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2011-02-15 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Dave - wow! Good luck! 

I've got a planning question... when would be a good time to sneak an Oly distance race into an HIM program? I'm doing the 20 week plan here, ending on Oct 23 with 70.3 Austin.

2011-02-15 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3356672

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
You want to put it at the end of one of the recovery weeks of the HIM plan. So, working backward from the race, if you have a two week taper preceded by four weeks of build preceded by a low volume week, right at the end of that low volume week is where you want your race. Or work back one more training cycle, another four weeks back or whatever it is. That way the low volume week serves two purposes, it's a recovery week from your HIM training, and it's a mini-taper for your oly. And then for the five-ish days following the race, keep everything low intensity -- zones 1 and 2 only.
2011-02-15 10:23 PM
in reply to: #3357116

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
ok for those of you that said you do crossfit my hat is off to you.  Congratulations!! 

I went through my first class tonight.  The instructor said it was a short session of 17 minutes and I felt like i finished an oly by the end and thought I was going to puke.  That made me feel like I have not been training at all, and I can't wait for the muscle soreness to set in. 

looking forward to next week now.  Hope someone can get a laugh from this because it hurt. 
2011-02-16 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Thanks, Michael! I'll check out local calendars.

Dave - glad you liked crossfit! It helped me appreciate strength training as a whole-body thing, and eventually, after lots of sore muscles, my body thanked me Hope it works well for you!
2011-02-17 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3357464

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
today is about what I expected SORE! thank you crossfit, glad it is my rest day.  I had my swim stroke anyalised by our competive swim coach and I have a few things to work on but overall it is coming together pretty well.  I figured i always looked like a gorilla in the water being self taught. 
2011-02-17 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3272379

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
I learned a valuable lesson today. Visually check the integrity of your swim suit once in a while! While showering after my swim, I was rinsing out my suit and notice the chlorine had eaten away the backside of my jammers leaving them transparent.. Luckily there wasnt to many people in the pool and luckily it didnt turn into a big hole.

My running took a turn for the worse this week, I did 8.5 on Monday then was going to do 5.5 Tuesday. I took a new course and found out the first mile two miles were all uphill. By mile four my stride was all messed up and I had lower calf discomfort and ankle pain.

I took Wednesday off and have been sore ever since. I tried to run today but could tell all was not right so took it very easy. So I'm hoping it is just a strain since I've been doing alot of treadmill running and this was an outside hill run after a long day outside. My fear of course is an injury such as achilles tendonitis or something. My heel area is fine the discomfort is right at the bottom of the calf.  Anyone have any similiar stuff or ideas what it could be??/

2011-02-18 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Terry - get yourself a foam roller and become very good friends with it!
This website: has REALLY detailed videos on proper use, and how to treat specific pains. 
2011-02-18 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3361000

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full


Is the pain relieved with stretching?  How was your warmup before running?  that is what gets me into trouble at times.  I hope it is nothing more that an aggrivated muscle.

2011-02-18 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3272379

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full

I was able to run today and felt mostly normal so I am now convinced it is strain related rather than injury. Although my shin splint that was getting better is coming back. I also ran a 5k race on Sat. So am guessing a hard run, a long run and a hill run within a four day period was just too much. The mileage really wasnt anything more than I had been doing so that is what made me more concerned about injury. Used to be when I was younger I would recover from sore muscles after two days, now it seems more like 4. Thanks for the link, Elaine. I dont have a roller and have never used one but I did put my 8 year old to work on my calves with a rolling pin. (please dont tell my wife).  

 Hammer, I didnt really warm up, usually never do. I am pretty anal about pace and times, I hate to admit it but I dont like to warm up because it knocks down my pace per run. I know, I know, I deserve what I get. Oh and stretching doesnt relieve the pain but biking and swimming make it feel normal.

I'm really, really really, hoping it is completely gone tomorrow. SAT is my off day. Boy, am I ready for break.

2011-02-18 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3362555

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
I am anal about my times and distances too.  I have started doing a warm up on my block.  I just run the block 2 or 3 times and then run a few sprints two or three houses,  I dont start the clock till that is done. 

I like the rolling pin idea,  I wont tell your wife if you dont tell mine. 
2011-02-20 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Hey all. Sorry I've been MIA lately. Busy with work, busy with life, busy with training... you know how it goes.

Got my first outdoor ride in on the new bike yesterday. We had a few days of spring-like weather before the gray-snow-cold returned to claim its territory. I can't wait for real spring. The ride was great... took the better part of an hour to really feel comfortable in aero, but once I got it, felt really powerful.

Terry -- so glad to hear your calf is feeling better. To both of you -- don't be stupid about warming up. I know what you mean about the pace thing, but warming up is too important. Besides, most of your running should be so slow and controlled that you're not proud of your pace anyway. Most people do way too much of their running fast. Seriously, check my running pace in my logs. If you want to keep track of what pace you're capable of, warm up, then do intervals at high intensity and record them as laps, then cool down.

On the importance of low intensity running, I ran into this article a little while ago. I think it's quite good.

2011-02-21 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Happy Monday, everyone!

My big running weekend is less than a week away! I'm pretty excited. I volunteered at a local half/full marathon yesterday, and the people are just so inspiring! A few BQ's, TONS of first timers that were just happy to make it across the finish line, and only a few that commented that it wasn't a great race (it got HOT really quickly!)
I ended up removing timing chips from shoes. Can I log it in my training log as 5 hours of squats? My legs are tender to the touch, and I'm walking like I ran the whole thing yesterday!

I'm ramping down the running this week. I'm excited for next weekend!

Oh, and I found out that I have been invited to join Team Odwalla for the 2011 season! 
2011-02-23 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3272379

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
2011-02-23 10:29 PM
in reply to: #3272379

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Hi group!!

I hope everyone is having a good week for working out.

Michael,---I will make a determined effort to start warming up. I took a look at the article and can relate as I try to get a better pace than the last time, frequently. Gee, I wonder why I have been battling a small localized shin splint for 3 months. Maybe I'll try to take it down a knotch for a couple weeks and see if it helps.

Elaine---- I know how you feel, I just started adding squats into my work out plan, ouch, I could hardly walk for four days. 
2011-02-24 11:22 PM
in reply to: #3369746

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Terry we can work on the warm up together.  I am working on making a better effort for it too. 

Question - I have a sprint race in 6 weeks.  how far out do you guys start your speed work.  I have the distances down fine.  I am shooting for a 57:00 or better.  400 meter swim 12.1 bike with some hills, 2 mile run. 

Hope all is going well.  enjoy the runs the weather is getting better. 
2011-02-24 11:23 PM
in reply to: #3371760

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
oh yea,  I made it through another cross fit,  it still hurt.  Elaine nice job on getting with a new team.

2011-02-25 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3371760

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
handyhammer - 2011-02-25 12:22 AM Question - I have a sprint race in 6 weeks.  how far out do you guys start your speed work.  I have the distances down fine.  I am shooting for a 57:00 or better.  400 meter swim 12.1 bike with some hills, 2 mile run.

I've never studied any sprint plans, but I would think now. It sounds like you've got the base, so you don't need to up the durations of your workouts, but you've still got 5 weeks in which you can build, so I'd add a little more speed work in each of those weeks.

Elaine -- congrats! Do you get a bunch of free Odwalla juice? That would amazing! How's the taper and carb-loading going?
2011-02-25 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3372164

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
neweyes - 2011-02-25 10:19 AM
handyhammer - 2011-02-25 12:22 AM Question - I have a sprint race in 6 weeks.  how far out do you guys start your speed work.  I have the distances down fine.  I am shooting for a 57:00 or better.  400 meter swim 12.1 bike with some hills, 2 mile run.

I've never studied any sprint plans, but I would think now. It sounds like you've got the base, so you don't need to up the durations of your workouts, but you've still got 5 weeks in which you can build, so I'd add a little more speed work in each of those weeks.

Elaine -- congrats! Do you get a bunch of free Odwalla juice? That would amazing! How's the taper and carb-loading going?

Tapering WAY more than intended because I'm sick, but I'd rather lose some last minute mileage and try to recover than squeeze those miles in and feel like crap.
IT ALL STARTS TOMORROW!!! I'm nervous and excited. As long as I keep making forward progress, I should be able to finish all of the races before they close. I'm making my packing list right now!

I'll get some freebies and coupons.. I get an outfit to race in... and I will be promoting the product, handing out coupons and samples... it sounds like it should be fun  
2011-02-27 9:23 PM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Awesome to be back on a normal training week. Last week was a recovery, and I felt horrible the whole week. Everything felt like I was working out even harder than normal, but I really was almost lazy last week. I only did a couple of runs, and the rest was stretching and yoga. Started this week hard today. Everything felt strong and ready for another couple of hard weeks. I hope everyone is training hard and injury free. Keep up the good work guys.
Elaine, what a beast. You are racking up some amazing distances and times. It helps to motivate during those hard workouts, but it is still almost unimaginable to me.
K9, you are also putting in some impressive workouts. Keep it up, you will make your goals. It is showing in your log.
Handy, are you planning on working a normal crossfit into your routines?
Michael, Hows the new bike?
Have a great week everyone.
2011-02-28 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3374827

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
That's awesome. Brian, way to go on coloring February in solid pink on the calander -- nice work brother!

Elaine, I can't wait to hear how the big weekend went.

It's starting to get nice out here more often.... I'm scheduling more of my workouts for early afternoon so I can get out when it's warm. Yesterday went for a nice ride in shorts and a jersey.... what a wonderful feeling. The hills, not so much. But those will get better.

Keep up the good work all!
2011-02-28 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
I did it!

A race report is in on my blog, and in the Race Reports Forum here.

I finished every event in under a 10min/mile pace. I can still walk today! I also spent the weekend with two AMAZING triathletes (a close friend and her sister), and I picked up some training and nutrition tips. They love sweet food, and made fudge, replacing the regular butter with almond butter... and they used prune puree and avocado puree in cupcakes. I don't really bake, but I love to cook, and noted some of the good ideas. 

I just customized a plan to maintain my run and swim, and build my bike. I start next week. This week, I'm doing whatever I want!  

Edited by ratherbeswimming 2011-02-28 3:02 PM

2011-02-28 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3272379

Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Elaine---I'm glad you'd rather be swimming because I HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE  IT!!!!!!
I missed both swimming workouts last week. So was geared up for today. What a disaster! It seemed like Iwas starting over again. Endurance off, not smooth, etc. What is it about swimming for me? It seems that if Im not totally consistant I go backward. I think I'm gonna go home and celebrate with a big plate of nachos and a couple brews.

On a good note, my ankle, and calves are feeling really good. My shin splint only bothers me it I push on it and its only about an inch sized spot. And BTW YES, I did warm up on my last run and ran slower.

Michael---Really? Shorts? c'mon man your killing me. I still have 3 feet of snow. It did get up to about 20 today so that was nice. I am so ready to start running outside for good.

Way to go Elaine!!!!!

Brian---Nice commmitment for Feb.

Question------- Clipless pedals.........  Transition time for a newbie VS. time/energy/speed factor.  I averaged 20.6 on my A" race last year on my aluminum bike with regular pedals and only had about a 22 second transition. All things being equal, will I see a measurable improvement switching over based on this factor alone?
2011-02-28 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3376626

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Elaine,  congratuations on your event. 

K9-  in my opinion I think clipless is the way to go.  you can engage more muscle groups in your legs and not wear them out.  I have had to work on transitions but you can get them down pretty low.  I would like other input on this just to see what people think.  glad to hear you are healing up alright. 

Training idea.  I held a garage duathlon tonight.  had the other triathletes I know bring over thier trainers adn we set them up on the drive.  rode 15 miles and had a 2.5 mile trail laid out in the neighborhood.  had 6 people show up and we all had a good time. 

2011-03-01 8:19 AM
in reply to: #3272379

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Great job, Elaine! What a killer weekend. And sub-10 for the whole thing. I'm impressed. Plus you came home with super-awesome baking tips. I will have to try the almond butter fudge idea... sounds pretty amazing.

Terry, I just got my first set of clipless pedals, and I love them... I feel like I'm using the whole pedal stroke instead of "pushing down and pulling up." I did a few sprints biking in my running shoes, and it does make you very fast in T2, but I suspect you'd more than make up the time by being faster on the bike and having more left for the run. Plus it just makes cycling more fun, at least for me, which means training is more likely to happen and the whole thing is just more enjoyable.

BTW, Terry, I was just looking at your logs, and I clicked on "graph it" for your run zones. I don't mean to harp on this, but I think you're running waaaayyyyyy too fast. You've got a marathon in a few months... I'm not an expert, but I think something like 80-90% of your running should be aerobic (for me, that's sub-157ish). And I can't believe how much time you have above 187bpm.... is that an artifact of your HR monitor or is that real?

Dave -- great idea. I'll have to make some triathlon friends around here.
2011-03-01 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3272379

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Subject: RE: Neweyes' Intelligent Trisign Group -- full
Go clipless!!

Yeah, you'll have to practice transition a little more. There are tons of resources and videos for that. BUT you'll be a more efficient biker.  
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