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2008-04-17 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


Just in case someone thought I was exaggerating my poor swim we got our starting order (snake swim based on est. time) and as of now I'm starting about 85th out of 100.  I guess t he positive in that is that I don't have the negative drain of having a bunch of people pass me...not many back there. (actually it was kind of a mental blow to see me that far back...guess i need to focus on the fact of all those who never attempt this)

2008-04-17 10:45 PM
in reply to: #1346278

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Alan - Just swim your swim -- bike your bike and run your run. You'll do fine -- better than fine. I think we all have to just do what we can and know we gave it our all. At least that's how I'm going in.
2008-04-18 1:13 AM
in reply to: #1108061

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Finally got back into a good rhythm with my work outs after being sick. But today, I fell down the steps in my house while carrying 5 gallons of water. I bounced down several steps on my butt, and it is really sore. For sure I am going to have to fully rest those muscles (glutes and hams). So frustrating. I guess it could have been a lot worse. Nothing really serious happened.

I am reading a great book called Breatkthrough Triathlon Training by Kearns. Anyone seen it? I highly recommend it.

Good luck to all those with upcoming races: Elizabeth, Alan, Lynn...and anyone else.

2008-04-18 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1346345

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Alan, don't let your placement going in get you down. Your out there competeing against the course, and your self.

Lynn, great attitude!!!


momma J, one word.


heal up soon. Glad you were not hurt any worse.

Brodie has been sick ( again) soo, I only gots ina  short swim yestreday, and I am gonna try to ride to the pool, swim, and ride back this afternoon if Monica gtes home in time. If I dont get a chance to say it again..

Best of Luck To All Who Are Racing This Weekend!!!!

A Good Luck Kiss on The Cheek to the Girls and a Handshake to the Guys!!


2008-04-18 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Eastern PA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Hey! Good luck everyone this weekend! Nothing earth-shattering, but I am running my first 5K tomorrow! I am looking forward to it. I hope I don't bonk.

Next Saturday, I have another 5K scheduled. Then it will be 1 month to my first tri. Yikes!

Looking forward to everyone's race reports so I can learn from you all!

<3 Leticia (aka teash)
2008-04-18 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Liz, Lynn, Alan, and Leticia

Good luck!! You guys are awesome just for getting out there. Have fun and be positive!!

As for me, I'm sitting in the airport waiting to fly down to FL to celebrate the big 25 with my husband. Won't get any biking or running in this weekend, but we're going to blizzard beach at disney, maybe I'll swim against the waves in the wave pool! :-) Have a great weekend everyone!

2008-04-18 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I guess this is the start of race weekend. It is Friday night and I am a tad dehydrated but feeling better. No GI issues since early this morning... so I think I am on the mend. I have my danskin tri suit and will probably break the rules by not biking or swimming in it prior to the race. My worry is that I am kind of weak from the flu and haven't worked out at all this week. On the other hand... I am wise enough to listen to my body. I really have until race morning to decide about the race.

Thanks for all the support... tomorrow I plan on either an easy bike ride or swim to just get moving again.

Praying for under 90 temps for Sunday.

PS... gator is you see a bald older guy who is lifeguarding at Blizzard beach, his name is Patrick... tell him Elizabeth sends her love from AZ.
2008-04-19 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1348533

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Hi guys, i just wanted to stop by and wish everyone who is racing, my best. Good luck, Hydrate and carbo load. Take your vitamins, watch for cars wear clean under...okay I'll stop. Laughing

Edited by ditchdoc 2008-04-19 12:20 PM
2008-04-19 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Thanks for all the good wishes. I find myself thinking about Alan today...I can't wait to hear how he did.

I feel much better after picking up my race packet... there are 1000+ women registered and the energy was great. I think this was the perfect pick for a first tri. Go Teash, Lynn, and Alan... give us an update.

More later... like after I swim, bike, run and FINISH!

2008-04-20 12:32 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


I survived!!!  I was very intimidated before I went in the pool...just looking at everyone else with 2% bodyfat made me wonder what I was doing there.

 Swim was a struggle...which I expected...just didn't expect it to affect my legs like it did.  Bike went fairly well all with wind I wasn't able to keep the pace I was shooting for.  The run was grueling.  As soon as I left transition I started cramping and I realized I forgot to take  a drink in either transition and didn't bring it along on the  bike so probably got dehydrated.  Thought I was going to have to walk but worked through it.

 My goal was 1:00 and ended up in 57:58.  2nd in the Clydesdale and 39th overall out of about 115.

Am I addicted?  I think I better wait another day to decide but it was a pretty rewarding experience.

Good luck to the Sunday racers!!!!! 

2008-04-20 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Way to go Alan!

37th 0f 115 and 2nd in Clydesdales? You are awesome! Congratulations!



2008-04-20 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Eastern PA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Well, first 5K over with! It was harder than I thought it would be. I was kind of freaked when it felt like everyone was passing me. I felt like a snail. But I did finish strong and my goal was to do it in under 30 minutes, and my time was 29:32. So hooray for me! Also, I finished 7th out of 14 in my age group, and (I think) 63rd out of 120 overall.

The hardest part was the mental.... I really need to work on this. I was thinking the whole time... "how am I going to do this after swimming and biking....?"

I also met a really nice woman who is also doing her first tri this summer and I told her all about this website. Meeting her was the best part of the experience!

Another 5K scheduled for this Saturday too!

Can't wait to hear all the other race reports!
2008-04-20 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1349588

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

WTG Alan and Teash!!!!! Wohoo!!!


2008-04-20 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1349444

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Alan, that is so great!  Congratulations on crossing the Rubicon.  Oh, and thanks for my Inspires.

- Lora

2008-04-20 8:08 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Alan... you did great! Congrats!

Well...I finished the tri! It was a pretty incredible experience and I feel like I learned a lot and also made some great decisions. I could not sleep at all last night so between the flu bug all week and pre-race insomnia...I thought I would have trouble. The race was chaotic and very disorgainzed... so it started over 1 hour late. I did well in the swim and probably could have pushed the bike (I kept reserving energy as my goal was to finish)... the surprise for me was the run. I have improved my running so much yet when I got off of the bike, had some luna moons and gatorade, I could not run. My quads felt so tight and heavy and I just had to walk. I tried luck. It was odd. Finally on lap two I ran and the finish line was pretty powerful. Emilia my 7 year old ran out, grabbed my hand, and we ran in together. The girls wore cute pink nike outfits and had signs and so many people recognized them as mine because of all the waiting and cheering to start the swim. Both on the bike and during the run women would say... keep going those girls are waiting for you. The photograper asked to put their photos on the website, and they just had such great spirits. One thing I realized about myself is that I am really slow (I knew that) but I also have a good amount of endurance. At no point did I fight finishing.

Now for the wierd thing... the 2nd loop of the run seemed different than the first... so I am wondering if I missed the 2nd loop and finished early? Who knows... once they post results we shall see. I pray that didn't happen. As I said...very disorganized race... no pointers on the run.

To my triOK group... how do I hug you and say thank you? Truly... the inspires, advice and support gave me the confidence that I had...but could not find. Thank you!

2008-04-20 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


 Congratulations Elizabeth!!!!

 I share her sentiments towards the group and it's importance in making it through to complete a tri.  I guess when I joined this mentor group I was thinking it was going to be mainly for getting information and had no idea the importance of the support that is received from the people on.


... I'm sure most people wonder why I couldn't wait to get an internet connection at the hotel (knowing I wanted to get on and share the finish with the group!!!

2008-04-20 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1108061

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Congrats to Alan, Teash, and Elizabeth. That's wonderful. must feel pretty great about being the #2 Clyesdale. You did that freezing race. I can't believe it.

Teash....great to make your 5k goal. I felt so triumphant just doing my first race. Its great to be part of something like that.

Elizabeth....what a lead up to this race. Congratulations! I am glad you were able to do it. Sounds like a real family affair. Fantastic.

I still haven't done a tri I am a pre-newbie.

You guys are an inspiration to me...helping me feel like I really can do it. thanks for keeping us up do date. Its been fun following along on your journey.

Lynn...still waiting to hear how yours went.

Cheers to all,
Mama Julia
2008-04-21 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1350317

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Great Job E!!!! I hate when the races are so disorganized. My last 5 K was the same.
2008-04-21 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1351111

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Hi Guys -- First I want to congratulate Leticia, Alan and Elizabeth on their races! I'd love to see pictures of your little girls in pink, E. Also want to echo the sentiment about the great support on this site. Accept my virtual hug right now -- all of you -- group hug!

About my first triathlon -- I'll post my race report and try to get some photos in the album once the results are available. So short and sweet -- I am a triathlete. The swim was okay -- I need to be way more comfortable not being able to see anything underwater -- more OWS practice for sure. The bike was beautiful and actually, surprisingly my favorite part. It was a gorgeous day, too. The run was going very well and I was passing some people and feeling strong and then I hit the sand on the home stretch about 1/4 mile before the finish and my calf (soleus muscle) cramped up again. I kept running and finished as strong as I could considering. I'm still limping around today, but feel so energized and grateful for a wonderful first triathlon experience. 99.9% of the people were very friendly and nice and supportive. It was a VERY well-run and organized event. On time, good food and lots of free smart water afterwards and family and friends could get around easily (but not in transition) to cheer. Very cool experience, but one heck of a long day. I'm not used to getting up at 4:30 and of course hadn't slept well most of the week because of the anticipation. BUT I"M not complaining! :-)It was about 2 hours away from here near Palm Springs in the desert. Anyone heard of Bob Bell? He's 85 and has completed a gazillion IM and he was there doing the sprint, too. It was a huge lesson in organization for me, too. But --- I finished and in the top 40% of all women (so my husband tells me). I'm happy. Life is Good! I can hardly wait for all you pre-triathletes to have this experience.


One more "group hug."

2008-04-21 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


Great job Lynn!  Congratulations!


So who's next and when?  I'm doing a sprint this Sunday...the guy who is helping with my training plan thought I could do it as more of a training day.  A little concerned as it's about 40% longer than the one last Saturday. 

2008-04-21 6:55 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Great job to the new triathletes, Liz, Lynn, and Alan! It's so exciting to hear about everyone getting out there and doing their best! I have a 5k in two weeks, then my first sprint the next weekend, followed by another 5k walk/run with my 3rd grade-5th grade team of girls. It's going to be a busy month!

2008-04-21 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


Does anyone have a specific HRM that they would recommend.  I HAD the Timex Ironman with the GPS speed / distance....apparently not meant for the water as I wore it in the swim on Saturday and ruined it.  Forgot to start it when I took off anyways so quite a waste!!! 

2008-04-21 9:21 PM
in reply to: #1353087

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


I've been using the Polar F6 for a couple months now and I love it.  But considering you had the Timex Ironman with all the cool techie features, this would be a step down - BUT if you wanted to downgrade, this one's great.

 - Lora

2008-04-22 12:39 AM
in reply to: #1108061

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
great job, Lynn. Congrats!

I went tri shopping today with my sister who is in town. She's my original tri inspiration. I got my wetsuit- a sleeveless one, that fits like a glove. I also got a 2 piece tri suit. I had tried on a bunch the other day and it was so depressing...they were all extremely tight and looked awful, and my legs looked like sausages. But today I went for men's shorts and top...and they actually fit great and look much better. So I am set.

Now all I need to do is get fit. Ha!

2008-04-22 1:21 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Now that some of us have done one tri -- Does anyone know where you start for a training plan for the next one? Starting back at the beginning of the plans would be a huge step backwards. Suggestions??


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