Other Resources Challenge Me! » March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps? Rss Feed  
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2006-03-28 11:16 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

I have updated week #4.   Check your totals for accuracy on the results thread. 

I assure you all that I will have 100%.  Friday is my day off of work and I will finish off whatever is remaining (I'll also get some time on Wed and Thurs). 

2006-03-28 11:16 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

I have updated week #4.   Check your totals for accuracy on the results thread. 

I assure you all that I will have 100%.  Friday is my day off of work and I will finish off whatever is remaining (I'll also get some time on Wed and Thurs). 

2006-03-28 11:16 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

I have updated week #4.   Check your totals for accuracy on the results thread. 

I assure you all that I will have 100%.  Friday is my day off of work and I will finish off whatever is remaining (I'll also get some time on Wed and Thurs). 

2006-03-28 11:20 AM
in reply to: #355641

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

My stats are correct. 


2006-03-28 1:19 PM
in reply to: #381381

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
zagagirl - 2006-03-28 9:16 AM

I have updated week #4. Check your totals for accuracy on the results thread.

My Wk4 total shd be 120 mins and not 275 mins . I'm 25 mins away from my 100% so I will definitely get there this week no worries there  

2006-03-29 12:08 AM
in reply to: #355641

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North Bend, WA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
My week 4 should only be 175.

Mon 100
Fri 40
Sat 35
Total: 175

Off by 110...BUT not to worry team...biked to work on Monday for 100 minutes, 50 minutes tonight watching Planet of the Apes at my Golds Gym.


2006-03-29 4:32 PM
in reply to: #355641

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
We're heading down the home stretch!  Keep up the fantastic work, West Coasters.  Oh, and NO coasting this week, ok?
2006-03-30 10:27 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
Great job everyone.  Only 3 member not at 100%. 
2006-03-31 9:51 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

I surpassed my goal of 14 hrs by 12 minutes today. DONE!

My goal was a stretch but I made it! Congrats to everyone who finished early!

2006-03-31 9:56 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
All done....final 35Km done last night.

2006-04-02 12:28 AM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

Nice job did everyone make it?

2006-04-02 11:33 AM
in reply to: #381590

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
sachinh - 2006-03-28 2:19 PM
zagagirl - 2006-03-28 9:16 AM

I have updated week #4. Check your totals for accuracy on the results thread.

My Wk4 total shd be 120 mins and not 275 mins . I'm 25 mins away from my 100% so I will definitely get there this week no worries there  

Having not heard from Zagagirl, I went through the WCC + PAC 10 team logs to come up with the following results ... which do not match the tally stated above.

While the sumation of the weekly results = 635 minutes, the sumation of the minutes in your log = 575 minutes.  The discrepancy could be a result of misapplying the end of the week (e.g. adding the bike minutes for a Sunday when that total had already been included in the previous week's tally).

Would you please take a moment to review and let me know if that was indeed the case.

2006-04-02 12:19 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
It looked to me like several people had issues with totals being incorrect. Mine has me at 76% but I finished 14:12 which is 12 min OVER goal... I don't want to loose we held the lead so long!
2006-04-02 1:58 PM
in reply to: #355641

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North Bend, WA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
Boy, freak me out...the spreadsheet formula didn't count the last week!

Here are my times...double checked by my husband..

73.00 min
35.00 min
208.00 min
175.00 min
147.00 min

TOTAL: 638
GOAL: 600


2006-04-02 7:41 PM
in reply to: #385892

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Okinawa, Japan
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

I just went through sachinh's logs and this is what I came up with:

Week 1:

March 1, 1 hr stationary biking
March 3, 1 hr stationary biking

Week 2:

March 6, ? hr stationary biking
March 9, 1 hr stationary biking

Week 3:

March 14, 1 hr stationary biking
March 16, 1 hr spinning class
March 18, 1 hr 35 min MTB ride

Week 4:

March 20, 1 hr stationary biking
March 23, 1 hr spinning class

Week 5:

March 30, 1 hr spinning class

The only problem is week 2's March 6th ride. No time was posted. But if you look at the distance of just over 15mi, and he consistantly does that distance on his normal 1 hr ride, he probably rode for an hour on March 6th. With that time his total is 635 minutes.

2006-04-02 8:06 PM
in reply to: #385951

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

stampinann - 2006-04-02 2:58 PM Boy, freak me out...the spreadsheet formula didn't count the last week! Here are my times...double checked by my husband.. 73.00 min 35.00 min 208.00 min 175.00 min 147.00 min TOTAL: 638 GOAL: 600 MADE IT! ~Ann

First and foremost, far be it for me to disparage anyone's spreadsheet when I have had revisions to this thing each and every week ... so this is not meant in that way at all.  Sometimes it is difficult to follow someone's numbers - and I suspect that is what happened here.

While you are correct in that Column M did not tally the Week 5 numbers into the total, I had you down as having fulfilled the challenge (see cell P11 ... a "1" indicates a challenger completed their goal, a "0" means they did not).

I had a difficult time following the weekly progression through the spreadsheet, so I based the monthly totals upon the individual's logs (monthly totals are listed in the left hand column in your blog).  I inputted those into Column R and utilized that as the baseline for completion of goal.

The total for you in cell R11 = 638 ... good job!

2006-04-02 8:32 PM
in reply to: #386152

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Vestavia Hills
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?


Week 2 in the spreadsheet has Sachinh's totals as 180 minutes or 3 hours (instead of the 1 hour reasoned below) sandwiched between correct numbers for Week 1 (120 minutes/2 hours) + Week 2 (215 minutes/3 hours 35 minutes) to bring the monthly spreadsheet tally to 695 instead of the 575 listed in the log.

If the 1 hour was reasoned into the equation, then Sachinh's monthly total would be 635 and over the goal ... giving the West Coast team 100% goal obtainment (yeah! ... way to go!!).

It was determined in the beginning of the challenge that we would rely upon individual honesty to be the governing factor.  As such, let's hear from Sachihn ...

(The other discrepancies in the monthly tallies for each team member are not important in that both the spreadsheet and the training logs show that the individual challenger met or exceeded their montly goal.)

jerryrika - 2006-04-02 8:41 PM Brian, I just went through sachinh's logs and this is what I came up with: Week 1: March 1, 1 hr stationary biking March 3, 1 hr stationary biking Week 2: March 6, ? hr stationary biking March 9, 1 hr stationary biking Week 3: March 14, 1 hr stationary biking March 16, 1 hr spinning class March 18, 1 hr 35 min MTB ride Week 4: March 20, 1 hr stationary biking March 23, 1 hr spinning class Week 5: March 30, 1 hr spinning class The only problem is week 2's March 6th ride. No time was posted. But if you look at the distance of just over 15mi, and he consistantly does that distance on his normal 1 hr ride, he probably rode for an hour on March 6th. With that time his total is 635 minutes. Jerry

tri - bike challenge (final).xls (88KB - 39 downloads)
2006-04-03 12:28 AM
in reply to: #386207

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
huengsolo - 2006-04-02 6:32 PM


Week 2 in the spreadsheet has Sachinh's totals as 180 minutes or 3 hours (instead of the 1 hour reasoned below) sandwiched between correct numbers for Week 1 (120 minutes/2 hours) + Week 2 (215 minutes/3 hours 35 minutes) to bring the monthly spreadsheet tally to 695 instead of the 575 listed in the log.

If the 1 hour was reasoned into the equation, then Sachinh's monthly total would be 635 and over the goal ... giving the West Coast team 100% goal obtainment (yeah! ... way to go!!).

It was determined in the beginning of the challenge that we would rely upon individual honesty to be the governing factor. As such, let's hear from Sachihn ...

(The other discrepancies in the monthly tallies for each team member are not important in that both the spreadsheet and the training logs show that the individual challenger met or exceeded their montly goal.)

Whoa Looks like I missed out on all the action !

Sorry about not recording my hrs on Wk 2 on my training logs properly , but yes , I did do a 1 hr stat. bike workout on Mar. 6th . So , as of last Thurs. , I did hit my goal of 600 mins.

Hope that clears me

2006-04-03 1:02 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
Congrats to All, Nice job. All y'all were frontrunners from the start.

2006-04-05 3:07 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
Team:  Anyone have avatar suggestions for the ACC?
2006-04-05 3:39 PM
in reply to: #389165

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San Mateo, CA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

zagagirl - 2006-04-05 1:07 PM Team:  Anyone have avatar suggestions for the ACC?


Oh geez, I'll have to think about this one. 

2006-04-05 6:12 PM
in reply to: #355641

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Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?
Not yet but I am searching!
2006-04-05 9:32 PM
in reply to: #389165

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: March Challenge - Any West Coast Conference peeps?

How about a picture of them riding their bike down the street wearing a wetsuit, cap, goggles and running shoes.  The sig line would read "The only way I have a shot at beating anyone from the west coast is if I skip the transitions."

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