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2010-01-07 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2601795

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
lulubug - 2010-01-07 9:19 PM i have been looking through everyones training logs - nice work!  question of the day - how important is strength training for IM?  My swim bike run workouts take up enough of my time, I cant imagine fitting in weight training too.  If i should be doing it, what is most important and can i get away with 1 day a week.  i would hate to waste a recovery day lifting.

I have yet to do a full IM but while doing my half I realized how important strength training really was. Take a look at my workouts and you can see how I am fitting it into my schedule. So far it hasn't been too overwhelming.

2010-01-08 4:47 AM
in reply to: #2601828

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Geez!!! I'm really sore after last night's run.... especially my right hip. Today I need to get batteries for my VDO so I can start tracking my HR.

McLuvin22.... my in-laws live in Bloomingdale. I spent Christmas up there and started my training by jogging around Glenwild lake. Do you know it?

Edited by jhogan9600 2010-01-08 4:48 AM
2010-01-08 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2602205

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I am not familiar with that specific lake but I have gone for a few bike rides up in that area. It's a really nice area to run but especially to ride. If your up this way again let me know and we ride or run.
2010-01-08 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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New York City
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I spent most of the fall doing more strength training than anything else. I tried to get two good strength training days in per week. I also took a swim class on Friday nights and tried to run one other day. Now that it is spring, i am going to shift to more focused triathlon training. I'll probably add some limited strength training to opne workout (pull-ups, pushups, squats, lunges). I also try to do some core work after most workouts.

The next swim class is starting on January 15. The classes are geared towards triathlon training and are great. The goal is to have class on Friday and hit the pool one other day.

I think I got into the NYC half-marathon, so the first few months will have a lot of running.

Albert, I have done the Harriman ride a few times. I did my first tri there. Those hills are brutal. My tri club has weekly rides on the Wyckoff-Franklin Lakes bike course every Saturday at 7 am, starting in about March. I did that a lot last year and it was great.

2010-01-08 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2592294

LaGrange, GA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
A question for the experienced stationary bike riders:  What do you wear to ride, bike shorts or tri shorts?  This is my first week on the bike and after two days I am sore...not muscle sore, butt sore!  Those saddles are not comfortable and I don't have a lot of cushioning back there.  I am sure that area will toughen up after a few more rides.  I read in another post about riders have that area go numb.  My upper thighs felt like they were going to sleep so I had to keep shifting positions on the saddle. Any tips or suggestions?  Or, just suck it up and ride?
2010-01-08 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2601795

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
lulubug - 2010-01-07 9:19 PM i have been looking through everyones training logs - nice work!  question of the day - how important is strength training for IM?  My swim bike run workouts take up enough of my time, I cant imagine fitting in weight training too.  If i should be doing it, what is most important and can i get away with 1 day a week.  i would hate to waste a recovery day lifting.

This simple question is one that often raises passions on BT.  I will give you my view.

First off, most triathlete coaches will tell you that if something needs to be dropped from the plan due to lack of time, weight training goes first.  So that's probably the easy answer to your question.

Second, there is no real evidence that weight training does much to help an endurance athlete.  You will see lots of articles in health and fitness magazines, on the web, etc. that say otherwise (often written by strength and conditioning coaches, trainers, etc.).  But, when you dive into the actual studies (search pub med, etc.), there is actually very little to show that there are many performance gains (the one example that does show some promise is plyometrics yielding better running economy, but this is fairly 'high risk' activity for a very marginal gain for most age-group triathletes).  It also doesn't show much evidence of injury prevention in our sport (it would if you played a sport like soccer or basketball--maybe downhill skiing?).  Of course, if you have been injured, weight training can be used as rehab once you know what you are targeting.

Third, we know that increasing your trianing load through swimming, biking and running helps make you a better swimmer, biker and runner.

So, I put all that together and come to the conclusion that I am best off using my limited training time to swim, bike and run more if my goal is limited to my triathlon performance.  Weights might do something beneficial for me that sceince just has not been able to model yet.  But I know that what I am doing works.  If I had some other goals right now, then I might have to reconsider squeezing some weight training in to meet those.  Perhaps in another 10 years or so I'll find that triathlon training by itself doesn't support muscles I might use for other 'everyday' chores (like shoveling my driveway!) and decide some weight training might be necessary.  For now, it's not.

I did do a little bit of weights and core work when I first started, but have since decided that even the extra core work is not really necessary.  My core is as strong as ever from all the swimming, biking and running I do.

2010-01-08 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2602571

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Harriman is a great place to ride!  I have twice done the HIM there.  Spend time on those hills and LP will be a piece of cake!
2010-01-08 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2602603

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
triton63 - 2010-01-08 10:14 AM A question for the experienced stationary bike riders:  What do you wear to ride, bike shorts or tri shorts?  This is my first week on the bike and after two days I am sore...not muscle sore, butt sore!  Those saddles are not comfortable and I don't have a lot of cushioning back there.  I am sure that area will toughen up after a few more rides.  I read in another post about riders have that area go numb.  My upper thighs felt like they were going to sleep so I had to keep shifting positions on the saddle. Any tips or suggestions?  Or, just suck it up and ride?

For ANY riding, I wear bike (or tri) shorts.  Also use something like Bodyglide or chamois cream.  But the saddles on many stationary bikes are not very comfortable (actually, usually due to too much padding vs. too little) and it may be difficult to ride for extended periods on them.  But, it could also just be that your butt just isn't used to it yet.  It does take a few rides, even on a "comfortable" saddle, to get used to sitting like that.  "Butt sore" is generally OK.  "Numbness" is generally not.
2010-01-08 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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Subject: Altitude Racing
I have family who live in CO at an altitude of 4900ft. There is an Olympic that I am considering doing in this town that they live in. They live directly on the lake and the start line is literally right in front of their house. So it would be fun to do this tri, and I have no doubt about my ability to be prepared for it. But I'm concerned about the altitude. I live at sea-level and I won't have time to go out there for two weeks to get acclimated. So should I let the altitude dissuade me from doing this race? I'd like to get several people's opinion on this one as it is a slightly difficult decision for me to make.
2010-01-08 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2602814

Subject: RE: Altitude Racing
4900ft might not be too bad, though I have known people who get lightheaded in Denver. But I can't say that any of those people were necessarily endurance athletes. Totally speculating here, but I imagine Couer d'Alene has some altitude, and plenty of people come from all over to race there without much altitude acclimation time. (just looked it up and it's only 2300ft or so)
2010-01-08 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2602814

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Subject: RE: Altitude Racing
If I was you I would go for it.  If you were an out of shape smoker I would say you would have some trouble with it, but the fact that you are a triathlete should cause you no problems.  You may be a little more winded but it shouldn't make a great deal of difference.  Good luck and have a great race.  I have raced with people from all over the country at Tahoe for Xterra's and I haven't heard anybody making a big issue out of the elevation change.

2010-01-08 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2602814

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: Altitude Racing
Ditto the above.  The worst that happens is that you end up a little slower without the time to adapt.  Do make sure you hydrate well and just try to pace yourself if your breathing feels "thin".
2010-01-08 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2602507

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Sounds good! Probably won't be until June or July though.
2010-01-08 6:35 PM
in reply to: #2602603

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
You may be able to have the attendant or trainer adjust the seat angle for you. I like mine tilted down slightly... but some folks like them flat. Don't tilt it down too much or you'll slide. Also, make sure the bike is set up for you. Unless you're used to doing this, you'll want to ask someone to help you. If the bike has incremental settings (adjustments), write down your setting once you find your best fit... that way next time you ride you won't have to waist time finding your settings again. When I spin, I probably spend as much time out of the saddle as in. Don't know what kind of bike your using, but if you can stand and spin it'll give your rear a break. Hope this helps.
2010-01-09 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2592294

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cincinnati, ohio
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
hope everyone is having a great weekend.  real cold here in Cinci.  Bengals lost.  that sucks.  thanks for all the advice on strength training.  i think i could benefit by a few exercises.  maybe i could put together a routine i could do at home when i have a free moment. 
2010-01-09 10:10 PM
in reply to: #2592294

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Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I have to share this with the group. Since I have started my base plan my goal was to finally break 200 lbs while doing squats, well today was that day! Very pumped!!!!

2010-01-10 5:34 AM
in reply to: #2605467

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED

Edited by jhogan9600 2010-01-10 5:44 AM
2010-01-10 5:41 AM
in reply to: #2605550

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Mcluvin22 - 2010-01-09 10:10 PM I have to share this with the group. Since I have started my base plan my goal was to finally break 200 lbs while doing squats, well today was that day! Very pumped!!!!

200 lbs! Excellent job! I'm looking forward to getting some poundage back on the bar. I haven't lifted since the early 1990s, but I'm taking it seriously as part of my training routine now. Returning to the weight room has been a positive, yet humbling experience. Congrats on reaching your goal!Laughing
2010-01-10 5:45 AM
in reply to: #2605467

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Southeastern Virginia
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
lulubug - 2010-01-09 8:49 PM hope everyone is having a great weekend.  real cold here in Cinci.  Bengals lost.  that sucks.  thanks for all the advice on strength training.  i think i could benefit by a few exercises.  maybe i could put together a routine i could do at home when i have a free moment. 

Sorry about those Bengals (Saints fan here).  Good luck with your weight training.
2010-01-10 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
I realize I'm WAY behind the curve on this one, but I finally am geared up with an IPod to run with.  Really love the tunes while running, but curious.  What kind of music do you guys like best for running? 

Of course, I'm here in Alabama, so my IPod is loaded with the requisite country songs.  Very nice, reflective type music, but not exactly motivating.
2010-01-10 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2605702

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Aubiewood - 2010-01-10 7:26 AM I realize I'm WAY behind the curve on this one, but I finally am geared up with an IPod to run with.  Really love the tunes while running, but curious.  What kind of music do you guys like best for running?

I'm not ashamed to admit that my running mix has a lot of pop music in.  Britney, Kelly Clarkson, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, anything fast, loud and with a good beat.  I have also been getting in to techno and house, mostly techno remixes of other songs I like.  There's a good remix of a song by Nina Simone called Sinnerman (you may have heard it on call phone commercials recently).  And just about any 80's pop song will go in there nicely as well.  Check out Van Halen's Right Now and You're the Best Around by Joe Esposito.

In other news:  I think I will go for the olympic in Colorado, which would speed up my training time line significantly.  If I do, I'm considering go HIM at the end of this season, something I had planned to leave for next season (2011). 

Workouts: Ran 10 miles yesterday in 1:34.  The first five were fine, not all that great but at my halfway turnaround on the trail, another runner caught me and we ran the next 3.5 together and it was great!  About 1:30 per mile faster than my regular pace and I didn't feel it all, even though we were talking - and I totally forgot about my shin splint.  I've been looking for a running partner for so long, I may have finally found one.  But he did IM Florida last year in 10:10 and is training for IM Wisconsin and trying to qualify for Kona, so I will probably hold him back a bit.

Swam 1600m today in about 40mins.

Have a good week everyone!

Edited by aggienmmi 2010-01-10 4:54 PM

2010-01-10 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2592294

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Hi all,

Had a fabulous snowshoe/ski trek yesterday, about 6 miles and it was beautiful! Today I was on my feet all day working the emergency clinic at the mountain. Tomorrow I'm back to school, starting my final semester of school (at least this round of school). I do have two breaks of about an hour, and I'm packing my running gear. I should be able to make use of one break at least.

IPOD - Maybe I'm a dork, but I download a lot of podcasts, especially running and triathlon ones. Sometimes I follow the podcast, other times I zone out to the talking. Then after awhile I will get sick of podcasts, and just leave the IPOD home. I actually get really annoyed with it on long runs... and sometimes not so long runs. I remember wearing mine during a 5K race last summer, and throwing it to my family on the side of the road in the last 8 minutes or so.

Have a happy Monday everyone!
2010-01-11 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Hope everyone had a good weekend.  Other than watching part of a horrid Eagles football game (played Guitar Hero with my son for much of the second half), mine went well.

I'm not an Ipod person and don't run or ride (or swim) with music usually.  When I do, it's not with headphones.  I'll listen to music or (more often) watch TV when I'm on the trainer or treadmill.  TV staple is SportsCenter.  Music is usually something rock-related.  I know lots of people like using podcasts.  For awhile, at least, there were lots of threads in the forums about where to find some triathlon-realted ones.
2010-01-11 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2592294

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Welcome to the new week everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend.  As for an IPOD I have never used one or listened to music when I am outside on my bike or running.  I use this time to get away from all the noise in the world,  it is my quiet time just me and my thoughts and I try to limit them as well.  As for inside I will watch sports center when I do run on the treadmill.
2010-01-11 11:38 PM
in reply to: #2607207

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay's Group - CLOSED
Hi Gang,

Arrived home at 11 PM last night after thee days of amazing skiing. Back to work today 8AM - 7:30 PM (yes almost 12 hrs) now home exhausted with no workout today...but iwill be up early tomorrow for a run and to the pool tomorow night

Will catch up on everyone's posts soon...feel behind in everything!

Good to be back...

Cool Pamela
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