Other Resources Challenge Me! » March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps? Rss Feed  
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2006-03-17 12:41 AM
in reply to: #371972

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

don't worry about it...just stick to your plan and you will make it. We still have the rest of this week, all of next week, and 27th - 31st to reach our goal.


I just crunched some numbers and right now with everybodys riding so far for this week we are at 57% of our goal....nobody else is above 50% yet, but there are a couple of teams that are close. As long as we all get some good rides over the next couple of days we will maintain our lead.....

Keep up the good work and lets get some good rides this weekend....


2006-03-18 9:03 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
I got in 2 hrs today and am planning a bike run brick for tomorrow. Lets get'r done folks!
2006-03-18 9:04 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
I got in 2 hrs today and am planning a bike run brick for tomorrow. Lets get'r done folks!
2006-03-18 9:10 PM
in reply to: #355641

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
Seriously! I have 2+ planned for tomorrow!
2006-03-19 7:42 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
Ok...my riding for this week is finished.

114.83 Km

Good riding everybody....Lets keep this lead.

2006-03-19 7:41 PM
in reply to: #355641

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
I'm finished for the week, too - finished at ~88%. How is it going for you West Coasters?

2006-03-19 8:38 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
I've gotten in 2 hrs and 40 min since Friday.
2006-03-19 8:55 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
2006-03-19 10:11 PM
in reply to: #373827

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
T in Liberty Lake - 2006-03-19 6:55 PM


Well then....
2006-03-20 10:45 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

Oh yeah, we're the best, yes we are, T reached his goal.  Everyone is on target to get there!  It's not officially posted yet, but it looks like we are once again #1 for the month. 

Let's join T at the 100%+ mark!



2006-03-20 11:19 AM
in reply to: #374202

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Subject: Week three results
zagagirl - 2006-03-20 7:45 AM

Oh yeah, we're the best, yes we are, T reached his goal.  Everyone is on target to get there!  It's not officially posted yet, but it looks like we are once again #1 for the month. 

Let's join T at the 100%+ mark!



week 3.xls (19KB - 51 downloads)

2006-03-20 1:22 PM
in reply to: #374244

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Week three results

My times reported are not completely accurate :
Wk2 is 120 mins and not 180 mins.
Wk3 is 215 mins and not 95 mins.

Probably not a huge diff. to the team %age but hey it improves mine

On another note , our spreadsheet doesn't account for week5 i.e. 3/27 -> 3/31 . I know some of the other teams have this addl. week included in their spreadsheets.



2006-03-20 9:10 PM
in reply to: #355641

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North Bend, WA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
this week is gonna look great...got 100 minutes in today by commuting to work. WAHOO.
20 miles RT. Figured after this weekend, today looked to be the only good day to bike commute due to the impending rain.....

Boy was it COLD this morning though....my fingers were frozen!! Even with long fingered gloves.

Have a great week everyone!!

2006-03-22 6:09 PM
in reply to: #355641

Los Angeles, California
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
grrr..not feeling so good, out of commission, think it's going around. Hoping to catch up on z's and feel better tomorrow enough to get something in.
Good luck everyone!
2006-03-22 7:02 PM
in reply to: #377035

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

Don't worry....you just get some rest and let your body heal. You only have 53 minutes of riding left to do and you have plenty of time to get it done.


We are doing good....currently at 82%, but it looks like somebody stirred up the Cannucks over in the SMACK Talk thread. They have kicked their beaver tails into gear and are moving up. Lets just keep doing what we have been doing...ride strong and we will maintain our lead for the fourth week in a row.....

2006-03-22 8:16 PM
in reply to: #355641

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
I plan to finish this weekend.  Thank You!

2006-03-23 1:08 PM
in reply to: #377091

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

betyoursilver - 2006-03-22 6:16 PM I plan to finish this weekend. Thank You!

After my spinning class today , am at 95% so with any luck / a ride on the w/e , I might get done too


2006-03-23 2:04 PM
in reply to: #377578

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
sachinh - 2006-03-23 11:08 AM

 After my spinning class today , am at 95% so with any luck / a ride on the w/e , I might get done too


Good, maybe all of us will finish this week. 

2006-03-23 2:54 PM
in reply to: #374424

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Subject: RE: Week three results

I made the corrections Sachinh. 

week 3corrections.xls (19KB - 52 downloads)
2006-03-24 9:23 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
I'm hitting the bike hard this weekend!
2006-03-24 9:30 PM
in reply to: #379122

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

piggpen35 - 2006-03-24 7:23 PM I'm hitting the bike hard this weekend!

 Me too, although it's forcasted to rain tomorrow so I might end up on the trainer.  Hopefully, Sunday will be nice. 

2006-03-25 6:53 PM
in reply to: #355641

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North Bend, WA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
UGG...what a beautiful day for a bike ride, was scheduled for a 1 1/2 hour ride. too bad 30 minutes in to mine I had a flat. I am happy to report, I got the tire off, got the tube out, found the piece of glass that was the culprit. Put a new tube in, finally got the tire back on the rim. Pumped up the tire, let out air so not to get a snakebike/overlap. Pumped up fully.....then was almost on my way....and then ..... POP>>>>whossshhhhh and yet another FLAT. I gave up..had someone come pick me up. Then went to my WONDERFUL local bike shop where I got new tires, couple of tubes and they even gave me a quick tune of my derailer and trued my front tire a bit.

So, needless to say I did not get my long bike ride in today.....don't worry have til Friday to get my minutes in. Tomorrow I have a playoff hockey game so have to save my legs for that one!

hope everyone else had a better riding day. BUT on the BRIGHT side, I was self suffient and I am proud of myself that I was able to change the tire.

2006-03-26 8:16 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
81.14 Km completed for week 4. Probably 2 more rides this week and I'll be over my goal. Keep up the good work everybody....

2006-03-28 11:15 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

I have updated week #4.   Check your totals for accuracy. 

I assure you all that I will have 100%.  Friday is my day off of work and I will finish off whatever is remaining (I'll also get some time on Wed and Thurs). 

2006-03-28 11:15 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

I have updated week #4.   Check your totals for accuracy. 

I assure you all that I will have 100%.  Friday is my day off of work and I will finish off whatever is remaining (I'll also get some time on Wed and Thurs). 

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