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2010-05-09 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2845421

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
What kind of goggles do you have?  Do you have the thin strapped, swim racing kind of goggles?  I use to race and train with those, but lets face it, our sport isn't the easiest on gear...

I started using fuller face, Aquasphere goggles that have a thicker strap.  Ever since the change I haven't had any problems at all!

2010-05-09 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2843464

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Oh...forgot to visit the forum like I should.
I had my 1st tri of the season on May the 2nd.  Was a small tri run by a college in Slippery Rock.
Did ok, not great.  Bike problems -- mechanical really, but I could've used a little more hill work as well.  The rain wasn't helping much either -- there were a half dozen crashes early in the race, none of them me thankfully, I did that the weekend before on my own.  I did okay anyway and decidedly finished without any walking or giving up even when passed by a 60+ year old or two so it went good.  Also, was my 1st pool swim for a race ever, and the first time I've had more than 2 laps for anything (the bike was 7 laps -- I admit that I may have done 6, 7, or 8) so ever the new experience.

Back to another 2-3 weeks of weekday "hotel training" for me.  What's everyone else up to?
2010-05-10 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2797444

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
I did a 27mile bike ride early Saturday morning --- my longest to date.  I had planned to do a run immediately following the ride, but I had had some bike issues (new clipless pedals and my shoe cleats wouldn't clip in) so my legs felt like jello from the very inefficient pedaling.

Starting to swim this afternoon.  My pool temp is finally up to a reasonable 80deg so I think I can brave the water!
2010-05-10 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2845411

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
On Sunday I completed my first bike/run brick that didn't include a stationary bike and treadmill.  It was great.  To top it off, earier in the day I successfully haggled a decent road bike to a decent price on Craigslist.  I had already been fitted in a bike shop to the same same bike so I was pretty excited (especially since this one came with a few extras).  I had been riding on a borrowed hyrbid that by comparison was much heavier, slower and surprisingly more uncomfortable.  I ended up riding 18 miles followed by a 3.5 mile run.  I'm pretty pumped about the distances put in and how I felt during and afterwards.  My upcoming, and 1st ever, race is a mini-sprint and Sunday I pretty much doubled the distance of the bike and run.
2010-05-10 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2797444


Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
The speed work went well - I did the 10x1 workout you suggested - I was tired at the end, but was able to do the workout.  This weekend I did a long run of 8.3 miles on Sat, and a long bike of 30 miles.  Saturday was hot & muggy, but Sunday was beautiful weather.  So workouts are going well...
2010-05-11 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2797444

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Did an hour on the trainer last night.  Weather in Wisconsin is not cooperating this week! 

2010-05-11 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2851439

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

I heard the wheather up there is crazy!  What's up with that, we are in Mid May!

Well, at least you got the trainer...

2010-05-11 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2848433

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Good job on the intervals!  Do you know what your PB is for the mile?

8.3 miles... sounds like your a runner!  I did 10 miles on Saturday and was dying... (actually, I think I still am..
2010-05-11 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2847575

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
@ Deweyz - Congrats on the 1st Tri!  Do you know what the distance were at your time?

Good job again, what an experience for a first tri, doing it in the rain!
2010-05-12 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2797444

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
I did a decent weight workout last night with a very short treadmill run.

This afternoon I am planning on a 17mile bike ride, immediately followed by a run.  Hope my legs survive!
2010-05-13 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2853283

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Ok, so my plans for last night completely flopped.  The battery in my car died at work.  After a friendly jumpstart, I thought better of being potentially stranded alone out on Range Camp Road where I typically bike.  So I headed home with the intention of biking all over my subdivision.  I get all ready to go, and run into the same aggravating problem with my shoes again....they absolutely REFUSE to clip in to the pedals.  My husband and I fought with them for almost 45minutes with no luck.  By then it was getting too late to do anything and I was very mad.  We are taking my bike and shoes back to the bike shop tomorrow to get this problem taken care of.

But today is another day.  Got up early and met my friend for "run" which turned into a walk because we got too busy gabbing.   We are meeting again afterwork for weights.

2010-05-13 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2855704

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hey, sorry to hear about the shoes!  Sounds like it's just a matter of breaking them in still, maybe a little lube on the pedals?

I was out at Ranger Camp road yesterday, you wouldn't have been totally stranded!

2010-05-14 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2855807

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

I actually tried to swim last night.  I don't care what anyone says, 80 deg water is C O L D especially when the sun is setting.  I wasn't able to swim very much because I got debilitating foot cramps (I don't like cold water!

I'm getting my bike looked at this afternoon to hopefully solve the pedal/shoe issue and plan to go on a ride out at Ranger Camp on Saturday morning.   Tony -- let me know if you would be interested in meeting.

2010-05-14 9:15 PM
in reply to: #2858516

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Hey Beckie,

80 degree water is hot!  Your not wearing your wetsuit in your pool are you?! )

Sorry, would have loved to meet up for a ride tomorrow at RCR but I have to meet with someone for a fit test and ride up in Holt.  Have you been up there?  Nice quiet roads! 

I can meet up Sunday if your available, if not next weekend we can plan something.
2010-05-16 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2797444

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
How did everyone's weekend go?  Good workouts?

So when is everyone's next event?  Let me know what questions / issues you're having and I'll be glad to help!
2010-05-16 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2861908

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Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
tzcoaching - 2010-05-16 7:15 PM How did everyone's weekend go?  Good workouts?

So when is everyone's next event?  Let me know what questions / issues you're having and I'll be glad to help!

Finally got back on Thursday evening from a week plus of travel for work (I swear, I usually don't travel!).  Got in 2 good 3000 yard swims while away from home plus 3 4-6 miles runs including 1 nasty one in the texas heat and humidity.  For those that may find themselves away from their normal pool, bonus points for for locating some pools and keeping me from having to swim hundreds of laps in the tiny 12 yard hotel pools

Put in about 50 miles on the bike Saturday, ~30 hard miles solo but with the TNT group (we're all out together, just not at the same speeds) and was then joined by my wife for 20 miles around NYC (and her first ride for the season).  Was planning on a run today but was apparently wiped out, slept until about 10am and have thoroughly enjoyed sitting around and catching up on TV today...this was my rest week anyway!

Back at it tomorrow for another week of training
monday - early morning bike ride (thinking about it), evening swim w/ TNT
tuesday - run w/ TNT, hill/speed intervals
wednesday - walk to pool (1.5 mi), swim, walk home from pool
thursday - brick, probably 15 miles/3 miles or similar
friday - rest
saturday - bike w/ TNT, ~2 hrs, add in more miles with wife after likely
sunday - long run, 6-8 miles


2010-05-16 8:00 PM
in reply to: #2861976

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
Sounds like a good training week planned!  NYC Tri coming up soon!  Is that part of the TNT training?
2010-05-17 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2862063

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Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
tzcoaching - 2010-05-16 9:00 PM Sounds like a good training week planned!  NYC Tri coming up soon!  Is that part of the TNT training?

Yes, I'm doing TNT for the NYC tri, good way to get a spot in the race and raise money for an excellent cause.
2010-05-17 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2861908

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

I rode 20miles on Saturday morning and planning on doing the same again this afternoon.

As for the wetsuit....I don't own one!  So yes, the pool water is COLD!

Upcoming events:
22 May - C3 5K
31 May - Gate-to-Gate Run (4.4miles)
19 June - My First Tri (and yes....this will be my VERY VERY first!)
14 Nov - Pensacola Half-Marathon

I'm sure there will be more between June and Nov, I just don't have them planned yet.

Edited by beckie32536 2010-05-17 8:07 AM
2010-05-17 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2797444

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
My weekend sucked.  I had to work all weekend and didn't get any training in.  I am officially recommitting myself today though.  I was supposed to do a sprint tri in three weeks, but just didn't get the hours in that I needed.  There is another sprint tri in July I may try and make.  Otherwise, I am signed up for an Olympic distance the first weekend in August.  That would be my first tri!  I just hope things at work cool off.   10, 12, and 14 hour days don't help the training.
2010-05-17 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2861908

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Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL

I went back home for my little brother's college graduation this weekend and did my planned run on the track behind my parent's house.  Forgot how boring runs can be on a track.  Counting laps is NOT fun.

This weekend will be my first tri.  It's a mini sprint that will help me get my feet wet.  Really excited about it.  There's an Olympic distance race in late Sept that I am going to start training for after this race.  I've also got my eyes on a sprint in late June and then another in late Oct to cap the season.  How many races are reasonable for a season?  If all goes as planned this would be 3 sprints (1 mini) and 1 oly for the season.  Too much?

2010-05-17 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2862679

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
@Beckie - Pool water is not cold!  LOL  So I take it your not doing the Pensacola 3 mile bridge swim huh...?

There's also the Ghost Chase Triathlon in October if you want to add that to your calender.

Didn't know that Pcola has a 1/2, I just might have to try to do that one!
2010-05-17 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2863311

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
@diggerjr80 - I hear ya.  Workdays like that don't help anyone out.  If you could at least get in 30 minute workouts those days it will at least help maintain your fitness rather then losing it.  Plus it's always good to work off some work stress during a workout!
2010-05-17 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2864094

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
@mashmead - Good luck on your race this weekend.  You'll have to let us know how you did! 

As long as your consistance and smart with your training, 3 sprints and an olympic isn't too much in a season.  Just be smart and don't over do it!
2010-05-18 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2864544

Panama City Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Tony Zamora's group - FULL
tzcoaching - 2010-05-17 7:43 PM @Beckie - Pool water is not cold!  LOL  So I take it your not doing the Pensacola 3 mile bridge swim huh...?

There's also the Ghost Chase Triathlon in October if you want to add that to your calender.

Didn't know that Pcola has a 1/2, I just might have to try to do that one!

If you only knew how poorly I swim you'd understand that me attempting Eglin's MyFirstTri is on the verge of being hysterical.  It's not that I can't swim, just that I swim really really bad!  So, suffice it to say, no I will not be doing the 3mile bridge swim.

As for the Pcola 1/2 -- it's in conjunction with the Pcola marathon on Sunday 14Nov.

Also, if you ever want to try and meet up, let me know.  My schedule is usually rather flexible if I know at least the day before.
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