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2010-10-23 10:25 AM
in reply to: #3168213

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-10-22 9:53 PM We're going to the WORLD SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats! I hope they take it all the way for you:-)

Sorry I've been MIA the past 2 weeks, but I've been slammed at work and maybe feeling a little under the weather to boot. 

Glad you had a nice anniversary trip Tim, that's a good amount of walking mileage you put in!

Erica, glad the dress fits, I'm sure if you stick to your plan the dress will fit less snuggly in the hip region. 

Pete, you're a machine

Meggan you kick butt, really wish I could be at the finish line of your marathon to cheer you in. 

oh and Tim I just got a message from Sugoi, they are making an announcement on the brand champion program soon, I'll let you know what's up.  I'm looking forward to their annual warehouse sale on Nov. 18th!!

I'm off to have a girls day now, hope everyone is having a great weekend!

2010-10-23 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I just want to pat myself on the back a little right now.  I just finished my last run for this week (week goes Monday to Sunday) and I hit my first 40 mile week!  I know it is not much for some people but this is huge for me!!
2010-10-23 4:13 PM
in reply to: #3168618

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-23 3:08 PM I just want to pat myself on the back a little right now.  I just finished my last run for this week (week goes Monday to Sunday) and I hit my first 40 mile week!  I know it is not much for some people but this is huge for me!!

Congrats!  Way to go!
2010-10-23 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3168618

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-23 3:08 PM I just want to pat myself on the back a little right now.  I just finished my last run for this week (week goes Monday to Sunday) and I hit my first 40 mile week!  I know it is not much for some people but this is huge for me!!

40mi in one week is outstanding!  Congrats.  Just to give you some perspective, I hit 61mi for the MONTH last month and that was my highest ever!
2010-10-23 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3168618

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Way to go Meggan - 40 miles in a week is huge.  Hope you feeling good.  Yesterday I ran into one of my swim partners from last years Masters group and he is also running the Philly marathon.  He has run a bunch of different races and was really looking forward to the race. 

Mrschach - 2010-10-23 3:08 PM I just want to pat myself on the back a little right now.  I just finished my last run for this week (week goes Monday to Sunday) and I hit my first 40 mile week!  I know it is not much for some people but this is huge for me!!
2010-10-23 6:39 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks guys!  I love and appreciate the support.  I am planning for 43-44 next week with a long run of 20 on the 31st.  Not sure about the week after that since John and I will be away for a few days.  I want to see how I feel after the 20.  We leave on Wednesday so I will have Tuesday and Wednesday morning to run at home.  I plan on running 2 days we are away and then on Sunday when we get home.  I did not plan our anniversary trip very well!  I will start the 2 week taper of the plan on November 8th then. 

2010-10-25 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan-Awesome job on your 40 mile week!!!  That is fantastic

T1-Glad you had a nice vacation and yea for baseball.  I am a cardinals fan and hubby is a cubs fan so we have quit watching, but I am an underdog person too! 

Signed up for a Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning.  Four girls I work with are doing it and I paid so now I have people at work holding me accountable, which is what I need right now.  Got a good 2 mile run in on Saturday and 1.5 mile walk on Sunday.  I am sore!  My garmin foot thing isn't working though...which is disappointing because I really wanted to try it out.  I don't know how to get the foot pod and watch to sync.

Happy Monday!
2010-10-25 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3169958

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
debbiereid06 - 2010-10-25 8:24 AM Meggan-Awesome job on your 40 mile week!!!  That is fantastic

T1-Glad you had a nice vacation and yea for baseball.  I am a cardinals fan and hubby is a cubs fan so we have quit watching, but I am an underdog person too! 

Signed up for a Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving morning.  Four girls I work with are doing it and I paid so now I have people at work holding me accountable, which is what I need right now.  Got a good 2 mile run in on Saturday and 1.5 mile walk on Sunday.  I am sore!  My garmin foot thing isn't working though...which is disappointing because I really wanted to try it out.  I don't know how to get the foot pod and watch to sync.

Happy Monday!

Good job on signing up!  Registering is the hard part sometimes.  I find that accountability works for me.  Tim and Sandra, along with some friends and family, knew for months that I was wavering back and forth on signing up for the marathon.  They knew registration opened April 1st and I knew a few people would ask me!  I have learned that I need to share my goals with a few people.
2010-10-25 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Good on you for signing up for that run Debbie.  Like Meggan said, I am much more likely to train and race if I let people know in order to help keep me honest.  Are you still having trouble with the foot pod?  Not sure what you have tried, but on mine I have to go into the settings and turn the foot pod setting to "on".  What Garmin do you have?  I can try to find out in more detail if I know which one you have.

Well, I am finally back at work and my 10 days of vacation went by incredibly quick.  I do feel refreshed though, but wife and I ate way too much and not the good stuff on vacation.  So, last night when grocery shopping we got all the good stuff and hopped back on the wagon today.  Got back into the workout groove as well, with a bike ride on Fri, a run on Sat, then a long 40mi bike ride yesterday.  I also started with a new (more advanced) physical therapist on Fri for my knee.  She has me doing some new exercises and I go back today and again on Fri.  I plan on doing another run after the session today. 

We're supposed to hit a record high of 92 today (ugh) but a front comes through tomorrow and will hopefully be the end of the warm weather. 

I expect everyone is still doing great on their workouts and will be checking in soon.

Sandra - Good news about Sugoi.  Hope I hear from them soon.
2010-10-25 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Agreed about registering being the hardest part!  Sometimes, it's easier to commit to training 5-6 days a week than one race.  But once you do, you're stuck!  And that's a great feeling, I think!

Hubby and I got a foam roller this weekend and I LOVE IT!  I'm not even sore from my hill repeats workout yesterday because I spent 30 minutes with it afterwards.  Oh, and the hill workouts?  Not my idea.  But we got stormed on pretty bad yesterday, so hubby didn't want to be far from home if lightning got too close.  We ran up and down our street, which is 3/4 mile out, and 3/4 mile back, and SUPER HILLY, 3 times.  I can't even explain how many weird looks we got from the people eating in the restaurants along the way who saw us go by 6 times...

As of my weigh-in this morning, I'm down 2.5 pounds from last Sunday when this all started!  Hooray!  I spent all day Saturday making a huge pot of low-calorie chili and another low-calorie casserole, so I now have about 23 frozen meals in my freezer for dinners the next 4 weeks.  That makes it so much easier on me to ration my calorie intake.  I wish I had thought of that sooner...

Have a good day, all!
2010-10-26 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks for the support everyone!!!  It is nice to be held accountable too.  I hear ya about telling the people who are going to be there and be supportive.

T1-I have a Garmin FR60.  I am not good with gadgets so I have no clue!  It gets frustrating sometimes. 

2010-10-28 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3172657

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
debbiereid06 - 2010-10-26 10:38 AM Thanks for the support everyone!!!  It is nice to be held accountable too.  I hear ya about telling the people who are going to be there and be supportive.

T1-I have a Garmin FR60.  I am not good with gadgets so I have no clue!  It gets frustrating sometimes. 

Did you figure it out? 

What is everyone up to?  Nothing new here.  It is crazy warm around here.  Anyone else unseasonably warm? 

John and I head to New Orleans on Wednesday and I cannot wait!!!  We have never gone away without the boys.  They have spent a night here and there with the grandparents but not like this!  We will only be gone until Saturday evening but it will be 4 glorious kid free days!  I cannot wait to enjoy numerous meals without a 2 year old in my lap or stealing my food.  He would love the food there though!  I cannot wait to sleep without a 3 year old coming in my bed and kicking me!  Ahhhh!!!!

Before all of that happens, I have 20 miles to run on Sunday.
2010-10-28 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3178542

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-10-28 7:16 AM
debbiereid06 - 2010-10-26 10:38 AM Thanks for the support everyone!!!  It is nice to be held accountable too.  I hear ya about telling the people who are going to be there and be supportive.

T1-I have a Garmin FR60.  I am not good with gadgets so I have no clue!  It gets frustrating sometimes. 

Did you figure it out? 

What is everyone up to?  Nothing new here.  It is crazy warm around here.  Anyone else unseasonably warm? 

John and I head to New Orleans on Wednesday and I cannot wait!!!  We have never gone away without the boys.  They have spent a night here and there with the grandparents but not like this!  We will only be gone until Saturday evening but it will be 4 glorious kid free days!  I cannot wait to enjoy numerous meals without a 2 year old in my lap or stealing my food.  He would love the food there though!  I cannot wait to sleep without a 3 year old coming in my bed and kicking me!  Ahhhh!!!!

Before all of that happens, I have 20 miles to run on Sunday.

Sounds like a dream...4 days...nice and well earned. 

The weather here is just as it always is around Halloween, gloomy, dark, wet and getting colder.  I have a hard time adjusting to this time of year.  Though I love the smell of Fall and enjoy how beautiful the trees are as they turn colour, I don't enjoy going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.  I have no window in my office, so I have to purposefully get up every once in a while to go look outside, but even during the day this week it's been dull and grey...sigh. 

I'll get over it soon enough, but the start of fall is hard every year.
2010-10-28 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
We are not unseasonably warm, but right about where we normally are.  Hit 90 yesterday but front came through and we are now in the 70s but then back in the mid 80s this weekend.  Our leaves don't change color down here so it's kinda hard to get into the "fall" mood.  Weather is nice for working out though...but I've been told to stop running for now so that kinda hurts.  I've got a 50mi bike planned for Sat morning.  The getting darker thing does stink though. 

That sounds like a good time for you Meggan.  Enjoy it!  Weather is similar to here so should be nice.
2010-10-28 1:26 PM
in reply to: #3178542

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
No, I haven't figured it out.  I couldn't even get the stupid thing to download this morning so I couldn't wear it for my run because it was full.  I don't know.  I just haven't had time this week.  We have had parent teacher conferences and it is Red Ribbon Week so it has been extremely busy and I have four photoshoots this weekend (what was I thinking?!)

It has been warm in STL, but last night it dipped into the 30's.  All of the leaves are changing (that's why everyone wants pics).  Excited to take Nora trick or treating on sunday.  This will be her first "real" time going out!
2010-10-31 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
20 is done and I killed it!!!

2010-10-31 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
And now I am exhausted and the thought of food is making me sick to my stomach!!  What do I do if I don't feel like eating after a long run?
2010-10-31 6:42 PM
in reply to: #3187362

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Great job on getting the run done!  As for the food, try drinking some chocolate milk or having a protien drink after you long run.  Your appetite will show up eventually and then just make sure you have some good food ready because it usually comes up quick and wants to be satisfied immediately.

Mrschach - 2010-10-31 11:21 AM And now I am exhausted and the thought of food is making me sick to my stomach!!  What do I do if I don't feel like eating after a long run?
2010-10-31 7:20 PM
in reply to: #3187686

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-10-31 6:42 PM Great job on getting the run done!  As for the food, try drinking some chocolate milk or having a protien drink after you long run.  Your appetite will show up eventually and then just make sure you have some good food ready because it usually comes up quick and wants to be satisfied immediately.

Mrschach - 2010-10-31 11:21 AM And now I am exhausted and the thought of food is making me sick to my stomach!!  What do I do if I don't feel like eating after a long run?

That is pretty much what a friend told me too.  I texted him and asked him what to do.  He said just don't eat but stay hydrated.  He figures the hunger will hit me tomorrow or Tuesday.
2010-11-01 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Great job on the run, Meggan!  You are so ready!  That appetite come back yet? 

Well, I had an up and down weekend.  The good - Got in some good workouts, including a 50mi bike on Sat morning.  Got a lot of things done around the house.  My Rangers won our first ever world series game.  The bad - Rangers are down 3-1.  I think I stress ate/drank too much this weekend during the games.  I really ate terribly and it didn't help my wife was doing a lot of holiday baking and I had to indulge. 

So, I am posting my weight as of this morning.  I am really embarrassed by it and hope to use y'all as motivation to get it back down.  I was at 205.8 this morning.  Last week I had been around 201 all week.  I won't get a workout in today as I have a PT session and then wife and I are going to visit a friend in the hospital.  But I am going to eat right and I have all my meals planned out this week. 

Halloween to New Years is always my weakest time of year when it comes to food and working out.  Not going to let it happen this year!

So how was everyone's weekend?
2010-11-01 9:46 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Way to go, Meggan!  That's so awesome! 

T1 - It's a hard time for everybody, so don't beat yourself up too much.  You'll drop it back off quickly!  And I'm sorry about the Rangers.  I've been cheering for them, too, since I like the underdogs.  At least they made it this far!

I weighed 163.2 pounds this morning!  That's 2.2 pounds this week and 2.5 pounds last week!  The dress is still tight around my hips though, and most of the weight I've been losing is from my upper body, which doesn't really need it....awesome.  So the top of the dress is too big now, and the bottom is too tight!  But my pants are starting to feel looser, so I just have to keep working at it.  T-minus 27 days 'til the wedding!  The big question is, if I lose about 8 pounds before then which is what I'm on track to do, that puts me at about 155, so will that be enough to fit me into the dress???

Guess we'll find out!

2010-11-01 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks guys!  I feel pretty good today too.

Question about my sneaks and I know I am over analyzing this!  I have two pairs of the same sneaks.  I bought them on a really good sale.  I figured out the miles and I knew I would be running the marathon in worn out sneaks or pretty new sneaks so I bought two!  I rotate them but not on a set schedule.  I had started switching them every Sunday but then I started forgetting.  I have tried to keep the mileage about the same.  Both pairs feel the same, no problems with either pair.  Pair #1 has 195.92 miles on them and I wore them for the 20 yesterday.  Pair #2 has 161.25 and I wore them for the 17 a few weeks ago.  What should I do?  Should I keep switching them out over the next three weeks so they are about the same in miles and just wear whichever pair for the marathon?  Should I wear the one with the higher miles for the next two weeks (including walking around NOLA) and then switch to the other pair for the last week and the marathon?  Tell me to stop thinking about it if you really want to!
2010-11-01 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3188434

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-11-01 7:46 AM Way to go, Meggan!  That's so awesome! 

T1 - It's a hard time for everybody, so don't beat yourself up too much.  You'll drop it back off quickly!  And I'm sorry about the Rangers.  I've been cheering for them, too, since I like the underdogs.  At least they made it this far!

I weighed 163.2 pounds this morning!  That's 2.2 pounds this week and 2.5 pounds last week!  The dress is still tight around my hips though, and most of the weight I've been losing is from my upper body, which doesn't really need it....awesome.  So the top of the dress is too big now, and the bottom is too tight!  But my pants are starting to feel looser, so I just have to keep working at it.  T-minus 27 days 'til the wedding!  The big question is, if I lose about 8 pounds before then which is what I'm on track to do, that puts me at about 155, so will that be enough to fit me into the dress???

Guess we'll find out!

Good job on losing the pounds.  Wish that spot reducing were a possibility, but alas it is not.  I'm sure that the dress will fit loser around the hips by the time of the wedding if you keep getting these great results every week. 
2010-11-02 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3189174

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
34mi is not really that much difference.  Does one pair feel better to you than the other?  If so, then save that one for the race and put your training miles on the other.  If they both feel the same, then I would put the training on the higher mileage one and save the lower one for the race.  My 2 cents.

Mrschach - 2010-11-01 2:28 PM Thanks guys!  I feel pretty good today too.

Question about my sneaks and I know I am over analyzing this!  I have two pairs of the same sneaks.  I bought them on a really good sale.  I figured out the miles and I knew I would be running the marathon in worn out sneaks or pretty new sneaks so I bought two!  I rotate them but not on a set schedule.  I had started switching them every Sunday but then I started forgetting.  I have tried to keep the mileage about the same.  Both pairs feel the same, no problems with either pair.  Pair #1 has 195.92 miles on them and I wore them for the 20 yesterday.  Pair #2 has 161.25 and I wore them for the 17 a few weeks ago.  What should I do?  Should I keep switching them out over the next three weeks so they are about the same in miles and just wear whichever pair for the marathon?  Should I wear the one with the higher miles for the next two weeks (including walking around NOLA) and then switch to the other pair for the last week and the marathon?  Tell me to stop thinking about it if you really want to!
2010-11-02 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
That is some awesome weigh loss Erica!  You keep that up and you'll have no problems fitting that dress.
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