BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SMeador's Group - FULL! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-12 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3294314

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Emwilltri - 2011-01-12 9:04 AM Today is a running & swimming day.  I look forward to the run, but still am not excited about the swim.  My goals today are to try and focus more on my breathing and less on how silly I might look. 

It was suggested by a couple of people that I try using a kickboard out in front of me with my face in the water to practice my breathing--anyone else have any helpful hints/suggestions?

I will report later today how it all goes.

Happy Hump Day! Smile

The kickboard with breathing is good - because you can focus JUST on breathing out in the water and turning your body/head to breathe.  Slowing down and "gliding" more will give you more time - so you're not fighting the water so much. 

A good drill for this is 10 Kick Switch -> So you are doing front crawl - but you are basically kicking on your side for a count of 10, do a pull with one arm to switch to the other side.  This gets you rolling with your whole body - and also lets you breathe and time your breathing. 

Are you a floater or a sinker?

2011-01-12 11:33 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

OK, last minute meeting quashed my lunchtime run plans so...

Run after work (probably still inside on the track as it is not supposed to get out of the low 30's today.

Move today's swim to tomorrow with my hour bike.  Easier as I can bike at home in the morning then swim after work.  Friday is another swim but I am OK doing 2 swims in a row.

Whew...this is all so confusing.  Thankfully the BT calendars are so easy to make changes to!

2011-01-12 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3294476

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Madison-ish, WI
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Silver_wlf - 2011-01-12 9:48 AM
Emwilltri - 2011-01-12 9:04 AM Today is a running & swimming day.  I look forward to the run, but still am not excited about the swim.  My goals today are to try and focus more on my breathing and less on how silly I might look. 

It was suggested by a couple of people that I try using a kickboard out in front of me with my face in the water to practice my breathing--anyone else have any helpful hints/suggestions?

I will report later today how it all goes.

Happy Hump Day! Smile

The kickboard with breathing is good - because you can focus JUST on breathing out in the water and turning your body/head to breathe.  Slowing down and "gliding" more will give you more time - so you're not fighting the water so much. 

A good drill for this is 10 Kick Switch -> So you are doing front crawl - but you are basically kicking on your side for a count of 10, do a pull with one arm to switch to the other side.  This gets you rolling with your whole body - and also lets you breathe and time your breathing. 

Are you a floater or a sinker?

I will definitely give this a whirl.  I am not sure I would classify myself as either floater or sinker...I can do the front crawl, but tend to keep my head halfway above the water (eyes above water level) and then turn my head to the side when I need to breathe.  (Kind of hard to explain..I hope that makes sense!
2011-01-12 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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New user

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
I'd love to join your group if you have the room.

2011-01-12 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3294877

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Emwilltri - 2011-01-12 11:51 AM
Silver_wlf - 2011-01-12 9:48 AM

The kickboard with breathing is good - because you can focus JUST on breathing out in the water and turning your body/head to breathe.  Slowing down and "gliding" more will give you more time - so you're not fighting the water so much. 

A good drill for this is 10 Kick Switch -> So you are doing front crawl - but you are basically kicking on your side for a count of 10, do a pull with one arm to switch to the other side.  This gets you rolling with your whole body - and also lets you breathe and time your breathing. 

Are you a floater or a sinker?

I will definitely give this a whirl.  I am not sure I would classify myself as either floater or sinker...I can do the front crawl, but tend to keep my head halfway above the water (eyes above water level) and then turn my head to the side when I need to breathe.  (Kind of hard to explain..I hope that makes sense!

The kick-switch drill will help - because freestyle is a long-axis stroke which means your whole body should rotate in the water - not just your head.  This will make you a more efficient swimmer. 

The kickboard drill will help you with proper head placement - you should be looking forward - but the water level should be at the hairline.
2011-01-12 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3263166

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Looks like we got some new people joining up with us! Great to see and welcome to the group!

2011-01-12 3:29 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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New user
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

It took three attempts for me to complete my first triathlon.  The first time we never found the venue.  The second time I got in the the lake, stuck my head in the water and turned around and turned in my chip.  The third time I signed up for a pool swim and completed my first triathlon.  I've taken the open water swim clinics, the swimming lessons and yet the lake still scares the crap out of me.  The triathlon I plan to do in April is a lake swim and a friend has convinced me to do it.  It will have been two years since my last tri. In those two years I have done basically - NOTHING.  So it's a little like reinventing the wheel.  I have run on and off and I come into this training being able to run two miles. 

I'm a professional photographer and for the next four weeks it will be my "slow" time.  Once I get to Valentine's day, it gets crazy at my studio and it will be a challenge to train, but I am going to try really hard to stick with it.

FAMILY STATUS?Married with a ten year old and one very old Boston Terrier

CURRENT TRAINING? I am doing the 16 week 3x balanced program

ARE YOU A NEWCOMER TO ENDURANCE SPORTS OR A VETERAN?I'm treating this like I am a newcomer since it will be my first pool swim.

UPCOMING RACES?King -Tut in April

WEIGHTLOSS?I am carrying around ten extra pounds since my last triathlon.  It would be nice to lose it and have my clothes not be strangling me.

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM ME AS A MENTOR?Maybe some help with my swim workouts.  I am super intimidated and don't know where to start.

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM BEING A MEMBER OF THE GROUP?Just some support and someone to talk about it with.  I'm the only person doing this in my family.

ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION? Just a quick thanks in advance to all of you
2011-01-12 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3263166

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Marie: Welcome to the group. I know I speak for everyone here when I say we would be more than happy to help in any way we can. I understand being busy. I run two businesses, one that is 120 miles away and I have to travel there twice a week at least. The key is to plan everything out, make your times work. Some mornings Im up at 4:30 to get my workouts in, some start at 10 at night. There is no consistency that way but for my lifestyle Im just glad to still be training. Keep up the great work and keep pushing it. During this slow time really try to increase your millage and build up a good base so you have something to work off of when you get slammed later. I look forward to hearing more from you! 
2011-01-12 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

Hi Marie. Welcome to the group.  Another Texan!  Where in the Metroplex are you?

Edited by dodgersmom 2011-01-12 4:19 PM
2011-01-12 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3294289

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
2011-01-12 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3263166

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

Well I'm looking for a group and see some commonality  in this group. EH


Home  The great White north  (Winnipeg Canada)  yes we do most of our training in snow shoes

Age-  Scary  56

Experience - Done a number of OLympic distances, and last year tackled my first 70..2

Current training -   Winter base program  13 - 14 hours a week

Clysdale still but working on it - Started at 256 and now down to 210.2   goal weight for my A race is 195

Races Scheduled   -  Hypothermic 1/2 marathon  Feb
                                 Winnipeg Police Service 1/2 April
                                 Manitoba 1/2 Marathon  June
                                 St Malo Olympic  June
                                 Morden 70..2   July
                                 Iron Man Canada  Penticton BC  August 28

What am I looking for form the group - Motivation when times get tough and insiration from your success

2011-01-12 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3295852

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

Home  The great White north  (Winnipeg Canada)  yes we do most of our training in snow shoes


Ha ha Paul - I x-country skiied tonight!!

2011-01-12 11:00 PM
in reply to: #3295781

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

NAME? Margretta

 I’ve been overweight to some degree as long as I can remember.  I keep saying I’m going to start a new program, and then I find some really lame (but seems not so lame) excuse for why I got derailed.  Two years ago, I hit my all-time highest weight, and made a new commitment to begin *something* to start working on my fitness.  I discovered that there is a pool on the campus where I work, which staff can use free, so I went there.  My original goal was to swim 3 times per week “until I got tired”, and one day I realized that I had been in the pool an hour, and wasn’t tired yet.  That is when I realized how much I love swimming, and it still surprises me to say that.  I had noticeable improvements in my overall health and fitness, but didn’t start losing weight until last August, when I hit the 18-month mark with swimming.  The change came when I realized that I needed to do more than swimming, and started cycling to a further away bus stop on my way to/from work.  Since then, I’ve moved, and cycling will have to be all the way, or not at all, so I’ve borrowed a trainer to start working on base miles for cycling. 

FAMILY STATUS? Single, with one really mean cat. 

CURRENT TRAINING? I swim 500-1000m during my lunch hour 3-4 times per week.  I’m going to start the Beginning Cycling program on Monday, 1/17/11, with a few times on the trainer between now and then to get used to it.

ARE YOU A NEWCOMER TO ENDURANCE SPORTS OR A VETERAN? I am a newcomer, but trained for and completed a half marathon 12 years ago.  (I loved it – the fitness benefits from that lasted for 2 years after, in spite of a severe ankle injury during the race.)  However, I also consider myself a quasi-veteran, as I am beginning my 9th season as a USA Cycling official, and spend 2/3 of my weekends each year with cyclists of all ages and abilities – they are a great inspiration!

I am currently trying to choose a sprint distance triathlon in July or August to set my training schedule.  Looking at traveling somewhere within reasonable driving distance, to “get away”. 

WEIGHTLOSS? I’ve lost 20 pounds since the end of July, and my ultimate goal is still to lose at least another 100-120 pounds.  However, I’m focusing on fitness goals, not the number on my scale, which seems to be working better for me now.  (I *do* look at my scale regularly, too – unlike others, I find it motivating, and helps me curb my bad habits.)

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM ME AS A MENTOR? You seem to have started somewhere in the range where I am starting, and that is what I appreciate most right now.  I haven’t got any preexisting expectations, just looking forward to see how it goes!

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM BEING A MEMBER OF THE GROUP? The moral support I don’t seem to be getting from my friends and family.  Thanks!

ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION? I know a lot of people who participate in and/or coach endurance sports.  Whenever I try to ask them for help in setting up a program, they either a) treat me as if I’m not serious, b) give me answers that have nothing to do with the question I asked, or c) laugh, as if it is funny that I would even try.  This is why I started looking for information online last summer, and I am really glad that I found this website!

2011-01-13 6:19 AM
in reply to: #3296291

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Welcome Margretta!

Sounds like you found the right place!! This site is awesome!!

Your focus is in the right place - fitness and health are more important than numbers on a scale. 
2011-01-13 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Madison-ish, WI
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Hi Everybody!  Happy Thursday Smile

The swimming last night went better, still not great.  I ended up sharing a lane with an older guy who I then ended up talking for 10-15 minutes and was very encouraging.  I talked about how I was trying to get over my being self conscious of my abilities and he reminded me that "everyone has to start somewhere."  Oh so true! 

When I got home, the hubster and I started talking about swimming related things (he grew up with a pool in his backyard essentially and is a MUCH better swimmer than I), and I realized that the reason this annoys me so much is that its going to take a little time (& a lot of patience) to improve.  Most things come easily to me, and so this is a challenge since its not!

I appreciate the continued support/suggestions of everyone here!

Tonight is a bike night--which is exciting to me since it means I can work out at home and can skip stopping at the Y!!  I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday...we are almost to the weekend!
2011-01-13 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Southern Ontario
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Tonight is swim night for me.  I think I'll probably ski again tomorrow though. Yay!!!

2011-01-13 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3293977

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Felt S32! My first tri bike, she got me through Ironman. Precious is in a better home now.
2011-01-13 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3293988

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Silver_wlf - 2011-01-12 6:43 AM

I know a lot of guys rave about the Adamo seat - with no nose?  You might want to look at that as an option as well.

I started using an Adamo saddle last year. Don't think I will go back to a regular saddle.
2011-01-13 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3295021

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open

RunningHot - 2011-01-12 12:42 PM I'd love to join your group if you have the room.



We have a few slots remaining! When you have the opportunity fill out the information template on the the first post.

2011-01-13 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3295852

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
Radar987 - 2011-01-12 6:23 PM

Well I'm looking for a group and see some commonality  in this group. EH


Home  The great White north  (Winnipeg Canada)  yes we do most of our training in snow shoes

Age-  Scary  56

Experience - Done a number of OLympic distances, and last year tackled my first 70..2

Current training -   Winter base program  13 - 14 hours a week

Clysdale still but working on it - Started at 256 and now down to 210.2   goal weight for my A race is 195

Races Scheduled   -  Hypothermic 1/2 marathon  Feb
                                 Winnipeg Police Service 1/2 April
                                 Manitoba 1/2 Marathon  June
                                 St Malo Olympic  June
                                 Morden 70..2   July
                                 Iron Man Canada  Penticton BC  August 28

What am I looking for form the group - Motivation when times get tough and insiration from your success

Welcome Paul glad you are joining us.
2011-01-13 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
@mdevries - If you don't find can you setup your training log as public and/or add the group members to your friend list?

2011-01-13 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3297084

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - Open
smeador - 2011-01-13 10:46 AM Felt S32! My first tri bike, she got me through Ironman. Precious is in a better home now.

I LOVE it Scott. I was riding an old cannondale last season and was very excited to get my s32. 
2011-01-13 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3263166

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!

Happy Thursday all.

Stressful day today.  back to back meetings and taking care of a sick husband.

I did get an hour trainer ride in this morning.  Went to air up the tire and when I pulled the nozzle off I broke off the tip if the valve stem.  Noting like the sound of a tire deflating at 6am to start your day off right.

Unhook the bike.  Remove the tire.  Go get a new one out of the saddle bag and there are no tubes there.  Guess better to find that out now then when I am out somewhere 30 miles from my car.

Search the garage and found 2 tubes.  Change it out and ride.  Still have a swim today so after that hit the bike shop to pick up some more tubes.

2011-01-13 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3263166

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!
Im not going to brag...but I am going to enjoy my day off today. Rest is key to recovery and I have every intention to make sure I am not overtraining. Got a big day tomorrow. Spin class at 5:30 and then I have to get in the car and drive 2 hours for a few meetings and then get in the car and drive back...UGH. not looking forward to it at all. But will be glad to get my workout done first thing so I dont have to worry about it.  Have a happy thursday day closer to Friday!!!
2011-01-13 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3263166

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New user

Subject: RE: SMeador's Group - FULL!

NAME: Username - RunningHot / Real Name - Kurt

STORY: Have been a runner for the last 4-5 years.  Started swimming and biking as cross training and then decided it would be fun to put them all together.  Completed my first Olympic last june and want to do IMKS (Half) this summer.  I look forward to some good advice from all of you.

FAMILY STATUS: Married - Just had first child, baby girl born end of December, 2010.  Sleep is hard to come by right now.

CURRENT TRAINING: Strength, swimming, Bike on the trainer, running when not icy.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Looking forward to Kansas (HIM), Topeka Tinman (Olympic)

WEIGHTLOSS: I wouldn't mind dropping a lb or 2 but not a focus right now


Edited by RunningHot 2011-01-13 2:51 PM
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