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2010-04-10 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
OK, Whats in my tri bag?  Hmmm....

It differs just slighty from road to dirt, but not significant.  I wear tri shorts and top in the water.  NO CHANGING clothes in transition.  Trying to put a shirt on when wet will cost you time.  Also, I'll put a towel under my gear to step on, but not to dry off.  With practice, you should be able to keep your transition time under a minute.  Other don'ts in my opion:

This is not a feeding station.  Fuel on the move.
Don't sit!  Make your changes and get moving.

Swim Cap (usually provided)
Goggles (two pair - you don't want to break a strap on race day)
Timing chip (usually provded)
Body glide around neck, wrists, and ankles.

If your wearing a wetsuit, don't wait until your at transition to start changing.  As you com out of the water, unzip, then take your swim cap and google off.  While holding your cap and goggles in one hand, pull your arm out of the wetsuit.  The goggles and cap while stay in the wetsuit sleeve.  While you run to transition, continue to remove the upper body portion of the suit to your waist.


Bike shoes secured to pedals.
Socks (I'm partial to socks - have them rolled in a donut so you can roll them on)
Bike helmet (place on bars of bike)
Camelbak (off-road tris)


Run visor
Shoes (Yankz or similar system)
Water bottle ( depending on distance either hand strap or waist belt)

I'll try to take pictures of my set-up later.

2010-04-10 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

The plans on BT work just fine.  What you need to remember though is that these plans are generic and not suited to you personally.  In other words, they don't address your specific areas of strengths and weakness like a custom tailored plan from a coach.  The plan, however, gives you idea of the volume you need to be training to have a reasonable expectaion of completing your chosen distance.  From there, you can fudge numbers to address weaknesses.

2010-04-10 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2782352

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
brick94513 - 2010-04-10 3:14 PM
SAWFISH50 - 2010-04-10 12:52 PM Just got home from the 25K trail race It was Great... Weather was realy nice. Coarse had a lot more hills than I thought it would and losts of sections with a ton of tree roots that I had to take my time on to keep from breaking my ankle, but I finished strong and feeling good for my first Trail Race and Longest run ever.  My time was 3:22. I'll write up a race report tomorrow and post it up. 

Hey Tim I found a Sprint Xterra her in mid Summer..  I think My first Tri might be in the dirt. Ohh Yea!!

I got some MTB question fer you also.. 

Great job on the race and your longest run ever.  16 miles definately feels longer on the trail than on the road, huh?

Oh yea I have a flat trail at the back of my neighborhood that I run most of my traing runs on it is mostly packed gravel.. But this was a totaly different beast.... It was great but a lot more work for sure.  I walled all the up hills and ran the downs and flats and took walk breaks  as needed.  At leas where I was in the pack (the back)  most every one was doing the run walk thing.  Trail races are totaly laid back great time.   I started loosing steam at the 1/2 mary point and the Gel pacs weren't cutting it any more but thank god the aid station at the 13 mile point had Peanut Butter and banana samithes MMMMM!!  I ate 1/2 of one and it was like majic :-

Tim do most people run a Full Suspension bike in Xterra or just front suspension?   My old Gt is Pre Rock Shocks so it is 100% rigid. 
2010-04-10 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2782376

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-04-10 1:38 PM

Oh yea I have a flat trail at the back of my neighborhood that I run most of my traing runs on it is mostly packed gravel.. But this was a totaly different beast.... It was great but a lot more work for sure.  I walled all the up hills and ran the downs and flats and took walk breaks  as needed.  At leas where I was in the pack (the back)  most every one was doing the run walk thing.  Trail races are totaly laid back great time.   I started loosing steam at the 1/2 mary point and the Gel pacs weren't cutting it any more but thank god the aid station at the 13 mile point had Peanut Butter and banana samithes MMMMM!!  I ate 1/2 of one and it was like majic :-

Tim do most people run a Full Suspension bike in Xterra or just front suspension?   My old Gt is Pre Rock Shocks so it is 100% rigid. 

Question for you about nutrition?  Where you supplementing at a per hour rate?  Or, did you get behind the curve, then play catch up toward the end of the race?

As far as the MTB, I currently ride a full suspension.  However, hopefully soon, I'm going to build a hard tail just for racing.  I don't think a full suspension bike was need at any of the races that I've done so far.  I think the lighter bike and great power transfer would out weight the benefits of a little comfort.
2010-04-10 5:43 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
2010-04-10 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
How's everyone's training going?  Little quiet around here today!

Weather has turned kind of crappy on us in the Bay Area.  I cancelled my OWS and opted to do my LDS in the pool.  Not very fun and quite monotonous.  On a positive note, I had the old folks doing water aerobics next to my lane, so it was kind of like a mass water start with the splashingLaughing

Then, I did a road ride in the afternoon and got clobbered by the wind.  I think the weather report showed 15-20 MPH sustained winds and I couldn't even tell you about the gusts.  At one point, going into the wind, I was knocked down to 12 mph on the flats.  Ouch!

2010-04-10 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Man, I'm bummed out today.  I should be really pumped about the Sylvan Island race, but instead, I already figured out I'm not in top form.

bad day for me on the final FTP test after another 8 week computrainer class.  I can't put a finger on what happened either.  I just sucked today.  I ate right, rested well, everything.  I had a goal of 270+ going in (I was 256 8 weeks ago when I started).  Did fine the first half.   I think I was above 280 20 minutes in and felt great.  Then I hit a wall, all of a sudden.  The last half was basically just me saving some watts.  I could barely pedal.  Dropped all the way donw to 251 by the end.

Whatever, another bad day in the books.  I moped around the house today doing yard work.  Proably not the best idea before Sylvan tomorrow, but all I can do is get out of bed, drive up there and hammer the best I can.   In the meantime I have to figure out a way to get more pumped up for the race tomorrow!!

2010-04-10 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2781101

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - OPEN
brick94513 - 2010-04-09 4:07 PM

Are you talking about the April 25th event at Lake Las Vegas?  This is a regional stop and there will be a short course, long course, and trail run.

I was, but I think we may do the trip in August now instead so probaly won't be able too.  It would probably be a mess trying to figure out how to get a bike out there anyhow.
2010-04-10 6:04 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Tim I ate a good breakfast and took a Gel pack every 45 minuits like I did in training but I also have used a couple of Cliff Bar minis in my longest training runs to help with the hunger and I forgot to stick a couple in my pouch I had plenty of gells so I ate an extra one with the Peanutbutter sandwhich.  It's crazy but It's just me I get crazy hungry on long runs over2 hours.  I didnt hit a lack of nutriton wall so to say I was just starving.  After the race at my car I had a Mioplex protein shake, apple, Banana,  a 5 hour energy shot, a Cliff bar and a big gator aid..   I think I need a Beer right now though LOL!!   
2010-04-10 6:14 PM
in reply to: #2782366

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
brick94513 - 2010-04-10 1:30 PM
While holding your cap and goggles in one hand, pull your arm out of the wetsuit.  The goggles and cap while stay in the wetsuit sleeve.

Never thought of that, i like it!  Thanks for all the detailed info and extra tips and the article/vid links.  I will definitely use some of your tactics.  1 minute, check!
2010-04-10 6:25 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
i see a couple posts about nutrition during long evolutions, can i throw an idea out?  have you guys ever heard of chia seeds?  i have been using them regularly for about a year now on long training runs/races and for pre wo shakes.  you can make a gel w/ them, then freeze it in little baggies for easy pocketing during an event.  the gel thaws out pretty quick so when you need to fuel, just bite off a corner and squeeze some liquid energy into your face!  i ran a 24 mile training run fueled only off 4 of these baggies of gel and a 1/2 a cantaloupe.  it was awesome.  i cant figure out how to paste a link in here but if you go to zombierunner, they have the 2x3 mini zip locks there.  $5.00 for 100.

2010-04-10 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
thanks for posting those transition videos!

im sure its common ground for most of you, but as i've yet to do my first tri, its great to see how more experienced racers do it.
2010-04-10 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2782533

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Meulen - 2010-04-10 3:59 PM Man, I'm bummed out today.  I should be really pumped about the Sylvan Island race, but instead, I already figured out I'm not in top form.

bad day for me on the final FTP test after another 8 week computrainer class.  I can't put a finger on what happened either.  I just sucked today.  I ate right, rested well, everything.  I had a goal of 270+ going in (I was 256 8 weeks ago when I started).  Did fine the first half.   I think I was above 280 20 minutes in and felt great.  Then I hit a wall, all of a sudden.  The last half was basically just me saving some watts.  I could barely pedal.  Dropped all the way donw to 251 by the end.

Whatever, another bad day in the books.  I moped around the house today doing yard work.  Proably not the best idea before Sylvan tomorrow, but all I can do is get out of bed, drive up there and hammer the best I can.   In the meantime I have to figure out a way to get more pumped up for the race tomorrow!!

Relax....  These tests are very subjective!  Time of day, temperature, presence of fans, fueling, amount of training leading up to the test, hours of sleep, glycogen stores, I could go on and on.  It's just a number!

Have fun tomorrow.  Enjoy the trail and do your best.  At the end of the race, if you can say you gave it your all and had FUN, then you had a good day regardless of where you place!
2010-04-10 7:13 PM
in reply to: #2782537

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-04-10 4:04 PM Tim I ate a good breakfast and took a Gel pack every 45 minuits like I did in training but I also have used a couple of Cliff Bar minis in my longest training runs to help with the hunger and I forgot to stick a couple in my pouch I had plenty of gells so I ate an extra one with the Peanutbutter sandwhich.  It's crazy but It's just me I get crazy hungry on long runs over2 hours.  I didnt hit a lack of nutriton wall so to say I was just starving.  After the race at my car I had a Mioplex protein shake, apple, Banana,  a 5 hour energy shot, a Cliff bar and a big gator aid..   I think I need a Beer right now though LOL!!   

OK, you've touched on a very important window in nutrition.  Races/training less than 2 hours require different fueling than events that go beyond this time mark.  After two hours, you must give your body protein in addition to the carbohydrates.  If you don't, your body starts to cannibalize its own muscle tissue for protein.  So, when I know my training or races will go beyond two hours, I will start from the beginning alternating gels and a protein-fat mixture.  I will look for the articles on this for you guys.

Another point, endurance sports are deficit spending.  This should be an easy concept for most Americans to understand!  Sorry, I couldn't resist.  You cannot replenish what you spend.  If you attempt to do this, the extra food will sit in your stomach and eventually cause GI distress, bloating, and fluid retention.  At most, you can only consume 250-300 calories per hour.  This is why you need to be very critical of what microntrients you are providing to your body over the course of your race.  If you get behind, you can't make it up, nor should you try.  You need to be diligent from the start.

One last thought for right now.  You need to hydrate at a per hour rate.  Most people need to consume 16-24 ounces of water per hour during activity.  I will get back to you on the exact eqaution for this too.

This is a lot for now.  I'm sure there will be questions and we can delve into further discussion.
2010-04-10 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

This article was taken from Hammer Nutrition.  I have had great nutritional success following these guidelines.  I've tried to remove specific product referrences since I don't believe this is the proprer forum for such advertisement.  Please forgive me if I missed any.  Enjoy!


1. Excess hydration

Optimal nutritional support for endurance athletics means consuming the right amount of the right nutrients at the right time. You can neither overload nor undersupply your body without compromising athletic performance and incurring detrimental results. The principle of avoiding both too much and too little especially applies to hydration, where serious consequences occur from either mistake. If you don’t drink enough, you’ll suffer from unpleasant and performance-ruining dehydration. Drink too much, however, and you’ll not only end up with impaired athletic performance, you may even be flirting with potentially life-threatening water intoxication.

One of the most respected researchers on hydration, Dr. Tim Noakes, studied the effects of thousands of endurance athletes and noted that the front-runners typically tend to dehydrate, while overhydration occurs most often among middle to back-of-the-pack athletes. Both conditions lead to hyponatremia (low blood sodium), but through different processes. Excess water consumption causes what is known as “dilutional hyponatremia,” or an overly diluted level of sodium and electrolytes in the blood. This is as bad as under-hydrating in regards to increased potential for muscular cramping, but has the added disadvantages of stomach discomfort, bloating, and extra urine output. And, as mentioned earlier, in some unfortunate circumstances, excess hydration can lead to severe physiological circumstances, including death.

Unfortunately, endurance athletes too often adopt the “if a little is good, a lot is better” approach. This can lead to significant problems when you’re trying to meet your hydration requirements. All it takes is one poor performance or DNF due to cramping and you start thinking, “Hmm, maybe I didn’t drink enough.” Next thing you know, you’re drinking so much water and fluids that your thirst is quenched but your belly is sloshing and you’re still cramping. Remember, both undersupply and oversupply of fluid intake will get you in trouble.

How much should one drink? One expert, Dr. Ian Rogers, suggests that between 500-750 milliliters/hr (about 17-25 fluid ounces/hr) will fulfill most athletes’ hydration requirements under most conditions. I believe all athletes would benefit from what Dr. Rogers says: “Like most things in life, balance is the key and the balance is likely to be at a fluid intake not much above 500 milliliters (about 17 ounces) per hour in most situations, unless predicted losses are very substantial.”

[Rogers, I.R. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance and Endurance Exercise: What can we learn from recent research?, Wilderness Medicine Letter, 18:3, USA (2001)]

Recommendation: We at Hammer Nutrition have found that most athletes do very well under most conditions with a fluid intake of 20-25 ounces (approx 590-750 milliliters) per hour. Sometimes you may not need that much fluid—15-16 ounces (approx 445-475 ml) per hour may be quite acceptable—sometimes you might need somewhat more, perhaps up to 28 ounces (approx 830 ml) hourly. Our position, however, is that the risk of dilutional hyponatremia increases substantially when an athlete repeatedly consumes more than 30 fluid ounces (approx 870 ml) per hour. If more fluid intake is necessary (under very hot conditions, for example) proceed cautiously and remember to increase electrolyte intake as well to match your increased fluid intake. You can easily accomplish this by consuming a few additional Endurolytes capsules.

2. Simple sugar consumption

We believe that fructose, sucrose, glucose, and other simple sugars (mono- and disaccharides) are poor carbohydrate sources for fueling your body during exercise. Also, for optimal general health you should restrict your intake of these simple sugars (see the article 146 Reasons Sugar Ruins Your Health).

For endurance athletes, the primary problem with fuels containing simple sugars is that they must be mixed in weak 6-8% solutions in order to match body fluid osmolality parameters (280-303 mOsm) and thus be digested with any efficiency. Unfortunately, solutions mixed and consumed at this concentration only provide, at the most, about 100 calories per hour, inadequate for maintaining energy production on an hourly basis for most athletes. Using a 6-8% solution to obtain adequate calories means your fluid intake becomes so high that it causes discomfort and bloating, and you may possibly over-hydrate to the point of fluid intoxication.

You can’t make a “double or triple strength” mixture from a simple sugar-based carbohydrate fuel in the hopes of obtaining adequate calories because the concentration of that mixture, now far beyond the 6-8% mark, will remain in your stomach until sufficiently diluted, which may cause substantial stomach distress. You can drink more fluids in the hopes of “self diluting” the overly concentrated mixture, but remember that you’ll increase the risk of over-hydration. However, if you don’t dilute with more water and electrolytes, your body will recruit these from other areas that critically need them and divert them to the digestive system to deal with the concentrated simple sugar mix. This can result in a variety of stomach-related distresses, not to mention increased cramping potential.

Bottom line is that simple sugar-based drinks or gels have to be mixed and consumed at very dilute and calorically weak concentrations in order to be digested with any efficiency. A simple sugar-based product used at a properly mixed concentration cannot provide adequate calories to sustain energy production. Any way you look at it, fuels containing simple sugars are inefficient and therefore not recommended during prolonged exercise.

Complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides) are the best choice for endurance athletes, as they allow your digestive system to rapidly and efficiently process a greater volume of calories, providing steady energy. Unlike simple sugars, which match body fluid osmolality at 6-8% solutions, complex carbohydrates match body fluid osmolality at substantially more concentrated 15-18% solutions. Even at this seemingly high concentration, complex carbohydrates (such as maltodextrins and glucose polymers) will empty the stomach at the same efficient rate as normal body fluids and provide up to three times more energy than simple sugar mixtures, which means you can fulfill your caloric requirements without running the risk of over-hydration or other stomach related maladies.

3. Improper amounts of calories

Too many endurance athletes fuel their bodies under the premise, “If I burn 500-800 calories an hour, I must consume that much or I’ll bonk.” However, repeating what Dr. Bill Misner stated earlier in The Guide, “To suggest that fluids, sodium, and fuels-induced glycogen replenishment can happen at the same rate as it is spent during exercise is simply not true. Endurance exercise beyond 1-2 hours is a deficit spending entity, with proportionate return or replenishment always in arrears. The endurance exercise outcome is to postpone fatigue, not to replace all the fuel, fluids, and electrolytes lost during the event. It can’t be done, though many of us have tried.” In other words, your body can’t replenish calories as fast as it expends them (ditto for fluids and electrolytes). Athletes who try to replace “calories out” with an equal amount of “calories in” usually suffer digestive maladies, with the inevitable poorer-than-expected outcome, and possibly the dreaded DNF (“Did Not Finish&rdquo. Body fat and glycogen stores easily fill the gap between energy output and fuel intake, so it’s detrimental overkill to attempt calorie-for-calorie replacement.

Keep this in mind if you’re doing ultra-endurance events, especially if you’ve had to “alter the game plan” and are unable to stick to your planned hourly caloric intake. For example, let’s say you’ve been consuming an average of 280 calories an hour, but the heat or other circumstances (such as climbing a very long hill) prevented you from maintaining that desired hourly average. DO NOT try to “make up lost ground” by consuming additional calories; it’s not only unnecessary, it may very well cause a lot of stomach distress, which will hurt your performance. Remember, during periods where fuel consumption may be less than your original hourly plan, body fat stores will effectively fill in the gap, thus eliminating the need to overcompensate with calories.

Recommendation: In general, an intake of 240-280 calories per hour is sufficient for the average size endurance athlete (approximately 160-165 lbs/approx 72.5-75 kg). Lighter weight athletes (<120-125 pounds/approx 54.5-57 kg) will most certainly need less, while heavier athletes (>190 pounds/approx 86 kg) may need slightly more, perhaps upwards of 300/hour.

4. Inconsistent electrolyte supplementation

Consuming sufficient amounts of calories and fluids during workouts and races is an obvious necessity. Consistent electrolyte supply is equally important. Just as your car’s engine requires sufficient oil to keep its many parts running smoothly, your body requires electrolytic minerals to maintain smooth performance of vital functions such as muscle contraction. Athletes who neglect this important component of fueling will impair their performance, and may incur painful and debilitating cramping and spasms, a sure way to ruin a workout or race.

However, this doesn’t mean that athletes should indiscriminately ingest copious amounts of one or more electrolytes; sodium (salt) is usually the most misused. Supplementing with only one electrolyte or consuming too much of one or more electrolytic minerals overrides the complex and precise mechanisms that regulate proper electrolyte balance. The solution is to provide the body with a balanced blend of these important minerals and in a dose that cooperates with and enhances body mechanisms. Salt tablets alone cannot sufficiently satisfy electrolyte requirements, and excess salt consumption will cause more problems than it resolves.

Remember also that electrolyte replenishment is important even when it’s not hot outside. Sure, you may not need as much as you would in hotter weather, but your body still requires consistent replenishment of these minerals to maintain the optimal performance of many important bodily functions. You don’t wait until you dehydrate before you drink fluids, or until you bonk before you put some calories back in your body, do you? Of course not. You fulfill those fueling requirements before the consequences of inadequate replenishment strike. The same principle applies to electrolyte replenishment. Going back to the engine/oil analogy, you don’t wait until the engine seizes before refilling the oil reservoir. The same is true for electrolytes, the body’s “motor oil,” in that you don’t want to wait until you start cramping before you replenish these important minerals.

5. No protein during prolonged exercise

When exercise extends beyond about two hours, your body begins to utilize some protein to fulfill its energy requirements, as you begin to derive glucose from amino acids. This metabolic process helps to satisfy anywhere from 5-15% of your energy needs. If you fail to include protein in your fuel, your body has only one other choice: your own muscle! Called “lean muscle tissue catabolism” or “muscle cannibalization,” this process devastates performance through muscle deterioration and increased fatigue-causing ammonia accumulation, and also negatively affects the immune system and recovery. The longer your workout or race, the greater these problems are compounded. So while carbohydrates are still the primary component of your fuel, it should include a small amount of protein when training sessions or races last longer than two to three hours.

We believe soy protein’s amino acid profile is ideal for use during exercise, which is why Hammer Nutrition’s Perpetuem and Sustained Energy contain soy as the protein source. For instance, compared to whey protein (which is ideal for recovery), soy protein has higher levels of phenylalanine, which may aid in maintaining alertness during ultra-distance races. Soy protein has higher amounts of histidine, which is part of the beta-alanyl l-histidine dipeptide known as carnosine, which has antioxidant/acid buffering benefits. Finally, soy protein has higher levels of aspartic acid, which plays an important role in energy production via the Krebs cycle.

Dr. Bill Misner writes, “Soy’s remarkable donation to endurance performance is deserving of our review. Soy has been observed to produce a higher degree of uric acid content than whey proteins. Uric acid is reduced by excessive free radicals produced during exercise. When uric acid levels are higher, that is an indication of less free radical release due to antioxidant influence of the isoflavones found exclusively in soy. This is one reason why soy may be the preferred dietary protein application during endurance exercise.”

6. Too much solid food during exercise

In the 1985 Race Across America (RAAM), Jonathan Boyer rode to victory using a liquid diet as his primary fuel source. Since then, it has become the norm for endurance and ultra-endurance athletes. Liquid nutrition is the easiest, most convenient, and most easily digested way to get a calorie and nutrient-dense fuel. Solid food, for the most part, cannot match the precision or nutrient density of the best liquid fuels. In addition, too much solid food consumption will divert blood from working muscles for the digestive process. This, along with the amount of digestive enzymes, fluids, and time required in breaking down the constituents of solid food, can cause bloating, nausea, and/or lethargy. Lastly, some of the calories ingested from solid foods are used up simply to break down and digest them; in essence, these calories are wasted.

Occasional solid food intake provides a welcome diversion during ultra-endurance efforts, but we don’t recommend it as your primary fuel source. In fact, our position is that NO solid food is necessary (even food as healthy as the Hammer Bar) during workouts or races in the 12-hour-or-under range. If, however, you choose to consume solid food during your workouts or races, even during ultra distance events, we suggest you take heed to these two recommendations:

  • Choose foods that have little or no refined sugar or saturated fats. Don’t think, “I’m a calorie burning machine so I can eat anything I want& calories are calories.” Remember, what you put in your body greatly determines what you get out of it. The well-known phrase “Garbage in, garbage out,” fully applies here.
  • Use solid food sparingly, and only as an exception or diversion. Maintain your primary intake through liquid/gel sources.

In summary, exercise diminishes digestive system function, so regular solid food intake should be limited in your fueling strategy. Solid foods increase the likelihood of lethargy and performance-inhibiting stomach discomforts such as bloating, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

Recommendation: In summary, exercise diminishes digestive system function, so regular solid food intake should be limited in your fueling strategy. Solid foods increase the likelihood of lethargy and performance-inhibiting stomach discomforts such as bloating, stomach cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

7. Using something new in a race without having tested it in training

The title is pretty self-explanatory; it’s one of THE cardinal rules for all athletes, yet you’d be amazed at how many break it. Are you guilty as well? Unless you’re absolutely desperate and willing to accept the consequences, do not try anything new in competition, be it equipment, fuel, or tactics. These all must be tested and refined in training.

8. Sticking with your game plan even when it's not working

Endurance athletes tend to be strong-willed and uncompromising. Most strive to have a “game plan” in place for their training program, which is, of course, an excellent idea. Smart athletes also have a game plan for their supplements and fueling. Having this nutritional game plan that you’ve honed during training is a big step toward success on race day, but don’t slavishly adhere to it during the race if it’s not working. What does fine in terms of fueling—your hourly intake of fluids, calories, and electrolytes—during training at a slower pace and lower overall energy output, might fail during competition. Athletes who stubbornly maintain the same fuel intake hour after hour, even when it’s clearly not working, end up with poorer results, if they finish at all.

Yes, it’s important to maintain consistent caloric intake during a workout or race, but if the weather gets hot, the body’s ability to process calories usually diminishes. It’s important to recognize this and to listen to your body. Continuing to force down “X” amount of calories an hour (the original “game plan&rdquo, especially under extreme conditions when your body cannot properly assimilate them, puts a burden on your stomach and can cause any number of stomach-related maladies, which will certainly hinder or ruin performance. During the heat, it becomes more important to stay hydrated and maintain adequate electrolyte levels, so be willing to cut back on calorie consumption. Body fat stores, which satisfy up to two-thirds of energy requirements during exercise, will accommodate energy needs during occasional breaks from regular intervals of fuel consumption. During the heat, fueling is still important, but the focus shifts towards maintaining hydration and proper electrolyte levels. Resume regular caloric intake when you start feeling better and your stomach has had some time to assimilate the fuel that it already has.

In a similar, but non-fueling vein, another time when it’s not a wise idea to stick to your training plan is after you’ve had a poorer-than-expected race. Many athletes think that the cure for a poor race is to train harder and longer. Instead of recuperating, many athletes will train themselves into the ground, oftentimes ending up not fitter, but over-trained, with a poorly functioning immune system. A better tactic is to recuperate completely after your race, evaluating what went right and what went wrong during the race, and adapting your training accordingly; training harder and longer isn’t necessarily your best option. Remember that recovery is as important a part of your training and the achievement of your athletic goals as the actual training session. Make sure that you take your recovery as seriously as your training.

Recommendation: It’s a good practice to have a game plan that includes a fueling protocol that you have refined during training, but you need to be flexible. Evaluate and adjust accordingly as race pace and weather dictate. Have a game plan, but write it in pencil, not in ink.

9. Inadequate post-workout nutrition

Performance improvement depends on a program of exercise that stimulates muscular and cardiovascular adaptation followed by a recovery period in which the body rebuilds itself slightly more fit than before. Thus, the real gain of exercise occurs during recovery, but only in the presence of adequate rest and nutritional support. Athletes who fail to replenish carbohydrates and protein shortly after workouts will never obtain full value from their efforts. So even though all you may want to do after a hard workout or race is get horizontal and not move for several hours, you must first take care of what might be the most important part of your workout: the replenishment of carbohydrates and protein.

Carbohydrate replenishment as soon as possible upon completion of the workout (ideally within the first 30-60 minutes) takes advantage of high glycogen synthase activity, imperative to maximizing muscle glycogen, the first fuel the body uses when exercise commences. Protein supplies the amino acids necessary to (a) maximize glycogen storage potential, (b) rebuild and repair muscle tissue, and (c) support optimal immune system function.

This is also an ideal time to provide the body with cellular protection support in the form of antioxidants. Because athletes use several times more oxygen than sedentary people, they are more prone to oxidative damage, which not only impairs recovery but is also considered a main cause of degenerative diseases. Consistent supplementation with a full spectrum vitamin/mineral supplement, along with any additional antioxidants, boosts and maintains the immune system and reduces recovery time.

The bottom line is that post-workout nutrition is an important component of your training, and properly done, allows you to obtain maximum benefit from your training.

Recommendation: Depending on a number of factors (such as body size and length/intensity of the workout), consume 30-90 grams of complex carbohydrates and 10-30 grams of protein (a 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein) immediately after workouts.

10. Improper pre-workout/race fueling

Far too often, athletes put themselves at a “metabolic disadvantage” during a workout or race by fueling improperly prior to it. It’s also one that is easy to remedy. Let’s look at the three primary factors:

  1. Over-consuming food the night before a race or workout in the hopes of “carbo loading” – It would be nice if you could maximize muscle glycogen stores the night before a race or tough workout; unfortunately, human physiology doesn’t work that way. Increasing and maximizing muscle glycogen stores takes many weeks of consistent training and post-workout fuel replenishment. Excess consumed carbohydrates the night before will only be eliminated or stored as body fat (dead weight).

  2. Over-consuming calories in your pre-workout/race meal – The goal of pre-exercise calorie consumption is to top off your liver glycogen, which has been depleted during your sleep. Believe it or not, to accomplish this you don’t need to eat a mega-calorie meal (600, 800, 1000 calories or more), as some would have you believe. A pre-workout/race meal of 200-400 calories—comprised of complex carbohydrates, perhaps a small amount of soy or rice protein, little or no fiber or fat, and consumed three or more hours prior to the start—is quite sufficient. You can’t add anything to muscle glycogen stores at this time so stuffing yourself is counterproductive, especially if you’ve got an early morning workout or race start.

  3. Eating a pre-race meal at the wrong time – Let’s assume that you’ve been really good – you’ve been training hard (yet wisely) and replenishing your body with adequate amounts of high-quality calories as soon as possible after every workout. As a result, you’ve now built up a nice 60-90 minute reservoir of muscle glycogen, the first fuel your body will use when the race begins. A sure way to deplete those hard-earned glycogen stores too rapidly is to eat a meal (or an energy bar, gel, or sports drink) an hour or two prior to the start of the race.

Recommendations: Don’t go overboard with your food consumption the night before a workout or race. Especially important for races is the adherence of these two rules:

If you're going to have a pre-race meal the morning of your race, you need to eat an appropriate amount of calories (don't overdo it), and finish your meal at least three hours prior to the start of the race. If that's not logistically feasible, have a small amount (100-200 calories) of easily digested complex carbohydrates 5-10 minutes prior to the start. Either of these strategies will help top off liver glycogen stores (which again, is the goal of the pre-race meal) without negatively affecting how your body burns its muscle glycogen.

  1. Eat clean, which means no refined sugar (skip dessert, or eat fruit), low or no saturated fats, and no alcohol.
  2. Eat until you’re satisfied, but not more.

If you’re going to have a meal the morning of your workout or race, you need to eat an appropriate amount of calories (don’t overdo it), and finish all calorie consumption at least three hours prior to the start of the workout or race. If that’s not logistically feasible, have a small amount (100-200 calories) of easily digested complex carbohydrates 5-10 minutes prior to the start. Either of these strategies will help top off liver glycogen stores (which again, is the goal of pre-exercise calorie consumption) without negatively affecting how your body burns its muscle glycogen.

Overcompensating in the days leading up to a race

Far too many athletes overdo it in terms of calorie, fluid, and salt consumption in the days leading up to a race, thinking they’re getting a head start on their fueling needs come race day. Big mistake! Here are the fueling/diet-specific areas to focus on and our recommendations on how to avoid these commonly-made mistakes:

  • FLUIDS – Don't drink excess amounts of water in the hopes of getting a head start on your fluid requirements for the race. Consumption of roughly .5 to .6 of your body weight is a good gauge in regards to how much water you should be consuming daily (example: 180-lb/approx 82-kg athletes should drink approximately 90-108 ounces of water daily). However, if you’ve not been following this recommendation consistently, don’t start now, as this will overwhelm your body with too much fluid too soon, which may increase the potential for hyponatremia.

  • CALORIES – As discussed earlier, don’t stuff yourself with extra food in the hopes that you're “carbo loading.” The time period for carbohydrate loading (i.e., maximizing muscle glycogen storage capabilities) has, for all intents and purposes, passed. In essence, “carbo loading" is what you did in the 0-60 minutes after all your workouts leading up to the race. That’s when the glycogen synthase enzyme—which controls glycogen storage—is most active, and that’s how you topped off your glycogen stores. Any excess food you eat in the days leading up to the race is either going to be passed through the bowels or stored in adipose cells... neither of those things will benefit you.

  • SODIUM – Don’t consume extra sodium (salt) in the hopes that you’ll be “topping off your body stores” prior to the race. Since the average American already consumes approximately 6000 to 8000 mg per day (if not more), an amount well above the upper end recommended dose of 2300-2400 mg/day, there is absolutely no need to increase that amount in the days prior to the race. (Hint: Adopting a low-sodium diet will do wonders for both your health and athletic performance). High sodium intake, especially in the days leading up to the race, is a recipe for disaster because it will greatly increase the potential for disruption of the hormonal mechanisms that control sodium regulation, re-circulation, and conservation. In the days leading up the race, be especially cognizant of the salt content in your foods, especially if you go out to eat. Dining out can easily increase your already-high salt intake dramatically (into double figures!).

On a non-diet/fueling note, avoid the temptation to train too much and/or too close to race day. You will not be able to positively influence your fitness level in the days leading up to the race; however, you can negatively impact your race by training during that time (training meaning anything of significant duration or intensity). As well-known coach Jeff Cuddeback states, " If you think you're going to further your fitness through training the week of your key race, you're sadly mistaken. If you are the type to train right up to the event, you will almost certainly under perform.”

Best performances in long-duration events are achieved by getting to the starting line well rested rather than razor sharp. In doing so, you may find yourself not hitting on all cylinders during those first few minutes. In fact, you might even struggle a bit. However, your body will not forget all the training you've done and it will absolutely reward you for giving it the time it needed to "soak up" all of that training.


As you probably have noticed, a number of these “Biggest Mistakes” violate the most fundamental law of fueling physiology: we must consume each component of fueling in cooperation with the marvelous machine that is the human body. In our efforts to help our body, we often overcompensate, and don’t realize until it’s too late that we’ve done more harm than good. Our body is our primary reservoir of all nutrients; ignore that concept and you will absolutely suffer the consequences.

We at Hammer Nutrition firmly believe that if you address these commonly-made mistakes and follow our recommendations, you’ll see noticeable improvements in the quality of your workouts and enjoy better race results.

2010-04-10 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
Great Post Tim!!

It looks like I did pretty good.  I ate a small breakfast 3 hours before the race.. Cliff Bar & a Protein Shake. 

Duting Training and Race I use Accel Gel which used the same Carb profile and Hammer Gel but has a 4:1 carb to Protein ratio.  I'm always parinoid about loosig musscel so I'm a protein nut. Only thing different from that article is the Protein they use in Whey Protein Isolate which is highly digestable and great for recovery.  That article recomended Soy base Protein.  The Cliff Bar Mini's are 100 Calories each and use Soy base Protein they are 4:1 ratio and complex carbs But they are a solid food not liquid.  I haven't had any stomach issues to date with these as solid food.  

part of me geting really hungry like that probably has alot to do with how I eat every day.  I eat 5 to 6 small meals a day to keep my metabolism up since I get fat easy and even if Im not running I get pretty hungy every few hours.  

What are your thought on this. Have you used the Accel Products..  I'll Look but only Hammer products I have seen used on the races is Gel and HEED neither of which have any Protein in them. 

2010-04-10 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: Big Day Today!
Finally pulled the trigger on a new bike.  It's WAY more than I need, but it was a killer deal.  2008 Giant TCR Advanced 2.  All carbon with Ultegra components.  It's quite a change from the mid-80's Schwinn that I was riding!  Took it for a 9 mile spin and it's amazing how easy it is to generate power.  Then I crossed a major milestone as I promptly crashed / could not unclip for the first time as I pulled in to the garage!!!

Also put in a 4 mile run this PM -- longest for me since I was 17.  No problems with the lungs or legs at a 9 minute pace.

Plan for tomorrow is to watch the TI video a bit, ride and run again.  Looking to continue to build the base / get comfortable with longer distances for the next two weeks and then start working on speed.

2010-04-10 9:09 PM
in reply to: #2782762

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-04-10 6:32 PM Great Post Tim!!

It looks like I did pretty good.  I ate a small breakfast 3 hours before the race.. Cliff Bar & a Protein Shake. 

Duting Training and Race I use Accel Gel which used the same Carb profile and Hammer Gel but has a 4:1 carb to Protein ratio.  I'm always parinoid about loosig musscel so I'm a protein nut. Only thing different from that article is the Protein they use in Whey Protein Isolate which is highly digestable and great for recovery.  That article recomended Soy base Protein.  The Cliff Bar Mini's are 100 Calories each and use Soy base Protein they are 4:1 ratio and complex carbs But they are a solid food not liquid.  I haven't had any stomach issues to date with these as solid food.  

part of me geting really hungry like that probably has alot to do with how I eat every day.  I eat 5 to 6 small meals a day to keep my metabolism up since I get fat easy and even if Im not running I get pretty hungy every few hours.  

What are your thought on this. Have you used the Accel Products..  I'll Look but only Hammer products I have seen used on the races is Gel and HEED neither of which have any Protein in them. 

I'll send you a PM about which products I'm using.  If more people ask, I'll share on the forum, but I don't wanted people thinking I'm pushing product on them.
2010-04-10 9:20 PM
in reply to: #2782819

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: Big Day Today!
croixfan - 2010-04-10 7:07 PM Finally pulled the trigger on a new bike.  It's WAY more than I need, but it was a killer deal.  2008 Giant TCR Advanced 2.  All carbon with Ultegra components.  It's quite a change from the mid-80's Schwinn that I was riding!  Took it for a 9 mile spin and it's amazing how easy it is to generate power.  Then I crossed a major milestone as I promptly crashed / could not unclip for the first time as I pulled in to the garage!!!

Also put in a 4 mile run this PM -- longest for me since I was 17.  No problems with the lungs or legs at a 9 minute pace.

Plan for tomorrow is to watch the TI video a bit, ride and run again.  Looking to continue to build the base / get comfortable with longer distances for the next two weeks and then start working on speed.

First of all, congrats on the bike.  I'm sure you will enjoy it and get every dollar out of it!

Second, the infamous fatal clipped-in stop.  We've all been there.  Is this your first time with clipless pedals?

Third, a little warning about speedwork.  Be careful!  Some people will argue that if your not running 100 miles a month you have no business doing speedwork.  On the other side, I like speedwork and approach it consevatively.  Speedwork consists of tempo, hill repeats, and intervals.  Just be cautious and start in small amounts.

Finally, try to pay close attention to these percentages.  Do not increase your weekly and monthly mileage by no more than 10 percent each period.  Also, your long run for the week should never exceed 40-50 percentage of your total week's mileage.  Doing so will predispose you to injury.

Last year, I accelerated to quickly while preparing for a marathon and got injured.  Not only did I miss the marathon, but I got set back several months and the cost of numerous visits to the doctor.
2010-04-10 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2782819

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: Big Day Today!
croixfan - 2010-04-10 7:07 PM Finally pulled the trigger on a new bike.  It's WAY more than I need, but it was a killer deal.  2008 Giant TCR Advanced 2.  All carbon with Ultegra components.  It's quite a change from the mid-80's Schwinn that I was riding!  Took it for a 9 mile spin and it's amazing how easy it is to generate power.  Then I crossed a major milestone as I promptly crashed / could not unclip for the first time as I pulled in to the garage!!!

Also put in a 4 mile run this PM -- longest for me since I was 17.  No problems with the lungs or legs at a 9 minute pace.

Plan for tomorrow is to watch the TI video a bit, ride and run again.  Looking to continue to build the base / get comfortable with longer distances for the next two weeks and then start working on speed.

BTW, upload some pictures of that bike!
2010-04-10 9:42 PM
in reply to: #2782843

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: Big Day Today!
Here's a couple of pics....

(01[1]. Curt and his bike 4-10-10.jpg)

(04[1]. Curt's new bike 4-10-10.jpg)

01[1]. Curt and his bike 4-10-10.jpg (33KB - 5 downloads)
04[1]. Curt's new bike 4-10-10.jpg (47KB - 7 downloads)

2010-04-10 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2770949

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Sun Diego
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!

OK Team, 

Finished the honey-do’s today in record time only to have Wifey say she wanted to visit the Carlsbad Flower Fields (after all it is Springtime here in San Diego).   I think to myself… Hmmm’ the Carlsbad 5000 Expo is happening today Wink so I hustle the girls into the truck in record time and haul azz to the coast.  Two hours at the Flower Fields complete with oohs’ & aahs’ and pictures, and; we are out of there headed to the village.  It was impressive seeing the race course being set up and watching some of the elites visiting with the AG’s.  I’ll definitely be doing “The Bad” next year.  Nice afternoon and evening with family and looking forward to the saddle and hill repeats tomorrow morning.

Brick: Sorry about the Weather up in NorCal.  We got lucky here today but it’s supposed to go to crap by Monday.  Unfortunately I’ll be back in the pool and inside on the TM then.  Thanks for the Nutrition focus too.  That’s always a concern of mine.  Although because I can only compete at the lower (sprint/oly) distance events due to my CECS I usually am focused on short duration and long-term diet and nutrition.  One of our Club Coaches always yells at us (with a smile on her face) that if we are not day-dreaming about food we are not working hard enough… ha-ha!

Muelen: I’m with Brick on this one Bro.  A test is a test and those tests have too many variables.  The magic happens on race day when it’s all about you.  Go kick it’s azz tomorrow and enjoy yourself!  Don’t forget the race report to motivate us still waiting for race day.

SAW: CONGRATS on your race today.  Enjoy your accomplishment Bro!  Looking forward to your race report… sounds bitchen’ so far!

Croix: CONGRATS on the new ride.  Toss up some Bike Porn for us!  I don’t know about you… but I love Brick Workouts.  I love to laugh at how my lower extremities don’t like to cooperate after a good bike ride.  Weird… I know.

Edited by BigH2OChief 2010-04-10 10:07 PM
2010-04-11 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!












norcal SHAD















Here's a table with all of our names and links to our training logs.  Part of the group camaraderie is to drop by and give each other words of encouragement via inspires.  You can cut and paste the table into your training log or just access it here.
2010-04-11 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2770949

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Brentwood, CA
Subject: RE: brick94513-GoGoGo Mentor Group - Closed For Now!
QOTD:  Which of the three disciplines of triathlon is your favorite?  Why?

I would have to say the bike.

I have a hard time enjoying the swim because your face is in the water the whole time.  And, around here, that means you can barely see your hand in front of your face.  The swim always seems to drag on for me.  I do enjoy running, but after coming off the bike, its always a pretty painful process to get the legs moving again.  So, by a process of elimination, I guess I would go with the bike.  I feel the most comfortable in this part of the race too.
2010-04-11 10:07 AM
in reply to: #2782819

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Subject: RE: Big Day Today!
croixfan - 2010-04-10 9:07 PM Finally pulled the trigger on a new bike.  It's WAY more than I need, but it was a killer deal.  2008 Giant TCR Advanced 2.  All carbon with Ultegra components.  It's quite a change from the mid-80's Schwinn that I was riding!  Took it for a 9 mile spin and it's amazing how easy it is to generate power.  Then I crossed a major milestone as I promptly crashed / could not unclip for the first time as I pulled in to the garage!!!

Also put in a 4 mile run this PM -- longest for me since I was 17.  No problems with the lungs or legs at a 9 minute pace.

Plan for tomorrow is to watch the TI video a bit, ride and run again.  Looking to continue to build the base / get comfortable with longer distances for the next two weeks and then start working on speed.

Man that is a nice bike.. My first road bike was a Giant back in the late 80's. I like the colors.

As far as your running goes you said you want to get comfortable with long distance for 2 weeks and then work on speed.  That is a BAD IDEA...  I looked at your logs and if you keeping up to date with them you dont have any base at all.  You will get hurt pretty easy if you start adding speed sessions in after only a few weeks of running.  At this point start with 3 to 4 days a week of EASY running with one of the runs being a longer run on the weekend and add a mile or 2 two the long run distance every other week.  Do this for 4 months or so.  Build your long run up to abut 4 or 5  miles over the distance of your race run distance but make all your miles slow and easy.

This will give your body time to make adaptations that will keep you form getting hurt.  Your Muscles and Arobic system will make the adataptations quicker than your joints and connecting tissue will. After 4 or 5 months of this you can do one or two 5k races a month for speed work.  At the early stages you will get faster just by doing slow easy miles and building your endurance with less risk of injury than trying to add speed work at this point of the game. 

Remember your biggest gains will come from months and years of uninterupted consistant  training. If you get hury it is always a set back.   

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