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2011-08-10 5:58 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I am going to be doing the City of Portland Olympic distance tri in two weeks then a Half Ironman the end of September After that race my focus will switch to almost primarily running for a few months because I am doing the Las Vegas Rock and Roll Marathon in December. Then for a good few weeks off and then the training will pick back up strong for CDA.

2011-08-10 9:17 PM
in reply to: #3595565


Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Add another athlete from the Sunshine State.  Will be making my second trip to CDA (first 2008) and looking forward to considerable improvement.  Loved the whole CDA experience and find it hard to beat the atmoshere and local support. 

Docfish, your days on the top step of the podium are now numbered!!!

2011-08-11 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3638137

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

mallen4574 - 2011-08-10 4:11 PM This thread has been a bit slow lately. What do you guys have going on for the rest of 2011? I think I have one race left, maybe 2.

I have 2 races. I will be doing a bike race in a couple of weeks Hillier than Thou. 100m and 10-11k of climbing. 2 weeks after that have my first 1/2 in the poconos. I am so ready for the 1/2 as it is my first tri and have been putting in lots of training and lost 35lbs so far since last year. Funny thing is I have nothing to base my expectations on since I have never done one but hope to be around 5:30 for my first race

2011-08-11 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3595565

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
OBX HIM 9/10 then B2B Iron Distance 10/29 I'll take November off before turning my attention to CDA
2011-08-11 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3595565

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Pacing a friend at the Leadville 100 mile run. Then a 50 mile trail run race in September, 100 mile run in October and a marathon in November. After that I'll start a bike focused 6 weeks before starting to focus on CDA.
2011-08-11 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3638137


San Antonio
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I will be doing a small sprint tri on Saturday.  Looking forward to that!  Then the "Hotter Then Hell Hundred" bike in Wichita Falls, TX towards the end of the month.  I will throw in a few small running races (10K-20K) and then I hope to do the Austin HIM in late October.  After that, I plan to recover a bit, put down some nice base milage and begin to train for CDA.

2011-08-11 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3639268

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Local sprint in mid September.  miami 70.3 end of october.  will probably follow that up with one or 2 half marathons.

as you can see from previous post, schmitty22 and I are good friends and train together.  this is my 3rd time at CDA.  I love the venue. 

PS.  we have a group of about 20 coming from South Florida.  most of us wear the CDifferent race gear.  you might know the charity.  it supports blind athletes.   

2011-08-11 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Most of these races sound pretty cool! 50 and 100 mile runs?!? That's amazing! I don't know how you do it. I've got an Oly (with a downstream swim) in early September followed by Vegas 70.3 9/11. I'm thinking about doing Oceanside in March. Anybody on here done Oceanside?
2011-08-11 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I just started triathlon this year, so far done 1 sprint, have an OLY in Sept, then HIM @ B2B in Wilmington NC, then same as Kenbert, taking Nov (maybe some of Dec as well) off and change up the training for a while and back into the tri training fresh in the New Year.... well... thats the plan at this moment anyway...

Good to see more folks writing on here..

Of the 1st timers, what are your goals?.. ( i realize its quite a bit out yet to the race)

And 'return guests to CdA' what about yourselves?... what goals and drives you on to punish yourselves again?

For me, its obviously to finish, but i already know i dream of sub-12... so that is now another battle to try and eliminate thoughts of time and just focus on 'tri-ing' to complete..

A thought i had today was to remind myself that this journey, and ultimately, completion is a MASSIVE undertaking... I say this as i have found myself sometimes saying, "oh i'm ONLY doing a HIM in October", and i think this is partly because now that i am aware of the community i have met folk who have completeted Half's and Full's...

I can easily be swept into, oh i know loads of folks who have done this, its more common to do than i thought (though NEVER am i thinking it is easy) but then i believe it is similar to when i think of buying a certain car, I'll have never noticed it before but as soon as i am aware of it i see them everywhere!

OK, my rambling over for now.. yup, i like to chat!.. hahaha...

Train with a smile...

2011-08-11 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3639750


San Antonio
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

of course, my goal is to finish.  17 hours and I will be happy.  Of course I too would like to be somewhere in the 12 hour area, but that would just be icing on the cake.   

I am fairly good on the bike, and a bit better on the run.  My swim is dreadfull.  I have the endurance to go out and swim the distance, but my speed is lacking.  I have no doubt I will make the cut off (as long as I don't go hypothermicSmile).  I also need to work on nutrition and develop a good calorie plan.  Guess this is why we start planning and training so early...

2011-08-11 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3639834

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I agree that the ultimate goal is to finish b/c you never know what will happen on race day.  With that said, my goal is to beat schmitty22 and break 11 hours.  I was 11:02 in Lake Placid 2010.  Swim and bike are my strengths.  I will be working on my weight and run this off season.  I'm not a KQ.  I just want to post the best time I can before my age gets the better of me.  I turn 41 next week.  Laughing

2011-08-11 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3638137

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I'm doing the Redman (OKC) half on 9/24, then running Dallas White Rock Marathon on 12/4. 

My goals for CdA are to a) finish and b) have a good time doing it.  I'm not setting any time goals for myself but it would be nice to see a 14:xx:xx (or better, of course) when I cross the finish line.

Edited by thedallasceliac 2011-08-11 6:10 PM
2011-08-12 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Goals umm hard to say when I have never done one, I am 51 so to finish is number 1 I had a friend do 13:02 at last years B2B I will go after that this fall then , what ever my time that will be my goal to better  that at Cour D Alene
2011-08-14 10:59 PM
in reply to: #3595565


Clarksville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Just found the site and forum. Glad to join. I will be in CDA for 2012 and looking forward to it. I live on Oahu in Hawaii and need to figure out how to prep for 58 degree waterWink. I know, cry me a river. Anyway, best of luck to everyone and should be an interesting 10 months. I will be following the thread.
2011-08-15 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3595565

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
This will be my 3rd. 1st time was bad with stomach issues 14:55.2nd was awesome, but really conservative - 11:38 (very crowded transition - 25 min total for T1 & T2)3rd - next year. Hope to go sub 11 overall and sub 4 on the run is my 2nd goal.
2011-08-15 12:34 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Falls Church, VA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I'm in!  glad this race stayed open so long. i am coming from Northern VA so will not get a chance to preview the course.

Thanks to all who have scouted the course and written descriptions. It all helps.

Hopefully this will be my 3rd Ironman, assuming I complete Arizona this Nov.

2011-08-16 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3595565

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Extreme Veteran
Traverse City, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
This will be my second IM, after doing St George in 2010. My goal then was to finish ( although would've been ecstatic with 14-15). Finished in 15:53. After that race I learned I have exercise induced asthma. If I can finish that one while not being able to breathe well, than I hope to take an hour ( maybe more) off CDA. I'm so looking forward to this one!
2011-08-17 12:22 AM
in reply to: #3595565


Clarksville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Does anyone have experience with the 20wk IM plan from BT? If not, what plans do you use?
2011-08-17 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3646765

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I've used the 20 week plan 2 times pretty well and one where I only loosely followed it. It's a good plan but I felt it was a little lite on the bike so I always did more. It's a good first timer plan, but its also an adequate intermediate plan.
2011-08-17 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3646765

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Kailua tri - 2011-08-17 12:22 AM Does anyone have experience with the 20wk IM plan from BT? If not, what plans do you use?

I have used them as a reference for two of my Ironmans.  They are low on the biking in my opinion and WAY WAY WAY to high on the swimming.  Do people really think they need to swim 3-4 times a week at 3-6k per session to do well in the ironman swim.  I mean i could see that if you are a sub 60 swimmer, but a beginner.....Yeah i don't swim much and i'm happy with swimming oh 50k a year and doing a 75 min IM swim lol.  Sorry for the rant.
2011-08-17 2:49 PM
in reply to: #3647425


Clarksville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Thanks. I agree. 2 masters workouts per week and maybe a Sunday open water swim is about all I can work into the schedule. The bike and run portions seem applicable to a busy schedule.

2011-08-18 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3647801

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Any follow-up regarding changing the bike course?  Is that official?  I just bought a CompuTrainer for wintertime CdA training and they threw in one of the new "real video" courses.  I chose CdA, of course.  Not a big deal obviously, but would be nice if it were the same course.
2011-08-18 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3649364

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Patrick E - 2011-08-18 2:59 PM Any follow-up regarding changing the bike course?  Is that official?  I just bought a CompuTrainer for wintertime CdA training and they threw in one of the new "real video" courses.  I chose CdA, of course.  Not a big deal obviously, but would be nice if it were the same course.

From what I have read in other posts, the only part that will be the same is the first 16-17 miles.  I have the same Real Course Video. It's still a nice ride and should be harder than the new course.

2011-08-29 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3649657

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I was able to get out on the last 12 miles if the bike course this weekend. The section I rode was great! You can easily train on the course. The shoulder is Huge. The pavement is great and it seems pretty straight forward. No nearly as technical as the old course. In a lot of ways it reminded of the Queen K. Similar types of hills. I also unexpectedly found that I can ride from my house and be on the course in about a 1 hour ride. All in all I think the change in course will be just fine. It wont be a flat draft fest like the guy from Florida claimed it to be and I don't think it will be all that dangerous either.
2011-08-29 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Okay so I guess I should jump into this group since I signed up for CdA a few weeks ago.....wasn't going to go back to CdA so soon as I wanted to do Vineman next year but I am now part of a group of at least 16 St. Louis (MO) Tri Club entrants!

This will be my 7th IM and my second go at CdA.......I'm ambivalent about the bike course change.....but if the surface is good and they close enough of the road (say give us a full lane in each direction) it should be a fun course........and as far as downhills being crowded and FAST.....the descent into Keene on IMLP was way more dicey if only for the road conditions and therefore not being able to change lines to avoid others.....all while going 45+......if it's really highway type road it'll be wonderful to ride on.....

I do look forward to getting any recon I can about his change as we get closer.....


Thanks All


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