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2008-04-22 8:58 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Alan, I have the polar s625x. It's water proof and measures distance/speed/everything with the footpod and the add on bike speed and cadence. It's great. Got a deal on ebay.


2008-04-22 1:45 PM
in reply to: #1353667

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Alan, even though i dont have it, i have several friends who have the new Garmin, and they love it.


So, even  they tried to kill me at the FD yestreday. Hose testing all morning,  ( which includes rolling at 50 foot sections of 3" dia. hose hooking  abunch of sections together, pressure testing them, taking them apart, rolling them up, and putting them back on the rack). Mass Casuality START Triage drill all afternoon.  A head on collision, early evening, and a fire at a lumber mill all night. Oh, and assisting with a medivac, and one other medical emergency thrown in for good measure. I came home this morning, grabbed a quick ( 2 hour ) power nap and then went for a bike ride. I am really glad I did, it was actully a really nice ride. Now off to daycare to pick up my son and spend ome time with him before I go work the P/T job with Rescue

Keep up the good job everyone...I ams o proud to be a memeber of this group!!!!

2008-04-22 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Alan... I have the garmin and love it for outdoor stuff. I love knowing how fast/far I am going when I bike/run. I have never worn it swimming. I bought it from amazon and also used the powerbar rebate... so saved a lot on the 305 model.

Lynn... I am with what? I am thinking of working out 5-6 times per week and including one brick at a min. per week. I don't want to do the beginner plan all over again. God knows I need to practice. I wish I could have more training time but I refuse to let it take away from the girls.

Dare I admit this to the group? I had the post race blues yesterday. I saw my times and thought... I am too slow, too fat, too old to be doing all of this... who am I kidding? Then I figured out that I did the run loop wrong... so I probably only did 1.4 miles instead of 2. How can someone with an ivy education, multiple degrees, etc... mess up a race run? Thankfully... today I feel better and realize that I have endurance and not half bad at swimming. So... I will still do the Danskin Disneyland tri in June.

Robyn... where are you?????????????? Who is up for their first race?

2008-04-22 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1355013

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Messing up on your run COULD be because of your degrees, not inspite of them.

Elizabeth that was just a joke. K, of the course is not well laid out, or you did not have a chance to drive it before hand ( with a map of the course ) then it would not be hard to mess up.

2008-04-22 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Hi Kids,

Sorry I've been flying under the radar here lately.  Thanks to all of you for the nice inspires. Alan, it is so funny that you said to go on an angry bike ride.  I told a friend that my 40 miler Sunday was just that. I felt a lot better. Life never ceases to be weird. A friend of mine sent me this great email about the 80/20 principal.  If you think things are bad, don't focus on the 20% of your life that is dissatisfying. Usually if I really think about it, it is that pesky 20% that gets me down.  I decided to jettison this week's pesky 20%.  The 80% is pretty damn good.

I think that Robyn said she was going to be out of the country again.

Elizabeth, when you said that you had post race let down I remember that I felt that way after the Danskin last year.  I felt better after a while.  I had to talk to myself a little sternly I was a little bummed after Galveston for a bit too. Maybe it is an endorphin letdown? If it means anything, I think that you are a SUPERWOMAN!!!!

Lynn, I had the same question about training. I'm really not sure what I should do and feel a bit like I'm floundering the last few weeks.  I have an "A" race in June (danskin) and then my next A race will be the Oly in October.  I have races scheduled one per month all summer and I'm really not sure what I need to be doing.  It seems like the intermediate Oly plan is too much and the intermediate sprint might not be enough. I'll have more time to train this summer (I'm off mid June- mid August...I love my job!) Let me know if you find something that fits.

Julia, I haven't made any hotel reservations yet.  My Dad has a motor home and plans to come to the race. I'm hoping that we will be staying with him! We stayed at the Drury Inn last year which was OK. It was fairly close.  There aren't a lot of hotels near to Decker Lake. I'll let you know if I decide to get a room.  It will probably be at the Drury again. It is the one on IH35.

What a great thing the web amazes me to think that this type of community was not even a concept 10 years ago.  Thanks for keeping me accountable being supportive.



2008-04-23 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Les... glad to see you pop back in.

I noticed that April has new mentor this group ending? What was the duration of the group?


2008-04-23 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1356630

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


 This better not be would sure be an odd time to end the groups and start over...right as the races start????

2008-04-23 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Hey guys, just wanted to update ya'll on how the training is going. My first tri is in a little over two weeks and my training is very sporadic. I haven't been to the pool in probably two weeks, same with the bike. Been running lately to get ready for a 5k in a week, but that's about it. So pretty much my goal for this first sprint tri is to complete it. Then I'll have more time to train after school is out for the summer and I'm back to living with my hubby! It's just so hard, emotionally to keep bouncing back and forth between seeing my husband for a week, then having him gone for three weeks and traveling back and forth to see him on a weekend here and there. When this all started in January I had no idea it would be so difficult. We still have a while to deal with this, until school gets out in the middle of June, but after that I think I should be able to motivate myself better to get out and train. Training is such a routine kind of thing and my routine is out the window! So, back to my point, I just want to finish this tri and try my best not to compare myself to the other 60 women in my age group. We'll see how that goes...

I've got a newbie question as well. So my tri starts at 6:00 and the transition opens at 4:00. The first ferry starts at 3:30am! Is that really what time I need to be on a ferry dressed and ready for a little sprint tri?? Why do we need 2 hours to set up and check-in? Should I show up at 4:00 or 5:00? I don't want to sit there with nothing to do but make myself nervous. What do ya'll think?


2008-04-23 6:46 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Here is my EXPERT opinion after ONE up at 5:00 or after...still gives plenty of time to set up a transition.  You won't get the prime bike spots but you aren't trying to blow through transition in 45 seconds either if your goal is to finish.  If it were me, I'd give yourself an hour to find a spot...get marked...set up your stuff and kind of visualize how it's all going to happen.   I only say this because I showed up way to early last Saturday and then stressed myself out so bad standing around that I actually forgot to do any warmup or stretching until about 5 minutes before it was my turn to start in the pool.
2008-04-24 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

I am not sure about the Danskin... I heard the races are really crowded. The tri I did closed the transition area at 6 and we really didn't start the race until 8:00... so a lot of waiting around. Danskin has an e-mail address about race may be worth e-mailing and asking.

I can't wait to hear the details... I am doing the Disneyland Danskin along with Lynn. You will do great. Is your husband coming back into town to watch?

2008-04-24 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Thanks so much for the inspires lately on my logs guys. They really do mean so much and motivate me to get out there. I know it's probably not the best idea, but I'm going to try to do a little personal tri tomorrow since I have the day off of school before heading to the airport in the afternoon. I'm going to try to do the distances of my sprint that will be in two weeks with transitions and all just to see how it goes. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow...hold me to it! :-)

2008-04-24 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
I think that is a great idea. I was going to do that also but ended up with the flu. One thing that caught me off guard was how difficult it was for me to run off of the bike... so def. practive all three even if it is shorter distances.

Have fun.
2008-04-25 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Well I did it, I completed my first practice sprint tri. Did the same distances as my tri coming up and I didn't do to terrible. Tried running barefoot in my zoot tri shoes, which the sales guy told me to do because that's what they're made for, but that caused a blister. Guess I'll have to take the extra time to dry my feet off and put on socks. Oh well, it was an awesome feeling to finish my goal and it was such a beautiful day here in SC! Time to fly to Boston and give my body a break this weekend.
2008-04-25 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1362334

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Way to go Heather! I wore socks with my Asics for the tri and was glad I did because there was a pebble that was irritating and it would have been worse without socks. Have a great flight and weekend. :-)


2008-04-25 4:29 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Great job Heather!!! Take some time to rest this weekend and savor your accomplishment.

I had a great bike and run last night. I am so glad that its finally nice in Michigan. Robyn, my tri team meets for training on Thursday nights not too far from you if you ever want to join us.

So here is my revelation this week-I am driving 45 miles one way to train with my tri team and my car gets 20mpg in good traffic, less in rush hour. So I am spending $20 in gas to indulge myself in a training session. HOW WRONG IS THAT-$20 in gas to ride a bike? It hit me like a ton of bricks on my drive out yesterday. Usually people try to save gas money by riding, not me!

Have a great weekend everyone and great training!!!! Is anyone racing this weekend?
2008-04-25 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Your gas $ to train is like my sitter $ to train. Every weekend I pay a sitter to watch the girls while I run or bike outside.

Life is short... we have to do that which makes us happy.


2008-04-26 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Eastern PA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Please tell me this group is going to continue!! I was kind of freaked out when I saw the thread moved to archives.
Well, another 5K under my belt, and I was over 30 minutes by about 20 seconds so I am bummed a little. I have plenty of excuses though! I won't list them all here, but I do have them.

Great job to everyone who's been racing and getting ready to race! I have been a little out of the loop due to a business trip, but it is really exciting hearing all the reports.

2008-04-26 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Irvine, California
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Hey everyone!  Soooo sorry I've not been active on this thread for a while.  Work has been ridiculously busy the past few weeks -- I've been working 10-12 hour days.  Plus I sort of lost my motivation a little bit to train.  It's an up/down cycle I'm realizing, just impossible to stay gungho about it 100% of the time.  When I get to feeling guilty about it, I just remind myself that it's a lifelong endeavor, so as long as I renew my effort and get back out there, it's all good.

A huge congratulations to all of you who have completed your first tri's now!  You are TRIATHLETES, woohoo! 

My first tri is next weekend, and the reality hit me full force today since my race packet arrived in the mail.  Nothing like a timing chip, a bib with your name on it, and a swim cap to drive the point home!  After a moment of hyperventilating, I calmed down enough to read the race instructions.  My training has been light the past few weeks, so my only goal is to finish this one.  I really don't know how my blood-sugar will react, with the increased adrenaline, and all.  I've done 1.5 to 2 hour bike rides, so I *think* I should be able to finish OK, without bonking.  Just need to stay really vigilant with hydration and gels.

Yeah, I noticed there are new mentor groups forming now too.  I for one really hope this one can continue through the year.  It will be so cool to see how everyone progresses through the season.  By the end of the year, we should all be veteran, old-hands at it, right?

2008-04-26 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1363701

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

This is a great support group and I'd really like to stay in touch with all of you, so even if it's not an official mentor group anymore -- I'll be checking in.

As far as Mission Bay tri goes next weekend. You'll do great. I was down there today to check out the water and course. The water is clear, yippee! and a bit cold, but with a wetsuit it will be fine. The bike is totally flat around Fiesta island and the run I believe is around the parking lot?? Anyway, you've been training, Keith and you'll do fine. Are you doing the sprint?

I'm currently signed up for the super sprint since I'm doing the La Jolla 1/2 mary tomorrow and I wasn't sure how I'd do with events 3 weekends in a row. I'm gung-ho for this stuff, but I don't want to trash my body and have it revolt. :-) But that said, if I'm feeling strong next weekend, I may pay the extra $5 and do the sprint -- what the heck!

Hope you're all having a great weekend. The shark attack here sure has the beaches quiet. We only saw a very few surfers out there on our drive up the coast.



2008-04-26 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Irvine, California
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Yep, I'm signed up for the sprint.  The swim is short -- 440 yards -- which I'm happy about.

Yeah, that shark attack sure was freaky and scary.  I already suffer from shark phobia, so this certainly didn't help.  But I just feel so sorry for the victim and his family and friends.

2008-04-27 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Ditto Lynn!-

I didn't think that our group would be ending so soon.  Should we start a new thread so we don't live in archives? I would like to stay in touch. Just like Keith, the opportunity to see us all grow and achieve the goals we set is what the group is all about.

It looks like the season is up and going.  I think Lynn wins the prize for the most races in the first season.  I think you should up your July-August races to OLY and then do a HIM in the fall! I'm sure you can do it.  I wish I was out there to train with you.

I've found one possible person to train with.  She lives very close but is training for a IM and I'm definitely not there yet. The only Tri club that I'm aware of in my area has dissolved. When I ran with two friends from work that are doing the minisprint May 10 and then rode with a coworker last Thursday, I realized that in training by myself I'm not pushing me enough.  It makes a real difference in my perception of exertion.  I learned to ski by skiing with my brother and his friends. He ski raced and it helps so much to watch and be pushed by people better than me. He was my brother so he had to let me keep up with him.  I am reluctant to ask others because I don't want to hold them back.  I sure wish you guys lived closer!

I've been struggling the last few days being sad for a couple of reasons.  I'm forcing myself to get out this morning for a run. That always makes me feel better. I think I'm going to post a request for training partners in the Texas forum. 

GO Heather, Lynn, Keith and any other folks with an event today or next weekend.  I'm heading to the beach next weekend and am going to swim a ton in the Gulf.  I was so sad to hear about the triathlete that was killed in the shark attack. I've been to Solono beach. My brother and sister in law live near there.  I grew up in San Francisco and whenever I was in the water (Ocean Beach, Stinson) sharks never left my mind.  Be careful, pacific swimmers, but don't let it keep you out of the H20.





2008-04-28 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1364315

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
denny.l - 2008-04-27 6:12 AM

Ditto Lynn!-

I didn't think that our group would be ending so soon. Should we start a new thread so we don't live in archives? I would like to stay in touch. Just like Keith, the opportunity to see us all grow and achieve the goals we set is what the group is all about.


I think starting a new thread is a great idea so we don't have to go to the archives--We'll just need a name for it and then everyone on here can add that into their notifications since it seems like there aren't that many posts on here anymore. Here's the link to the thread I just started:


Edited by lmscozz 2008-04-28 11:01 PM
2008-04-28 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed


Lynn, thanks for starting the break off group to continue this.  Hopefully most of you will go over there as well so we can keep in touch.  Seems add that at crunch time with everyone starting to race that we end this...even though everyone will be posting less and training more. 

2008-04-28 11:03 PM
in reply to: #1367830

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed

Sorry everyone. The link above won't work. It was removed by the moderator. Apparently, that's not the place for it. So, I'm sorry to the moderator and to you guys. Didn't mean to break any rules. Just trying to all stay in touch. Take care.


2008-04-29 12:33 AM
in reply to: #1108061

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Subject: RE: triOK's group - The best group - Closed
Maybe we should wait to hear from Robyn before we try to move. She will know what we should do.

Congrates everyone on all their races so far.

My first one is in 3 weeks. Just a mini trii. A great way to get started I feel.

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