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2008-06-16 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)


That's pretty doggone good given that's your third tri!  Big congratulations to you and we'll start busting your chops about doing more bricks!

2008-06-17 9:26 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Funny thing this morning, I was talking to my wife about my swim session this morning and she told me that she can see a change in me. She noticed that I have gone from a mindset of completing to a mindset of competing!!
2008-06-17 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1471278

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

jford2309 - 2008-06-17 10:26 AM Funny thing this morning, I was talking to my wife about my swim session this morning and she told me that she can see a change in me. She noticed that I have gone from a mindset of completing to a mindset of competing!!

That's awesome!

2008-06-18 1:16 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Can anyone tell me how to upload photo's into my album??

I've finally got some photo's of the kangaroo's for you

2008-06-19 5:04 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi all,

Just wanted to share a little something with you all.

This month I had my goal of running 5km under 28min and on Wed I did it in 27.15.  When I was sagging during the run my mind would shift to you guys and this helped me to keep up the pace. Whenever I felt like easing up a bit I thought about how it would feel to log that goal in my blog knowing you would come across it and be really happy for me.

I had a crap couple of weeks with being sick and then the kids being sick and it was really nice to see the little red number above the "inspire me" on my log with a few of you checking up on me.

It really means a lot to have you guys part of this journey so I just wanted to say "thanks".

Hope you are all fit and well and LOVING your training


2008-06-19 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1475991

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
I'm not the only sappy one!    I am glad we were able to help.  Too me, that is what this group is all about.  Glad to have you back to good health and look forward to reading about your progress!! 

2008-06-19 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Knew I would cop at least one sappy comment
2008-06-19 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hey! You guys are so awesome! You're all really an inspiration to get up and go.

 I know what ya mean about crappy training weeks. I'm having one right now  

It's either work,home or just being plain old tired lately. I'm really stressed out at work and I think that has a lot to do with it. I know that excercising helps, but I think it's making more tired than anything. I hope I get out of this funk soon!

 Although, all I have to do is look at your blogs/training logs and it helps me to snap out of it


2008-06-19 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
Nice job on the goal!!!!!!

Now repeat! I mean... repeat with 26min goal, then 25, then 24:30... and before you know it you'll have dropped 1min/km pace.

It's another crazy week, but I do intend to check up on this group.

The weather this weekend is acceptable, so you can look to me to post a few good workouts.

Oh, and one more thing:
I can't call you 'the So fresh so clean group' ... that would just sound crappy. So we need a team name. Obviously the objective is to have a name that sounds so cool that we take pride in it. But I'd also like to make it intriguing enough that everyone starts to ask, "what does xxxxxxx mean in your signature line??" So I leave it to you, because my creativity is not the best (all I can think of is 'team redundancy team'). By the way, the team name will replace this thread's title.

Until the weekend, keep it classy team xxxxxx.

Edited by So Fresh So Clean 2008-06-19 9:47 PM
2008-06-19 9:50 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi Toni,

I agree stress does have an impact and makes it harder to stay focused.

When I feel like ditching a session I just remind myself how much harder the event will be if I don't put in the hard yards beforehand and while it is uncomfortable to get my butt out the door in that moment my 2 hour and 15 minute half marathon comes back to haunt me and I know the only way I can avoid being out there for that long again is to do the work in the leadup.  Kinda like a loose/loose sitation where I go for the one that hurts the least

 Don't worry too much about your dodgy week; I find that 2 days into training I forget all about the week I lost. A couple of good, hard sessions seems to erase the feeling of falling behind. You will probably hit the track feeling fresher than ever

I hope things get back on track for you by next week.

2008-06-20 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

When I feel like ditching a workout, I just think about that 1 second that kept me from finishing 5 spots higher than I did.



Still burns my a**! (Can I say  on here or do I need to stick with a**?)


Guess not!  lol

Edited by jford2309 2008-06-20 2:35 PM

2008-06-20 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
yep - that'd do it.
2008-06-20 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

mmh:  Congrats on beating your time!  That's awesome.  Oh, and we all have our phases of the training blahs.  Had some of that this week myself.

2008-06-21 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Yesterday, I biked 13 miles!!!!!!  Undoubtedly the most ever in my entire life.  Not even halfway through I thought, "I can't do this," but I knew I had to.

My problem is not that I'm running out of breath (thanks, Yoga), but that my leg muscles get tired quickly.  Right before my mid-point, I hit a really good stride for some strange reason and the trip back was easier.  Last week it took me like 45 minutes to do 7 miles.  Yesterday, it took me 1 hour and 17 minutes to do almost double going the same route but further.

Today, I ran 2 miles!!!!!!!  I'd been doing about a 9:30 minute mile, but that was just when I was doing 1.  Adding on the extra mile added about a minute and-a-half to each mile, but, hey - I ran 2 miles!  I did have to walk a couple minutes of it because of stomach pains.

I'm definitely feeling more confident with my biking and running now.  My goal is to bike 2 more times (12 miles) with an immediate run (2 miles) afterwards (brick) before my tri Saturday.  I won't do any training Thursday or Friday.

I'll do an outer water swim once next week with my friend, but sadly that's going to be it before my tri Saturday.  I've studied a lot of the Total Immersion technique (reading the book and watching the video 5 times), so even though I haven't practiced, maybe some of it will come out.  Worse comes to worse, I can backstroke through some of it.

I will practice going through all of the transitions at once a couple times and watch that video again on BT's home page about them.

Terribly sorry for writing so long.  I'm just excited about the big day - 7 days from now!!

2008-06-21 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi Lora,

Well done on some awesome training! Really sounds as though things are coming together for you now. I am glad to hear you are feeling more confident about the event too.

Can't wait to hear how you go in 7 more sleeps  

Let us know how you are getting on during the week before your big day.

Hi gang, some of you wanted to know how my boot camp went so here tis..

Did my boot camp instructor training course yesterday. It was quite physically demanding but lots of fun. Didn't really learn anything I didn't already know drill wise but it was good to hear about how strict the council laws are with regards to training people in parks etc. The guys that ran the course were good, very fit. They are both full time army but not wanky like some of these guys can be, very professional and good at what they do, very concernced with safety and all that too.

We ran LOTS. I basically did 3 lots of speed training yesterday. We ran around the streets to the a park and then did indian file runs with sprints to the front  and lot's of the class was learning to move a large group of people from A-B so we ran and ran and ran as everyone had a go moving the group around.  We also did the standard 100's of push-ups and boot camp type drills.

The weather was absolutely freezing and the wind chill factor made it almost unbearable and as we were down on the wet grass we spent a lot of the day wet.

My back and hip held up well till about the last hour when my back started to spasm - all the stopping and getting cold and starting again did it I think along with how prolonged the sessions were. I was pretty happy though with how I went though as I had only had 2 hours sleep the night before and not much sleep the night before that.  I have pulled up really well today; no back pain and my hip is pretty good too. I was supposed to do a 30 minute run today but I made sure I did 30 minutes on  Friday in case I didn't feel like it today after the camp and with all the running yesterday I am sure that more than makes my 3 runs this week. I feel pretty good but fatigued so I am going to take today off and play it safe so I can hook back in tomorrow and get a full week in.

2008-06-21 9:04 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
So what about this team name??? Anyone??

2008-06-22 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Thanks for all your support guys and gals!!!


12m 40s 546.81 yards 02m 19s /100 yards

7:51 AM

43m 14s 14.00 miles 19.43 Mi/hr

8:06 AM

26m 25s 3.00 miles 08m 49s/Mi

8:50 AM

Wahoo!! Finished my first one and felt pretty darn good. Had some things I definitely need to work on, but overall I am very happy with this. Finished in 1:25:48...4:12 faster than my goal!! You can read my race report to find out all the juicy details. 137 of 366 overall and 7 of 20 in my age group! I am hooked and ready for more!!! Weighed myself when I got home...had lost 4lbs!

Race: Lake Pflugerville Triathlon
2008-06-22 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hi Tim,

Just ready your race report - excellent!! Well done, sounds like you did some good times.

Bad luck on getting caught like that in the swim, I guess this just gets better with more experience and knowing where to position yourself - now you know how fast you are out there you can set yourself up better. 

I think it is fantastic you beat your goal time by over 4 minutes - you must be feeling pretty pumped to get your first one out of the way and also to beat that goal time.

Have a wonderful day basking in the glory of your first tri

By the time our season starts you will have all done loads and be able to answer any questions I have which is prettycool.

 SFSG - a name....still thinking on that.

2008-06-22 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Studio City
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Hello Everyone! Thanks for all the inspires!

I got out this weekend did a 2 mile run/walk (pressed for time) and a mat pilates session on Sat and biked 14 miles today (Sunday). So, I'm feeling much better!

All of you sound like you've had a great week.

Tim, awesome job! You did fantastic!

Michelle, nice job on the boot camp. It sounded like fun!

Lora, way to go on the bike! Just keep truckin'   and in a few months from now you'll look back and think 14 miles will be an easy ride. You're doing fantastic. I hear ya on the leg muscles. Are you riding in a low or high gear (are you spinning to much)? Sometimes if you are pedaling at a high cadence your muscles tend to work too hard and get tired faster than they should.  

I have plans this week for more biking and swimming...i've got to start the swimming or I'm doomed in August. Ocean water swim - eek!

Have a good week!

2008-06-24 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)


I'll go over and read your report later, but I wanted to congratulate you on your time and on your placement.  For your first time, that's just totally awesome.  Way to go!

2008-06-24 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Sorry I am not more help with a team name. In college, our flag football name was "Team Apathy" because no one cared what our name was!


We won the whole thing by the way!!!  LOL

2008-06-25 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1481495

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Toni, definitely get in those swimmy swims.  If you start now, you'll be well prepared for August.  I say that as someone who's done nothing this year (except today) with regard to swimming and who would love to be in your shoes with a couple months to train.  Sigh....

Thanks for the advice and encouragement on biking.  It took me a few miles, but I did realize that my leg muscles hurt more with more rotations so I did lower (I mean make the pedals harder to turn) the gears and that helped.

Did my first OWS today.  You can read all about it on my new blog:  It's a little arrogant of me to use that title when I haven't even done a tri yet, but Saturday it'll be true.

Hmmm.  Team name, huh?  We could call the name of our team "Name."  That way, we would be called Team Name!  I do like Team Apathy, though.

(Edited to add on stuff about team name.)

Edited by lkagop 2008-06-25 8:18 PM
2008-06-28 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

Drum roll please....... ??????? I'm sure it went well... you were doing so well coming up to it.
Oh... and that cycling phenomenon.... your avg speed varies day to day (mostly in the unexpected way). Tdemayo's right... you really look back and laugh at what you thought was hard.

Nice weekend - let's hope for another.... maybe a swim?? Two months away is about time you need to start... sorry. I'm going all out this weekend, so we can compare notes.

I like the race report!! Very nice result and nice speed!!!!! Wow! Well, that's how OW swimming goes... it's crazy, and you ALWAYS swim slower. And that's how running/biking are... you ALWAYS go faster. And the bike leg must have felt good... 5 people passing? For me try 50! And that was one solid leg! By the way... I always find the investment of time into putting on socks is worthwhile.

So that is 3/6 for now... but I have to go for a run first, then the next 3/6. Cheers all.
2008-06-29 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)

OK, guys.  I haven't filled out my race report yet, which I will do tonight or tomorrow.  I did, however, blog about it and even make a video.  In lieu of reading my race report for now, please check it out.  I'm so excited about having done this, I'm bursting at the seams!!!!!

Thanks sooo much for your all's support!


Edited by lkagop 2008-06-30 8:40 AM
2008-06-29 9:43 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: So Fresh So Clean's Group - Closed (...ish, send me a pm)
I've now finished my race report.
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