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2007-05-19 6:06 PM
in reply to: #807979

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, I am trying to get back here. I did not back read cause you guys are busy. In the last two weeks I have feel apart in many areas of my life.
Tri training has stopped, I am down to walking and swimming, which would be fine if I did not have a tri in 6 weeks. I have gained weight and that really shakes me up and gets me into a shame spiral.
I am actively using food to feel (same as a alcoholic drinking beer) this is not good. I am really struggling to get and stay clean. For whatever reason the food is louder and more powerful that recovery.
Anyway, I go to 12 step for that. You guys are here for tri support so let get back to that.
I want to " type in my training" the same way I call in my food. I need some tri accountability and support. I need some inspire me's ( I also need to give some out) and truth be told, I need to hear that I capable of reaching goals in training and tri completion. My internal positive voice is broken and I need an outside voice until I get mine back.
I will take any support I can get.
Quiana Big Girl Tri-ing!

2007-05-19 6:33 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oh Quiana, I'm sorry to hear things are not going well for you. I REALLY understand about SHAME! A very strong undercurrent to my everyday life! I expect more from myself than anyone else--I call it my God Complex. Which basically means I think I'm supposed to be perfect. Not possible. Obviously.

Know what? The boxing saved me in a lot of ways. I used to get so mad, frustrated, whatever, with my ex, life, kids. And then I'd eat. One day I decided I needed another outlet. And punching was IT! It just feels sooooo good to punch my emotions out and find my fight and keep going. But you need really loud punching music with the right beat and no distractions to be effective! Just a thought. Better than reaching for the chocolate cake.....

Anyway, you are entitled to be human. If we had it all together, we wouldn't be on this planet. And don't forget you are female, too. That wreaks havoc right there. Damn hormones! The whole second half of your cycle will be progesterone dominant and that spells hunger!! Kind of hard to fight nature.

Probably by now you are also experiencing some of the "why am I doing this again?". I sure am. Except I CANNOT quit now. That would make the SHAME and WORTHLESSNESS win! And I won't let them! Not this time. So, put in 10 minutes a day. Just tell yourself you'll do 10 minutes and then see how you feel. Try it once and see. Maybe some days it will only be the 10. And maybe some days you'll just keep on going........

Or go out and buy yourself a punching bag and stand (and gloves) and see how you like it! Ever see a boxer walk around with their head down looking depressed??? Nope. They swagger through life!

C has a quote on her log that basically says life isn't meant to make you feel good all the time, it's meant to just make you FEEL!

I feel for you, but I also have complete faith in you and know that you will get back on it in no time. You've already accomplished so much. Just give it another month and then reevaluate and see how you feel. Can you keep on for one more month??? That's my challenge for you. And believe me, my life is crazy and out of control right now and I'll spare you the details, but it would make most people quit all this tri stuff and concentrate on getting some order back. That's why I know I must NOT quit now. I'm being tested. If I pass this little series of tests, I will be unstoppable! And you will, too
2007-05-19 11:44 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Oh Pene, it's ON!  I have been slacking on my swim there is no doubt about it.  I just don't enjoy it I think (compared to bike).  And I am just not that good at it which makes it less fun.


I have been doing some self-reflection as of late, and have realised I have put too many things on the back-burner (career wise).  I find myself spending hours online researching and reading triathlon and race websites.  I am not saying I want to do less training, but I need to get off this computer and do some other things.  I literally spend about 6-8hrs a day on a computer.  Where ever i am I have my laptop going or a computer on and its such a waste.

I feel like I have no time for anything and I am not even working.  I look at my training logs and I am only spending about 1-2hrs a day with excercise, so I can't blame that.

So anyway, I am not going to leave, I am still going to come by this forum and update my logs, but I am going to try to make an effort to not do it 12 times a day lol.  Once a day, check it and move on. 


hope everyone is doing well 

2007-05-20 5:31 AM
in reply to: #807785

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-19 8:34 AM

Thanks Liz! I think there's room in my van down by the river for you to be my partner motivational speaker!! I'm going to try a set of goggles today that I bought at the Y when I forgot my others and then Noah snatched them up. But I'm snatching them back!! Or at least I'll test drive them at the pool today. And if the bloody things don't do the trick, I'll keep looking. That bike store has enough of my money so I've been avoiding it. But,.....if that's the quickest place to get a decent pair, then I'll have to suck it up!

I'm thinking of getting a bike rack for my Blazer. Any suggestions? I know NOTHING about bike racks and would prefer to jimmy one up behind the car rather than on top of the car, but there is a rack on top.....I have my bike, Noah's, Micah's and the third wheel to potentially haul to trails, duathlons, etc. The third wheel detaches and folds a bit so it can go in the back. So, I need a rack that can handle at least three bikes of various sizes and types! Right now I carefully squeeze my bike in the back and let the handle bars go over the back seat. My kids can't ride back there too good with it, but so far they haven't been with when I take it to the course site. For Noah's Du, I did the same and the kids just managed, but when we got the bike home, his front wheel was twisted something fierce and the neighbor guy took a really big wrench (my biggest wasn't big enough, but I just had to point out that I DO have tools, including an impact wrench!) and fixed it for him, thank goodness. I don't want my bike to get twisted the day of the race!!!

Prof, I went up to Bronze here to read more articles as my Velma personality was having a field day yesterday! I even got a account set up to save my favorites as some of them are pretty intense and will take a bit to digest. I'm reading about lactate threshold and the Friel method of using a heart rate monitor to find your F2 zone, etc. Will have to play with that now. But, my Q for you is this: one coach DEMANDS that all his people get a Power meter. Period. He even tells them to sell their bike and get the meter (no, not all their bikes, as they need one to train on....). And the Gordy Paulson dude had a Cervelo (of course), with an Ergomo PM (of course) and the nicest legs I've seen in a loooonnngg time! So, I think it was working for him! I would consider saving for one, but wondered if a used one would be adequate for my purposes, and where in the heck you'd look to get one used, or if you just suck it up and spend the $1200 for the Ergomo? Which, btw, is more than I paid for my tribike! I'm one that will need to be on a trainer almost more than on the road due to my kids, work, lack of warm weather here year round, daylight limits, etc. If I need to do 150 miles bike a week for IM training, I'll need to do some of that indoors. Even if it does suck. I do think my leg power for this tri is adequate, my problems with the bike outdoors are purely getting used to the wind, the daintiness of the bike, and FEAR! Fear of traffic, fear of crashing and getting hurt, fear of not knowing the road (conquering that one!), and fear of speed! But, I make it up our not so gently rolling hills 99% of the time, so I'm not a total failure on the leg power for an IM, however, is entirely another matter. I'm not even close for that yet. And I'm not even close for the century ride yet, either. And I read over and over that the bike is the thing to master! Makes you stronger for the other sports.

When I turn pro, I'll buy a power meter. Right now, I'd rather make a mortgage payment.
2007-05-20 5:40 AM
in reply to: #808097

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-05-19 7:06 PM

Okay, I am trying to get back here. I did not back read cause you guys are busy. In the last two weeks I have feel apart in many areas of my life.
Tri training has stopped, I am down to walking and swimming, which would be fine if I did not have a tri in 6 weeks. I have gained weight and that really shakes me up and gets me into a shame spiral.
I am actively using food to feel (same as a alcoholic drinking beer) this is not good. I am really struggling to get and stay clean. For whatever reason the food is louder and more powerful that recovery.
Anyway, I go to 12 step for that. You guys are here for tri support so let get back to that.
I want to " type in my training" the same way I call in my food. I need some tri accountability and support. I need some inspire me's ( I also need to give some out) and truth be told, I need to hear that I capable of reaching goals in training and tri completion. My internal positive voice is broken and I need an outside voice until I get mine back.
I will take any support I can get.
Quiana Big Girl Tri-ing!

Treat your time off as a break, and a well-deserved one at that! Look at what you've done this year.

And now, get out of the house and go for a 10-minute run. You'll feel better, even if your body complains for the first 9. Exercise is for life, not time periods. Besides, I think you'll be amazed how your body feels when you start training again.
2007-05-20 5:45 AM
in reply to: #808273

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-05-20 12:44 AM

Oh Pene, it's ON!  I have been slacking on my swim there is no doubt about it.  I just don't enjoy it I think (compared to bike).  And I am just not that good at it which makes it less fun.


I have been doing some self-reflection as of late, and have realised I have put too many things on the back-burner (career wise).  I find myself spending hours online researching and reading triathlon and race websites.  I am not saying I want to do less training, but I need to get off this computer and do some other things.  I literally spend about 6-8hrs a day on a computer.  Where ever i am I have my laptop going or a computer on and its such a waste.

I feel like I have no time for anything and I am not even working.  I look at my training logs and I am only spending about 1-2hrs a day with excercise, so I can't blame that.

So anyway, I am not going to leave, I am still going to come by this forum and update my logs, but I am going to try to make an effort to not do it 12 times a day lol.  Once a day, check it and move on. 


hope everyone is doing well 

12 times/day? No wonder we have something like 15,000 views on this forum!

So go train already!

2007-05-20 10:10 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, Rob, easy there. Just testing to see if you still read our posts! Obviously, you do, so relax! Actually, I'm taking an entirely new approach to training. I don't have my engine built adequately. And since I want to be a Porsche rather than an old pickup truck with a rusted engine, I'm going to basically start all over. See this article:

It explains why it is important to know your lactate threshold and go with your F2 zones (aerobic) with training if your goal is to do any races lasting longer than 2-2.5 hours. Which is me!! I'm not so much into speed sprinting as I am endurance! Of course, it would be nicer to finish a marathon in 3 hours than 5, but I can't do 3 hours until I have my engine tuned up to even go that many miles.

Rob, research is never wasted time. Knowledge is POWER! And you are giving yourself the gift of a month to train, research and get mentally strong. You will have the rest of your life to work hard at some job or career. Trust me. This is a magical time in your life where you are literally tranforming yourself into a race car! And I think that you will look back at this brief time in your life and be happy you spent it this way. Hey, you could have gone to Mexico, where money stretches, and laid on the beach in a Tequila stupor for a month. Would have gotten you a nice tan, but that's about it!

My mileage will significantly decrease, I think, but my hours spent running and biking should go up. Today I did a boxing/minitramp warmup of 40 minutes and then did a brick--45 minutes each run and bike. I only got to add 9 miles bike and 3 miles run, but they were done in my F2 zone and all in all that was 2 hours 10 minutes continual aerobic conditioning. Which I am trusting will help me better than the other way I was doing things. And I should just melt off the pounds now! Which is always a nice plus

I'm letting myself back on the mtn bike trainer indoors, as at least it is muscle building and aerobic training. Gotta quit beating myself up for not having a lifestyle that allows all outdoor training. I can only do what I can do and not judge it. Yes, I think I'll get outside whenever possible, but indoor biking is not a failure. Nor is indoor running. And I beat myself up really bad some times!! I can't be patient enough and trust that my speed will go up when my conditioning can really handle it. Trying to be superwoman takes a lot out of a person! The truth is, I'm a 40 year old with endocrine issues and no athletic background trying to balance kids and career and not doing so well at adding this all in. But I'm not quitting. I'm too close now. I can feel it!

Anyway, I have some lactate threshold articles that I can post later if anyone is interested. I discovered my thresholds yesterday, and they are hard to stay within, but it does make the workout more enjoyable than sweating like crazy and gripping the treadmill just to stay on it and not pass out from the VO2 max effort! I think my muscles will recover faster, too.
2007-05-20 10:23 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Pene thank you, I forgot to be gentle.
Prof thank you for reminding that although I can not live in the past I can still acknowledge it.
I will take a 30 min walk today. if I run great. but I will move and take me time today.
2007-05-20 6:46 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
did my walk, 3.2 miles. I am going to swim one mile tomorrow. I can feel myself getting better already. Quiana
2007-05-20 7:02 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Holy Cow! One mile! Way to go Quiana!!! I tried to get in the pool today, but they were having a log rolling contest in there--who knew??? Oh well, that's the way it goes sometimes. So I just did weights. Frustrating, though. Was all set to outlast the masters people in there

If you can swim a whole mile, you are one-third set for a half IM! The swim is the most feared part for most triathletes! Give your body some time to build your engine with the run and bike. You'll be a Porsche or a Lambourgini in NO time Or maybe, since you live in Minneapolis, you'll be a "little red corvette"??
2007-05-20 9:16 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Morning peeps

Two very quick things:

Pene, you suggested that you are not coordinated enough to tear open a little package and squeeze it's contents into [your] mouth while on the bike. Try taping the top bit ONLY to your bars. Then when you want it, you just take the pack and pull it off the bars (in the process opening it) and suck the blackcurrant flovoured snot into your mouth. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Also, re Qiana's mammoth swim. Firstly, well done to Quiana. Clearly a dolphin in a previous life. I understood the 1/2 Ironman swim distance to be 1.2 miles so if she has done a mile, that is only .2 of a mile off the target and not a third of the distance. So double well done to Quiana.

I, after having been pretty silent for a couple of weeks, have now got back to my office in HK and can go back to trying to reach Robb's target of spending around 8 hours on the computer (or did I get that challenge wrong?!).

Word to the wise to anyone (un)fortunate enough to experience a prolonged bout of unemployment. Now is the time to live everyday as if it is your last, to feel life under your toes like hot sand on the beach and to make evertone else slightly envious of your newly discoverd lifestyle. You owe it to all us salary slaves to do it.

Anyhow, I spent last weekend at a Total Immersion swimming workshop in Manila. Hving toyed a little with this in the past I was already convert but hadn't put in enough time by way of practise. This weekend took me from being effectively a novice swimmer to being like a little otter in the water. Well actually a bit more like a large whale but have you seen those suckers move? I could rabbit on about how easy it makes the swimming, about the technique behind it and the fact that the vast majority of elite swimmers and triathletes swim in this way (whether deliberately or just because that's how they were made) but I won't. All that I will say is that on Saturday morning, doing my best and most economical freestyle stroke, it took me 23 strokes and 22 seconds to swim a length of the pool. I felt like I had exerted myself and gulped a lungfull of air at the turnaround point. After having done five or six lengths (and bearing in mind people are taping you so you are on your best performance) my times degraded to around 25 strokes and 25 seconds.

On Sunday afterrnoon, I did the same exercise. I started at 14 strokes and 18 seconds over the same distance and six laps later I was doing 14 strokes and 18 seconds still feeling as though I could swim all day; any distance was possible.

I won't tell you to do it as it does rely on you handing back all the swimming skills that you have acquired over the thousands of laps that you have done, but I will say that for me, it works and I am looking forward to getting in the pool this evening to drill myself to perfection.

I'm now back in HK for the next two weeks or so, so I am going to try and take off another handful of lbs so that I feel better when I get back to the UK. An open plan office combined with actually having to do some work (I can't transport my slacker job with me unfortunately) means that my time doing fun stuff on the computer is limited but I will log in and watch and add my twopenny worth when I can.

2007-05-21 4:04 AM
in reply to: #809005

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-05-20 10:16 PM

Anyhow, I spent last weekend at a Total Immersion swimming workshop in Manila.

I've been intrigued by the claims I've heard about that workshop. And from your post, all I can say is -- wow! So it was worth the money? No regrets at all?

I tried a move last week from that clinic that I'd read about and was pleasantly surprised by the result. Now you have me seriously considering attending.
2007-05-21 4:46 AM
in reply to: #809136

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-05-21 10:04 AM

Mark Stanley - 2007-05-20 10:16 PM

Anyhow, I spent last weekend at a Total Immersion swimming workshop in Manila.

I've been intrigued by the claims I've heard about that workshop. And from your post, all I can say is -- wow! So it was worth the money? No regrets at all?

I tried a move last week from that clinic that I'd read about and was pleasantly surprised by the result. Now you have me seriously considering attending.


Of all the junk that you can buy regarding triathlons (and it seems to be the place where self help authors go to die) this was by far the best expenditure that I have made.

My biggest challenge has always been the breathing. I swam like a bar room brawler windmilling down the pool and reaching the other end despite the laws of physics. That was my pre TI view of myself and when I was filmed first by the chap in the UK who I went to and then by the team in Manila my impression was supported. In the UK I had been through a series of drills (skating, side switches, sweet spot) which to me provided a different way of doing something that didn't seem to be necessary anyway (like lying on your side whilst swivelling nyour head to breathe etc) but after having attended the workshop and tied it all together I am astonished.

I am just going out of the door to the pool (it's almost 6pm here and in the middle of a typhoon) so I will post tomorrow as to how I get on without an instructor next to me if you're interested. The only thing I will say is that it is simply a complilation of existing ideas and training techniques rather than being anything totally new so you will, if you are a well versed swimmer, look at it and say, I know that, I know that and I know that. However, it is the way it is tied together.

Interestingly, two of the instructors (a 45 year old lawyer and a 55 year old mother of 6) both had completed ironman distances last year and they were respectively 3rd and 6th out of the water! Not a bad showing when you think of the average IM field.
2007-05-21 7:08 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, sold. Putting travel to do TI swim on the priority list ahead of Power Meter, but behind getting my gas turned back on so I can quit heating up water on an electric thingy every morning to bathe. Thank goodness for coal stove backups and microwaves....... (told you I was having trouble with life these days, but I'm TUF!)

At least I finally found my keys.....
2007-05-21 12:32 PM
in reply to: #808097

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Greensboro, NC
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-05-19 6:06 PM

Okay, I am trying to get back here. I did not back read cause you guys are busy. In the last two weeks I have feel apart in many areas of my life.
Tri training has stopped, I am down to walking and swimming, which would be fine if I did not have a tri in 6 weeks. I have gained weight and that really shakes me up and gets me into a shame spiral.
I am actively using food to feel (same as a alcoholic drinking beer) this is not good. I am really struggling to get and stay clean. For whatever reason the food is louder and more powerful that recovery.
Anyway, I go to 12 step for that. You guys are here for tri support so let get back to that.
I want to " type in my training" the same way I call in my food. I need some tri accountability and support. I need some inspire me's ( I also need to give some out) and truth be told, I need to hear that I capable of reaching goals in training and tri completion. My internal positive voice is broken and I need an outside voice until I get mine back.
I will take any support I can get.
Quiana Big Girl Tri-ing!

((hugs)) It must be in the air...I'm in the same boat, add a mild ankle sprain, and stir. Be gentle with yourself...maybe it was your brain's way of saying it needed a bit of a break!
2007-05-21 11:44 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hey Gang, I learned a few extremely important things today!

One is we should all be doing a SWEAT test. Do so in a variety of conditions, including temperature, humidity, and with different sports. Basically, you weigh yourself naked before your workout. Then go do your thing for 1 hour, remember how much fluid you took in, weigh yourself naked right after and add the weight of what you drank. The example given was this: the fellow weighed 175.5 pre workout, and 172 after, which is 3.5 pounds = 54 ounces (16 ounces=1 pound) but he drank 20 ounces during the run. Add that in and he lost 74 ounces that hour! He finds it hard to drink more than 45 ounces per hour on the bike, and 30 ounces on the run, so he is in constant danger of dehydrating.

I recently dehydrated after the swim in the pool. I did 1.2 miles that day, and didn't really drink much after as it was a cold dreary day and you don't realize how much you sweat in the pool! But driving after that, I nearly passed out. Felt really awful! Took me awhile to figure it out, but I felt well enough to get home after I stopped and ate and drank a bunch and just sat there for an hour or so. So, do the sweat test after the swim, too, just wet your hair first for the pre weigh in, as after, it will be wet!

Also, I went to an endurance seminar hosted by the tri club and the UW-LaCrosse. There were three speakers and they echoed a theme I've been learning about: you need to find your lactate threshold and your F2 zone (aerobic, can talk easily) and stay in it! We need to do workouts in that zone 75% of the time in order to get better with this stuff! You only do VO2 max or lactate threshold 10-15% of the time during training. So, basically, for me, I need to slow to a walk frequently right now to stay in my zone, but that will build my base, or engine! And so I will be going for longer times, but not so high with the mileage. They showed all kinds of graphs and stats, and this is the way to go! You can retest LT every 6-8 weeks to see if your range changes. Eventually, you get to go faster and still stay in your zone.

They also showed video clips of the 15K nationals runners the one guy from the university coaches and they all had really obvious form errors. So, get a full length mirror and put it in front of the treadmill and watch that you keep yourself in the sagittal, North-South plane. Keep elbows in, don't twist, push elbows back far enough, don't strain neck forward too far, etc.

We were given weights to improve hamstrings, quads, hip flexors (I knew that!!), and shoulder extensors. And running drills were also demonstrated and practiced. They promised to email us demos on their site of the drills, so I'll try to post that site when I get it.

And they also said we need to rest more. Race horse examples were given. Basically, the horses did much better with steadily improving performance with alternating training and rest days. The rest days were sacred--nothing other than a light trot on those days! And if they didn't get those rest days, the horses showed signs of overtraining syndrome: they bit their handlers, laid on their backs and refused to get up, didn't eat properly, etc. Sounds like ME on some very recent days where I was B-I-T-C-H-Y, had crying spells, wanted to run away, etc! Soooooo, why push yourself harder than a race horse????

Nerd girl needs some rest now Night night!!

2007-05-22 4:55 AM
in reply to: #809142

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-05-21 5:46 AM

prof40 - 2007-05-21 10:04 AM

Mark Stanley - 2007-05-20 10:16 PM

Anyhow, I spent last weekend at a Total Immersion swimming workshop in Manila.

I've been intrigued by the claims I've heard about that workshop. And from your post, all I can say is -- wow! So it was worth the money? No regrets at all?

I tried a move last week from that clinic that I'd read about and was pleasantly surprised by the result. Now you have me seriously considering attending.


Of all the junk that you can buy regarding triathlons (and it seems to be the place where self help authors go to die) this was by far the best expenditure that I have made.

My biggest challenge has always been the breathing. I swam like a bar room brawler windmilling down the pool and reaching the other end despite the laws of physics. That was my pre TI view of myself and when I was filmed first by the chap in the UK who I went to and then by the team in Manila my impression was supported. In the UK I had been through a series of drills (skating, side switches, sweet spot) which to me provided a different way of doing something that didn't seem to be necessary anyway (like lying on your side whilst swivelling nyour head to breathe etc) but after having attended the workshop and tied it all together I am astonished.

I am just going out of the door to the pool (it's almost 6pm here and in the middle of a typhoon) so I will post tomorrow as to how I get on without an instructor next to me if you're interested. The only thing I will say is that it is simply a complilation of existing ideas and training techniques rather than being anything totally new so you will, if you are a well versed swimmer, look at it and say, I know that, I know that and I know that. However, it is the way it is tied together.

Interestingly, two of the instructors (a 45 year old lawyer and a 55 year old mother of 6) both had completed ironman distances last year and they were respectively 3rd and 6th out of the water! Not a bad showing when you think of the average IM field.

Yes, please, keep me posted on this. I've been contemplating it for some time, and it's nice to know someone who's actually done it for an unbiased review.
2007-05-22 5:01 AM
in reply to: #809905

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
androgenie - 2007-05-21 1:32 PM

BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-05-19 6:06 PM

Okay, I am trying to get back here. I did not back read cause you guys are busy. In the last two weeks I have feel apart in many areas of my life.
Tri training has stopped, I am down to walking and swimming, which would be fine if I did not have a tri in 6 weeks. I have gained weight and that really shakes me up and gets me into a shame spiral.
I am actively using food to feel (same as a alcoholic drinking beer) this is not good. I am really struggling to get and stay clean. For whatever reason the food is louder and more powerful that recovery.
Anyway, I go to 12 step for that. You guys are here for tri support so let get back to that.
I want to " type in my training" the same way I call in my food. I need some tri accountability and support. I need some inspire me's ( I also need to give some out) and truth be told, I need to hear that I capable of reaching goals in training and tri completion. My internal positive voice is broken and I need an outside voice until I get mine back.
I will take any support I can get.
Quiana Big Girl Tri-ing!

((hugs)) It must be in the air...I'm in the same boat, add a mild ankle sprain, and stir. Be gentle with yourself...maybe it was your brain's way of saying it needed a bit of a break!

I agree with that. Always listen to your body -- despite what's listed on the training plan!
2007-05-22 5:11 AM
in reply to: #811121

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-22 12:44 AM

Also, I went to an endurance seminar hosted by the tri club and the UW-LaCrosse. There were three speakers and they echoed a theme I've been learning about: you need to find your lactate threshold and your F2 zone (aerobic, can talk easily) and stay in it! We need to do workouts in that zone 75% of the time in order to get better with this stuff! You only do VO2 max or lactate threshold 10-15% of the time during training. So, basically, for me, I need to slow to a walk frequently right now to stay in my zone, but that will build my base, or engine! And so I will be going for longer times, but not so high with the mileage. They showed all kinds of graphs and stats, and this is the way to go! You can retest LT every 6-8 weeks to see if your range changes. Eventually, you get to go faster and still stay in your zone.

And they also said we need to rest more. Race horse examples were given. Basically, the horses did much better with steadily improving performance with alternating training and rest days. The rest days were sacred--nothing other than a light trot on those days! And if they didn't get those rest days, the horses showed signs of overtraining syndrome: they bit their handlers, laid on their backs and refused to get up, didn't eat properly, etc. Sounds like ME on some very recent days where I was B-I-T-C-H-Y, had crying spells, wanted to run away, etc! Soooooo, why push yourself harder than a race horse????

Nerd girl needs some rest now Night night!!

Definitely agree with both pieces of advice. But don't become so addicted to your HRM numbers/F2 zone that you just tunnel vision on that aspect of your run. Remember to enjoy the day, and if you feel strong, and the conditions are right, to open the engine a bit and see what you can do. A short burst of speed can add a smile to a long run. But don't add a sprint every time. We're talking about establishing a healthy balance here.

And I definitely agree with shutting down some days and doing nothing other than a good walk. Life is not all about distances and hours. Sometimes you have to slow down to see what you've been missing. Besides, it's easier to invite someone along for an hour walk than a 10k run!
2007-05-22 8:22 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
getting better, anyone else notice we are on page 40 of prof's 40???
This whole swim challange, I have moved to doing one mile days instead of doing endless laps until July. I have 10 miles of the 25 down. 15 more one mile days, it only takes me about hour, hour and 15 do to. I get bored at 30 laps.
I will be doing another mile towmmow, cause I am going out of towm for memorial day, want to make sure I get my equipment required training in now. I also biked 13 miles today. Felt good, took about an hour, same distance as my upcoming tri. I also clipped in what it diffrence it makes. training rides and riding to work really feels differnt too.
Okay, 1 swim mile tommorw.
2007-05-22 9:50 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Quiana, good job on the swims. I agree, the laps get sort of boring, but after awhile, I find them meditative and just get lost in the rhythm. Never never never thought I would ever get into the swim!!!!! NOT that I'm great at it, or fast. But I really am starting to LOVE it and missed not getting my weekend swim in (log rolling at the Y on Sunday and house faeries hiding my keys on Saturday). Am itching to get back into some kind of water.

So, if there is that kind of turnaround with the swim for me, meaning it no longer terrifies me and frustrates me and exhausts me. Then perhaps, just maybe , there's hope for the bike and the run

My challenge to all: Do the lactate threshold test to find your F2 zone and do the sweat test for each sport. I don't want anyone having a heart attack or dehydrating!!! Also, try the race horse training and rest after hard workout days. In other words, do your swim-bike-run for the day, add in some weights or plyo's or drills or whatever and hit it hard! Then REST the next day doing nothing more than like Prof said--don't break a sweat and just go walking or do some stretches or even some mental training. Or go get an adjustment or massage or acupuncture and log that if it makes you feel better! (I get addicted to logging those numbers, too!) Heck, if I had a partner, I'd probably be logging our intimate workouts under "submissive wrestling"!!

Phoenix's flirt instinct is still intact You'd think with 15000 views, some hot iron dude would come and snatch me up..................maybe if I post an avatar in my swimsuit?????

2007-05-24 4:10 AM
in reply to: #811349

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-05-22 9:22 AM

getting better, anyone else notice we are on page 40 of prof's 40???
This whole swim challange, I have moved to doing one mile days instead of doing endless laps until July. I have 10 miles of the 25 down. 15 more one mile days, it only takes me about hour, hour and 15 do to. I get bored at 30 laps.
I will be doing another mile towmmow, cause I am going out of towm for memorial day, want to make sure I get my equipment required training in now. I also biked 13 miles today. Felt good, took about an hour, same distance as my upcoming tri. I also clipped in what it diffrence it makes. training rides and riding to work really feels differnt too.
Okay, 1 swim mile tommorw.

"I have moved to doing one mile days..."

Do you realize how incredible that sounds? Weren't you, once upon a time, someone who struggled swimming 500 yards? And to top that, you're clipping into your pedals and going out for a spin?

Serious sustained applause for you!

So let me ask you again -- where do you want to take all this? Sounds to me like you've already started down a path of serious exercise. How's the reaction from friends and family? And your doctor? I have to assume that there's been a noticeable change in your physique.

Oh, and by the way, nice logs. I see you've been keeping track of your walking, too. (You didn't think I looked, did you?)
2007-05-24 4:15 AM
in reply to: #811552

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-05-22 10:50 AM

My challenge to all: Do the lactate threshold test to find your F2 zone and do the sweat test for each sport. I don't want anyone having a heart attack or dehydrating!!! Also, try the race horse training and rest after hard workout days. In other words, do your swim-bike-run for the day, add in some weights or plyo's or drills or whatever and hit it hard! Then REST the next day doing nothing more than like Prof said--don't break a sweat and just go walking or do some stretches or even some mental training. Or go get an adjustment or massage or acupuncture and log that if it makes you feel better! (I get addicted to logging those numbers, too!) Heck, if I had a partner, I'd probably be logging our intimate workouts under "submissive wrestling"!!

Phoenix's flirt instinct is still intact You'd think with 15000 views, some hot iron dude would come and snatch me up..................maybe if I post an avatar in my swimsuit?????

Let's try to keep a PG-13 rating here, shall we?

2007-05-24 4:32 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Good morning, all.

Well, I'm trying to practice what I preach, which right now involves me tapering and resting my body for the next week. It is so great to skip some early morning workouts and sleep in next to my wife. I highly encourage it for all of you -- the sleeping in, that is. Get your own snuggling friend.

I have discovered that it is a serious pain and expense to travel cross-country with a bike. First, I never check luggage when I fly, so this is a new experience in itself. Second, there's the airfare for the bike -- $80 each way -- and the bike case rental for the week -- $70. Third, I have to dis- and re-assemble the bike to fit it in the case, so I've been having dreams of me riding and the handlebars just coming off in my hands as I head into a downhill turn. A bike store here has offered to pack it up for me -- $20 -- so it travels well, and a store out there has offered to look it over and tune it up when I arrive -- $45. Four, arrange for the car service to pick us up at the airport -- $125. (Okay, I would have had a car there for us anyway, but it is a necessity in this case because of the size of the bike case!)

Whew. Suddenly, I'm spending more on getting the bike there than I did for the race fee.

However, this will probably be the only time I do this race, so I'm chalking it up to life experience, and I'm planning on a great San Francisco weekend with my wife.

So how's everyone else doing?
2007-05-24 7:12 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks for the heads up about bike travel, Prof. Pretty much what I expected, and that's why IM Madison looks good to me!

I'm doing okay. Watched Rocky Balboa last night and got rather pumped by it. Had to box after, of course. Mental training My ex has taken to somehow reading my Yahoo messenger off line messages and calling when he sees me on, because that will stop the internet connection (no DSL). He's always doing stalking/controlling stuff like that! Not like I talk to many fellows these days on messenger, but I really resent getting them third party through my ex!!!! Sooooo, I'm even MORE motivated to do Tough Gal in March, cuz like Rocky, "there's some stuff in my basement"! And I love Rocky's line to his kid: "It's not how hard you can punch, it's how many punches you can take and still move forward".

Here's to moving forward!

Good luck Prof! Go kick some redbike!!!!!
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