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2009-06-05 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Lawrenceburg, IN
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Well I felt really good today and did something crazy.  I was scheduled for a swim workout today of 1100 yards.  I knew that I would be too busy to ride my bike tomorrow like I was scheduled to do.  I decided to cut my swim down to 800 yards (my race distance) and then do a transition ride of about 10 miles.  I finished the swim, got on the bike and then decided to go ahead and ride the full 15 miles like my race requires.  Well I still felt good after the ride so I thought I'd do a short run also.  I was parked at the local YMCA which has a half mile outdoor track.  I ran a mile on the track and still felt very good.  I really thought about just turning it into a 5k but decided that I did not want to push my luck.  This was a huge confidence boost for me.  I am really starting to belive that I can do this.  I mean, I almost did my full race distance today with over a month and a half left to train. 

Sorry to rattle on, I've just got a really intense post-exercise high going on.  I hope everyone else's training is also going well.


2009-06-05 10:51 PM
in reply to: #2198175


Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED

That's great Joe, I don't have those types of results yet but I can't wait till I do. I’m inspired by that type of talk, especially when it’s the result of hard work. Hope you stay healthy and continue to progress with your conditioning. I just want to get a few of these sprints under my belt and hopefully I can get some good times by then. Hope to be able to get a HIM someday (very longtime goal). In an earlier post I mentioned how Dave’s recommendation really helped me with staying healthy during my training and now I also enjoy pushing myself every once in a while during training, it does feel great to feel and see good results. Take care ........Felix

2009-06-07 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2198602

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
sounds like you had a great session. Probably did the right thing holding back on the run as you can save the full effort for race day. The confidence boost is a great thing and now you know the distance is not a problem you get new enthusiasm for the training.
2009-06-08 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2198175

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: Keefrichard - paractice run-thru
Hi Joe (keefrichard) -
Way to go and practice.  I don't think what you did was crazy, in fact, quite the contrary.  Not only was it a good workout, but you did a pretty good trial run-thru of the actual race day.  I did my Tri a week before, as a final strong workout and to know what I would feel like at various stages of my actual race.
Way to go, and good luck with your race.

2009-06-26 2:30 AM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Lawrenceburg, IN
Subject: first time in wetsuit
Tried out my wetsuit for the first time.  Definately could tell the difference.  I am not sure how far I swam really.  Just did 4 short estimated 100 yard swims.  This was also my first time in open water.  Not seeing the bottom is really  frightening.  I also had bad problems with sighting and staying on course.  Anyone else have similar issues?

2009-06-26 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2244346

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: first time in wetsuit
Joe, your fears are very common. At my last tri this month I saw 2 people in the wave before mine get so frightened they got out of the lake after 50m. It takes some getting used to. I try to look forward slightly more than I would in a pool so I am looking at the bubbles and feet of the person I am trying to keep up with which takes my mind off the fact that its dark down there.
The fact you did a few hundred metres is great and I promise you each time you practice it will get easier and you will enjoy yourself.
For sighting I try to pick a big tree or pylon at the far end of the lake and use that rather than a buoy. Then I aim to have a look forward every 3rd or 4th breath unless I am in a crowd and then I go longer as I use those either side for guidance and my "marker" is used to check we arent all going wrong. You can practice in the pool as well. Swim eyes closed for 3 breaths and then as you start your breath stroke lift your head enough to see a marker at the end (obviously open your eyes here), then once you see it turn your head to the side as you would normally to breathe and then swim on as normal. takes a few goes to get it right and you will have to slow your stroke rate slightly but it works.
Good luck

2009-07-10 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2245732

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Bridgewater MA
Subject: RE: first time in wetsuit
Sounds like good advice (Pashda) on OWS.  Somethings this "joe" will also need to take into consideration when I go to try my swims.

2009-07-13 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
I have been kinda bummed out lately because I haven't been able to train nearly as often as I'd like and was worried I was not going to be ready for the big day.  Today I had a sitter for a couple of hours and decided to take advantage of some training time.  I went to the park to do a 10 mile ride.  Well, when I was finished I decided to change my shoes and run so I ran about 2.5 miles.  Then I got in my car and instead of going home, I went to the pool, and did 500 meters.  I have to thank Joe for this, because reading his post gave me the incentive to give it a try.  I am totally proud of myself and now I am not so scared that I will fail...

2009-07-14 3:05 AM
in reply to: #2282615

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Alane that is a fantastic training session well done. Now you know come race day that your body and mind can handle all 3 sports in one go. Remember this day if you are ever struggling with a session or on race day as it will give you a positive boost and help you train/race through the tough spot. Just the transitions to practice and then race day will be a fun time.
2009-07-15 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2282615

New user

Lawrenceburg, IN
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED

Congratz on your good session.  It was a real confidence boost for me when I tried it in my training.  I am sure you will do great at your race.   My race is comming up this Sunday.  I have swam the race distance many times but am still really nervous about the swim for some reason.  When i get nervous though I just try to think back about all the times I have completed the distance.  Calms my nerves a bit.  With any luck, next time I post on here I will have finished my first triathlon. 


2009-07-15 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2286399

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Joe, a little tip for you on the swim. If its open water be at the back of the pack to start and ignore everyones pace for the first 100m or so. If you get caught up in the opening sprint you will blow out after 200m and then it becomes a struggle to keep going. Even wait 5 seconds after the bell to let everyone else get a few metres ahead and set off slower than normal. after a couple of minutes you will find you are already past others and can then start to increase your speed to your normal training pace.
If its a pool swim again take it easy the first few lengths and then gradually increase your pace to the finish.
The whole idea is to exit your swim feeling fresh and ready for the bike, not exhausted and stressed with a heart rate in zone 5. A minute lost taking it easy at the start will easily be gained back by being fresh on your bike.
Good luck with the race and dont forget to smile for the camera at the finish

2009-07-20 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Lawrenceburg, IN
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
My first race is finished and I would have to say it was a success.  Other than a few small mishaps it all went well.  I would advise everyone to get to their race early.  I arrived an hour early and still felt rushed for time.  I got lucky in transition as my transition place was located on the end of a row making it easy to find.  Foggy goggles and bad navigation led to me swimming farther than the 750 meters that I was supposed to.  My swim time was 20:32.  Very, very slkow but I am just pleased that I finished.  Without a doubt my weakest part.  

First transition went very smoothly.  I can not describe how fun the bike portion was.  I am also glad I trained on hills for most of my training.  The course was very flat in this race and all the hill work really helped with my speed.  I averaged 19.5 mph for the race.  Although this is not earth shattering fast I was pleased since most of my training rides averaged about 17-18mph. 

Second transition was a little more hectic.  I was gassed from the bike and could not figure out how to rack my bike.  My mind just shut down for a few seconds.  I managed to rack the bike but started the run before I realized I forgot to take off my helmet.  I had to run back into transition and lay down my helmet.  

I was hurting for the first 1/2 mile of the run.  Pretty good back and leg cramps.  Toughed it out and found a rythym.  Not as fast as I would have liked but I finished the run without walking.  9:19 mile pace.  My lungs felt strong and my heart rate was in check.  My legs were just gone by the end of the run.  

I think this may get addicting.  I really need more time in the pool but now I know what to work on and expect.  My advise to anyone who has not raced yet is to just relax.  Your training will carry you through.  Once you start you kind of get caught in the moment.  

Good luck to everyone else in their races.  


2009-07-21 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2296852

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
thanks for sharing your race review. Sounds like a successful first race, well done indeed.
You can now officially describe yourself as a triathlete.
2009-08-15 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Well, my race is tomorrow morning.  The passed couple of weeks have been pretty difficult for training as I have been suffering from many migraines. (yuck)  Anyway, I am hopeful all the training I have done before this will carry me through.  Wish me luck and I will let you all know how it goes!

2009-08-17 9:34 PM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Well, I did it!  What an amazing experience.  I am proud to say I finished without needing a break or rest. 

I was scared stiff of the swim, but once I got out to the edge of the water, there was so much good energy from the crowd around me, the fear turned to excitement.  I loved the swim and it was over really fast. 

My transition could use some work, but it was pretty good for a first timer. 

The bike was awesome.  Lots of pretty serious hills but it only made it more fun!  My transition to the run was hinky only because I forgot to take off my helmet! embarassing, but I didn't care.

The run was slow and steady.  My stamina was definitely compromised due to lack of training the few weeks prior, but I finished without walking at all. 

Overall, my times kinda sucked but I loved every minute of it.  I am officially addicted and signed up for another one in September! Now I have a month to improve my times!  WooHoo!

Thanks for the support!

2009-08-18 2:43 AM
in reply to: #2354688

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
well done for completeing your first race. You can now officially call yourself a triathlete. Glad you enjoyed yourself too, it is something people sometimes forget due to being too hung up on a target time or worrying about "doing  well". I hope you got some photos of your race to keep.
Good luck with the next race in September.

2009-08-18 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2354688

New user

Lawrenceburg, IN
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED

  Congratz on your race.  I did the exact same thing with my helmet in my first race.  Took off on the run with still on my head.  I have actually had other people tell me they have done the same thing.  I guess we are not alone.  Anyway, congratz again.


2009-08-26 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2198175

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Hey Kathryn did you do your race at the weekend ?
If so how did you get on on the new bike ?
2009-08-27 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2086257

New user

Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
Hi Dave!

Thanks for checking in!  My summer race plans changed drastically this year because I ended up starting a new job.  It's really interfered with my training plans so I did a sprint in Gravenhurst in July which was great, really hard but I managed quite well. It was a sprint distance so a 800m swim, 20k bike and a 5k run.  I was surprised because I was most worried about the swim but in the end I did the best in that event.  The Gravenhurst tri you begin the swim in the middle of lake Muskoka so you see 300 people in wetsuits walking to these 2 steam ships.  It's rather funny to watch actually, it looks like march of the penguins!  I'm learning although that 40 - 44 year old women are quite competitive.  Had I been a 30  - 34 year old woman I would have placed 3rd but being in the older category I placed 6th.  Regardless I'm thrilled that I finished and that I really didn't have any aches or pains afterward.  The bike was great but I do need to practice more.  There were alot of rolling hills and the quads aren't as strong as they need to be. 

So no Olympic Tri for me this summer but I am doing another tr on September 5th.  It's a sprint as well but the distance is a little farther.  800m swim, 30k bike and 7.5k run. 

Great to read that you're all doing well and being successful with your races!  Keep up the good work.


P.S. Dave I'm my new job is with company from the UK, Foster Care Associates.  Great Organization and I'll be in the UK for training for a couple of weeks in January.  Too bad there are no tri's then .  
2009-08-28 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2373369

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Pashda's new group - NOW CLOSED
sounds like you had a good race and enjoyed yourself.
There arent any triathlons in England in January but there are plenty of running events so if you are interested let me know where you will be staying and I will find a couple for you to look at.
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