BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-04-14 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
No run last night.  My husband was not feeling well, so I ended up making dinner, cleaning, and working on QuickBooks last night. Tonight, though, I will do my scheduled "long" run of 24 minutes.

Note to self: Training for a triathlon and starting a small business at the same time (while keeping my day job) may not have been the best idea...not regretting it, though.

2009-04-14 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2082472

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
myoun - 2009-04-14 12:22 AM

7/26/09: NJ State Sprint Tri - THIS IS MY BIG RACE - I've convinced 5 friends (all newbies) to race too!

Maybe another Sprint Tri in August or September?  I wanted to do an all-women's event but was closed out of Danskin.

Hi Mary Sue,
I'm doing the NJ State Sprint as well!

Too bad about Danskin, I was thinking about that one too, I didn't realize it was closed already.
2009-04-14 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2077194

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
trigrrltri - 2009-04-10 6:03 PM Denise -

I spent two years in Bemidji, MN and I see you are doing your Triathlon there.  What small town are you in? If you are at all close to Bemidji I would suggest you check out the BSU pool and Indoor Track. While I was there it was a lifesaver through winter. What a great facility.

Keep warm and spring will come.


I live in Pine River, MN.  It's a little over an hour south of Bemidji so not convenient for training.  I swim at the Brainerd YMCA which is about a half hour south of Pine River.

I ran a 5k in Bemidji a couple of years ago.  It was in January - it's really hard to run when you're all bundled up and there's snow and ice on the route.

Good luck with your traing and thanks for the suggestion,
2009-04-14 12:37 PM
in reply to: #2082765

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
XcaliburGirl - 2009-04-14 8:51 AM
myoun - 2009-04-14 12:22 AM

7/26/09: NJ State Sprint Tri - THIS IS MY BIG RACE - I've convinced 5 friends (all newbies) to race too!

Maybe another Sprint Tri in August or September?  I wanted to do an all-women's event but was closed out of Danskin.

Hi Mary Sue,
I'm doing the NJ State Sprint as well!

Too bad about Danskin, I was thinking about that one too, I didn't realize it was closed already.

Are you both in NJ?  I am too, for now.  The NJ State tri is very close to my house, but we are moving to NY this summer so I couldn't commit to that one.  If it works out that I am still in NJ that weekend I will definitely be there to watch, so we'll have to plan a mentor group meet-up!
2009-04-14 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2082453

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
sleeping_butterflies - 2009-04-13 10:55 PM ..... That blister on the back of my ankle/heel really got to me. I tried taping and bandaids, but they just rubbed off three strides later..... what a great excuse to quit, BUT I didn't. I finished it off. So, what are the hints to covering up the blister so that I'm not hurting so much by tomorrow or Wednesday??? ....

Hi! Haven't finished reading through the notes, but I have a suggestion - Band-Aid makes something called "Advanced Healing Blister Ampoules"  I have used these in the past and they are great at staying - but I haven't tried using them on a run...but you are supposed to have it on for a few days and I've yet to have problems with it coming it off early.  I'm sure if you get your skin nice and clean and dry - it'd be good.

Hope this helps!

Edited by lkc01234 2009-04-14 12:51 PM
2009-04-14 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Hey all!
I did my short run for the week (25min.) yesturday although I had planned on doing the long one. I've been having this pain behind my achillies tendon that started bothering me (I think it is the tibialis posterior), so I figured saving the long one for fri. might be a better idea. Plus the couple glasses of wine for Easter may have caught up with me ;0) I hope the sun will come out so I can run outside, looks like rain here for most of the week, boo.

Swimming with the masters tonight! I've missed the last two practices, so I NEED to get in the pool, I have a zones meet comming up in two weeks!!!

I hope my bike trainer gets here today, I haven't been having much luck with weather for biking either...

2009-04-14 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2083785

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
freeflykami - 2009-04-14 1:17 PM Hey all!
I did my short run for the week (25min.) yesturday although I had planned on doing the long one. I've been having this pain behind my achillies tendon that started bothering me (I think it is the tibialis posterior), so I figured saving the long one for fri. might be a better idea. Plus the couple glasses of wine for Easter may have caught up with me ;0) I hope the sun will come out so I can run outside, looks like rain here for most of the week, boo.

Swimming with the masters tonight! I've missed the last two practices, so I NEED to get in the pool, I have a zones meet comming up in two weeks!!!

I hope my bike trainer gets here today, I haven't been having much luck with weather for biking either...

Kind of new to swimming, what is a "zones meet"?
2009-04-14 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)

Well I hadn't been on in a few days...and went through the rest of the posts.  (Work?!!?  What's that?!?!  Tongue out)

 A little personal history - I've been struggling with depression for years (8 years???), and finally "broke down" and was in treatment full-time for 2 weeks.  Getting meds balanced and am now having energy and motivation.  I have really learned alot about living with a mental illness and how not easy it is!  Maybe a bit too much information - but it has been a huge obstacle! For months I was going to work, coming home and sleeping...waking up and doing it again. 

So I decided last week that I'm going to do a triathlon in August.  So far I've done good at working out, and have been enjoying the sore-ness coming with working out.   Right now it sounds like the perfect hobby.  Don't have to spend too much money right now to start training Smile  Plus I know exercise is good for any and everyone!  And I feel like a sprint triathlon won't be pushing my body too much - - I personally think there is no reason why anyone should run a marathon - but...who knows what tune I'll be singing in the future!

But I feel like I'm so much further behind then a lot of the women!! I rode my bike to take it to the repair shop last week (about 1.5 miles), and I was fine - but my butt hurt!  I need to get a pair of padded shorts!  I was so proud of myself because I jogged for 10 minutes straight yesterday...but swimming is ok.  I have no idea about my speed, but I know I can swim for awhile...going back from freestyle to breast when I get tired - but still moving...

I of course am struggling with weight issues...I was so lucky in that I have "atypical" depression which means I want to sleep a lot and another symptom is that I want to eat a lot...I lost about 20 pounds last year in 6 months - combination of medication, diet and exercise, but I'm back up about 10 pounds...still at 187 and 5'3" - I will not blow over in a strong wind!

Anyway...I should pay attention to work - ugh!  I look forward to getting to know everyone! 


2009-04-14 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)

Is there an easy way to make everyone in the group a friend on my training log?  Or do I just have to copy and paste all the names?

2009-04-14 3:43 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Hey ladies!  It's been a busy couple of days for me at work (I know, job security, but it still isn't fun).  I did 3 miles on the TM last night and got up early this morning for a 750m swim before work.  I've got a 29 min bike ride on the training plan for tonight that I was hoping to do outside (I need major help on riding outside), but the weather is not cooperating so it looks like I'll be on the stationary at the gym again.  I really wish that spring would stay here - we keep getting 1 or 2 nice days and then the temps drop again - I'm a little tired of itFrown.  I just hope that by the time my tri comes around in less than 3 weeks (Surprised), the weather stabilizes a little.  I don't mind if it rains a little as long as it's not cold that day. 

Gotta go - I want to try to make it for part of my DD's soccer game - it'll be a little chilly out there but at least it's not raining today like it was last week. 

Never mind - just got a text that the game was cancelled.  I guess the field is too wet for them to play on.  Guess I'll head home instead instead and spend some time with the DH until I go to the gymWink
Have a good evening ladies!
2009-04-14 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2082472

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
myoun - 2009-04-14 12:22 AM

Hi Lora -
Don't know if you are getting full, but hope there is room for one more!


myoun/Mary Sue

I am 36 years old and decided I wanted to "tri" something new.  A very close friend completed her first tri in 2007, and I couldn't get her inspiring race report out of my head.  I was a team athlete in HS (field hockey and lacrosse) and grew up swimming at the beach, but I don't have a specific competitive background in any of the sports.  Also figured it would be a good way to lose some lbs. after having 2 kids.  Started walking, then walk/run intervals in summer 2008, then started swim classes at the Y in fall 2008.  Started on Weight Watchers in Jan. and have lost about 25 lbs since I started watching the diet and eating better.

Swim:  comfortable now with my swim stroke and with the sprint distance in the pool.  Been swimming in a masters' class twice a week since the fall.  I need to get some open water swimming in, but since I grew up swimming at the beach, I don't have a fear of open water.

Bike:  newest at this - haven't ridden a bike consistently since HS.  Just bought my first road bike and am getting used to the shifters and clipless pedals.  Still have to improve a lot here!

Run:  Fairly comfortable with walk/run intervals (usually do 2W/5R or so), but just can't get over the mental hurdle to run the whole time.  I have noticed that the running has gotten a little easier as the weight is dropping, so hopefully that will continue.  I'm SLOOOW - like 12 min/mi slow.




Family Status

Married 13 years with 2 daughters (ages 5 and 1 1/2), and 2 dogs

Current Training

I train 5-6 days a week.  More during the week than on the weekend, since kids are home and it's harder to get out the door.  I was following the Michael Pate 22 week Couch to Sprint plan (I'm on week 7), but I think I may switch to a 2X balanced plan.  Generally doing each sport 2X each week, with maybe 1-2 days as double workout or brick days.

Last Year’s Races

11/08: Ashenfelter 8K run




This Year’s Races

4/26/09: West Deptford Riverwinds Sprint - RELAY.  I'm doing the swim and the bike, my sister is running.
5/17/09: Tour de Montclair (bike)
Probably a few other 5K or bike tours in June.

7/26/09: NJ State Sprint Tri - THIS IS MY BIG RACE - I've convinced 5 friends (all newbies) to race too!

Maybe another Sprint Tri in August or September?  I wanted to do an all-women's event but was closed out of Danskin.

Weight Loss

Current stats are 5'6" and about 220, but I have already lost about 25 lbs. on WW.  Would like to be under 200 by the NJ Sprint, but I will still definitely be an Athena.

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee
I follow directions well and ask lots of questions!

Welcome, Mary Sue, and congrats on losing those 25 lbs.!  I'm glad to hear you've been doing Masters swimming.  No wonder you feel comfortable with a Sprint distance already!

I just got clipless pedals and shoes (with my brand new road bike - yay!) and it can take a while to adjust to the shifters and they say to practice clipping in and out either on grass or in a tight hallway.

Glad to hear the running's getting easier.  The more you run in general, the easier it gets, too.

Please:  Ask away!

Again, welcome aboard!

2009-04-14 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Western Massachussetts
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)

hey ladies,

It seems like a few of us have some aches and pains.  My back and hip flexor muscles are still bothering me, but I was able to get a run in last night.  I stayed in on the treadmill for less impact.  I also ran at an incline which helped my back out and burned more calories (whoohoo)! I walked the first .5mi then ran for 2.5 mi and walked the last .5mi.  I felt O.K. afterward, but am a little sore in my hip still today.  I will be leaving for Florida soon to run on the beach, can't wait for some warm weather, and a pool to practice in. 

2009-04-14 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2082529

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - OPEN
maggiewvu - 2009-04-14 1:32 AM

Hope I'm not too late!


maggie wvu / maggie (Graduated from West Virginia University in 2003)


I am 26 years old and am looking for a challenge.  I've been sporadic over the last few years with working out and losing weight and am thinking that having a goal to work towards would keep me a little more accountable.  My boyfriend did a triathlon last year and I thought he was crazy and that I could never do it.  I mostly didn't like the idea of what I've learned is called an "open swim" (I think) - swimming in the river or ocean.  I've found a women's only sprint tri with swimming in an indoor pool and am liking the sounds of it!  My boyfriend had never done a triathlon and had only ever run and I'm in the same position, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Swim:  no swimming experience.  I have a friend that is a strong swimmer and used to be an instructor.  She agreed to help me and we were supposed to meet last Tuesday, but she blew me off for American Idol.  We've rescheduled for this Thursday.  I wish I could find something a little more reliable. 

Bike:  no real experience here either, other than recreational use and some regular spinning classes at the gym, but that's been a few months now.  I used to go to spinning at least twice a week religiously, but that was probably 6 months ago.  I just bought a used road bike from craigs list last weekend.  It needs some work, but I plan on getting on it asap.  I'm really scared of going fast an wrecking on the bike as I saw some of my boyfriends friends take some pretty serious tumbles last year.  Guess I'll just have to give it a little time and get myself comfortable, take it slow at first...

Run:  Well before this past Saturday, I would have said that I felt pretty good about the run part.  However, this Saturday I ran a 5k race and was dissapointed with my time (36 minutes) and threw up on the other side of the finish line.  I was up to about 5 miles at a time pretty regularly, then I got sick and didn't run for 3 weeks.  This week was my first week back and I got in about 12 miles including the 5k on saturday.  I've been running on the treadmill and this 5k was the first time outside in a long time. 


Family Status

Live with my boyfriend (together about 6 years) and we have 2 dogs - a golden retriever and a bernese mountain dog.


Current Training

I try to work out 5 times a week.  Usually running with some occasional kickboxing classes when I can make it.  I also lift 3 times a week.  Will start in the pool this week and on the bike as soon as I can get it ready to ride.


Last Year’s Races

5/08 - Northeastern Dollars for scholars 5k - 39:35
8/08 - Run for the Red 5k - 46:06 

This Year’s Races
2/16/09 - Saginaw 5k - 36:54
4/11/09 - Fun Sun Run 5k - 36:12
4/25/09 - Race Against Racism 5k
5/30/09 - Northeaster Dollars for scholars 5k
6/28/09 - YWCA Lady's Sprint Triathlon
9/6/09 - Rock and Roll half marathon VA beach

The one's in red are the big one's!  Is this sprint triathlon too soon given that I haven't been on the bike or in a pool yet?  I just found out about it and this is the only one I know of that is in the pool.  

 Weight Loss
Current stats are 5'2" and about 195, and am doing WW.  

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee
I follow directions well and ask lots of questions!

Maggie!  I recognize your pic from GOTRIbal!  I'm over there, too, though my avatar is currently my black Great Dane!  We've actually got about four women from GOTRIBal in this group.  That's super cool!

OK.  So, WVU...I love WVU - even though I'm a Marshall grad.    I grew up going to the football games with my dad and my brother and his wife graduated from there (mid nineties), so I'm one of the few Marshall people who celebrate the success of both schools.  Someday, someday I tell you, we'll win a football game, though. 

Ah, yes.  The open water swim.  It is to be respected, but with practice, you can learn to be comfortable with it.  However, that's cool that your first experience will be with an indoor pool.

American Idol blow-off?  That bites.  However, since she is volunteering, I guess you can't be too choosy.

That's great you got a good deal on a used road bike.  Definitely start out easing your way into it.  Ride on the streets on your neighborhood until you feel comfortable hitting the main road.

That's great that you crossed the finish line in your race, though I know how disappointing it can feel to come-in under your goal.  Sorry to hear that you threw-up, though.

I do think you've got time in between now and the end of June.  Just get out there on that bike immediately and get in the pool immediately.  If you find that your friend isn't as available as your training schedule allows, check out the Total Immersion: Freestyle Made Easy DVD from your local library.  In fact, I'd recommend that in addition to.

Again, welcome aboard, Maggie!
2009-04-14 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2082751

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
XcaliburGirl - 2009-04-14 8:45 AM No run last night.  My husband was not feeling well, so I ended up making dinner, cleaning, and working on QuickBooks last night. Tonight, though, I will do my scheduled "long" run of 24 minutes.

Note to self: Training for a triathlon and starting a small business at the same time (while keeping my day job) may not have been the best idea...not regretting it, though.

24 minutes was once pretty much everyone's long run at some point.  You go!

All these committments will only make the finish line even sweeter.
2009-04-14 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2083785

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
freeflykami - 2009-04-14 2:17 PM Hey all!
I did my short run for the week (25min.) yesturday although I had planned on doing the long one. I've been having this pain behind my achillies tendon that started bothering me (I think it is the tibialis posterior), so I figured saving the long one for fri. might be a better idea. Plus the couple glasses of wine for Easter may have caught up with me ;0) I hope the sun will come out so I can run outside, looks like rain here for most of the week, boo.

Swimming with the masters tonight! I've missed the last two practices, so I NEED to get in the pool, I have a zones meet comming up in two weeks!!!

I hope my bike trainer gets here today, I haven't been having much luck with weather for biking either...

Way to listen to your body.  Have fun at Masters tonight!
2009-04-14 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2083997

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
lkc01234 - 2009-04-14 3:27 PM

Well I hadn't been on in a few days...and went through the rest of the posts.  (Work?!!?  What's that?!?!  Tongue out)

 A little personal history - I've been struggling with depression for years (8 years???), and finally "broke down" and was in treatment full-time for 2 weeks.  Getting meds balanced and am now having energy and motivation.  I have really learned alot about living with a mental illness and how not easy it is!  Maybe a bit too much information - but it has been a huge obstacle! For months I was going to work, coming home and sleeping...waking up and doing it again. 

So I decided last week that I'm going to do a triathlon in August.  So far I've done good at working out, and have been enjoying the sore-ness coming with working out.   Right now it sounds like the perfect hobby.  Don't have to spend too much money right now to start training Smile  Plus I know exercise is good for any and everyone!  And I feel like a sprint triathlon won't be pushing my body too much - - I personally think there is no reason why anyone should run a marathon - but...who knows what tune I'll be singing in the future!

But I feel like I'm so much further behind then a lot of the women!! I rode my bike to take it to the repair shop last week (about 1.5 miles), and I was fine - but my butt hurt!  I need to get a pair of padded shorts!  I was so proud of myself because I jogged for 10 minutes straight yesterday...but swimming is ok.  I have no idea about my speed, but I know I can swim for awhile...going back from freestyle to breast when I get tired - but still moving...

I of course am struggling with weight issues...I was so lucky in that I have "atypical" depression which means I want to sleep a lot and another symptom is that I want to eat a lot...I lost about 20 pounds last year in 6 months - combination of medication, diet and exercise, but I'm back up about 10 pounds...still at 187 and 5'3" - I will not blow over in a strong wind!

Anyway...I should pay attention to work - ugh!  I look forward to getting to know everyone! 


Lisa, I appreciate your honesty about depression.  It underpins every behavior and is nothing of which to be ashamed.  To me, it should be no different than talking about other medical problems.  (I used to work for a medical psychologist.  Not a psychologist myself, for the record).

I'm glad to hear that looking forward to a Sprint has given you some renewal.  You can do triathlon on the cheap, with a little resourcefulness.  One thing not to skimp on is a good pair of running shoes, though.  Running with shoes that don't fit is a disaster waiting to happen.

Expect a little discomfort on the bike, but definitely get you a good pair of shorts.  That will help.  Also, getting a women's saddle can help should the problem persist.  It could also be how your bike is set-up or fit.  Tweaking it can help, too.

Don't look at where others are but where you are.  That's what's great about triathlons:  It's all about you, your race, your times, your goals.  Jogging for 10 minutes straight is HUGE, especially just starting out.  I couldn't run 1/8 mile without wanting to die when I started!


As far as I know, yeah, the only way to get people into your Friend's list is to cut and paste.  With BT's upgraded features, they may have created a magic button for that, but I doubt it.

2009-04-14 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2084255

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
soccermom15 - 2009-04-14 4:43 PM Hey ladies!  It's been a busy couple of days for me at work (I know, job security, but it still isn't fun).  I did 3 miles on the TM last night and got up early this morning for a 750m swim before work.  I've got a 29 min bike ride on the training plan for tonight that I was hoping to do outside (I need major help on riding outside), but the weather is not cooperating so it looks like I'll be on the stationary at the gym again.  I really wish that spring would stay here - we keep getting 1 or 2 nice days and then the temps drop again - I'm a little tired of itFrown.  I just hope that by the time my tri comes around in less than 3 weeks (Surprised), the weather stabilizes a little.  I don't mind if it rains a little as long as it's not cold that day. 

Gotta go - I want to try to make it for part of my DD's soccer game - it'll be a little chilly out there but at least it's not raining today like it was last week. 

Never mind - just got a text that the game was cancelled.  I guess the field is too wet for them to play on.  Guess I'll head home instead instead and spend some time with the DH until I go to the gymWink
Have a good evening ladies!

Janet, your weather sounds like mine.  Completely bleh!  Make up your mind already, Mother Nature!  Great workout last night and today!  Have fun at the gym tonight!
2009-04-14 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2084369

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
sahebb - 2009-04-14 5:14 PM

hey ladies,

It seems like a few of us have some aches and pains.  My back and hip flexor muscles are still bothering me, but I was able to get a run in last night.  I stayed in on the treadmill for less impact.  I also ran at an incline which helped my back out and burned more calories (whoohoo)! I walked the first .5mi then ran for 2.5 mi and walked the last .5mi.  I felt O.K. afterward, but am a little sore in my hip still today.  I will be leaving for Florida soon to run on the beach, can't wait for some warm weather, and a pool to practice in. 

Okay.  You were getting a little sympathy out of me until you mentioned heading to Florida soon. 

Great work on the treadmill last night, though I'm sorry to hear the hip pain's still there.  If you're doing any stretching [which you should be (tsk, tsk, )] try this one.  Stand in front of a sturdy table or large chair, just so that you can grab onto it with your hands.  Rest one foot's ankle over the other leg's knee.  Then gently lower yourself, kind of like a squat.  You should feel this all throughout the outside of your leg that's rested on the knee.  This is a very fulfilling stretch.
2009-04-14 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Okay.  So, I gave this tip yesterday about how to reply to an Inspire in someone else's Training Log.  Well, as you know, BT has been making some changes to the site, both cosmetically and to its functionality.

One of the things they've changed just today was with regard to replying to Inspires.  So, just hit the "Reply" button for your reply to show-up in a Friend's Training Log.  Sorry about any confusion.
2009-04-14 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Now that our group has been officially established, I'm working on a table of everyone's usernames and real names for us to reference.  Stay tuned.
2009-04-14 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Me again!  Sorry to be hoggin' the boards.  Here is the final list of all of our members.  I'm just missing Fantom's real name.  Also, please let me know if I've misspelled your name.  Once I get this finalized, I'll post here again.  Thanks, everyone.

Lora's 2009 Mentor Grouplkc01234 - Lisa
blujay65 - Jenmaggiewvu - Maggie
bluwatersoul - Meganmekira - Patricia
Cha Cha - Cherylmelsc1 - Melissa
chardnett - Candacemyoun - Mary Sue
charliegirl0824 - Terrisahebb - Stacy
custer - Pamserendipity - Debbie
fantom8588sleeping_butterflies - Shannon
freeflykami - Kamisoccermom15 - Janet
JeannieMc - Jeannietrigrrltri - Theresa
LadyNorth - DeniseXcaliburGirl - Alicia

2009-04-14 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)

My real name is Sue.

2009-04-14 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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New user
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Lora - my sister went to Marshall!  We like to give each other a hard time with the rivalry.  I'm a huge football fan, but she could care less.  I'm going to the blue and gold spring game this Saturday and am so excited.  My boyfriend and I are meeting my dad there.

Sounds like everyone is getting their training in.  Great job!  I had a busy day today.  I was in SC and NC since last Thursday visiting family.  Mom in NC and sister in Myrtle Beach, SC.  Had a 7 hour drive home today.  Got back in town at about 3.  Dropped the used bike that I got off craigs list off at the bike shop for a safety tune up, to get caged pedals, and a water bottle holder - should be ready by Tuesday.  Then I went to the gym and ran 4 miles on the treadmill and lifted legs.  I'm having trouble with the training log, but will have to mess around with it when it's not so late.  I'm too tired and don't have patience now.  I also ran errands, did laundry and cleaned.  Just sat down and am exhausted.  I'm not ready to go back to work tomorrow, I've been off since last Wednesday...o-well.

Planning a shorter 2 mile run tomorrow and lifting back and biceps.  I guess I could throw in some time on a stationary bike.  I see that some one else used the stationary bike today...don't know why I was thinking that I had to wait until I got my bike back from the shop!?

Lora - hope you had a good time with your old friend today.  I'm hoping to see a friend from HS in a few weeks when I go to San Fran for business.  I travel about 60% of the time for work, which makes getting my work out in hard, not to mention all the eating out!

2009-04-15 7:16 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Mornin' Ladies!

I had a good speed workout on at the track last night. I hate the track, not very fond of speed work, BUT it does wonders for your endurance and general pacing. And I will admit I like the way I feel afterwords. Did a bout 8X400 alternating fast and slow and several laps of just 12K race pace, that means 'slow'! It was cool amazingly, so it was nice. In general I am not a fast runner.
2009-04-15 7:20 AM
in reply to: #2068936

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Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED (PM Me, Though)
Today I am going for a brick, I think... I have a biathlon, 5K run and 10 mile ride, on Saturday. The weather looks like it will storm later this week, and in order to get the proper rest in I will probably do my miles today. Do light stuff on Thursday and Friday.

What is everyone else up to?
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