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2011-01-12 5:19 AM
in reply to: #3293602

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
juneapple - 2011-01-12 1:28 AM Hey Rachel and welcome! Next question... what the heck are you doing up so late :-)

In answer to your question, I'd just got home from a late shift.  This is what I mean about an unusual schedule!

I'm just going to do a brief synopsis of my training so far this year, and then I'll start doing daily updates:

Got off to a good start the first week.  Managed long and short of each swim/cycle/run.  Long cycle's hard work as it's already 80min and that's my weakest part.  Also I had to do it on the turbo trainer in the living room, which is really, really dull.  I'd much rather be outside doing it, but we've had snow and ice on and off lately, so not a regular option.

Week 2 has been a bit of a dead loss so far.  I had minor surgery at the end of last week which was nothing to worry about except that I was told not to raise my arm above my head for a few days so I didn't split the stitches.  So that was Saturday's swim session out.  I was planning to do a training duathlon (run by the local tri club) on sunday morning, but that went down the tube when we got up to a full covering of snow!  And then Sunday afternoon I came down with a fever and spent a full 24 hours shivering and sweating in bed/on the sofa.  Finally managed a short run yesterday, and am going for a training swim at lunch time today before I start work, so hopefully things are getting back on track, but I'm not sure I'm going to fit everything in this week :-(

But I guess something is better than nothing, and I'll just have to make sure that I don't let a little set back stop me from continuing with my training.

Anyway, so pleased to be in the group.  I'm going to add everyone now so you can see my training plan, and I look forward to seeing what you've all been up to :-)

2011-01-12 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Is there a way to add this forum/thread to our training log? I can't figure it out and it's hard to find the thread from the long list. Anyone else trying to do this?
2011-01-12 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3293981

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
beachprof - 2011-01-12 7:33 AM Is there a way to add this forum/thread to our training log? I can't figure it out and it's hard to find the thread from the long list. Anyone else trying to do this?

Hi Joanne,

Take a look at my training log and see if you can copy my link to the thread directly over (highlight, copy and paste into your own training log).  If that doesn't work, I'll provide the html instructions, which involves a couple of other steps, but isn't too bad.

Edit:  Note that it only takes you to the first page of the thread and then you'll need to click on the appropriate page number at the top of the thread.


Edited by juneapple 2011-01-12 7:19 AM
2011-01-12 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Welcome Rachael! My husband does different distances than me, and much more intense training- and we have different philosophies about tris. When he goes for a run, he is focused on running running running. He uses words like Cadence and Zone. I think it has to do with his hear trate monitor. I have one of those but I don't use it.

When I run it's more about the quiet. Enjoying time to myself. I get distracted and my head goes to different places and soon my run is over. I am interested to read the Stoic Runner article, Stu (soon as I get time).

Yesterday was spent running errands and then shovelling snow, and then my hour I could have used for training - instead I went to an interesting meeting and had grown up conversation. That last part is important because I spent my day telling knock knock jokes with my 3 year old.

Today on the agenda- I get a run tonight IF IF IF I can get the baby to stay in the Y childcare while the oldest is at swim practice and the 3 year old is in the activities center. Crossing my fingers I get some dreadmill time, hoping for about 2 miles.

Still trying to detox and get off the sugar from December- we usually have pretty spot on nutrition around here (health issues for me, IM traning for the husband) but December is a free for all (i am a fantastic cookie maker and there is a lot of butter and sugar flying around here that month). Anyone else trying to get back on the nutrition wagon??? I know after a few weeks I won't miss the sugar, but right now I'm craving it.
2011-01-12 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3294311

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
AKR18 - 2011-01-12 10:03 AM Welcome Rachael! My husband does different distances than me, and much more intense training- and we have different philosophies about tris. When he goes for a run, he is focused on running running running. He uses words like Cadence and Zone. I think it has to do with his hear trate monitor. I have one of those but I don't use it. When I run it's more about the quiet. Enjoying time to myself. I get distracted and my head goes to different places and soon my run is over. I am interested to read the Stoic Runner article, Stu (soon as I get time). Yesterday was spent running errands and then shovelling snow, and then my hour I could have used for training - instead I went to an interesting meeting and had grown up conversation. That last part is important because I spent my day telling knock knock jokes with my 3 year old. Today on the agenda- I get a run tonight IF IF IF I can get the baby to stay in the Y childcare while the oldest is at swim practice and the 3 year old is in the activities center. Crossing my fingers I get some dreadmill time, hoping for about 2 miles. Still trying to detox and get off the sugar from December- we usually have pretty spot on nutrition around here (health issues for me, IM traning for the husband) but December is a free for all (i am a fantastic cookie maker and there is a lot of butter and sugar flying around here that month). Anyone else trying to get back on the nutrition wagon??? I know after a few weeks I won't miss the sugar, but right now I'm craving it.

Ahhh-the infamous Knock Knock jokes. My son's favorite at the time goes like this:
J: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there
J: Mommy! you know who I am!(with some level of exasperation in his voice).

I still don't know if he's expecting me to say something different.

I'm not sugar detoxing, so much as still fighting the Diet coke cravings! I gave it up on November 11 (but who's counting, right?) and I still crave it sometimes. Admittedly, I could easily drink 60 to 80 oz on some days. It's been a hard habit to kick- most of the time I do okay. My water intake has gone way up, which is a good thing. But, sometimes I just want a DC. Oh well. My kids and husband are happy that I don't drink it any more.

Edited by slow turtle 2011-01-12 10:34 AM
2011-01-12 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Got a spin class and weights in this mornining. Run this afternoon. I dreaded logging my meals, but I seem to be in a groove. I found it's easier logging your nutrition by eating the same things everyday.  : ) I am slowly eating away at stored glycogen so the water weight is slowly coming down.


2011-01-12 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3294029

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
juneapple - 2011-01-12 7:17 AM
beachprof - 2011-01-12 7:33 AM Is there a way to add this forum/thread to our training log? I can't figure it out and it's hard to find the thread from the long list. Anyone else trying to do this?

Hi Joanne,

Take a look at my training log and see if you can copy my link to the thread directly over (highlight, copy and paste into your own training log).  If that doesn't work, I'll provide the html instructions, which involves a couple of other steps, but isn't too bad.

Edit:  Note that it only takes you to the first page of the thread and then you'll need to click on the appropriate page number at the top of the thread.


Thanks Stu. It worked perfectly.
2011-01-12 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
How is everyone doing today?
We got buried with snow. My husband is a teacher, so snow days are great! I opted to go to work and get a bunch of stuff done.
I'm hoping to get on the bike for a 45 minute ride- but there are a lot of variables that might effect that right now. We'll see how it goes.
2011-01-12 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3295668

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
Hello All! 

Having a hard time getting motivated this pm.  Just got home, cooking dinner and still need to run but it is dark and cold outside.  So I am going to try real hard to at least hit the elliptical at home if I don't make it to the treadmill at the Y.  Tomorrow is a much needed day off from work, and I hope to get in a swim in the morning and spin class in the evening.  Hope every one had a good day with thier training!
2011-01-12 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3295895

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group - OPEN
It seems one thing we all have in common is the need for what I'd call flexible training goals.  Our lives are very full and the weather is crazy this time of year, so even when you think you have a solid plan, it is subject to change.  For reasons of practicality and probably personality as well, I am just not one to follow the details of a plan.  What I tend to do is to read several plans and try to understand how they generally work, recognize some techniques that may be new to me and then, aim for incorporating the overall goals of the plan(s).  For example, I would very much like to reach the planned training hours for the HIM plan from BT each week, so I try to focus on achieving that (but often break up the training differently).  I also usually have some particular goals I'm trying to hit each week, and I put those in my training blog at the beginning of each month and track my progress.  I usually know in advance the weeks that will be challenges for me and don't get too down on myself if I don't hit the goals.  The goals are there to guide me, not to get me down. 

So, motivation... for me, long term, it's the meaningful goals - I know that all the dimensions of the triathlon lifestyle are good for me - general health, nutrition, mood, sleep, weight, determination, all are improved by training for tris.  Short term, it seems to vary... I always feel better once I'm exercising (especially when I'm done!)... that's always helpful to remember on those days you just don't want to do it.  Sometimes it's remembering how I felt in the run on the HIM (bad) or the half mary (good).  Sometimes it is just I need a break from what I'm doing.  I love to exercise at lunch (I have flexible work hours... that's why I get to work this weekend!).  But I often find that when I get stuck on some problem, when I come back from a workout, I've found a new angle on it.  So those are some of my thoughts... what works for you all?

Now for Today's Recipe!  (btw, much like how I use training plans, I don't actually have recipes, so these are general guidelines!)

Stu's Veggie Chili - Great for deep snows, cold nights and growing families

[Not only that, but it is super easy and inexpensive - allows you to save for that new bike!]

Saute one bag of frozen onions, carrots, celery in olive oil
Add two small cans of diced tomatoes (flavored if you like)
Simmer for 10 mins. or so
Add one bag of frozen veggies of your choice (I find the soup mix is pretty good)
Add one can of chili beans with sauce and one can of black beans
(optional) one small can of tomato sauce if you prefer a more sauce-like chili

Let the whole thing simmer for a couple of hours.  Add spices that you like.  Serves 4-5.  Can easily double and makes great leftovers.  I often make it when Kroger has frozen veggies and beans on sale ;-)

Total calories about 800 for the pot.  Make it go farther by serving over (brown) rice (but adds calories).  Sprinkle some grated cheddar cheese on top.


2011-01-12 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Love the new heading for our group.

Sounds like everyone's had a good day, training-wise, which is fab.  I've been looking forward all day to coming home and seeing what people have posted. 

Stu, I also really appreciated your inspire on my training log, especially because my husband's comment about yesterday's run was more along the lines of "it took you how long? but that's REALLY slow"...

Today I did something I've never done before.  I went to a swim training session that was about speed.  I've never been a fast swimmer and have never even considered competing.  I'm very much slow and steady, although I can pretty much keep going all day.  I've been working on my technique a lot recently with the tri club, but that's been more about efficiency than speed.  But there's a swimming competition at work between all of the region's forces, and we're hosting it, so they're really trying to get people involved.  It sounds like it'll be fun and it's more about taking part than winning, etc etc, so I thought I'd sign up.  It's a good thing it's not about winning because I was officially the slowest person at the session today.  However, I got a good hour and 15min of swimming in, and most of it was on work time which is a bit of a novelty for me, so very positive.

I've now got a whole bunch of days off, followed by 2 weeks back at training school which is a lovely 8am-4pm monday to friday, so I'm hoping to get a good run on my training plan.  Still trying to catch up a little on this week due to losing a couple of days, but tomorrow the plan is a run in the morning (probably 4 miles, but it's a 2 mile loop, so if I'm feeling good I may try 6), and then a group of us from the tri club are meeting at the pool in the evening.  Looking forward to a lovely active day tomorrow (after a long lie-in as my shift over-ran tonight and it's officially VERY late).

2011-01-12 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Was able to get my run in tonight. Completed two workouts today. Hoping I'm getting into the swing of things. Stu, great recipe, especially for us vegetarians. By reading all the posts this appears to be a hard working group!


Edited by StlPhil 2011-01-12 9:09 PM
2011-01-12 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3296150

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Great job Phil! I was pretty happy to get a workout in as well this pm, as I said earlier wasn't certain I'd get there.   I feel much more motivated to workout when I have read others in the group have got thier workouts in. This group sure helps to make me feel a bit more accountable for my workouts.   Thanks to you all!
2011-01-13 5:19 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Good Morning Everyone!

What's the training plan for today?

I've got a spin class this morning which I'd normally follow with a short run (a mini "brick"), but it appears that the hamstring issues from Saturday are not going away without some rest, so I'll be taking at least a week off from running and replacing with biking and swimming.  Pretty sure this was caused by not warming up and stretching enough before my long run on Saturday.  They say you learn the most from your mistakes, but a wise person learns from others' mistakes.  Y'all be wise and warm up and stretch! 

Have a great day!

2011-01-13 5:26 AM
in reply to: #3296244

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I'd like to "second" the inspiration from these posts and also add that I'm learning that I'm not the only one out there that has a hectic life and needs to be flexible with the workout plan. Instead of beating myself up if I don't get the workout I was planning, I should be flexible and figure out what's working.
Yesterday I did an awesome TRX workout. For my training log, I don't see this on the list of "sports" or "strength training" so has anyone else done these and know how to add it to your log? What about other training routines? I do an "upper & lower" weight training class (one this morning and every Tuesday and Thursday) and I'm not sure how to add it. Maybe a new custom workout? It is so many reps and I have no idea the names of all the things we do in that class. I'd like to just put, 1 hr free weights, abs, and lunges/squats and be done with it! It's like kettlebell with core and legs thrown in. Hm. Just wondering if others do these kinds of classes at the gym and if it's even beneficial to tri training?
I also have a 1 hr singles tennis lesson this afternoon, even in this frigid weather!
Have a good morning everyone!
2011-01-13 5:29 AM
in reply to: #3296386

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Oh, yeah, almost forgot (!) that I'm planning the big plunge into the pool today at noon. First swim since last August. Yikes, wish me luck!

2011-01-13 6:08 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
beach prof-

play around in the strength training area on your training log- you might be able to devote 10 minutes to entering all the weights, reps you do in the upper and lower class and save it as a template so each time you do it you pull it up. I did that tonight for my arm workouts!

Today is a trainer ride in the basement for me and it is so easier said than done. I will have at least one child with me. Eventually as I get into the HM training plan my Thursdays will be a run day AND a bike day. I hate double workouts because mentally I just have not been doing tris long enough to get motivated to work out twice in one day, but I admire everyone who manages to do it.

We got a new Yoga DVD- Rodney Yee Yoga for Athletes. Last night we did two short sections (maybe 5-7 min each) that focused on running and cycling. Good stretches!!!! I really like his AM Yoga, 20 minute segments, but the one I like is Hip Openers and that one bothers my husband's lower back (he had a microdiscectomy in July). We did not do yoga, just tried to remember to stretch, until November when he hired a coach and now we have mandatory yoga and I like it! Highly recommend it and it makes a huge difference in recovery and injury prevention. Just in case anyone is thinking about adding it to their workouts....and for us busy people it's nice to have the DVD because holy crap I can not commit to an hour long yoga class with our hectic schedules.

I had on a race shirt from 2008 last night and a newbie stopped me at the Y to talk tris. It is really funny because I still consider myself a newbie but field all these questions. There were other triathletes there and I was curious as to WHY the guy stopped me and not one of them- he said it was because I looked like a NORMAL person. I think he meant I was not all stringy and muscular and super fit. (Summation- I'm still squishy and I'm cool with squishy)

The baby slept last night- thank goodness! She's got 4 teeth and a molar coming in, so sleep has been interrupted and that messes with me training-wise.

I hope everyone has a good day - love the new title, Stu!
2011-01-13 6:09 AM
in reply to: #3296390

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
beachprof - 2011-01-13 6:29 AM Oh, yeah, almost forgot (!) that I'm planning the big plunge into the pool today at noon. First swim since last August. Yikes, wish me luck!

Wishing you luck! And- great job getting back in the tub!
2011-01-13 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Well, I missed yesterdays workout. It was the only night that we could coordinate childcare (read: my oldest watched the 2 younger kids for free), and my husband didn't have a gig or rehearsal. So, we went on a date!
I'm okay with missing a workout when the benefits outweigh the negatives!
2011-01-13 9:19 AM
in reply to: #3296380

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Today I am off from work so besides all the house stuff to do and errands, I am hoping to get in a swim this morning and spin class this evening.

Joanne, good luck in the pool.  It is hard to get back in the pool after a long break. Today is going to be my second time in the pool since Aug.  My first swim, last sunday, went surprisingly well. Good luck and here's to a great workout and a warm pool.  Hey, I noticed on your training log you have the link to the group, can you walk me through how you got it there?  

Hope everyone has great workouts!
2011-01-13 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3296771

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I got great advice from Stu to go to one of the group members workout log (like mine or Stu's) and right click on the link, then copy, then when you are in your workout log click on the edit button and paste the link. Stu's the pro and his workout log page looks great.

2011-01-13 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3296412

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Thanks! I did add a new weight training routine I just got at the gym this morning and it does make it a lot easier.
Has anyone done trx workouts and figured out how to add them to your log?
2011-01-13 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3296390

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
beachprof - 2011-01-13 5:29 AM Oh, yeah, almost forgot (!) that I'm planning the big plunge into the pool today at noon. First swim since last August. Yikes, wish me luck!

My great intentions for the pool today have now evaporated Cry. The class at the gym was cancelled this morning (I was the only one who showed up) so I did a bike ride, then a run, then a new weight workout so I spent more time than expected and I'm overwhelmed with work. I also have tennis at 4:30 and it's only 30 outside. So, I'm trying not to overdo it and will attempt the pool tomorrow.  Already I'm feeling guilty, but I should be happy with what I accomplished this morning. And, darn, I need to fork out the bucks for a new pair of running shoes.

Hope everyone's having a fun day and trying to stay warm (even in the South we are freezing!).
2011-01-13 11:57 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Sorry about the pool, beachprof.  You'll get there, just keep trying to work it in.

I'm off to swim in a bit, then exercise class tonight.  I'll probably get another swim in tomorrow.  In addition, I need to get in a short run tomorrow to get the legs moving.  Sat is my indoor tri (10 min swim, 30 min spin, 20 min treadmill)!

2011-01-13 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Andrea- Good luck this weekend!
Do you have any questions about what to expect? Like with transitions or clothing choices?
Those are some of the most common topics of concern before some one's first tri, but you might have others.
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