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2009-04-22 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jenny - Sorry to hear about the bad day. hope today is going much better for you.

Thanks for all the responses. I have recently aquired a portable bike pump, tire irons and under the seat bag. I just haven't attached any yet. I don't want to permanantly attach anything to my bike. I think i'm going to look for a velcro alternative. in the meantime i'll just continue to ride w/ my phone and hope nothing happens.

do you all wear gloves? Are they primarily just in case you crash to protect your hands from road rash? Also in regards to transitions, i have clipless shoes, the kind w/ the plastic brackety thing attatched to the bottom of my shoe. Do you normally put your shoes on at the rack and run in them to the mounting area? If not what do you do? I don't particularly want to run in my shoes. Besides tearing up my cleat, they are rather slippery even on pavement. Last year i put them on at the rack but then had to walk to the mounting area. Doesn't seem like the fastest option. I've heard of people leaving their shoes attatched to the pedals and just sliding them on when they hop on their bike. has anyone done this? I also have cycling shoes so they are rather strappy, not the handy one velcro strap of tri shoes. Any thoughts?

I think in regards to the wetsuits i will try to stick to shallower ponds and lakes so they should be warm enough to swim w/out a wetsuit. I've thought about renting but I would need to practice in one before racing in one. Things around my neck tend to freak me out, so its deffinately something i would need to get used to.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

2009-04-22 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2102581

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I wear gloves when I bike- I have a pair that are open at the ends of the fingers. I like having the extra padding between my hands and the handle bars, mainly since I would always get really sore from the pressure there.
I also have the clipless shoes, and this weekend will be my first race with them. I'm a little nervous about that too, and since I haven't practiced with the shoes still attached to the pedals, I think I may stick to clipping in once I'm out of transition. I also have cycling shoes and not the tri-shoes, so I would be interested in finding out what other people do.
Today is a little better than yesterday- I slept in and I am hoping to get a quick workout in after work tonight. I also have an indoor soccer game tonight which is always a great stress relief for me.
Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday!
2009-04-22 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2102581

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
usnamich - 2009-04-22 8:48 AM I think i'm going to look for a velcro alternative. MORE QUESTIONS do you all wear gloves? Are they primarily just in case you crash to protect your hands from road rash? Also in regards to transitions, Do you normally put your shoes on at the rack and run in them to the mounting area?

I have a velcro mounted tool bag and it's fine.  I'll try to remember to check brand and size.  I think I got what was considered "medium."

I don't wear gloves.  I *think* they have three main purposes, yes, protect from road rash, minimize road vibration transfer up your arms, and snot rag (not that we delicate ladies would ever need such ;-) )

I don't use bike shoes but seem to recall seeing a video or article about setting up your shoes on the pedals so you could have a flying mount and strap shoes and GO!  Certainly I've seen folk running in their biking shoes too.  Either way practice, practice, practice.  The main tri-series near me has the transition area on grass with the bike mount area just off the sidewalk so there's no real distance to "run" on cement.  You might check into the transition areas to see what you'll have to run on.
I had a good workout this AM...hopefully the rest of the day will go well too!  What's for lunch?  hungry!
2009-04-22 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed

Hi Ladies!  How is everyone doing?  I promised Jackie that I would stop by and pester, annoy, check on all of you while she is away.  She and I are real life friends and have been swimming buddies for about 5 years. 

Anyway, how are all of you doing?  It looks like some of you have had a tough few days.  Others enjoy making snot rags out of bike gloves.  (Hey, gotta learn to make snot rockets! Keeps the equipment cleaner! 

You guys have any questions?  I did lead a mentor group a year ago for whatever thats worth.  

How's everyone's week going?


2009-04-22 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hey everyone,

I hope today is going better for all of you! I had a rough night - our 2 year old woke up at 2:30 am crying and that took about 30 minutes to calm down. So needless to say, when my alarm went off at 5 am for spin class, I promptly ignored it and completely enjoyed the next 2 hours sleeping.
I jumped on my bike trainer (just got off it actually) and did a 1 hour ride while watching part of Fool's Gold - cute movie, kinda corny.
Tonight I am going to finally get to the gym and swim.

To answer a few questions:
1. When I go for an outdoor ride, I take a spare tube, CO2 cartridge, my small tool kit, some cash, my road id, and a cell phone. We have lots of people biking around out here, and most of them are more than willing to stop and help if another biker has mechanical issues.
2. Yes on the bike gloves. I think they give me better grip on the bike since my hands like to sweat alot when I ride.
3. Shoes- I have shoes that clip into my bike. They are actually mountain bike shoes that I use for both my bikes, so I can run and walk in them without slipping around. I don't think I would try putting my shoes onto the bike and then getting my feet into the shoes while they are attached- sounds like a recipe for disaster (at least for me!). I have seen some people do it, though, so let me know if you try it.

What is on the agenda for everyone tomorrow?
I am meeting a group at 5:30 am for a 1-hour trail run.
Maybe some yoga in the afternoon if I can get the scrapbooks done for the Grandmas (Mother's Day gifts which I have not even started yet!)

I will be gone this weekend - we are going camping Friday night and should be back
Sunday afternoon. Our boys (ages 8 and almost 3) both want to try do some rock climbing. We have a kid's full body harness, so it looks like I'll be belaying so my husband can set up some climbs for the kids. I have not climbed in a couple of years, so wish me luck if I decide to actually climb myself.

2009-04-22 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2103548

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Rob-Thanks for checking in with us!That is very nice of you.

Dee-I hope you're son is okay. Any idea why he woke up?

The weekend you have planned sounds fantastic! Enjoy it!  Where are you camping? My 6 yo has done rock climbing in PE, and she loves it.

I still have to get a work out in today. I'm scheduled to do a 42  minute run, with a long bike tomorrow. I might flip them and do the bike today, since it will be dark out when I get to work out tonight.

2009-04-22 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi Rob!  For the record - I find that snot rockets are pretty difficult to master.  And disastrous if they go the wrong direction.  ; )

Adding to the shoe/T1 conversation:  I only own running shoes, and the same bike I used to go back and forth to high school.  Is that OK for now?  And I really don't understand 'clips'... would some one mind explaining?  Sorry to be the one with all the "no, duh" questions.  Heidi - thanks for the info about the mats.  That's really cool.

Dee - have a wonderful time camping/climbing.  I've actually done quite a bit of climbing - my little sister got me into it the summer she submitted Mr. Rainier.   Where are you going?  Best of luck if you climb, and stay safe either way! 

I had a bit of a difficult day - there was a test this morning, and a big pset and a project due.  I'm a music composition minor, and the project was the first part of the piece I'm currently working on.  As soon as I had (more or less) satisfied myself with a draft, I had to show it to my professor, who immediately told me that the vast majority of the piece was problematic.  Super frustrating.  I had a good workout though, which always helps. 

Hope everyone's doing well!  Any one else racing this weekend?
2009-04-22 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2103755

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Clip pedals refer to pedals that have a toe cage on them- the straps that keep the foot attached to the pedal. Most bikes come with these already, although both my mountain bike and my old bike had normal pedals. You can get the clipless pedals which work with cycling shoes that have cleats on the bottom where you can "clip" the cleats on the bottom of the shoes to the pedals. It improves your pedal stroke and power on the bike. I got a pair of pedals and shoes at an expo for a great deal, so I decided to invest in them.
That's not a "duh" question- I had the same one last year! I didn't even know what a toe cage was until right before my first triathlon last year.

I'm got a soccer game tonight which will be my workout tonight- I'm actually looking forward to it- it's a great speed workout!

Diana- Sorry to hear about your day- I was there yesterday! You're just about done though, right? Hang in there. I work at a university and I am counting down the days till summer.

I have another triathlon this weekend. I usually don't do back to back races, but this is the first sprint of the season here in WI, and a lot of people from my triathlon team are doing this race. The one last weekend was part of a series of three races that I had signed up for. That is partly why I am taking it easy this week in regards to training- trying to stay on task but also recover and gear up to race again Sunday.

Does anyone else have a race this weekend?
2009-04-23 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Interesting... thanks.  So, when you say... they attach your feet to the pedals?  But only if you have special shoes?  How do you get off your bike?

Let's all have great days today!
2009-04-23 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee - have fun camping this weekend! I love rock climbing! I hope you all get to try it stay safe

Diana - sorry to hear about the project. Don't worry about it too much. It sounds like you still have time to work on it and get things right. In regards to the clipless pedals, you do clip in to special pedals and must be wearing special shoes as well. in order to get your foot detatched from your pedals you generally need to rotate your foot. In the case of mine i need to rotate my heals outward until the cleat on the bottom of my shoe unclips from the pedal. I would suggest googling clipless pedals if you want to see pictures or more info on them. They do help w/ efficiency but they also take some getting used to. I still have a hard time unclipping at times and fall over.

Jen- good luck at your race this weekend!!

On the plate for today is a run and a swim. For the weekend my friend is coming to visit whom i haven't seen in a year and final grading of reports for the class i teach. One week from today and I am done w/ school Yippee!

have a wonderful day ladies!

2009-04-23 8:53 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good morning everyone
For some strange reason, I have a ton of energy today. I woke up at 5:00 am (actually more like 4:30 am) and ran with my group at 5:30. Really nice for Colorado in April - 40s and blue skies.
Maybe I can get those scrapbooks done today along with some yard work.

My bike shoes clip into my bike, so when I start riding, I clip in my shoes.
When I want to stop, I twist my foot sideways and they come right off.
I had no idea how to do that when I first got them last year. I spent about one hour riding up and down this little section of trail by my house getting used to the shoes. It was quite funny to watch I am sure.

I finally figured out why our son woke up in the middle of the night. He has lost his little flashlight that he sleeps with and it freaked him out when he woke up and could not find it. Same thing happens if he loses his blanket, so I keep real close tabs on that one!

We are climbing at a place called Cactus Cliffs outside of Canon City, Colorado. We'll probably just set up some top ropes 10-12 feet off the ground and let the boys go wild. I am the designated belayer so my husband can climb up and help the boys if they need help.

Good luck racing this weekend!

2009-04-23 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2104895

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Dee Cooper - 2009-04-23 6:53 AM Good morning everyone For some strange reason, I have a ton of energy today.

Dee- Take your cheerfulness away!  :P
I've had a grumpy grumpy morning.  Figured I'd stick to the plan and come to the gym to run in hopes that the endorphins might help.  Nay, post workout (granted, cut short, done slowly) I'm still grumpy.  Time to pick up the kids and head to my folks house - maybe they can cheer me up!  At least they will entertain the kids, or the kids them...
I'll be back when I'm more cheerful...
2009-04-23 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Di-Sorry that your paper has some snags. Good luck with it.

Cynthia-I hope your day improves. It seems like we're all taking it in turns to have lousy days

I'm getting ready to hop on the trainer for a while. I snuck out of work early (shh..don't tell them) to have some time.

I didn't get to work out last night. the kids were cranky and had a tough time falling asleep. By 9, they were quiet, but I felt like the peace was tenuous. So I opted to crash early. It was the first good night of sleep I've had since last Weds night.

This weekend is supposed to be beautiful here! I can't wait to get on my bike outside!!
2009-04-23 11:06 PM
in reply to: #2105939

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
I am also excited to get outside on the bike! It's supposed to be 78 degree here tomorrow. I went to a bike maintenance clinic tonight at a local bike shop for women. It was free, and I needed to go there anyways to get my bike computer sorted out. The clinic was super helpful and to top it off I won a gel saddle in the raffle. The whole thing was free, and I feel much better about the race this weekend knowing what to in case of a flat. And I have a new bike computer, so I will be able to track my speed and cadence!
I can't wait to get out on the bike tomorrow....
Have a great night everyone!
2009-04-24 5:42 AM
in reply to: #2107131

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jenny- Congrats on winning the gel seat!

You might have told us this already, but what are the distances for this race?
2009-04-24 6:59 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good morning! What does every one have planned for the day?

For me: it's work, a 42 minute run and maybe some time outside on the bike. The bike isn't scheduled, but it's supposed to be gorgeous here, so I just might have to do it

And, it's getting the kids outside from the time we get home this evening, until the time they go to bed. Shouldn't be too hard to do!

Oh yeah, and Indian food, on the porch, for dinner!!

Every one have a great day

2009-04-24 8:18 AM
in reply to: #2107302

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Sounds like everyone is slated for some beautiful weather today. I have to work all day but will get outside for the afternoon practices. I am taking my bike to work so I can sneak out for a ride in between.

My race this weekend is a 500yd pool swim, 13 mile bike, and a 3.1 mile run. Both the bike and run are outdoors and as of now, it's supposed to be 63 degrees, so I really hope that stays!

2009-04-24 4:48 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
The weather here is perfect as well!  Absolutely gorgeous.  I biked indoors today... I'm going to have to rectify this whole "I don't have a bike in MA" problem... and lifted weights.  I'm feeling great, and am super excited about my race tomorrow.  Looks like the wind is only going to be 13mph, too! 

So.... here we go again... what does your bike computer do?  Congrats on winning the seat - and good luck on your race, Jenny!!!

I'm going out to dinner in Harvard Square tonight.  Hope everyone had a great day and enjoyed the weather! 

2009-04-24 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2108810

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good luck tomorrow! I am getting ready now to head out for a ride. The bike computer tells me my speed and cadence and how far I'm gone on my rides- I track my speed and cadence for my training (cadence is the rpm or how many revolutions of the pedal per minute) so I can vary my intensity for different workouts. It also helps me stay on pace during races so I don't go out too hard on the bike.
Well I'm off to ride!
2009-04-24 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
The grouch monster has mostly left... I think I mostly needed SLeeeeeeep.  DH allowed me an extra bit this morning and I had a lazy morning after he left, and a lazy afternoon.  I'll try to hit the hay early tonight and then, maybe, be all reset.

I had my DD rock climbing at 18 months.  We'll go Mem.Day weekend for our annual climbing trip... this is year 13 getting together with friends to climb that weekend.  Some folks have come and gone, but I've hit it all 13 years!  It's harder to climb these days with two little ones, we need to find more local climbing families to trade belays and kid watching.

I met my trainign goals for the week, but might sneak an extra bike ride or run this weekend -- outdoors!  we'll see how the weekend plays out.  We're watching two extra kids on Sunday in exchnge for our free day last weekend so getting away then is likely not in the cards.

race, train, play well!
2009-04-25 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Good luck today Jennie!!

Cynthia- I'm glad you got needed sleep!

2009-04-26 6:25 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed

Good morning ladies! I'm heading out to ride my bike to the Y for a swim!! What does every one else have going for the day?

Jenny- I know it's beautiful out,and no one wants to be at the computer...but how was your race?

2009-04-26 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2077527

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Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Jenny - I'd love to hear how you did as well.

It's ridiculously hot here - around 80 degrees and gorgeous.  Unfortunately, I've been inside working all morning, and probably will be here for the rest of the afternoon as well.  Planning on a long run once it cools down... if it cools down!

The 5k yesterday wasn't the greatest.  I ran a 25:50, and I know I can go significantly faster than that.  It was in the middle of the day, and I was badly dehydrated... the kind where you're shivering instead of sweating.  Definitely need to be more careful about that in the future. 

How's everyone else doing?
2009-04-26 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2110877

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Hi Ladies!
I just got back from the race this morning. It went pretty well. This was one of those races where I wanted to identify weaknesses to address before my other races later this summer. The weather here has been horrible. It was raining and 40 degrees when I showed up at the race. I am definetely glad I left early though, since a.) I got an awesome transition spot, and b.) they were starting the waves earlier due to the storms that moved in this afternoon. So I set up transition in the pouring rain, got a quick run in to warm up, stretched, and headed back to the pool. I was a little nervous with the wet conditions and not really being out too much in the rain on the bike.
The swim went I thought the best. I felt calm and confident and I even passed two people in my lane! I think my time was around 10:40ish (I forgot to start my watch, which kinda sucks so I don't know for sure yet what the results are).
T1 went ok, except for one rookie mistake. I threw on my windbreaker for the bike since it looked like rain and it was a little chilly still, but forgot to zip it up. So I was the one with the jacket flapping in the wind on the bike. The bike was ok. I felt like I should have been faster than what I was, so I think I need to adjust my training and spend more time on the bike. T1 and bike combined was about 56 minutes. T2 was much better, I ran out with my legs like jello and took off. The running course SUCKED. It was all on trails and uphill and muddy and slick. I have no idea what my time was like, but I'm sure it was super slow because of the conditions. I almost sprained my ankle 3 times!
I finished strong though and although I couldn't catch the sneaky girl who passed me with a .5 mile to go, I kept up with her to the finish. I did accomplish my main goal for this race, which was to finish in less than 2 hours. I definetely need more time with my bike, and I need to better plan my race nutrition. I forgot to take my gel during the bike/before the run, and I wonder if that would have helped me with my legs fatiguing during the run. But hey, this is the fun part about this sport- now I know what to improve for next time.
How was everyone's day today? It is storming here. We were lucky to get done when we did. No rain for me during the bike or run, but did get caught in a downpour walking back to the car.
I have my tri-stroke class tonight but I think I am going to skip tonight- I am exhausted and have no energy left after this morning.
2009-04-26 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2077527

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Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Jackjack's group - closed
Just posted my race report and found out the final results- my final time was 1:38:23. I even took 3rd in my AG, which I honestly did not think I did that well- I was thinking my time was more like 1:45. Given the conditions, I feel better about today!
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