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2011-02-28 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3374510

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New user
Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Yes. I have had to move things around to make it work with my schedule. I think that as long as I get the volume in it is fine. Had to drop a short run or swim here and there, and I am half way through! 10 weeks to go!

2011-02-28 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I am also training for a HIM in July and completing (not racing) a FULL marathon in May; it will be my 11th full.  I'll be running only 3 days a week unless I have an additional short brick at the end of my long bike.  I know that I can't afford to trade out bike or swim in favor of a run as running is my strength and biking is my weakness.  Just going to the full because I love the venue/course and will be with friends.
2011-02-28 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
1. Welcome new posters! Nice to hear you're out there and enjoying the process. Lot's of questions and energy in this "beginner" thread :-)

2. By all means modify training plans to meet your needs. If you have the right attitude, your modifications won't jeopardize the plan....they may even help if you modify up!

3. Decided today, after about six hours of research online about IT bands, Bicep Femoris issues, hamstring issues, etc... and combining that with my visit to the ortho doc, triathlete accounts online and my gut feeling about the issue I'm having..... to fight this battle head on.

     First - it's gonna take a few more weeks of seriously modified training (no real running, light spinning, lots of swimming)
     Second - that may do the trick, and it may not. Either way, it's the logical starting point.
     Third - these next few weeks are going to include more stretching and hammy/glute/hip exercises than I've ever done before. As far as I can tell, 9 times out of 10, IT band or bicep femoris issues are the result of imbalances somewhere in the muscular structure/length of the large muscle groups in the legs. So balancing and strengthening these seems to be the go-to first step in PT. Combined with massage therapy, that's a good place to start. 
     Fourth - massage therapy 3 times a week

I feel a combination of really pissed, really sad (like almost crying sad), and encouraged that it will heal. I'm really...REALLY... playing it safe with this issue. It's such a MINOR, dull pain that most people woulld probably just say HTFU and train right through. Lots of my research said DO NOT DO THIS.

Staying positive - 2500 meter swim tonight followed by an hour of P90X stretching and another hour of isolated glute/hammy/IT band/Hip and Calf stretching. Now enjoying a glass of wine!

Train on everybody. The season is here for some, and rapidly approaching for the rest of us. I can't wait to start hearing how everybodies HIM's go this year! Mine is Aug 14th. Three weeks until Week 1 of my 20 week plan begins - woo hooooooo
2011-02-28 8:53 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Sounds like you are playing it smart and safe to me. I bet that massage therapy will make a big difference. I know that feeling of being really disappointed by injury and it stinks. That is one of the reasons I am so paranoid about making any changes to the training plan! Maybe you could try some deep water running too? It really uses the same muscles as road running but without the impact. You might be able to keep some of your running fitness. I tried it last winter when I was laid up with injuries and it really did seem to help.
2011-02-28 11:34 PM
in reply to: #3376483

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DV 1 - 2011-02-28 8:22 PM 1. Welcome new posters! Nice to hear you're out there and enjoying the process. Lot's of questions and energy in this "beginner" thread :-)

2. By all means modify training plans to meet your needs. If you have the right attitude, your modifications won't jeopardize the plan....they may even help if you modify up!

3. Decided today, after about six hours of research online about IT bands, Bicep Femoris issues, hamstring issues, etc... and combining that with my visit to the ortho doc, triathlete accounts online and my gut feeling about the issue I'm having..... to fight this battle head on.

     First - it's gonna take a few more weeks of seriously modified training (no real running, light spinning, lots of swimming)
     Second - that may do the trick, and it may not. Either way, it's the logical starting point.
     Third - these next few weeks are going to include more stretching and hammy/glute/hip exercises than I've ever done before. As far as I can tell, 9 times out of 10, IT band or bicep femoris issues are the result of imbalances somewhere in the muscular structure/length of the large muscle groups in the legs. So balancing and strengthening these seems to be the go-to first step in PT. Combined with massage therapy, that's a good place to start. 
     Fourth - massage therapy 3 times a week

I feel a combination of really pissed, really sad (like almost crying sad), and encouraged that it will heal. I'm really...REALLY... playing it safe with this issue. It's such a MINOR, dull pain that most people woulld probably just say HTFU and train right through. Lots of my research said DO NOT DO THIS.

Staying positive - 2500 meter swim tonight followed by an hour of P90X stretching and another hour of isolated glute/hammy/IT band/Hip and Calf stretching. Now enjoying a glass of wine!

Train on everybody. The season is here for some, and rapidly approaching for the rest of us. I can't wait to start hearing how everybodies HIM's go this year! Mine is Aug 14th. Three weeks until Week 1 of my 20 week plan begins - woo hooooooo

Thanks- You bring a lot of positive energy to this thread yourself.  I understand where you are and how upsetting and depressing it can be.  I had a tennis obsession crushed because of shoulder injury and something I can never return to.  My dad just had his marathon career, and more importantly his running livelihood ended due to injury.  What I can say though is that you are doing the right thing, and that it does suck.  You're not wrong to be emotional about it and keep doing what you are doing.  We'll be here.  Best wishes.
2011-03-01 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3374376

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Not really JG more likely to say Pal or Neebor!!  Good luck to you too.

2011-03-01 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3374411

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hi Pops.  Yes I love living in Scotland.  As well as Tri I am 175 through the 283 mountains over 3000ft (we call them Munros).  I am planning to do the Aberfeldy HIM which is in highland Perthshire.  The swim is in a Loch. 
2011-03-01 6:55 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hey All:

I've been lurking around this Board and now decided to man up.  I'm in week 6 (or 15) of the plan with my first 70.3 on June 12th - Eagleman in Maryland. 

This will be my second full season after completing 3 sprints, 2 Olys and a Half Mary in 2010. I've never been a great athlete and I have no natural talent other than a desire to see how far I can push myself.  That said, in the last year I have far exceeded my initial goals and am still in the process of determining what I can and should expect from this 41 yr old body.  I'm very lucky in that I have a great family situation (2 kids and tri newbie wife) and a job (which gets in the way at times, but allows me to pursue this tri thing).

In terms of training, I my very motivated and enjoy the effort and the solitude of training alone in the early hours of the day.  Living on the East Coast, this winter has been tricky to ride outside, but I've run consistently in temps of less than 15 degrees (yet I haven't taken my X-mas present out on the rode yet).  Very much looking forward to the spring.

With 5 weeks of training under my belt, I can't believe how much stronger I've gotten.  I find the plan itself to be failry easy to follow, but not always conducive to my schedule.  I've had to switch around workouts based on "life" but have tried to keep the themes and timing of the workouts consistent with the plan. 

My biggest challenge is (and will be) getting long rides in during the week.  With some tinkering, I should be able to accomodate most of the scheduling.  Any wisdom out there on how best to rearrange mid-week schedules?

Looking forward to the ride!
2011-03-01 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3376854

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-03-01 6:55 AM 

other than a desire to see how far I can push myself. 

That's the most important one.  

 Kenny Powers: "I play real sports, not trying to  be the best at exercising". 

We are...pushing ourselves is going to be the best thing to be able to do.  Rearrange as you see fit but think about getting very organized in terms of calendar planning. 
2011-03-01 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3376849

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
fifetriguy - 2011-03-01 6:53 AM

Hi Pops.  Yes I love living in Scotland.  As well as Tri I am 175 through the 283 mountains over 3000ft (we call them Munros).  I am planning to do the Aberfeldy HIM which is in highland Perthshire.  The swim is in a Loch. 

Aren't you afraid of swimming with that monster? Oh wait, that's a different Loch.
2011-03-01 11:36 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Well, I am in week 16 of the plan.  Been able to follow it pretty well, though most of it has to be inside... lots of snow/ice this winter in Maine, and I hate running, biking in the cold (teens and low 20s).  Last year I did a few races a sprint (2nd one ever (did it for time this time), an Oly (1st one) and a half Marathon this Feb.  I'm looking for that next challenge and the HIM is the next one.  Definitely making me master my scheduling abilities w/ 2 kids in sports and a wife that coaches 3 seasons.  I'm getting used to the 5:30 am work out, though I was never a morning person, but it's the only time that is truly mine!

Glad to see so many seem to like this plan, even with tweaks due to 'life'.  I don't have enough knowledge and need to be told what to do and when and how hard! ;-)  Hope it pays off in June (1st HIM).  I am very excited! 

2011-03-01 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Jax, FL
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Been following the thread and pulled the trigger on first HIM so figured I jump in!  The wife and I signed up for inaugural REV3 in Anderson, SC this Otober so I have some time before I start the 20 week plan which is great since I need to build a solid base anyway.

Have done a bunch of sprints, an Olympic and several half marathons but nothing near the distance of a HIM.  I am lucky here in N. Fla that I have good weather, but also have 2 kids and tball is starting this weekend so looks like I will become an early riser!

Love the insight from everyone, it helps keep me focused and inspired!
2011-03-01 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3377343

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2011-03-01 10:45 AM
fifetriguy - 2011-03-01 6:53 AM Hi Pops.  Yes I love living in Scotland.  As well as Tri I am 175 through the 283 mountains over 3000ft (we call them Munros).  I am planning to do the Aberfeldy HIM which is in highland Perthshire.  The swim is in a Loch. 
Aren't you afraid of swimming with that monster? Oh wait, that's a different Loch.

I like this 
2011-03-01 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Well, I am another one on this plan. I have done one Olympic and a few sprints. Last year, I just ran doing two marathons. I wanted to come back to Tri with a better running base. Whether or not I maintained the base over the winter is another question. Training for the marathons taught me how to follow a plan (easier than tri's with only one sport to do) as I did not have a good record of following the training plan as religiously as I should have, previously. I hope to do better this time.

Although I have seen a lot of comments on rearranging the schedule, how much can I do before I should be looking elsewhere? Is the order there for a reason?  ie Sat is a rest day, before the long bike, on purpose? I found this odd as the majority of people would do long runs and long bikes on weekends I would have thought? Not me as I am a shift worker but I will be running and biking with a Mon to Fri guy. So I made Mon my rest day, to recover from two long days. I have seen schedules where the off day precedes the longer workouts.


Thanks to all who post here. 

Forgot, my race is Racine70.3 on July 17 and the plan for me started yesterday (off day :-) )

I am a bigger lurker than a poster Wink

Edited by ShawnR 2011-03-01 1:50 PM
2011-03-01 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3374147

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
fifetriguy - 2011-02-27 8:42 AM Fifetriguy from Fife Scotland.  53 going on 23 depending who you listen too.  First dabbled in tri in late 80's!!  Now back and loving it!!!  HIM this year and hopefully a full next year.

How cool! I hope you find triathlons as fun as they were the first time around!
2011-03-01 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3375531

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
wcocco - 2011-02-28 11:13 AM Hi everyone, I have been reading the posts for awhile now, but since I officially started the 20week plan today for my half IM in July I thought I would introduce myself. I have only done two previous sprint triathlons prior to this, but I feel I'm ready for the challenge. My swimming has come a long way, last year at this time I couldn't even swim one length of the pool, I couldn't run more than 5-10 minutes at a time. Over the wknd I'm proud to say I did a 7mile run, and I swam around 1850yds this morning, so yeah I feel I'm ready...I do have one question for anyone who cares to answer, I'm doing a half marathon in May. I recently got my lactic acid levels tested by a friends coach, and he suggests running 4 days a week until the half marathon . I just don't know if I should cut another workout, I was thinking if cutting a swim, but after this morning I was thinking maybe not . I'm a single mom, who gets plenty of help from family, but I don't want to push my luck if you know what I mean. At this point, I guess my time on the races is not as important as just finishing them. So what do you all think, should I try to fit all 4 runs/week with the plan or should I substitute a swim or a bike for a run?

That guy might be right, but it doesn't matter. You have to trust one plan and follow it. There will ALWAYS be people telling you to adjust it, add to it, change it. There will ALWAYS be magazine articles, threads in forums, blog posts, etc that make you doubt the plan. Do not let them make you doubt the plan. You have a solid plan to follow that many have very successfully used before you. Don't worry about everything else you could be doing and don't make it more complicated than it needs to be. You will do GREAT either way!!
We are happy to have you here in the thread! Can't wait to see how your first half ironman goes!

2011-03-01 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3376854

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
JoePetto - 2011-03-01 6:55 AM Hey All:

I've been lurking around this Board and now decided to man up.  I'm in week 6 (or 15) of the plan with my first 70.3 on June 12th - Eagleman in Maryland. 

This will be my second full season after completing 3 sprints, 2 Olys and a Half Mary in 2010. I've never been a great athlete and I have no natural talent other than a desire to see how far I can push myself.  That said, in the last year I have far exceeded my initial goals and am still in the process of determining what I can and should expect from this 41 yr old body.  I'm very lucky in that I have a great family situation (2 kids and tri newbie wife) and a job (which gets in the way at times, but allows me to pursue this tri thing).

In terms of training, I my very motivated and enjoy the effort and the solitude of training alone in the early hours of the day.  Living on the East Coast, this winter has been tricky to ride outside, but I've run consistently in temps of less than 15 degrees (yet I haven't taken my X-mas present out on the rode yet).  Very much looking forward to the spring.

With 5 weeks of training under my belt, I can't believe how much stronger I've gotten.  I find the plan itself to be failry easy to follow, but not always conducive to my schedule.  I've had to switch around workouts based on "life" but have tried to keep the themes and timing of the workouts consistent with the plan. 

My biggest challenge is (and will be) getting long rides in during the week.  With some tinkering, I should be able to accomodate most of the scheduling.  Any wisdom out there on how best to rearrange mid-week schedules?

Looking forward to the ride!

You sound like such a triathlete - I love it! Welcome, and thank you for joining us. Do you have an indoor trainer that you can use when you can't ride outside? You might wind up using it for mid-week rides early in the morning before daylight.
2011-03-01 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3377450

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
slackjaw5 - 2011-03-01 11:36 AM Well, I am in week 16 of the plan.  Been able to follow it pretty well, though most of it has to be inside... lots of snow/ice this winter in Maine, and I hate running, biking in the cold (teens and low 20s).  Last year I did a few races a sprint (2nd one ever (did it for time this time), an Oly (1st one) and a half Marathon this Feb.  I'm looking for that next challenge and the HIM is the next one.  Definitely making me master my scheduling abilities w/ 2 kids in sports and a wife that coaches 3 seasons.  I'm getting used to the 5:30 am work out, though I was never a morning person, but it's the only time that is truly mine!

Glad to see so many seem to like this plan, even with tweaks due to 'life'.  I don't have enough knowledge and need to be told what to do and when and how hard! ;-)  Hope it pays off in June (1st HIM).  I am very excited! 

Welcome! I love having so many new people joining this thread! Thank you!
2011-03-01 2:19 PM
in reply to: #3377736

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
ShawnR - 2011-03-01 1:48 PM Well, I am another one on this plan. I have done one Olympic and a few sprints. Last year, I just ran doing two marathons. I wanted to come back to Tri with a better running base. Whether or not I maintained the base over the winter is another question. Training for the marathons taught me how to follow a plan (easier than tri's with only one sport to do) as I did not have a good record of following the training plan as religiously as I should have, previously. I hope to do better this time.

Although I have seen a lot of comments on rearranging the schedule, how much can I do before I should be looking elsewhere? Is the order there for a reason?  ie Sat is a rest day, before the long bike, on purpose? I found this odd as the majority of people would do long runs and long bikes on weekends I would have thought? Not me as I am a shift worker but I will be running and biking with a Mon to Fri guy. So I made Mon my rest day, to recover from two long days. I have seen schedules where the off day precedes the longer workouts.


Thanks to all who post here. 

Forgot, my race is Racine70.3 on July 17 and the plan for me started yesterday (off day :-) )

I am a bigger lurker than a poster Wink

There are different philosophies about rest days and long workouts. You will be ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY fine if you have your rest day on Monday. It seems to me you are making wise changes that will make it more likely that you can get in as much of the training as possible with your schedule.
2011-03-01 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Just wanted to say that I love seeing all the new people here. Thank you to all the veterans that have made this a thread that others want to join and be a part of!
2011-03-01 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Busy day and busy thread. So many new posters every day - very cool! Welcome to March everyone.

Didn't feel very good this morning when I woke up and I made up my mind to skip my swim. I never skip a swim - I've been swimming 2 or 3 days a week for years. Today I thought, I'm just not going. I don't feel good, the kids don't want to go, I'm giving myself a break. Then I drank my morning coffee and went anyway Gotta love coffee! I did give myself a break though and just swam a long, steady state swim at a comfortable (and when I say comfortable I really mean slow) pace. Of course I felt much better after the swim. Sometimes the challenge is just to get out the door.

Sun is shining here, hoping for some warm days this month. I can't wrap my brain around the fact that it will likely be 50 degrees warmer on my race day. That will take some getting used to!

2011-03-01 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
PaaMul QRoo, MX
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I think I'm looking forward to next week being a recover week.  I was really flat on today's 60km bike.  Weather is warming up and we're consistently at 28/29C with humidity in the low to mid 70s.  Not summer weather yet - i can still run midday.

Sea lice were reported up the coast so I'm hoping tomorrow's swim won't be a huge regret but local divemaster says they're not finding them yet.  Maybe I'll wait for them to come back from tomorrow's morning dive before I swim. 
2011-03-01 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3377915

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kathy caribe - 2011-03-01 3:19 PM

I think I'm looking forward to next week being a recover week.  I was really flat on today's 60km bike.  Weather is warming up and we're consistently at 28/29C with humidity in the low to mid 70s.  Not summer weather yet - i can still run midday.

Sea lice were reported up the coast so I'm hoping tomorrow's swim won't be a huge regret but local divemaster says they're not finding them yet.  Maybe I'll wait for them to come back from tomorrow's morning dive before I swim. 

Yeah, next week is a recovery week for me too so I'm giving it all I got now. And that's not much as I'm a bit tired. I'm having to dig a little deeper this week though training yourself to do that now will heap dividends on race day.

Sea lice sound pretty disgusting. Maybe I'll have a greater appreciation for all that chlorine in our pool.
2011-03-01 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3377343

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Lol yep ur geography is spot on. 
2011-03-01 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3377343

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Lol yep ur geography is spot on. 
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