BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!! Rss Feed  
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2012-11-01 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4473303

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Pink Socks - 2012-10-29 9:03 AM

I like what Shelly said about Sarah's performance.  It was a great race any way you look at it but especially so given the bike accident.  Sarah is a rock star!

My race report is up

Awesome job Pam! I loved your race report and think you killed it for your first tri. Great race! You are so a rock star also.


2012-11-01 9:03 PM
in reply to: #4473280

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Lesandtj - 2012-10-29 8:52 AM

Wow Sarah! Tremendous job. I'm impressed and inspired. 

There is a children's book about the women in this group...

I love this TJ. I think this entire group is some tough peeps!
BTW how's that handsome new fella. I want updated pics.

2012-11-01 9:22 PM
in reply to: #4476928

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-10-31 12:12 PM

Thank you guys for your kind words. I am finally home, and my race report is done!!

Loved your report, Pink, from your first tri!! Congrats on a great race, and I'm really impressed with your swim. I know you are upset that you stood up during it, but I can assure you, I would have been walking/crawling if my feet could reach the bottom!

Here's the link to my RR (I think)

Ironman 70.3 Austin

Awesome race Sarah. I have race envy. I so want to say that one day I'll do a HIM or IM but I know it's not in my future. I like getting to live vicariously through you guys though. You are so inspirational.

Thanks for sharing,

2012-11-02 7:28 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

@Shelly, thank you kindly for your comments.  I do appreciate it.

@Mike, I tried to update the calendar but I couldn't.  Could you add Tallahassee 50K for me for Dec 8?  Also, it doesn't look like the Jan 5 12-hour race will happen so if you could remove me from it?  Thank you.

If anyone is following IMFL tomorrow, calm sea, light winds, low in mid 50s, and highs to about 83.  Hubby and I will be there for about 14 of the 17 hours.  Wish he hadn't scheduled a business trip for immediately afterwards because originally planned to make a family weekend out of it.  But we'll still have fun.

2012-11-02 7:47 AM
in reply to: #4479746

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!


Awesome race Sarah. I have race envy. I so want to say that one day I'll do a HIM or IM but I know it's not in my future. I like getting to live vicariously through you guys though. You are so inspirational. Thanks for sharing, Shelly

Oh Shelly! I hate that you can't do the things you want to do. Maybe after your valve replacement? Aren't you getting another one soon? What kind of valve do you have in now? No matter the distance, when you race, you are always an inspiration to me!

2012-11-02 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4479322

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Pink Socks - 2012-11-01 3:54 PM Sarah, I PM'ed you as soon as I saw your comment about IMFL.  We have one or possibly two volunteer guaranties that are yours if you can be in PCB Sat evening and then Sunday morn.  PM me back if you want.  Just wanted to post here in case you were viewing as a guest and hadn't seen the message.

Pam - I didn't get your PM. Thanks for the offer!! DH is on call this weekend, so he can't leave town, and I can't register him on-site without him present. I don't want to take the chance that one of us get in without the other, since we would like to race together. Thanks so much, though!! Have a great time. I really wanted to volunteer there this weekend, but with the kids sacrificing mom last weekend and much of this week due to my bronchitis, we need some mommy/daughter time!

2012-11-02 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

You might be a cyclist if....

You tell a family of 5 in a crowded mall to "hold their line."

You have more water bottles than you have drinking glasses.

You have more cycling jerseys than work shirts.

Your cycling jersey IS your work shirt.

You get withdrawal symptoms if off the bike for more than a day.

You point at pot holes, but you are driving in your car alone.

While driving your car you yell at your passenger "Car back" as a vehicle approaches from behind.

Your bike is worth more than your car.

Weather forecasts can be broken down into 2 categories: good biking weather, bad biking weather.

You put your bicycle in your car, and the value of the total package increases by a factor of 4 (or better).

You have not one, not two, but three permanent chain ring scars on your right calf.

You wear a heart rate monitor during sex.

Your spouse can't take it anymore and takes up cycling.

You crash...and insist on getting to the bike shop to have your bike checked out BEFORE going to the hospital. might be a cyclist if.... Your bike sleeps with you in the bedroom.

2012-11-02 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4478293

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-11-01 9:13 AM

So what's on the race agenda for the next couple months? Is anyone racing before the new year? I'll have to get on the ball for 2013, but I'm pretty sure it's going to involve a full IM. I think DH and I are going to try to register for IMFL on Sunday at noon, but not so sure we're going to secure a spot. Dave, are you considering Louisville? That might be on the radar if Florida is a no go. B2B is always an option, as well.

I'm totally not racing until say March (there is a 1/2 mary I have tried to run in last few years and things have never worked out (Cary March Madness half)  so will try for that once more.   

As far as Louisville goes,  I would love to do it.  The beauty of it is that since it does not really sell out till close to race day, I don't have to register unless I'm in shape for it physically and or fits life at that time.    So its a maybe.  Right now looks to be a 25% chance.  If I make weight goal by January  odds will get up to 50%    so it's complicated, but not going to register unless things are going "right"

2012-11-02 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4480074

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-11-02 7:50 AM

Pink Socks - 2012-11-01 3:54 PM Sarah, I PM'ed you as soon as I saw your comment about IMFL.  We have one or possibly two volunteer guaranties that are yours if you can be in PCB Sat evening and then Sunday morn.  PM me back if you want.  Just wanted to post here in case you were viewing as a guest and hadn't seen the message.

Pam - I didn't get your PM. Thanks for the offer!! DH is on call this weekend, so he can't leave town, and I can't register him on-site without him present. I don't want to take the chance that one of us get in without the other, since we would like to race together. Thanks so much, though!! Have a great time. I really wanted to volunteer there this weekend, but with the kids sacrificing mom last weekend and much of this week due to my bronchitis, we need some mommy/daughter time!

So do you want to both register in person? Not sure how IMFL goes, but DH and I were able to register on the computer. We were signed in at noon and hit send and boom, both got in. I guess there was a chance one of us would have not gotten in, but I think if you're registering right when it opens you can do it online.

I don't know if IMoo is more or less popular than IMFL? Anyone know?

2012-11-02 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

@Sarah, completely understand.  I knew it was short notice but wanted to extend the guaranty in case it worked for you.  Please let us know if ya'll get in.  Will be there cheering for you next year.

@Quincy, yes, IMFL fills fast.  It's a flat course and the weather is usually great so many people register for it Sunday morn, I think before online reg opens.  Lots of people around here are volunteering so they can have a guaranty.

Several years ago, my son, a friend of his, and I helped as unofficial volunteers on the marathon course.  Afterwards, the other boy, about 7 y.o., said "I'm honored to have been able to serve those people."  He really understood the concept of IM.

@Dave, oh those cyclist jokes were hilarious!  Read them to DH.  He especially like the one about the heartrate monitor.  But of course, this is the man that posted to his group that "You know you are married to a runner, when she won't take off her compression socks during sex."  He was venting but then several of the women responded that they were guilty of the same.

2012-11-02 2:24 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Hi All,

Great job on the races ladies!

I now have power back after 3 days, and no damage.

Only 6 days left to my battery upgrade!

Below is next years inspiration for racing.


You know you're f*ckd when

2012-11-02 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

And crap happens....

I lost my job this week.  So I am looking for operational, project, or client relationship management position.  I am also very good at sales.  I'll be happy to share any other info, my email for job hunting is [email protected]

Thanks for reading.

May the Legs be with You.


2012-11-02 7:59 PM
in reply to: #4481060

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TLakatos1259 - 2012-11-02 2:31 PM

And crap happens....

I lost my job this week.  So I am looking for operational, project, or client relationship management position.  I am also very good at sales.  I'll be happy to share any other info, my email for job hunting is [email protected]

Thanks for reading.

May the Legs be with You.


Sorry about your job Tom. That bites.
2012-11-03 8:57 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

The good news...

I decided that the NYC TRI was too expensive $285 even though I have a guarantee entry.  I'm saving it for Memphis - way more important to race with you guys!

I am officially signed up for the following:

April 7:  April's Fool Half Marathon, Atlantic City

April 20: Unite 8K, New Brunswick, NJ  Rutgers

April 28: West Deptford Tri - My FIRST race, I won't come in last this time  LOL

May 16 - 20  Memphis in May

July 20: NJ State Tri, sprint


2012-11-03 6:09 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. Hilarious!
2012-11-04 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Tom, I'm so sorry about your job.  That really does blow.  Get your new battery and recover and then start the job search with new energy.  Will be thinking about you and praying for you.

Back from IMFL.  Had an excellent time.  Worked security pre-swim from 4:30am - 6:30am (Best job) and then athlete's food tent 2 - 7pm.  Funny how there are thousands of awesome people in IM and associated with it and few litom (legends in their own minds) with their princesses can really leave a bad taste in your mouth.  But we plan to be back there next year and already emailed the security person that we want the same detail again.  We also saw some amazing things from high school student volunteers; I looked up one time and saw an athlete going down and the h.s. kids catching him and springing into action.

Sarah, hope ya'll get in.  Let us know.

2012-11-04 6:59 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Tom - I'm so sorry to hear about the job. That really sucks. I wish there was something I could do for you!

Mike - Breaking Bad is awesome, but I have now moved on to The Walking Dead - so awesome!! Just don't watch before bed. Also on Netflix, for when you've seen all the Breaking Bad episodes!

Pam - We did not get spots for Florida. I logged on at 12:01 and they were already sold out!! I was at the urgent care with my daughter, who tested positive for influenza A (which is what I have had for almost the last two weeks), and we raced home for me to try to register, but apparently I was one minute late Anyway, I'm still suffering with flu symptoms, and have no energy and no will to do any form of exercise, so I'm really not too bummed about it. Once I recover I'm sure I'll be pretty ticked!

I'm feeling pretty guilty about all the high fives I gave in Austin, and hoping that none of those awesome spectators got the flu...I really should have known better!

2012-11-05 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

I think we have little triathlete on our hands. Reid said "GU" yesterday. It was crystal clear. He reached out his tiny hand and said "GU."  I asked him what flavor he wanted. He then drooled a bit, blinked then repeated "GU."  Well, on the other hand, it may have just been "goo."  Tongue out


Just wanted to do a quick check in. I'm enjoying your race reports. You guys (and gals) are killing it! Great job.

I am eying a half mary in February. It's called the "Snow Joke." One lap around a frozen lake. I have a bunch of running to do.  Time to break out the yaktrax.

See ya later!


2012-11-05 4:59 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

TJ, so great to hear from you!  I think you did have a triathlete.  I'm sure he said GU too.  That half mary sounds like a hoot.  You have to do it just because of the name and the idea. 'Course I'm a sucker for anything offbeat and silly.  Life's too sort not to do stupid things.

Sarah, so sorry!  Don't know what I'm sorrier about - not making IMFL, your flu, or your child's flu.  Actually, while I'm sorry for the first two, as a mom, none of us can stand it when our babies are sick.  I hope that she feels better soon and you too.. 

Commercial break here: I've got to mention something to everyone.  Spibands are awesome.  I won one and received it last week.  Yesterday I was runniing on the trails therefore had to have my phone (Have to plan for alligator attack, snake bite, falls, etc.).  So picture this, I'm loaded up with hat, sunglasses, music, chapstick, DL, park pass, car key, Garmin, road id.  Now I need my phone and a GU?  I popped on the wrist spiband and the phone and GU fit perfectly.  Course the spiband smelled rank when I got home but it allowed nice weight distribution.  Such an easy simple idea but very handy.  I'll be using this for the gym when I need DL.  Wish I had used at IM - key, money, chapstick.  Not trying to sell but in case anyone was wondering about them.

2012-11-07 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4481874

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
TLakatos1259 - 2012-11-03 8:57 AM

The good news...

I decided that the NYC TRI was too expensive $285 even though I have a guarantee entry.  I'm saving it for Memphis - way more important to race with you guys!

I am officially signed up for the following:

April 7:  April's Fool Half Marathon, Atlantic City

April 20: Unite 8K, New Brunswick, NJ  Rutgers

April 28: West Deptford Tri - My FIRST race, I won't come in last this time  LOL

May 16 - 20  Memphis in May

July 20: NJ State Tri, sprint


So sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully the job hunt is going successfully for you. Dh has been laid off twice during our marriage. It was very stressful but both times ultimately ended in better jobs. I will pray that happens for you.

I can't wait for Memphis in May. Glad to hear that one is definitely on your list.

May the legs be with you,

2012-11-07 7:14 PM
in reply to: #4483154

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Sarah73 - 2012-11-04 6:59 PM

Tom - I'm so sorry to hear about the job. That really sucks. I wish there was something I could do for you!

Mike - Breaking Bad is awesome, but I have now moved on to The Walking Dead - so awesome!! Just don't watch before bed. Also on Netflix, for when you've seen all the Breaking Bad episodes!

Pam - We did not get spots for Florida. I logged on at 12:01 and they were already sold out!! I was at the urgent care with my daughter, who tested positive for influenza A (which is what I have had for almost the last two weeks), and we raced home for me to try to register, but apparently I was one minute late Anyway, I'm still suffering with flu symptoms, and have no energy and no will to do any form of exercise, so I'm really not too bummed about it. Once I recover I'm sure I'll be pretty ticked!

I'm feeling pretty guilty about all the high fives I gave in Austin, and hoping that none of those awesome spectators got the flu...I really should have known better!

Sorry you guys didnt get in and about the flu inhabiting your household. That just plain stinks.

Don't feel too guilty about the high fives. I'm positive you weren't the only germ toting participant or spectator that day- lol. You probably helped them strengthen their immune system-I'm sure of it ;-).

Hope you and your daughter are feeling better quickly.


2012-11-08 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

OK, Since Shelly is the only one that asked about my Purple Tom drink recipe, So she is the only one that can read this, LOL

This was a recipe I found in my bartenders guide but required grapefruit juice, which I didn't have, so I had to substitute.

Large glass full of ice

Equal parts of 

Southern Comfort, Amaretto, and Vodka, Then equal parts of ginger ale and GRAPE JUICE (Welch's 100% - have to healthy about this)

Hence, PURPLE TOM!  I will bring supplies to Memphis.


Tomorrow is the battery replacement, so I will try to log on this weekend depending on when I get home.

Of course with these power outages we've been having on the northeast, there may not be any batteries left.


2012-11-08 4:16 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!

Tom, Purple Tom sounds great but I think that would put me under the table.  I'll print out for DH tho.

Wish you all of the best tomorrow with the new battery.  Make sure they have a new, ready-to-go batt before they pull the other out.  I'll be praying for you.  Let us know how you are feeling when you can.

2012-11-08 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4490565

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!
Pink Socks - 2012-11-08 4:16 PM

Tom, Purple Tom sounds great but I think that would put me under the table.  I'll print out for DH tho.

Wish you all of the best tomorrow with the new battery.  Make sure they have a new, ready-to-go batt before they pull the other out.  I'll be praying for you.  Let us know how you are feeling when you can.

X2 good luck Tom!
2012-11-08 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4490857

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!!


Good luck tomorrow on your new battery. I am so sorry about your job...believe me when I tell you I am FFOP when it comes to losing jobs. It sucks.


Now, onto your drink. One thing you forgot is that it is always at least half full. Kudos to you for your amazing positive outlook in the face of crapola. I love that about you. Please check in with us to let us know you are ok (when you feel up to it). 

May the legs be with you!


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