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2010-03-17 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2730744

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-17 6:34 AM
owl_girl - 2010-03-17 1:40 AM

deehtz - 2010-03-16 7:31 PM
owl_girl - 2010-03-16 8:58 AM

deehtz - 2010-03-16 6:48 AM Good Morning Twisters!

Yesterday was a rest day for me.  I also had a massage after work.  I was very pleased that I didn't really have many problem areas from the training. 

The rest of this week I want to really push the training.  I am scheduled to do more workouts than usual if I follow my plan.

However, I might get  a bit of interruption.  My step-daughter will be induced Thursday if she doesn't go into labor by then.  She has done well thru the pregnancy, but now is developing some mild toxemia.  So the dr. says no later than Thursday. 

If a workout gets missed, I will make it up at the beginning of next week which is a lighter week and starts a 2 week taper to my first event.  It is only a sprint, but it is my first, and I find that this "older body" needs a little more rest than I read about in some plans!  Wink

Hopefully she goes into labor on her own.  Is she late?  Is this her first?  So exciting!

Her  "official"  due date is the 17th.  But the baby has been in "dropped" position for weeks.  And yes it is her first.   In fact it is the first grandchild for all 3 sets of grandparents and we all live in the same town with the young couple!  We tell them that between the grandparents and the aunts, they really wouldn't have to raise the child at all.  Just keep passing her around!   LOL

Actually, they will be great parents.  Smile

I was at 3cm for 6 weeks!  I "ran" 4 miles at a race just a few days before my due date.  He was 2 weeks late.  I had a super easy and fast labor even though he was my first.  I hope she is the same way.

That is why women will always be known as stronger than men - amazing!!!!

x2-Women are definitely the stronger sex.   

2010-03-17 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2730937

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
deehtz - 2010-03-17 7:49 AM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-17 5:30 AM Good Morning TWISTER's and Happy St. Patricks Day for all you Irish brethren out there

So I nursed a slow leaking front tire home last night and now I have another flat to repair - 4 for the year so far!!!!  And it is only March

With my riding my big fat knobbies on the road, I haven't had any problems with flats.  I hope I don't because I don't know how to repair one.  I need to go take at maintenance/repair class.

I've had plenty of flats with my "big fat knobbies." If you haven't had any, you're on borrowed time. See if your community does some free community bike workshops that can teach you the basics.
2010-03-17 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2731029

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
geauxtri - 2010-03-17 8:19 AM Topa d'mornin' TWISTERS!!!!

Sorry I've been a little rogue lately... been off of work for the most part the past couple of days and have managed to keep myself busy doing nothin' much...
Monday - Birthday ride up a canyon... felt SO good to finally get up it, it's been a goal of mine for a while - though it didn't deliver the mileage I thought it would    But it deliver a TON of shoulder pain, so I at last went and got a shorter stem for my bike on the way home
Tuesday - My b-day... went for a short run... once again I came up short of the mileage I wanted, I still haven't hit a 5k since my knee surgery   Then I finished yesterday w/ a kick@$$ preliminary interview for a job promotion!!! 

Hope things work out with the promotion. 
2010-03-17 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2731355

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
dimplespoo - 2010-03-17 10:13 AM Hey Everyone -
Still feeling cruddy but last night was the first night I was able to sleep through the night without the coughs waking me up and I feel somewhat better this morning.

I talked to Dee and she left me scrap the bike (1) and the run miles (10) of this week. I will still get the core and stretch in. This allows me to not have to run or bike until next monday and I should be good to go by them based on the timeline.

Hubby has come down with it as well (or similar) and seems to be a couple days behind me in the symptoms. I think this is the second time he has been sick in the almost 10 years we have been married. He is usually resistant to it but not this time. It stinks to be sick at the same time but it is better than him giving it to me again after I get over it the first time... We just are not the household to be around right now...

Let's keep up the good work and kick those Easterner's butt.


Sorry you're ill. At least its not so bad that you can't do the core and stretch.  I'm glad Dee is willing to work with us on things like this.  It makes getting sick during these challenges a little less discouraging. 
2010-03-17 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2731055

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-17 8:28 AM Heather and all other TWISTER's interested - here is some bike tour info and the link:

Forgot to tell the TWISTER's - We received our 2nd complimentary stay for our bike tour.  The website is live and all of our sponsors will be listed so if you are ever in there area and needing a room please consider them and mention Freedom Tour 2010 - now back to our regular programming!


That's pretty cool that you're able to put something together like this.  It would be amazing to be able to do it but I don't have the time off work.  Keep up the good work Bill.  You're a good man.
2010-03-17 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2731840

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-17 1:17 PM I just fixed our spreadsheet - it was not totalling all of the % correctly or even pulling Melissa's at all!  We are still behind but it is a lot closer now!

Dee wasn't pulling favorites when she set up the spreadsheet was she? Wink

2010-03-17 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
Hello!  Is there anyone out there? 
2010-03-17 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
I'm feeling kind of lonely here.  I think I'm all by myself at the moment.
2010-03-17 5:10 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
I'm still gonna spill my guts about my day, even if no one is here to listen.
2010-03-17 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2731840

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-17 12:17 PM I just fixed our spreadsheet - it was not totalling all of the % correctly or even pulling Melissa's at all!  We are still behind but it is a lot closer now!

I hadn't realized that I wasn't contributing to the team.   

Thanks for fixing it Bill!
2010-03-17 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2732140

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
billsorg - 2010-03-17 2:02 PM

Hello team T.W.I.S.T.E.R.
Hi, I'm Bill from the Beginner Triathlete I.T. department.  I'm here to inform you that you're team has too many posts and you should all reduce your number of posts to a maximum of 2 PER WEEK through the end of this challenge.  Unless, of course, your BT status is "Muck Raker" or "Dork Face", in which case you should post only once per week.

Furthermore... your prolific BT logs are jamming up our servers, so the I.T. department respectfully asks that you significantly decrease the volume of your workouts.  Heck, it's St. Patty's day, so why not just take the rest of the month off?  Rest is nice.  Rest is good.  Grab a green beer and blow off that workout.  Triathlon training is REEEEEALLY hard.  Maybe do some bowling or some basket weaving.

We appreciate your support,
The BT.com I.T. Department

Nice...Let me guess, this Bill is on the bEASTie challenge team???

2010-03-17 5:16 PM
in reply to: #2732229

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
pdbman - 2010-03-17 3:10 PM I'm still gonna spill my guts about my day, even if no one is here to listen.
Still here...I can listen. 

2010-03-17 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2732239

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
mchally - 2010-03-17 3:16 PM
pdbman - 2010-03-17 3:10 PM I'm still gonna spill my guts about my day, even if no one is here to listen.
Still here...I can listen. 

For that matter, I can even talk back!
2010-03-17 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
Crazy day.  Came in the office and checked my voice mail. Apparently the day I was at the hospital with my son, IBM called to let me know that our server "called home" to say we have a disk error. When I called back, they had closed the ticket because no one had called them back.  I had to call their customer service line to create a new call so we could get it fixed. Three hours and several phone calls later we have a new disk drive and we didn't go down for a second.  

You should have seen the look on the guy's face when he saw how full our disk is.  He explained several ways the disk space could be expanded to help. Already knew about the disk space, I just can't get management to spend the money to do anything about it. So I get to spend a good part of my week trying to keep things cleaned up so we don't drop when the disk fills up.

Plus I had to juggle the phone calls with IBM and our team meeting today.

Also trying to play catchup on my project after being out for a couple of days. I also found out that nothing has been done to set up the files that are needed. Its looking like things are going to be a little busy.  Plus its also my anniversary this weekend and tomorrow is the last day I will be "in the office" this week.

Go ahead and say it. "If you're so busy, why are you wasting time here?"  Well, sometimes I just have to take a break.
2010-03-17 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2732241

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
mchally - 2010-03-17 4:17 PM
mchally - 2010-03-17 3:16 PM
pdbman - 2010-03-17 3:10 PM I'm still gonna spill my guts about my day, even if no one is here to listen.
Still here...I can listen. 

For that matter, I can even talk back!

I'm not alone!  
2010-03-17 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2732230

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
mchally - 2010-03-17 4:13 PM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-17 12:17 PM I just fixed our spreadsheet - it was not totalling all of the % correctly or even pulling Melissa's at all!  We are still behind but it is a lot closer now!

I hadn't realized that I wasn't contributing to the team.   

Thanks for fixing it Bill!

You were contributing.  Someone was just trying to exclude you. Glad Bill noticed and took care of it. 

2010-03-17 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
oh the joys of cluttered computers...all the junk that is eating up the disc space.  I was tracking down unnecessary carp on my computer just yesterday.

Edited by mchally 2010-03-17 5:26 PM
2010-03-17 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2732250

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
pdbman - 2010-03-17 3:24 PM
mchally - 2010-03-17 4:13 PM
wgraves7582 - 2010-03-17 12:17 PM I just fixed our spreadsheet - it was not totalling all of the % correctly or even pulling Melissa's at all!  We are still behind but it is a lot closer now!

I hadn't realized that I wasn't contributing to the team.   

Thanks for fixing it Bill!

You were contributing.  Someone was just trying to exclude you. Glad Bill noticed and took care of it. 
Me too!
2010-03-17 5:28 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
How's your dad doing today?  And how are you holding up under the stress?
2010-03-17 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
I've spent the last couple of hours getting organized.  I made some trifold thingies with a weekly calendar on front and various check off lists in the other sections.  The lists included bills, phone calls, projects, school work, groceries, misc shopping, and errands.
2010-03-17 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2732251

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
mchally - 2010-03-17 4:25 PM oh the joys of cluttered computers...all the junk that is eating up the disc space.  I was tracking down unnecessary carp on my computer just yesterday.

Its a little different when its the office server. You can't just delete things, you have to go through the files and purge off the outdated records within the file.  The big problem we are having right now is there is a mystery file somewhere that isn't getting cleaned up and its eating up disk space.  Once we find it and set up a purge process for it, we'll all let out a big sigh of relief and I will be able to get back to my programming job. Programmers really aren't cut out to handle hardware issues.

2010-03-17 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
Just finished my usual 5 mile run at lunch...masters class after work.
2010-03-17 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2698009

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
So Melissa. How far did you have to drive to find a sunny hillside for your avatar picture.  They don't have too many of those in Seattle.
2010-03-17 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2732265

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Slackerville, USA
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
tri808 - 2010-03-17 4:34 PM Just finished my usual 5 mile run at lunch...masters class after work.

Welcome back.  How was your run? 
2010-03-17 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2732257

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: T.W.I.S.T.E.R. - March Winds Challenge
pdbman - 2010-03-17 3:28 PM How's your dad doing today?  And how are you holding up under the stress?
My dad is doing poorly...his blood oxygen levels have been low.

I am doing alright.  My family has been dealing with my little sisters severe health issues since I was in grade school.  We have know how my dad's condition would progress for the last 5+ years and we actually didn't expect him to make it as far as Christmas 2009. 
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