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2010-10-05 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Kind of a quiet week so far.  Several of us are on some running programs and have some runs coming up.  Several are in a break period and just doing some regular training.  I am at that stage where I don't have anything set in stone but would like to be doing 3 runs and 3 bikes per week and am building to do a 100k bike ride in early Nov. 

My knee has been feeling much better and the PT seems to be working.  Did a run yesterday and only felt minimal pain.  Got a bike planned for this afternoon.  Weather has been absolutely beautiful topping out in the low 80s. 

This already has been and will be a very busy week and weekend for me, so I'll try to get on and check up when I can.  Enjoy your week!

Oh yeah, and here is a little quote I saw and liked:

If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far. It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run.

John Bingham

Edited by chichitao 2010-10-05 9:27 AM

2010-10-05 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3133319

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey guys, 

Thanks for messaging, Tim, I meant to message earlier, but I completely forgot.  

That sounds pretty good, Tim!  I've been really busy with training recently. I did a fun run for charity this weekend.  I thought I was going to do a 10k, but we got there, and there was no 10k, only a 1k and a 5k.  We decided to run the 5k as a team (4 from my tri club), and it ended up being just over 4k of actual running.  We did it in 19 minutes, and that includes about 30 seconds of walking, and letting a teammate take her puffer.  Probably could have finihsed in under 18 minutes, had we known the actual distance.  

Also, doing some good volume with the tri club.  My plan is to go to every workout this week (until Thursday night, as I go back home on Friday).  That includes doing core work and yoga tonight, and waking up to do it Thursday morning.  I'm going to aim for the peach-filled month this month    Though this weekend is thanksgiving up here, so that may be tough...  lots of driving again! 
2010-10-05 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
My next few weeks are run run run!!  Logan was screaming at me from his crib at 4:45 this morning.  "Mommy, I wet.  I wet, change me."  So there went my run this morning!  The great thing about this is that 4 months ago I would have been really bummed and annoyed about missing my run.  Now I am ok with it.  I will do some core and strength tonight and get the run in tomorrow.  I will run Wed, Thurs, and Fri mornings.  Two of the three mornings John will be home.  Saturday we are off to Harrisburg PA for the day.  It is about a 2 hour drive.  Sunday is my 17 miles.  I want to start mapping out my route for it!
2010-10-05 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3133434

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-05 10:54 AM My next few weeks are run run run!!  Logan was screaming at me from his crib at 4:45 this morning.  "Mommy, I wet.  I wet, change me."  So there went my run this morning!  The great thing about this is that 4 months ago I would have been really bummed and annoyed about missing my run.  Now I am ok with it.  I will do some core and strength tonight and get the run in tomorrow.  I will run Wed, Thurs, and Fri mornings.  Two of the three mornings John will be home.  Saturday we are off to Harrisburg PA for the day.  It is about a 2 hour drive.  Sunday is my 17 miles.  I want to start mapping out my route for it!

That's exciting about the 17 miles!  How do you go about mapping out routes?  Do you use  Also, are you planning on stashing food/drink along the route?  Do you know what you're gonna need to be drinking/eating for the distance? 
2010-10-05 10:17 AM
in reply to: #3133439

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-10-05 9:56 AM
Mrschach - 2010-10-05 10:54 AM My next few weeks are run run run!!  Logan was screaming at me from his crib at 4:45 this morning.  "Mommy, I wet.  I wet, change me."  So there went my run this morning!  The great thing about this is that 4 months ago I would have been really bummed and annoyed about missing my run.  Now I am ok with it.  I will do some core and strength tonight and get the run in tomorrow.  I will run Wed, Thurs, and Fri mornings.  Two of the three mornings John will be home.  Saturday we are off to Harrisburg PA for the day.  It is about a 2 hour drive.  Sunday is my 17 miles.  I want to start mapping out my route for it!

That's exciting about the 17 miles!  How do you go about mapping out routes?  Do you use  Also, are you planning on stashing food/drink along the route?  Do you know what you're gonna need to be drinking/eating for the distance? 

Still trying to work all of that out.  My aunt and uncle are going to come and stay with the boys for me to run.  My husband has to work.  I will use the feature on here to map out the route.  I will bring gels with me.  Have not figured out the drinking thing yet.  I don't plan on carrying water with me for the marathon, just using the aid stations.  I don't want to get in the habit of drinking whenever I want on my training runs.  I do have one of the hydration belts.  I might fill it up with something and just make sure I am drinking only when I would for the marathon.  I need to check out the course map again.  If I have to leave something outside my house and circle back for a refill I will.  I still have to figure all that fun stuff out!
2010-10-06 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3133489

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey Tim, I just read that quote.  I didn't notice it the first time (how, I don't know...)  LOVE it.  Thanks for sharing!  So true.  And that's what I love about it, and this site.  I love the community aspect of the whole tri world!

So I just wanted to say that, over (at least) the last 3 weeks, I have either really not logged my training well, or I have been slacking, as I had done more (time wise) training by yesterday evening than I had in the entire week for the past 3 weeks.  Whoops!  Back to the volume training, though, I guess.  My gf has decided to sign up for an Oly in June, and actually train for this one, so I'm gonna do it with her.  I guess I'm already planning out my race season for next year!

2010-10-06 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I need help!  Tell me to calm down and breathe.  My anxiety level is slowly rising as I realize I have less than 7 weeks!
2010-10-06 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3135644

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-06 10:00 AM I need help!  Tell me to calm down and breathe.  My anxiety level is slowly rising as I realize I have less than 7 weeks!

Meggan, you have NO reason to be panicking!  You are doing AMAZING on your training, especially considering that you have life to deal with, too.  You are going to do your long run this week, and you're going to KILL it!  And with 7 weeks to go, you have a lot of time left to work out all this anxiety.  

Just stick to the plan, and you'll do awesome!  The anxiety is definitely common, and pretty expected.  I'm actually glad you're getting it this early!  You still have a lot of time to sit back, breathe, and relax about it.  If you got it a week or 2 before the marathon, that would be harder to deal with!

Like I said, you are doing AMAZING, and you're an inspiration with how much you're putting into this.  If you can do it, having such a busy life, and a family, I really have no excuse!  Keep up the amazing work, and THANK YOU   
2010-10-06 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3135402

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Ha, you must be blind!   j/k no I went back and added it literally right after you posted. 

You know, sometimes our bodies/minds really let us know when they need a break.  Taking a break is a good thing, but using that to get refreshed and having the motivation to pick back up and continue where you left off is a great thing!  Good to hear and very good to hear about the gf signing up.  A little friendly competition and someone to train with. 

LockOut - 2010-10-06 8:04 AM Hey Tim, I just read that quote.  I didn't notice it the first time (how, I don't know...)  LOVE it.  Thanks for sharing!  So true.  And that's what I love about it, and this site.  I love the community aspect of the whole tri world!

So I just wanted to say that, over (at least) the last 3 weeks, I have either really not logged my training well, or I have been slacking, as I had done more (time wise) training by yesterday evening than I had in the entire week for the past 3 weeks.  Whoops!  Back to the volume training, though, I guess.  My gf has decided to sign up for an Oly in June, and actually train for this one, so I'm gonna do it with her.  I guess I'm already planning out my race season for next year!
2010-10-06 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3135753

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-10-06 10:32 AM Ha, you must be blind!   j/k no I went back and added it literally right after you posted. 

You know, sometimes our bodies/minds really let us know when they need a break.  Taking a break is a good thing, but using that to get refreshed and having the motivation to pick back up and continue where you left off is a great thing!  Good to hear and very good to hear about the gf signing up.  A little friendly competition and someone to train with. 

LockOut - 2010-10-06 8:04 AM Hey Tim, I just read that quote.  I didn't notice it the first time (how, I don't know...)  LOVE it.  Thanks for sharing!  So true.  And that's what I love about it, and this site.  I love the community aspect of the whole tri world!

So I just wanted to say that, over (at least) the last 3 weeks, I have either really not logged my training well, or I have been slacking, as I had done more (time wise) training by yesterday evening than I had in the entire week for the past 3 weeks.  Whoops!  Back to the volume training, though, I guess.  My gf has decided to sign up for an Oly in June, and actually train for this one, so I'm gonna do it with her.  I guess I'm already planning out my race season for next year!

Unfortunately, she lives 5 hours away, so we can't really train together!  But I do appreciate the competition, though she will hate getting to the race as early as I go...  I definitely show up far earlier than necessary, and she likes to show up last minute.  This may lead to a fight   
2010-10-06 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3135644

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
And I couldn't put it any better than Pete.  Believe in yourself and trust in your training.  And remember, this is just a run.  Remember why you are doing it.  No matter what happens, the amount of time and dedication you have put into it has been amazing and you are already doing more than most people ever will. 
Mrschach - 2010-10-06 9:00 AM I need help!  Tell me to calm down and breathe.  My anxiety level is slowly rising as I realize I have less than 7 weeks!

2010-10-06 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3133489

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan - I checked out the Philadelphia Marathon site and it looks like you have 15 aid stations averaging about a little under every 2 miles.  I strongly recommend not doing your current plan of fluid intake for your training run.  There are just too many variables such as race day weather, how your feeling, prior nutrition etc.  While you can try to figure out when to drink according to how the aid stations are I would recommend just following the standard 6-8 oz. of fluid every 15-20 minutes.  That way you know how to adjust.

I have run marathons in both extremes of temperature and your fluid intake changes drastically.  In Chicago in 2008 when the temps were in the high 80's I couldn't get enough fluids even with my hydration belt and last year in the 40's I just drank at each aid station.  The best way to practice is to stay with something consistent and know how your body reacts to that then you know what adjustments to make.

I would also recommend buying Gatorade Endurance since that is what they will have on the course.  Practice with that so you know how your stomach will handle it.  In 2008 I trained only with Gu's Endurance drink which is very mild and then I ended up drinking the Gatorade on the course and almost puked a couple times because it is very strong compared to Gu's.

Weigh yourself before your run and then weigh yourself immediatley after.  There should not be much of a weight loss (no more than 2-3 pounds).  Use that as a guage if you are taking in enough fluids.

I am sorry this is so long winded but I used to just wing my nutrition and fluids for long races and would always bonk.  Last year I got real serious about it and have had great races ever since no matter what the weather was.  It makes a HUGE difference!! 

I love the people at the expo the day before the race that are buying gels and trying to figure out what flavor to buy!!  Or even better the people who wear the race t- shirt that they got at the expo for the marathon and then wonder why the shirt bothered them the whole race. 

Practice makes perfect.

I will bring gels with me.  Have not figured out the drinking thing yet.  I don't plan on carrying water with me for the marathon, just using the aid stations.  I don't want to get in the habit of drinking whenever I want on my training runs.  I do have one of the hydration belts.  I might fill it up with something and just make sure I am drinking only when I would for the marathon.  I need to check out the course map again.  If I have to leave something outside my house and circle back for a refill I will.  I still have to figure all that fun stuff out!
2010-10-06 4:46 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
T1 - So I have been using the AquaSphere Kaiman goggles and after 2 pairs I was ready to burn them, run them over with my car, burn them again and then throw them in Lake Michigan.  Constantly leaking.

So I was reading reviews on the Kayenne and noticed your review.  I ended up trying them out.  I will hold you and your review personally responsible if they fail on me - haha

First swim with was Tuesday - no issues yetLaughing
2010-10-06 5:11 PM
in reply to: #3137050

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Great!  So far I still prefer them in a race over anything else.  I have to make sure and push them against my face to get the suction going before a race but they still have not let me down, after several seasons.  I still use the vanquishers in the pool but come race day those kayennes really do the job.  They allow me to sight much better.  It is what I am wearing in the avatar to the left.  Hope they work as well for you. 

So, what about getting tickets to your show when I make it up to Chicago next year? "

tmoran80 - 2010-10-06 4:46 PM T1 - So I have been using the AquaSphere Kaiman goggles and after 2 pairs I was ready to burn them, run them over with my car, burn them again and then throw them in Lake Michigan.  Constantly leaking.

So I was reading reviews on the Kayenne and noticed your review.  I ended up trying them out.  I will hold you and your review personally responsible if they fail on me - haha

First swim with was Tuesday - no issues yetLaughing

Edited by chichitao 2010-10-06 5:13 PM
2010-10-06 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Alright, I am a total baseball nut and my Texas Rangers finally made the playoffs after 11yrs (sorry T2, ya'll have a world series under ur belt)!!!!  I am super excited and took the afternoon off to watch the game today and we won.  So, we are up 1-0 in a 5 game series.  I have tickets to game 4 on Sunday if it occurs and am super excited.  Just had to throw that out there.  I took a half day off work today and took tomorrow off, just to watch the games.  So far so good! 
2010-10-06 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3137016

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-10-06 4:26 PM Meggan - I checked out the Philadelphia Marathon site and it looks like you have 15 aid stations averaging about a little under every 2 miles.  I strongly recommend not doing your current plan of fluid intake for your training run.  There are just too many variables such as race day weather, how your feeling, prior nutrition etc.  While you can try to figure out when to drink according to how the aid stations are I would recommend just following the standard 6-8 oz. of fluid every 15-20 minutes.  That way you know how to adjust.

I have run marathons in both extremes of temperature and your fluid intake changes drastically.  In Chicago in 2008 when the temps were in the high 80's I couldn't get enough fluids even with my hydration belt and last year in the 40's I just drank at each aid station.  The best way to practice is to stay with something consistent and know how your body reacts to that then you know what adjustments to make.

I would also recommend buying Gatorade Endurance since that is what they will have on the course.  Practice with that so you know how your stomach will handle it.  In 2008 I trained only with Gu's Endurance drink which is very mild and then I ended up drinking the Gatorade on the course and almost puked a couple times because it is very strong compared to Gu's.

Weigh yourself before your run and then weigh yourself immediatley after.  There should not be much of a weight loss (no more than 2-3 pounds).  Use that as a guage if you are taking in enough fluids.

I am sorry this is so long winded but I used to just wing my nutrition and fluids for long races and would always bonk.  Last year I got real serious about it and have had great races ever since no matter what the weather was.  It makes a HUGE difference!! 

I love the people at the expo the day before the race that are buying gels and trying to figure out what flavor to buy!!  Or even better the people who wear the race t- shirt that they got at the expo for the marathon and then wonder why the shirt bothered them the whole race. 

Practice makes perfect.

I will bring gels with me.  Have not figured out the drinking thing yet.  I don't plan on carrying water with me for the marathon, just using the aid stations.  I don't want to get in the habit of drinking whenever I want on my training runs.  I do have one of the hydration belts.  I might fill it up with something and just make sure I am drinking only when I would for the marathon.  I need to check out the course map again.  If I have to leave something outside my house and circle back for a refill I will.  I still have to figure all that fun stuff out!

Not long winded at all!!  This is the kinda stuff I need right now.  I know my anxiety level is partially due to having a crappy 16 miler last week.  I think I will feel better after the 17 mile run is done on Sunday.  John and I are going away for a few days the beginning of November.  Our 5 year anniversary is the beginning of December but it is the day before Joe's birthday.  We decided to go away a month early.  It will be the first time we go away without the boys.  Going away 3 weeks before the marathon might not be the smartest idea but at least it will take my mind off of it for a few days!

Thanks for the tip of trying out the Gatorade Endurance.  I don't think I have had that before.  I have been doing the gels so I know what works and does not work for me.  I also need to start thinking about what I will wear since the weather does tend to vary in November here.

2010-10-07 7:52 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan-You are going to do great!  I know it.  Just keep up what you have been doing and getting it in and you will be just fine.  I have every faith in you!

T1-that quote is awesome.  I copied it and forwarded it to my friend who is doing her first 5K in a couple of weeks.  She needed to see that.

On a side note, my hubby was sick again and now I have it.  Needless to say I haven't gotten my workouts in.  I am tired of being sick....that is twice in a month!  I guess that is what happens when I have a bunch of germy K-1-2 kiddos that I work with! 

My neighbor came by last night to see if I was interested in doing an indoor tri in November!  I might get a tri in still this year!!!  It is a 500 m swim, 9 mile stationary bike and 3 mile treadmill run.  I think I am going to do it, but I haven't been swimming or biking and it is 7 weeks away, what do you guys think?  Is that enough time to get back and do it?
2010-10-07 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3137104

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-10-06 5:33 PM Alright, I am a total baseball nut and my Texas Rangers finally made the playoffs after 11yrs (sorry T2, ya'll have a world series under ur belt)!!!!  I am super excited and took the afternoon off to watch the game today and we won.  So, we are up 1-0 in a 5 game series.  I have tickets to game 4 on Sunday if it occurs and am super excited.  Just had to throw that out there.  I took a half day off work today and took tomorrow off, just to watch the games.  So far so good! 

Ummmm....Go Phils!!!
2010-10-07 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3137799

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
debbiereid06 - 2010-10-07 7:52 AM Meggan-You are going to do great!  I know it.  Just keep up what you have been doing and getting it in and you will be just fine.  I have every faith in you!

T1-that quote is awesome.  I copied it and forwarded it to my friend who is doing her first 5K in a couple of weeks.  She needed to see that.

On a side note, my hubby was sick again and now I have it.  Needless to say I haven't gotten my workouts in.  I am tired of being sick....that is twice in a month!  I guess that is what happens when I have a bunch of germy K-1-2 kiddos that I work with! 

My neighbor came by last night to see if I was interested in doing an indoor tri in November!  I might get a tri in still this year!!!  It is a 500 m swim, 9 mile stationary bike and 3 mile treadmill run.  I think I am going to do it, but I haven't been swimming or biking and it is 7 weeks away, what do you guys think?  Is that enough time to get back and do it?

Do it!  Considering it is all inside and you don't have to deal with the outside elements, I think you will be fine!

Thanks for the words of encouragement.
2010-10-07 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3137799

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Yes, do it!  Plenty of time to get back into it, plus like Meggan said, it is all indoors.  Those types of tris are usually much less hectic and you can just go into it and have fun. 

debbiereid06 - 2010-10-07 7:52 AM
My neighbor came by last night to see if I was interested in doing an indoor tri in November!  I might get a tri in still this year!!!  It is a 500 m swim, 9 mile stationary bike and 3 mile treadmill run.  I think I am going to do it, but I haven't been swimming or biking and it is 7 weeks away, what do you guys think?  Is that enough time to get back and do it?
2010-10-10 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Heading out for 17 in a bit.  Just waiting for my aunt and uncle to get here.  My stomach is in knots!  I know my route.  I am going to run one of the routes I drive to my parents house.  I will go about halfway, make a turn, and then take the last half of another route I drive home from their house.  I drive there a lot since my mom watches my kids!  According to the route map here, it is 17.02 miles.  I am glad I have a route I am familiar with so I don't have to just wing it!

2010-10-10 9:16 PM
in reply to: #3143473

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-10 5:05 AM Heading out for 17 in a bit.  Just waiting for my aunt and uncle to get here.  My stomach is in knots!  I know my route.  I am going to run one of the routes I drive to my parents house.  I will go about halfway, make a turn, and then take the last half of another route I drive home from their house.  I drive there a lot since my mom watches my kids!  According to the route map here, it is 17.02 miles.  I am glad I have a route I am familiar with so I don't have to just wing it!

How did you make out on your run?  and how are your legs feeling?

I did my race this morning, felt good, no GI issues, hit some really big winds on the seconcd half, so much so it felt like I was going uphill on the downhill.   Garmin and chip time are pretty much on target, but I ran more than 21.1 according to my garmin.  Overall feel good about the run, was hoping for closer to 2hrs, but part of that were race conditions, I'll fill out a race report later.
2010-10-11 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Alright so I need some help coming up with a plan for the next 5 weeks for this sprint tri.  It is a 500m swim, 9 mile bike and 3 mile run.  The training plan I was using was a 13 week plan and the swim & bike are for a longer distances.  Not sure where to start!
2010-10-11 1:44 PM
in reply to: #3144145

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Race report is up:-)
2010-10-11 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3144145

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-10-10 9:16 PM
Mrschach - 2010-10-10 5:05 AM Heading out for 17 in a bit.  Just waiting for my aunt and uncle to get here.  My stomach is in knots!  I know my route.  I am going to run one of the routes I drive to my parents house.  I will go about halfway, make a turn, and then take the last half of another route I drive home from their house.  I drive there a lot since my mom watches my kids!  According to the route map here, it is 17.02 miles.  I am glad I have a route I am familiar with so I don't have to just wing it!

How did you make out on your run?  and how are your legs feeling?

I did my race this morning, felt good, no GI issues, hit some really big winds on the seconcd half, so much so it felt like I was going uphill on the downhill.   Garmin and chip time are pretty much on target, but I ran more than 21.1 according to my garmin.  Overall feel good about the run, was hoping for closer to 2hrs, but part of that were race conditions, I'll fill out a race report later.

I cannot even begin to tell you how sore my legs are!  I even brought my stick to work today so I could use it throughout the day!  The run was great!
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