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2007-05-12 7:58 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
hey guys just a quick note to let u know i did my second tri in 1 hour 18 and a bit will give the full time when i get the offical nod but it looks like 2 mins off my previous time.... im loving these tris! off to get a massage

cheers! and thanks for the well wishes

2007-05-12 10:51 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I am back and doing o.k. Things are really hectic and crazy lately. The last full moon is still here, it never went away.
My Stallion or better known as redbike (the dirty dirt bike) tried to buck me off. I was switching gears and my gear cable broke The rest of the ride 8 miles was all in low gear with part of the chain hanging down. YUCK YUCK YUCK! I stuck it out and rode because it was faster and much better than being seen walking a bicycle.
I misplaced my gym card and they have this snotty new attendant, you have to purchase a new card for 10 dollars. I love the gym but some of the people working there are just plain annoying. So I have been outside more and its probbably better that way except I am not swimming as much as I would like. I will just suck it up and go on monday. I wish you could just show your license and be admitted,I have so many cards now that it is getting abnoxious.
Mark - I need a vacation!! Thank you for sharing your places traveled to with us, for a moment I felt as If I was there, it was great. I also loved the architect of the building in dragon land.
What are the yellowish/or gold things on the right side of the opening? For a milisecond I could picture a big green and brown dragon perched on top of someones rooftop residence. I hope the walls are cement, you know dragons!

Happy Mothers Day to all the MOMS and future MOMS
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend!
2007-05-13 2:57 AM
in reply to: #798433

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Like Malphh this a quick note to say I finished my HK tri in about 2hr 50mins.

Full report tomorrow but am going to try and get a massage with no "happy endings"!

Toodles and all the best to mums everywhere (even future ones).
2007-05-13 4:21 AM
in reply to: #795461

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-10 7:51 AM

Prof, what do you think of this plan? (It was free and on some site I found awhile back)

Well, it looks good, if you're fit enough to start it. That first run on that first day is a doozy. But the essential elements are there.

Remember to listen to your body and DO NOT RUN HURT. Otherwise, enjoy the increase in mileage.
2007-05-13 4:27 AM
in reply to: #796285

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-05-10 4:14 PM

prof40 - 2007-05-10 5:39 AM

Well, then, sounds like someone is going to register for a race! Let us know if you do, and which one, and the date so we can keep an eye on you.

I'm already registered for:

The MS 150 (a two day charity bike trek....and I'm trying to raise money for it, so if you would like to help me out, I appreciate it): June 9-10

MinneMan Sprint tri: June 30

Danskin Sprint tri (Chicagoland): July 8

Probably Turtleman Oly: Aug 11

Iron Girl Du: Sept 23

And now, probably, the half Marathon )

Wow, you're not kidding. That's 5 more races than I've registered for. Suddenly, I feel like a serious slacker!
2007-05-13 4:33 AM
in reply to: #796763

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Edited by prof40 2007-05-13 4:37 AM

2007-05-13 4:36 AM
in reply to: #796763

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Edited by prof40 2007-05-13 4:36 AM
2007-05-13 4:40 AM
in reply to: #796763

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-05-11 7:21 AM

Well it hasn't even been 2 weeks off of work yet and I don't think I can ever go back!  (except I have to lol).  The weather has been more than perfect and I cannot get enough of it.

Last night I went for a jog down at the park with a friend.  We didn't get down there until late so we actually ended up running along the river right at sunset.  It was so beautiful the whole sky was pink and even the water was a mix of orange and red.  And a bunch of little geese chicks had just been born so there were little yellow fur balls all over the place.

Had a nap when I got home and couldn't get back to sleep so went for a run this morning at 5:00am again.  This ended up being sunrise which made for a nice run again.  

It got me thinking about how much I have missed out on by waiting so many years to start this active thing.  I have seen so many things and been so many places I didn't even know existed.  Doing things I thought were meant for people with special genes who have been doing it since they were 4 years old.

My buddy and I always say on our rides, "Somewhere right now, there is someone sitting on the couch watching what we are doing on T.V. and here we are actually doing it"


Isn't it amazing how beautiful the world can be when you get off the beaten path?
2007-05-13 4:54 AM
in reply to: #797163

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-05-11 12:34 PM

Hey Pene, there is a really great and simple to follow training plan for free on its called Smart Plan because you actually enter data about yourself and then it gives you times that you should be training at. You enter your last "race time" but I just used a good mile time and then how much you train now and then you can choose your "long run" day and exactly how many weeks till your race. It then spits out a program with recommended training paces and a week by week slow increase. I used it for my half marathon training and it was exactly the right amount of time for me to run.
While you are there, check out Kristen Armstrongs blog- she writes about running, being single mom, etc,- recent posts havent been as good but earlier ones are better.

Its just another one to look at but I think you might get bored just doing 1 of 2 weekly plans, and this is a great plan for those who really want to avoid injury and build slowly.

Question for Prof: How do you mix training for tri's with training for a running race? I have a few sprints scheduled for the summer after my big olympic tri in 6 weeks- but my half marathon is end of October. I currently am running 3x week tri-trainingn but ran 4x week when I did my half-marathon training- Should I just start increasing my long runs towards the end of the summer? My last tri could potentially be in September.

So, Im toying with the idea of entering the lotto for the New York Marathon, its on November 4th- my birthday! I have a few girlfriends who are thinking about it too but they are much better runners than me. The half marathon was excruciating but I had fun. I think if I lost a bunch of weight, a full marathon would be more realistic. I guess I could always walk half of it but that sounds awful to me too. Its about 2 weeks after my half marathon in San Fran- Prof do you think that would be ok timing wise or too soon?

Good advice here for RW, K Armstrong, and the weekly plan thought. I didn't realize she was rotating the same 2 weeks over and over. Seriously boring stuff if that is the case. I wonder if it's effective?

As for your questions, I think you can mix in your longer runs now. In fact, if you were used to running long, the runs you're doing now probably feel easy. Now I'm not saying go long every day. But a good long run, once a week, provided the body feels good, is the way to go in my book.

Now let's talk about your 1/2 followed by a full 14 days later. Are you crazy?

But then again, if you're a Scorpio, you might instead be obsessive.

Is it doable? Sure. Lots of marathoners run that distance as part of their taper. So if you're in shape for the marathon, yes, do both, and treat the 1/2 as a training run. Or look at it from another angle, and do the 1/2, with the idea that you're going to do the full "just to see how you do." You might surprise yourself.
2007-05-13 6:07 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Congrats to Mark and Malph- you guys are already in full swing for tri season! And Mark did one in a foreign country no less, Im jealous, i bet it was a cultural experience. I loved your description of Hong Kong, and I cant wait to hear your race report. Im sure you will include some tidbits of keen observation as you always do...

Thanks for the advice prof,, now that my ankle is better i will start trying to increase my longer runs. Im at about 6 miles now, Im sure I can go longer but I never have enough time! This olympic tri training takes up much more time than sprints! The longer cycling time is what kills me, I just did my "long ride'" of 2.5 hours. ugh, it didnt feel too good I have to say. the last half i was draggin, just trying to make it home without stopping. Im tired today though, I was tired when I started and I figure it would be a hard ride.
How's your training going Prof? You have your Alcatraz coming up-do you feel ready??

Androgenie's race schedule inspires me too! Way to go on the MS 150, I signed up for that a few years ago and spent the whole summer dreading it. 2 weeks before I broke my wrist and one of my first thoughts was "Oh, thank god I dont have to do that ride" I volunteered for it though and its a cause I totally believe in, so if you complete it you will have my utmost admiration.

sorry to hear about bike Jeanette, that sucks! I kind of felt the same way limping home the other day on my run after i sprained my ankle. Its all part of the game unfortunately.

Ok, happy mothers day to all the Mom's out there! Being a MOm seems like it really would be the ultimate endurance race, I cant even imagine it!
2007-05-13 6:17 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
FANTASTIC JOB Mark and Malph!!! Enjoy those massages!! And have a beer or two!

Jeanette--Sounds like Kali has been visiting you! The Goddess of Chaos and destruction is trying to tell you that you are getting close to your goals!!! Congratulations, and don't give up now!!!

I had the best Mother's Day weekend ever! Not only did I get to go on a bike ride, because my family babysat, but I also got to eat steak and salmon and blueberry cheesecake and our family special recipe wild rice hotdish! My Noah gave me his card, with the following poem:"Duathlons are fun, triathlons too, but the best thing of all is spending time with you". And my family made sure the kids got to do some shopping for me. I got three roses, a lovely card with a cat on it, a neck pillow massager (which felt good after the bike), a box of purple candles that smell great, and a bag of dark chocolate covered almonds. Also a really gaudy gold leaf necklace that Micah found at a rummage sale. I actually think it's a cabbage leaf! I'll wear it forever People just don't do such nice things for me!

So, armed with all that love, I went swimming and did my longest swim ever, 2000 yards and could have done more, but I really had to pee BAD, so I called it a day. Then I went home and did a 7 mile run, even though my legs were very, very, very tired. I'm working on cardiovascular endurance now. Weights are pretty much done and now it's flexibility, so I'll be logging lots of yoga and pilates on a roll, etc.

And I found a purple mountain bike that Micah can grow into for FREE at a rummage sale. How completely cool is that???

I hope you all had just as lovely a weekend

2007-05-13 8:09 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

I have posted my race report here:

The one thing that I didn't mention (and maybe I should) is that I hit a tree avoiding a buffalo on a piece of single track. Hit my head and the side of my ribcage. This morning I have a huge headache (not concussed so don't be concerned) and I can feel a very (very) tender point in my top right two ribs. I suspect a tinsy wincy fracture! This would go some way towards explaining the stabbing pains in my chest wall during the run!

Overall, I enjoyed it immensely in hindsight. At the time I wasn't so sure!

This triathlon lark is fun!

PS Thanks for all the support and tips. I enjoyed my celebratory beer(s) last night and got an excellent massage although I fell asleep so can but assume that there was no happy ending.

Edited by Mark Stanley 2007-05-13 8:10 PM
2007-05-13 8:41 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oh NOOOOO! Liz, you are hereby ordered to kick Kali upside the head and not let her injure you any more!!!! It takes me years to get over sprained ankles and such. How far did you end up going with 2.5 HOURS on the bike?? holy cow that sounds unpleasant to me. Maybe I'll grow to love that sore saddle feeling and the burning feeling in my quadriceps insertion by the knees, but not so far...... Don't worry, you'll get there with the run. I still walk quite a lot, but I still count it under "run" because it mostly is.....we'll have to keep eachother motivated because I can already tell there will be days when I'm SURE I've gone and done the stupidest thing signing up for a marathon. But, I DO think Scorps are obsessive and truly tough individuals because although I am Leo on the cusp of Virgo (perfectionist part of me), I'm Scorpio Moon, Scorpio Rising, and Scorpio somewhere else on my astological chart. I blame the Scorp part of me for the flirty catwoman side! Not to mention you NEVER want to get on my bad side (nasty sting, Scorp's have when pushed too far!!) We make excellent lovers AND fighters So dig in there girl and find your fight!

Here's a pic of Balou, named from the Jungle Book (Look for the Bear necessities) and the third wheel deal and Mose.


102_0438.bp.bmp (95KB - 20 downloads)
2007-05-13 8:44 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
And here's Persephone, with whom I am making Peace these days!


102_0441.bp.bmp (95KB - 14 downloads)
2007-05-13 9:53 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Heh gang-

--firstly- congrats Mark and Malph- bravo, well done boys!!!

-had an amazing Mothers Day- just got back from a 2 and 1/2 hr drive from Mississauga- finished the 1/2 marathon in..... 2.20 !! Yeh- it is done!!! Felt pretty good- think I could have pushed myself a little ( kept my pace conservative- felt I could have kicked it up a notch)- will have to work on this. Lots of spectators/volunters- very well organized. I had fun and enjoyed myself, concentrating on just relaxing (maybe to much???) More importantly- spent the day with my girls- my youngest daughter (21 yr old) was a spectator and our bag handler- and cheering her Momma and older sister on, while my oldest daughter (24)- ran her first marathon- 4:40- so proud of her. What a great day we had!!

-anyway- now to concentrate on swimming/biking more and organizing tri schedules. I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight!!!

2007-05-14 4:09 AM
in reply to: #798896

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-05-13 7:07 PM

Thanks for the advice prof,, now that my ankle is better i will start trying to increase my longer runs. Im at about 6 miles now, Im sure I can go longer but I never have enough time! This olympic tri training takes up much more time than sprints! The longer cycling time is what kills me, I just did my "long ride'" of 2.5 hours. ugh, it didnt feel too good I have to say. the last half i was draggin, just trying to make it home without stopping. Im tired today though, I was tired when I started and I figure it would be a hard ride.
How's your training going Prof? You have your Alcatraz coming up-do you feel ready??

Sounds like you and I had a rough day. My ride just hurt. Strong constant headwind the whole time that literally would drop my speed 3-4 mph when it picked up. I just could not keep a good speed.

And then there were the 2 j'offs -- one on a motorcycle, one in a pick-up -- that refused to share the road. I could have touched them both had I reached out. And since I'm not the type of guy to raise my hand and give them the appropriate salute, I just wished for karma to bite them in the . Which I think generates bad karma for me, too. So all in all, it wasn't a good day.

Am I ready for my first race this summer? Are you ever ready? All I'm hoping for is a sunny morning and the rest should take care of itself. Provided the airline doesn't lose my bike case.

Thanks for thinking of me.

2007-05-14 4:21 AM
in reply to: #798992

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-05-13 9:09 PM


I have posted my race report here:

The one thing that I didn't mention (and maybe I should) is that I hit a tree avoiding a buffalo on a piece of single track. Hit my head and the side of my ribcage. This morning I have a huge headache (not concussed so don't be concerned) and I can feel a very (very) tender point in my top right two ribs. I suspect a tinsy wincy fracture! This would go some way towards explaining the stabbing pains in my chest wall during the run!

Overall, I enjoyed it immensely in hindsight. At the time I wasn't so sure!

This triathlon lark is fun!

PS Thanks for all the support and tips. I enjoyed my celebratory beer(s) last night and got an excellent massage although I fell asleep so can but assume that there was no happy ending.

Glad to hear that I'm not the only person who's fallen asleep on the table!

Nice race, tri guy.
2007-05-14 4:35 AM
in reply to: #799087

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
HelenR - 2007-05-13 10:53 PM

Heh gang-

--firstly- congrats Mark and Malph- bravo, well done boys!!!

-had an amazing Mothers Day- just got back from a 2 and 1/2 hr drive from Mississauga- finished the 1/2 marathon in..... 2.20 !! Yeh- it is done!!! Felt pretty good- think I could have pushed myself a little ( kept my pace conservative- felt I could have kicked it up a notch)- will have to work on this. Lots of spectators/volunters- very well organized. I had fun and enjoyed myself, concentrating on just relaxing (maybe to much???) More importantly- spent the day with my girls- my youngest daughter (21 yr old) was a spectator and our bag handler- and cheering her Momma and older sister on, while my oldest daughter (24)- ran her first marathon- 4:40- so proud of her. What a great day we had!!

-anyway- now to concentrate on swimming/biking more and organizing tri schedules. I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight!!!


Sounds like a great race. Nice job.
2007-05-14 7:50 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark, Mark, Mark.....I can hardly believe they would even list THAT as a triathlon. Sounds more like military camp for the special forces that will live the next 6 months in the jungle atop trees eating monkeys. Seriously, I can't believe you even finished that sucker!! Nurse those ribs and write your memoires, as that is the stuff your great grands will think you are making up!!!

Helen--YOU ROCK!!! NOW are you ready for a full??? Cause I'm so sure you can do it and do it WELL!! Glad you had a great M Day

Prof, you'll blow the folks away at Alcatraz! You KNOW you are ready--just look at those logs of yours from my perspective for a moment. I'm still at the phase where swimming a mile takes a LOT out of me and we aren't even going to discuss how freaking long it takes me to hobble through 7 miles. Or how my whole body feels today......You are a super stud, and you should know that in your bones!!! (no, Mrs. Prof, I'm NOT hitting on him--but you have to call a spade a spade, if you get my drift!)

Today is a good day because I got to use my new toothbrush. Seriously. It's the little things that count
2007-05-15 8:34 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Does EVERYBODY have PMS these days???? Where are ya'll??

Okay, it's official. I'm ditching the expensive Nike running shoes and going with the cheapo no-brand Walmart shoes. I'm faster in them and my feet don't hurt in them. Huh, who'd have guessed....

I'm having a super rotten hair day and need your advice. What in the world do you do as a female tri person when you have to wear a swim cap, then a bike helmet and then run and not have your hair in your eyes???

Do you chop it all off and look rather like an ex Marine? Or do you go with some sort of shorter style that you can put lots of mousse and gel and crap in but not have it all buzzed? Or do you layer it and hope you can still pull it back in a pony tail? And then there's the fact that a pony tail won't fit under your bike helmet and makes the swim cap stick out funny in the back......Or, do you try to get someone to French braid your hair the day of the tri????

Maybe I should go with a nice skunk look--you know, dye it jet black with a blonde stripe.......

I saw a picture of Jodie Foster's new hair do and I HAVE had three different individuals come up to me at various times in my life, like when I'm sitting at McDonald's or whatever, and tell me I look JUST like her. I almost kissed this one woman when she said that, cuz it totally made my whole month. But I dunno, it's a bangs look and I'm not really a bangs sort of gal.

Or maybe I should dye it dayglo PINK???? And wear it spikey and then dress all in black for the rest of my life...... (cuz WHAT do you wear besides black when you have pink hair????)

Don't even suggest the Sinead O'Connor look. My head is funny shaped. Trust me.

Help!!! Send me pictures, suggestions, whatever!!!!
2007-05-15 10:49 PM
in reply to: #802077

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-15 8:34 PM Does EVERYBODY have PMS these days???? Yes, Positively Magalicious Sex, just as you suspected.  lol Where are ya'll?? Sucked into the morass of end of school year $hit. Aren't you?? Plus, in my case, a like, tripled work load at the mo'.  Okay, it's official. I'm ditching the expensive Nike running shoes and going with the cheapo no-brand Walmart shoes. I'm faster in them and my feet don't hurt in them.  What size do you wear - all I can wear is Nikes - I'll buy 'em from you if they're 7 1/2 or 8's. Huh, who'd have guessed.... I'm having a super rotten hair day and need your advice. What in the world do you do as a female tri person when you have to wear a swim cap, then a bike helmet and then run and not have your hair in your eyes??? Do you chop it all off and look rather like an ex Marine? Or do you go with some sort of shorter style that you can put lots of mousse and gel and crap in but not have it all buzzed? Or do you layer it and hope you can still pull it back in a pony tail? And then there's the fact that a pony tail won't fit under your bike helmet and makes the swim cap stick out funny in the back......Or, do you try to get someone to French braid your hair the day of the tri???? Maybe I should go with a nice skunk look--you know, dye it jet black with a blonde stripe....... I do the French braid thing - which then, on me, looks like something you scrubbed your skillet with, but whaddya gonna do?  At least all the head paraphenalia (sorta) fits.  I saw a picture of Jodie Foster's new hair do and I HAVE had three different individuals come up to me at various times in my life, like when I'm sitting at McDonald's or whatever, and tell me I look JUST like her. I almost kissed this one woman when she said that, cuz it totally made my whole month. But I dunno, it's a bangs look and I'm not really a bangs sort of gal. Or maybe I should dye it dayglo PINK???? And wear it spikey and then dress all in black for the rest of my life...... (cuz WHAT do you wear besides black when you have pink hair????) Don't even suggest the Sinead O'Connor look. My head is funny shaped. Trust me. Help!!! Send me pictures, suggestions, whatever!!!!
  Oh! Oh!  Dayglo pink and arty black duds - have a seance and raise Andy Warhol for reference...then YOU send pix - lol - I dare ya.

2007-05-15 11:45 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Well everyone, it seems that the January-May mentor program is over   I personally have learned a tremendous from you all and thank each and everyone!

I am actually going to join another group I think for the May-Aug, just because I consider myself a beginner still.  I'll be watch all your training logs and look forward to future race reports!   

Good luck everyone! 

2007-05-16 3:53 AM
in reply to: #802077

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-15 9:34 PM

Okay, it's official. I'm ditching the expensive Nike running shoes and going with the cheapo no-brand Walmart shoes. I'm faster in them and my feet don't hurt in them. Huh, who'd have guessed....

Your feet don't know how much the shoes cost. But boy, they do let you know when they're not happy!
2007-05-16 3:56 AM
in reply to: #802203

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-05-16 12:45 AM

Well everyone, it seems that the January-May mentor program is over   I personally have learned a tremendous from you all and thank each and everyone!

I am actually going to join another group I think for the May-Aug, just because I consider myself a beginner still.  I'll be watch all your training logs and look forward to future race reports!   

Good luck everyone! 

Good luck to you! Stop back and say hello sometime.
2007-05-16 7:17 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Rob-- I for one just HATE the idea of you leaving. You add a whole lot to us--ambition, kind and supportive words, helpful knowledge, and a bunch of energy. Not to mention the beautiful pictures of your home. My secretary just gasped when she saw the pics of your century ride! I think a lot of us are just sort of in a slump and trying hard not to post that slump and bring everyone else down. That's my case anyway. Thought I would blow a gasket yesterday with the stormy weather combined with PMS hormones! So I posted something stupid instead and hoped it would make someone smile--but it wasn't supposed to drive our Rob away!!!! I can go back to posting intelligent completely tri related stuff for us to debate if that would help??? And I do think you can be part of other forums and still post on ours, too??? But, I understand if you aren't getting the support you need from us. I can try harder to praise you! You just pretty much blew us all out of the water lately, dude!!! I will miss not being able to snoop at what you are up to!! And hearing about your first tri, etc. So, if you truly do leave us, please post now and then to let us know how you did!!! And if you think about it, we aren't all true beginners now as about everybody has a race or two done. We are just a group of folks all over the world trying to accomplish something we thought we never could a few years ago! And well done to you, Rob! You are not a couch potato any more!!! YOU ARE A TRIATHLETE!
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