General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-07-21 12:38 PM
in reply to: Bevie

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
You need to clean up your future posts. This is a very offensive and rude post that some people may be left feeling attacked and discouraged. Everyone out there is doing the same race and face the same race conditions that you do - you should probably be more supportive and encouraging of the entire triathlon culture rather than boost your own ego...just sayin

2014-07-21 12:58 PM
in reply to: mattjsaba

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
Originally posted by mattjsaba

You need to clean up your future posts. This is a very offensive and rude post that some people may be left feeling attacked and discouraged. Everyone out there is doing the same race and face the same race conditions that you do - you should probably be more supportive and encouraging of the entire triathlon culture rather than boost your own ego...just sayin

If you were responding to my post back to Bevie....My sincere apologies. I didn't mean to offend anyone other than point out the fact that Bevie has a big ego and should be more supportive of everyone.My apologies if your post was in reference to mine.

My response specifically says that there are 2500 people out there racing. And that's what make triathlon great.

2014-07-21 1:02 PM
in reply to: cynner

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
oh no, i was supporting your post , cynner. My post was directed at Bevie.
2014-07-21 1:05 PM
in reply to: mattjsaba

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
Originally posted by mattjsaba

oh no, i was supporting your post , cynner. My post was directed at Bevie.

WHEW!! As MOP, the last thing I would want to do is discourage anyone out there! :-)
2014-07-21 1:09 PM
in reply to: cynner

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
Originally posted by cynner

Originally posted by mattjsaba

oh no, i was supporting your post , cynner. My post was directed at Bevie.

WHEW!! As MOP, the last thing I would want to do is discourage anyone out there! :-)

Oh, absolutely - I actually appreciate what you add to this thread.
2014-07-21 2:03 PM
in reply to: cynner

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
Originally posted by cynner

Originally posted by Bevie

I crashed on the bike. Two guys ahead of me crossed wheels and down they went. I couldn't go left or right so head over heels I went at 23 mph.(was averaging over 23 at the time, mile 35ish or so..). Finished the race though. Road rash on my back arms and shoulders pretty good. Helmet is fubar and the bike is getting looked over. I was in the 19 swim wave and all I did was pass people all day. 90% of the time on the bike was like riding in a peloton. Unsafe as far as I'm concerned anyways. Thing that pissed me off the most was neither one of the guys apologized to me for causing a crash. They were more concerned about their bikes than anyone else's well being it seemed. Really wish they would do a different wave system so us faster guys aren't having to pass 1k+ people.(no offense given to slower/older athletes). I understand why they do it the way they do. Also agree the road quality was terrible.

Let me just say that I started out early and had only a few folks passed me on the bike. Regardless of where you start....there are issues. There are men in the younger age group that probably passed me on the bike. But when I look at results, I see that I passed 250 people on the run. I also see a lot of 3 hr + 1/2 marathon's and young guys walking the course that talk about how they busted out a great bike. REALLY? Not to mention the folks in the water that I passed. It's not all about the bike. It's about the entire race and the 2500 people out there doing it. I'm sorry to hear you crashed. But you're not the only one on the course. And what makes triathlon great is that it's for everyone. Not just the young fast bikers who I watch crash and burn on the run.

Cindy...Thanks for this post! I couldn't agree more I held back from responding because mine wouldn't of been so kind ) as a 50+ year old athlete no I am not fast but Iam proud of the example I set for anyone I know. I believe the sign I read at the race said only 1% of people actually do this so shouldn't we all support and encourage each other knowing what it takes to get to this point and be able to finsh? Whether it is slow or fast or anywhere in between?

2014-07-21 2:22 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread

Right on with that!!! I couldn't agree more. BTW, great race yesterday. Amy and I were so excited for you. I'm sorry we missed you at the finish line. It was a beautiful day. We couldn't ask for a better day.

Now we get to 100% concentrate on IMMOO!!


2014-07-21 3:25 PM
in reply to: #4962883

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
If I offended anyone I'm sorry. Truly.
2014-07-21 9:53 PM
in reply to: #5028633

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
Apology appreciated!!
2014-07-22 9:01 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
Was Sam's Club a sponsor? or did the y go cheap on colas on the course.
2014-07-22 3:27 PM
in reply to: #5028822

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
This was my first 70.3 and I really enjoyed it. The bike course was rough but other than that I don't have anything to complain about. Perfect weather, a very nice community, and great race support! I can definitely see doing this one again.

2014-07-22 9:12 PM
in reply to: Bevie

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
This was my first HIM and it was a great experience for me and my family. My kids were really excited and still are. What I learned from doing an endurance event like an HIM is that everyone is suffering the same. I looked at a lot of triathlete's faces out there especially on the run and everyone had about the same expression on their faces. I spoke to a lot of people as I caught them or they caught up to me and we were all going through the same type of pain. I understand that some times things don't always go they way we want but it's important to consider everyone out there especially if they are trying to accomplish the same thing as you are. I am very grateful for all the people that I met out on the course. It was a great experience which I am willing to go through again and again.

Originally posted by Bevie

If I offended anyone I'm sorry. Truly.
2014-07-23 8:26 AM
in reply to: gdelamora

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
Originally posted by gdelamora

This was my first HIM and it was a great experience for me and my family. My kids were really excited and still are. What I learned from doing an endurance event like an HIM is that everyone is suffering the same. I looked at a lot of triathlete's faces out there especially on the run and everyone had about the same expression on their faces. I spoke to a lot of people as I caught them or they caught up to me and we were all going through the same type of pain. I understand that some times things don't always go they way we want but it's important to consider everyone out there especially if they are trying to accomplish the same thing as you are. I am very grateful for all the people that I met out on the course. It was a great experience which I am willing to go through again and again.

Very well put! I'm glad you had such a great experience for your first IM. Racine is a one-of-a-kind venue. And athlete, volunteer, and crowd support is the best I've ever experienced at triathlon. Hope to see you at other events.

2014-07-23 12:04 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
The community support was impressive! Huge thanks to all those who had their sprinklers out and on - and the one guy who would completely douse you with his hose! That run was brutal and definitely didn't go as I thought it would. But it was my first HIM so my main plan was to walk when I needed to and that is what I did. My swim felt great once I got over the shock of the cold. My bike was pretty good although the bumps at the end began to take a toll mentally. Definitely getting aerobars before I do it again.

If you had asked me when I finished if I would do it again my response would have been a 'hell no' but I would love to see if I could pace a bit better and have a slightly stronger run. Overall I am proud that I got it done and am excited to say that I have completed a half ironman (Just need to get my car washed and then I can proudly display my new 70.3 sticker!)

I am looking forward to being a spectator at Steelhead - my good friend who helped talk me into signing up for a Half came out to cheer me and a few other friends on Sunday. She is gearing up for Steelhead and I can't wait to go cheer her on and see the race from that side.

ETA: And my fav sign - definitely the 1% one at the start of the run. It was just what I needed to read and made me smile especially when I went by on the 2nd lap.

Edited by TriSlate 2014-07-23 12:06 PM
2014-07-23 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4962883

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
It's been a rough couple of days since the race. I got home race day to be told one of my sisters had died unexpectedly that morning. She had been so excited for me and was supposed to come watch..... My emotions are so mixed from being so excited that I cut 45 min from my best 70.3 to the low of missing her terribly. Thank goodness I have another race coming up to help keep my mind certainly has been a shock.
2014-07-24 11:40 AM
in reply to: Jo63

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
I'm so sorry Jo - I can't even begin to imagine the struggle you are going through. I'm sure your sister would be just as proud of your time drop and who knows maybe she was there watching and cheering you on.

2014-08-03 12:09 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Racine : Official Thread
More than two weeks since the race, and like some others here, day of I could not say I would do the race again. Today, I am thinking I might. That being said. What I really want to do is support someone else to do the race for the first time. I finished, which was my goal, no personal records were set for me except maybe on the bike. But I don't "TRI" to win, for me, just TRI-ing is winning. The race was nothing short of incredible for me. Although I am a good swimmer and normally confident in the water, I could not settle down on the swim...I was scared and cold, but I pushed through. I personally have never been stripped by 3 people at was hilarious, and made me laugh after I had been so freaked out in the water! The bike was a great fun ride...minus the bumps I cussed. The scenery and support offered by volunteers throughout the race was awesome. I talked to lots of other bikers, often those who we kept passing back and forth...encouraging each other to keep on truckin'. I felt good after the bike, tired and a little hot, but good. My nutrition and hydration were where I needed to be. On the run, Julie from Michigan found me walking and asked if I wanted to walk together. Irony of it was that was the first time someone had asked to walk w/me. On previous tri's I have walked with others in much the same way. Julie was a veteran, and really made it ok for me to walk. I had been training to 4 minutes walk 1. Walking with someone trumped trying to go faster. So for the first loop I walked and talked with Julie!! We lost each other on the second loop, she actually walked faster than I ran or walked at that point...veterans?!?!?!!! I did however find my partner (who was much younger and started later). I had been expecting her to pass me, and never saw her. We crossed paths (she was just starting her run!), and I found out she had wrecked early in the bike, waited and got her bike back together after 30 minutes....and she refused to quit. I was so proud of her! I soon finished the race. Throughout the run, I was SO thankful for the water hoses and volunteers. When I crossed the finish line I was truly overwhelmed...first time I felt like crying at a finish. After I got some food in me, I was good to go, a little sore, but no worse than any other race I had done. I am in awe of the human spirit and how far we can be pushed....or push ourselves. Amazed at our influence on others....if we are open to it.....and theirs on us. So, before I commit to the training again, I hope to encourage someone else to the extreme. I could not have done the race w/o my friend who did it with me, and 2 others who didn't race, but supported us while we did. Racine is a good first time IM distance race. Happy racing TRI-friends.
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2009-05-07 8:59 AM Project_A
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