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2009-01-12 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1902699

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I'd just like to add that drafting is legal and a good advantage on the swim, but will get you disqualified on the bike....

2009-01-12 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I have never had the chance to try drafting while swimming but I did draft off my husband on a couple of rides this past fall. I could not believe the difference it made. I can see why it is illegal on the bike. I want to try it on the swim. Does anyone have a wet-suit yet? I got a beautiful Zoot Zenith for Christmas. I can't wait to try it out. I swam once in a wet suit last summer and it's true, they really help you stay on top of the water.
2009-01-12 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1903051

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I have a Blue Seventy, and I love it. Even if it's hot out I wear it in open water because I feel so much more bouyant. Someone told me it makes you faster, but I have yet to experience that advantage. Drafting in the swim is great if you can hook onto someone about your own speed because then they'll pull you, just like on the bike. Problem is though, in a race everyone's arms and legs are everywhere and you risk getting hit! I am concentrating so hard on trying to get the swim done that I can't try and think about drafting. I know strong experienced swimmers who use it in races and it works well for them.
2009-01-12 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I'm sure I'll be concentrating so hard to finish the swim drafting won't be an issue for me either. I'm doing a very beginner friendly sprint. The swim is 400m but, it still intimidates me. Lori where in Ontario are you? The Sprint I am doing in May is  very beginner friendly with time starts for the swim if you choose. There is a big Michigan BT turn out with a tent and lots of support. I believe this is the 3rd year for this event. It is held near Lansing, it's the Hawk Island Sprint.
2009-01-13 4:54 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
I don't know if I'll use drafting at my first race (probably not cause I'll be at the back scared that I'll get hit) but we practice it anyway in the pool. At least I'll know how to do it if I want to

My left shoulder hurt. I hope it goes away before my swim on Thursday... It hurts when I lift up my arm to the side. I went to the chiropractor last night and she worked on it, maybe that's why it hurts so much this morning. Sometimes I have to wait 24 hours after an appointment to feel better.

Today I'm not training because I have a sewing lesson tonight.
2009-01-13 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi everyone,

Yesterday was crazy so I never got on the computer.  Sounds like everyone is really training!

Terry: Congrats on the Biatlon!  Way to go!  I can imagine that swimming after running is a whole different feeling.  Never heard of that before. Open water swimming is also a whole different animal.  I am the master at the "open water panic attack".  I've had to work really hard at feeling somewhat comfortable in open water and that just meant logging the time in open water.  I also took part in an open  water swim clinic one morning.  One thing I've learned is that it helps me to make a conscious effort to go slowly at the beginning.  It is so easy to get caught up in the start of the race and go out way to fast, then you loose your breath, and the panic sets in.  I actually say things to myself like go slow, nice and easy.  I also have this fear (irrational in lakes) of what could be underneath me.  In Lake Michigan that's usually only the occasional old tire or shopping cart. (Although we did have a drowning two summers ago and they did not recover the body for several days.... very freaky).  I've never done any actual swimming in the ocean.  DOn't know if I could get past the, " there are things that could eat me in here" aspect of it.

I have a Blue Seventy wet suit.  It took some getting used the constricting feeling.  A helpful hint someone gave me on that is to go into the water and  pull on the neck to allow some water to get in.  You are more bouyant in a wetsuit so it will automatically help reduce some drag.  I've never tried drafting in the water.  I usually try to stay AWAY from the kicking feet and thrashing arms.  I guess it's a matter of becoming increasingly comfortable in the water.

Patricia.. giving up sugar....more power to you. I try to stay away from sweets, but alas, I have very little will power when it comes to that.

Tiffany,  Yep, gotta love the winter.  12 inches of snow this past weekend.  More yesterday and more to come tomorrow with sub zero temperatures.  The fun just keeps on going.  I don't mind the snow, but when it gets so cold you can't enjoy it.

Keep up the good work ladies!


Edited by suzimmer 2009-01-13 12:02 PM

2009-01-13 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Had a really great day today! Got to the gym to try a Strength Endurance Training class-SET-(like a step class with weights!). Thought the class was at 8:30, but it was at 9:30, so I went swimming to kill some time. Just took it easy because I still wanted to take the class. Swam 600 yds total including 50 warm up and 50 side stroke (25 ea side). Finished up at 9am, showered & had a protein cookie, then went to SET class at 9:30

Really liked this instructor- very helpful, and very concerned about everyone's form for all exercises. I really enjoyed the weights in conjunction with step. Felt more like a workout, and definitely more all-over body workout. Glad I opted for 2.5 dumbells for most activities- it was really hard! Tried to estimate how many sets of everything we did for the training log, but it seemed like we did a million reps of each thing! Some exercises I had to either sit out the last set, or only do 1/2 the reps in the last set.

I probably won't be able to lift my arms or walk tomorrow, but it feels great today! Stopped at REI on the way home to treat myself and found out they're having their January 50% off sale, so I got a cycling jersey for $16!!! A great work-out AND great shopping, who could ask for more?!

Remind me about this day when I'm a lump on the couch and complaining about how pathetic I am...

2009-01-13 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Good job today Jennifer. I need to start some weight training again. It's been a while.
2009-01-13 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1903619

Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Hi Karen- I am in Niagara, close to Niagara Falls. I have done a time trial swim and it was great. That will be a good first tri as you don't have to worry about the crazy mass start. May? You're hardy. What body of water are you swimming in?
2009-01-13 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1905500

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

paytash - 2009-01-13 5:29 PM Hi Karen- I am in Niagara, close to Niagara Falls. I have done a time trial swim and it was great. That will be a good first tri as you don't have to worry about the crazy mass start. May? You're hardy. What body of water are you swimming in?
It's an old rock query. I hear it's a bit cool and kind of deep. It will still be warmer than the swim in my Sept Tri, Lake Huron, that lake is always cold.


Niagara Falls, how nice. We were there in 2001. I was so impressed with the Falls.

2009-01-14 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

So, what's the deal with gu? I mean, I know what it is- and I know there are all different sorts of things out there that do the same thing- blocks, bars, jelly beans, etc. When do you need it? Training? Or just events?

I saw the whole assortment of things that are available, and am wondering if one type is better than the other- better suited to a particular type of activity or something? Also, I've been on a low carb diet for so long, I don't even know if I can get myself to ingest that many carbs and that much sugar at once. I was pre-diabetic before I lost weight, had diabetes with all of my pregnancies, family history of diabetes, etc, so I'm REALLY careful about sugar, and I can't help but think about the crash I would have if I ate that much sugar at once. But obviously if there's something I need to do, I should do it. I think I'm just missing some key information here. Anyone able to fill me in?

2009-01-15 4:45 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Good morning

-25C here this morning (-13F) and it going go get colder during the day : max -27C (-17F). In Puerto Plata it's going to go up to 27C (80F). 'sigh'

So running outside is out of the question so coach send us a bike workout instead for last night. So I did 30 minutes on the trainer. I bought a cadence thingny for my bike and it's exactly what I needed. The sensor for cadence is working great but I can't get the sensor for speed and distance going. Hubby will check it out for me later and try to get it to work.

While I was at the bike shop, I tried on shoes. They did not have a large selection because it's not biking season here right now but I can get a good pair of tri shoes for under 150$. He didn't have my size (they were on special too ) They'll get them end of February, beginning of March which is when I was planning to buy my bike anyway so I'll wait to get everything at the same time.

Tonight is swimming... I hope the water is warm.....

Have a great day!!

Edited by mekira 2009-01-15 4:46 AM
2009-01-15 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Wow, -13 you beat me.  It was -7 this morning.

So, Patricia, do you know what bike  you will be getting?

Jennifer, The GU thing:  your body needs carbohydrates to burn for fuel. So, obviously, the longer and more intensely you train, the more carbs your body needs to have readily accessible.  GU, gels, blocks, beans all provide that in a compact, easy to eat and easy to digest form.  An energy bar will not digest  quickly enough to give you the fuel you need right away.  In longer distance races you might eat one on the bike which might help you later.  But during the run  many people find it hard to eat solid food (I'm one of them) so these other supplements are available.  Also, some of these have electrolytes in them which are also essential as you loose them as you sweat.  It is important to always follow eating a Gu, gel etc with water.  It helps the absorption and lessens any potential stomach issues.

Right now, at the distances you are at, you probably don't need supplements during your workouts other than water or sports drinks for the electrolytes.  It is important however to eat well the day before and after and you might want to consider adding some carbs to your diet especially as your distances and exertion levels go up.  As far as he diabetes aspect.  I would definately talk to your doctor about that.  I would not want to give you information that could be potentially harmful to you.  Maybe they aren't right for you, I don't know.

Hope everyone is doing well. Right now I'm extremely jealous of you California and Hawaii people.  


2009-01-15 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1909902

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
suzimmer - 2009-01-15 1:26 PM

Right now I'm extremely jealous of you California and Hawaii people.  

Me too!!!

Edited by mekira 2009-01-15 3:43 PM
2009-01-15 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

I have to admit, my definition of "bad weather for training" pales in comparison to those of you who are battling negative temperatures! Surprised We had a really cold coldsnap a couple weeks ago- temperatures in the 20's, freezing rain, etc. And I think that's cold, so I can't imagine!!

It's been in the high 60s this week, which is definitely nice, and I wish it would last! Just remember that our nice weather in the winter also means that our summer temperatures will exceed 100 degrees. Last summer, we had 100+ degree weather for 17 consecutive days- that's not fun for training either! Oh, and then it makes the smog is bad and they tell you not to go outside. We peaked at 114 degrees for a few days, with nighttime (midnight!) temperatures in the high 90s for weeks....which explains why I signed up for a June 6 triathlon...

Hang in there, ladies! I feel for ya!

2009-01-16 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Well, we hit 17 below early this morning, actual air temp. So, here I sit at home, as school has been canceled.  I'm actually not happy about that.  In our Early Childhood Program, the kids attend Mon- Thurs and Fridays are for assessments and meetings.  We had a full day scheduled that will not have to be rescheduled. When I have no idea, because all out Friday's are booked for the next few weeks.  Plus,  these days will have to be made up in June.  Oh Well.  What can you do. Since it's so cold out looks like a great day to catch up on the laundry and house cleaning, two of my most favorite activities (yeah right).

  I may go to the club later to get a swim in.  I missed the first swim workout with the tri club and so I need to get some times.  Have any of you done  "swim golf"?  That's where you swim a timed fifty and also count your strokes.  You add the two together and that's your golf score.  The point is to, over time try and lower that score by learning how to swim faster but with less strokes - more efficiently.  There are some great articles on BT about swim stroke, drills etc.

Happy Friday everyone!


2009-01-18 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
woohoo heat wave!!! -13C (9F) here this morning (with a wind chill of -21 though)

I guess I'll be doing my long run outside today. My partner is in Mexico so I have to brave this cold weather by myself. I hope the roads are ok. The sun is coming out right now so it might be ok.

Have you ever had to convince yourself to go run? What motivates you to get it done? (I'm not just talking about the weather but in general). I'm dreading the 70 minute run. I'm trying to convince myself to do it tomorrow but I know it would be counter productive to push it one day ahead and my mind would still try to convince me to not do it. (and Monday is my day off)

Yesterday's workout was hard (1 hour swimming, 1h15mins spinning). It's going to be hard to get my legs to loosen up today for my run. I'm going to have to take it easy.

It's been quiet around here.... what are you all doing?

2009-01-18 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Patricia,

     I'm still here. Just doing what you wre talking about, talking myself into getting out there this a.m. and running by myself. My running partner(hubby) got unexpected overtime today which is 24 hours, he is a firefighter, so he will not be home until tomorrow. We had a run planned for today. I am going to do a 3-4 mile run. I was happy to see it was 23F when I got up, it's going to feel warm compared to the sub-zero temps we have had. My training plan for my 10K starts today. My husband and I are doing the Forest City run in London Ont on May 10. Have a nice run and let us know how you did.



2009-01-18 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1863127

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Montreal, Quebec
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed
Well I did it. I went out in the snow (it was snowing a lot on my way back). It's wasn't too cold although the wind was harsh when I was running in it but thankfully it was blowing more on the side for the major part of my run. (I had my scraf around my head cause at one point I couldn't feel my right cheek) I don't know what I was afraid of because it went really well. I ran 1:09:56 for 8.8k. I'm not very fast but I can run for over an hour without too much pain which is a big improvement for me

I had a gel and water at 40 minutes into the run. I'm not sure if it helps or not. I'm trying out stuff. I know that my stomach likes the gels better than bars but I'm not sure if taking a gel in the middle of a 70 minute run helps me keep my energy up. Probably and it will probably make a difference when I run my half marathon.

Did you go Karen?
2009-01-18 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Patricia, I made it out also. I ran 5K and it felt great to be outside. I have been on the treadmill my last 2 runs so I was happy to put on my sun glasses and run. I am not very fast either but I didn't have to walk at all so I am happy with that. Good job on your run. You are really building your endurance nicely. Keep it up and when Spring comes you'll be able to fly out there without all the winter clothing and snow and ice to get in your way.


Gels work better for me also, they don't bother my stomach when I run.


Enjoy the rest of your day

Edited by twohearted 2009-01-18 12:35 PM
2009-01-18 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Patricia and Karen, you both get gold stars and my admiration for getting our there in the cold and running.  I'm a complete cold weather running wimp.  It was the treadmill for me today. (and it was a balmy 15 degrees this morning)  And yes, there have been many a day that I've had to completely psych myself up to  I usually play little mind games with myself.  I'll tell myself, well, you'll go slower, or only do part, just to get me going.  Once I start I usually end up doing what was scheduled.  I also try to remember how good I feel when I'm done and how guilty I'll feel if I blow it off.    I've seen people at the pool just sitting at the edge with their feet dangling in the water for over 10 minutes.  You just know the inner turmoil that's going on in their head.  I have to, but I don't want to.  At the same time it can be difficult to determine if you are just not motivated or is your body telling you it needs a rest. 

How's everybody's training going? We've got Terry's biathlon coming up in Feb.  Terry, what's the exact date?


 PS  Anybody try the swim golf? (my previous post) Try it. Then you can compare your score from now with one from a couple months.  And remember, it's only comparing you with yourself and trying to improve your own score.  Let me know what you think.


Edited by suzimmer 2009-01-18 1:07 PM

2009-01-18 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi again,

Suzi- I haven't tried the swim golf yet, but I really like the idea. Each time your hand goes into the water, that's a stroke, right? So I'm counting right and left hands as each a separate stroke. Right?

 I'm probably not making any sense. I just got back from my walk/jog. I am to the point where I can job 5 min, walk 5 min, which is a HUGE improvement for me. I started off at 3 minutes, then if I was feeling okay, I'd just go further. I found out a couple things about me and the treadmill. One- I'm always watching the clock. Two- there's not as much of an incentive for me. If at all possible, I'm going to try to keep running outside. Instead of really timing things, I'll say "I just need to run to the stop sign," then when I look at the clock, it's been 5 minutes jogging instead of 2 or 3. That seems to work better for me. OH, and 3- I stomp more. I have a tendancy to do that anyways, but it's worse on the treadmill for some reason.

Now I'm icing my shins. Just in case.

I gotta' hand it to you girls in the cold weather. I don't know that I'd even want to get out of bed! However, I don't have a running partner- or any other kind of exercise partner. Everything is on my own, which does make it hard to get out there and keep going sometimes. I just keep trying to picture myself getting across the finish line, and picturing what my body will look like by the time I'm done!

2009-01-18 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Hi Jennifer, nice run today. I do the same thing you do. I say I am going to run to the next car, stop sign etc. and then keep going further. Susie's mind games work also when you are having a hard time getting motivated. When I am not very motivated I will tell myself that I will just do a short run/bike swim and once I get going I almost always feel better and go further.


Keep up the good work, your training log looks good


2009-01-18 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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New user
Northern California
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Thanks! I'm new to keeping a training log, and I REALLY like it! I can see progress. I like the running totals of mileage, etc. too.

Just thought I'd share something I came across completely by accident that works really well. Because of my history with shin splints, I ice my shins when I get back from running/walking. Well, I found the BEST thing for that. It's a blue ice "sheet" that looks like a strip of miniature otter pops. There are 36 little "pouches" on the sheet. I can lay it across my legs, and it's flexible & doesn't make a mess, and then I just toss it back in the freezer for next time. Very handy!

Hope you all had a great weekend. Tomorrow is my son's 14th birthday party. I'll probably have to disappear into my exercise room to ride my bike just to maintain my sanity!

2009-01-18 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1863127

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: Susie's Tri Girls - Closed

Your right Jennifer. For swim golf you count each hand entering the water as a stroke.  And I'm glad to hear you like using the training log.  It show's how you've really been consistent about training - that's great! Just wait until you get to the point where the time graph changes because you're doing more than can be shown on the previous graph. It's fun!  I'm also glad to hear you are being proactive about preventing the shin splints.  It's so easy to just forget the icing and stretching when you are feeling fine, but it will come back to haunt you.  I have had IT band issues in the past.  I use a foam roller every day even though I currently do not have any problems, because once it starts, it is very difficult to get rid of except to stop running for awhile.

Day off of school tomorrow, Martin Luther King Day.  And also a rest day....YAHOO.  My legs are extremely sore right now, tough weekend.  A day to rest them is much needed.

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