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2010-01-07 9:52 PM
in reply to: #2601760

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-07 9:08 PM Hi All and Happy Thursday!

One of the reasons I asked everyone about when they train is that sometimes if you are having trouble being consistent with training it helps to decide on a set time.  You can have a plan, but if you never know when you're going to the club, it's easy to make excuses.   At my club, there are the early morning "regulars" who you see every day and you get to know them. This is especially true if you take the same spin class etc, or always go to the same locker.  People will ask me where I've been if I miss a day.  I always go to the same bank of lockers.  We all know about each others' kids, grandkids, races, etc.  It makes going to the club at that hour a little more pleasant.

I lone ranger it from the house in the early morning.  Have joined a group clinic before a race, but still felt like I was alone in my training.  Mostly due to being very very slow... 

Steve:  I've often though about seeing a rhumatologist because of the autoimmune stuff I have.  Have they found anything conclusive yet?  Is the fatigue related to the fibromyalgia?

I was talking to a guy who is in our Tri group at the club.  He's a chiropractor and also does acupuncture.  I'm thinking of trying that to help some of my symptoms.  The GI doc I see is an osteopathic doc, so she is very open to more holistic or alternative treatments.  One of her students ( doc's out of a university teaching hospital) does triathlons (is an Ironman - how cool is is to have a doc that TOTALLY understands your mindset and doesn't look at you as though you're looney tunes)  said she's had patients get good results with acupuncture.  Any one here ever try it?  

No, as my Primary said, fibromyalgia is a diagnosis by attrition, when it is not something definite, call it fibro....  Yes I have all the trigger points, but also have about 30 more, so not classic definition....

Labs came back in the normal range for the 2 new vitamins, so nothing new for now...  Just get down from 236...  Closer to 160 would be wonderful....

So, it's still snowing, although it didn't get as horrible as predicted...yet.  The weather gurus are calling for several more inches tonight.  I should log the 45 minutes of shoveling I did. 


They are predicting flurries in Florida tomorrow night, "GLOBAL WARMING"...  yeah right....  Due to commitments, tomorrow will be a late afternoon or evening workout..

2010-01-07 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2601760

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-07 9:08 PM

One of the reasons I asked everyone about when they train is that sometimes if you are having trouble being consistent with training it helps to decide on a set time.  You can have a plan, but if you never know when you're going to the club, it's easy to make excuses.  

Dee:  Are you planning on getting a bike?  And yes, I was able to do the sprint distance easily (I didn't say fast) on the ol' comfort style.  In fact, I went on a 50 mile trip on that baby.  That bike has logged a lot of miles over the years.  Used to hook up the Burley and haul my boys all around town.   My husband calls it my drag bike, because when we go biking together, that's the bike I ride.  (He rides slower than I )

So, it's still snowing, although it didn't get as horrible as predicted...yet.  The weather gurus are calling for several more inches tonight.  I should log the 45 minutes of shoveling I did. 

This is true. When I go to the gym first thing in the AM, well, I know I'm not going to miss a workout. I'm much more likely to skip working out if I leave it until after work. And if I go home, well, I don't want to leave again to go to the gym!

Well, I don't have a bike right now. Right now, finances are a bit tight though. But I'll need one, and I could probably swing a "cheapie."

And yes, you should log that show shoveling!

2010-01-08 1:40 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Didn't get time to check in last night but I did my swim & run as planned but missed physio - flat out day and night.Today is a rest day so no training.
2010-01-08 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
My 45 min run turn into a mess.  Schedule for 3:2 pace for 45.  after 30 minutes, calves were cramping and could not run anymore. after 30 went to a walk on incline 10. DId that for 60 minutes, ended up being a 90 min total dreadmill workout
2010-01-08 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2599251

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-06 8:37 PM
Here's another question for everyone.   What type of bike does everyone have?  or are you considering buying a bike this year?   Don't worry if your are new and are riding your 15 year old mountain bike.  You've got to start somewhere.  I rode my first two races on a comfort style bike.  Once I decided I was in this for the long haul, I went out and bought a road bike.

I have a 2008 trek road bike. Its blue and white and yes I love it. If I could figure out how to put pictures up I would show you all... Can anyone tell me how?
2010-01-08 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Well my workouts haven't been going the greatest this week with the weather the way it is it hard to get to and from the gym but the good thing is that the snow has stopped so I shouldn't have any problems over the weekend. YEAH!!
I usually go to the gym right after work because it is easier for me. I bring everything I need to work with me and change before I leave that way I dont have to go home. I am just like Dee if I go home and get something of change then I dont want to leave again. That is why I take my stuff to work with me so I have no excuses. Smile

2010-01-08 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Middletown, PA
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
my week has been just plain awful, too. i got some running in, but my back tightened up and i haven't been able to do anything.  today is a rest day, but i'm hoping to spin for a while if i can throw my leg over the saddle.
2010-01-08 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2603056

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
adlee1070 - 2010-01-08 11:19 AM my week has been just plain awful, too. i got some running in, but my back tightened up and i haven't been able to do anything.  today is a rest day, but i'm hoping to spin for a while if i can throw my leg over the saddle.

That sucks Drew. I hope you start feeling better.
2010-01-08 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2580143


Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
"One of the reasons I asked everyone about when they train is that sometimes if you are having trouble being consistent with training it helps to decide on a set time. " 

I have luxury of working at a gym!  So really I have NO excuse.  But I try to make them.   I have plenty of people who ask me how my training is going and they know my goals.  I LOVE that and HATE it at the same time.  I try to make this as luxurious as possible enjoying the gym, the people, the surroundings. 

So my schedule looks like this:
Monday: After work...when school starts it will be before work  (7:30 pm or8:00 am
Tuesday:Bike/Run (Bike before work if I have enough time run) if not, Run at work.
Wednesday: After work with Boyfriend (7:30pm)
Thursday:Before work  (8:00am)
Friday: get off of work at I either swim, yoga, or relax
 Saturday:  I LOVE Saturday mornings..this is MY day!  Spin class (1 right now will be 2 next month), than a wonderful pilates class or I hit the hot tub. (If I did not swim on friday I swim). 
Sunday:  After church workout (around 2:00 depends on the Texas sun in May-August) that will change to before church I imagine which will be 6:30-7:00 am

I still feel isolated in my training.  My boyfriend and I swim about the same pace.(would go today after work but I am still recovering from a cough etc)
Running is the easiest to get in.   I like to run alone and can pretty much do it anywhere.  Biking is the hardest to get in.   I work/live in downtown dallas and while there are some trails they are just hard to get out to.  I take several scheduled spin classes.  I don't have a road bike yet.  I am trying to learn about them. 

Also, my reward when I hit my next weight loss goal is a new bike...a cookie is not worht losing a bike that I have been wanting for 3 years over. 
2010-01-08 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2602880

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
mindymin21 - 2010-01-08 11:30 AM

suzimmer - 2010-01-06 8:37 PM
Here's another question for everyone.   What type of bike does everyone have?  or are you considering buying a bike this year?   Don't worry if your are new and are riding your 15 year old mountain bike.  You've got to start somewhere.  I rode my first two races on a comfort style bike.  Once I decided I was in this for the long haul, I went out and bought a road bike.

I have a 2008 trek road bike. Its blue and white and yes I love it. If I could figure out how to put pictures up I would show you all... Can anyone tell me how?

A couple of ways:

1) Upload the pictures to your BT album. Link to them from there.

2) When writing a post, just above the Submit button, you'll see this: "Attach a file after posting." Click that link. It'll allow you to add pictures.

2010-01-08 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2580143


Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
I am really excited about buying a bike!!! I would love to share in the bike porn.  I had a Trek 1000.  I am a tight wad...a big time tight wad.  I had shoppers remorse, returned it, and rented a bike for race day.  Which really sucked because I did not like that bike at all.

So.....I am hoping for another entry tri bike, I like Trek.  Felt seems to have improved over the last few years.   Proabaly a 56cm frame (I am 5'10").  I like the carbon forks.  However, I am okay with light aluminum/carbon options.  I want to learn more about terminology and such.  I am NOT into clip pedals yet. 

I know very little about equipment and I figure it is something that evolves around you and with you as we expand our training and distances.

2010-01-08 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi Everyone!
Getting on late today since I just returned from my son's diving meet.

Dee, thanks for being out technical support guru!  As far as bikes go, have you considered a used bike?  If you want to go that route, just make sure you go first to your LBS and find out what size is right for you.  It's not a good deal if it doesn't fit you.

Scott, sorry about the bad run, although it sounds like you were able to salvage it into something worthwhile.  90 minutes on the dreadmill...I can relate. 

Drew, back trouble can be the worst.  It affects your whole body.  I had terrible back spasms right before the Chicago Marathon.  That's when I discovered Kinesio (spelling?) tape.  The chiropractor I see for ART (active release treatment) taped up my back and WOW it really helped.  I called them my racing stripes.  The tape can stay on for up to 5 days.  He taped me on Thursday and I ran on Sunday.

Mindy, this "beautiful" winter weather sure does create havoc on our best plans.  Looking like another lovely 1 1/2 hours on the treadmill for me on Sunday if Mr. Weather man is accurate.

Joanna, how fun to work at the gym and I like your schedule. WHEN, you get your new bike, you'll be even more motivated to keep going on your other goals.  I like Trek also.  If you can't go all carbon, the carbon fork, seat stays, and seat post can really make a difference in comfort.  Carbon absorbs the shock better, resulting in a smoother ride.  When you begin looking and comparing, make sure you go for test rides.  I remember thinking how much I liked a bike, until I tried it out.  Plus, as far as being a tight wad...I'm right there with you.  I comparison shopped etc.  But, think of it this way, how long do you plan to keep it, how often will you ride.  The  money you spend on the bike will be worth it, especially over time. 

Friday is my rest day and I really needed it.  Don't underestimate how important rest is in your training. 

Tomorrow is the weekend - yahoo!  Several long runs and long bikes on the agenda for some people.  Let us know how it goes.

2010-01-09 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
60 minute trainer ride, nothing special about it
2010-01-09 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Yesterday did swim and 1hour bike as per program.
2010-01-09 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
So, how did everyone do on their planned training?  I liked when people checked in daily to report.  Let's see those plans for next week. 
2010-01-09 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
I still have weights/ run and bike sessions to do today but by the end of today I will have ticked the boxes on my week and we up an extra bike session.

2010-01-09 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Just tough to get out and bike or swim in the cold and rain...  Another ugly day in sunny florida...  some snow just north of us.  I did get in a walk in the rain this morning so I did something.
2010-01-09 11:32 PM
in reply to: #2605349

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
suzimmer - 2010-01-09 8:11 PM
So, how did everyone do on their planned training?  I liked when people checked in daily to report.  Let's see those plans for next week. 

I missed one workout this week because I messed up my knee. But it's OK now.

For next week, it'll be a repeat of this week's plan:
2 sessions on the stationary bike
1 run
1 strength session
Daily stretching for the PF

Hopefully, next week will be warmer than this week was. I'd prefer to do the run outside, rather than on the treadmill, but that won't happen if it's 15F outside! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

2010-01-10 11:40 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Whew, I missed out on a lot!

I have a 2008 1.2 Trek men's bike (the men's fit me better than the womens) and I call HIM Charlie... I didn't feel right riding a "girl" lol. Charlie hasn't seen a lot of action lately, I don't have a trainer and it's too cold in VA to go on a ride. He'll go for a spring tune-up soon and hopefully it will warm up and I can get some rides in. I'm going to try to find a spin class so I can keep my bike legs.

This past week was a little hectic, I moved from home back to school and therefore missed two days because of planning and possible snow storms and craziness. Luckily all is settled now and I'm ready to start school and to get into a good routine.

I also work at a gym, but I'm the EMT on duty so I'm busy taping people and icing ankles and all kinds of fun stuff! It's nice that I can work out before or after my job, except that sometimes I'm sweaty on duty or I'm embarrassed to swim in front of the lifeguards that I was talking to five minutes ago! lol, but I'm starting to get over it, most of them know I'm a triathlete.

My work-out this week :
Sunday: 4 mile run/walk treadmill once again
Monday: Swim!
Tuesday: 2.5 run
Wednesday: Maybe some rock climbing or P90X
Thursday: 3 mile run
Friday: Swim and probably something else like some rock climbing
Saturday: 5 mile run

Gotta love half-mary training, lots of treadmill time. But I'm back at home (school) so I have my handy foam roller and my ITB tape thing for my knee. Also, I'm going to try a figure out which classes work best for my at my gym, they have some body sculpt and BOSU training, as well as 1/2 hour core training sessions. I'm not trying to burn out, but its easier to have someone tell you what to do then trying to figure it out yourself Plus, it's nice to workout with others!

Long post!
2010-01-10 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Bike is even colder then walking...  created my own wind chill in already cold Florida....
2010-01-10 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Anybody have any tips for keeping interested on the treadmill. I end up thinking about my mileage and just pushing it till I hit my mark and then I slow down for my walk... but this is starting to get old real fast!

2010-01-10 4:48 PM
in reply to: #2606222

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
It's not called the dreadmill for nothing I just make sure I have my ipod with me and usually stick to intervals on the treadmill.
2010-01-10 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Plan this week is:4 x bike3 x swim3 x run2 x resistanceWe are on alert for evacuation due to fire risk so hot hot hot weather so fingers crossed all goes to plan without incident this week.
2010-01-10 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2580143

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Hi all!

Dee and Michelle and Mindy, thanks for posting your week's training.  And Dee glad to hear the knee's better and only sidelined you for one day.  Steve, great job persevering even thought he weather was terrible.  I agree, biking in the cold - UG.   Mindy, getting back to school will probably get you back into a routine.  My son has told me that he really tries to get to the gym on a regular basis and that it actually helps me stay focused when it comes to the many hours he has to put into homework and studying. (electrical engineering major - has a %#!* load of work

As for the dreadmill......ah yes....the boredom factor.  I agree that doing intervals does make it easier, but when that's not an option, such as doing your long run (as I did today) where you want to stay at a consistent pace, there's not a lot you can do.  Get on the treadmill with a specific goal.  Know what your run workout for the day is in advance. I've tried covering the console and uncovering it occasionally, but usually get disappointed that more time hasn't gone by.   If music helps, great.  I have been running without music do to several factors.  Haven't found a pair of earphones that are comfortable for any length of time.  Also, in USAT races, you are not allowed to wear them, so I figured I'd better get used to being out there for hours with only my thoughts to keep me company.  At first it was torture, but now, when outside, I'm used to it.  When inside at home, for long runs I watch TV, put on a movie.  I make sure the captioning is on so I don't have to have the volume blasting.   There really isn't any easy answer except do it.  Think how happy you'll be when you're finished.

Let's see those training plans and any comments for the week.  

2010-01-11 3:37 AM
in reply to: #2580143

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: IBD Tri group (I'm Better Doing Tri's) Closed
Did my 30 min on the bike tonight as per the plan. It was 44 deg (110 for you guys) and still around 37deg (90) when I rode - hot hot hot. Nearly didn't do it but couldn't stand the thought of doing it on the windtrainer. No fires near us today - well none that got out of control anyway. Day 1 of fire season down about 75 to go!
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