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2011-01-31 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3258079

Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
Hi all! Im interested in joining the fun!  


STORY: 27 years old from suburbs of detroit.  I got into running in 2008 after watching my brother run in chicago marathon, then the week after my g/f ran in the detroit marathon!  I caught the bug and haven't looked back.  in 09 i ran a few 5k and 10k and a half marathon (8.43 pace).  In that Sep i had some serious shoulder surgery from an old basketball injury that put me out of commission for a few months.  Since i couldn't run and move my shoulder, i started biking more serious.  Eventually i started swimming too for strength training and flexibility.  In 2010 i ran a few more 5k and 10k.  I also added a long sprint tri in june (ann arbor triathlon).  I capped off laster year with running chicago marathon (4:19:23).  I could have pushed harder but the temps went up to the high 80's!  My overall goal this year is to complete a HIM.  I also plan on participating in an olympic  with my brother and a sprint with my girlfriend.  I also plan on participating in multiple running races.

Last Saturday i just bought a 2011 felt b16!  Im so excited for the weather to warm up!

CURRENT TRAINING: Doing everything.  Lots of biking, and running, less swimming with longer sets

 Thus far superbowl 5k (next weekend), shamrock shuffle (8k).  I will be signing up for the HIM in Grand Rapids, MI, an Olympic somewhere in chicago, and a sprint + other running events.

 happy with current weight 

2011-01-31 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3330719

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - Closed
nevergivin - 2011-01-31 8:18 AM Welcome David, great to have your experience in the group!

Busy weekend for me! I had my race on Saturday as planned, everything that could go wrong did!
The weather was the worst for cycling, 45 and rainy. I made the 1 1/2 hour drive so I forced myself to race regardless of the chances of wrecking or ruining my equipment or bike. The start of the race I was in good position, probably the best as I was sitting in the top 10-15 riders out of 75. Two turns on the course we had to come to a complete stop because they were so sharp, planty of rain and standing water made things extremely sketchy. Six laps into a 15 lap race the first accident happened, just to my right, I was not able to see what happened, I just heard it and one rider came into my path as I slowed and moved out of the pack. I was able to clear the fallen riders and move back into the race, now I was forced to give everthing I had to try to catch up to the pack. I was able to get some relief from another rider as we teamed up to give chase to the group, we struggled but managed to get back, upon complete exhaustion I managed to position myself right in the middle of the second wreck, it couldnt have been better timing. I didnt slow this time, I came to a complete stop. I had gone from the top ten to the bottom ten in less than 15 minutes, for today my race was finished as the main group was completely out of my reach. This was not the result I had planned for, as I continue to loose more weight and get stronger my results will continue to get better. I have officially started the new season at the bottom! This will serve as motivation in the next few weeks during my workouts!

I would say you and your ride lived and survived to Race Another Day.  I guess it could have been worse.  I certainly can understand your disappointment especially with the time, effort and funds to get to the race.  Sounds like you were in great position to do well.  I am guess there will be a Next time!!! : )
2011-02-01 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3330719

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - Closed
nevergivin - 2011-01-31 11:18 AM Welcome David, great to have your experience in the group!

Busy weekend for me! I had my race on Saturday as planned, everything that could go wrong did!
The weather was the worst for cycling, 45 and rainy. I made the 1 1/2 hour drive so I forced myself to race regardless of the chances of wrecking or ruining my equipment or bike. The start of the race I was in good position, probably the best as I was sitting in the top 10-15 riders out of 75. Two turns on the course we had to come to a complete stop because they were so sharp, planty of rain and standing water made things extremely sketchy. Six laps into a 15 lap race the first accident happened, just to my right, I was not able to see what happened, I just heard it and one rider came into my path as I slowed and moved out of the pack. I was able to clear the fallen riders and move back into the race, now I was forced to give everthing I had to try to catch up to the pack. I was able to get some relief from another rider as we teamed up to give chase to the group, we struggled but managed to get back, upon complete exhaustion I managed to position myself right in the middle of the second wreck, it couldnt have been better timing. I didnt slow this time, I came to a complete stop. I had gone from the top ten to the bottom ten in less than 15 minutes, for today my race was finished as the main group was completely out of my reach. This was not the result I had planned for, as I continue to loose more weight and get stronger my results will continue to get better. I have officially started the new season at the bottom! This will serve as motivation in the next few weeks during my workouts!

Scary stuff. At least you came out of it without hurting yourself! 
2011-02-01 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3330569

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
mikjamlec - 2011-01-31 10:28 AM
guticur - 2011-01-30 6:48 PM Welcome David and Mark!
Just got back from Houston (Conference). To my surprise today they were running the Houston Marathon/Half marathon and the finish line was just outside my hotel. Had I known ahead of time I would have planned to participate. Its the first time I go check out an event as a spectator. It was fun.
Trainingwise the weekend was a total bust. Between going to bed every day at 1 am and getting up at 5, and a few glasses of wine with dinner, I was in no condition to workout. I will get on my bike/trainer tonight and hope to make up for it this coming week.

How cool!  I know a few people who ran, but I've never been out there myself.  It's in the back of my brain that it would be a good off-season event to train for once the triathlons wind down in the area.  I'm thinking a 1/2 marathon to start with.

Folks around here are also gearing up (ha ha) for the MS 150 (Houston to Austin bike ride).  Again, I've never done it, but apparently it's pretty easy to hook up with groups that organize 30-40 mile rides on the weekend.  I've got my own goal of biking to my friend's house (60 miles away), and participating in a few of these longer rides for training would be ideal.  I'll still have to work up to that, so maybe middle to late February.

Busy weekend, so I didn't get a chance to ride.  Looking back, I see that I probably could have, but I didn't plan for it, so it didn't happen.

Good swim and run this morning, though, so I feel like I'm still making progress on my training.  By the way, I've had my bike almost a year now, and I'm still using the factory pedals with my running shoes.  Any advice on going to the clipless shoes / pedals?  It makes me nervous because I'm sure I'm going to eat it once or twice before I get the hang of it.

Hope everyone has a good week!


Clipless is the way to go....and you will become intimate with mother earth at least a couple of times, no way around that. In fact it seldom happens the first time you try them out 'cause we tend to be extra careful. It happens as we get more comfortable. I have entertained I fair amount of people in the process, plus destroying one rear derailleur Cry.  Having said that, the increase in power generated is very noticeable.   Your pedaling technique will change.

Edited by guticur 2011-02-01 8:03 AM
2011-02-01 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3332623

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
guticur - 2011-02-01 9:03 AM
mikjamlec - 2011-01-31 10:28 AM
guticur - 2011-01-30 6:48 PM Welcome David and Mark!
Just got back from Houston (Conference). To my surprise today they were running the Houston Marathon/Half marathon and the finish line was just outside my hotel. Had I known ahead of time I would have planned to participate. Its the first time I go check out an event as a spectator. It was fun.
Trainingwise the weekend was a total bust. Between going to bed every day at 1 am and getting up at 5, and a few glasses of wine with dinner, I was in no condition to workout. I will get on my bike/trainer tonight and hope to make up for it this coming week.

How cool!  I know a few people who ran, but I've never been out there myself.  It's in the back of my brain that it would be a good off-season event to train for once the triathlons wind down in the area.  I'm thinking a 1/2 marathon to start with.

Folks around here are also gearing up (ha ha) for the MS 150 (Houston to Austin bike ride).  Again, I've never done it, but apparently it's pretty easy to hook up with groups that organize 30-40 mile rides on the weekend.  I've got my own goal of biking to my friend's house (60 miles away), and participating in a few of these longer rides for training would be ideal.  I'll still have to work up to that, so maybe middle to late February.

Busy weekend, so I didn't get a chance to ride.  Looking back, I see that I probably could have, but I didn't plan for it, so it didn't happen.

Good swim and run this morning, though, so I feel like I'm still making progress on my training.  By the way, I've had my bike almost a year now, and I'm still using the factory pedals with my running shoes.  Any advice on going to the clipless shoes / pedals?  It makes me nervous because I'm sure I'm going to eat it once or twice before I get the hang of it.

Hope everyone has a good week!


Clipless is the way to go....and you will become intimate with mother earth at least a couple of times, no way around that. In fact it seldom happens the first time you try them out 'cause we tend to be extra careful. It happens as we get more comfortable. I have entertained a fair amount of people in the process, plus destroying one rear derailleur Cry.  Having said that, the increase in power generated is very noticeable.   Your pedaling technique will change.
2011-02-01 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3330719

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - Closed
nevergivin - 2011-01-31 10:18 AM Welcome David, great to have your experience in the group!

Busy weekend for me! I had my race on Saturday as planned, everything that could go wrong did!
The weather was the worst for cycling, 45 and rainy. I made the 1 1/2 hour drive so I forced myself to race regardless of the chances of wrecking or ruining my equipment or bike. The start of the race I was in good position, probably the best as I was sitting in the top 10-15 riders out of 75. Two turns on the course we had to come to a complete stop because they were so sharp, planty of rain and standing water made things extremely sketchy. Six laps into a 15 lap race the first accident happened, just to my right, I was not able to see what happened, I just heard it and one rider came into my path as I slowed and moved out of the pack. I was able to clear the fallen riders and move back into the race, now I was forced to give everthing I had to try to catch up to the pack. I was able to get some relief from another rider as we teamed up to give chase to the group, we struggled but managed to get back, upon complete exhaustion I managed to position myself right in the middle of the second wreck, it couldnt have been better timing. I didnt slow this time, I came to a complete stop. I had gone from the top ten to the bottom ten in less than 15 minutes, for today my race was finished as the main group was completely out of my reach. This was not the result I had planned for, as I continue to loose more weight and get stronger my results will continue to get better. I have officially started the new season at the bottom! This will serve as motivation in the next few weeks during my workouts!

Yowza!  That bites, especially since it was something out of your control that took you out.  It happens, I guess.  Sounds like you have the right attitude, though.  No place to go but up from here, right?  Better luck next race!

On that note of having a positive attitude, a brief story from my own experience:

My 2nd triathlon last year was a complete disaster.  I got so turned around on the swim (my first OWS) that I nearly ran into a kayak.  The guy was there to get me back on course.  I panicked and blew my energy trying to catch up so I had nothing for the ride.  Riders from both of the last two heats after mine passed me and I was mentally out of it.  As I rode back around to the run, I could see them picking up cones from the bike course, and it hit me that I could possibly be the last one to finish.  That kinda takes the wind out of a guy.  The run was terrible.  I had side pain and I walked a significant part of the course.

I had pretty much conceded that triathlons weren't for me at that point and it would be my last.  They were obviously for 'athletes' which I was not, and what a fool I was for thinking I could do it.  I mustered enough energy to run right at the end, just so I wouldn't embarrass my family.

Then my 6 year old son saw me coming and decided to run beside me on the last few yards to the finish line.  He was so excited to see me, and when I looked down at him his face was so full of pride and admiration, all my doubt was absolutely and forever blown away.  It wouldn’t matter if I WAS the last guy.  I was doing something that not many people even attempt.  Just being there and finishing the event suddenly became enough for me.

I still doubt myself frequently, but all I have to do is think of that little fella’s beaming face and I remember that the only failure is not trying.  My wife got pictures of the whole thing, so I will try to post a couple of them in my profile.

Anyway, that’s just my perspective.  Now you know.


2011-02-01 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
There are a few things that will contribute to faster bike speeds without adding fitness. Pedals, tires,cleat position, bike fit, shoe inserts, Ill call them all free speed.
Clipless is the way to go, there is a learning curve, its short. As long as you remember to unclip one foot as you come to a stop you should be good. I think Shimano is the best all round pedal, I use Ultegra for training, I use Look for racing only because they are a little lighter and I can corner a little more agressive. Shimano's are the standard.
2011-02-01 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
Great story Mike...very inspirational. Every experience counts...that's all this was, more experience for your memory banks!

Edited by guticur 2011-02-01 3:16 PM
2011-02-01 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3333620

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - Closed
mikjamlec - 2011-02-01 11:52 AM
nevergivin - 2011-01-31 10:18 AM Welcome David, great to have your experience in the group!

Busy weekend for me! I had my race on Saturday as planned, everything that could go wrong did!
The weather was the worst for cycling, 45 and rainy. I made the 1 1/2 hour drive so I forced myself to race regardless of the chances of wrecking or ruining my equipment or bike. The start of the race I was in good position, probably the best as I was sitting in the top 10-15 riders out of 75. Two turns on the course we had to come to a complete stop because they were so sharp, planty of rain and standing water made things extremely sketchy. Six laps into a 15 lap race the first accident happened, just to my right, I was not able to see what happened, I just heard it and one rider came into my path as I slowed and moved out of the pack. I was able to clear the fallen riders and move back into the race, now I was forced to give everthing I had to try to catch up to the pack. I was able to get some relief from another rider as we teamed up to give chase to the group, we struggled but managed to get back, upon complete exhaustion I managed to position myself right in the middle of the second wreck, it couldnt have been better timing. I didnt slow this time, I came to a complete stop. I had gone from the top ten to the bottom ten in less than 15 minutes, for today my race was finished as the main group was completely out of my reach. This was not the result I had planned for, as I continue to loose more weight and get stronger my results will continue to get better. I have officially started the new season at the bottom! This will serve as motivation in the next few weeks during my workouts!

Yowza!  That bites, especially since it was something out of your control that took you out.  It happens, I guess.  Sounds like you have the right attitude, though.  No place to go but up from here, right?  Better luck next race!

On that note of having a positive attitude, a brief story from my own experience:

My 2nd triathlon last year was a complete disaster.  I got so turned around on the swim (my first OWS) that I nearly ran into a kayak.  The guy was there to get me back on course.  I panicked and blew my energy trying to catch up so I had nothing for the ride.  Riders from both of the last two heats after mine passed me and I was mentally out of it.  As I rode back around to the run, I could see them picking up cones from the bike course, and it hit me that I could possibly be the last one to finish.  That kinda takes the wind out of a guy.  The run was terrible.  I had side pain and I walked a significant part of the course.

I had pretty much conceded that triathlons weren't for me at that point and it would be my last.  They were obviously for 'athletes' which I was not, and what a fool I was for thinking I could do it.  I mustered enough energy to run right at the end, just so I wouldn't embarrass my family.

Then my 6 year old son saw me coming and decided to run beside me on the last few yards to the finish line.  He was so excited to see me, and when I looked down at him his face was so full of pride and admiration, all my doubt was absolutely and forever blown away.  It wouldn’t matter if I WAS the last guy.  I was doing something that not many people even attempt.  Just being there and finishing the event suddenly became enough for me.

I still doubt myself frequently, but all I have to do is think of that little fella’s beaming face and I remember that the only failure is not trying.  My wife got pictures of the whole thing, so I will try to post a couple of them in my profile.

Anyway, that’s just my perspective.  Now you know.


I can relate Mike- When I started I would line up for the swim in the very front, that way I could draft of the entire field as they all pass me!

This past weekend, my wife said she wants to hire me the best coach possible, "no more self coaching" she said, " I have told too many friend that you race cycling"!

My 7 year old daughter just loves talking to me while I grind it out on the trainer.
2011-02-01 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3258079

Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
anyone have a good free HIM program.  I've been looking online but none have jumped out at me...

2011-02-01 6:57 PM
in reply to: #3258079

New user

Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN

I would love to join your mentor group!  heres my story.....

NAME: Shelly

STORY: I've lost 92 lbs in the past year. I still have 15 or 20 to go but am in pretty good shape. I have always been athletic but my weight got out of control. I started back at the beginning only walking and then added jogging and kept progressing to running. By month 3 and only down 40 lbs I ran my first 5K. Since then I have done a half dozen more, a 6 mile adventure race, the Warrior dash with 13 obstacles  and most recently completed my first 10K.  I keep setting goals and this year is my first of many triathlons to come .  I am really stressing about theswimming part as I have neve had any formal training.  I would love to have a mentor for a little motivation and inspiration on my journey.  I have signe up for my first triathlon the end of June. 

 FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 children 
CURRENT TRAINING: Insanity and other circuit style interval training, running and weight training

I am ready to learn and absorb any info you or the group can provide!!

2011-02-01 7:01 PM
in reply to: #3334064

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
rfranke7 - 2011-02-01 3:20 PM anyone have a good free HIM program.  I've been looking online but none have jumped out at me...


What things are you looking for in a program? Maybe we can help you more knowing that. BT has a free HIM, to me its just as good as any other, I have used it before, followed it is a whole different conversation!
2011-02-01 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3334212

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
livingMYdream - 2011-02-01 4:57 PM Stuart,

I would love to join your mentor group!  heres my story.....

NAME: Shelly

STORY: I've lost 92 lbs in the past year. I still have 15 or 20 to go but am in pretty good shape. I have always been athletic but my weight got out of control. I started back at the beginning only walking and then added jogging and kept progressing to running. By month 3 and only down 40 lbs I ran my first 5K. Since then I have done a half dozen more, a 6 mile adventure race, the Warrior dash with 13 obstacles  and most recently completed my first 10K.  I keep setting goals and this year is my first of many triathlons to come .  I am really stressing about theswimming part as I have neve had any formal training.  I would love to have a mentor for a little motivation and inspiration on my journey.  I have signe up for my first triathlon the end of June. 

 FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 children 
CURRENT TRAINING: Insanity and other circuit style interval training, running and weight training

I am ready to learn and absorb any info you or the group can provide!!

Welcome Shelly, we can help with swimming , you sound like you are headed in the right direction. Sean T rocks!
2011-02-01 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3334217

Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
im looking for something simple.  the few I've found seem pretty complicated.  i loved the hal hidden marathon training guide.  it tells me what day and how far to run, nice and easy.  all the things I've found seems confusing.  

any advise? 
2011-02-01 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3334471

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
If you can a hold of a August 2010 Triathlete Magazine  there is a Super Simple 16 week HIM Training Plan in the magazine by Matt fitzgerald.
2011-02-02 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3334471

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
rfranke7 - 2011-02-01 7:24 PM im looking for something simple.  the few I've found seem pretty complicated.  i loved the hal hidden marathon training guide.  it tells me what day and how far to run, nice and easy.  all the things I've found seems confusing.  

any advise? 

This one is called super simple!

2011-02-02 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3335228

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
Dude! That plan rocks! Simple and very doable for a beginner. Thanks for pointing this out. I will definitely use this and tweak.
2011-02-02 3:46 PM
in reply to: #3335369

Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
This is exactly what i was looking for! Is it too much to train 6 days a week? Can you tell in the plan if during the week are those two a days or bricks?Thanks!
2011-02-02 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3335895

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN

Weeks 7,9,11,13,14,15 on Saturdays; he uses the words "transition run" rather then "brick".  Otherwise they are two per day workouts.

2011-02-03 5:50 AM
in reply to: #3334212

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
livingMYdream - 2011-02-01 7:57 PM Stuart,

I would love to join your mentor group!  heres my story.....

NAME: Shelly

STORY: I've lost 92 lbs in the past year. I still have 15 or 20 to go but am in pretty good shape. I have always been athletic but my weight got out of control. I started back at the beginning only walking and then added jogging and kept progressing to running. By month 3 and only down 40 lbs I ran my first 5K. Since then I have done a half dozen more, a 6 mile adventure race, the Warrior dash with 13 obstacles  and most recently completed my first 10K.  I keep setting goals and this year is my first of many triathlons to come .  I am really stressing about theswimming part as I have neve had any formal training.  I would love to have a mentor for a little motivation and inspiration on my journey.  I have signe up for my first triathlon the end of June. 

 FAMILY STATUS: Married with 3 children 
CURRENT TRAINING: Insanity and other circuit style interval training, running and weight training

I am ready to learn and absorb any info you or the group can provide!!

Welcome Shelly. Way to go with the 90+ pounds weight loss. Swimming is what prevents more people from participating in triathlons and is usually the biggest concern, so welcome to a very large club. With a plan and good practice you will be fine though. Races are never won on the swim, but rather the bike or run. The goal is to make it through safely and with enough energy in the tank for the rest of the race. 
2011-02-03 9:32 AM
in reply to: #3335895

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - OPEN
rfranke7 - 2011-02-02 1:46 PM This is exactly what i was looking for! Is it too much to train 6 days a week? Can you tell in the plan if during the week are those two a days or bricks?Thanks!

Two a days-    Run 12 miles moderate. | Swim 2,000 yards moderate. Uses l symbol between workouts.

Bricks-   Bike 60 miles moderate + 10-minute transition run at race pace.  Uses + symbol, you will also notice change in tempo using this symbol also (Bike 40 minutes moderate + 18 minutes comfortably hard).

2011-02-03 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I looked at that super simple HIM plan and I liked it.  I know I should be varying pace in my workouts, but I just don't know what and for how long.   I would like a plan like this for a sprint, to help me improve my times.  I can do all the distances, but I need to improve my pace.

After doing the swim so poorly last year (see last post), I decided to add some true sprint laps in my swim training.  My thoughts were that I needed to get winded during a swim, so I can figure out how to catch my breath and yet keep going without having to resort to the breast stroke.  So now I do 4 laps warmup, then every other lap is a sprint with a breast-stroke on the 10th and 20th lap (I should probably ditch those now).  I don't rest in between laps, nor do I know anything about technique.  I mean, I know how to swim, but I probably have terrible form.

My run and bike "plans" are similar.  Run or bike for x miles and hope you get faster after a while.  Seems like there's gotta be a better plan than "Well, it seemed like a good idea," but I just don't know where to look.  Well maybe that's not entirely true.  I know there are hundreds of books and websites and stuff, but I'd like to get some recommendations before I accept someone else's idea of what I should be doing.

I didn't work out yesterday or today.  I'm in hibernation.  It doesn't get into the 20s often in Houston, and there's no way I'm running in freaking snow!  I know, it's worse in other parts of the country, but there's a reason I like living here.  Yeah, it's humid in the summer, but I've never had to shovel humidity.  Call me a wimp, but I'll be sleeping in tomorrow with four blankets and the heater set on "August".

Hope you all are staying warm and training if you can!

2011-02-03 11:30 PM
in reply to: #3338094

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
One of my main staple books is the Triathlete Magazine's Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide by Matt Fitzgerald.

I have used this for Sprints, Olympics and now I am using it for my Long Course Tri (HIM) in June.  It has different levels of Plans for each distance up to Ironman.  It basically tells you what to do.  No guessing.  

For example:  My run is farther along at this time of the year so I am using a different level (level 6) run distance and workout than my swim and bike (level 5) but within the same plan/same week; just different distances but same workout. 
2011-02-03 11:36 PM
in reply to: #3258079

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Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Plan is on its way.  Haven't missed a workout yet.  Started a week early.  Cold run this morning 32 degrees out, but quickly was on my way to a nice sweat.  Swim this evening.  Hard to get back into these two a days.  Trying to do one in the early morning hours so it looks like one workout each day so my wife doesn't begin to complain I am gone all the time.  She can handle one but two she begin to get testy. : )

2011-02-04 8:58 AM
in reply to: #3338525

Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Nevergivin's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Stuart, sorry to hear about the disappointing race! But you showed a lot of guts to keep on going despite the troubles.
Mike, awesome inspiring story!
Re: training programs, I'm not quite ready to quit winter maintenance yet since my HIM is in Sept, so I'm focusing on shorter workouts and strength. As always, I'm worried about not being "balanced" enough due to all the repetition of the same sports. Bought myself a medicine ball and some elastics and have been doing these for the last week. Highly recommended. They don't take much time and seem like an easy workout but I'm really feeling them. From the USA Tri eZine: I agree with what he says about never doing "leg extension" machine.

From Runner's World Feb '11 mag "Fully Fit" series
Active Warmup,8052,s6-6-0-2,00.html?bcpid=2884340001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAABjSC4E~,YBF36HfcFnZeqZMwmU2oQb7me4-NwQYO&bclid=729780827001&bctid=732529122001

Strength and Balance,8052,s6-6-0-2,00.html?bcpid=2884340001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAABjSC4E~,YBF36HfcFnZeqZMwmU2oQb7me4-NwQYO&bclid=729780827001&bctid=732529122001

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