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2009-05-11 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2140767

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
njacobs24 - 2009-05-09 4:47 PM Hey, so I finally counted my steps running.  I did it twice for 30 seconds and got 83 both times, so I guess my number is 166.  Just wanted to post it before I forgot.  Off to do my long run now!


Nicki, really that isn't too bad.  Like the advice I gave to a few others I would just increase a bit to maybe min 88 - thinking quick steps and don't overstride.  Definitely, look at the video I posted above and try to incorporate a few of the things in the video about relaxation, body position, etc.  Even if everything doens't feel smooth at first keep at it and it will!

2009-05-11 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2142043

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
dragonfly253 - 2009-05-10 7:58 PM Hope you all had a good weekend!

I went to watch the New England Season Opener today and really relieved some of my nerves. I am very excited to get into my first tri now that I have seen it in action.

Jesse - I think I misunderstood when you asked about clipless/not clipless pedals. I was just looking online and found that clipless pedals are clip-in pedals. I do not have these, I just have the regular bike pedal with no cages and I am using regular sneakers. After watching the race today, I saw the majority of people had the clipless pedals. Is the efficiency really that much better?
They seemed to cause a lot of frustration at the beginning of the bike - there where several spills as people tried to mount the bike and get going.

I counted my steps again - this time I got 174. I watched the video you suggested, it helped A Lot!! Once I watched it I really understood what you meant by "quick feet". I will keep working on it!! Thanks.
Take Care!!


Glad you had a good motivating weekend.  I got in some decent training.  Did 90 fast bike miles and 12 pretty fast running miles.  It is getting hot in florida.  I ran 5 miles after a fast 30 mile bike and it was hard.  Now just time to take it easy a bit and try to taper down.

Awesome on the video.  Keep watching it and trying to incorporate everything until it just seems natural.  You'll get a natural fast cadence down pretty quick (after a few weeks).   174 is pretty good.  Keep at it!

On pedals - Sorry - I probably misread or didn't understand.  Yes, I meant having clip-in pedals and not regular bike pedals.  Yes, they will make a big difference once you practice with them.  You'll use more of your leg muscles, be more efficient, and thus faster.   As far as getting in them it is really just a matter of practice.  It took me months before I felt comfortable.  And I fell more than once trying to get in them or out of them - that is just natural everyone does.  My suggestion would be to get them.   It is a little bit of an investment because you'll have to purchase shoes and pedals.  So, might be $200+ for something decent.    If you do get them just practice getting in and out of them like crazy!!

2009-05-12 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Today was a good off day for me.  My body still needed some recovery from the weekend.  

2009-05-12 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2113192

New user

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi everybody,

I just read the posts from the past week and there is so much great information, I'm learning so much from all of you. I look forward to learning more.

Jesse- the post about the clipless pedals has come in handy since I will be investing in a pair and I’m nervous about being comfortable and not falling.

I will be starting my training tomorrow and I was wondering what you’d suggest? Since I’ve been off for awhile, should I still follow my regular schedule and go slow for the first week ot two or try something else, like maybe doing just two of the three disciplines?

You must be getting excited about your race this weekend?

2009-05-12 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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New user
Madison, WI
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Do you have any advice for biking?  I ride very slowly.  Even when I feel like I'm going fast, people will zoom right by me.  Back when I rode my Huffy mountain bike around, I thought it was because of that, but I've got a decent road bike now.  Could I be doing something wrong?

2009-05-12 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hi All,

Clipless pedals: I got my shoes in Dec and have been using them in spin class. I've been out 2 times on the road with them. I was nervous/uncomfortable. I tried them out in my neighborhood and in the parking lot a few times before going out. just to practice getting in and out of them. I think I feel fine 80% of the time and LOVE them. But the stopping part - I am still getting use to (especially when I have to cross any intersections).

As for my workouts, I haven't been out since Friday. Sat/Sunday was so busy with graduation and then mom's day traveling. Mon/Tues - I am blaming work. Maybe I will go for a quick run tonight - but if not - I will be back at it starting tomorrow.

Jesse - good luck with your race!

2009-05-12 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2146811

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Just don't do what I did when I got my clipless pedals. I unclipped my right leg and forgot to lean to the right and leaned to the left. Of cousre several people were around. As far as intersections go I always unclip both legs just to be safe.

Tomorrow I am going to the gym. Since swimming is my weakness, should I skip the 30 min run  and concentrate on swim mechancs. I have never done just a swim day I have always done it with either run or bike for a brick workout.

Edited by Carter_83 2009-05-13 7:02 AM
2009-05-13 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2146506

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
cher - 2009-05-12 2:24 PM Hi everybody, I just read the posts from the past week and there is so much great information, I'm learning so much from all of you. I look forward to learning more. Jesse- the post about the clipless pedals has come in handy since I will be investing in a pair and I’m nervous about being comfortable and not falling. I will be starting my training tomorrow and I was wondering what you’d suggest? Since I’ve been off for awhile, should I still follow my regular schedule and go slow for the first week ot two or try something else, like maybe doing just two of the three disciplines? You must be getting excited about your race this weekend? Cheryl

Hey Cheryl,

I am indeed getting more excited about the race.  Just one more training day left for me.  A massage Thursday night (yee haw).  Get everything prepared Friday and off to Orlando on Sunday.  

Don't be nervous about the pedals!  Just view it as the next stage towards become a good cyclist/triathlete!  AND, I am just going to tell you now, you will fall!  Laughing  I haven't met someone yet that hasn't.  But, it really isn't a big deal because you will be falling while the bike isn't moving.  Laughing   My suggestion here is to balance yourself on the bike while holding on to something (like a railing or something) and just keep practicing getting in and out of them.  Then go on a couple mile ride where every so often you stop and just practice clipping out.  

I am glad your getting back.  IMO - I would just do a trimmed down version of your regular workout.   What I mean is do all of the same number of workouts but just keep the intensity down and cut a few of them shorter.  Really, you just want to get your heart pumping and get your legs loose again.  Then next week you can start by increasing just a little more.  Then by the 3rd week hopefully you'll be back up to speed.   

2009-05-13 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2146581

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
njacobs24 - 2009-05-12 2:51 PM Do you have any advice for biking?  I ride very slowly.  Even when I feel like I'm going fast, people will zoom right by me.  Back when I rode my Huffy mountain bike around, I thought it was because of that, but I've got a decent road bike now.  Could I be doing something wrong?


Nikki - you are funny!  Here is the short advice:

  • Clip-in pedal and biking shoes.   I can't remember if you have them but I would recommend them.
  • Cycle computer.  It would be good to know how fast you are going so you can see your improvement.  You need a comp that has cadence as well.
  • If you can find a group to ride with once a week or once every other week this will make a DRAMATIC improvement in your cycling.  It did in mine.  You can usually find this via your local LBS (local bike shop).  Most shops have rides that the coordinate.  They will have an entry level ride and a more experienced one.  Ride with a group.  They might be better than you and drop you the first couple of times.  Then you'll notice you can keep up with them!
  • Once you get your pedals and bike shoes work on practicing your pedal stroke by taking full circles with your stroke (just watch a few youtube videos they are easy to find). 
  • You'll want to do intervals the same way I have talked about with running.  So, after a 10 min warm up try 2 mins really hard (just about as hard as you can while keeping your good form).  Then rest for 2 - 3 mins.  Then do this 3 times.  Then eventually you can add more sets and longer sets.
  • You'll also want to practice intervals where you in an easy gear by pedaling fast.  So, the first set is at 95 RPM.  Then 100 RPM.  Then 105 RPM, etc. etc.   You'll be able to tell RPM because your new cycle computer will have cadence - important!

Really that is the short and quick of it. 


2009-05-13 8:31 AM
in reply to: #2146811

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
mstone11 - 2009-05-12 4:17 PM Hi All,

Clipless pedals: I got my shoes in Dec and have been using them in spin class. I've been out 2 times on the road with them. I was nervous/uncomfortable. I tried them out in my neighborhood and in the parking lot a few times before going out. just to practice getting in and out of them. I think I feel fine 80% of the time and LOVE them. But the stopping part - I am still getting use to (especially when I have to cross any intersections).

As for my workouts, I haven't been out since Friday. Sat/Sunday was so busy with graduation and then mom's day traveling. Mon/Tues - I am blaming work. Maybe I will go for a quick run tonight - but if not - I will be back at it starting tomorrow.

Jesse - good luck with your race!

Yeah, those dang shoes take a little getting used to.  It is really just about practice, practice, practice.  I really don't even think about it too much any more.  When I go on group rides I clip in and out so often that it has just become natural.  

I am not sure if this will help but what I do something when I take off is push down on the pedal (usually my left foot) that was still clipped in.  That gives me some momentum.  Then I take the right foot and push down on the pedal even though I am not clipped in.  This gives me some additional speed and time so that I can properly clip in. 

Girl - get up early and get some runs in - no excuses!  Laughing  Anything is better than nothing.



2009-05-13 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2147253

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-05-12 9:20 PM Just don't do what I did when I got my clipless pedals. I unclipped my right leg and forgot to lean to the right and leaned to the left. Of cousre several people were around. As far as intersections go I always unclip both legs just to be safe.

Tomorrow I am going to the gym. Since swimming is my weakness, should I skip the 30 min run  and concentrate on swim mechancs. I have never done just a swim day I have always done it with either run or bike for a brick workout.

Carter - it is already tomorrow so I may be late to the game.  

But, that is a tough call.  If your time is limited to say an hour... sometimes you'll have the intention of doing a full hour of swimming but then what happens is that you find that by the time 30 - 40 mins is up your form is starting to falter a bit and you just want to get out of the pool  Laughing  If that happens I would rather you do a 30 min run and a nice focused 30 min swim focusing on technique.  If that doesn't happen and believe you can get a quality 60 mins in the pool then go for it.  


2009-05-13 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2113192

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Hey everyone!!

Thanks for all the great info on the pedals!! I will look into them ... planning on heading to the bike shop to get some things soon. This morning I was so proud of myself! Woke up at 4:30, planning on a 10 mi + bike ride, took a little jog around the block and started the ride. Man, I did not realize how cold it was until I started the ride!!! I ended up having to cut it to a 4 mi ride . Anyone have any suggestions on good bike clothes??

I've been thinking - The only Tri I am registered for this season is in September. I know I will regret not signing up for more once the season is over, but I am reluctant to sign up for an earlier one - I'm afraid I won't be ready. I am running 3 miles comfortably and am moving up to 3.5-4 this week & next week. My bike is pretty slow and the longest I have done is 10.25. Swim I am pretty consistant and comfortable -- will be pushing to swim 1/2 mile next week. Should I just do it and stop worrying??

Jesse - Will the race this weekend be your first this season?? Sorry if this is a stupid question -- what is a HIM? Good Luck!!!
Best - Christina
2009-05-13 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all,
I got 2 workouts in today. A core (ab ball) class and then a run when I got home. Smile It was a slower run, as I had my son in the jogging stroller. But it felt good. Didn't count my steps b/c it wasn't one of my normal paced runs. Will do that over the weekend - if the weather cooperates! One thing I know - I need new shoes and laces that stay tied. Am planning on hitting marathon sports soon - where they will fit me for shoes.

Jesse - on your comment about getting up earlier - I really am not a morning person. As is, I wake up at 5:45 for the work day. I can only see a 5am run happening periodically! Wink

Christina - I did the same thing - signed up for one race at the end of Aug. Wasn't sure I could handle 2 in one season, since it was my first tri.




2009-05-14 7:12 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed

I did swim training last night. I was working on correct form and I was doing good for part of the workout and not sure what happened after that. It was mostlly hand/arm position.  It was ugly but was after to swim longer than previous workouts. I was looking at training gear for swimming. What is you opinion on the Finis Forearm Fulcrum. I was thinking about getting them to help with proper position.

2009-05-14 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2149543

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
dragonfly253 - 2009-05-13 8:46 PM Hey everyone!!

Thanks for all the great info on the pedals!! I will look into them ... planning on heading to the bike shop to get some things soon. This morning I was so proud of myself! Woke up at 4:30, planning on a 10 mi + bike ride, took a little jog around the block and started the ride. Man, I did not realize how cold it was until I started the ride!!! I ended up having to cut it to a 4 mi ride . Anyone have any suggestions on good bike clothes??

I've been thinking - The only Tri I am registered for this season is in September. I know I will regret not signing up for more once the season is over, but I am reluctant to sign up for an earlier one - I'm afraid I won't be ready. I am running 3 miles comfortably and am moving up to 3.5-4 this week & next week. My bike is pretty slow and the longest I have done is 10.25. Swim I am pretty consistant and comfortable -- will be pushing to swim 1/2 mile next week. Should I just do it and stop worrying??

Jesse - Will the race this weekend be your first this season?? Sorry if this is a stupid question -- what is a HIM? Good Luck!!!
Best - Christina


You know I wonder if signing up for a few running races would be a good idea for you.  At least you have some goals right in front of you to keep you really motivated.   September is a little far out and maybe signing up for a mid-August tri would be good as well - that would still give you 3 months of training.  I would say if you can find an Aug one go for it.  You'll be ready!

I like your motivation on getting up early and going for it.  Biking in the cold really stinks for me.  I am in Florida so I don't have to worry too much about it except for a few months of out of the year.  When it is real cold I'll bike in the garage on a trainer (roller).  I have one of those trainers where you set your bike into.  It works great for rainy and cold days.  As far as clothes there are cycling pants and thermals Laughing  You can also get covers for your feet because the cold wind will numb your toes quite quick!  There are days that I'll change my plans just because of the weather - you just have to adjust.  Yesterday it was raining a bit in the morning and I decided to go to the gym and run on the treadmill and the stationary bike.

Yes, this will be my first Tri of the season.  Getting pretty pumped now given I just did my last workout until the race.

2009-05-14 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2149594

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
mstone11 - 2009-05-13 9:15 PM

Hey all,
I got 2 workouts in today. A core (ab ball) class and then a run when I got home. Smile It was a slower run, as I had my son in the jogging stroller. But it felt good. Didn't count my steps b/c it wasn't one of my normal paced runs. Will do that over the weekend - if the weather cooperates! One thing I know - I need new shoes and laces that stay tied. Am planning on hitting marathon sports soon - where they will fit me for shoes.

Jesse - on your comment about getting up earlier - I really am not a morning person. As is, I wake up at 5:45 for the work day. I can only see a 5am run happening periodically! Wink

Christina - I did the same thing - signed up for one race at the end of Aug. Wasn't sure I could handle 2 in one season, since it was my first tri.





Great on the workouts.  

Yeah, I can't see you getting up too much earlier just because of your schedule - that is tough.  I do know that I gradually started to get up earlier and earlier.  Over a year ago I was probably getting up at 5:30 - 5:45.  Now I am getting up at 5:05.  Probably have to get up even earlier for IM training.   Yeah, maybe try a quick 30 - 35 min run a couple days a week.

I have a stack of shoes in my garage - I need to find a good place to donate them too.  I am going through a pair every 2 - 3 months right now.


2009-05-14 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2149997

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Carter_83 - 2009-05-14 7:12 AM

I did swim training last night. I was working on correct form and I was doing good for part of the workout and not sure what happened after that. It was mostlly hand/arm position.  It was ugly but was after to swim longer than previous workouts. I was looking at training gear for swimming. What is you opinion on the Finis Forearm Fulcrum. I was thinking about getting them to help with proper position.

Hey Carter,

I haven't used them before.  I have seen them.  I have tried hand paddles (they are in my swim bag) but I haven't been a big fan of them so far.  

I'm probably going to sound like a broken record but swimming is just so difficult to diagnose.  Every part of your body is related to another part when it comes to swimming.  You may feel your hand and arm position is bad but it might be your balance in the water causing it.  Really difficult to know for sure.   Carter - if you have a pair of swimming flippers try them in the pool next time.  You aren't going to kick with them.  You are just going to use them to keep your legs up so that you can focus on your arms.  Mine are similar to these where they hug your feet (not with a strap) :

eople sometimes think you'll develop a crutch with flippers but as long as you are using them to improve your form you'll be okay.  They are a great tool to allow you to focus on your upper body.  

2009-05-14 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Just curious about events everyone has done. My goal is to go to other cities or states to do diff races. How may have you done and what is your favorite/s race? I have done several 5ks, 10k, half marathon, marathon, and soon a  triathlon.

My favorite has to be either the 26.2 with Donna marathon. Nothing better than streets lined up to cheer you on and jut about everythong is pink, even guys wearing pink wigs, shirts, tops, and some even wore runnig skirts. The other is the MS Mudrun a 10k through military style obstacle course. Never have I been that dirty/mudding from a race. I was a blast. If you have not done one look into it is a blast, but can be hard depending on th course.

Edited by Carter_83 2009-05-14 12:11 PM
2009-05-14 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2150495

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
My goal for 2010 is to get to some other states for some races.  I haven't wanted to get too far away because of my small children.   I would love to do Boston Marathon, Marine Corp Marathon, Hawaii Ironman! (Dream big).

2009-05-14 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
I really don't  have a long list of ones I have done - all runs, the longest: 5 mile race was in a suburb south of Boston. The most interesting was a corporate sponsored race on Thompson Island (just outside Boston) - took the ferry over after work, ran 3 miles (trail runnning) and had a big celebration afterwards. Besides that I've done a few 5K races in Central Mass.

Jesse - if you do the Boston Marathon - I'll be here to cheer you on! I can see it from my office window.
2009-05-14 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2151174

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
mstone11 - 2009-05-14 1:58 PM I really don't  have a long list of ones I have done - all runs, the longest: 5 mile race was in a suburb south of Boston. The most interesting was a corporate sponsored race on Thompson Island (just outside Boston) - took the ferry over after work, ran 3 miles (trail runnning) and had a big celebration afterwards. Besides that I've done a few 5K races in Central Mass.

Jesse - if you do the Boston Marathon - I'll be here to cheer you on! I can see it from my office window.

I hope to do it sometime.  The problem is the time of year!  This year and next there important races in May and I didn't want to do the BM that close to those A races.  We'll see.  Maybe I can sneak it in next year.

You are lucky - Fenway and BM course!


2009-05-15 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2113192

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Orange Park, Fl
Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Jesse good luck on the race this weekend.
2009-05-15 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2151330

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Boston is the best! (even though - we had a very poor sports day yesterday!) Frown

Good Luck this weekend! Looking forward to hearing your results!
2009-05-15 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2113192

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Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Thanks for the well-wishes from everyone.  

If I don't respond on Monday that just means I am in the hospital!  Laughing

2009-05-15 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2113192

New user

Subject: RE: jesse_d Mentor Group - Closed
Afternoon everyone,

Jesse I wanted to wish you a great race this weekend!!!! Enjoy the experience, what a ride it will be
Can’t wait to read your race report!!

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