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2010-01-07 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2599954

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
megtrow - 2010-01-07 9:05 AM
ChicagoMan65 - 2010-01-07 7:37 AM Happy Snowstorm Midwesterners!  I am sure our Southern Comrades feel for us.......


Probably not going to get much training in this weekend.. I'm leaving today for a conference til Sunday.  Hotel has a gym, supposedly, so I'll take my running shoes on the off-chance of maybe squeezing in a treadmill run, but I think its unlikely.

Yeah, poor me, going back to Mexico already... at least this time its for work, and I'm not going to the beach.  But, it will be in the 80s and sunny all weekend.  Neener neener neener.  :-P


2010-01-07 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2597999

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
ChicagoMan65 - 2010-01-06 1:15 PM
Chezz - 2010-01-06 9:48 AM So I've been focusing my swim on drills and breath every 2 strokes.  My wife saw me swim last week and said I had definetly improved but my pull with the right arm was much stronger than my left.  I noticed my left arm started to drop when I turned to breath and a friend suggested to try to breath every 3 strokes to balance that out and that it would also help with OWS for sighting

do you have any specific drills that could help me do that? other thoughts?

Do you breathe on both sides?  I taught self bilateral breathing using a pull buoy and getting the rotations down.  Maybe that will help?

Not yet, but I'll try this for a couple of weeks and the one eye in one eye out thing.  now the pull buoy, heard some comments that they are a risk and not that recommended.  any truth to that
2010-01-08 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Hey there!!!! Happy Friday everyone!  Get out and do something!
2010-01-08 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

"It does bring my training plan into question though. I am currently doing 12-15hrs a week with the majority of it taking place on the weekend (bike Sat 4-5hrs, run Sun 3-4hrs). The rest of the week is filled with short sessions of 1-2 hrs in zone 1-2 intensity.

I would just limit that long run to 3hrs at the most. If you need a few extra miles stick them during a new run during the week or add them to another run session. Sounds like you're around 40 miles a week....that is a good spot.

If you want more 'work' you can always ride longer, less recovery involved. The limitier will be your butt and shoulders before your legs generally.

2010-01-08 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2603462

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
ChicagoMan65 - 2010-01-08 1:42 PM

Hey there!!!! Happy Friday everyone!  Get out and do something!

Just got back from the gym, thank you very much

Now I'm eating my ham and feta pita with some hummus.
2010-01-11 9:34 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Happy Monday Team......Everyone make it thru the weekend without Freezing?  Those of us not in Mexico, that is.....?  I did, but bareley.  Kept watchin the thermometer yesterday cuz if it hit 20 I was gonna go run.  Never did.  They say we may just get north of freezing this week.  Could be a weekend to ride?

Have a good one all!

2010-01-11 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Here is my training recap of the week (Please post ours! )

1. Hit the workouts I needed to make. Starting swimming again, first swim with the masters program will be Tuesday. Groan.......

2. Weight, dropped a couple of LBS. Starting clean eating again. I'm all about rountines and eating clean needs to join the party.

3. AND I finally launched my coaching website. This took a lot longer than I thought!!!! I have zero skills in the web development field...

This week...More pVo2Max stuff on the bike and run. My new gym opens in the building so I don't have to walk to the gym at lunch. (It was eating into my training time, I'm not lazy )
2010-01-12 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2607381

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed

Week Recap?  Didnt run as much as wanted to, but weather wasnt cooperating.  REALLY trying to stay off the treadmill.  But I did get in some extra riding and swimming.  And core.  My goals are to do each 3x week, slowly then working in longer runs and then some briks when weather turns.

Goals for this week are to just keep moving.  New Tri bike coming home tonite from shop where it was assembled and tuned.  Can start getting on trainer and trying to adjust fit.  That's main plan for week.  If I can get a 5 mile run in that'd be great.  Ive stagnated at my usual 3.5 loop and havent gone longer since Turkey Trot.

2010-01-12 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2609615

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
ChicagoMan65 - 2010-01-12 11:00 AM

Week Recap?  Didnt run as much as wanted to, but weather wasnt cooperating.  REALLY trying to stay off the treadmill.  But I did get in some extra riding and swimming.  And core.  My goals are to do each 3x week, slowly then working in longer runs and then some briks when weather turns.

Goals for this week are to just keep moving.  New Tri bike coming home tonite from shop where it was assembled and tuned.  Can start getting on trainer and trying to adjust fit.  That's main plan for week.  If I can get a 5 mile run in that'd be great.  Ive stagnated at my usual 3.5 loop and havent gone longer since Turkey Trot.

do we get to see pics of your new bike?
2010-01-12 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2609615

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
I have several loops I use...My trick is to extend the loop the furthest point from my apartment. This way I'm forced to get back home

2010-01-12 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2557541

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Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
This week is BUSY. We just started the house-hunting process and man, is that a time consuming venture! BUT I am trying to make it to the pool tomorrow night, after a run at lunch. Got my boss to agree to let us go back to a flexible schedule to allow for workouts in the middle of the day --we were stuck in an 8-5 with a 1 hr lunch rut thanks to someone abusing the flex schedule. But it looks like that's over, for now anyway, so I am going to take advantage and get my runs in in the daylight! Mon and Wed. I will try and do a workout at lunch.

2010-01-13 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
I went to the pool last night!  First time since my tri in October.  Embarassed  And it went really well.  I think it was the first time I've actually enjoyed swimming laps, for some strange reason I just felt like I found a good rythym.  Next time I go back I'l probably get two laps and want to die.  LoL.

I'm back to the grind as of today, so not sure what that's going to mean for training.  (Not like I've actually had much of a schedule lately, but still..)  Going to hopefully work out when/how to get in my workouts over the next couple of weeks as I figure out how heavy my workload is going to be for the next few months.

For running, I seem to be stuck in a 3-mile rut lately.  I just can't ever make myself run further than that, although I'm sure it's mostly an issue of boredom and definitely not of strength/endurance.  I just still can't really enjoy running.  Always seems like such a chore.  I'm thinking about signing up for a 10k on Jan 24th... it would force me to do more in the next couple of weeks.  My will power works much better when I have a deadline looming. 
2010-01-13 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2610079

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
kerryleigh5 - 2010-01-12 3:20 PM This week is BUSY. We just started the house-hunting process and man, is that a time consuming venture! BUT I am trying to make it to the pool tomorrow night, after a run at lunch. Got my boss to agree to let us go back to a flexible schedule to allow for workouts in the middle of the day --we were stuck in an 8-5 with a 1 hr lunch rut thanks to someone abusing the flex schedule. But it looks like that's over, for now anyway, so I am going to take advantage and get my runs in in the daylight! Mon and Wed. I will try and do a workout at lunch.

we're also houshunting in GSO NC and my training suffered, so be careful!
I decided I need to somehow wake up early and get a big part of my training out of the way in spite the cold weather.  With all the running around in the afternoon, I just did not find the time.  and be careful with the food, we ended up having dinner out more than usual those days
2010-01-14 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2611475

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Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
megtrow - For running, I seem to be stuck in a 3-mile rut lately.  I just can't ever make myself run further than that, although I'm sure it's mostly an issue of boredom and definitely not of strength/endurance.  I just still can't really enjoy running.  Always seems like such a chore.  I'm thinking about signing up for a 10k on Jan 24th... it would force me to do more in the next couple of weeks.  My will power works much better when I have a deadline looming. 

one of the tricks I use that you might find useful is to simply plan an out an back. So if you deciede to do a 4 mile run, all you have to do is run 2 miles (no mental issue here since you regularly do a 3 mile run) away from your house then when you reach that point just turn around and head home. This will take away the option of quiting due to boredom or negative self talk.  Hope that helps, enjoy the run!
I will be heading to Arizona this weekend for the RR Marathon and am starting to get excited. I have done a semi taper over the last couple of weeks in hopes that it will result in a "fresh" run on Sunday. My top goal is to finish healthy, #2 is to finish healthy and under 4:15 #3 would be to finish healthy, under 4:15 and smiling, and somewhere deep in the unspoken is the fantasy of breaking 4:00.
Oh well, we will see and regardless of the outcome I will get in a good workout!!!
2010-01-14 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2613751

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
VegasJason - 2010-01-14 9:20 AM I will be heading to Arizona this weekend for the RR Marathon and am starting to get excited. !

I have a few friends doing that race as well- I hear it's really fun.  It's going to be great weather for you this weekend up in Phoenix- in the 70s and sunny.   I thought about coming up to cheer on my friends, but I've decided to go dangle from ropes on the side of the mountain instead.  :D   Good luck! 
2010-01-15 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Happy Friday Everyone!!!  I am so ready to see the sun again.....might cheer me up and help motivated me

2010-01-15 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
@jason....My friendly race tatic tip. Take the first 6 miles easy. Move into your target pace from miles 6 - 20. Give'em h*ll the last 10K....the last 10K just don't slow down. Its very mental at the point....well mental + you feel like you've been hit by a truck

good luck!
2010-01-15 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Happy Friday Everyone!  Gonna be a good weekend!  Rumor has it that us Chicagoans can go outside without fear of our faces falling off!  If some of this slush goes away, a bike ride may just be in order!
2010-01-15 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2557541

Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
things are clearing up here too, although it might rain on sunday so I'll have to make saturday worth while
Have a great weekend
2010-01-16 3:18 PM
in reply to: #2613751

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
VegasJason - 2010-01-14 9:20 AM

one of the tricks I use that you might find useful is to simply plan an out an back. So if you deciede to do a 4 mile run, all you have to do is run 2 miles (no mental issue here since you regularly do a 3 mile run) away from your house then when you reach that point just turn around and head home. This will take away the option of quiting due to boredom or negative self talk. 

I guess I knew this trick, but it helps to have people point things like this out as a reminder every now and then.  (Probably the whole reason we're doing this mentor-group thing anyway, right?  Wink)

I ran more yesterday than I think I've ever run in one go- just about a full hour- and it wasn't all that bad!  Not doing multiple loops of the same path really makes a difference, and helps me not get quite so bored.  So, now I've signed up for a 10k next Sunday just to force myself to run longer distances.  I'm doing the Ragnar Relay (if you don't know what this is, you should check it out!) in a little over a month, and need to be ready to run a lot more than what I've been doing.

A 24-hour, 202-mile race through the desert, with a 12-person team.  Should be a blast!
2010-01-17 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2611894

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Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Chezz - 2010-01-13 10:11 AM

we're also houshunting in GSO NC and my training suffered, so be careful!
I decided I need to somehow wake up early and get a big part of my training out of the way in spite the cold weather.  With all the running around in the afternoon, I just did not find the time.  and be careful with the food, we ended up having dinner out more than usual those days

Well, you were totally right about the NO time, and the eating out. Here's hoping we can pull off everything that's on the agenda right now- including not eating burritos 3x in a week and skipping all exercise...

Edited by kerryleigh5 2010-01-17 11:14 AM

2010-01-17 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2617518

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Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
megtrow - 2010-01-16 1:18 PM

I guess I knew this trick, but it helps to have people point things like this out as a reminder every now and then.  (Probably the whole reason we're doing this mentor-group thing anyway, right?  Wink)

I ran more yesterday than I think I've ever run in one go- just about a full hour- and it wasn't all that bad!  Not doing multiple loops of the same path really makes a difference, and helps me not get quite so bored. 

So my favorite way to trick myself into running longer is to go on google pedometer right before my run and map a new route (even though i'm almost always running from home and have definitely covered all the nearby areas...), by mapping a route that's exactly how long i want to run that day i find that i'm less likely to say "ah, why not turn around now". and if i try and do multiple loops- forget it, i will have a GREAT reason why i don't need to do the last few loops...
2010-01-17 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2557541

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Can't find athlete tracking @ RockNRoll....Hopefully Jason is kicksome butt.
2010-01-17 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2618269

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Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
Hey Thanks for thinking about me, that's way cool! The marathon was ugly but it's in the books! 2 in 2 weeks was probably not the smartest thing I've ever done. Around mile 10 I started having cramping issues and it got worse from there, by 19 I was walking more then running and the goal became how to find a way to finish upright. My final time was 4:59:32 and I was a dumb male who pushed to hard at the end to try and ensure a sub 5hr day. All in all I have no regrets and a lot of lessons to draw from. The true goal was to complete the run so that I would have the day in my bank for the Ironman in a couple of months. I beleive that I have done it without injuring myself and all though there wasn't any smilling at the finish line I have started to realize the accomplishment as the day goes on...Thanks again for the thoughts!
2010-01-18 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2618621

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: running2far's Group - Closed
VegasJason - 2010-01-17 4:25 PM Hey Thanks for thinking about me, that's way cool! The marathon was ugly but it's in the books! 2 in 2 weeks was probably not the smartest thing I've ever done. Around mile 10 I started having cramping issues and it got worse from there, by 19 I was walking more then running and the goal became how to find a way to finish upright. My final time was 4:59:32 and I was a dumb male who pushed to hard at the end to try and ensure a sub 5hr day. All in all I have no regrets and a lot of lessons to draw from. The true goal was to complete the run so that I would have the day in my bank for the Ironman in a couple of months. I beleive that I have done it without injuring myself and all though there wasn't any smilling at the finish line I have started to realize the accomplishment as the day goes on...Thanks again for the thoughts!

Bravo!  Nice job out there! 2 in 2 weeks---amazing!
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