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2011-04-26 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3466595

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
I guess I am still use to running in the freezing cold. Yesterday was the first time I ran in 85 degree weather, and while I consider that *perfect* weather, it's hard running in that temperature! The temps. are suppose to drop again tomorrow, but looks like I'm going to have to get up very early before work in the summer if I don't want to be that uncomfortable again...or maybe I'll just get use to it!

2011-04-27 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3466842

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-04-26 12:55 PM

I guess I am still use to running in the freezing cold. Yesterday was the first time I ran in 85 degree weather, and while I consider that *perfect* weather, it's hard running in that temperature! The temps. are suppose to drop again tomorrow, but looks like I'm going to have to get up very early before work in the summer if I don't want to be that uncomfortable again...or maybe I'll just get use to it!

85?????? holy cow!! that's COOL! It wasn't that warm here. Worse, it's looking like thunderstorms for the marathon.
2011-04-27 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3469243

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
Today my first pair of "prescription goggles" arrived in the mail from Swim Outlet! I'm excited and nervous to try them out tomorrow. Crossing my fingers that the fit is good and they don't leak, because they seem awesome and despite my eyes being vastly different prescriptions (I went with the stronger eye script because I think having one eye weaker is better than having one eye with a far too strong script), I can definitely see better with them than without! I was in a bit of a panic last week because I realized that while I'm used to swimming w/o being able to see well (I'm terribly near-sighted) I'm *not* used to getting out of the pool, running outside & then trying to pick out my bicycle from 199 other bikes! LOL I'm going to tie some bright cloth on the rack at my transition station, but still. I could picture myself frantically peering at dozens of bikes & losing all kinds of time. Even partial vision will make a huge difference until I can find my T sight and my glasses.
2011-04-27 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3469711

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
QueerDrummer - 2011-04-27 3:10 PM

Today my first pair of "prescription goggles" arrived in the mail from Swim Outlet! I'm excited and nervous to try them out tomorrow. Crossing my fingers that the fit is good and they don't leak, because they seem awesome and despite my eyes being vastly different prescriptions (I went with the stronger eye script because I think having one eye weaker is better than having one eye with a far too strong script), I can definitely see better with them than without! I was in a bit of a panic last week because I realized that while I'm used to swimming w/o being able to see well (I'm terribly near-sighted) I'm *not* used to getting out of the pool, running outside & then trying to pick out my bicycle from 199 other bikes! LOL I'm going to tie some bright cloth on the rack at my transition station, but still. I could picture myself frantically peering at dozens of bikes & losing all kinds of time. Even partial vision will make a huge difference until I can find my T sight and my glasses.

I have the same problem. The rx goggles work great for me. You do get a little tunnel vision with them though that makes you look a little funny searching for your bike. I've had some funny comments about me looking around to find someone yelling my name in the crowds with the goggles on!! LOL But it works!! period!!!
2011-04-27 3:31 PM
in reply to: #3466842

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

libramom - 2011-04-26 1:55 PM I guess I am still use to running in the freezing cold. Yesterday was the first time I ran in 85 degree weather, and while I consider that *perfect* weather, it's hard running in that temperature! The temps. are suppose to drop again tomorrow, but looks like I'm going to have to get up very early before work in the summer if I don't want to be that uncomfortable again...or maybe I'll just get use to it!

I know exactly what you mean -  I came in the house on Monday after my run dripping with sweat and told my husband I was wishing for a 40° day!  I am always cold, so he thought that was about the funniest thing I had ever said!  Yea, sometimes in the summer I will get up early and run before work just to avoid the heat.  I do get used to it to some extent, but it can still feel brutal!


2011-04-27 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3469711

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

QueerDrummer - 2011-04-27 4:10 PM Today my first pair of "prescription goggles" arrived in the mail from Swim Outlet! I'm excited and nervous to try them out tomorrow. Crossing my fingers that the fit is good and they don't leak, because they seem awesome and despite my eyes being vastly different prescriptions (I went with the stronger eye script because I think having one eye weaker is better than having one eye with a far too strong script), I can definitely see better with them than without! I was in a bit of a panic last week because I realized that while I'm used to swimming w/o being able to see well (I'm terribly near-sighted) I'm *not* used to getting out of the pool, running outside & then trying to pick out my bicycle from 199 other bikes! LOL I'm going to tie some bright cloth on the rack at my transition station, but still. I could picture myself frantically peering at dozens of bikes & losing all kinds of time. Even partial vision will make a huge difference until I can find my T sight and my glasses.

Good luck with your new goggles!  I hope they help.  I know I could never find my bike in transition without my contacts in!  Let us know how it goes!


2011-04-27 9:58 PM
in reply to: #3469711

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

QueerDrummer - 2011-04-27 4:10 PM Today my first pair of "prescription goggles" arrived in the mail from Swim Outlet! I'm excited and nervous to try them out tomorrow. Crossing my fingers that the fit is good and they don't leak, because they seem awesome and despite my eyes being vastly different prescriptions (I went with the stronger eye script because I think having one eye weaker is better than having one eye with a far too strong script), I can definitely see better with them than without! I was in a bit of a panic last week because I realized that while I'm used to swimming w/o being able to see well (I'm terribly near-sighted) I'm *not* used to getting out of the pool, running outside & then trying to pick out my bicycle from 199 other bikes! LOL I'm going to tie some bright cloth on the rack at my transition station, but still. I could picture myself frantically peering at dozens of bikes & losing all kinds of time. Even partial vision will make a huge difference until I can find my T sight and my glasses.


I was very worried about that last year for my sprint.  I was going to set my glasses right by the side of the pool to grab on the way out, but I ended up giving them to Erin and she handed them over to me when I ran past.  It would be impossible to for me to find my bike without them!  I am so severely blind without them that I can't even see the large E at the eye doctors.  I will have to take a look at the prescription goggles because I will not be able to swim a mile without them in the river.  I would never be able to spot the buoys.  I didn't tie anything onto my spot, but I did walk the transition before the race and counted the rows and picked a landmark that was by my row.  Even with my glasses, I didn't want to miss my spot after the bike, but it all worked out in the end and I didn't make a fool of myself, which was a success in and of itself.....

2011-04-28 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3470393

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Does anyone have any good recommendations for non-RX googles that don't fog? Since I wear contacts, I'm okay on them not being RX, but I definitely noticed that mine were constantly fogging last night. My new speedo swim cap is awesome and amazing, comfortable and easy to put on, plus I don't look like a cone head with the ton of hair I have under there!

I must say that I need new non-tying shoelaces too. I triple tie my shoes, but last night I still had a shoe lace that came undone- what a pain after running a few miles.

Also, since I'm only doing a sprint tri, should I start doing a practice triathlon yet, or wait closer until the date? Bricks are great, but I think I need to be doing all 3 before the actual race.

2011-04-28 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3471084

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-04-28 11:05 AM

Does anyone have any good recommendations for non-RX googles that don't fog? Since I wear contacts, I'm okay on them not being RX, but I definitely noticed that mine were constantly fogging last night. My new speedo swim cap is awesome and amazing, comfortable and easy to put on, plus I don't look like a cone head with the ton of hair I have under there!

I must say that I need new non-tying shoelaces too. I triple tie my shoes, but last night I still had a shoe lace that came undone- what a pain after running a few miles.

Also, since I'm only doing a sprint tri, should I start doing a practice triathlon yet, or wait closer until the date? Bricks are great, but I think I need to be doing all 3 before the actual race.


All goggles will fog.  You can buy anti fog spray, but I just always spit in them and I have no problems at all and I have the same goggles as you.  I used the Yankz laces last year and loved them, but I know that everyone does not necessarily like them.  As for a practice tri - has anyone done a practice tri?  I never did one before and don't think you need to.  Work out like hell and you will be fine.  Even with bricks, you don't need too much of them.  When it comes to race day, everything will come together just fine.  Why practice a tri when you can just enter one.  Isn't that the point of entering a race?  IMHO.....


By the way, it may not seem like it, but we do actually live togetherLaughing

2011-04-28 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3471132

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
mcommend - 2011-04-28 11:20 AM
libramom - 2011-04-28 11:05 AM

Does anyone have any good recommendations for non-RX googles that don't fog? Since I wear contacts, I'm okay on them not being RX, but I definitely noticed that mine were constantly fogging last night. My new speedo swim cap is awesome and amazing, comfortable and easy to put on, plus I don't look like a cone head with the ton of hair I have under there!

I must say that I need new non-tying shoelaces too. I triple tie my shoes, but last night I still had a shoe lace that came undone- what a pain after running a few miles.

Also, since I'm only doing a sprint tri, should I start doing a practice triathlon yet, or wait closer until the date? Bricks are great, but I think I need to be doing all 3 before the actual race.


All goggles will fog.  You can buy anti fog spray, but I just always spit in them and I have no problems at all and I have the same goggles as you.  I used the Yankz laces last year and loved them, but I know that everyone does not necessarily like them.  As for a practice tri - has anyone done a practice tri?  I never did one before and don't think you need to.  Work out like hell and you will be fine.  Even with bricks, you don't need too much of them.  When it comes to race day, everything will come together just fine.  Why practice a tri when you can just enter one.  Isn't that the point of entering a race?  IMHO.....


By the way, it may not seem like it, but we do actually live togetherLaughing

great, thanks! hope you're having a great day!

2011-04-28 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3471084

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Well the RX goggles I bought are made by Sporti and were advertised as anti-fog...AND THEY ACTUALLY WORKED! Don't know how long it will last, but they are the first pair I've had that didn't fog at all during an entire workout.

The RX goggles were an overall success! They were comfy, didn't leak, I could read the clock and saw the bottom of the pool like never before. LOL Still couldn't read the entire workout on the marker board, but could read a lot of it and I've never been able to do that either. This is definately going to be a massive improvement on race day.

libramom - 2011-04-28 10:05 AM

Does anyone have any good recommendations for non-RX googles that don't fog? Since I wear contacts, I'm okay on them not being RX, but I definitely noticed that mine were constantly fogging last night. My new speedo swim cap is awesome and amazing, comfortable and easy to put on, plus I don't look like a cone head with the ton of hair I have under there!

I must say that I need new non-tying shoelaces too. I triple tie my shoes, but last night I still had a shoe lace that came undone- what a pain after running a few miles.

Also, since I'm only doing a sprint tri, should I start doing a practice triathlon yet, or wait closer until the date? Bricks are great, but I think I need to be doing all 3 before the actual race.

2011-04-28 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3471214

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Okay folks, I've officially had my first race-related anxiety dream! OMG it was soooo funny. There were only 2 of us racing, and oddly enough it was me & Brian (who I have never met in person). So the 2 of us did the swim and then we ran outside to T1 and I rolled on my socks and put on my shoes and cinched the quick-laces. Then I looked around and Brian was doing a 2nd, outdoor, swim! Oh no! I was like: WHAT?! But I already have my shoes on!!! I'm ready to ride!

LOL I was so ready to ride and so upset that I hadn't realized we had to swim twice. Then I woke up and laughed at how stressed I felt!

2011-04-28 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
All goggles fog! As michael says spit is the best anti fog. You can clean them with rainx antifog too and try it. I tend to like the aquasphere goggles. I have a pair of eagle's from them that I can buy rx lenses for. I have a pair rx and a regular pair for when I where my contacts. I'm a bad contact wearer though so I tend not to use them racing.

You can enter a tri just to practice, as a "B" race for sure. I've done them on my own to practice before I did one too. Just because I was unsure of myself. It gave me some confidence but otherwise, was totally unnecessary. It'll never simulate the ambience of a real race. That's why people have B races and A races.
2011-04-28 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3471223

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
QueerDrummer - 2011-04-28 10:48 AM

Okay folks, I've officially had my first race-related anxiety dream! OMG it was soooo funny. There were only 2 of us racing, and oddly enough it was me & Brian (who I have never met in person). So the 2 of us did the swim and then we ran outside to T1 and I rolled on my socks and put on my shoes and cinched the quick-laces. Then I looked around and Brian was doing a 2nd, outdoor, swim! Oh no! I was like: WHAT?! But I already have my shoes on!!! I'm ready to ride!

LOL I was so ready to ride and so upset that I hadn't realized we had to swim twice. Then I woke up and laughed at how stressed I felt!

LOL.....the Xterra I did last year actually had a two lap swim where you had to get out, run back to the beach and jump back into the water!
2011-04-28 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3471246

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-04-28 11:56 AM All goggles fog! As michael says spit is the best anti fog. You can clean them with rainx antifog too and try it. I tend to like the aquasphere goggles. I have a pair of eagle's from them that I can buy rx lenses for. I have a pair rx and a regular pair for when I where my contacts. I'm a bad contact wearer though so I tend not to use them racing. You can enter a tri just to practice, as a "B" race for sure. I've done them on my own to practice before I did one too. Just because I was unsure of myself. It gave me some confidence but otherwise, was totally unnecessary. It'll never simulate the ambience of a real race. That's why people have B races and A races.


but i'm a lady...ladies don't spit.

that's a funny dream, henry! you're so close- so exciting!!!

2011-04-28 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3471297

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-04-28 11:10 AM

Meulen - 2011-04-28 11:56 AM All goggles fog! As michael says spit is the best anti fog. You can clean them with rainx antifog too and try it. I tend to like the aquasphere goggles. I have a pair of eagle's from them that I can buy rx lenses for. I have a pair rx and a regular pair for when I where my contacts. I'm a bad contact wearer though so I tend not to use them racing. You can enter a tri just to practice, as a "B" race for sure. I've done them on my own to practice before I did one too. Just because I was unsure of myself. It gave me some confidence but otherwise, was totally unnecessary. It'll never simulate the ambience of a real race. That's why people have B races and A races.


but i'm a lady...ladies don't spit.

that's a funny dream, henry! you're so close- so exciting!!!

Are you trying to get me in trouble???? comment to that comment!!

2011-04-28 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3471338

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

oh! i'm so naive that it took me a minute to get that one. i was actually serious. maybe i'll try henry's googles without the prescription!


and btw- has anyone practiced their triathlon before the race?

2011-04-28 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3471379

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-04-28 11:39 AM

oh! i'm so naive that it took me a minute to get that one. i was actually serious. maybe i'll try henry's googles without the prescription!


and btw- has anyone practiced their triathlon before the race?

yes, I did before my first one. It was good for my confindence but fitness wise totally unnecessary. I rarely ever do more than 2 sports in one day anymore. I get more value out of my time concentrating on 1 or 2 of the sports than I do putting all 3 together. If you do your bricks, and do the training properly in generally you WILL be fine!!
2011-04-28 12:31 PM
in reply to: #3471379

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
libramom - 2011-04-28 11:39 AM

oh! i'm so naive that it took me a minute to get that one. i was actually serious. maybe i'll try henry's googles without the prescription! 
So these are the same brand & anti-fog feature as my Rx goggles. If you wanted to test out the feature I guess I'd recommend these or any Sporti goggle that offers the same system. And these come in PINK for the LADIES! (if you knew me, you'd understand how absurd a statement that is because gendering of just about anything is one of my pet peeves)

As for practicing my race in advance, no. The closest I've gotten was a couple weekends ago when I biked the race route & looked at part of the run route. I think it would be pretty fun to get a friend or 2 together and do a practice tri at my local gym or something - you know, just swim the distance in the pool and then run upstairs and hop on a bike & then a treadmill - but totally unofficial. Just to see what it feels like and have some friendly competition!

2011-04-28 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3471522

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
QueerDrummer - 2011-04-28 1:31 PM
libramom - 2011-04-28 11:39 AM

oh! i'm so naive that it took me a minute to get that one. i was actually serious. maybe i'll try henry's googles without the prescription! 
So these are the same brand & anti-fog feature as my Rx goggles. If you wanted to test out the feature I guess I'd recommend these or any Sporti goggle that offers the same system. And these come in PINK for the LADIES! (if you knew me, you'd understand how absurd a statement that is because gendering of just about anything is one of my pet peeves)

As for practicing my race in advance, no. The closest I've gotten was a couple weekends ago when I biked the race route & looked at part of the run route. I think it would be pretty fun to get a friend or 2 together and do a practice tri at my local gym or something - you know, just swim the distance in the pool and then run upstairs and hop on a bike & then a treadmill - but totally unofficial. Just to see what it feels like and have some friendly competition!


thanks, henry! i'm buying these so i don't have to spit. plus, i'll buy the blue!

Edited by libramom 2011-04-28 12:56 PM
2011-04-28 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
rain is out of the forecast now for saturday. In is 25mph winds!!!!

Edited by Meulen 2011-04-28 1:28 PM

2011-04-28 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3471678

Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Meulen - 2011-04-28 2:25 PM rain is out of the forecast now for saturday. In is 25mph winds!!!!


well, good news to no rain...bad news to the wind. it's about 32 mph winds here now. lucky you!!!

2011-04-28 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED
It's registering 26mph winds now, but I am heading out anyway.  I am sick of having this weather hold me back!
2011-04-28 11:01 PM
in reply to: #3256125

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

I had a great ride today, but lately it seems like I cannot ride without incident.  I was going down this hill at about 25 mph in aero position when a deer jumped out about 6 feet in front of my bike, and then another jumped out right behind me at the same time.  I must have had a great expression on my face because these walkers just started laughing at me.  Seriously, I can't make this sh*t up!


It actually was a good ride though.  I average ust under 17 mph for 15 miles.  I have a lot of room for improvement, but I was happy with it.


Brian - Good luck in that marathon this weekend! 


Henry - I think your tri is this weekend, so good luck to you too!  I know it's so stressful before the race, but just try to enjoy it while its going on.  This is what you've been working towards, and crossing that finish line is one of the greatest things you can do

2011-04-29 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3472643

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Subject: RE: Meulen's 'Let's tri this Thing!' beginner mentor group-CLOSED

Wow Michael the craziest things happen to you!!!

I've got one more week until race day! I'm getting so nervous but at the same time I'm confident that I am prepared, even despite getting sick so much! Since I missed basically the whole first month of training (although I'd been working on my base prior to that) I've actually been wondering what I could have accomplished with an extra month.

I've got a crazy brick workout scheduled after work today. The only one like it in my whole training plan: bike 15 minutes, run 10 min, rest 5 min (I'll walk or jog, not *rest*), then repeat that whole thing, then the recovery time is removed and I bike 15, run 10, bike 15, run 10. So total of biking 60 minutes and running 40 minutes, but broken into intervals. I'm really curious to see how my times/distance average out. Then tomorrow begins my taper. I've read that for sprints you really don't need to taper for a full week, but I'm just going to follow my training plan this time around. It doesn't taper extensively in the run/bike workouts, but I'll be swimming significantly less that usual because my usual swim is almost twice as much as the plan called for just because I substituted the Masters class for the training plan times/distances.

Brian's marathon is tomorrow, right? Is anybody else racing this weekend?

mcommend - 2011-04-28 11:01 PM

I had a great ride today, but lately it seems like I cannot ride without incident.  I was going down this hill at about 25 mph in aero position when a deer jumped out about 6 feet in front of my bike, and then another jumped out right behind me at the same time.  I must have had a great expression on my face because these walkers just started laughing at me.  Seriously, I can't make this sh*t up!


It actually was a good ride though.  I average ust under 17 mph for 15 miles.  I have a lot of room for improvement, but I was happy with it.


Brian - Good luck in that marathon this weekend! 


Henry - I think your tri is this weekend, so good luck to you too!  I know it's so stressful before the race, but just try to enjoy it while its going on.  This is what you've been working towards, and crossing that finish line is one of the greatest things you can do

Edited by QueerDrummer 2011-04-29 10:05 AM
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