BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-04-23 6:39 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Edited by mcommend 2011-04-23 6:42 PM

2011-04-23 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3462388

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
QueerDrummer - 2011-04-23 3:53 PM

Funny! It's rare that I meet anyone else who's parents have that much age difference! Even when my oldest sister (who is 15 years older than me!) was a little kid, other people often mistook our dad for her grandpa! LOL And that was back when he was still dying his hair. Most of my life he's looked like a cross between Jerry Garcia & Santa Clause. More than once small children have approached him in the grocery store with wide eyes and whispered their Christmas wishes to him! 

a cross between jerry garcia and santa clause?!!! hilarious!!!

i rode my older son's scooter today going down a hill and i wiped out, but i wasn't so fearful....guess i should start small and work my way up to a bike flying down a hill! haha. my older son didn't have better luck...infact, he really messed up his knee. michael caught it on video!

i am afraid when michael rides his bike on our road. it's more like a narrow two-lane mountain than a hill. infact, it's called Mountain Troy. it's very dangerous just to run on. there are blind spots on every corner and it's constant up and down hills. i really wish he would ride somewhere safer.

2011-04-23 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Glad you guys had a good day. It was nice here but WINDY!! I don't know what o expect living in the suburbs of the windy city! Lol. It was really bad. I ran early in the morning and came back to get in a bike ride. I guess the gusts were 35ish mph. I turned around and went home. It was whipping me around really bad. Got to try out the new wheels a little though. That was fun. I had a great run this morning too. I'm starting to recover and feel pretty good again.
2011-04-23 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3462631

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-04-23 6:51 PM
QueerDrummer - 2011-04-23 3:53 PM

a cross between jerry garcia and santa clause?!!! hilarious!!!

Be careful on that scooter!!! LOL Here's a pic of the old man. His shirt says "Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself"!

Edited by QueerDrummer 2011-04-23 10:00 PM


Dad2010.jpg (13KB - 9 downloads)
2011-04-23 10:26 PM
in reply to: #3462764

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-04-23 9:38 PM Glad you guys had a good day. It was nice here but WINDY!! I don't know what o expect living in the suburbs of the windy city! Lol. It was really bad. I ran early in the morning and came back to get in a bike ride. I guess the gusts were 35ish mph. I turned around and went home. It was whipping me around really bad. Got to try out the new wheels a little though. That was fun. I had a great run this morning too. I'm starting to recover and feel pretty good again.


I tried to ride in 35mph winds last weekend.  It is amazing how strong those winds are when they push you around!  It reminds me of riding a motorcycle when we lived in Vegas.  Riding along fine, and then BAM!  The winds would just toss you around.  I guess that is why they call it the windy ciity.....

2011-04-23 10:59 PM
in reply to: #3462841

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
QueerDrummer - 2011-04-23 10:53 PM
libramom - 2011-04-23 6:51 PM
QueerDrummer - 2011-04-23 3:53 PM

a cross between jerry garcia and santa clause?!!! hilarious!!!

Be careful on that scooter!!! LOL Here's a pic of the old man. His shirt says "Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself"!


LOVE IT!!!! that's the best shirt ever too! omg. so funny.

2011-04-23 11:03 PM
in reply to: #3256125

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

oh, and i should clarify- i was riding a scooter and my son was riding his bike, and did a complete flip over the handle bars- thrown into the air. it was slightly terrifying because he is such a LITTLE kid for his age...all skin and bones. plus, i was suppose to be the "spotter" and prevent something like that. i win the 'bad mom' award today.

2011-04-24 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3462890

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Yeah, but kids still bounce! We don't. Hope yr both ok!

libramom - 2011-04-23 11:03 PM

oh, and i should clarify- i was riding a scooter and my son was riding his bike, and did a complete flip over the handle bars- thrown into the air. it was slightly terrifying because he is such a LITTLE kid for his age...all skin and bones. plus, i was suppose to be the "spotter" and prevent something like that. i win the 'bad mom' award today.

2011-04-24 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
WOW! What a beautiful day it was today. It was 60ish and sunny, and all the wind from yesterday came to a halt! I got up early this morning and did masters swim at 6:30am. Anne went too. Then I went and joined a group ride at 8:30 for 42 miles. It was amazing weather. It was supposed to rain so I brought my fuji with me to swim class. I was really kicking myself I didn't have my tt bike. It would have been really nice to test out those wheels on a day like today!

Happy Easter Everyone!
2011-04-24 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

If you see this in time there is a show on the travel channel tonight about the Tough Mudder. I think it's the Kurt Kreischler show ai think
2011-04-25 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
The doctor has given me the ok to begin a "Return to Running" program.  I have already passed Steps 1 and 2, which were being able to comfortably walk for ten and twenty minutes.  I started right onto the using the eliptical, which I am supposed to do for two weeks.  At least it's a start!  Oh yeah, and I will be heading to PT.  All good news so far...

2011-04-25 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3464496

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-04-25 11:33 AM

The doctor has given me the ok to begin a "Return to Running" program.  I have already passed Steps 1 and 2, which were being able to comfortably walk for ten and twenty minutes.  I started right onto the using the eliptical, which I am supposed to do for two weeks.  At least it's a start!  Oh yeah, and I will be heading to PT.  All good news so far...

Take is slow and heal up good!!
2011-04-25 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I think congratulations is in order for Rich!! Great Job this weekend!!!
2011-04-25 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3464527

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-04-25 12:45 PM I think congratulations is in order for Rich!! Great Job this weekend!!!


Am I missing a thread somewhere or did he not post yet?  What is his accomplishment?

2011-04-25 12:53 PM
in reply to: #3464564

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-04-25 12:04 PM

Meulen - 2011-04-25 12:45 PM I think congratulations is in order for Rich!! Great Job this weekend!!!


Am I missing a thread somewhere or did he not post yet?  What is his accomplishment?

he hasn't posted yet, but check his log and the BT race report!
2011-04-25 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3464702

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

congratulations to rich on his race!

it's great weather here too! running this evening and wednesday night with a friend. i hope to do swimming with michael and definitely get my biking in too. i feel disgustingly overweight with the way i've been eating- yesterday morning i made a huge (greasy) breakfast, our friends took us out for lunch, and then we had an enormous dinner with family- an all-day eating fest. so gross. anyway, i really can't wait to train this week- it's SPRING!!!

2011-04-25 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

I totally agree with you on the eating like crazy this weekend!  I am actually looking forward to getting that back to normal this week!  My stomach hurt yesterday from all the junk I had.  But, I did get in a great run on Saturday.  The weather man was calling for thunder storms all day, but it ended up being beautiful and sunny.  I did an 11.25 mile run.  I am now feeling confident that I will be able to at least finish my HM.

I am thinking of doing a HIM in September.  Brian, I know you are doing one this year.  What made you decide to jump in?  I have actually found a local coach who would be willing to take me on.  I am meeting with her on Saturday to talk about what would be involved in coaching.  For me, having a coach would make me feel better about the distance!!  My husband is all for me doing it.  And advice or suggestions from anyone?

I hope everyone had a good Easter.  Too much food aside, it was a fun day for me with family that I really only get to see once a year.

Happy training!


2011-04-25 2:49 PM
in reply to: #3464967

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
gadgetlaw - 2011-04-25 2:34 PM

I totally agree with you on the eating like crazy this weekend!  I am actually looking forward to getting that back to normal this week!  My stomach hurt yesterday from all the junk I had.  But, I did get in a great run on Saturday.  The weather man was calling for thunder storms all day, but it ended up being beautiful and sunny.  I did an 11.25 mile run.  I am now feeling confident that I will be able to at least finish my HM.

I am thinking of doing a HIM in September.  Brian, I know you are doing one this year.  What made you decide to jump in?  I have actually found a local coach who would be willing to take me on.  I am meeting with her on Saturday to talk about what would be involved in coaching.  For me, having a coach would make me feel better about the distance!!  My husband is all for me doing it.  And advice or suggestions from anyone?

I hope everyone had a good Easter.  Too much food aside, it was a fun day for me with family that I really only get to see once a year.

Happy training!


I've been increasing my distances from day 1 of me getting into this. It's just a natural progression for me. After doing the shorter ones I just wanted to go longer. I want to do Ironman someday. Having an HIM under my belt and a stand alone marathon were two things I wanted to progress to before I do. I guess it's just part of the overall plan for me to keep progressing.
2011-04-25 3:00 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Thanks!  Your marathon is on Saturday right?  Are you feeling ready?  Good luck, I know you have trained well for the race and will rock it!
2011-04-25 4:12 PM
in reply to: #3465037

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
gadgetlaw - 2011-04-25 3:00 PM

Thanks!  Your marathon is on Saturday right?  Are you feeling ready?  Good luck, I know you have trained well for the race and will rock it!

yes it is Saturday!

I have no idea if I'm ready, but I did my best!

I hope I trained well enough. I'm a little scared I'm not fully recovered from all that training, but all I can do is see how it goes!

thanks Karen!!
2011-04-25 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3465202

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-04-25 5:12 PM
gadgetlaw - 2011-04-25 3:00 PM Thanks!  Your marathon is on Saturday right?  Are you feeling ready?  Good luck, I know you have trained well for the race and will rock it!
yes it is Saturday! I have no idea if I'm ready, but I did my best! I hope I trained well enough. I'm a little scared I'm not fully recovered from all that training, but all I can do is see how it goes! thanks Karen!!


Oh, exciting!!! How quickly that snuck up, didn't it? You will do great, I'm sure!

2011-04-25 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3256125

Goleta / Santa Barbara
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Sorry Guys,

I have been a bit busy lately and haven't really been able to check on this much.

Brian,  I saw that show.  Thanks.  Did you get to see it?  Now I really am excited.  The funny thing is that after that Triathlon,  I am not even sweating this race.  I know I have all the time in the world and a team to help me.  Plus there won't be any super long swims.  It is going to be just plain fun in the mud.   I can't wait.

I wanted you all to know.  I got some blood test results back and thanks to all this training,  all the markers were low.  No Pre-Diabetes.  (which I had)  No High Cholesterol (which I had) I got rid of my Acid Reflux Disease and I no longer have any lower back pain.   My doctor says I have the body of a much younger man now.  The last time I went in they said that I had the body of an old man.  No one believes my age when I tell them and when I tell them my weight, they can't believe it either.  I quit the scale.  Feel much better about it now.  I feel great and I look great.  I love it. 

2011-04-25 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I didn't get to see it. I was at my parents house when I saw the commercial. I thought of you and whipped out my phone to post it here. Unfortunately I was making the hour drive home when it was on.

That is incredible news from the doc! I really am so happy and proud of the work you all did this winter. You all did so great! Most people hibernate in the winter and you all used the time wisely to build a base and gain ground. All the while getting healthy, feeling good, getting fast, and I'd be willing to bet you're all looking better too! Congratulations!
2011-04-26 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3465554

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Dale, congratulations on turning your health around!!! That's something you should really be proud of. I kind of wish I'd had an assessment before I started working out, but at the same time I'm kinda glad I *don't* know how bad of shape I was in. Being laid up with my herniated disc a couple years ago was scarier than anything a Dr. would have told me anyway. I feel so incredibly blessed to be doing what I'm doing now. Even though I still have to be really careful with that disc, and feel it if I move the wrong way without thinking, after my 14-mile bike ride & 30 minute run yesterday I haven't had even a twinge of pain, so I know I'm in a good place.

I have to admit to joining those of you who overindulged on Sunday, and on top of it, I skipped my workout too! Chris had a motorcycle class all morning so I was left to prepare the roasted veggies we had offered to bring to family dinner. I love cooking, so it wasn't a problem, but between going to the store & trying 2 new recipes, while I technically *had* time to fit my bike ride in, I didn't have the mental capacity to feel rushed & fit in another shower before my folks arrived. Instead, I turned Monday's workout into a massive Brick and got to enjoy the amazing weather! I had the day off from work, so I drove out to my folks house in rural Western Wisconsin & put in an hour of cycling on the hills (ouch! Another wicked head wind too!) and then a 30 minute trail ride in the woods by their house. Ended up with 1 woodtick and a bunch of scratches up & down my legs from raspberry prickers (didn't even notice there was blood dripping down my leg until the cooldown LOL), but it felt incredible. Basically I did the equivalent of my race minus the swim and I could have kept going! 11 days until Race Day and I'm feeling confident!

Also practiced my transitions for the first time. Went pretty well except for rolling my sock on upside down the first time. LOL I'm keeping it pretty simple, despite choosing to wear socks. Biking & running in the same shoes & wearing a trisuit, so not much to it.

shrevemaintenance - 2011-04-25 7:22 PM

Sorry Guys,

I have been a bit busy lately and haven't really been able to check on this much.

Brian,  I saw that show.  Thanks.  Did you get to see it?  Now I really am excited.  The funny thing is that after that Triathlon,  I am not even sweating this race.  I know I have all the time in the world and a team to help me.  Plus there won't be any super long swims.  It is going to be just plain fun in the mud.   I can't wait.

I wanted you all to know.  I got some blood test results back and thanks to all this training,  all the markers were low.  No Pre-Diabetes.  (which I had)  No High Cholesterol (which I had) I got rid of my Acid Reflux Disease and I no longer have any lower back pain.   My doctor says I have the body of a much younger man now.  The last time I went in they said that I had the body of an old man.  No one believes my age when I tell them and when I tell them my weight, they can't believe it either.  I quit the scale.  Feel much better about it now.  I feel great and I look great.  I love it. 

2011-04-26 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED


That is awesome news from your doctor!!  You should feel so good about the changes that you have made.  I am amazed when people are able to turn their health totally around like that.  Keep up the good  work!!


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