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2010-01-18 7:52 PM
in reply to: #2619733

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
dfspence - 2010-01-18 10:00 AM I've been thinking about trying out a spin class. Do you guys like them? I'm cautious to try it because of how much I hate using treadmills, I like being out in the elements. At the lap pool on base I read a flyer for 4X/week swim lessons at $25/month, and you can try it out once for $4. Do any of you have experience using a swim coach to improve technique, efficiency, etc.? 

Its a beautiful day today, sunny and 60 degrees, so I took the bike out to the highway along the beach. Did 22 miles in 1:22:00. Seemed kind of slow to me Is 16 mph a decent speed for triathlon training? 

My opinion on the Spin Class, it is great for forcing you to work harder than you might usually if you get a good instructor. I also like having other people to workout with. The downside for me as I said was the spin bike itself, but that may very well be user error as is often the case with me. (Don't tell my husband I admited that!)

I did a "swim class" last summer with a group and it was great for my stroke. The workouts were more focused on technique than endurance, but that is what I needed, and still do really. The more efficient you can be in the water the better. Nothing worse than getting out of the water during a race and already feeling spent. That has happened to me too, mostly with Ocean startes through waves. Had some big waves last year in San Diego and they beat me up pretty bad mentally and physically.

I would be thrilled to average 16mph, my best on Race Day no less, has been 15mph.

2010-01-19 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi everyone!  Sorry I have been MIA, no real reason, just life getting in they way.  I'm happy to report I'm getting in all my workouts, it's just the posting and logging that has been lax for me.  Thanks Wade for the nudge.  :-)

Latest news for me, last week did my bike and run, no real gains there but they were good.  On Sunday I got in the pool and did 500m.  I have not been in the pool for 30 years, well I may have been in water but not doing laps.  My friend was with me and she timed one lap in the 25m pool and it was 25 seconds, I was really happy with that.  Of course I didnt' do all the laps at that rate but I felt really good that I could even do one. 

I was reading an article at MarkAllenOnline about heart rate training and I think I have been running with my heart rate too high so tonight I'm going to try my run to keep my HR at 136, see how that feels and use that as a baseline.  I'm sure I need to get some speed/interval work in as well so I think I'll try for 1 speed/interval run per week and the other 2 at steady pace.  yay, MORE things to track on a spreadsheet.

I am still struggling getting my nutrition on track and there is no reason other than pure laziness.  I intend to put that to bed tonight, make a plan for the rest of this week and the weekend and STICK TO IT. 

I'll check in tonight after my run.
2010-01-19 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
I'm back too!  Got a nice run in Saturday outside.. 2 miles at 24:00 (around there- hubby had a few stops). also had 3.5 hours squash & tennis Sat.

Felt the resulting "pounding" on my shins on Sunday- so just stuck to the tennis... got to make $$$.  but also put in a nice hour of core workout.

Yesterday, monday, was a total day off- celebrated a family b-day.

Tonight planning on spinning class- and maybe a swim if the ventilation system is fixed.   Dave I like it, but I think two things make it or break it; Like Michelene said the bikes (you'll know as soon as you get on it, you must have tension on it, and I like to set mine up like my road bike) and the instructor.  I really don't like "powderpuff" spin instructors- I really prefer a cycling instructor who is making workout that will translate to outdoor riding.  You'll know as soon as you get there which type of instructor it is- sounds simple but ask she/he if they ride/race outdoors- you'd be suprised how many spin instructors have no idea how to ride outside.

I'm heading out of town for a tennis  coach conference to your neck of the woods , Michelene- San Diego!  I'll be there Thursday Pm-Sunday PM.  Taking runners and suit, hope to get some nice training time in!  I'll be on the iphone, so I can read everybody's posts, but still having trouble blogging from the iphone.
Enjoy the day,
2010-01-19 3:59 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
30 minutes on the bike trainer again today.  seems to be getting a LITTLE easier
2010-01-19 7:31 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Wow, you guys have had some AWESOME workout lately!!  I think the nicer weather, at least here in Texas, has really gotten me motivated again.  I have had 3 great runs OUTSIDE WEARING SHORTS! and some great trainer rides.

About spin classes, I do like them.  The thing is, you have to be honest with yourself there.  It is really easy to not use a harder setting and cheat yourself out of a great workout.

I really need to find the pool!

2010-01-19 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2622602

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

bulldog520 - 2010-01-19 3:59 PM 30 minutes on the bike trainer again today.  seems to be getting a LITTLE easier

The more you ride, the easier it will get!  Just keep pedaling

2010-01-19 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2621870

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

I was reading an article at MarkAllenOnline about heart rate training and I think I have been running with my heart rate too high so tonight I'm going to try my run to keep my HR at 136, see how that feels and use that as a baseline.  I'm sure I need to get some speed/interval work in as well so I think I'll try for 1 speed/interval run per week and the other 2 at steady pace.  yay, MORE things to track on a spreadsheet.

Hey Adena, have you ever done a run TT test to see what your real HR zones are? Long slow is really the way to build up mileage. 

Here is the BT protocol.  I have used it many times...


<script>function openwin(articleid){"article-comments.asp?articleid=" + articleid, "comments", "width=500, height=500, scrollbars=1");}

photoLactate Threshold Heart-Rate Zone Testing Protocol
Field tests for determining your heart-rate zones with lactate threshold testing.


  • More information on various heart-rate formulas.
  • BeginnerTriathlete Q&A on Heart Rate Zones.
  • Use BT's Heart-Rate Zone and Pace Logger.  See instructions.
  • RPE/HR zone converter (bottom of this page)

220-Age Misconceptions and Determining your Lactate Threshold

How many of you triathletes out there are using this formula? Put up your hand and admit it - I can't see you through cyber space :-)

If I read one more message that says the athlete is using this formula, I am going off the DEEP END! People, this is not correct. It may work, but chances are very slim it will work for you. Of course the 15 people that it works for will post that it does work - but my point is that for the MAJORITY, this formula of 220-AGE = MAX Heart Rate - DOES NOT WORK!

Your best bet is to get some lab testing done to find out your Lactate Threshold. If you don't have access to a lab for whatever reason (location or $) don't fret. We have 'field' tests that you can do and the only thing you need is you, your Heart Rate Monitor and some 3 D's: Desire, Determination, and Discipline.


Before You Perform a Field Test!

First and FOREMOST, before starting any exercise program, please get medical clearance from your Doctor - If you haven't exercised before in your life or in the past year, PLEASE let him/her know you will be exercising and that you would like to check back with them in a month, just to make sure that you are not doing damage to yourself. 
If you are new to exercise you WILL want to forgo the testing for a while (it is rigorous) to prevent any kind of injury but instead wear a heart rate monitor to 'observe' your HR at various points of exercise. For beginners, I have had them do as little as starting out with 5 minutes of walking - this may be as simple as one lap of track. Or I may have them start riding a recumbent bicycle in the gym, use the elliptical machine, or the Stair Master.


One way to observe your improvement in fitness is to watch to see how fast your HR comes down when you stop exercising. Time how long it takes your HR to drop about 20-30 beats as soon as you stop. When you first start exercising it may take over 3 minutes, but as you get more fit, it may drop as quick as 1 minute. Everyone will vary, everyone will have different HR's and don't get caught up "my friend can get their HR higher" type of competition. It's very rare to find someone who has the same HR as you! 
I hope this gives beginners a better understanding of starting a program.  Once you have been exercising for awhile at the testing duration frequently, then only should you perform these tests.


See also: New Triathlete: What to Use Instead of Lactate Threshold Testing for Heart Rate Zones


When to perform an LT field test to determine your zones?

New to endurance training
The 'Couch-to-Sprint' plan has no HR training or LT testing as of the above warnings.  If you are new to endurance type training, DO NOT perform these LT field tests until you are well into a plan.


Already have a base
If you are starting any of the other 'HR-based' plans and have been maintaining fitness upon starting (meaning the first week or two of the plan is no-problem as you have been training at those volumes already), then you can take the LT test to re-determine your zones at the beginning or a week or two into it. 


Coming off of a recent injury or less training
BUT if you are starting any of the HR-based plans after a few weeks off of training-or coming off of a recent injury, only do a LT test after you have gotten several weeks into the plan consistently so you can get a reliable measurement.


Other then that, the HR-based training plans will have LT testing noted periodically in the plans or you can do one every 4-6 weeks.

Field Test for the Bike and Run:

Determining Bike Training Zones 

In biking
 we want to know our heart rate training zones. To make this as easy as possible, we will use a standard 30 minute TT. From this TT we will be able to determine the correct training zones. I do advocate doing both an inside and outside LT tests.

Bike test protocol:

The warm-up is 15 minutes of cycling, moving through the different gears, always keeping the cadence above 90 RPMS. Do a few short sprints to get your heart rate up and ready for the test!



You should start out in a gear that you can maintain 90 RPMS in. Make sure you remember what gear you started in.

  • The 30 minute TT begins.
  • At 10 minutes into the test, hit the 'Lap' button on your heart rate monitor, to get the average heart rate over the final 20 minutes of the test.
  • The average for the final 20 minutes is your Lactate Threshold or LT.
  • You should finish knowing you gave it everything you had.

15 minutes easy cool down.


--> Plug in the bike LT # from the above test into the BT Heart-rate zone calculator to get your training zones.


Determining Run Training Zones

In running we want to know our heart rate training zones as well. To make this as easy as possible, we will use a standard 30 minute TT. From this TT we will be able to determine the correct training zones. This is best if done on a flat uninterrupted path or trail.

Run test protocol:

After a 15 minute warm-up of easy running, finish with a few quick 20 seconds bursts to get your heart rate in the correct training zone.

  • The 30 minute TT begins.
  • At 10 minutes into the test, hit the 'Lap' button on your heart rate monitor, to get the average heart rate over the final 20 minutes of the test.
  • The average for the final 20 minutes is your Lactate Threshold or LT.
  • You should finish knowing you gave it everything you had.

15 minutes easy cool down. 

--> Plug in the run LT # from the above test into the BT Heart-rate zone calculator to get your training zones.


2010-01-19 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2622941

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Thanks for the reference material Marcy, much appreciated.  I'm still a bit confused but I'll give it another read or two and see if I can get it.  

No run for me tonight, it was my first workout at my new gym (the Y) and man was it busy and I forgot my water bottle, whoops!   However there was loads of equipment available and the equipment was newer and in better condition than the equipment at my old club.. PLUS I can now bike in miles, I wasn't sure if it was kms or miles at my old club, now I know it was kms.  Not sure why I prefer to bike in miles and run in kms.. I'm a child of the 60's and therefore perpetually confused, metric or old system..  metric or old system.

Edited by talluleh 2010-01-19 7:54 PM
2010-01-20 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
ran 3 miles and swam 600 yds today, very tired today though
2010-01-20 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Ran, did some intervals, and lunges today. About 30 mins total.
2010-01-20 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi All, Good Timing on the LT test information! I actually had just read this article on which is BT's official coach. I did my run TT last night and will be programing my zones into my Garmin.

Re: spin, I did Spin again this morning and pushed a bit harder and really kept an eye on my HR monitor to make sure I was working enough but not too much. The whole HR training is new to me, but I am liking it so far since I feel like it gives me a better idea of how hard I can push. I also found on the Run TT that I ran hard for 30 minutes w/out stopping and I was able to do it. Usually, as soon as it gets hard I stop and walk. My minutes/mile was 10.5 and I usually am above 11 minutes. I ran about 3.3 miles so at least for a 5K I know I can handle pushing myself harder.

It is raining and blowing like crazy here so confined to indoor training at the moment.

Pam, have fun in San Diego. I live in San Rafael, which is near San Francisco (Northern CA) but I did the Pendleton Sprint Triathlon last year in San Diego. We go to so call alot since we grew up there. San Diego is Triathlete heaven, perfect weather year round!

2010-01-21 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
25 minutes on the trainer today, i am developing a love/hate relationship with that thing
2010-01-21 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Swam for about half an hour
2010-01-21 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Wow, you are all making me feel like a slacker today.  My body was telling me that I needed a rest day so I moved today's workouts to tomorrow which is my regular rest day.

Great job with the TT Michelene.  My husband has the same issue, he lets his mind dictate what his legs do and ends up walking a lot more than he has to.

Next week is going to be fun.  We leave on vacation on Friday   Going on a 7-night Caribbean cruise.  I am so ready for some time away.  I love my dogs, but having an almost 16 year old insomniac beagle makes things challenging.  Being able to sleep all night is going to be great.  I do feel bad for my mom who will be dog sitting.  At least her work schedule has her off Sat-Tues so she can nap during the day to make up for the lack of sleep at night.

We really do plan on getting some workouts done on vacation.  The ship has a pretty well equipped gym so at worst treadmill and weights.  

Hope everyone had a great day.  Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

2010-01-21 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
30 minutes on the treadmill followed by weights and abs. I have not done abs in a long time and was pretty embarassed at how little fitness I have in this area! 20 sit-ups hurt and I only lasted 30 seconds in plank!
2010-01-22 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
45 mins on the treadmill this morning.  going to try and get in a swim but have a busy heavily scheduled day for work

2010-01-23 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Happy Saturday Gang,

This morning was mega house cleaning.  I should be able to log that as a workout .  This weekend is really about making sure we are all ready to leave bright and early Friday.  I think we pretty much have all we need.  Just maintaining the laundry and making sure that all my dangling work stuff is taken care of.  Gave the stinky dog a bath.  That was about 2 months over due.  She lost about 18 pounds of fur.

Still have a 90 minute run this afternoon.  Raining and it is supposed to keep raining all day so may cut it to an hour on the treadmill.

BTW - are any of you on Facebook?  I am Marcy Webster so send me a friend request!

2010-01-23 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hey everyone!  Had a fabulous weight session with my trainer today and a good 30 minute run on the treadmill immediately following that.  I had an horrible run earlier in the week but I am redeemed, phew!!  Tomorrow I'm back in the pool and maybe some biking.  I think my friends aren't coming so I will try to just do laps for an hour and see how many I can do.  Last week I was in the pool for almost an hour and did 20 laps but I spent alot of time farting around, yakking and hanging off the side.  I'm curious to see how many i can do in an hour or how many I can do before I am too tired to continue.

2010-01-23 4:24 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!

Great job in the pool Adena!  I have to find mine at some point!

2010-01-23 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Hi everyone. Was in the pool yesterday and today. Nonstop rain here in CA and I am just tired of being inside so I figured the pool outside was my best choice. Swam 1600-1800 yeaserday (lost count towards the end...and was chatting on my breaks) and then did 800 today without stopping. I had a 1h56min bike on the plan today but could not bring myself to spend that much time on the trainer! I am trying a new spin class tomorrow (Cycle Stretch) described as a 45 minute "hard ride" followed by 15 minutes of stretching focused on muscles used when riding. I am excited about this one and hope it does not dissapoint.

Next week is more rain so I am going to have to suck it up and ride my trainer for 2 hours! Ughhh...
2010-01-24 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2587714

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
1000m in the pool done this morning and I'm wiped out.  I can't wait til I get some more practice in the pool, I think I need to relax more.  Now i'm off to meeting up with a woman from our local triathlon club and become a member.  I'm hoping to meet more people and get more involved.  

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!   

2010-01-24 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
rest day yesterday and 5 miles done this morning.  relax with the kids this afternoon then off to see Brad Paisley live tonight.  Happy Sunday everyone and have a great week.
2010-01-24 4:45 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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Pensacola FL
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
That Brad Paisley concert will be awesome. Friday - Biked 22 miles in 79 minutes, a few minutes faster than last time. Saturday - Ran 4.3 miles in 40 minutes. I underestimated how sore my legs would be from Friday's ride and that definitely affected my speed in the run. Swam a mile this afternoon in 32:55. Thats my fastest mile time so far, it was a good swim. There is an Aquathon here in May I'm going to try and do. 3 mile swim in the bay and a 5k.
2010-01-25 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2587714

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San Rafael, CA
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
30 minutes/3 miles on the treadmill and 25 minutes/1200 in the pool.  Got back to the locker room to find a woman distraught that she forgot her sneakers and she was supposed to start a class in 5 minutes so did my good deed for the day and gave her mine. Sure hope I get them back I'm sure I will, she was amazingly grateful. I know how that goes, getting to the gym is half the battle! To get there and realize you forgot something...infuriating.
2010-01-25 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2634410

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom Mentor Group - Out Training!!
Michelene - 2010-01-25 9:21 PM 30 minutes/3 miles on the treadmill and 25 minutes/1200 in the pool.  Got back to the locker room to find a woman distraught that she forgot her sneakers and she was supposed to start a class in 5 minutes so did my good deed for the day and gave her mine. Sure hope I get them back I'm sure I will, she was amazingly grateful. I know how that goes, getting to the gym is half the battle! To get there and realize you forgot something...infuriating.

that should be some great karma coming your way with that good deed
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