLY, then HIM, and have bounced back from a freaking bike wreck.  You are mentally tough, very smart, and a very well trained athlete.  You are a stud and will do beautifully.

I must admit, that I had to laugh when I read about your plans to leave your Garmin.  My hubby kept telling me to do that and I wouldn't listen to him.  Last spring I was doing a HM and my Garmin went dead during my warmup so I left it.   Then I forgot to note the time on my watch when we started.  Ran blind the whole time.  PR'ed.  I must admit that I still don't like to leave my Garmin because I like to be able to analyze my splits later.  But I have gotten to where I don't look at it often and someimes I stick it in my spibelt so I can't view it.

Thanks, Pink! I think you give me too much credit, but that was really nice of you to made me blush!!

Dave - you sound just like me...I did one of my tris this summer wearing a watch on each arm, and if there is a pace tatoo available it is on my arm!! I don't know, though. I just feel like going blind for this one. I talk a big game, but my race pictures just might show multiple watches and race tatoos covering my appendages. question! How on earth am I going to get a water bottle on the bike at the water stations? I had planned on bringing all my gatorade/water on my bike from the start, and then DH said he's gonna use the water stations. I don't know what to do! Can someone who has done this before walk me through this? I mean how do you tell them what you want, what is the etiquette going through the stations, am I supposed to stop or just slow down? Anything you can think of would really help!!

The volunteers will call out what they have and usually have all one type drink first then another second.  You will yell out what you want too.  Ditch you old bottle on the way in to the station, slow down to what feels like a reasonable speed to grab a bottle, hold your line, shoulder check if you need to move in, call what you need, point to the volunteer that has what you need, make eye contact and say "you" and point again, maintain eye contact then keep your eye on the bottle. If they are good, they will hold on what feels like a half second too long so you have to pull it a little (otherwise it's too easy to drop), thank the volunteer, hold your line, and get back up to speed.

Visualize this a few times and it should be a piece of cake.

I'm excited for you!

2012-10-18 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Thanks for the sounds scary!!

Mike, I have to admit, when I read your post I thought "no way no how am I going to do that". Then, after having some time to think about it, I decided I should force myself to do it. I mean, if I want to continue doing triathlons I better learn the right way to do it. So, instead of my usual three or four bottles, I will carry only two bottles, which will force me to get a bottle from the aid station, but will grant me some forgiveness if I happen to miss all the bottles in one or two of the stations!!

Stay tuned...more questions to come~~

2012-10-18 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4458884

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-10-18 9:29 AM

Thanks for the sounds scary!!

Mike, I have to admit, when I read your post I thought "no way no how am I going to do that". Then, after having some time to think about it, I decided I should force myself to do it. I mean, if I want to continue doing triathlons I better learn the right way to do it. So, instead of my usual three or four bottles, I will carry only two bottles, which will force me to get a bottle from the aid station, but will grant me some forgiveness if I happen to miss all the bottles in one or two of the stations!!

Stay tuned...more questions to come~~

I am glad Dave and Mike posted their tips...Dave described the handoff perfectly. I actually would carry as little water as possible...that stuff is heavy! I have a friend who had his race plan down to such a science he would pour water over his head right before a hill (and make sure he drank his sports drink) and then picked up new stuff at the next aid station...but that's pretty advanced. Just don't freak out if you miss a handoff and be careful riding through the aid stations. I have nearly crashed twice fiddling with bottles in stations. Be steady!

2012-10-18 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Surgery just got postponed, aaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhh!

Sometime in early November. So now I'm going to start indoor riding.

Sarah, Good luck on your HIM

May the Legs be with You!

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