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2016-11-03 9:25 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by tuwood

You might be shocked by my response, but if there was evidence the FBI believed was reliable and an indictment was likely with Trump I would expect them to do that as well.  I'm a big Trump supporter, but the last thing I want is him getting elected and then immediately under criminal indictment.  I'd rather have him resign and Pence move to the top prior to the election.  (Assuming that's allowed)

But what if it turned out he was innocent of everything, and *lost* a close election?

I'd rather have due process.  Even for Trump.  Federal officials throwing chum to the public opinion shark tank is probably illegal and definitely unprofessional.

OK, you do put me in a tough spot because I'm a huge advocate for due process and you're right on that one with both of them.  I guess the part I get bent out of shape on with Hillary is that the DOJ is proven corrupt and intentionally buried this investigation for at least a year and likely longer.  Essentially they were pushing to run out the clock until she was elected president and effectively became immune.  In that case, I feel the FBI didn't have any choice.  Now if they DOJ did go through the legit channels and truly didn't find any evidence then by all means it shouldn't come out right before.

Either way it's a really awkward situation for all of us.  I honestly wanted Trump to beat her fair and square because it speaks more to his mandate.  Lets say Comey comes out tomorrow with horrible indicting evidence and Trump wins every state on Tuesday.  His opposition will still say the only reason he won was because Hillary was indicted.

I still know that we have to deal with the corrupt DOJ and if Hillary is elected it will not get better, it will get worse.  This is revolution level corruption going on in Washington and we can both hope and pray that it stays in the courts and off the streets.  This also doesn't have anything to do with Trump, this is all Hillary and our Government. 

2016-11-03 9:49 PM
in reply to: tuwood

, California
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by tuwood

You might be shocked by my response, but if there was evidence the FBI believed was reliable and an indictment was likely with Trump I would expect them to do that as well.  I'm a big Trump supporter, but the last thing I want is him getting elected and then immediately under criminal indictment.  I'd rather have him resign and Pence move to the top prior to the election.  (Assuming that's allowed)

But what if it turned out he was innocent of everything, and *lost* a close election?

I'd rather have due process.  Even for Trump.  Federal officials throwing chum to the public opinion shark tank is probably illegal and definitely unprofessional.

OK, you do put me in a tough spot because I'm a huge advocate for due process and you're right on that one with both of them.  I guess the part I get bent out of shape on with Hillary is that the DOJ is proven corrupt and intentionally buried this investigation for at least a year and likely longer.  Essentially they were pushing to run out the clock until she was elected president and effectively became immune.  In that case, I feel the FBI didn't have any choice.  Now if they DOJ did go through the legit channels and truly didn't find any evidence then by all means it shouldn't come out right before.

Either way it's a really awkward situation for all of us.  I honestly wanted Trump to beat her fair and square because it speaks more to his mandate.  Lets say Comey comes out tomorrow with horrible indicting evidence and Trump wins every state on Tuesday.  His opposition will still say the only reason he won was because Hillary was indicted.

I still know that we have to deal with the corrupt DOJ and if Hillary is elected it will not get better, it will get worse.  This is revolution level corruption going on in Washington and we can both hope and pray that it stays in the courts and off the streets.  This also doesn't have anything to do with Trump, this is all Hillary and our Government. 

I can agree with most of that.  I think what put ME off was the FBI suddenly releasing stuff about Marc Rich.  Totally odd and out there on a tangent.

2016-11-03 9:53 PM
in reply to: spudone

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by spudone

Originally posted by tuwood

You might be shocked by my response, but if there was evidence the FBI believed was reliable and an indictment was likely with Trump I would expect them to do that as well.  I'm a big Trump supporter, but the last thing I want is him getting elected and then immediately under criminal indictment.  I'd rather have him resign and Pence move to the top prior to the election.  (Assuming that's allowed)

But what if it turned out he was innocent of everything, and *lost* a close election?

I'd rather have due process.  Even for Trump.  Federal officials throwing chum to the public opinion shark tank is probably illegal and definitely unprofessional.

OK, you do put me in a tough spot because I'm a huge advocate for due process and you're right on that one with both of them.  I guess the part I get bent out of shape on with Hillary is that the DOJ is proven corrupt and intentionally buried this investigation for at least a year and likely longer.  Essentially they were pushing to run out the clock until she was elected president and effectively became immune.  In that case, I feel the FBI didn't have any choice.  Now if they DOJ did go through the legit channels and truly didn't find any evidence then by all means it shouldn't come out right before.

Either way it's a really awkward situation for all of us.  I honestly wanted Trump to beat her fair and square because it speaks more to his mandate.  Lets say Comey comes out tomorrow with horrible indicting evidence and Trump wins every state on Tuesday.  His opposition will still say the only reason he won was because Hillary was indicted.

I still know that we have to deal with the corrupt DOJ and if Hillary is elected it will not get better, it will get worse.  This is revolution level corruption going on in Washington and we can both hope and pray that it stays in the courts and off the streets.  This also doesn't have anything to do with Trump, this is all Hillary and our Government. 

I can agree with most of that.  I think what put ME off was the FBI suddenly releasing stuff about Marc Rich.  Totally odd and out there on a tangent.

You see this article?

FBI launches internal investigation after its long-dormant Twitter account randomly posts about a Bill Clinton presidential pardon


2016-11-03 10:06 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Back on the case itself I've been seeing these "reports" for several days on Reddit but so far they're only being posted on the right wing news sites.
Foxnews earlier today talked about a few of them in regards to the foundation, but nobody mainstream is saying anything about the sex crimes.

Full disclaimer, the only source of this is the illusive "sources from the NYPD".  The tone of the article does put a little additional weight as to why the FBI may be pushing things all of a sudden versus riding them out. 
LB, is it plausible that the NYPD would be working side by side with the FBI on a case like this?



NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:

• Money laundering

• Child exploitation

• Sex crimes with minors (children)

• Perjury

• Pay to play through Clinton Foundation

• Obstruction of justice

• Other felony crimes

NYPD detectives and a [sic] NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

2016-11-04 12:05 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
To answer your question, Tony, every FBI field office is full of local Police investigators who are detached to FBI task forces. They are deputized federal agents who operate under FBI guidelines and supervision. At a time in my career I was detached to the DEA and currently have two of my detectives detached there. So yes, absolutely.I said earlier in another post that I believe that is the impetus for all of these "leaks", for lack of a better term. I think Comey came to a point where he cannot control information being "leaked" out of what is essentially a Bureau investigation, but full of NYPD, and likely other, investigators.....especially if, as reported, this is a multi-year long investigation. I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I find it interesting that Rudy G, with very strong ties to the NYPD, is nowhere to be seen or heard as this breaks.....and he was everywhere just weeks/months ago.Without a doubt there is massive pressure coming from somewhere outside the scope of the DOJ.....strong enough to crack Comey off of his July position. To call it simply "unprecedented" is the understatement of our ciuntry's election history. Where that pressure is coming from is the key to this blowing up at this time in the election season in my mind.I do believe whoever it is, or whatever entity it is, is a patriot in the spirit of "deep throat".....and this will eventually explode. I apologize for the lack of paragraphs or grammer/sentence structure mistakes....my phone formats horribly.

Edited by Left Brain 2016-11-04 12:24 AM
2016-11-04 8:28 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
And......just in case you thought any if this couldn't get more weird......google "spirit cooking" with regard to the latest wikileak. Hahahahaha. What a crew!!!

2016-11-04 8:33 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by Left Brain And......just in case you thought any if this couldn't get more weird......google "spirit cooking" with regard to the latest wikileak. Hahahahaha. What a crew!!!

Saw that one already.  sick stuff

2016-11-04 3:12 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
2016-11-04 9:05 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by Left Brain To answer your question, Tony, every FBI field office is full of local Police investigators who are detached to FBI task forces. They are deputized federal agents who operate under FBI guidelines and supervision. At a time in my career I was detached to the DEA and currently have two of my detectives detached there. So yes, absolutely.I said earlier in another post that I believe that is the impetus for all of these "leaks", for lack of a better term. I think Comey came to a point where he cannot control information being "leaked" out of what is essentially a Bureau investigation, but full of NYPD, and likely other, investigators.....especially if, as reported, this is a multi-year long investigation. I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I find it interesting that Rudy G, with very strong ties to the NYPD, is nowhere to be seen or heard as this breaks.....and he was everywhere just weeks/months ago.Without a doubt there is massive pressure coming from somewhere outside the scope of the DOJ.....strong enough to crack Comey off of his July position. To call it simply "unprecedented" is the understatement of our ciuntry's election history. Where that pressure is coming from is the key to this blowing up at this time in the election season in my mind.I do believe whoever it is, or whatever entity it is, is a patriot in the spirit of "deep throat".....and this will eventually explode. I apologize for the lack of paragraphs or grammer/sentence structure mistakes....my phone formats horribly.

I hadn't heard him very much either, but I just saw this Huffpo Article trying to make the case that Trump had advance warning by listing all Rudy G's statements.
So it sounds like Rudy was out there and has been out there with his insider info.  It also confirms the NYPD involvement as far as I'm concerned.


2016-11-04 9:34 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
Dude.....Rudy is absolutely revered at the NYPD. And, since 9/11, the NYPD has hundreds of investigators detached to the FBI. As I have said before.....this is not complicated or hard to follow if youve been paying attention to law enforcement/DOJ trends since 9/11.....and where they have gone under President Obama.

Edited by Left Brain 2016-11-04 9:39 PM
2016-11-04 9:42 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
Originally posted by Left BrainDude.....Rudy is absolutely revered at the NYPD. And, since 9/11, the NYPD has hundreds of investigators detached to the FBI. As I have said before.....this is not complicated or hard to follow if youve been paying attention to law enforcement/DOJ trends since 9/11.....and where they have gone under President Obama.
Is there any doubt that Rudy won't be Trumps attorney general?

2016-11-06 3:41 PM
in reply to: #5189678

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.
2016-11-06 3:51 PM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Unfortunately the damage has been done.  How many of her supporters actually took a step back and looked at the level of corruption and criminality.
Then you see the corruption inside the DOJ blatantly blocking the investigation it plays even more into Trumps hand.

She's guilty as sin and you and I both know it.  There's been so many criminal offenses committed just by looking at the Wikileaks emails that she will be in prison the rest of her life if Trump wins.  If she wins, then there will be zero consequences because any Democrat in power is above the law.

I know she supports your ideology, but I honestly can't understand how you can support this corruption with a smile on your face.  There is a legitimate coup being attempted in America and you're a willing participant. A Coup is a change in government by illegal or forceful means.  Hillary has broken virtually every election law there is, and the media is willfully complacent.
Do you honestly believe she is not corrupt, or do you just not care that she's a criminal because she supports your ideology?

2016-11-06 3:54 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

On a side note, there were multiple reports that the NYPD had full copies of the Weiner emails and would release them to wikileaks if Comey didn't do anything.  I guess we'll find out if that's true or not.

2016-11-06 4:55 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
I hate quitters.
2016-11-06 4:57 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by Left Brain I hate quitters.

I'll be genuinely curious to see if this has any effect.  In some ways I feel it could backfire because it exposes even more of the corruption of the DOJ and White House because a lot more evidence has come out since June.

2016-11-06 5:19 PM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Indeed.  I expect that  Trump's apology is imminent.

2016-11-06 5:20 PM
in reply to: Scott71

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Indeed.  I expect that  Trump's apology is imminent.

Serious question, do you guys feel she didn't do anything wrong?

2016-11-06 5:35 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Indeed.  I expect that  Trump's apology is imminent.

Serious question, do you guys feel she didn't do anything wrong?

I have no idea personally, so I will rely on the experts. No indictment so far, so no law broken from my perspective.
2016-11-06 5:36 PM
in reply to: ejshowers

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Indeed.  I expect that  Trump's apology is imminent.

Serious question, do you guys feel she didn't do anything wrong?

I have no idea personally, so I will rely on the experts. No indictment so far, so no law broken from my perspective.

OK, that's what I figured.

Do you feel the accusations of corruption inside the DOJ as being unwarranted as well?  In other words, you have faith in them.

2016-11-06 5:41 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Indeed.  I expect that  Trump's apology is imminent.

Serious question, do you guys feel she didn't do anything wrong?

I have no idea personally, so I will rely on the experts. No indictment so far, so no law broken from my perspective.

OK, that's what I figured.

Do you feel the accusations of corruption inside the DOJ as being unwarranted as well?  In other words, you have faith in them.

No idea.

2016-11-06 5:49 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Indeed.  I expect that  Trump's apology is imminent.

Serious question, do you guys feel she didn't do anything wrong?

I have no idea personally, so I will rely on the experts. No indictment so far, so no law broken from my perspective.

OK, that's what I figured.

Do you feel the accusations of corruption inside the DOJ as being unwarranted as well?  In other words, you have faith in them.

I have ZERO faith in them......it's all political...and ran by imbeciles.
2016-11-06 5:50 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Indeed.  I expect that  Trump's apology is imminent.

Serious question, do you guys feel she didn't do anything wrong?

Other than speculation, I am not aware of any concrete proof of wrong-doing.

Do you think Trump sexually assaulted those women as claimed?

2016-11-06 5:58 PM
in reply to: Scott71

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Scott71

Originally posted by ejshowers Looks like weinergate has resulted in another big yawn moment.

Indeed.  I expect that  Trump's apology is imminent.

Serious question, do you guys feel she didn't do anything wrong?

Other than speculation, I am not aware of any concrete proof of wrong-doing.

Do you think Trump sexually assaulted those women as claimed?

My position with Trumps ladies is similar to yours with the DOJ, but I feel the difference is that there is no credible evidence presented so far on the women.  Comparatively the FBI Director in June laid out multiple criminal statutes that Hillary violated and used the language of (paraphrasing) "No prosecutor would move forward with a case".  This told me that the DOJ wouldn't prosecute even though she broke the law.  Then through Wikileaks we saw emails from the DOJ to the clinton campaign via private email that an investigation was ongoing giving them a heads up which resulted in the deletion of all the emails.

So, in my opinion there is extensive evidence that the Clinton's have violated a lot of laws in addition to the email server.

One thing Comey didn't address was the ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.  That was discovered last week as well after the new announcement.  So, as far as I know she is still under FBI investigation but may have gotten a hall pass on the server (for now).

I think another good comparison is looking at other people who have been convicted of mishandling classified information and compare that to what Hillary has done.  There's definitely a double standard.

2016-11-06 6:01 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Hilary and the FBI Announcement

Democrats:Comey is the greatest
Comey is satans spawn
Comey is the greatest

Comey is satans spawn
Comey is the greatest
Comey is satans spawn


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