BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-29 11:39 PM
in reply to: #3329043

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
I had really good luck with ebay, which is hard to imagine on such an expensive purchase. Once you know the correct size, and you learn a little about the "bells and whistles", I found a Felt F80, hardley used, almost new, with Shimano 105 componants for $550. There's not much in a LBS that would touch that price or performance. If you do venture down this path, you can email or post a "what do you think of this..." And people here would be glad to help out.

2011-01-30 1:02 AM
in reply to: #3269333

New user

Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

Hi Jenny,

I would like to join your group. I am a mother of three as well and this year I decided I am going to challenge myself physically. I had a compression fracture on my T6 (which is the middle of my spine) in April 2010. For most of 2010 I was in a lot of pain and everything hurt my back. So I decided to rest and just let my body heal and eat right in the meantime. Well it paid off! This year I feel great and I have no pain in my back at all. I slowly started exercising again in November 2010 and I feel confident with my progress so far. This year I would like to complete a half marathon, marathon, and a half tri. My weak point is swimming so I have signed up for swimming lessons to learn new and better techniques to improve my swim time. My favorite is the bike I just wish I could ride without being paranoid of being run over by a car. I look forward to your advice and tips.

Thank you,


2011-01-30 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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New user

Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
I would like to join your group.

I am 53 years old, and have been doing a lot of bicycle touring with my husband for the past two years.  I like to swim, and did jog some after college.  I have been playing with the idea of doing sprints for a while, and my husband is encouraging me.

I had low thyroid after my daughter was born, and 18 years later, I'm still sporting the 40 extra pounds I gained before my doctor and I figured out what was up.  I also have been troubled by low back and hip pain, and, silly me, I didn't exercise for years because of that.   Result, loss of motion and flexibility in my hips and lower back.

When training for a bicycle vacation, I discovered - the  bicycling relieved the hip pain.  WOW!  So now the problem has been chased into my lower back, and I'm hoping that some weight loss and stretching will take care of this eventually.

My schedule is pretty open for training - as long as I make it a priority.  I retired two years ago, when my husband was offered a position in France.  So, now I live west of Paris, and have access to an excellent 50 meter community pool.  We live near a large forest, and if I bicycle a small bit west, I have access to many kilometers of farmland which is popular with the bikers.  So, there should be no excuse.

I'm sort of embarassed that it took me two years to resolve to start this sort of program, but better late than never.


- Red

Edited by red_sailor 2011-01-30 9:00 AM
2011-01-30 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Hi akutracy, I just wanted to add a different perspective to your mountain bike question.  My bike is a 10ish year old mountain bike that I had tuned up and "upgraded" to skinny slick tires for around $100.  Switching to the slick tires did help, and I rode it in my first (and so far only) tri.  I plan to ride it in a couple more sprints, and then hopefully upgrade to a road bike.  It's not ideal, but I wanted to see how I liked tri's before committing more $$'s.  I just didn't want to feel pressured to do more just because I had shelled out for a new bike.  However, I can't see doing more than a sprint on the mountain bike.

Welcome to the new folks who have joined this group.  I think it's gonna be good!  
2011-01-30 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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New user
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Hi Jenny, I would like to join this mentor group. First, thanks for taking your personal time to help others.  Just by reading your story, your life seems busy already, so thanks again.

My Story:  My real name is Tim, married with a Golden Retriever and a Yellow Lab.  I'm 46 and in decent shape.  In the winter of 2008 I looked at myself in mirror and was embarassed at the condition I allowed myself to get into.  I bought a life changing book titled "The BodyFat Solution" by Tom Venuto.  I read it, applied the principles and am currently down 45lbs from that point.  Just looking for a little more challenge than a 5K, my brother and I entered a Duathlon last Sept and I really enjoyed it.  So here I am a near newbie to the tri thing.  I have entered a Sprint Tri for this June and not only want to be completely prepared, but I want to beat my brother, again. 

Training:  I am going to follow the training outlines in the book, "Triathlons for Dummies."  To their program I will add 2 strength sessions weekly. 

Accountability:  This is why I am here, I will obviously need advice from experienced tri-ers, but I need a place to report my weekly progress. 

Thanks again and any input, from Jenny as well as anyone in the mentor group, is greatly appreciated.

2011-01-30 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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New user

Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

I am learning how to work in the various areas.  Any hints on how to network and use this site would be handy

Edited by red_sailor 2011-01-30 8:29 AM

2011-01-30 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3327187

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
ajbrown - 2011-01-28 1:55 PM

I live in Indiana where the snow has been coming down like crazy!!  It does not stop me from running outside but it does force me inside to swim and bike.  I do not belong to a gym as I have my own home gym that has hours that work around my schedule!!  I have a road bike and trainer, treadmill, elliptical, free weights, BOSU trainer, stability ball, pull up bar, etc.  I have been doing the classic p90x program to gain overall strength that I hope will help with my swimming and biking and maybe keep me injury free with my running.  I swim at a nearby high school 2xs a week.  I am working around a 2nd grade schedule, preschool schedule and 3 year old and my husband works an hour away so my schedule is not aligned with the various groups in my area.  I am very driven and dedicated and work well on my own so it does not bother me.  I did take a private swim lesson and my form is fine.   I take about 20 or so laps to feel comfortable with my breathing and the breathing is my biggest struggle.  I would like to take a few more lessons from a tri coach but we have not been able to get our schedules together due to snow and ice school delays and cancellations.  I printed out a tri schedule here to work on but either I don't understand it or it is vague.  I am not sure what exactly I should be doing with my swimming and biking.  It gives a distance to complete but does not say how it should be broken down.  I would like to find more specifics in terms of a 900 yard swim or a 4 mile bike (I do have a cadence computer and use clip pedals and shoes).  I am currently training to race 5ks and February 13th I will start a half marathon training so the running portion of triathlons will be dictated by my race schedule (as I am sure is pretty normal?).

I look forward to working with you and getting this racing season started!!

Sounds like you're doing great! I've always had trouble connecting with groups for training too - most people are training in the hours before or after work, and that's the time that's hardest for me, with getting kids off to school in the morning & homework, dinner, after school activity shuttle service, etc.... so I do most of my training solo, too. How do you like P90X? I have the program too, and I've done a bit of it, but I seem to have trouble following through and finishing the whole program. I think I'll take a stab at it again starting tomorrow.

Which training plan are you following? Maybe I can help fill in some of the questions you have.... Some of the BT training programs are pretty basic, and the simplest ones are usually time based, and may or may not give instruction on structure for a given workout.

If you're following a basic plan that doesen't offer specific workouts for training sessions, and you would like to have more specific workouts to follow, I have found the Swimplan website useful for generating swim workouts. And there's a coach who posts frequently on BT who has put together a fantastic Winter Cycling Program that you could use or modify to guide bike workouts.

Keep up the good work!!
2011-01-30 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3327650

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Baowolf - 2011-01-28 5:35 PM

Hi guys.  I didn't notice the mentor groups opening up again for spring, is there still room?  I will give a little background just in case. 

I have a similar story to most turned 40, 40 pounds overweight, needed something to challenge me.  I started with no backgorund in anything and did first sprint 12/07 and then did an half mary, oly and HIM in 08, full mary, HIM and first IM at Vineman in 09, and full mary and CDA in 2010.  

I crashed my bike in a century 9/10, broke my collarbone  and needed to get it plated.  Between having a pulled calf, hip flexor, back of the right thigh and the colar bone I was out of training for 3 months ouche. For the first time since September I can reach above my head fluidly with the left arm.  

Goals for 2011 include running in the Boston marathon in April and a return to the Full IM distance at Vineman at the end of July.  

Boy getting back in shape has been some work.  I am not there yet, but back up to run 40 miles, bike 50-60 miles and swim 4000 yards per week.  I will try to catch up on posts if there is still room.



It would be awesome to have you as part of this group! I doubt you need much mentoring.... I know you have a solid training background and a good understanding of training principles already, but it would be great to have you as part of the group!

I didn't realize you had broken your collarbone! Working back from a long layoff like that has got to be tough.... I know you'll do great, though! Your training volume already looks awesome! How is the swimming going for you? That must have been quite a challenge while your collarbone has been healing....
2011-01-30 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3327668

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Ariasx2 - 2011-01-28 5:41 PM

Is this group open? I would like to join! I signed up for my first tri April 9th, I live in Conroe TX, Ana

Welcome! Glad to have you!!
2011-01-30 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3328299

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
bdroppleman - 2011-01-29 10:09 AM

Jenny, you asked about my cycling pedals and shoes (re: being uncomfortable on the bike). I do have clipless pedals and good shoes. I've found they fit best when they are tight. I do love my clipless. Now I'm considering putting my road bike back to normal (instead of aero position) for training until at least July, just to see if I can get some of the comfort back that I lost when I switched to aero and bought a new seat...worth a try! Maybe I will bite the bullet and get a tri bike. Anybody else convert a road bike to aero and have thoughts on this? 

What kind of pedals & cleats are you using? If you're using a clip with a small surface area (like SPD cleats), they could be concentrating pressure on a small area, and that might be related to your foot numbness. Sometimes repositioning the cleat can help, or you could consider moving to a different pedal/cleat system, something with a larger platform like Look, Time, etc... Also consider your foot position when you are pedaling. Are you a toe-pointer when you pedal? Some people find if they pedal with a flatter foot vs. toe pointed down, it can help with numbness as well.

Did you get a new fitting when you shifted to aero position on your bike?
2011-01-30 5:03 PM
in reply to: #3328706

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
bradbiker - 2011-01-29 5:07 PM

I would like to join the discussion.  Planning my first tri this summer in July.  I've been cycling for nearly 20 years but some years less miles than others, so am comfortable on the bike.  but I have not run much in last 20 years.  I am 44.   I am getting into it in order to prep for tri this summer.  Plan to do an entry level for beginners just below Sprint distance (.25 m swim, other distances same as Sprint).  With running, I got a pair of running shoes from a store that specializes in running and have been getting a trainer to provide strength and core excercies as I have been having lower back pain when I run.  I am hoping to alleviate the back pain thru a combination of the shoes that I bought and the core exercises and stretching.  But if you have any other tips for how to reduce back pain when running, appreciate it.  Also I read that it's best not to run on concrete when training, but aside from the tread mill at gym, not sure where else to go.  suggestions? 

I'm not sure where you live, or what the weather is like where you are now.... Trail running can be a great option to consider if there are parks with good walking paths in your area. Just keep a close eye out for roots, branches, rocks, etc. on the trails so you don't turn an ankle! It can be boring, but you can also run on grassy fields (say a local football, soccer, or baseball field that's not in use). Some high school or college tracks have nice, forgiving surfaces as well, but check them out, because some can also be just as hard as running on roads. And believe it or not, asphalt roads are more forgiving than concrete sidewalks, so if there are some safe asphalt roads to run on, you can give that a try as well.

As far as you're back pain, I think you're on the right track. The core exercises will hopefully help you strengthen your core and help stabilize that area as you run. Also take note of whether or not you are "over striding" when you run. Your foot should land beneath your center of gravity. If it is landing out in front of your center of gravity, it can cause some extra impact stress on your joints and even your back....

2011-01-30 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3328953

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
luckymom2boys - 2011-01-29 9:53 PM

Do you have room for one more? My name is Jenny and I am a stay at home mom to two boys. I started running mainly as a way to (try) to reclaim my pre-pregnancy body and also a way to help my dog (a very energetic weimaraner) burn off some energy. Over the past few years, running has become so much more than just a cardiovascular exercise, it has become a cheap form of therapy. I used to despise running but somewhere along the way I fell in love. Inspired by my sister and a few of my friends, I decided this is the year I will run a full marathon. I am about 14 weeks away from the race and I think about it all the time. 

I started swimming competitively when I was 9 years old and continued my swimming career into college. After completing 4 years of swimming in college, I walked away from the sport and had a mini identity crisis. For so long, it was a big part of who I was and without swimming, I had to learn to redefine myself. Over the years, the athlete inside of me was lost... I think running has helped me reconnect with my inner athlete and it feels great! In my euphoria, I have signed up for a sprint triathlon in July. I have been running, I have swimming experience, and I own a road bike. It seemed like the next logical step for me to take.

I would love to join your group, to meet other people, and get some advice along the way. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Welcome!!! We'd be happy to have you!

2011-01-30 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3329043

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
akutracy - 2011-01-30 12:12 AM

Since we have been on the topic of bikes, I need some advice.  I don't have a bike right now.  I have just been doing spinning classes so far and using the spinning bikes on my own.  I had a mountain bike in high school that has been sitting in my parents' garage for about ten years.  It was a pretty decent one, although old.  What are your thoughts on having it converted to something usable for this season?  What would that take and how much might it cost?  Or, should I just spring for a new road bike?  I don't have a lot of money, but it might be possible if I beg for it for a birthday present. Smile  How much would a decent road bike cost me?  It wouldn't have to be super nice since I am just a beginner at this but I would want to be able to pass it on to my husband (who isn't interested in racing) when I eventually get serious and want to upgrade.  Thanks for your help!

I agree with Todd that if you can afford it, getting a road bike would probably be your best option. You can certainly complete your first season of tris on a mountain bike, and you'll see plenty of them at races. If you want to do that, you would want to go to your bike shop and get some slick tires to replace the knobby tires, and maybe tell them that you're going to be using this bike for some road riding, and ask them about putting a different cassette (the rear gears) on for you. That would set you up for a better ride, but the truth is that you're just never going to be able to be as fast on a mountain bike on the road as you can be on a road bike. The mountain bike is just so much heavier and the geometry is so different.... If that doesn't matter to you this year, then you might want to wait until you have a better sense of what kind of bike you want to get. But if you're pretty sure you're going to stick with it, maybe you might just want to take the plunge now. If you want to buy a new bike, this is the perfect time of year to shop. Most bike shops are trying to clear out their 2010 stock and will have some pretty good sale prices. As Todd said, if you buy a used bike, you can also get some very good deals. Just make sure you have a good idea of what size frame you need before you shop for used bikes.....
2011-01-30 5:23 PM
in reply to: #3329077

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
hramaha - 2011-01-30 2:02 AM

Hi Jenny,

I would like to join your group. I am a mother of three as well and this year I decided I am going to challenge myself physically. I had a compression fracture on my T6 (which is the middle of my spine) in April 2010. For most of 2010 I was in a lot of pain and everything hurt my back. So I decided to rest and just let my body heal and eat right in the meantime. Well it paid off! This year I feel great and I have no pain in my back at all. I slowly started exercising again in November 2010 and I feel confident with my progress so far. This year I would like to complete a half marathon, marathon, and a half tri. My weak point is swimming so I have signed up for swimming lessons to learn new and better techniques to improve my swim time. My favorite is the bike I just wish I could ride without being paranoid of being run over by a car. I look forward to your advice and tips.

Thank you,


Welcome, Heather!
2011-01-30 5:25 PM
in reply to: #3329118

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
red_sailor - 2011-01-30 7:40 AM

I would like to join your group.

I am 53 years old, and have been doing a lot of bicycle touring with my husband for the past two years.  I like to swim, and did jog some after college.  I have been playing with the idea of doing sprints for a while, and my husband is encouraging me.

I had low thyroid after my daughter was born, and 18 years later, I'm still sporting the 40 extra pounds I gained before my doctor and I figured out what was up.  I also have been troubled by low back and hip pain, and, silly me, I didn't exercise for years because of that.   Result, loss of motion and flexibility in my hips and lower back.

When training for a bicycle vacation, I discovered - the  bicycling relieved the hip pain.  WOW!  So now the problem has been chased into my lower back, and I'm hoping that some weight loss and stretching will take care of this eventually.

My schedule is pretty open for training - as long as I make it a priority.  I retired two years ago, when my husband was offered a position in France.  So, now I live west of Paris, and have access to an excellent 50 meter community pool.  We live near a large forest, and if I bicycle a small bit west, I have access to many kilometers of farmland which is popular with the bikers.  So, there should be no excuse.

I'm sort of embarassed that it took me two years to resolve to start this sort of program, but better late than never.


- Red

Welcome Red!!
2011-01-30 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3329139

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
tjcin - 2011-01-30 8:10 AM

Hi Jenny, I would like to join this mentor group. First, thanks for taking your personal time to help others.  Just by reading your story, your life seems busy already, so thanks again.

My Story:  My real name is Tim, married with a Golden Retriever and a Yellow Lab.  I'm 46 and in decent shape.  In the winter of 2008 I looked at myself in mirror and was embarassed at the condition I allowed myself to get into.  I bought a life changing book titled "The BodyFat Solution" by Tom Venuto.  I read it, applied the principles and am currently down 45lbs from that point.  Just looking for a little more challenge than a 5K, my brother and I entered a Duathlon last Sept and I really enjoyed it.  So here I am a near newbie to the tri thing.  I have entered a Sprint Tri for this June and not only want to be completely prepared, but I want to beat my brother, again. 

Training:  I am going to follow the training outlines in the book, "Triathlons for Dummies."  To their program I will add 2 strength sessions weekly. 

Accountability:  This is why I am here, I will obviously need advice from experienced tri-ers, but I need a place to report my weekly progress. 

Thanks again and any input, from Jenny as well as anyone in the mentor group, is greatly appreciated.

Hey Tim, welcome aboard!!

2011-01-30 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3269333


Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

I didn't see if your mentor group is full. May I join?

I am a 44-yr old mother of 3 boys. I just started college full-time. I have wanted to do a triathlon for quite some time. Now, I have access to indoor facilities at my university. So, I'm kicking my butt into gear. I have to start with the absolute basics. I am walking right now. I need to improve my endurance. The event that I want to 'cut my teeth on' is an Iron Girl event in Minnesota that will take place on Sept 25. It is a 2-mile run, 22-mile bike, 2-mile run event. Not exactly a 'tri'athlon.

I can use any advice or wisdom, especially when it comes to running & choosing a bike.

Thank you!
Gallatin, Missouri

2011-01-30 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
I hope it's not too late for me to join!

NAME: username: conanzchic (as in, Conan O'Brien..) Real world name: Kenzie

STORY: I am a total beginner triathlete. As a kid I played every team sport in existence because that's what you did. But because I'm terribly uncoordinated I was terrible at all of them! The one team I loved and excelled on was the swim team. By high school I stopped trying at sports altogether and focused on my social life. That carried on all the way through college until I found myself about 25-30 pounds overweight at graduation. I've never been too self-conscious, so I really didn't think about my weight or exercise much at all. I just worked, hung out with friends, and lived life. One day when I was around 23 I saw an ad for the AIDS Marathon Training Program. Even though I had never run more than a mile in my life (as required in gym class once a year) it somehow lit a spark in me. It never occurred to me that training for a marathon would start melting the fluff right off my body, but that's exactly what it did. I ended up running two marathons over about 18 months. I enjoyed the mental challenge and I felt amazingly fit, but injuries sidelined me and I completely fell out of the competitive spirit. Now I am 31 and I'm looking for a new goal to help me get into and stay in shape.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, no kids, but I do have a border collie that LIVES to run.

CURRENT TRAINING: I strength train twice per week with a trainer. My cardio has been extremely sporadic. I probably average about 1-2 sessions a week of either running (for 30-60 minutes) or swimming (30-45 minutes.) I also sporadically go to either Pilates or Yoga (1-2 times per week.) The greatest thing about my life right now is that I am not working and therefore have NO excuse for not training! I'm working on researching a solid training plan now. That's how I found this board!

2010 Races: Haha! I did the Turkey Trot in my hometown on Thanksgiving Day, which I originally thought was a 5k but actually turned out to be 5 miles! My goal was to finish in less than an hour and I made it in just over 56 minutes (thanks to the fast-paced friend I was running with!)

2011 Races: Still finalizing but I have my eye on the Ramblin' Rose Women's Sprint in May and the DC Triathlon (Olympic distance) in June. If all goes well I might think about a half Ironman in the fall/ that even plausible?

WEIGHT LOSS: I'm 5'4 and weigh about 145. I wouldn't mind losing a little weight but it's so much more about how I feel and my endurance.
2011-01-30 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3329682

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!

Ok so I am 43 and I have been wanting to do a triathlon since a few years ago but I was always scared specially because I am not a good swimmer! I actually said that I was going to do one before I turned 40 and here I am 43!!  this time I signed up in December that way I wouldn't chicken out.

I was a spinning instructor and in great shape about 10 years ago but then I moved and stopped working out and 55 pounds later found my self at a 4'10" frame feeling old that was about two years ago then I started working out again join a Crossfit gym and I am 8 pound away from my goal so I basically went from a size 16/18 to buying a size 0 during Christmas!! yeah for me, but now I need to accomplish this triathlon thing so I need help!

Again I am not a swimmer and I started the first week of Jan not even able to finish 50 mts without having to stop I had a couple of lessons and by reading and looking at videos I think I am getting better I am able to do up to 25 laps almost without stopping (I don't know how to turn)
but I have been using fins because I wanted to get my breathing under control so tomorrow I am going to start swimming without them.

I am following the training from a book I bought Thriathloning for ordinary mortals since the first week of January. I feel like I don't have that much time since my sprint tri is April 9.

Ok this is getting to be too long so I will leave it here!


Edited by Ariasx2 2011-01-30 9:36 PM
2011-01-30 10:39 PM
in reply to: #3269333

New user
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Hi Jenny-
  Not sure what your group status is but I am interested in joining....My name is Marnie and I am really new to BT but am crazy interested in training for a Tri this year.  I have been training consistently for approx two months and am only getting more committed as I slowly get more and more addicted!
  I will understand if you have run out of spots but look forward to working with your group to take the next step to make this Tri thing a reality!!

Married-One child
2011-01-31 5:34 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- CLOSED
Welcome to Angela, Kenzie, Ana, and Marnie!

I think that should bring us to to a pretty full mentor group. It looks like we have a great mix of folks in the group! I would encourage all of you to check in with each other from time to time. Visit each other's training logs, leave "inspires", encourage each other, etc.

Here's the list of our group members:

jsnowash - Jenny
kc racer -
RositaTorres - Rosita
cobratodd - Todd
milano - Shelly
bdroppleman - Beth
terisa07 - Terisa
ewengler - Beth
Chris.1333 - Chris
brownnb - Nina
brizzadd - Brad
tribeagle - Courtney
amerrylife - Mary
squirt - Carol
ajbrown -
mn_av8or - Marcus
akutracy - Tracy
rdy2train - Jacki
lferree - Laura
wsmittick - Wendy
Baowulf - Steve
Ariasx2 -
bradbiker -
luckymom2boys - Jenny
hramaha - Heather
red_sailor - Red
tjcin - Tim
anghogan - Angela
conanzchic - Kenzie
Ariasx2 - Ana
peteacher - Marnie

I hope I didn't miss anyone! There are a couple of you who I didn't see "real names" posted for. If you would like to share your real names with us, please do! Happy training, everyone!

2011-01-31 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3269333

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!
Hi all!

I guess I just made it under the wire, thanks Jenny!  I found this last night and then slept on it. Got up with my crying 2 1/2 yo @ 0230 and checked it out some and then decided that this website/group would definately help me get on the right track!  THANK YOU!

My name is Mike and I am 43 yo male, married with 5 kids ages 17years - 17months.  About five years ago I was inspired by my older sister to give training for a sprint a shot since she already had me out running with her after a nasty divorce to get rid of uneeded stress. I fit into the clydesdale class but that's ok with me since I finish with a great sense of accomplishment.  I have completed a total of three races two of which with my wife. I have since gotten married and gotten distracted with raising kids and working more to survive this economy. But much happier!

I have gained some unwanted weight, which I believe has caused some ankle and back issues. But I find the more I "train" the better I feel(eventually).  I had been doing a motorized stairstepper with a weighted vest.  My goal is to be ready for a Sprint and hopefully lost 10% of my weight on April 16th here in Las Vegas.  I am looking forward to training along with you all and getting coached from Jenny and the rest of you!  My big worry is how to get going without stressing out my ankle.  Any tips?

Best regards to you all!

Mike Fogg
Las Vegas, NV
2011-01-31 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Thank you so much for your help with my bike issues.  It definitely helped me make a decision.  I think I will try to buy a road bike.  Even if I decide that triathlons are not for me after this season, I still want to be able to go for rides with the biking club in my town.  I read that it is much more difficult to keep up on group rides with a mountain bike for the reasons that you guys said, more weight, smaller wheels, etc.  Also, it would be ideal if I can find a used bike in the $400-$500 range.  I was pretty hesitant before to try and buy used because I don't know anything about bikes!  I didn't want to get ripped off.  But it sounds like the first step is to find out what size I need and do some research about what components are good quality.  And if I'm not sure if I'm getting a good deal, I will be sure to ask this group!

This week is when I am trying to get serious with my training.  A lot more time has just opened up for me.  I have swimming class today and spinning tomorrow.  I can't wait to get a real bike and get outside with it.  We've been having some beautiful weather here in Oregon.  The first of the flowers are starting to come out.  Well, happy training!
2011-01-31 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Hey group -
Can someone do me a favor?  I have been procrastinating terribly putting my bike on the trainer.  (Yes, I know a simple task, but I like to change out the tire first and just haven't been motivated to do that.)  Anyway, I thought maybe if I told you guys to keep me honest, that I would actually get it done!! 

I am still contemplating doing a HIM in July and a friend here suggested that I do a bit of biking in with marathon training so that I'm not completely starting the bike build-up from scratch after the marathon.

Anyway - if you guys could ask if actually got it set up, that would be great!

2011-01-31 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3269333

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Subject: RE: jsnowash's Spring-into-action 2011 mentor group -- Full Up & Ready to go!
Excuses are for people who need them, Courtney.  Get that bike on the trainer.  I'm waiting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it's not there yet, c'mon. 
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