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2013-07-29 12:12 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by wbayek

Dina, tough time for you and your family. I'll have you in thoughts and prayers.

Will, great to hear things are coming around.

Tracy, so good to "hear" your voice again and see you in a race. Great job.

Tony, that climb should just be more proof to you that you are ready. Keep going for these last 6 weeks.

Dirk, you are officially un-invited to the Lake Winnipesaukee bike camp! I average 18 for 60 miles and feel like I'm a rock star!

Meeting Potts should be even more fun now that he's the IMLP winner. Can't wait.

Warren getting to meet Andy Potts is very cool. He killed it again at LP yesterday. One of my friends there was amazed at how fast he was moving on the bike and the run. I have to say I envy you!

2013-07-29 12:15 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JeffY

Originally posted by strikyr

Warren I'm glad to hear that you are alright and man that is a scary situation to be in. I'm glad things turned out alirght that could have been a real disaster. I did my long ride today and towards the end of the ride someone literally tried to run my friend Wynn off the road and it's a double lane highway with a shoulder. He was riding on the shoulder and it's wide! Thankfully nothing happened other then my friend givng the guy the finger and being right fully upset. Some people have no respect for others and have no business being behind the wheel of any vehicle.

I got in another great long ride today. Wynn and I rode the hills to Port Jefferson and I got in 87.5 miles today. We did the all the hills we normally hit and I wound up doing 12 Oakwood repeats. We must have spent 2 hours just doing the repeats. He also took me up another hill that was worse than Oakwood if that is possible.

If someone tells you that you haven't lived until you've done "insert here" be afraid. In my case it was the steep hill on East Broadway. Holy cow it was a tough climb. Before we even got to the hill Wynn was like get in your lowest gear and just spin and by the way you'll be standing on this climb. As we're going up he's like ok rest on here. I'm thinking this is going to be bad if we are trying to rest while we're climbing LOL! He was right though I almost made it to the top but I had to get up at the very end. I almost made it seated, not bad for my first time up it.

After the repeats we pretty much limped on home. The way back was tough because we were riding in a big headwind. We passed by the jail in Riverhead so these are affectionately called "Jail Runs". It was a tough one up Route 24 to Route 51 because the wind was so bad I thought I wasn't going to make it I was riding so slow. We made back to Wynn's house and I actually felt like I could ride some more which was good so I decided to run a mile to see what it felt like.

Two times around the block about a .5 mile each loop and some uphills and downhills. I felt good and ran faster than I thought I could. As I'm running I'm thinking man I can freakin do this. I think I could have run some more but I ended it at a mile. We were out a long time today at least 6 plus hours with the stops we made. Another positive step towards actually being able do this at IMWI. I think I'm on track and I know I can do it. Next week we'll be skipping the hills and it will be a century ride. I've been wanting to do one so I'll finally get my chance.

Tony, this is incredible! Way to go....I can't believe you ran that comfortably after your ride.

Jeff thanks and I agree I never thought I would be able to do that. I'm amazed at what I've been able to do so far. I hope it feels that easy on race day.
2013-07-29 1:13 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by wbayek
Originally posted by JeffY Warren, when you meet Potts just go ahead and say the same thing I would say: "I'm coming for you". If I am going to be a chihouha, then I'm going to be the one that stares down the pit bulls... Oh, and how about this?? A wager that if you beat him in the race then he donates his entire season's PRO earnings to the charity!!!???
chihouha??? What are you implying? I'll definitely make that suggestion to him, just to get his reaction.

If/When you make this suggestion to him I suggest you not ask an Olympic medalist that you'll possibly catch him on the swim!  (If that were the leg you were actually going to take.)  Now, if you knew another Olympic swimmer and could just go for time based challenge that would work well.........Maybe.

2013-07-29 3:17 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by wbayek

Originally posted by JeffY

Warren, when you meet Potts just go ahead and say the same thing I would say: "I'm coming for you".

If I am going to be a chihouha, then I'm going to be the one that stares down the pit bulls...

Oh, and how about this?? A wager that if you beat him in the race then he donates his entire season's PRO earnings to the charity!!!???

chihouha??? What are you implying?

I'll definitely make that suggestion to him, just to get his reaction.

I am implying that when it comes to triathlon I am a chihouha compared to Potts being a pitt bull!
2013-07-29 7:43 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by wbayek Two things from me. First, I'm doing Timberman as a Make-A-Wish racer. And yes, I'll be plugging for donations soon. But the news is that Andy Potts is racing, and he's the Wish guest speaker Saturday and he'll be hanging out with us for a few hours. Can't wait to meet him! Anyone have any advice you want me to pass on? Second, I now know my max heart rate. On my ride today, I was finishing up and coasting down a pretty step hill. There is absolutely no shoulder in this part - the white line is the edge of the road. Anyway, I'm going 33-35, and a tractor trailer is coming up the hill. Meanwhile, an SUV behind me decides he can't wait 13 seconds to pass and pulls up next to me. There was no extra room, the wind was blowing, and a gust pushes me a few inches left and the car actually bumped my leg. I served to the right but not off the road, and somehow didn't wipe out. The car zipped off. Heart rate hit 203, highest legitimate reading I've ever seen . Guess 220-age is wrong or else I'm 17. Be careful out there everyone.

Yikes Warren, that is a little too close for comfort. Glad you were not hurt!

2013-07-29 7:51 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by strikyr
Originally posted by JeffY
Originally posted by strikyr Warren I'm glad to hear that you are alright and man that is a scary situation to be in. I'm glad things turned out alirght that could have been a real disaster. I did my long ride today and towards the end of the ride someone literally tried to run my friend Wynn off the road and it's a double lane highway with a shoulder. He was riding on the shoulder and it's wide! Thankfully nothing happened other then my friend givng the guy the finger and being right fully upset. Some people have no respect for others and have no business being behind the wheel of any vehicle. I got in another great long ride today. Wynn and I rode the hills to Port Jefferson and I got in 87.5 miles today. We did the all the hills we normally hit and I wound up doing 12 Oakwood repeats. We must have spent 2 hours just doing the repeats. He also took me up another hill that was worse than Oakwood if that is possible. If someone tells you that you haven't lived until you've done "insert here" be afraid. In my case it was the steep hill on East Broadway. Holy cow it was a tough climb. Before we even got to the hill Wynn was like get in your lowest gear and just spin and by the way you'll be standing on this climb. As we're going up he's like ok rest on here. I'm thinking this is going to be bad if we are trying to rest while we're climbing LOL! He was right though I almost made it to the top but I had to get up at the very end. I almost made it seated, not bad for my first time up it. After the repeats we pretty much limped on home. The way back was tough because we were riding in a big headwind. We passed by the jail in Riverhead so these are affectionately called "Jail Runs". It was a tough one up Route 24 to Route 51 because the wind was so bad I thought I wasn't going to make it I was riding so slow. We made back to Wynn's house and I actually felt like I could ride some more which was good so I decided to run a mile to see what it felt like. Two times around the block about a .5 mile each loop and some uphills and downhills. I felt good and ran faster than I thought I could. As I'm running I'm thinking man I can freakin do this. I think I could have run some more but I ended it at a mile. We were out a long time today at least 6 plus hours with the stops we made. Another positive step towards actually being able do this at IMWI. I think I'm on track and I know I can do it. Next week we'll be skipping the hills and it will be a century ride. I've been wanting to do one so I'll finally get my chance.
Tony, this is incredible! Way to go....I can't believe you ran that comfortably after your ride.
Jeff thanks and I agree I never thought I would be able to do that. I'm amazed at what I've been able to do so far. I hope it feels that easy on race day.

Wow Tony, that is one awesome training day! I'm getting really excited for your race day! You have been a training machine.

2013-07-29 7:55 PM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

Checking in!  I'm finally back from my camping vacation!  It was super fun but now I need a vacation from my vacation!

I did a sprint triathlon the first weekend we were gone.  It was the 8th time I've done it.  It's a tradition now.  I placed 2nd in my age group on a hot and miserable day.  Aunt Flo was an unwelcome houseguest, dehydrated, overheated, super bad headache.  I did not try my best.  It was pure survival.  I won the best ever 2nd place goodie, though!  A beer growler!!!!  I promptly had it filled with kombucha!  (Don't get me wrong.  I LOVE beer!  The kombucha was calling my delirious brain!)

The rest of our vacation was at a family reunion.  It was hot.  Enough said.

I'm so glad to be back home so I can get back to regular training!

Glad you back and way to go on your race, especially under those circumstances.

2013-07-29 8:06 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I had a nasty ride on our country roads this weekend too. Tiff and I swam at the local pool then road home. Seemed like a good idea but we were into the wind the whole way home. The road we picked was bumpy then half way out it switched to gravel. We were miserable. Of course there was no shoulder, although we didn't see many cars. The ones we did see were flying and throwing gravel all over us. The good news is all of the unleashed dogs were friendly or stayed in their yards for a change .


Grandma passed peacefully this afternoon. Mom & her brothers/sisters have assigned all of us grandkids a job.  I will be a pal bearer. I've never done that before. Thanks for all the kind words and prayers, it means a lot.

2013-07-30 4:25 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dina, I'm sorry to hear of your grandmother.  May you all have peace as you work through the days that lie ahead.
2013-07-30 8:11 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dina glad you and Tiff got back home safely from your ride this past weekend. I'm also very sorry to hear about the passing of your Grandma. My condolences to you and your entire family.
2013-07-30 8:16 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dina, sorry to hear about your grandmother. You all are her legacy, so take some solace in a what was undoubtedly a life well led.

2013-07-30 12:04 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Dina, I'm praying for you and your family during this emotional time. 

You mentioned the gravel thrown when cars passed on your ride. I had some interesting things happen with gravel on my Saturday morning ride. I was riding along a road where several gravel, concrete, paving and landscaping buisnesses are located. The constant truck traffic has dropped gravel and bits of asphalt all over that road so the shoulders are strewn with debris. Because of this I tend to ride to the left side of the white line for most of that stretch, but even then I may hit some smaller gravel once in a while. It seemed that during Saturday's ride I managed to hit quite a few of those and launched them in all directions. Several times small rocks would shoot out from under my front tire and "ping" off of mailboxes or guardrail on either side of the road. I was actually worried that it would happen when a car was passing and the person would think I'd thrown something at them. 

2013-07-30 8:14 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I got back to training today after taking yesterday off I was totally wiped out from this past weekend. I decided to swim at the pool tonight I wanted to do a really long continuous swim. I didn't have anyone to swim with at the lake until last minute but I had already committed to the pool swim so I stuck with that tonight. This swim was more for my confidence than anything else.

I did a 4000 meter continuous swim. I was intentionally very, very slow tonight, it took me an 1:59 to do it just short of two hours. So the two good things are I can swim for a long time and I can cover the distance for the IM swim. I know I can swim faster but I really wanted to keep it easy to ensure I could do it an come out of it feeling pretty good which I did. I think I kept it a little too easy though. This makes me feel a whole lot better but I still need to do this out at the lake. Once I do the 2.4 miles there I'll really feel like I'm good with the swim but this definitely has boosted my confidence.
2013-07-30 8:44 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dina, Iam sorry to hear about your grandma. I am thinking of you and your family and sending prayers.
Tony, way to go on the ride run and swim!

I had to take one for the team and interviewed a new massage therapist, the interview included a massage! She was awesome and I hired her on the spot can't wait till she starts
2013-07-30 10:26 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr

I got back to training today after taking yesterday off I was totally wiped out from this past weekend. I decided to swim at the pool tonight I wanted to do a really long continuous swim. I didn't have anyone to swim with at the lake until last minute but I had already committed to the pool swim so I stuck with that tonight. This swim was more for my confidence than anything else.

I did a 4000 meter continuous swim. I was intentionally very, very slow tonight, it took me an 1:59 to do it just short of two hours. So the two good things are I can swim for a long time and I can cover the distance for the IM swim. I know I can swim faster but I really wanted to keep it easy to ensure I could do it an come out of it feeling pretty good which I did. I think I kept it a little too easy though. This makes me feel a whole lot better but I still need to do this out at the lake. Once I do the 2.4 miles there I'll really feel like I'm good with the swim but this definitely has boosted my confidence.

Wow, very nice! Aren't you wearing a wetsuit for your IM? That will definitely be beneficial.
2013-07-31 6:41 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Warren, glad U were not hurt riding!

Dina, so sorry about your grandmother. You and your family are in our prayers.

Tony and Dirk, GREAT training..both of ya'll!

All the Junkies, great job!

and welcome back Tracy!

Just catching up from a long weekend at the beach. This was just a vacation basically for my son as we let him and his cousin just go to the beach, play and flirt w/ the girls. I did get lots of running, swimming and lifting riding due to not having a bike there. The one thing I noticed, I wore by baggy swim suit to swim in and that is like 100 times harder. It has made me lose confidence in the swim and my tri is 10 days away....

2013-07-31 7:36 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JonnyVero

Dina, I'm praying for you and your family during this emotional time. 

You mentioned the gravel thrown when cars passed on your ride. I had some interesting things happen with gravel on my Saturday morning ride. I was riding along a road where several gravel, concrete, paving and landscaping buisnesses are located. The constant truck traffic has dropped gravel and bits of asphalt all over that road so the shoulders are strewn with debris. Because of this I tend to ride to the left side of the white line for most of that stretch, but even then I may hit some smaller gravel once in a while. It seemed that during Saturday's ride I managed to hit quite a few of those and launched them in all directions. Several times small rocks would shoot out from under my front tire and "ping" off of mailboxes or guardrail on either side of the road. I was actually worried that it would happen when a car was passing and the person would think I'd thrown something at them. 

I know exactly what you mean. I've been pinged by rocks more than once when Tiff and I ride together. I instinctively fall to the back if a car is coming but that is not always the best place to be.

2013-07-31 7:49 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by wbayek Dina, sorry to hear about your grandmother. You all are her legacy, so take some solace in a what was undoubtedly a life well led.


This is for sure. She was 96 years old - 6 children, 11 Grandchildren and 19 Great-Grandchildren all healthy and happy. She lived in her own home and took no medication up until her fall this spring. She had family who cared for her, did her grocery shopping, took her to church (she never learned to drive), and were at her side until the end. We should all be so blessed in life!

Thanks again everyone. This is such a great group.

Now back to training talk. I have developed a new foot issue, just when I think there can't be any new areas of my feet to hurt. This time it is the outside of my left foot. It is all soft tissue so I'm not too worried, just a little frustrated. I will do the usual things: ice, try different shoes or my orthotics for a while and water jogging until it calms down.

2013-07-31 8:04 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by wbayek Dina, sorry to hear about your grandmother. You all are her legacy, so take some solace in a what was undoubtedly a life well led.


This is for sure. She was 96 years old - 6 children, 11 Grandchildren and 19 Great-Grandchildren all healthy and happy. She lived in her own home and took no medication up until her fall this spring. She had family who cared for her, did her grocery shopping, took her to church (she never learned to drive), and were at her side until the end. We should all be so blessed in life!

Thanks again everyone. This is such a great group.

Now back to training talk. I have developed a new foot issue, just when I think there can't be any new areas of my feet to hurt. This time it is the outside of my left foot. It is all soft tissue so I'm not too worried, just a little frustrated. I will do the usual things: ice, try different shoes or my orthotics for a while and water jogging until it calms down.

Just curious what shoes do you wear when not training? A while back I had been having an issue especially when I would first get out of bed. I stopped wearing heels but after quite some time the issue went away, i wore heels yesterday and sure enough I got our of bed this morning and there it was, it wasn't as bad as it had been but I am thinking I definitely cant wear them to work in anymore.
2013-07-31 8:12 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63

Dina, Iam sorry to hear about your grandma. I am thinking of you and your family and sending prayers.
Tony, way to go on the ride run and swim!

I had to take one for the team and interviewed a new massage therapist, the interview included a massage! She was awesome and I hired her on the spot can't wait till she starts

JoAnne I am so jealous of you right now! I know she is not exactly your personal massage therapist but it's nice to have those kind perks with your business. On second thought if you're paying her salary I'm guessing you have priority access to her lol.
2013-07-31 8:17 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Originally posted by strikyr

I got back to training today after taking yesterday off I was totally wiped out from this past weekend. I decided to swim at the pool tonight I wanted to do a really long continuous swim. I didn't have anyone to swim with at the lake until last minute but I had already committed to the pool swim so I stuck with that tonight. This swim was more for my confidence than anything else.

I did a 4000 meter continuous swim. I was intentionally very, very slow tonight, it took me an 1:59 to do it just short of two hours. So the two good things are I can swim for a long time and I can cover the distance for the IM swim. I know I can swim faster but I really wanted to keep it easy to ensure I could do it an come out of it feeling pretty good which I did. I think I kept it a little too easy though. This makes me feel a whole lot better but I still need to do this out at the lake. Once I do the 2.4 miles there I'll really feel like I'm good with the swim but this definitely has boosted my confidence.

Wow, very nice! Aren't you wearing a wetsuit for your IM? That will definitely be beneficial.

Will yes IMWI should be wetsuit legal. I know this is not the same as doing a non-stop 2.4 miler but just to be able to do 2.5 miles in the pool and swim a couple of hours helps knowing that I should be able to do the distance.

BTW, a friend of mine who I train with and saw at the pool last night and is in the final stage of training for IMMT, well he was there with his wife swimming and I got to talk to them. I found out she is also doing B2B. She's already an Ironman, she did IMCDA. So you'll have company out there and I'll be tracking both of you.

2013-07-31 8:23 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Warren, glad U were not hurt riding!

Dina, so sorry about your grandmother. You and your family are in our prayers.

Tony and Dirk, GREAT training..both of ya'll!

All the Junkies, great job!

and welcome back Tracy!

Just catching up from a long weekend at the beach. This was just a vacation basically for my son as we let him and his cousin just go to the beach, play and flirt w/ the girls. I did get lots of running, swimming and lifting riding due to not having a bike there. The one thing I noticed, I wore by baggy swim suit to swim in and that is like 100 times harder. It has made me lose confidence in the swim and my tri is 10 days away....

Karl I'm glad you had a great weekend and I was going to ask you how the swimming was going. Wearing a baggy swim suit will definitely make it harder to swim, it creates more drag and will slow you down. It's good practice to swim in baggy shorts from time to time but don't let that discourage you and don't lose any confidence in yourself. Forget about it and focus on the upcoming tri. You've been doing the work and you can swim the distance. Just keep telling yourself you can do it and trust me you can do it!
2013-07-31 8:36 AM
in reply to: 0

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Hi everyone, long time since I've posted but Ive tried to check in here and there. Work was busy then I was on vacation for a week. Just now getting back to a normal pace. Hoping to read the past few pages of posts and get caught up.

Dina sorry to hear about your grandmother, its never easy to lose someone, hopefully you and your family are doing well.

Workouts have been sporadic at best. I have gotten a few rides and runs in here and there. Not a whole lot of swimming however last night I did get out to a local OWS fundraiser event for the local swim team. Since I just got a new wetsuit and needed to get used to it before my next race on August 18th I figured I would head over and support the cause. About 30-40 people swam, they had a 250m out and back for a 500m loop. They were hoping for longer loop but the fog rolled in. So people had the option of 500-1000-1500. Im guessing about 15-20 were doing the 1500m. So we take off and I look arounf about half way to the first bouy and its just me and another female, this is odd where is everone, lol. So we kept swimming along and shortly later we were joined by another female swimmer. I tried to hang with them but they were pretty fast and slowly pulled away. By about half way through the second lap I was joined by another female swimmer who I was able to hang with the whole time till the finish. I will say these girls could move, they were all sans wetsuit, and I think the first two girls were first out of the water at our local tri last year. All in all not bad, my 910xt had the total course at 1850m, and my laps times were 10:10, 9:50 and 9:40. pace at 1850m worked out to 1:38/100m which should be about right as my pace without a wetswuit is about 1:45-1:46/100m. Felling better about the swim portion of my next race, but on the down side 3 local roadies that ride in an atlantic race series are doing the race, they all ride at TT pace over 40km/h and run a 10k sub 40min. The only good thing is they all swim like rocks, lol. Hoping I can put about 20 minutes into them on the swim, lol.

All try to get caught up and check back in soon.


Edited by BigDaddyD79 2013-07-31 12:56 PM
2013-07-31 9:21 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63
Originally posted by trigal38

Originally posted by wbayek Dina, sorry to hear about your grandmother. You all are her legacy, so take some solace in a what was undoubtedly a life well led.


This is for sure. She was 96 years old - 6 children, 11 Grandchildren and 19 Great-Grandchildren all healthy and happy. She lived in her own home and took no medication up until her fall this spring. She had family who cared for her, did her grocery shopping, took her to church (she never learned to drive), and were at her side until the end. We should all be so blessed in life!

Thanks again everyone. This is such a great group.

Now back to training talk. I have developed a new foot issue, just when I think there can't be any new areas of my feet to hurt. This time it is the outside of my left foot. It is all soft tissue so I'm not too worried, just a little frustrated. I will do the usual things: ice, try different shoes or my orthotics for a while and water jogging until it calms down.

Just curious what shoes do you wear when not training? A while back I had been having an issue especially when I would first get out of bed. I stopped wearing heels but after quite some time the issue went away, i wore heels yesterday and sure enough I got our of bed this morning and there it was, it wasn't as bad as it had been but I am thinking I definitely cant wear them to work in anymore.

I gave up on heels years ago. I have been wearing sandals - either Birkenstock or Earth brand.

2013-07-31 12:05 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Derek, that's a great swim. What a cool way to get in some OWS practice.

Joanne, great job sacrificing for the good of the team!

Tony, might want to sign up for the EN 4 keys talk for IMWI. It's free but they are getting so popular they like to get an idea of head count beforehand.

I'm trying to figure out a target watts for my Timberman relay leg. I rode the entire course at 90% FTP last weekend and it didn't seem overly taxing, especially since I was on completely non-tapered legs. I'm probably gonna ride it again this coming weekend and shoot for a slightly higher wattage. I'm guessing either my FTP is a little higher than my last tested value, or that my power curve is very flat, meaning I don't degrade in performance as quickly as the formulas suggest. Based on my riding so far with this power meter, I think the latter is definitely true, but I also wonder if I should test again. I HATE doing a 20 minute all out effort though!
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