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2008-12-19 11:31 AM
in reply to: #1863392

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2008-12-19 12:08 PM
chartierm22 - 2008-12-19 10:23 AM

...Greg (gtkelly)  I can't seem to get to your logs and I'm wondering if you two might need to change the setting to public instead of private ...

Yep, it was private. Not being antisocial on purpose!


Thanks now I can add you in.

2008-12-19 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Nm, I think I did something wrong cuz the log slows things up alot.  I will consult those with more knowledge than me and get back with you all.



Edited by chartierm22 2008-12-19 12:17 PM
2008-12-19 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Thanks for putting that log together Mel.  Now I just have to figure out how to put it into my log...


2008-12-19 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1863482

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
DeputyDawg - 2008-12-19 12:51 PM

Thanks for putting that log together Mel.  Now I just have to figure out how to put it into my log...


Welcome Dee but don't try it yet cuz I think I still have to get some bugs worked out yet.  see above post.  Will get back with ya when it's all ironed out, and tell you how to put it in your log.


Edited by chartierm22 2008-12-19 12:19 PM
2008-12-19 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

did an 18 min swim today.  and like others, i struggle w being able to breathe on both sides, it just not something that im used to doing....

so i just decided to use the workout to practice that strategy that Gordo you suggested and nothing else (i was in between workouts, so it was good time to insert something like this...)

i used the simple 'mantra'....

breathe left right left

breathe right left right

i wrote it down on a 3x5 card, put in a ziploc bag and sat it at the edge of the pool to remind me at the end of each 50 yds.

then when i was swimming, i actually said it 'out loud' in my head....

it was really awkward at first, a period of adaption, G., you aint kidding.

but about 1/2 way through the workout the breathing/movement i wasnt thinking as hard/as much about what i was doing ie it felt more natural

i had been struggling to get 'switch over', and what i was trying to do to make the switch wasnt working.

just those simple words and repeating them in my head was the ticket for me.

AND i did notice, once i got the movement down, that my swim was much less 'labored', i had plenty of air for each stroke, my stroke was much smoother

bottom line: i  could feel that i was much more 'efficient' in the water.

im sure that its going take more practice before its habit, but id say im off to a good start...

who knew something so simple, would make such a big difference?

looking forward to apply the new technique to a longer workout/swim. 

Gordo.  thanks for the tip. 

Edited by skrtrnr 2008-12-19 1:33 PM
2008-12-19 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


Swim -  

1h 03m 05s 2550.00 yards 02m 28s /100 yards

W/U 6 X75
2 X 200
1 X 100 mod
2 X 300
1 X 100 mod
2 X 400
1 X 100 mod


Question -  what are you thoughts on diet soda?  Specifically the effects of carbonation on the body.

NOTE:  Today's swim was a challenge for me.  Using "Swim Workouts in a Binder". 

Love your quote about "every time I get hungy, I gain a pound"  - makes a lot of sense, steady fuel throughout the day. 

2008-12-19 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1863687

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
I actually had a really hard time trynig the three stroke emthod and flailed around a bit trying to force it.  What I did is go to a 2 stroke (always breathing left) and slow my pace down for a few laps and get a solid rythym.  Then would try to maintain that same slow place and go to the three stroke...the transition was a bit easier.
2008-12-19 1:47 PM
in reply to: #1863703

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
easier than my typing
2008-12-19 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Thanks so much for taking me on Gordo!  I haven't felt this motivated to train in a long time...

My workout today was on the treadmill (it's a snow day here in the Great White North)...Did easy 5 min walk as w/u, then 15 min at 1 min run (4.0 mph)/1 min walk (3.5 mph), followed by 15 min walk at 3.8-4.0 mph...And I made sure to stretch ...My HR during the run portion the first few segments stayed in the low 130's...With each run segment, however, it crept up to the point that my last min running it maxed out at 151...The walk segments ranged from 113 - 124...Overall average was 132...Based on the fact that my HR went way above what it should have been (moderately hard based on age=137), what should I do?  Should I slow my run pace down even more from the start, or slow it down further into the run as my HR starts going up?  Also, while I was doing the walking afterwards I was able to maintain my run pace with a much lower HR.  Why is that?

What are your thoughts on cardio first thing in the am to promote weight loss?  What about cardio on an empty stomach for the same thing?

2008-12-19 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1863436

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New York
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


 I made the change in the control panel so I think you can access my log now???  Thanks

Doug G 


Edited by DGubner 2008-12-19 2:20 PM
2008-12-19 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1863817

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
DGubner - 2008-12-19 3:14 PM


 I made the change in the control panel so I think you can access my log now???  Thanks

Doug G 


Yes indeed, thanks so much, now if I could just get it all put together right we'll be golden.


Edited by chartierm22 2008-12-19 2:23 PM

2008-12-19 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Ok Guys I think we have a winner here.  All you have to do is hit the quote button to this post then copy the table, go to your goals page and paste it in.  If you click on the title it will take you to Gordo's log incase you need to PM him.

BBDope - Brian
Beafly - Doug
broonsy - Phil
Cardholic - Diane
chartierm22 - Mel
DancerMAXS - Mailia
DeputyDawg - Dee
DGubner - Doug
gtkelly - Greg
jenni4 - Jenn
junthank - Jeff
k-read23 - Kris
kaiserman19 - Scott
mh37909 - Matt
movingsouth - Cynthia
otter sh - Steve
Pashda - Dave
ptripp - Peter
skrtrnr - Stacie
Writebrained - John

2008-12-19 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1863940

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
chartierm22 - 2008-12-19 3:06 PM

Ok Guys I think we have a winner here.  All you have to do is hit the quote button to this post then copy the table, go to your goals page and paste it in.  If you click on the title it will take you to Gordo's log incase you need to PM him.

BBDope - Brian
Beafly - Doug
broonsy - Phil
Cardholic - Diane
chartierm22 - Mel
DancerMAXS - Mailia
DeputyDawg - Dee
DGubner - Doug
gtkelly - Greg
jenni4 - Jenn
junthank - Jeff
k-read23 - Kris
kaiserman19 - Scott
mh37909 - Matt
movingsouth - Cynthia
otter sh - Steve
Pashda - Dave
ptripp - Peter
skrtrnr - Stacie
Writebrained - John

Got it.  Thanks for doing that.


2008-12-19 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Thanks for the table
2008-12-19 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1863940

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
chartierm22 - 2008-12-19 3:06 PM

Ok Guys I think we have a winner here.  All you have to do is hit the quote button to this post then copy the table, go to your goals page and paste it in.  If you click on the title it will take you to Gordo's log incase you need to PM him.

BBDope - Brian
Beafly - Doug
broonsy - Phil
Cardholic - Diane
chartierm22 - Mel
DancerMAXS - Mailia
DeputyDawg - Dee
DGubner - Doug
gtkelly - Greg
jenni4 - Jenn
junthank - Jeff
k-read23 - Kris
kaiserman19 - Scott
mh37909 - Matt
movingsouth - Cynthia
otter sh - Steve
Pashda - Dave
ptripp - Peter
skrtrnr - Stacie
Writebrained - John

Awesome!  Nice job on this....

2008-12-19 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Thanks guys.

Hey John, I was reading your tread and also had a similar question about working out the swimming muscles but not in the pool.  I'm wondering if anyone knows, if you can't get to the pool could you use bands and lay on a bench and mimick your swimming motions to work on form and strengthen muscles or would that be a bad idea?

2008-12-19 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

So what is everyone planning on racing this summer?

I'm trying to decide if I could do a sprint in the beggining and mid of summer and then an oly at the end of summer.  Would that be too much to soon?  Should I just stick with 2-3 sprints?  My Hubby thinks I'm crazy, he thinks that I should only do one race and that if I do more I'll get hurt.  I'm trying to get him to understand that if I train right I should be able to do 2-3 no problem.  He is planning on doing a sprint at the end of summer himself, he's getting over a knee injury right now and in about 2-3 weeks will get docs ok to start running slowly again.  This would/will be his first tri also.

2008-12-19 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Thanks for the log - it works GREAT!

I have about 4 tri's that I want to do - I figured 2 sprint & 2 olympic + I have a Half Marathon in June.. this is my Tentative race schedule for 2009 so far:

2/7 lvtc 5k
2/21 Mardi Gras Masquerade 10k
3/28 Showdown at Sundown - Sprint Tri
4/18 Rage in the Sage - TnT (In Memory of Marilyn Britt) - Olympic Tri
5/9 Iron Girl - Sprint Tri
6/27 RnR Seattle - Half
9/27 LV - Olympic Tri
12/? RnR LV - Half

I love racing

2008-12-19 10:33 PM
in reply to: #1864039

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Alright Diane, between you and Gordo I'll get organized about 2009...

March 7, Stanford Treeathon, 500mOWS-20km-5km
   *if* I can plan some OWS practice and borrow wetsuit

After that the races should be
   April 18, Emeryville World's shortest tri,100yd-2.5mi-1.2mi  (my first tri ever, last year!)
   April 25, Moraga Treeline Tri,
   June 8, SanJose muddy-buddy, 10km bike/run (dang, conflicts with a offroad sprint tri!)
   June 20, Pton Tri-4-fun, 400yd-11mi-5km
   July 18, Pton Tri-4-fun, 400yd-11mi-5km
   August 15, Pton Tri-4-fun, 400yd-11mi-5km
   Sept 26, SeeJaneTri, 400yd-11mi-5km
   early Oct, ScottTinley SLO offroad tri, .25mi-12mi-3mi

Hmm, if I do all that there's no time for a few neighborly 5Ks or trail runs. You've got me dreaming...and searching for other races to mix it up.  The four "400yd-11mi-5km" races are all the same route which could be nice to track improvement - or boring!  Oh, shoot, the June or July ones may find us on vacation since DH has a shutdown, time to find a destination tri?!

Now, go for a run or clean house for the holiday brunch here Sunday?


2008-12-19 10:47 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

My planned races are:

05/03 OSU Triathlon 400s 20k bike 5k run

05/09-10 TOSRV bike ride 205 cross state bike ride

Late August - The Great Ohioan Triathlon 400s 20k bike 5k run



Edited by kaiserman19 2008-12-19 10:48 PM
2008-12-20 6:10 AM
in reply to: #1863940

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
chartierm22 - 2008-12-19 4:06 PM

Ok Guys I think we have a winner here.  All you have to do is hit the quote button to this post then copy the table, go to your goals page and paste it in.  If you click on the title it will take you to Gordo's log incase you need to PM him.

BBDope - Brian
Beafly - Doug
broonsy - Phil
Cardholic - Diane
chartierm22 - Mel
DancerMAXS - Mailia
DeputyDawg - Dee
DGubner - Doug
gtkelly - Greg
jenni4 - Jenn
junthank - Jeff
k-read23 - Kris
kaiserman19 - Scott
mh37909 - Matt
movingsouth - Cynthia
otter sh - Steve
Pashda - Dave
ptripp - Peter
skrtrnr - Stacie
Writebrained - John

Awesome job on this Mel- I inserted and it works well.  Thanks for taking the time to do it.

2008-12-20 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1862927

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
kaiserman19 - 2008-12-19 6:52 AM

Good morning Gordo,

For the last 2 months I have doing a slow constant speed for bike and run (really its walking) for 60 minutes each.  I am noticing that its becoming easier and easier.  What do you recommend for changing it up a bit and make it  more challenging? The swim, I am using a pyramid for my work out. (wm 100, set 25,50,75,100,75, 50, 25) That pretty much wipes me out.  I also 2x's a week circuit train with hammer strengths machines for 2x12 for each exercise.  

Right now I work out M, T, Th, F for 90 minutes and Sat for longer.

My first ever tri is May 3rd (400 swim, 20k bike, 5k run)

 That all sounds good to me.  Ideas for mixing it up...

 Combinations -- instead of 60 bike or run... try something like... 15 min of run/bike/run/bike -- or 20 min run/20 min bike/20 min run.

 Long day -- for your long day -- try a mini-tri -- cut that swim in half then bike 30 and run 15 off the bike.

 What is your steady effort run and bike in terms of HRM?  With that I can offer ideas on variation in effort.


2008-12-20 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1856890

Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Hey Gordo any suggestions on nutrition? I am training quite a bit but I cant seem to loose my love handles.... Any suggestions?
2008-12-20 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1863044

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2008-12-19 7:51 AM

Morning Gordo,

On Jan 1st registration starts for a couple of TRI series here in NC. One of them is actually a development series run by a small chain of triathlon specific stores. I'm trying to pick some events for next year to do. Does these events seem too ambitious for a newbie? (Races fill up fast, so I need to sign up for all of them the first week of January).

No time, place goals other than to finish healthy, strong, and with a smile on my face. This is supposed to be fun, right?

I'd probably set up the plan to do a 12 week program for the April 4 race, another 10-12 week program for the August Oly, and yet another build up for the October Oly. Or not. Not exactly sure what the best way to approach this is. Bought the triathletes training bible and starting reading through the planning section a couple weeks ago, but more confused by a lot of it than anything.

April 4, Development Series Sprint - Valdese NC, 250m Pool Swim, 9mi bike, 5k

May 10, Sprint - White Lake NC, 750m lake swim, 14 mile bike, 5k

June 13 - Development Series Sprint - Enka\Biltmore NC - 750m lake swim, 17,5 mile bike, 3 mile run

August 1 - Development Series Olympic - Lake Logan NC - 1500 meter swim, 40 km bike, 10k run

September 19 - Development Series Sprint - Cane Creek NC - 750 meter swim, 14 mile bike, 5k run

October 10 - Olympic - Pinehurst NC, 1.5k swim, 30 mile bike, 10k run.


 This looks reasonable to me and you should be able to make that progression -- the key thing for you (menatally) will be building to confidence in training that you'll be able to swim the 1500 comfortably.

How many races did you do this year?  The 4 develop series races -- in themselves would make a nice progression across the year.


2008-12-20 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1863201

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
DGubner - 2008-12-19 8:57 AM

Gordo here the log info from my run last night.  I was a bit pressed for time so I warmed up by walking for 4 minutes, then did a run/walk 6:1 for total of 18 minutes running and cool down of 3 minutes.   I noticed after each running set my heart rate would drop to about 115bpm and then in the next running set would quickly go higher than the previous set (see below). I tried to slow the speed down on the treadmill, which help a little but my HR was still higher than the Steady Rate of 137 I was trying to achieve.

 WU: 4minutes walking
MS: 6min Run x 1min Walk (3x)
CD: 3 min Walking
Total 28 mins
HR during first run between 135- 138 (5.5 speed)
HR during second run between 140 - 146 (had to reduce speed to 5.3)
HR during final run period 146 -150 (had to slow down even more 5.0)
 Question 1: Does this mean the 6:1 run/walk ratio is to much and that I should try a 5:1 or even 4:1 ratio?
 Question 2: Is there an approx range for the  Easy, Steady and Mod-Hard zones?  example. Steady should not exceed +/-5 bpm ?
Doug G



Good stuff here!  

When you get a chance, repeat the workout with a 10 min warm-up and start at 4.8.  Quote this whole reply for us to review the two rounds of info together.

I prefer +/- 2bpm but you don't want to be chasing the HR up/down the entire time.  We'll figure it out together.

 Off to do a very cold 10K running race this morning -- back later!


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