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2011-04-25 6:36 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Tsvi, at least you got that 5K run in!  Better than nothing! 

Adam, that's such a bummer about your flat!  That is my biggest concern about the bike leg...  I have no clue how to change a flat...  Cartridges?  Tubes?  Literally no clue!  I think I need to read up on some of those things since it appears that you really CAN get a flat!  Good thing you were able to reach your dad and didn't have to walk the entire way home.

I have a question for the group... I'm considering buying a car rack for my bike.  Right now I'm just cramming my bike into the back of my car.  I think a rack would be great for when we travel with the kids' bikes, too.  Does anyone have one that they love and would recommend?  I'm hoping not to spend a small fortune...

Thanks and Happy Monday!

2011-04-25 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3462700

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Vegasadam - 2011-04-23 8:46 PM Kristen, golf is 100% legit. Happy Easter.

Haha, my husband will appreciate that!

2011-04-25 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3282396


Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

???I have thhe SportRack 3 bike rack and have used it for both short and long trips and loved it. once you do the initial set up and have all of the straps at the approximate lenghts youll need, reapplying it is a cinch.  never had any problems with the bikes on it.

On an unrelated note, I've been reading a lot of the articles on here, mostly about swimming and I ran across a change in technique that has really paid immediate gains even though I'm still working on getting good at it. Thought I would share. There are so many articles on here, and I'm sure we're all reading different stuff, if anyone finds anything thats really helpful, please pass it along. This is actually from Gary Hall's website, but I was linked to that through one of his articles on BT. Hope it helps.

2011-04-25 9:26 AM
in reply to: #3464037


Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

All of that and I post the wrong video... Here is the one I actually watched and got a lot out of. Enjoy.

2011-04-25 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3462517

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
kpringle - 2011-04-23 3:04 PMI just returned home from my masters swim and had a great workout!  I haven't been able to make it to this swim group for a few weeks due to conflicts (my girls' birthday parties, vacation, husband was out golfing - ahem, some of these conflicts are more legitimate than others!).  It felt great to work out with the masters group again.  I really love how motivating it is to swim with others.  I get so bored when I do drills on my own! 

Kristen, I did my first masters swim on Saturday - well it was my second-ever masters swim, but the first one was over two years ago!  What a sharp constrast to my usual swim - I'm used to having a whole lane to myself and swimming at my own pace.  This really pushed me, but in a good way - and the girls I swam with were very supportive and helped me understand what to do (even though I still felt lost most of the time).  It was good to get used to more turbulent water!!  What a great workout.  How often do you try to do them?  I'm hoping to go at least every other week.  I can swim for a long time, but I need to improve my speed.

Scot - thanks for the heads up about the technique video.  Will definitely check it out!

Happy Monday everyone!

2011-04-25 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3464639

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
erinhenke - 2011-04-25 1:34 PM

Kristen, I did my first masters swim on Saturday - well it was my second-ever masters swim, but the first one was over two years ago!  What a sharp constrast to my usual swim - I'm used to having a whole lane to myself and swimming at my own pace.  This really pushed me, but in a good way - and the girls I swam with were very supportive and helped me understand what to do (even though I still felt lost most of the time).  It was good to get used to more turbulent water!!  What a great workout.  How often do you try to do them?  I'm hoping to go at least every other week.  I can swim for a long time, but I need to improve my speed.

erin - that's so great that you did a masters swim and that you felt challenged and found a good group! i was actually accidentally kicked a few months ago and asked that swimmer if she could keep kicking me every so often so i could get used to it for my OWS!  sharing lanes and swimming with others is definitely a different feel than swimming in your own lane, that's for sure!  right now i'm only able to go once a week (saturday afternoons) but i think i'll be able to go more this summer. hope you continue to enjoy it!

2011-04-25 11:21 PM
in reply to: #3465713

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
I finally got into the pool today and had my first swim lesson. Since I joined a masters group that starts next Wednesday I thought a few one on one lessons would help. I have no idea how many laps I swam but my whole body hurts. Tomorrow should be a joy and Friday I do it all over again. One full hour in the books and hopefully a lot more to come.
2011-04-26 2:21 AM
in reply to: #3465899

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Good to see you're all making progress on the swimming - I'm going for my first session on Wednesday. Not been swimming properly for years! I was planning to do breaststroke in my triathlon but might as well make an effort to try and improve my crawl.
2011-04-26 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3465939

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Swimming is definitely an acquired skill for me!  From what I've been reading getting to the pool 2-3 times a week is important to keep your body accustomed to the feel of the water. I haven't asked anyone to kick me but its probably a good idea!  I have my 1st OPW on June 6, it snowed here yesterday so a warming trend is definitely needed. 
2011-04-26 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3466566

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Las Vegas
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Gaz you will really love your first session. I learned a ton and I hope I can build on it. Carol my goal is to swim two days a week. Not my favorite for sure but it was a killer workout.
2011-04-26 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3282396


O Fallon, MO
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Wow, I can't believe my 1st tri is this weekend.  My training hasn't been very consistent this spring but I'm confident I can complete the event.  I've been able to do the events individually in my training but am wondering how those times might combine in an actual race.  I swim 400m in about 12 min, bike 14 miles in 1:02:30 and run a 5k in about 33 min.  I have two goals for Sunday, 1st just complete the race, 2nd, it would be nice to finish under 2 hours.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2011-04-27 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3467802

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Dvick - 2011-04-26 9:03 PM Wow, I can't believe my 1st tri is this weekend.  My training hasn't been very consistent this spring but I'm confident I can complete the event.  I've been able to do the events individually in my training but am wondering how those times might combine in an actual race.  I swim 400m in about 12 min, bike 14 miles in 1:02:30 and run a 5k in about 33 min.  I have two goals for Sunday, 1st just complete the race, 2nd, it would be nice to finish under 2 hours.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I wish I had some helpful advice, but I have yet to do a tri myself...  I read that a goal for your first tri is to just finish with a smile on your face and not get too caught up in your race time.  (Easier said than done for us competitive folks!)  Anyway, best of luck this weekend!  Can't wait to hear how it goes for you!!! 

2011-04-27 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Good luck with your first tri this weekend!  I have yet to do my first, so I'll be anxious to hear about your experience.

I've been planning on my first tri in September, but that seems SO far away.  Found 3 tris that happen every month in the same place (probably the same course) leading up to my originally-planned tri, so I'm thinking of adding those.  Now I have to step up my training for sure!

It was a little demoralizing to be riding my bike to work this morning at what I thought was a decent pace, only to be passed (almost effortlessly it seemed) by a man on a fold up bike - and I couldn't ever catch him!!  Is it really that big a difference to be riding a mountain bike (like I am), vs. a road bike, or in this case, a small fold-up bike??!!  I can only hope it's because my bike is so much heavier! Smile

2011-04-27 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3469342

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Can't comment re the fold up bike, never had one, but it does make a difference road bike vs mountain bike. However, have you got fat knobbly tires? If so you can get slimmer tyres for a mountain bike for use on the road. You can also get toe clips (if you are just using pedals) so that you can pull up with your feet as well as pushing down. Even more effective you can get shoes that connect to the pedals.

Having a good bike (light and stiff) helps, as does making sure it's well maintained (brakes aren't binding and slowing you down / wheel bearings are nice and free).

Other than that just keep at it, you'll soon find you'll get faster.

Sorry if the above is all obvious, but cycling's probably the only bit of all this I have experience of!

2011-04-27 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3469365

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
Thanks Gary!  Helfpul info.  Will definitely look into getting different tires (they are the knobby ones), and clipless pedals - ironically, I have the shoes, but have never had the right pedals to clip into!  Definitely will be nervous to try the clipless as I hear people should expect to have a few falls at first.  Thanks again for the advice.
2011-04-27 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3469405

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

I went from clips to clipless and no falls yet, but I'm always a little nervous when stopping! The main problem I have is when I have to stop at lights I find it difficult to get my foot back in when setting off again. I therefore try my best to hold onto a rail or something when at lights. But I wouldn't go back. They really help up hills as you can concentrate on turning circles rather than pushing up and down.

Get some slimmer tyres (but watch you don't go too thin for your rims) and pump them up to the pressure on the side - you'll find road tyres usually like to be pumped up harder than mtb tyres (which helps you go faster but makes the ride less comfortable).

2011-04-27 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3467802

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Dvick - 2011-04-26 9:03 PM Wow, I can't believe my 1st tri is this weekend.  My training hasn't been very consistent this spring but I'm confident I can complete the event.  I've been able to do the events individually in my training but am wondering how those times might combine in an actual race.  I swim 400m in about 12 min, bike 14 miles in 1:02:30 and run a 5k in about 33 min.  I have two goals for Sunday, 1st just complete the race, 2nd, it would be nice to finish under 2 hours.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


My advice. GO TO THE PRE-RACE MEETING if you can!!! (usually the day before)

Get the the race as early as possible, the more you see I think the better.
If you can take some time between now and then to plan out and maybe even try in your house the transitions area. Think about how you want to lay out your stuff and then do a run-through going "in and out" of that area and putting on all the stuff/ taking it off.
2x check that you have all your stuff, get the list off BT and use it as a checkoff.
Be sure to being your ID/USAT id. sunscreen is important!
try to go to the bathroom before you get there if the drive is not too long. You will probably have to go again, but the lines will be long, no matter where/when the event is.
A headlamp (like this as an example, but any kind will do - might be a lifesaver. A lot of time they do not have lights at the races, so when you get there in the pitch dark you cant see .  
A lot of people bring buckets to carry their stuff for the transition area, and use them as seats, if you want to use that idea.
Bring shoes/ flipflops/ change of cloths for after the race. if you are close by you probably do not want to spend any more time in your tri gear than necessary.  
You will probably be faster then you think, so yeah, but except for the run remember that you are not done with the race even when you are done with that section. you do not want to bonk.
Drink the water at the stations.
Make sure your waterbottles on your bike are filled up and ready to go, a lot of races there is no place to fill them on race day.
If swimming is not your thing and it is a wave start, don't feel rushed to be in the front of the pack or closest to the inside line. hanging back is quite respectable,and can save you a kick in the face or two. Backstroke and breast stroke are also great for breathing! 

Everyone has a first race, many do not go smoothly, that is OK as well.  99% of the people you meet/ talk to will be willing to help, ask them for it if they look like they know what they are doing, or ask an official for help. 

HAVE FUN- you will probably be bitten by the tri bug after the race, it is ok, we all have been there, then you get to have the fun of looking for your next race! 

I totally biffed coming off the bike into T2 at my first race. I got a lovely road rash down my left side from elbow to shoulder to butt. It made my tan lines fantastic, but I still keep coming back for more. 


Good luck! 


2011-04-27 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3467802

Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Dvick - 2011-04-26 6:03 PM Wow, I can't believe my 1st tri is this weekend.  My training hasn't been very consistent this spring but I'm confident I can complete the event.  I've been able to do the events individually in my training but am wondering how those times might combine in an actual race.  I swim 400m in about 12 min, bike 14 miles in 1:02:30 and run a 5k in about 33 min.  I have two goals for Sunday, 1st just complete the race, 2nd, it would be nice to finish under 2 hours.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

This all sounds like great advice, a friend gave me a good piece of advice I'll pass on - when you get to the transition area ride your bike a little bit to figure out what gear you will need to be in when you take off.  Other than that have a great time!  Good luck- can't wait to hear your race report on Monday!

2011-04-28 8:33 AM
in reply to: #3282396

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Hey guys and girls, sorry I have been MIA for a few days. I had to go out of town for business for a few days. I'm back now. I will be posting some more today, after I read some of the recent posts.

I am also itching to get back to training.  Since my crash in New Orleans, I have only run once. I need to step it up.  The road rash is just about healed up, so I should be able to get back into the pool in the next day or so. The bike should be back from the shop from an inspection and a couple of repairs (no frame or fork damage, thankfully) today or tomorrow.]

Looks like the torrential rains and high winds have moved out of my area for the first time in several days. Hopefully some great days ahead.

Have a great day everyone. Talk again soon.

2011-04-28 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3282396

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Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Hi, everyone -

I'm just now catching up on all the postings over the past week.  I was away with my family for spring break & had limited internet access (kind of a nice change of pace, actually).  Although it was sunny & beautiful every day, it was harder than I thought it would be to keep up with my training.  I got in a good run/hill workout tonight, but I won't really feel like I'm "back in it" until I get a good swim & bike in, too. 

fwiw, here's my 2c on some of the recent postings:

Carol - Way to go on your race!  To help with the transition from bike to run, I've been told to take it easy on the last mile or so on the bike. Rather than try to pass anyone then, shift to an easier gear & spin easily a bit.  I think it helps flush out the lactic acid.  (That said, I still feel like I'm running through water when I first get off the bike, but this is supposed to help.)

Erin - re tracking distance vs mileage.  When I first started training, I was really only concerned about being able to make the distances comfortable, esp the swim, and couldn't imagine really caring about what my splits were.  I've found, though, that seeing my times improve is really motivating.  and I do think that you get what you measure.  I'd suggest tracking whatever is important to you right now, but at least every once in a while do some sort of time trial in each sport so you can see the progress you're making.  

Chris - thanks for the advice about logging food.  I do think that would keep me honest - & on track.   - I also hope you heal quickly..

You guys are all doing so great on your training!   I hope I can jump right back in it. 


Edited by alsiedee 2011-04-28 8:39 PM
2011-04-29 11:04 AM
in reply to: #3467802

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full

Dvick - 2011-04-26 8:03 PM Wow, I can't believe my 1st tri is this weekend.  My training hasn't been very consistent this spring but I'm confident I can complete the event.  I've been able to do the events individually in my training but am wondering how those times might combine in an actual race.  I swim 400m in about 12 min, bike 14 miles in 1:02:30 and run a 5k in about 33 min.  I have two goals for Sunday, 1st just complete the race, 2nd, it would be nice to finish under 2 hours.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

David - Have FUN! That is what this is all about ultimately.  Otherwise, we would be doing something else. With your primary goal being finsishing and then a secondary time goal, I think you are set up to have a great time. Plan everything out in your head tonight. Visualize yourself starting the race, then going into T1, then riding, and coming back in to T2, then running. What are you doing in your transitions? Have you got all your gear ready, and laid out? I feel like visualization helps me really know what I am going to do.

Good luck! You are going to do great!

2011-04-29 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3462521

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Open

Vegasadam - 2011-04-23 5:07 PM Today I went out for what I thought would be a great ride, but before I even started my bike computer wouldn't work. A sign of things to come. I felt so good and powered through the first 6.2 miles and was so looking forward to a long ride but then I get a flat. Since I never had a flat before I decided to take out my spare tube and tools so I could fit my phone and ID into my pouch. After all I wanted to do a long ride and thought I should have a phone and ID. How dumb was that? Lol. At least I had my phone to call my wife for a ride but she was out and didn't bring her phone. After walking in bike shoes about a mile I finally got in touch with my father who got me. Does that count as a brick?? I hope everyone else has a good training day and happy holidays.

Adam, now that you have had a week to think about it I just thought I would tell you in the words of Larry The Cable Guy: "That's funny right there. I don't care who you are." Lesson learned, right? I carry my phone in a ziploc bag in my jersey pocket and keep my flat repair stuff in the under the saddle bag.

2011-04-29 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3463836

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
kpringle - 2011-04-25 6:36 AM

Tsvi, at least you got that 5K run in!  Better than nothing! 

Adam, that's such a bummer about your flat!  That is my biggest concern about the bike leg...  I have no clue how to change a flat...  Cartridges?  Tubes?  Literally no clue!  I think I need to read up on some of those things since it appears that you really CAN get a flat!  Good thing you were able to reach your dad and didn't have to walk the entire way home.

I have a question for the group... I'm considering buying a car rack for my bike.  Right now I'm just cramming my bike into the back of my car.  I think a rack would be great for when we travel with the kids' bikes, too.  Does anyone have one that they love and would recommend?  I'm hoping not to spend a small fortune...

Thanks and Happy Monday!

Kristin, There are some good videos (on Youtube and here show the flat repair being done. You can also go to your LBS (local bike shop) because many of them have basic maintenace and repair classes for free or the mechanic will be glad to show you.

As for your car rack, do you have a trailer hitch on your vehicle or would it need to be a hang and strap type system?

2011-04-29 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3469342

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
erinhenke - 2011-04-27 12:54 PM

Good luck with your first tri this weekend!  I have yet to do my first, so I'll be anxious to hear about your experience.

I've been planning on my first tri in September, but that seems SO far away.  Found 3 tris that happen every month in the same place (probably the same course) leading up to my originally-planned tri, so I'm thinking of adding those.  Now I have to step up my training for sure!

It was a little demoralizing to be riding my bike to work this morning at what I thought was a decent pace, only to be passed (almost effortlessly it seemed) by a man on a fold up bike - and I couldn't ever catch him!!  Is it really that big a difference to be riding a mountain bike (like I am), vs. a road bike, or in this case, a small fold-up bike??!!  I can only hope it's because my bike is so much heavier! Smile

Erin, the bike defintely makes a difference, but primarily you should always work on the "engine" because that is the biggest difference. But that being said, you can pick up some free speed with a change in tires and a better pedalling system (clipless) until you decide to make a plunge for a different bike (road or TT). Just hang in there and keep getting the miles in and you WILL get faster.

2011-04-29 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3469513

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Extreme Veteran
Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: chrisbowers group "Now We're Rolling!" - Full
gaz147 - 2011-04-27 2:00 PM

I went from clips to clipless and no falls yet, but I'm always a little nervous when stopping! The main problem I have is when I have to stop at lights I find it difficult to get my foot back in when setting off again. I therefore try my best to hold onto a rail or something when at lights. But I wouldn't go back. They really help up hills as you can concentrate on turning circles rather than pushing up and down.

Gary, there are two types of people that use clipless pedals.  Those that have fallen and those that will fall. No worries, most of the time it doesn't hurt too bad, except when you lose a tooth in a race. What kind of pedals are you using? Some are easier than others to re-engage. Try pedalling a few strokes to get back to a decent speed before you worry about clipping back in, then after a while it will become second nature.

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