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2010-10-11 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3145462

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-11 11:46 AM
corstan - 2010-10-10 9:16 PM
Mrschach - 2010-10-10 5:05 AM Heading out for 17 in a bit.  Just waiting for my aunt and uncle to get here.  My stomach is in knots!  I know my route.  I am going to run one of the routes I drive to my parents house.  I will go about halfway, make a turn, and then take the last half of another route I drive home from their house.  I drive there a lot since my mom watches my kids!  According to the route map here, it is 17.02 miles.  I am glad I have a route I am familiar with so I don't have to just wing it!

How did you make out on your run?  and how are your legs feeling?

I did my race this morning, felt good, no GI issues, hit some really big winds on the seconcd half, so much so it felt like I was going uphill on the downhill.   Garmin and chip time are pretty much on target, but I ran more than 21.1 according to my garmin.  Overall feel good about the run, was hoping for closer to 2hrs, but part of that were race conditions, I'll fill out a race report later.

I cannot even begin to tell you how sore my legs are!  I even brought my stick to work today so I could use it throughout the day!  The run was great!

lol, I'm sitting here with my stick too!  Luckily for me this is a long weekend here in Canada, so I'm not having to hobble around the office. 

Good for you for getting it done, I'm sure it does alot to appease the worries you have been having about being able to do this...again, you totally inspire me with your training and the lengths you go to, in order to make it happen!  Way to go Meggan!!

2010-10-11 1:56 PM
in reply to: #3145474

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-10-11 1:52 PM
Mrschach - 2010-10-11 11:46 AM
corstan - 2010-10-10 9:16 PM
Mrschach - 2010-10-10 5:05 AM Heading out for 17 in a bit.  Just waiting for my aunt and uncle to get here.  My stomach is in knots!  I know my route.  I am going to run one of the routes I drive to my parents house.  I will go about halfway, make a turn, and then take the last half of another route I drive home from their house.  I drive there a lot since my mom watches my kids!  According to the route map here, it is 17.02 miles.  I am glad I have a route I am familiar with so I don't have to just wing it!

How did you make out on your run?  and how are your legs feeling?

I did my race this morning, felt good, no GI issues, hit some really big winds on the seconcd half, so much so it felt like I was going uphill on the downhill.   Garmin and chip time are pretty much on target, but I ran more than 21.1 according to my garmin.  Overall feel good about the run, was hoping for closer to 2hrs, but part of that were race conditions, I'll fill out a race report later.

I cannot even begin to tell you how sore my legs are!  I even brought my stick to work today so I could use it throughout the day!  The run was great!

lol, I'm sitting here with my stick too!  Luckily for me this is a long weekend here in Canada, so I'm not having to hobble around the office. 

Good for you for getting it done, I'm sure it does alot to appease the worries you have been having about being able to do this...again, you totally inspire me with your training and the lengths you go to, in order to make it happen!  Way to go Meggan!!

My anxiety level is way down!!  I still need to figure some things out before the marathon though.  I know I did not take in enough during my run.  My long run this week is only 13.  My weekly miles this week will be about 31.  I am having a hard time believing this is a "rest" week and I will still run 31!
2010-10-11 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Looks like the girls are kicking some butt on here.

Sandra - great job on the race and dealing with the elements.  Even with all that a 2:11 half is a terrific time.  you should be very proud.

Meggan - glad to hear the 17 went well and it helped ease some of the anxiety.  better to find out those food/drink deficiencies now than during the race.  You just did 2/3rds of a marathon!

Debbie - glad to see you going for it.  None of the set BT plans will work for 5 weeks of training.  However, you can do the custom plan.  Go to programs and then click on the right where it says custom training plan creator.  It will allow you to enter a start and end date for your training, your distances for the race, your current event pace, how many workouts you want in each sport, and then set what days you want to do your workouts.  The minimum length is 6 weeks, but you could always do that then skip the recovery week (you won't need one).  I would probably look to do at least 2 workouts in each sport.  Let me know if that works for you.  If not I can work up a little something.

Well, work just imploded on me on Fri and all hell broke loose.  Then I ended up going out of town for the weekend only to watch my Rangers lose two playoff games (series is now tied 2-2) and then watch my cowboys lose.  I ate like crap and didn't workout or do my PT stuff.  Came back to work tired today but had to clean up and finish everything that happened on Fri.  The rest of this week doesn't look much better.  But the good news is that after Thur I am on vacation until the 25th!  I will be off 10 days with 4 of those spent in Colorado.  Really could use it right now.  Struggling with my motivation.

I gotta go home and get a run in today.  Afraid to weigh myself after all the ballpark food!  Have a great week!
2010-10-11 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Oh yeah, and a big Happy Thanksgiving to our resident Canadians!
2010-10-12 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been SO busy, and literally have barely had time to do anything but school and work stuff.  Forgive me, please!

I really just wanted to pop in to tell you guys that I'm going to be attempting a half-mary in Green Bay in May!  Ryan wanted to do the marathon to attempt to BQ, so I decided I would join in however I could....

It's 7 months away, and I'm already nervous...
2010-10-13 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3146371

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks T1, Thanksgiving dinner was had in a hotel this year, but the turkey made for a good nights rest before the race:-)

And now it is time to get on track again, last night I did a little 20 minute ride on the bike to get the legs moving again(stairs were not my friend on Monday)  and tonight I will head out for a 4-5KM run to get back into things.  My husband and I have decided that we both would like to lose a couple more pounds, we've both been in maintaining mode for a while now, and it is time to drop the last of the pounds we are still hanging on to. 

I'm also working on developing a Runner's Bootcamp that will focus on developing the muscles that runner's use and strengthening the muscles that will prevent injuries.  So lot's of lunges, squats and core work! 

2010-10-13 2:15 PM
in reply to: #3147228

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Don't apologize at all.  I am not sure I would even remember to get on the computer with what all you have going on!  That is really cool you are going for the HM.  I know it can seem really daunting, but before last year I had never run more than 7mi at once.  I did 2 HM's in the past year.  Just take it step by step.  One week you are doing 3mi, then 3.5, 4, etc.  Learn to run slow.  It sounds counter-intuitive but those long runs are about getting your legs used to the pounding not about speed.  Just look at Meggan (and soon to be Sandra) training for a marathon.  Now there is some good inspiration!

SoccerGK - 2010-10-12 11:06 AM Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been SO busy, and literally have barely had time to do anything but school and work stuff.  Forgive me, please!

I really just wanted to pop in to tell you guys that I'm going to be attempting a half-mary in Green Bay in May!  Ryan wanted to do the marathon to attempt to BQ, so I decided I would join in however I could....

It's 7 months away, and I'm already nervous...
2010-10-14 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hope everyone is doing well.  Things have been absolutely crazy for me lately.  As much as I want to do the indoor tri I don't think I am going to be able to and am bumming about it.  My hubby has major overtime kicking in already (usually doesn't happen until middle of Nov.).  So he has been going into work earlier, which in turn makes me have to take our daughter to day care which adds about 25 minutes to my morning and I just cannot make my body get up at 4:30!  He is also staying later so evening workouts are totally out of the question.  Oh well....I guess walks in the evenings with my daughter will just have to do for now! 

2010-10-18 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

So I will throw some props to Pete - I was checking out his logs last week and they made me feel really lazy -haha  picked it up this weekend and am now back in the swing of things.  Thanks Pete.Wink

On a side note -I bought a book last week called "Sports Nutrition For Endurance Athletes" by Monique Ryan.  I am going to really work  on my diet and nutrition this off season and this book is great if you really want to know how your body uses its different systems to process fuels during your workouts.  I wouldn't call it the easiest read as it is somewhat technical but I have learned a TON in just the first 4 chapters.  I discovered that during my training this summer I was by no means consuming enough calories or carbohydrates.  I was around 2500/day and by her calculations I should have been around 3500/4500.  Might explain why I would get very sluggish sometimes.  Anyways good purchase if you are interested.

2010-10-20 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
How is everyone?

I am continuing to plug away!  I just might hit 40 miles this week!
2010-10-20 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3161822

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Been quiet in here.  Sorry for being MIA, but I'll try to check in more often.  Busy, busy, busy with work these days.  And now I need a new car...  How does one go about asking for a company car?  I believe that my job warrants one, but I am not the type of person to go asking for it, so it's tough...

Thanks, Tim.  This tri club is really pushing me to work out a lot, and I love it.  The people are great, and very motivating.  I met 2 people at this morning's spin class that will really push me to work harder than I normally would during the spin classes.  Man, can you get the heart going in a spin class!  I got my bike fit last week, and my club has trainers, so I have actually been using my own bike for the spin classes, which feels great!  So much better than the spin bikes!

Meggan, awesome job with the running!  Fingers crossed that you'll hit the 40 this week!  What is the actual count down to the race?  Have you worked all the nerves out yet?

2010-10-20 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3161860

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-10-20 8:15 AM

Meggan, awesome job with the running!  Fingers crossed that you'll hit the 40 this week!  What is the actual count down to the race?  Have you worked all the nerves out yet?

It is a month from tomorrow!  I can't figure out how I went from registering on April 1st and it being 7 1/2 months away to only a month away!!  The nerves have been good.  Having a good 17 mile run two weekends ago after the sucky 16 really helped me.  Last week was a low mile week.  My plan called for 31, I was aiming for 27 and I ran a whopping total of 16ish.  I knew midweek it was going to end that way and I was surprisingly ok with it.  These next three weeks, especially this and next week, are my biggest weeks.  I feel like my body just needed a rest last week and I am going into this week strong and well rested.  I nailed my two runs so far this week!  Might have felt the best for a weekday run yet!

Two weeks from tomorrow John and I leave for New Orleans for a few days!  That was supposed to be my peak week but I have had to adjust my plan.  I am supposed to run 20 the day after we come home but I am doing it before we go now.  I plan on running twice while we are there!
2010-10-20 9:56 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Go Meggan!  You're going to do AWESOME.  I'm so happy for you for getting to this point, and before you know it, you'll be done, and feel great!

I wanted to pop in to tell you guys an interesting story (even though it seems to have been dead here lately...).

So remember the wedding I'm in over Thanksgiving break?  Well, the bride wanted the bridesmaids to not have to spend a ton, so she just wanted us to get our dresses from J.Crew.  Me being the procrastinator I am, chose not to order the dress until 3 days ago.  Any guesses what the ONLY SIZE AVAILABLE was?  An 8...

I'm currently a size 12.  I now have 39 days to be a size 8!  I'm on a 1200 calorie/day diet, and I've been doing Jorge's cycling plan on MWF mornings, then 2 running days Saturday and Sunday (I did a 6 miler Sunday!!! woot!).  According to the sizing charts, I have to lose at least an inch from my waist and at least an inch from my hips to fit.

Will this work?  Or am I just crazy to even consider it?

Oh, and also, I MISS YOU GUYS!
2010-10-20 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3162198

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-10-20 10:56 AM Go Meggan!  You're going to do AWESOME.  I'm so happy for you for getting to this point, and before you know it, you'll be done, and feel great!

I wanted to pop in to tell you guys an interesting story (even though it seems to have been dead here lately...).

So remember the wedding I'm in over Thanksgiving break?  Well, the bride wanted the bridesmaids to not have to spend a ton, so she just wanted us to get our dresses from J.Crew.  Me being the procrastinator I am, chose not to order the dress until 3 days ago.  Any guesses what the ONLY SIZE AVAILABLE was?  An 8...

I'm currently a size 12.  I now have 39 days to be a size 8!  I'm on a 1200 calorie/day diet, and I've been doing Jorge's cycling plan on MWF mornings, then 2 running days Saturday and Sunday (I did a 6 miler Sunday!!! woot!).  According to the sizing charts, I have to lose at least an inch from my waist and at least an inch from my hips to fit.

Will this work?  Or am I just crazy to even consider it?

Oh, and also, I MISS YOU GUYS!

Well, talk about motivation!  I honestly don't know if it will work (not saying either way, I literally have no idea), but that is a HUGE calorie deficiency.  As long as you are careful with it, I don't see why it wouldn't work, but it'll be tough, that's for sure!  Good luck.  Log your nutrition! 
2010-10-20 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3162198

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-10-20 9:56 AM Go Meggan!  You're going to do AWESOME.  I'm so happy for you for getting to this point, and before you know it, you'll be done, and feel great!

I wanted to pop in to tell you guys an interesting story (even though it seems to have been dead here lately...).

So remember the wedding I'm in over Thanksgiving break?  Well, the bride wanted the bridesmaids to not have to spend a ton, so she just wanted us to get our dresses from J.Crew.  Me being the procrastinator I am, chose not to order the dress until 3 days ago.  Any guesses what the ONLY SIZE AVAILABLE was?  An 8...

I'm currently a size 12.  I now have 39 days to be a size 8!  I'm on a 1200 calorie/day diet, and I've been doing Jorge's cycling plan on MWF mornings, then 2 running days Saturday and Sunday (I did a 6 miler Sunday!!! woot!).  According to the sizing charts, I have to lose at least an inch from my waist and at least an inch from my hips to fit.

Will this work?  Or am I just crazy to even consider it?

Oh, and also, I MISS YOU GUYS!

I think you are nuts!  Have you tried the dress on?  Some women on my mom's board swear by the Spanx.

If you can't fit into it, can it be altered at all to add material?
2010-10-20 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Pete - Don't worry, I promise I'm doing it the RIGHT way!  No starvation and good calories being taken in.  I've been a tad bit hungry, which is to be expected when you cut 800 or so calories/day out of your diet, but I think I've been hitting my 1200/day goal right on.  I've been tracking my food intake on my phone.  Should I do it on here, as well? 

Meggan - I have a pair of Spanx!  Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that it'll lose a whole inch for me.  And I avoid wearing it like the plague because they're super uncomfortable.  Not sure how much extra fabric there will be to let the dress out yet.  I should get it in the mail this week, and then I'll find out exactly what needs to get done.

I actually feel a lot better doing this than I thought I would.  Not miserable at all! (yet).

One question, my phone application is telling me that I need to take in a NET amount of 1200 calories/day.  So today, because I biked this morning, it's saying I need to take in 1200+whatever I burned during the workout.  Is that right?  Or should I consistently stick with the 1200?  I'm not any hungrier today than yesterday, when I didn't work out, so I think I'd be okay with 1200 every day, I just wanted a consult!

Thanks guys!

2010-10-20 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3162707

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Well, the only way to lose weight is to take in less calories than you burn.  Basically, you should figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate (which is the amount of calories you burn by being you), and then on top of that, figure out how much you burn.  To maintain, you should have a net calorie intake of 0...  Gain should be positive, lose should be negative.  There are many sites that can help you figure it out.  It's just a calculation based on age, sex, weight, height, and activity level.  

For me, whenever I was trying to lose weight, I was recommended to be taking in around 2400-2500 calories, just as a reference point. 
2010-10-21 6:07 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey Tim, we have friends that live in Texas.  She is originally from New Orleans and I am not sure about him.  They lived in Manhattan for years and years before moving to Texas two years ago.  One day this week their daughter (only 2) had Ranger's Pride day at school.  I think it is safe to say she was the only kid dressed in a Yankees cheerleaders outfit!
2010-10-21 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3164174

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-21 7:07 AM Hey Tim, we have friends that live in Texas.  She is originally from New Orleans and I am not sure about him.  They lived in Manhattan for years and years before moving to Texas two years ago.  One day this week their daughter (only 2) had Ranger's Pride day at school.  I think it is safe to say she was the only kid dressed in a Yankees cheerleaders outfit!

Jeez, talk about kicking a guy when he's (probably) down!  

Sucks about the Rangers yesterday, Tim...  They still have it in the bag, if you ask me! 
2010-10-21 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3164677

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-10-21 9:47 AM
Mrschach - 2010-10-21 7:07 AM Hey Tim, we have friends that live in Texas.  She is originally from New Orleans and I am not sure about him.  They lived in Manhattan for years and years before moving to Texas two years ago.  One day this week their daughter (only 2) had Ranger's Pride day at school.  I think it is safe to say she was the only kid dressed in a Yankees cheerleaders outfit!

Jeez, talk about kicking a guy when he's (probably) down!  

Sucks about the Rangers yesterday, Tim...  They still have it in the bag, if you ask me! 

I don't even know what that series is doing.  I know our Phils aren't looking too good though!
2010-10-21 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3164689

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-21 10:49 AM  

I don't even know what that series is doing.  I know our Phils aren't looking too good though!

Series is at 3-2 there, as well, but for the Rangers.  I would love to see a Giants-Rangers World Series, just because those aren't 2 teams that you expect to be there.  Phils-Yanks is just expected  Tongue out 

2010-10-22 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Back from my anniversary vacation.  We had a good and relaxing time in Denver, and my wife allowed me to watch the games, which was super cool of her.  I am really not too upset with their last loss, b/c I feel like we are even privileged to even be here (up 3-2 in a best of 7).  Never been this far in the history of the franchise so anything at this point is just icing on the cake.  I feel like we have a good chance tonight and already have a few beers in me preparing for the game. 

I really wish I could root for the Phils Meggan, but since they have been there the past few years (and since I have a super obnoxious neighbor that is a Phils fan) then I have to root for the Giants as well.  I am one of those "root for the underdog" type of person. 

Anyway, looks like some good conversation while I was gone.  I didn't get any workouts in per se during the trip, but I took the Garmin and we walked at least 20mi in the 4 days (no rental car).  It was a beautiful 40-70 degrees there.  And I come back to upper 80s.  

I did get a nice bike ride in this morning (in the rain), so I didn't get to push it as hard.  But I got 'er done and then went and met with a new PT person in an attempt to figure out my knee issue.  She thinks I might have a small tear in my hamstring, but we'll see.  She has me on a new at home regime of PT exercises.  She wants me to do my run tomorrow and then I have a 40mi bike ride on Sun.  I then go back on Mon to re-assess. 

I hope everyone is doing well and send all the best vibes you can to my Rangers tonight!  I'll try to catch up on everyone this weekend. 
2010-10-22 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3167881

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-10-22 5:08 PM GO RANGERS!!!

Back from my anniversary vacation.  We had a good and relaxing time in Denver, and my wife allowed me to watch the games, which was super cool of her.  I am really not too upset with their last loss, b/c I feel like we are even privileged to even be here (up 3-2 in a best of 7).  Never been this far in the history of the franchise so anything at this point is just icing on the cake.  I feel like we have a good chance tonight and already have a few beers in me preparing for the game. 

I really wish I could root for the Phils Meggan, but since they have been there the past few years (and since I have a super obnoxious neighbor that is a Phils fan) then I have to root for the Giants as well.  I am one of those "root for the underdog" type of person. 

Anyway, looks like some good conversation while I was gone.  I didn't get any workouts in per se during the trip, but I took the Garmin and we walked at least 20mi in the 4 days (no rental car).  It was a beautiful 40-70 degrees there.  And I come back to upper 80s.  

I did get a nice bike ride in this morning (in the rain), so I didn't get to push it as hard.  But I got 'er done and then went and met with a new PT person in an attempt to figure out my knee issue.  She thinks I might have a small tear in my hamstring, but we'll see.  She has me on a new at home regime of PT exercises.  She wants me to do my run tomorrow and then I have a 40mi bike ride on Sun.  I then go back on Mon to re-assess. 

I hope everyone is doing well and send all the best vibes you can to my Rangers tonight!  I'll try to catch up on everyone this weekend. 

Welcome back!  Glad you had a good time! Sounds awesome. 

I agree with you about cheering for the underdog.  It's not fun to see teams like the Yankees and Phils do well so often.  HOWEVER, I played soccer with Jayson Werth's younger sister, so I feel as though I owe him some loyalty.  Honestly though, I'm a Cubs fan, so I stopped caring about this season wayyyy back in June!

I hope your hamstring is okay!  Keep us posted on how it goes!
2010-10-22 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
ALSO, got the dress in yesterday and tried it on.  It FITS, it's just REALLY tight around my hips/butt.  Yell  So I wish I could spot where I lose weight, and since I can't, I just have to keep doing what I'm doing and hope I lose just a little bit from my hips/butt.  Which, funny enough, it's actually too big on the top.  Darn my body type...

Bright note: down 1.5 pounds since Sunday when I started this crazy gig!!!  I'm at 166.4 today, and it is officially the first time in a long time that I have weighed less than Ryan!  Yay!

Have a good weekend all!
2010-10-22 11:53 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
We're going to the WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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