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2007-05-16 1:59 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I've been pondering this all day and here's my little theory, as a beginner in all this. I think, because the mind and body are so intricately linked, that when one pushes oneself to their maximum physically, that there HAS to be a change in the mind/emotions as well. I noticed this as I pushed myself too hard, or to my maximum, given all my circumstances, that I became very emotional on a rare day that I slowed down and all my little issues seemed overwhelming--and I wanted to bail!! Just run away, because I imagined that all my efforts were going largely unnoticed or whatever. I was pushing sooo hard, that I really looked for a bit of praise now and then, and NEEDED it. Which isn't healthy, but I was just pushing too darn hard. Look at our Rob's logs once and see HOW many hours he's put in!! And not just jumping rope and stuff--serious mileage on the bike, tons of runs, and more swims, and even rock climbing and weights!! Nothing lightweight about this man's training. And perhaps, out of jealousy on my part at his being able to do so much and put in so much effort, I think I for one, failed to praise him enough, at a time when he really needed it, cuz he's maxed out!! (though I warned you, Rob, a couple times, to slow it down just a bit as I could see you headed that way!)

So, Rob, you night owl you, I'm hoping when you wake up today and see your inspirations and these posts, that you reconsider and take into account that just maybe you and I experienced largely the same phenomenon, as beginners in this journey, and perhaps, if you are patient with all of us, we will give you the support and friendship you need to complete your goals, at least with triathlons! I already consider you an ironman! It's just a matter of time before the rest of the world recognizes you as such, too

And if you all are in a bit of a slump these days, let me tell you that I recognize just how hard this journey is for each one of us. There are days that I question why in the H3ll I am doing this! I had that questioning experience just today, again.....So, we'll have to just be there for eachother. Feel free to post your slump days. I sure have. And if you feel overwhelmingly like the whole world is against you and want to run away, then that is the time to take it a bit slower until the emotions can get back to normal. I actually did my Master's degree thesis on Psychoneuroimmunology, and thought I knew all about the mind-body connection, but it snuck up on me, too. Happens that way sometimes!

2007-05-16 3:01 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Hey guys.


I only posted that because I saw a thing saying that the jan-may thing was over and thought they would be closing this forum.   I'll stay on here as long as others are, but I joined another just to meet more people and get more and more info.

You know I love you all.  :D 

2007-05-16 3:09 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
WHEW!! We love you, too, Rob!! I'm glad they aren't kicking us off yet. But if they ever do, we'll find another way--like I'll have you all added to messenger or something and we'll just find a time, say 2 am in honor of Night owl Rob, to chat about this stuff! Or you can all move in with me cuz I have need for a butler, a maid, a chauffer, nanny (or three), and general fixit person, not to mention a mechanic, hairsylist (preferably a gay male cuz they are the BEST girlfriends that way!!), and even a lover!! (oops , did I just type that?) Well, you get the drift! I do have a really big lawn, so my offer to have a BT forum reunion some time this summer STILL STANDS! Mark can just bring that Satan in his personal jet ( you do have one, stashed behind the house in France, right?) and Rob in his BMW (or just mountain bike on down before breakfast some day--you'll be doing those distances soon enough), and the rest of you can even hitch hike to Cashton, Wisconsin, town of 1005 people!! I'll take you to all the Amish shops!!!
2007-05-16 4:56 PM
in reply to: #803312

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-05-16 4:01 PM

Hey guys.


I only posted that because I saw a thing saying that the jan-may thing was over and thought they would be closing this forum.   I'll stay on here as long as others are, but I joined another just to meet more people and get more and more info.

You know I love you all.  :D 

I think you're leaving because you know deep in the dark recesses of your psyche that Mark and I are going to get serious in these next 15 days and totally and completely obliterate you with our training. And you just can't handle that pressure.

Uh, right, Mark?

I'm not sure if/when/whether this forum will ever close. Besides, our group is always open to new members, and I expect that there will come a point where each of you might move on. Just say "hi" if you ever see me at a race. And stop back on occasion and brag a little about what you've been up to. You never know who you will motivate.

Edited by prof40 2007-05-16 4:59 PM
2007-05-17 12:40 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, I simply don't have a clue what to write that will get folks interested in this thread again. Sean has completely disappeared. Rob went over to ScottF2's group. Mark is likely nursing his non-concussion and most likely broken ribs and I really can't blame him if he needs a loooong break after his Hong Kong tri! Bubbly Jeanette is missing in action. Helen must be recovering from her marathoning and that is also understandable. Don't know where BGT, Kanders and Malph are, but they aren't sharing with others these days. I feel like I'm a big hog here, but I miss you guys!! Thank God for Celia and Prof or I'd go away and pout in my little corner of the earth, too.

So, someone please come up with a challenge here. Or tell me to shut up. Or something......

I'm going to try an open water swim with the tri group tomorrow evening. Can't get a babysitter (as usual) and I'm super broke these days (as usual), so the kids are coming with and WILL sit on shore quietly and not kill eachother for 15-20 minutes while I swallow lake water with the group. I'll pass on the group bike ride, as there's no babysitter, and I'll do that course again alone tomorrow morning. Maybe twice if I feel like I can actually do 34 miles. Have lots of frustrations these days, so might as well take it all out on the bike. My arms are too sore to box any more this week.

On a brighter note, I DO have a babysitter for next Monday eve for the endurance seminar the running club is sponsoring. So, I should be able to sit down with a human and figure out a personalized realistic training plan that includes my life situation, swimming, biking and boxing, as well as the marathon training. They also give us some plyometrics and drills and stuff, so I'll let you all know what I find out.

I also got the hip flexion exercises in the mail, but haven't actually gotten a few minutes to look at them. Very busy office these days. Too bad it is all insurance folks where you wait forever to get paid. In my next lifetime I'm going to be a man, NOT have kids, and NOT be self-employed. I'm going to be born into a family that is not dysfunctional, have exceptional athletic healthy genes, and LOTS of heritable money Or maybe I'll just pass on this human stuff and just stay in that other dimension some folks call heaven and try to help folks that way. I just have a feeling we don't really get a choice.......
2007-05-17 12:53 AM
in reply to: #804063

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I am about i really am and im reading the post just been lazy and not logging my small amounts of exercise all though i am taking the long weekend of to go camping in the aussie bush,,, nothing beats that i tell ya!

2007-05-17 1:00 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
here is a couple of photos of my tri the cutest and the second cutest on the track u can choose which order



koala.jpg (89KB - 27 downloads)
me.jpg (49KB - 17 downloads)
2007-05-17 1:05 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
well that was really crap how the hell do i delete it!? if u want the better photos shoot us a msg and i will send em to u
2007-05-17 1:08 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

You're not looking in the peak of health. I'd be grateful to be taking this weekend off to recover if I was you!
2007-05-17 4:26 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
And good morning to you all.

I simply must get a run in today. Life and laziness have joined forces, so I've not moved much in days. If I get my act together, I can run this morning, swim this afternoon, and then maybe do them both again tomorrow. I'd feel better if I did.

Someone asked how I balance life, exercise, etc., and as you can see, I don't. Some weeks are good, and some are not. But all in all, I feel better when I exercise. And I don't snore as much, which the wife likes.

I was going through my closet and found the suit I wore on my wedding day. (Short version: Wife and I eloped, and being professionals, both had gone to work that morning, skipped out to get married, announced it, and left for Europe.) And it fit. Quite proud of that, actually.

So who's racing this weekend?

2007-05-17 9:21 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Malph--thanks for trying with the pics. Keep trying--it takes a bit to master this techno stuff.

Prof--congrats on fitting into your wedding suit. I'm actually smaller than when I got married, and a whole lot more toned!! I think you do very well with balance in your life. But I warn you, when you do finally get some kids---oh boy, does that balance thing ever go out the window!!! Can't imagine life without them, though. They ARE my life. Dogs and cats just don't even come close to giving you the kind of love you have with a child. I'm always amused by the couples that totally spoil their dogs and act like they are their children. When you finally get that baby in your arms, you'd kill that spoiled pet if it even looked at your baby funny!! It's amazing how that protective instinct kicks in and you find yourself happy to get up every 2 hours all night for over a year to feed the hungry critter(s)!!

Watergirl, Prof, any advice for the open water swim???? I haven't a clue about swim etiquette. Do you go to the outside because you are just trying to finish and let the big wigs have the inside? Or do you fight for a place? Do you ever stop by a buoy and rest? Or would that just NOT be cool? Do you let yourself go backstroke to get a breather, or is there too much splashing to survive that way? I currently let myself breathe a bit every lap or lap and a half so I can keep my form good. But that's in a pool.....

And I also have no clue about bike etiquette.....again, I'm not trying to race the ironpeople. I just want to finish and not have my arms go numb from anxiety or crash my bike. I'm okay with being toward the end and all in one piece afterwards. But this is all new for me, so any and all words of advice would be greatly appreciated!!

It's COLD outside--48 degrees this morning. So, I'm stalling on the ride til it warms a bit more. Not even totally sure if that group swim thing will take place with temps like this. But I did get my hair trimmed and did NOT dye it pink (yet)......

2007-05-17 9:49 AM
in reply to: #804387

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-17 3:21 PM

Watergirl, Prof, any advice for the open water swim???? I haven't a clue about swim etiquette. Do you go to the outside because you are just trying to finish and let the big wigs have the inside? Or do you fight for a place? Do you ever stop by a buoy and rest? Or would that just NOT be cool? Do you let yourself go backstroke to get a breather, or is there too much splashing to survive that way? I currently let myself breathe a bit every lap or lap and a half so I can keep my form good. But that's in a pool.....

And I also have no clue about bike etiquette.....again, I'm not trying to race the ironpeople. I just want to finish and not have my arms go numb from anxiety or crash my bike. I'm okay with being toward the end and all in one piece afterwards. But this is all new for me, so any and all words of advice would be greatly appreciated!!

It's COLD outside--48 degrees this morning. So, I'm stalling on the ride til it warms a bit more. Not even totally sure if that group swim thing will take place with temps like this. But I did get my hair trimmed and did NOT dye it pink (yet)......

I know that you didn't ask me about the swim/bike etiquette and I'm only a little hurt!!

I tried to swim on the outside (i.e. if the course is clockwise around a bouy, start off as far left as you can whilst taying wet) not because it's polite or any of that stuff but because you are less likely to get kicked in the head by a pair of size 13s. Nothing like that to break your rhythm (now there's a word I can't spell). Plus, if you are on the outside you can have a break by doing a bit of breaststroke, backstroke or even tread water (although you won't) and the kayaks will get to you quickly if you stick your arm up in the air.

Downside is that you are first on the menu if the sharks come! Deeer du, deeer du, du du du du...

By the time you get out of the water (if this is a tri) the pack will be well enough spread out that you'll be pretty much by yourself. Every pack finds its own speed. Drafting is not allowed so ride your own pace. If you are talking about cycling with a club, use your ears and eyes and just follow everyone else. Someone will come up to you and ask you if you know what your doing. Just say no and tell them where you want to be (i.e. at the back, not in hospital etc) and they will look after you.

As to the hair, go for the pink. What is the worst that will happen.

Whilst I have been in HK I have raced in a tri, had my hair cut like a US marine and lost 18lbs as a result of eating nothing but sushi, porridge and salads and, during the last 48 hours, being unable to hold anything down (or in as a matter of fact)!

Just give in and go pink, just have it done properly. It will look cool. Trust me, I'm a professional.
2007-05-17 10:15 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oh Mark, I'm sorry! I guess subconsciously I think of you as practically bedridden these days, or I feel like you SHOULD be and I don't want to pester you so you can recover!!! I know that is silly, as clearly you can still read and type. But it's just the healer in me that thinks you need a long rest now. 18 pounds!! Wow, I'm sooooo on the next plane to HK. (kidding) That just doesn't sound like a good way to lose weight....I'm thinking of stamping "newbie" on my forehead for this first tri so everyone steps politely out of my way as I hobble through! Or if I look like I'm really struggling, they just take a look, grin to themselves remembering their first attempts, and leave me to my own personal little humiliation! So, perhaps Pink is not the way to go for this first one. Don't really want to attract any more attention than is absolutely necessary. In fact, if I could do this under invisibility cloak, I'd soooo be wearing one!! I'm not really as much a Leo as I seem. Leo's just love the spotlight. I sort of avoid it. Unless I'm having one of my bipolar euphoric episodes and have just signed up for yet another completely unrealistic race and had some hunk ask me to be his Domme or some other such thing. Which no one has recently, and I think I'm going through withdrawal!!! It's sort of nice to be wanted, even if they don't really intend to be chivalrous about it!! Oh well, I gave up the chase so I could better concentrate on training and trying to balance my life......But heck, maybe I should just go for the pink and wear some little nothing on the bike run so the guys look at me and slow down and let me pass!!!! Maybe that's the best strategy????? Unfortunately, all my curvy parts are looking rather lean and not exactly as appealing that way.......
2007-05-17 11:19 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hi Everyone!!!
I am still here! Things are crazy. First I thought I had swimmers ear so I used swim ez wich contains rubbing alchol, wich aggraveted a small scratch in the ear from itching it with my fingernail when I thought it was swimmers ear, but nowI have an ear infection that went to the throat I am recouping so its allright.

My Mom needs me right now, but I don't know why yet. So I am taking 2 weeks and going to Oregon and Washington. Then I have two weeks before my triathalon, but right now I can't swim at all untill this ick goes away.

My sister wants me to go to California to help her move, but I don't think I will have time for that too. But I talked my Dad into going, so she will have good support.
I ordered a Shift cable for the bike, I shouldn't have rode it the second time when the high gears were going because the whole thing is frayed. Well live and learn- next time I will know.

For Hair I put my hair back in a pony tail with a rubberband and then loop it twice again into a second pony tail holder made of crinckly pretty material. Its easy, dosnt give me a headache like a french braid does for the first 3 hours and most importantly it stays in place and I can place a swim cap and bike helmut easily over it.
2007-05-17 11:26 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
2007-05-17 11:31 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
MALPHH- I like the kola bear picture it looks very artsy and unique.
You have created photo art!!!

101 dalmations- I have earned a purple star!!!!!

2007-05-17 2:43 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I'm still here, just busy, under the weather, and overcommitted.

I decided to take a Grandma's Half Marathon number from someone who is backing out, so I'm having to reconfigure my training to ramp my miles up. I'm a little nervous about it, honestly, but I've got 5 weeks, so wish me luck. I have to ramp my distance up significantly, but the way I figure, I can always walk, and I had to work on my run anyway!

I've had a sinus infection since last Friday that just isn't going anywhere. In the good news sector, I ran a 5k with it on Saturday (doped up on benadryl), and had a PR of 27:32 (under 9 minute split, yay me!).

As for the hair, I've actually arranged with a friend to have her french braid it the morning of my tri, but since then I've cut it shorter (my new sassy 'do), and I'm not sure what I'll do, now. Maybe just slick it back for the bike and throw a ponytail in for the run. You're not nuts for thinking of it (or we both are) - it crossed my mind a month ago!
2007-05-17 8:06 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Wow Jeanette, sounds like you do have your hands full right now. That's a lot of traveling and spreading yourself thin for family! Hang in there! And check your computer now and then and let us know what all you are up to!

Kanders--my goodness! Grandma's is right around the corner! Sounds like you are getting very fast, though, even with the sinus deal (I HATE THOSE!!!). Way to go, girl!!


Notes to Self:

1. USE inhaler first! COLD induces asthma attacks!!! Air temp this morning was 48 degrees and got all the way up to 67 for a high = very cold water!!!!

2. Look back at shore to see what it looks like so you don't go to the wrong one next time! (Got half way or so out there and realized I couldn't breathe properly due to increasingly cold water and decided to head back......went to wrong shore.......pretty much ended up doing the 400 and then some)

3. When the nice lady in the kayak asks if you would like her to escort you back to shore, don't be a Miss I Can Do It Myself and LET HER HELP YOU!!

4. Wear a bright colored cap so the others can see you, cuz they totally had no clue I was all out there and going the wrong way and such.

5. Ditch crappy goggles that leak and fog so you can SEE WHERE YOU ARE GOING!

6. Bring dry clothes for all three children as they WILL get their pants all wet playing on the beach no matter how vehemently you warn them not to....

7. Don't promise children Walmart after the swim as you will be WET. And next time you might not get away with stripping naked from waist down to take off wet tri shorts and put on dry jeans in said parking lot of said store! Thank God I had a nice warm fleece pullover to cover up the wet and cold tri shirt and so didn't have to flash anyone


But..... I did notice I swaggered a bit walking through Walmart as I felt rather like a TRI CHICK with a boxer attitude.

I got out on my bike today, too and did the tri course again. I felt a lot more relaxed with it, but it was a windy day and I was tired from basically no sleep last night (just a lot on my mind). So I didn't improve much with time, but I still think it was beneficial. Three more times out on that course I think should be good enough for this first tri.

Well, at least I got to meet some of the tri group folks and apparently there will be a lot of newbies there this year compared to other years. MANY of the folks just skipped the swim this time and did the group bike, cuz they are WEENIES about the cold water--hah!!! They said folks will be out practically every night now until June 10 practicing the swim, so I've got ample opportunities to get out there. The kids did okay on shore, but next time they'll need dry changes of everything. Noah found lots of fish skeletons to take home (yippee).
2007-05-18 4:23 AM
in reply to: #805764

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-17 9:06 PM

Wow Jeanette, sounds like you do have your hands full right now. That's a lot of traveling and spreading yourself thin for family! Hang in there! And check your computer now and then and let us know what all you are up to!

Kanders--my goodness! Grandma's is right around the corner! Sounds like you are getting very fast, though, even with the sinus deal (I HATE THOSE!!!). Way to go, girl!!


Notes to Self:

1. USE inhaler first! COLD induces asthma attacks!!! Air temp this morning was 48 degrees and got all the way up to 67 for a high = very cold water!!!!

2. Look back at shore to see what it looks like so you don't go to the wrong one next time! (Got half way or so out there and realized I couldn't breathe properly due to increasingly cold water and decided to head back......went to wrong shore.......pretty much ended up doing the 400 and then some)

3. When the nice lady in the kayak asks if you would like her to escort you back to shore, don't be a Miss I Can Do It Myself and LET HER HELP YOU!!

4. Wear a bright colored cap so the others can see you, cuz they totally had no clue I was all out there and going the wrong way and such.

5. Ditch crappy goggles that leak and fog so you can SEE WHERE YOU ARE GOING!

6. Bring dry clothes for all three children as they WILL get their pants all wet playing on the beach no matter how vehemently you warn them not to....

7. Don't promise children Walmart after the swim as you will be WET. And next time you might not get away with stripping naked from waist down to take off wet tri shorts and put on dry jeans in said parking lot of said store! Thank God I had a nice warm fleece pullover to cover up the wet and cold tri shirt and so didn't have to flash anyone


But..... I did notice I swaggered a bit walking through Walmart as I felt rather like a TRI CHICK with a boxer attitude.

I got out on my bike today, too and did the tri course again. I felt a lot more relaxed with it, but it was a windy day and I was tired from basically no sleep last night (just a lot on my mind). So I didn't improve much with time, but I still think it was beneficial. Three more times out on that course I think should be good enough for this first tri.

Well, at least I got to meet some of the tri group folks and apparently there will be a lot of newbies there this year compared to other years. MANY of the folks just skipped the swim this time and did the group bike, cuz they are WEENIES about the cold water--hah!!! They said folks will be out practically every night now until June 10 practicing the swim, so I've got ample opportunities to get out there. The kids did okay on shore, but next time they'll need dry changes of everything. Noah found lots of fish skeletons to take home (yippee).

Nice list. How was the water? Too murky to see your hand, or were you able to see all the fish swimming around you? And what'd you think of the taste?

Sounds like someone needs to spend some time adjusting her goggles.
2007-05-18 7:08 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, Prof, the water was delicious! Every bit as good as I remembered from childhood! I grew up in Minnesota, land of ten thousand lakes, and it's TRUE. There were 3 lakes within walking distance from my log house in the middle of the woods with the bears, foxes, skunks, raccoons, deer and other critters! So, I grew up in a lake, but for some odd reason never really learned to put my face in the murky water that tastes like fish poop! Nope, couldn't see my hand. Think there were about two 6-7 inch fish underneath at one point, but after a short time, my asthma kicked in from the frigid water and I quit putting my head in the water and just tried to gulp air and make it back into some sort of land. Fortunately, because no one could see me with my black swim cap, I was floundering around in circles out there unnoticed and just had to relax, float on my back a bit, tell myself I'm just a Norweigan chick from Minnesota that grew up in a lake and isn't it lovely that I have on this WONDERFUL buoyant wetsuit, so even if I just stop moving my arms and legs, EVENTUALLY, I'll float up on SOME shore and someone will point me in the correct direction to get to my kids and car, eat some crow and go home! Do I get points here for the longest run-on sentence in the world?????

I discovered that some folks eat uncrustables with honey and wheat on the bike after the swim and I like that idea, cuz I'm not coordinated enough to tear open a little package and squeeze it's contents into my mouth while on the bike, much less take drinks one handed. I still pull over to drink water. Which is a good thing, as the same blue car came up behind me at the same place in the course as on Saturday, beeped at me and refused to go into the other lane, even though there was zero oncoming traffic!! If that wind had made me swerve, Persephone would have been seriously SCRATCHED! Whattya all think of a little inconspicuous mirror????
2007-05-18 10:55 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
It sounds like you learned some great lessons out there in the water Pene! See, I couldnt have given you any advice that would come close to just getting out there and doing it, although I think I HAVE given the goggle advice mantra is "never swim with a bad pair of goggles"
I was just perusing "Triathlete Magazine" and found this list and thought I would share it with you. Its not anything new, but I always feel some sort of motivation when I read things like this: (Pene, #9 explains why you have to go thru swims like you did)

17 things that triathlon has taught me about life
By J.

1. There are good days and there are bad days and sometimes you can't tell the difference until you start.

2. Contrary to popular belief, sleep is not overrated. Not in the slightest.

3. Don't forget to breathe.

4. Just because it's raining doesn't mean you should cry.

5. Nobody ever said it was easy.

6. Pain is temporary. Pride lasts a lifetime. Sometimes even two.

7. Create a plan and stick to it. It may not always work, but if you stay focused and relaxed, it'll all end up just fine.

8. You've got to try. No matter what happens, in the end you'll have bigger regrets from not ever trying.

9. Strength and courage blossom from the sands of adversity.

10. Sometimes it's the little things that make the big differences.

11. Getting to the starting line is usually a lot harder than getting to the finish.

12. Listen to your body and listen to your mind. And make sure you know when they're lying to you.

13. You can't change the past and you won't alter the future. Enjoy right now, right now.

14. Smile. It does a body good.

15. Be supportive of others. We're all in this together.

16. It's OK to cry.

17. Don't forget to eat. Especially breakfast -- that's a really important one.

2007-05-19 5:40 AM
in reply to: #806005

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-18 8:08 AM

Well, Prof, the water was delicious! Every bit as good as I remembered from childhood! I grew up in Minnesota, land of ten thousand lakes, and it's TRUE. There were 3 lakes within walking distance from my log house in the middle of the woods with the bears, foxes, skunks, raccoons, deer and other critters! So, I grew up in a lake, but for some odd reason never really learned to put my face in the murky water that tastes like fish poop! Nope, couldn't see my hand. Think there were about two 6-7 inch fish underneath at one point, but after a short time, my asthma kicked in from the frigid water and I quit putting my head in the water and just tried to gulp air and make it back into some sort of land. Fortunately, because no one could see me with my black swim cap, I was floundering around in circles out there unnoticed and just had to relax, float on my back a bit, tell myself I'm just a Norweigan chick from Minnesota that grew up in a lake and isn't it lovely that I have on this WONDERFUL buoyant wetsuit, so even if I just stop moving my arms and legs, EVENTUALLY, I'll float up on SOME shore and someone will point me in the correct direction to get to my kids and car, eat some crow and go home! Do I get points here for the longest run-on sentence in the world?????

I discovered that some folks eat uncrustables with honey and wheat on the bike after the swim and I like that idea, cuz I'm not coordinated enough to tear open a little package and squeeze it's contents into my mouth while on the bike, much less take drinks one handed. I still pull over to drink water. Which is a good thing, as the same blue car came up behind me at the same place in the course as on Saturday, beeped at me and refused to go into the other lane, even though there was zero oncoming traffic!! If that wind had made me swerve, Persephone would have been seriously SCRATCHED! Whattya all think of a little inconspicuous mirror????

I think that:

1. Bright colored caps are a necessity;
2. Eat whatever your body can handle on the bike. I like jelly beans;
3. Nothing wrong with a mirror if it makes the ride safer and more enjoyable.

In fact, I've seen 2 types of mirrors: one clips onto your handlebar, the other clips onto your helmet. Use what works best for you.

I'm impressed with your OWS. Once again, a member of this forum is going to motivate me to do something. Today may be the day where I find the wetsuit -- I think it's under a bed in a spare room somewhere -- and squeeze myself into it. The nearest lake is approx 45 minutes away, so I guess it's time I take a road trip and get out there.

By the way, for you who are about to purchase your first wetsuit, here's a tip -- don't leave it hanging in a closet without telling your wife. (Don't hang it, period, b/c you'll stretch out the shoulders, unless you've got it up to dry.) Anyway, don't just put it somewhere and forget about it. Wife opened the closet door and shrieked, thinking she stumbled upon an intruder.
2007-05-19 5:55 AM
in reply to: #807713

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-05-18 11:55 PM

It sounds like you learned some great lessons out there in the water Pene! See, I couldnt have given you any advice that would come close to just getting out there and doing it, although I think I HAVE given the goggle advice mantra is "never swim with a bad pair of goggles"
I was just perusing "Triathlete Magazine" and found this list and thought I would share it with you. Its not anything new, but I always feel some sort of motivation when I read things like this: (Pene, #9 explains why you have to go thru swims like you did)

17 things that triathlon has taught me about life
By J.

1. There are good days and there are bad days and sometimes you can't tell the difference until you start.

2. Contrary to popular belief, sleep is not overrated. Not in the slightest.

3. Don't forget to breathe.

4. Just because it's raining doesn't mean you should cry.

5. Nobody ever said it was easy.

6. Pain is temporary. Pride lasts a lifetime. Sometimes even two.

7. Create a plan and stick to it. It may not always work, but if you stay focused and relaxed, it'll all end up just fine.

8. You've got to try. No matter what happens, in the end you'll have bigger regrets from not ever trying.

9. Strength and courage blossom from the sands of adversity.

10. Sometimes it's the little things that make the big differences.

11. Getting to the starting line is usually a lot harder than getting to the finish.

12. Listen to your body and listen to your mind. And make sure you know when they're lying to you.

13. You can't change the past and you won't alter the future. Enjoy right now, right now.

14. Smile. It does a body good.

15. Be supportive of others. We're all in this together.

16. It's OK to cry.

17. Don't forget to eat. Especially breakfast -- that's a really important one.

Have to agree with all of them. And I would add --

18. Ask questions. Everyone once did their first race, and most are willing to share their mistakes as well as their triumphs. And personally, I think the mistakes are the funnier and more insightful!

Yesterday, I tried on a new pair of Speedo goggles I found at a discount store for $5. Wonderful things! I'm a Speedo brand man through and through, and as I was sorting through my good goggles and bad ones, and the miscellaneous components I have laying around (habit from my scavenger days when I was young and broke), I realized Speedo has never led me wrong. Lesson to you all -- find a brand/type/style you like, and get a few pairs. It's not as if they expire, like milk. I'm going back to my discount store today -- woohoo, exciting Saturday -- to see if there are any left. And then to the bike store to pick up our tuned-up mountain bikes. And then maybe wash my car. I just want to be outside.

Anyway, great goggles, very thick frames, though -- think of Harry Potter's glasses.

Oh, and for all of you with races coming up, have you checked to see if there is a race report about it? Most are insightful and offer great, and very realistic, descriptions of the course. None of that "gentle yet challenging hills" crap there -- you're more likely to read that the hills resembled Everest and left the rider sucking air and begging for oxygen. And if you send a message to the author, chances are you'll get a response to your particular question. At least, that's how it's worked for me. Just remember that you will be expected to do the same when someone has a question about one of your reported races!

Have a great day, everyone.

2007-05-19 7:34 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks Liz! I think there's room in my van down by the river for you to be my partner motivational speaker!! I'm going to try a set of goggles today that I bought at the Y when I forgot my others and then Noah snatched them up. But I'm snatching them back!! Or at least I'll test drive them at the pool today. And if the bloody things don't do the trick, I'll keep looking. That bike store has enough of my money so I've been avoiding it. But,.....if that's the quickest place to get a decent pair, then I'll have to suck it up!

I'm thinking of getting a bike rack for my Blazer. Any suggestions? I know NOTHING about bike racks and would prefer to jimmy one up behind the car rather than on top of the car, but there is a rack on top.....I have my bike, Noah's, Micah's and the third wheel to potentially haul to trails, duathlons, etc. The third wheel detaches and folds a bit so it can go in the back. So, I need a rack that can handle at least three bikes of various sizes and types! Right now I carefully squeeze my bike in the back and let the handle bars go over the back seat. My kids can't ride back there too good with it, but so far they haven't been with when I take it to the course site. For Noah's Du, I did the same and the kids just managed, but when we got the bike home, his front wheel was twisted something fierce and the neighbor guy took a really big wrench (my biggest wasn't big enough, but I just had to point out that I DO have tools, including an impact wrench!) and fixed it for him, thank goodness. I don't want my bike to get twisted the day of the race!!!

Prof, I went up to Bronze here to read more articles as my Velma personality was having a field day yesterday! I even got a account set up to save my favorites as some of them are pretty intense and will take a bit to digest. I'm reading about lactate threshold and the Friel method of using a heart rate monitor to find your F2 zone, etc. Will have to play with that now. But, my Q for you is this: one coach DEMANDS that all his people get a Power meter. Period. He even tells them to sell their bike and get the meter (no, not all their bikes, as they need one to train on....). And the Gordy Paulson dude had a Cervelo (of course), with an Ergomo PM (of course) and the nicest legs I've seen in a loooonnngg time! So, I think it was working for him! I would consider saving for one, but wondered if a used one would be adequate for my purposes, and where in the heck you'd look to get one used, or if you just suck it up and spend the $1200 for the Ergomo? Which, btw, is more than I paid for my tribike! I'm one that will need to be on a trainer almost more than on the road due to my kids, work, lack of warm weather here year round, daylight limits, etc. If I need to do 150 miles bike a week for IM training, I'll need to do some of that indoors. Even if it does suck. I do think my leg power for this tri is adequate, my problems with the bike outdoors are purely getting used to the wind, the daintiness of the bike, and FEAR! Fear of traffic, fear of crashing and getting hurt, fear of not knowing the road (conquering that one!), and fear of speed! But, I make it up our not so gently rolling hills 99% of the time, so I'm not a total failure on the leg power for an IM, however, is entirely another matter. I'm not even close for that yet. And I'm not even close for the century ride yet, either. And I read over and over that the bike is the thing to master! Makes you stronger for the other sports.
2007-05-19 2:14 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, maybe I'm an evil from hell, but I just had to do this: I compared my totals to Rob's and guess what? I'm beating the snot out of him on the run and swim for 2007 totals!!! I have logged 108 hours (not including the mental training bit) and he has logged 84! I am behind him 120 miles on the bike, but I beat him by 85 miles on the run and 7947 yards on the swim!! Hah! AND--I'm only behind him by 11 hours for May so far, which is one working day for me Plus, I'm like 15 or 16 years OLDER, which should in theory, slow me down.....

I'm stuck at home because the House Faeries hid my keys on me. Was all set to go swim. Hrmph! Have looked in all the usual places at least 5 times. Guess I'm supposed to stay home and clean (NOT!!!!). I'll find em eventually.....

Must be a darn good day to put my bike back on the trainer and log some miles/hours.....gotta catch up to Benedict Arnold! Cuz I already ran for an hour to do my lactate threshold deal. And I can't swim now til I find my keys!!! Guess I could jump rope and box for 11 hours.......tempting..........
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