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2008-06-07 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Tourons!!!!  What a fabulous word!  I live in Florida, & I never knew what to call them.  Thanks!

Sorry I made you think you were an icky, slimy lake thing Foot in mouth.  

Well, I completed my open water swim without panic!  I swam in the Gulf.  About 150 yards (got totally exhausted from the waves - could have swam farther out & skipped the waves, but needed to feel safe).  Once, when I was sighting, I heard a guy say to his son, "look, blood! I just got bit.  I think it was a baby shark!"  O.k., I didn't panic, but I did think, "hmmm, blood, shark, maybe I shouldn't be in the water now."  So I went into shore.  After watching for a moment & realizing he was staying in the water, I swam back out & asked him what happened.  Actually, he cut his finger on a frisbee earlier & was teasing his son.  So, I finished my swim, got out & ran the 200 yards to the car (to practice running to T1).

It felt GREAT to do this without being scared!!!  Oh, & I ran & biked today, which was one of my other goals for this month (a "mini tri" day).  Didn't do a lot of distance, or do them all at the same time, but did them all in one day, so felt the taxing of all the muscles.  I still feel good.  Now, off to bigger & better distances on the same day!

Hope everyone's weekend is wonderful!

Oh, & road biking is my ultra favorite thing - but I totally ignore the danger & it drives my husband CRAZY!!!  He can't ride behind me because he's always afraid I'll be hit by a car.  I do ride safely, pay attention to traffic & follow all the road rules, but am oblivious of the very real danger of cars.  I guess I'm just goofy more afraid of the unknown than the known.

You guys are probably a lot smarter than me! 


2008-06-07 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
hey guys sorry i aint been around i just been in the dumps ever sense the HIM. i dont really know why just feel like blagh!! that and lookng at the calander im not sure if i will be able to get in another tri this season. just to many school i got to go to with the guard i think thats half of it who knows.
on a training note im tryin to get my miles to where they normaly are like 30-40 miles. and that is because on july 1 im gonna put my name in for the JFK 50 miler . i wussed on it last year and seeings i wont be able to take my bike or swim at the schools im gonna make this years big race a ultra. least i will be able to run where ever i go .
2008-06-08 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1451825

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

mac3116 - 2008-06-07 7:29 PM hey guys sorry i aint been around i just been in the dumps ever sense the HIM. i dont really know why just feel like blagh!! that and lookng at the calander im not sure if i will be able to get in another tri this season. just to many school i got to go to with the guard i think thats half of it who knows. on a training note im tryin to get my miles to where they normaly are like 30-40 miles. and that is because on july 1 im gonna put my name in for the JFK 50 miler . i wussed on it last year and seeings i wont be able to take my bike or swim at the schools im gonna make this years big race a ultra. least i will be able to run where ever i go .

 There are a lot of people who, after they finish their BIG race, feel let down. You can compare it to the letdown after Christmas.  There is so much build-up to the event and then it's over in the blink of an eye.  Taking it easy is NOT a bad thing to do, especially if you bogged down with other things. 

Don't get to discouraged about the blah feelings! As long as you are doing something, you are one more step ahead of those who don't do anything after a race and even more steps ahead of those who don't do anything at all.


2008-06-08 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hey Mac...

I hear ya on the motivation.  I went through the same thing after I did Steelhead.  Months and months of training planned on the calendar, so every day was see what was planned and do whatever I could close to that (which some days, was nothing, but that's another post...)  Then after race day, and there isn't anything "planned" on the training calendar and motivation to just do something is pretty low. 

Hang in there, enjoy some free time. 

2008-06-08 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
Glad I'm not the only one having trouble finding the motivation.  Ever since my first sprint tri in the beginning of May I have not put enough into my training. Now that school is almost over I'm hoping things get better.  Although now I'm moving down to fort lauderdale, fl so hopefully the heat doesn't make it worse.  Of course it was 100 today in SC so it can't get worse :-)
2008-06-08 10:59 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Thanks for checking in Heather!  I thought you were done with school already and already lived in FL.  I must have overlooked something earlier. Sounds like we are all in the same boat in regards to motivation.  I HAVE to get to the pool this week and see where I stand in that area. I haven't been n the pool since mid-April.  I have a 4 mile race on Saturday morning so that will be my motivation to run this week. 

For me, it appears that if I don't have something fairly near my motivation is just null and void. Now that my tri is getting closer I will probably make more of an effort to  train.


2008-06-09 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Good to hear from you Heather.

Shaun, sorry about the lack of motivation. Like Beth said, it seems that if there is not something right on the horizon to aim for, training can be hard to plan for. and that post race let down has GOT to be hard.  

Usually, if it weren't for the last minute I would do NOTHING.

On another note. I just bought a bright new shiny road bike this weekend. My old reliable Trek (and I do mean OLD- I bought it in College for petes sake) just had to go. My new one is fast and much harder to handle than my trusty mountain bike. Plus a girl gets used to having shock absorbers! Got up earlyish to get ahead of the traffic and actually, it was almost fun! Someday maybe I won't be such a wuss going downhill. My DH went with me and sped ahead on the down hill (which was pretty much the whole return trip), came back and rode it again with me. it is just the opposite when I am on a trail, I poke uphill but smoke going down. I hope once I get used to the wobbliness and sensitve steering of a road bike I will feel better going faster downhill. Although living here, I better do it quick because that is one of the most level/ straight rides in this area.

Day 3 of 100 degree weather so it will be swimming tonight without a doubt! 

2008-06-10 4:28 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
well im sure you guys seen it by now but i do have something i need to start traing for and it opens JUly 1 . i am shooting for the ultra marathon this year i didnt make it last year cause it filled up to fast they only take like 1000 so the first day im getting in. i got scared last year is what happened i didnt think i could do it so i put off mailing in my money till after the marine corps marathon then it was late. so i have 20 days till my 16 week training program starts what i need to work on is slowing down !! like 3 min. per mile that is going to be the tough part for me. the 2-3 hr runs i dont mind its the slowing down so what i think im gonna do is the 5min/ 1min intervals or a 10/2 just to get more time on feet training cause that is a lot of what the plan looks like . we shall see but im gonna make it this year to the JFK 50 miler
2008-06-10 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Shaun, GREAT on getting up the juju to sign up and get your groove back. Of course you can do it. and hey, just to help I'll give you a minute or two of mine- I have lots of minutes per mile to spare!

I just lost my mind and signed up for the Nike womens 1/2 marathon for October. HELLO?? Anyone home, Robin- you can only run no more than 5 miles now?!? I figure I will run as far as I can then walk what ever is left.

Today I will attack the icky lake things again and try to swim. We have had no rain so the lake is covered with all sorts of floaty things that makes swimming interesting, to say the least. I end up doing a breast stroke with a forward splash to get the stuff out of the way until I find a clear spot to do free style. If I don't do that I end up swallowing things and I do not want to know what they are.

Beth. Good luck on the 60th anniversary stuff.
2008-06-10 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
Hey Kim, I will trade you some of my ease in the water for your ease on the road!
2008-06-10 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

I am MAD, MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD MAD!!!... I was going to swim today. Arranged for DH to canoe with my while I swim  at lunch time. We get down there and there is a DREDGE. I was kicking up nasty stuff and there was no safe place to swim. They are supposed to be DONE. Now there is no workout I can do because of work and after work committments. THAT and it is so hot you can fry eggs outside. (and on my head now i am fuming so much!!!) I didn't bike or run today because of my stupid 45 minute limit on daily workouts. so now I am just SOL.


Just had to vent. 

2008-06-10 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Hmmm...I'll keep my ease on the road & trade you my aching shoulders

No?  I didn't think so!  

Oh well, I guess we'll each have to keep working on our fears!

Sorry to hear about your workout!  I've missed 2 days due to - 12-hour work days & shoulder pain.  I think it's muscle spasms from sleeping in a hotel bed for 2 nights.

Shaun - have you every looked at any of Jeff Galloway's stuff on marathon training?  Maybe not your style, 'cause he incorporates walk breaks.  But, he's got some terrific success actually IMPROVING overall times because people don't slow down during the last part of the race.  

Hope everyone is doing well!

Hey -

What about this week's goals??? Are we still doing the weekly goal thing???

Mine are:

  1. 2 strength training sessions (I HATE strength training!!!!!)
  2. 4 tri training sessions (I have an overtime shift so this might not happen)
  3. 3 laps around the springs (I've only accomplished 2 so far)
  4. Try not to freak out about my upcoming certification exams (haven't scheduled them yet)


2008-06-10 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
kim i am a big fan of jeff. i think i got 3 of his books well i dont have them but they are mine what i do is pass them around to people i know who want to run a marathon then i get them back and pass them on to the next person. it works out pretty well .
the first half mary i ever ran (VA Beach) i did the whole plan he had to finish in 1:49 . i never ran but 1 time without walk breaks, and on race day. but check this out race day i finished in 1:49:18 . 18 seconds off the time i was training for oh i think it was just a fluke though.
no thats what i have went back to and did it today for the first time in a few years . worked good for me . i am planning on doing it like 3 days a week and full run maybe once for some speed work (or my 10k pace) . the main reason is because i need to start longer runs than i have been doing and i want to stay injury free. the traing plan i got dont have me doing 1 long run a week like a marathon plan . it is using back to back days starting at 2 hrs. so i will need to plan it with my days off to be able to do something like a 2hr run on fri. and turn around sat. and do another 2hr. and it only goes up from there . im not sure how this is gonna work but i got ot make it work
2008-06-10 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

My this weeks goals are to get the 200 mins of time in, all three sports and at least one weight training. and to get the bike on the road.... lessening the fear. Heck Kim, I'll  take half the shoulder pain,, okay, 3/4 of it for just a little less fear on the road. I'll even throw in a bunch of water ease as well.

Shaun, sounds like you have a pretty good plan in your mind of what you want to do and where you want to be. 

2008-06-10 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Cool everyone!

Ain't Jeff the bomb?!  I killed myself trying to run until a friend introduced me to him at this little store in Daytona this year.  I spent an hour enthralled, listening to him talk & then picked his brain for a while.  I couldn't believe he didn't have any books there to sell...I had to go to Barnes & Noble to buy one!

Really, I'll give you some road bravado for free!  You don't have to take the shoulder pain (I just drank a glass of wine & it vanished.)


2008-06-10 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

My goals this week were to get all of those STUPID postcards done adn all the email addresses done.  With that done I need to focus my attention to getting the donation letters out for the silent auction.  I'm hoping for another longrun before Saturday. I REALLY  need to get to the pool!  I would like to finish e race in less than 46 minutes but that may be asking for a bit much with as little training as I've had.

 You guys are doing a great job of providing information and encouragement to each other. 

2008-06-11 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Beth, get thee to the pool!Wink

This is just a quick note. I had a biopsy to day so there will be no running or biking for at least 3 days and no swimming for a week! CRUD

This too shall pass. Walking it is in the am...... 

2008-06-12 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
well Kim i took to him pretty quick . one day i was sitting around and picked up a runners world first page i opened was to the marine corps marathon right than i said im gonna do this. two days later i went and bought a pair of shoes and jeffs book. so i got lucky from the start i guess. another good book is the Marathoning for Mortals written with Amy Burfoot (i think that is right) i got to meet John Bingham a couple times . i also had plans to talk with Dean Karnese (thats wrong i know) at the lewis and clark marathon but i hit the wall at mile 23 and couldnt make it over to his book signing after the race oh well next time
2008-06-14 6:17 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

John Bingham, my hero. SLOW and Proud of it!

Just a quick note here to jump up an down. I can ride my bike tomorrow!!!! Sunday mornings are great because tourons are in bed and the rest are getting ready for church so the roads are fairly clear. Now watch it rain. We are having a drought but it will rain when I want to ride and I am not comfortable enough to ride in anything other than a drizzle yet. I wanted to run today but thought I would actually pay attention to what the Drs said.

Hope you all are having fun weekends! 

2008-06-14 6:44 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Have a wonderful ride tomorrow!  I'll be thinking of you.


2008-06-15 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Just a quick note. I did ride my bike this morning and it wasn't too horrible. I may have even had fun. (Thanks for the thoughts Kim!). I will have to make some changes to the gear shifters at least and maybe have to change the handlebars in general. An old injury prevents me from holding on and being able to brake and shift... which tends to be a problem. Other than that, and being scared of the road, I LOVE my new bike. Beth, you are right, these speedy road bikes are hard to handle. I am going to run tomorrow and see how that goes. (Kim, I actually didn't bike AND run today, I just entered the bike in the wrong spot). Hopefully I am all better.

Shaun, how's the running going? Have you been out with your sister?

Have great days all.  

2008-06-15 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Oh ya, My goals for this week are a repeat of last weeks since I had a glitch:

Get 200 minutes of tri time in and get the bike on the road at least twice. I am not cleared to swim until Wednesday due to stitches so I may have to substitute some weight trainging so maybe I'll just make the goal to get 200 min in at a minimum.

Happy Sunday all! 


2008-06-15 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1350781

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Well guys, sounds like everyone is having a pretty good week. 

I didn't make my goals this week Cry

  1. 2 strength training sessions (I HATE strength training!!!!!) Not even 1 session!  I'll do it tonight & get a head start for next week.
  2. 4 tri training sessions (I have an overtime shift so this might not happen) Hmmm...worked out 2 days, but 1 day I did bike/run/swim...not really, but close.
  3. 3 laps around the springs (I've only accomplished 2 so far) Didn't make it to the springs, but I did the best ever pool-swim, so again, close.
  4. Try not to freak out about my upcoming certification exams (haven't scheduled them yet) Not even close...I think freaking out is what caused me to miss my goals this week. to next week with the same goals.  Better luck this time.


2008-06-15 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed

Well, I finished my race yesterday and could honestly say that I felt good about it.  I didn't do very well time-wise but I felt good about exertion-wise.  I had just enough left at the end to sprint in.  Actually I could have afforded to have pushed myself a little harder and still had enough to sprint at the end. 


2008-06-15 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1350781

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: BAMBAM66's Group-Closed
well i didnt make my goals either but i sure came a lot closer than i was last week . i did get in 3 great runs and was going to today but i had to run and do somethings for my mom this morning (she still cant walk) and then i had to work. but it was slow so i got a paper written so it was nto a total loss. i will get to it next week as mush as i love having my sis around she takes up time i just dont have !! but like i said she is training for the air force marathon but she dont want to run here with me . little to hot for her so she goes to the gym plus im out and back while her butt still sleeps . oh well im still good and looking forward to the week ahead
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